the-stove-is-divorced · 2 months
OHHHH Congratulations for 100 subscribers!!! That's awesome!!❤❤❤
If it's allowed to ask about any of your fics, then what are your plans for all the time in the world or do you already have drafts for future chapters? I'm always fascinated by de-aged!Bruce fics and your foundation for the plot is something I've never seen before!! Would you like to share a quick peek into the future of that storyline?👀👀
Oh yay tysm, genuinely. (´꒳`)♡ And yes ofc!!! I'm happy to!!!
I will preface and admit literally anything I plan for any fic is 110% subject to change, especially if it doesn't feel right anymore or doesn't fit with how the story's progressing since I only write stories as I go. But with that being said, YEAH I OFC I WILL.
So as of this moment, the big plan is to jump around at different points in Bruce's life, around 4-7 different stages so it's not gonna stay stuck to his current rlly young age! (´꒳`)ゞ Bruce should jump in age in about 1-2 chapters, but entirely dependent on how the next chapter goes and that hasn't been finalized yet, much to my own internal agony, bleh. It's been such a pain in the ass to get right and the inner perfectionist in me is not helping, so it's taking longer than I want to. At the same time, I can also admit haven't decided if the next jump should be around 11-13 years old or more compellingly around 17 years old. I also wanna be careful not to make Alfred too perfect? He has the bias of hindsight in his favor, and is the main (and so far only) narrator, so I wanna get some clear contradictions in here.
Oh, and for the story's logic, the magic that de-aged him is unwinding in big ol' chunks, and won't come undone all at once, hence skipping forward! It will be 17 years old, either 18-19, either 20-21, and either 21-22 years old, with maybe an extra 13 years old so the switch from 9 to 17 isn't too jarring, if that makes sense. Plus, debating a bonus point around his late 20's/early 30's. And while I don't have a big ol' plot, as I write as I go, but there are moments I want to include if I'm able!
For example, 21 year old Bruce looks just like how old Bruce was when he took in Dick (but Dick misunderstands, Bruce was 23 when he took in 13 year old Dick), so I want to include a scene where Dick is so relieved there's finally a Bruce he understands is here, but he's still wrong. Dick might go in for a much needed hug, a beaming smile, but Bruce gives Dick a Brucie smile. Dick still a complete and utter stranger to him. The crushing plummet of hope after the first real sign of relief, being teased with the first fleeting glimpse of Bruce he knew to work around, how to behave around, only for him to treat him like a complete stranger and pull out Brucie mask on him? Horrible. I can't wait to write it.
If I'm feeling really angsty (which I probably will be), that late 20's/early 30's is Bruce before Jason died, and he's so much happier. There's a tension not found within him, a kind of wariness that hasn't been ingrained just yet, a joking, lighter tone he's more willing to display so openly. He's excited to see how his sons have grown, he wants to know what college Jason went to, what careers, he wants to know what Dick ended up doing, he's so hopeful he didn't fuck them up trying to raise them like he was so scared he would. They don't have it in their hearts to tell them what happened, I think they lie, or Alfred pointedly won't them say anything. He saw his son grieving once and he wants to savor this joy, this hope, this happiness that was buried when Jason died. He'd be furious if they revealed a damn thing right now.
But I do have chart to keep my idea for my personal understanding of Bruce's development, which I'll share below! It's not complete, and like anything, subject to change, especially at the 7-8, 9-10, and 11-13 yr old marks. But it's a general idea to keep my thoughts in order.
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I hope that was satisfactory! Unfortunately, I don't have a finalized version of the next chapter done, so I can't share a sneaky peak of it (currently debating between a POV switch or continuing with Alfred) but I hope all my yapping makes up for it. TYSM for asking and showing interest. Still amazes me people like my stuff. (//▽//)
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poetofthedyingstars · 2 years
hi!! for the ask questions number 15, and 28!
15. Is there a song, book, movie, or other piece of media that has drastically altered your life? What was it, are there multiple?
- oh a lot actually. i mean book-wise i think i'd have to say all of the things i bought when i was younger they're not really mainstream but man. movie, of course my answer would be dead poets society. heheheheb.
28. What has influenced your taste in music?
- OHHHH tough question as much as i hate my dad i think he influenced my music taste a bit. he loved rock music and all that and i just fell in love with that and as life goes on i'd find more genre of music that i fall in love w hihjhu
WHAT ABOUT YOURS LIKE what piece of media did you think changed your life and what's up with your music taste?? hehehe
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homocidal-invader · 3 months
I ask for 7 and 8
7. Favorite fanfiction?
Playing With Fire
8. Favorite fanart?
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[inspiration hall tag]
There are quite a few I've found rather inspirational... Even some I've made my own drawings based off of!
These three are in a category of art that I feel gets down some specific idea I had so well that it makes my own drawings redundant. I envy this kind of art and really hope to make stuff like it!
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speltfields · 2 days
I just want to thank you for weekly rebloging "donny big lewoski bumblebee fancam" I just got around to watching the movie yesterday and I only have to say
WHY 😭😭😭😭😭
I don't want to spoil the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it but I loved it 🧡
Do you have similar movie recommendations? I adore movies about ordinary people in weird shenanigans.
Oh man I have so many. so glad u enjoyed 🥰
going 2 post movie recs under the cut in case this gets long:
First off, other coen brothers movies will have a very similar vibe.
-Raising arizona: nic cage looking about as good as hes ever looked. more on the silly side akin to big lebowski
-Fargo: i LOVEEEE this movie. Another Buscemi Banger... It's still pretty ridiculous but the overall tone is a bit less silly.
miller's crossing is also really good, but its a lot more mobster movie than ordinary guy in a situation movie. Burn after reading is similar to the others but I dont really like that one as much.
Moving on from the coen brothers, I actually think nic cage has some other bangers in this category...
moonstruck: i just really like this one idk why, but is more rom-com than coen brothers movies tend to be. i think i just really like cher tbh.
adaptation: This Movie Is So Silly And It Made Me Cry Big Time. its about a guy who steals flowers, a woman who wrote a book about the guy who steals flowers, and the screenwriter making the movie about the book. ridiculous premise played straight situation.[this concludes the nic cage section... Unless... Ur brave enough to enjoy Con Air or Face/Off...🤨]
punch drunk love, inherent vice, the nice guys:
all some type of flavor of "some shit goes down in LA". the nice guys was one i got on by the OP of the original DBLBFF creator. A rec straight from the source
california split and mikey and nicky are both dudes rock movies where some guys find themselves in a situation. also just love robert altman and peter faulk and john cassavetes as actors. these are both on the more serious side iirc
big night: i really like this one but its not higher up because its not very lebowski-ish, but its about two brothers trying to save their restaurant.
Oh yeah, any stuff by the Safdie brothers has a touch of weirdness in the mundane at the least. It's like if the big lebowski was a lot more high stakes and made u sweat a lot while ur watching. I especially like Good Time for rpatts looking nice and grimey ans The Curse (which is a tv show but wow is it insane. it's really insane and im getting off topic but the curse is really good.)
notable mentions for movies I just really like who have interesting weird characters in situations: Dog day afternoon, ghost dog, my cousin vinny, thelma and louise, lars and the real girl, and office killer. I'm kinda losing the plot here so I'd take the earlier recs first, but all of these movies are fun in some way imo.
this got kinda long mostly because i really like talking about movies, hopefully u find something good out of those anon tysm for askingggg^_^ i think my overall theme for this list ended up being "movie with average people in a situation that will hold your attention for 90 minutes"
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plutolovesyou · 3 months
yeah i get u :)) if u ever need to talk my dms are open!! how’s hallway crush!ellie going?
aw that's sweet!!
its goinggggg, im nervous n excited about it at the same time lol, gotta keep saying to myself like it aint that serious this is tumblr dot com not a worldwide novel publishing agency or something LMAO at the home stretch rn- TYSM FOR ASKINGGGG!!!
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sidraofthewildflowers · 6 months
hiii ♥️
so you definitely do not have to do this but could I request a wesper moodboard? I adore them so much and I would really love to see them interpreted by you in a moodboard. It can be in book canon, show canon or any AU of your choice, I just know that you will deliver on any and every thing so it’s completely up to you
if you would not like to do it though, don’t even worry. No pressure. Love your moodboards and the entirety of your blog tbh ♥️
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Omgggg you’re the sweetest!!!! I would literally love to do a wesper moodboard for you tysm for askingggg!!💕💕 I’ll try and get started on it and post soon!!!
Ps you also reminded me that I have moodboards for both of them that I never posted, so maybe I’ll post those too around the same time 🤍🤍🤍🤍
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literaturewithliz · 1 year
for that ask game: 🏁, 🌼
Tysm for askingggg! For my dream career, definitely something in the medical field. Most likely an ICU nurse, in my ideal world. And for characters I ship, I ship Sophie with either Fitz or Keefe at this point I’d be happy with whoever as long as they’re all happy, I’m a hardcore Dexiana stan, and I saw something about Marella and Stina being in a relationship and whenever I think about them, it just makes sense?? If you wonder about adults, I freaking adore Sandor and Grizel. They just give me so many feels.
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hh0320 · 2 years
JENAAAAA OMG tysm???? they’re all over the place aasdfghfhjjfvrvyhr but hopefully I’ll get them out one day!
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brw · 2 years
001 - Star Trek TOS
Favorite character
BONES he's everything to me actually. he's infested my mind like a virus he's SO funny he wants so badly to go apeshit but unfortunately he's in a polycule of fucking idiots and has to drug them both to get the chance to be a dumbass for ONCE. he's an idiot but he has to plan out his idiocy to make sure his two idiots don't get themselves killed while he's gone. zero business being that funny.
Least Favorite character
kirk when i come to the horrifying realisation that he is in fact the mouthpiece for the 60s white men that are writing him and is in fact played by william shatner aka episodes like miri and that one where he's a native american god bc what the fuck... i'll be watching having a good time and then oh fuck. thats shatner's face NOOOOO aside from that the random side characters that replace uhura or sulu or chekov when theyre not available who are you fucking imposters!!!
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon)
i barely have a singular ship the entire ship is well. a ship. theyre all dating each other the entire ship is polyamorous. my fave dynamics so far tho r; bones & spock obviously they r so funny. scotty & kirk i dont think any other combo on the enterprise is more enabling of each others specific brand of bullshit. uhura & everyone she is their BABYGIRL she is the most important person on that ship n everyone loves her as they should. the second favourite babygirl after the enterprise itself. scotty is the third fave btww. pavel & chekov they are like. daforge before there was daforge n kirk n that one klingon captain in the tribbles ep. why were they like that.
Character I find most attractive
bones. no i wont explain nor will i apologise. i'd fuck that old man.
Character I would marry
spock i would be great at being his girl husband. down to join the polycule also autistic i am logical for a human being and i like tea and big animals. not big on public intimacy and i dont make dumb jokes.
Character I would be best friends with
uhura or scotty. cannot elaborate but we would vibe.
a random thought
i dont think any TOS ship is fun monogamous. they need to be a horrificially large polycule or whats the point. they are the seattle polycule clickhole warned us about.
An unpopular opinion
kirk wasnt that feminist like yes for the time but he still very much so was a man written in the 60s by other men and idk i feel like painting him as 100% feminist w/ that one "a crewman" gif is disingenious. like definitely what abrhams did was a crime to make him even weirded! but idk people always want to focus on the best and its like grabbing so many women by the shoulders like that so often makes me very uncomfortable watching dhdfhfvhvf
My Canon OTP
aside from spirk which we all know is theres not an awful lot of big canon ships bc?? the writers r too misogynist i guess. i guess sarek n amanda they had no business being so cute. spock n that one woman in the sex pollen ep was honestly cute to me also. man just wants to do drugs and climb trees n she let him!
My Non-canon OTP
ah shit i dunno. again i really like what bones n spock going on they are so hilarious every time they interact onscreen. i liked the dynamic between uhura & scotty in the mirror mirror ep n obviously that one uhura & christine gifset... LADIES.
Most Badass Character
bones for him telling khan exactly where to cut his throat while the knife was to his neck. top 10 moments in cinematic history actually. uhura again when she did THAT to mirror sulu she's so fucking perfect she deserves the world i LOVE LOVE LOVE her.
Most Epic Villain
shatner's lack of acting skills.
Pairing I am not a fan of
tbh none. they all r either great or had massive potential or were just plain funny.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another)
every woman. especially the non reoccuring ones. what was going on with a private little war.
Favourite Friendship
uhura & chekov... jim & bones..... sulu & chevok...... christine & bones.... they r all so good tbh.
Character I most identify with
scotty or spock. i have autism spectrum disorder.
Character I wish I could be
i hate the idea of living in space so none
ask game for fandoms, ships & characters.
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i-luvsang · 3 years
👾Do you believe in aliens?
🍺Favourite drink?
ooooo okay so first off aliens. honestly i don’t think about it too much. i’ve never thought that they don’t exist i just don’t put too much thought into them actually existing either. to put it simply, yes i do believe that there are aliens, be them super weird like the aliens we may traditionally think of or just humans that live far far away on other planets. also as a renjun stan i desperately want to hear ALLLLL of his theories about aliens. like i just want to hear everything he has to say about that and everything else lol
as for a drink! i love juices lol but i don’t really have a fav drink. i also love me some hot cocoa, soda, and i tried banana milk for the first time a few days ago and iT WAS SO YUMMY 😋
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urmomsfavelesbian · 2 years
31 36 44 for the ask thing 🐴
31: What type of music keeps you grounded?
listen this is such a humiliating question because the answer is LITERALLY drag music like!!!!! when i got into drag race last year (bad bad bad time in my life, the worst) my partner and roommate and i started listening to stuff like read u wrote u ironically, and then suddenly it was literally ALL our autistic asses listened to and still is to this day lmaooo. but other than that, any lady r&b or rap like noname, chloe x halle, sza 🥰
36: How many times have you changed your URL?
3 times! I made this acc in like 2015 when I was 12 and obsessed w gay tumblr, it was sarcastic-gay-feminist lmaooo ew, and then the other one i can’t say cos privacy but it was gross cos I was 14 and annoying lmao, and then I changed it to this like 2 weeks ago
44: You get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
instant answer is ofc bad people from my past. but other than that obvious one, I rlly rlly hate the governor of texas rn so probably him lmao
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alonetogethermp3 · 2 years
Ok so
🎶- I'll shuffle my library and show you the song that comes up (very excited for this one actually)
✍-I'll draw you how I picture you (you don't have to do this one if you don't want to tho)
🎶- Gloom Boys by Waterparks!
✍- listen. Layered clothing. Don't ask me why. And I hope yk that's ginger ale in that cup<3
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vanderlindeee · 3 years
I'm so sorry I just wanted to ask, how many times have you played the game? Have you seen when Charles was sword fighting a bounty hunter? I think I heard that he swordfight with a tomahawk too
Hiya! I’m really sorry I’m answering this so late 😅
I’m currently on my fourth play through (3 high honour and 1 low honour) :)
Also yes I have seen that, it’s incredible! @tahitianmangoes actually sent me a 3rd person view of it a while ago and I thoroughly enjoyed it lol 😳👀 as for the tomahawk I’m not sure! I’ll have to keep an eye out next time I have a mission with him.
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mini-pretzel · 5 years
6, 8, 12, 22, & 29 from the "ask me" tag 🙂💭
hi there lil anon 👋
let diggity do thissss
6. what are your favorite kinks?
oh hello this is a question. tbh there’s a lot i like. i like some angst and fluff mixed in with smut, which is why most of my readers are crying or smt during intercourse w/ the guys (lol sorry readers)
also. back in forth during fucking gets me excited so much, it’s just so fun.
n a bit of roughness, but also tenderness. like if i read it and im like ‘fuck, im dead bye this killed me tysm’ im good.
also glasses and black turtlenecks.
and comfy bf looks.
basically google jeongguk in berlin. that whole look is my kink 🔥
8. what is your favorite holiday?
any of them where i can stay inside all day and sleep. maybe go out for a walk on a beach or countryside where there’s no one but squirrels to take pics of.
12. have you ever been in love before?
heck yeah, my dude. it hurt, my dude. gotta love urself first, my dude.
22. what is the ‘perfect date’ to you?
are you flirting with me, lil anon? cause im down 😉
ehhhhh as for perfect date, it doesn’t really matter where as long as there’s not a lot of ppl. it’s the company that makes the difference.
29. what is the first thing you do when you wake up?
lol no but seriously. i have a mini heart-attack every day from my alarm clock. i despise those things with a passion, but they make me get up on time. otherwise i would never get out of bed.
alrighty, tysm lil anon!!
hope u liked the answers.
see u next time~
ask me!!
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1m-meows-morales · 3 years
1) tall or short
2) shy/quiet or loud/outgoing (introvert or extrovert) ?
3) rude or polite
4) weird or Normal
5) funny or serious
6) intimidating or friendly
7) negative or postitive
That's sooooo accurate it's scary 😭😭
I'm only loud when I'm w/ my friends and I'm an ambivert leaning on introvert
I would like to say i'm funny 😌
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bxttxrflybxddie · 4 years
I was wondering, what is Karlie's ultimate goal? Does she aspire to be a Vile instructor? Or is she content with being a high ranking operative?
oooooo good question! Karlie is completely fine with being a high ranking operative! Her end-game goal is to work for vile for as long as possible! ᵇᵘᵗ ʷʰʸˀ Vile is the closest thing Karlie has had to a family in a looong time (I'll share the backstory soon 👀) so even though she knows how corrupt vile is, she wants to help them as much as she can!
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