valentinbelleyh505 · 1 year
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flingmetothemoon · 5 months
Can we talk about Sonic X TailAmy for a moment?
Disclaimer: if you disagree with me, that's fine. If you prefer Sonamy over Tailamy, go right ahead. But remember this is my opinion based on observations and research. I would appreciate it if Sonamy shippers don't try to convince me why Sonamy is such a beautiful well-written canon ship and why I'm bad for not shipping it. You wouldn't like it if I did that to you would you? Then don't do that to me ok?
So I was rewatching Sonic X for refreshment of what's happening and the context behind it and noticed something interesting in the Chaos arc I never really thought about.
Amy gets captured and becomes prisoner to Eggman just right after Tails received a massive head and arm injury from a plane crash that could easily worsen if he keeps pushing himself. Think about it, Tails could've chosen to stay at home and heal and let Sonic do all the work saving Amy by himself, especially considering Sonic is a more well-known hero than he is, his X Tornado is damaged and the Station Square City is in chaos at this time. But instead, he got into the X Tornado again, got into a dangerous battle with Eggman and LITERALLY PUSHED THROUGH ANOTHER CRASH to help Sonic save Amy all while Amy was emoing over Sonic as usual! Tails was willing to pretty much risk his life for Amy's sake! He risked his life for her so much that Sonic had to assign him to simply fly Amy back home to safety while he finishes dealing with Eggman!
How is this different from those "SonAmy moments" where Sonic saves Amy from danger himself? Because Sonic is a well-known hero with a habit of risking his life to save his friends, so saving Amy makes it not really that special since he helps his other friends in a similar manner. So if Amy is in trouble and Sonic has to help her, we know this is predictable for him for his role. Tails on the other hand is not a regular hero like Sonic and is usually shyer and more unsure of himself while Sonic likes to show himself off. And note that piloting machines is dangerous for someone his age even for a skilled pilot like him. Yet despite all this, Tails was still willing to push through a life-and-death situation to make sure his friend is safe while injured that even Sonic and Chuck worried about him forcing himself.
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Another thing it is different from those "SonAmy moments" is that actions spoke louder than visual effects and feels. They weren't trying to make it romantic and they didn't feel the need to give Amy emotional issues to show she cares for Tails, yet that moment showed that Tails does love Amy enough to put her life above his own even though he is not Amy's romantic pursuit. With Sonamy, Amy was somehow felt the need to be either given obnoxious weepy melodrama or turned into a violent psycho and makes Sonic look like a jerk for not fitting into her ideal mold of how she views him and then they think they can make up for it by putting them in a pretty setting with cheesy romantic 80s anime style music in the background and Sonamy fanatics somehow eat it up, which I find unhealthy and unromantic at the end of the day.
But no, Tails can have Cosmo instead even though she's gonna have to die soon to save the universe. Whether or not their personalities and goals are compatible or the fact that they're in the middle of a space war with Cosmo's dad who's literally trying to destroy the universe doesn't matter. Let's make an episode where Vector takes advantage of Tails' feelings and tries to force them into a relationship they're not ready for simply because he was bored. Then make Tails and Cosmo accidentally fall into Amy's trap for Sonic and fall madly in love and then shortly afterwards, make Tails have to kill her for the sake of the universe and leave him emotionally unstable by the end of the show. Yeah, totally #Truelove and #RelationshipGoals! Why do Anime creators particularly seem to think that being emotionally unstable over crushes is healthy for relationships? Because a country's culture made by imperfect humans says so? When Cosmo's death tragically impacted Tails, who decided to spend time with him and cheer him up? Was it his number 1 BFF Sonic? Nope, it was Cream AND Amy. It's sad when you realize that Tails and Amy make each other more calmer and happier than their own respective crushes do...
This is it for the post today. This post is also on DeviantART if you wanna check it out there. C:
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madmanwonder · 2 years
Ask: Ship bias for Tails
Sallails: Why not.
Tailamy: A cute couple in my books
Tailsmo: My First Ship with Tails
Knuxails: Classical Masculine and Feminine Gay Couple. Genderbend works too.
Taiream: Another cute couple on my list
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pegging-and-communism · 9 months
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beevean · 2 years
For the ship ask how about Vector/Espio or Tails/Amy if you're okay with that.
Not really sure how to tackle them because I never thought about them...
Why don't you ship it? I don't know. The thought never crossed my mind. They always felt like good friends and nothing more to me.
What would have made you like it? Probably more 1:1 interactions without Charmy tagging along? Or more appearances. Not strictly for shipping purposes, I just like Team Chaotix a lot :3
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? Well, they're good friends! They're almost like a more neutral counterpart of Sonic and Knuckles. Even with their very different approaches, they can handle a business and kick ass just fine.
Why don't you ship it? Too young. Amy feels more like Tails' big sis.
What would have made you like it? If they were both older, maybe.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? They're so cute <3 they're Sonic's best friends, and they're both balls of sunshine, although Tails is shyer and more reserved than the bubbly Amy. Also have you ever used Tails/Amy in Adv3? Game breaker at its finest lmao
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sonicdump · 5 years
shadow is a shy boy
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kipkittydetective · 5 years
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For @jxv16 A Tailamy drawing for you, I hope you like it!
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jazzismyreligion · 6 years
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“Yellow and Pink” I CANT NOT SHIP THIS. I JUST CANT. they are so cute together and they have a dynamic that i would like to be explored more, also i was making some “redesigns” to the main characters for a new AU that im planning it (and yes, it will have more of this) and well im still with that, but for now enjoy this.
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sontails-ship-blog · 7 years
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Hi guys! I know that this it's not exactly sontails. It's more a shipping battle!
I just thought that would be funny! But I will send a sontails picture soon!
I was just without ideas! 
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xsailormobian · 4 years
💘 for romantic pairings for Sonic franchise?
💘 Ship that is unpopular but you still like
Are there any unpopular pairings in the Sonic fandom? I mean there are a lot of popular ones for sure, as well as some well-known alternatives; and the fanbase is pretty open to crackships too, as long as there isn’t an age gap the size of Alaska. (I’m guilty of that, I know.)
Honestly, I’d like to see how a romantic relationship between Tails and Amy would develop once they hit adulthood. They compliment each other pretty well once you stop to think about it: Amy is positive, full of energy, has confidence and lots of love to give, something Tails would probably like (assuming he still has some self-esteem issues and negative tendencies. And even without that, half of these are things he admired in Sonic himself). Meanwhile he is loyal, capable of both keeping up with someone like her and keeping her grounded if need be (growing up with Sonic does that to you), and would overall be able to fulfill both her need for action and for a stable, loving relationship. They both like adventures, they’re both brave and compassionate and constantly working to become the best version of themselves, they’re both passionate about various things and see potential everywhere; and once they start talking about what they love they just won’t shut up, which is endearing in its own way.
The more I think about it, the more I like this idea; their main problem would probably be if Amy becomes “too much” for Tails, or if Tails closes himself up for some reason (working on a project, dealing with self-doubt and feeling snappy), which could lead to some arguments. But by managing their temper and openly communicating, they would avoid the pitfalls of neediness and the resentment that comes with it. Assuming they keep on working on becoming their own person like they currently do, they would grow into assertive, independent adults who wouldn’t need someone else to “complete” them. So no codependency.
At their best, they’d be this domestic couple that banters over trivial stuff while making coffee in the morning, after having spent the night cuddling or talking about what bothers them.
Why would that be unpopular? Because that’s another four-years-gap ship I like except this time in reverse, sue me. Although it’s nothing compared to Tails and Mina, which is a weak defense but I’ll take it.
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jxv16-blog · 6 years
Shipping in a nutshell
Character A: hello. Character B: hi. The Fandom: OMG THEY ARE TALKING!!!!!!! ITS CANON!!!!!!!!! I SHIP IT SO HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!
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valentinbelleyh505 · 1 year
the ships I put are only the ones I know :(
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flingmetothemoon · 5 months
Tailamy shippers, I think I won a Tailamy victory
So remember a post I made about Tailamy observations in a Sonic X episode and someone by the name of "dragondelsus" saw it and felt the need to reblog it and say this: Amy is 12 and Tails is 8 you sicko
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Yeah, didn't even bother to think of a logical argument to refute mine or even just ignore it, nope, just had to dive straight to insulting me, so I thought through logical arguments to refute that response of course, and you wanna know what happened not long afterwards? When I tried to go to their blog/posts, I got a ghost blog error page. When I tried to follow them on their mini preview when you hover over a username, nothing happened. When I tried to search up their username on the search box, nowhere to be found (And either was the message icon that is usually there). Hm, kinda weird... �� I remember being able to access their blog just fine and being able to read their Amy posts a couple days ago, so I'm guessing either one of these things happened. A: They (Idk what pronouns they go by so Imma refer them by gender neutral pronouns just to be safe) got scared cuz they got exposed so they just resorted to "taking a break from Tumblr for a while" A.K.A noped out of the conversation and either set the blog to private or outright deleted it. Or B: They might've blocked me. An Amy fanbrat might've actually blocked me for not sharing the exact same opinion on a cartoon pink hedgehog as them! 🤣
Just when my day on Tumblr couldn't get any more interesting. And I even warned them at the end of my response: I’ve already speculated that most of the Sonamy fans tends to be more of Amy fans than Sonic himself, but if you respond by either ignoring me, blocking me, and/or respond by writing a 10 page long essay about how hard Amy had it and how badly she’s being treated and how wrong I am about her character and how hard it is to be an Amy fan and yada yada yada, you’re just gonna prove me right and I’m just gonna sit here and giggle at you. 😂 And guess what? They kinda did. And you know what? I kinda prefer it that way so we don't have to worry about wasting time arguing over a fictional pink hedgehog and move on with our lives. But yeah, it sure was entertaining.
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lilaclisianthus · 5 years
Hmm what are your ships? What’s your OTP? Every fandom you are in
Sonic Fandom: Sonamy, Silvaze, Tailamy (for jokes lol), and Shadaria (as hedgehogs XD)
Marvel Fandom: Thor x Valkyrie, Loki x Darcy (XD).
Harry Potter Fandom: Harmione.
LoZ Fandom: Zelink, Lilia.
yeah XD
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crusherthedoctor · 6 years
dude... as a tailamy shipper... i would say that I LOVE YOUR SHORT STORY ABOUT TAILS AND AMY, EVEN IF ITS NOT ROMANTICALLY I JUST LOVE THE INTERACTIONS YOU GIVE THEM, because really they two have a good dynamic, something that i want to see more in the games or the comics or in some show (like sonic x even if i dont like that show, i liked their interactions), in some way i want to see more fanfics about they two, but if you dont want to do it i will not stop you, i just want you to know it
Well, maybe I’ll focus more on those two again in the future. :]
I agree that Tails/Amy is an underused dynamic. But then I would say that for a lot of dynamics that don’t involve Sonic.
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theindieearth · 3 years
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Kumkumadi Tailam- The Indie Earth Kumkumadi Tailamis a 100% Natural & Ayurvedic beauty treatment and helps for face brightening & fairness.
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