nite-puff · 1 month
4/20: funny idea because mondo’s birthday is 6/9, so it only makes sense to give his brother the other birth date that has a funny number. “well well well, if it isn’t the blowjob brothers” energy.
11/23: older brother day in japan. it continues the trend of dangan characters having birthdays on significant days that correspond to them. kodaka also made a tweet similar to his birthday tweets dedicated to daiya on that day but never disclosed that it was daiya’s birthday.
secret third option: maybe you already came up with your own daiya birthdate headcanon. share in the reblogs!!!
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onthevirgooftears · 11 months
not to be insane or anything but it really pisses me off when people say whit killed arei 💀 it is objectively never that serious but everytime i see someone come up with a theory or whatever it just shows such a fundamental misunderstanding of his character and not that I'm a veteran or anything but i just wanted to right some wrongs.
whit is not a killer. he exists in a sphere of kindness and prosperity and nothing else. people only think he's suspicious because we've been dispositioned to think every 'nice' character in danganronpa is secretly evil. whit does not have a facade, he's truly and 100% a good person.
looking back at some of his character defining moments it's so striking that he was one of the only people to give his kindness to the two people who were at the time not very nice people themselves. its striking that he doesn't reveal charles' secret in the first trial until he feels as though charles is comfortable enough for everyone to know and how he does the same thing with david in the second trial because it simply isn't his secret to tell.
he extends kindness to those who probably don't deserve it and actively is willing to put aside his own personal grievances in order to comfort someone when they’re in need. like, it's insane to me that you can look at all of that say "yep 💀 that guys definitely the killer!" HES A GOOD PERSON like literally what more do i have to say.
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anonzentimes · 3 months
I do enjoy Bryce's performance. But in hindsight I think it did have a negative impact on the perception of the character in the English speaking fandom. Because it gives the impression that Nagito is an insincere character. That he's aware that what he does frustrates people, and takes a sadistic pleasure in it. When one of the most tragic things about the character is that he's constantly misunderstood in-universe by people he tries to express genuine admiration for.
While I do also enjoy Bryce's performance mostly for nostalgia and the mannerisms I totally agree with this, also this is just so well worded great job anon!!!
I'm sure it was mostly just what Bryce was told to do by the directors, but it definitely does have a negative impact and I think the English speaking fandom having to research the Japanese side of things just to get the best grasp of Nagito we can is so unfortunate.
it's ESPECIALLY a problem since if you're not dedicated enough you'll never fully understand the character fully. He makes you think since he's the most complicated character in the franchise and I love that, but his English voice in ITSELF practically being a mistranslation, or easy misinterpretation, makes things so much more difficult for the English audience then it's meant to be.
I will give Bryce credit for listening to criticism and making his Nagito voice sound a Little more sincere in the Danganronpa 3 anime, but at that point I think the damage has already been done.
There's a reason when Nagito gets the personality reversing Despair Disease he gets the LYING Disease. Once people understand that he's a sincere character only lying when he deems it necessary it goes a long way to understanding his character as a whole. it's sad that his english voice exaggerating his insane traits makes it really difficult to grasp that about him at first.
He suffers from the inability to understand most social cues, emotional numbness, and not being understood by the people he's trying to communicate to. All of that I'd also say is really tragic.
Not being able to be understood i'd say is my worst enemy, I'd probably have mental breakdowns all the time if I were him.
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mothiidae · 1 year
As i have finished danganronpa another [which is a great fangan i recommend, though it can be jank at times so if you do go to play it keep that in mind!] i decided to make a tier list of my favorite characters and post it here for your viewing pleasure!
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i have a separate version below with characters i deem to be spoilers
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I decided to decorate a stocking for everyone in my family this year, since it’s a bit of a tradition in my family! My dad used to decorate stockings for us with glitter glue, then I took over after that, but this year I decided I wanted to try to decorate the stockings with felt characters that I would cut out. When it came to my stocking, obviously I decided to go with Taka and Mondo 😅 I didn’t want to add any religious iconography since both characters are Japanese, but I still think it’s super cute. ^-^
I will mention that I didn’t create the design, though. I used designs by NellielMarlon from DeviantArt. This (Taka) and this (Mondo) artwork specifically. Since I don't plan to sell this and only made it for my own use, I hope it's not a problem. I just didn't have the time or the energy (or the experience) to draw a chibi version of either character so I went with the reference photos I liked best off Google.
(Oh, and I would like to just say that yes, I am Jewish, but my dad is Catholic and my mom- who is also Jewish- loves the Christmas aesthetic, so I always make stockings just because. But I don't want anyone to mistake me, ha.)
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moonsidesong · 2 years
i don't talk about danganronpa too much here bc i have no desire to interact with the general fanbase also i don't think any of you are really here to listen to me talk about danganronpa Also some of you probably have it blacklisted anyway But i'm watching my friend play it on call right now so here's my hot take of the evening I think v3 sucks egg! that's all goodnight
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eyewussjack · 2 years
sorry i havent posted in like. probably a year i’ve been obsessed with turtles recently and like several other things but that’s the most recent and most powerful one
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mercy-of-the-ashes · 2 years
"The broodmother has to be found and taken out. These things explode once the broodmother is taken care of." Uta explained wasting no time in attacking these nightmare inducing bots.
The rest did the same; Scout was picking them off with Tenshi mowing some down.
Hiroyoshi nods, "I'll chase the darn thing down."
"I wouldn't go alone. " Kōji commented.
🐾 @thelittleveterinarian
“Stay away from them, Haruka!” Melantha blasted one with her bazooka.
“Melly, quit tugging at my blouse! I got them!” She squirmed, whacking another one of those spider beasts with her hammer.
“Hey, I’m trying to protect you.” Poor Melantha was so petrified of those abominations that her face had gone pale as a sheet of paper.
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simplyluunaa · 25 days
˙⊹ ੈ✰[Love Languages]✰ ੈ⊹˙
-ˏˋ. rules + masterlist ˊˎ-
Fandom: Danganronpa
Characters: Makoto Naegi, Aoi Asahina, Byakuya Togami, Celestia Ludenberg, Chihiro Fujisaki, Hifumi Yamada, Junko Enoshima, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Kyoko Kirigiri, Leon Kuwata, Mondo Owada, Mukuro Ikusaba, Sakura Ogami, Sayaka Maizono, Toko Fukawa, Genocider Syo, Yasuhiro Hagakure
Warnings: !!NOT SPOILER FREE!! Non-despair AU! Other than that, none!! Just fluff!
Other: Non-despair Junko, he/him pronouns for Chihiro, may have a few misspellings lol
A/N: First post!! Hello, people reading this!! Reblogs, likes, and follows are always appreciated! Constructive criticism is also welcome!! Also, I couldn’t decide if I wanted to make this established relationship or like a mutual crush thing, so I tried to make it so it could go either way. Plus this is like my first time writing ANY of these characters, so please excuse any mischaracterizations or anything, I tried my best!
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Makoto Naegi 
His love language is Quality Time
I feel like he’d be big into conversation
Doesn’t matter about what this man just likes to yap
If you are also talkative the two of you annoy the fuck out of everyone else because do you two ever stop talking??
But even if you’re quieter, he will talk enough for the both of you
Likes to watch movies and shows with you!!
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Byakuya Togami
His love language is Giving Gifts
He wouldn't be that affectionate of a person side from this I fear
Plus he always brushes it off if you ask
But he was thinking about you!! <3
He’ll legit buy anything that reminds him of you or he thinks you may enjoy
Man is made of money ofc he’s gonna spoil you while also acting like he hates you
Just how he is I’m afraid
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Chihiro Fujisaki
His love language is Quality Time
I feel like he’d be very much into baking with you
Idk man feels like a baker
Also, he’d be the best person to talk to about your interests because he will listen and do his best to remember every detail!!
Do the same for him!!
May or may not install Alter Ego on one of your devices so you can spend time with them while he isn’t around
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Hifumi Yamada
His love language is Giving Gifts
If you like a game or anime…be prepared
He will buy you just so much merch
Figures, posters, shirts, hoodies, plushies, everything 
If you’re especially fond of a specific character he will draw them for you!!
Maybe even write a short Doujinshi with a favorite ship of yours if he has the time
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Kiyotaka Ishimaru
His love language is Acts of Service
He wants to be the Prime Minister, of course, he likes to help!
Like, I don’t know, I just have this thought like…
He’d so help you study, and like clean up your room for you
Also, I feel like if you have long hair he’d definitely brush it for you in the mornings
Maybe that’s just wishful thinking though idk
But also if you do something for him to lighten his workload??
He might cry, just sayin'
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Leon Kuwata
His love language is Physical Touch
I just know this man desperately needs to touch everyone around him all the time (no I’m not projecting hush)
Like, he’s always touching someone, like an arm around his friend's shoulder or playfully ruffling someone’s hair
He’s just that kinda guy
He’d also for sure put his arm around your waist or shoulder whenever you’re around
Also, he’d probably grab your face occasionally to just squish your cheeks and tease you
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Mondo Owada
His love language is Acts of Service
He’s a big strong man!! Of course he’s gonna do everything he can for his partner!!
No, but for real, he will do anything you ask of him AND MORE
He’s just a big softie!! And a gentleman!!
Opens doors for you, pulls your seat out for you, if you two are close enough will let you wear his jacket if you get cold
Especially if you're a girl!!
Diya raised him right!!
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Yasuhiro Hagakure
His love language is Physical Touch
Ok, this one is probably gonna be short cause I do not know a whole lot about this man
I feel like he’d be laid back about it, like with Leon
He’s just a touchy person, even with his friends
So expect him to just grab you and pull you into a hug, or ruffle your hair, stuff like that
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Aoi Asahina
Her love language is Physical Touch
You cannot convince me she wouldn’t always greet you with a hug
Like I just know she’s always touching you in some way
Holding hands, or her arm around your waist or shoulder
Even if you two are for some reason not touching, she’d still be incredibly close to you
If you let her she will just stand behind you and rest her chin on your shoulder
She does not care who’s around!! She wants to cuddle you she will do so!!
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Celestia Ludenberg
Her love language is Giving Gifts
Celestia has made a whole lotta money from gambling, so you cannot tell me she wouldn’t spoil you.
You and her cat ofc, can’t forget about Grand Bois Chéri Ludenberg
Also, I’m split between thinking that every gift would be accompanied by a grand gesture, and thinking it wouldn’t be uncommon to just find wrapped gifts on your desk or something
She’s probably very nonchalant with giving gifts (most of the time) but if you get her anything unprompted?
She melts
Like it doesn’t matter if it's expensive or not, it's just the fact that you're giving it to her that makes her go kinda mushy
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Junko Enoshima
Her love language is Acts of Service
But like…in a very strange and roundabout way
Like even without the despair, she’s still…Junko, ya know?
She’ll trip people who are rude to you, help you cheat on homework, forge documents for you
Ya know, normal bestie things!!
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Kyoko Kirigiri
Her love language is Quality Time
I mean, it seems obvious, doesn’t it?
I think she wouldn’t want to push conversation, just being together is enough for her
She’d like to go on walks or drink tea together
A lot of long comfortable silences with her that’s for sure
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Mukuro Ikusaba
Her love language is Physical Touch
I feel like this is less about affection and more about wanting to keep you safe though
Like, she’d wanna be near you just in case someone (Junko) tries to hurt you.
Which opens up a lot of opportunities to touch you!!
She’d probably be kinda shy/indifferent to it at first, but after a while, she softens up and allows hugs and such
Would have her hand on the small of your back nearly at all times
Also is the kind to pull you out of danger/away from dangerous people
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Sakura Ogami
Her love language is Quality Time
Drink tea with this girl RIGHT NOW!!
She’d definitely want like an hour of just uninterrupted time with you every day
Also feel like she’d be big into taking long walks with you, maybe at night or when the sun is setting idk idk 
Also very much feel as if she’d want you to work out with her
But if you don’t work out, she may or may not bench press you sorry
Or like have you sit on her back while she does push-ups
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Sayaka Maizono
Her love language is Giving Gifts
Girlie makes a ton of money, she is SPOILING you!!
Buying you outfits, jewelry, expensive makeup, cute plushies!! Anything you want!
Would probably try and take you out on a shopping spree but doesn’t wanna be interrupted by fans
But she would give you her card and tell you to go crazy!! Maybe idk
If you give her a gift? Especially if it’s something you made?? Girl is melting.
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Toko Fukawa
Her love language is Acts of Service
She does stuff for you, but always vehemently denies it
Helps you clean up your room, just to say she was just looking for something
Or makes you food and just says she made too much 
If you're someone who tends to overwork yourself, she’ll stay near you while she writes to make sure you take breaks and eat and drink water and whatnot
Which probably also helps her to remember to do those things!!
Win-win scenario!!
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Genocider Syo
Her love language is Physical Touch
Tries to make out with you in public
Will also grope you without warning
Sorry but if you want her to stop you gonna have to do something about it
However, even with all that she can also be really sweet at times
I feel like she’d thrive on cuddles
Even if she does feel you up while doing so
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fluffomatic · 11 months
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Been working with the suggestions yall are sending! This is the best way I think I can post this since most of the asks have multiple suggestions. So only the asks that have one suggestions I'll just post as one piece instead of multiple.
Finally made some Lee!Link art!! I think it would be cute of Zelda was introducing him to some of her peers and just squeezing and poking him the whole time since Link is very quiet lol.
Delilah was the first person I thought of for this one! Plus, I've never drawn my sweet girl getting tickled! I need to make more art of her and her girlfriend, Hikora! They're 2 of my very first ocs along with Anna and Dylan! They were made around the same time!
Suprise Danganronpa art!?! I've been rewatching the Grumps play 1 and 2 in the form of best ofs. So I was reminded of my love for Lee!Byakuya lmao
There was no way I wasn't gonna draw more Lee!Spectra. Literally not a chance. I can picture him and Gus doing some training, Gus grabs on to his leg and uses Spectra's ticklishness to get the upper hand. Thanks @thornoisdono for the suggestion!
(My art don't repost but please reblog)
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Rules: - Vote for one of these two characters based on who you personally think should win. It can be anything from "I follow aseriesofunfortunatejan and she talks about this character way more" to "I know this guy and not the other guy" passing by "who are these? This one's hotter" and of course "holy shit this is ALSO my blorbo" - You may reblog this poll and you may even talk about why you voted for who you voted! - You may NOT complain about the other character if you dislike them! These characters are all the poll runner's beloveds and the goal of this tournament is to have fun, be silly, be nice, eat hot chip.
Since this is the last round, you are heavily encouraged to write public propaganda for who you think should win!
Introductions and propaganda (under the cut):
Sebastian Debeste (Yumihiko Ichiyanagi) is a beloved loser from the second title in the Ace Attorney Investigations series. Should he win because he is, after all, "debeste"? Or would it be more in-character to... pathetically... fail...? I love Sebastian to bits and there's a reason why I'm not the only one. My followers may be familiar with his noggin because I drew him a bunch in the past, during an event called SEBtember centred around him. He is touching and iconic. Does this mean he should win my blorbo tournament?
Korekiyo Shinguuji is a staple of my blog. It hasn't happened in a while, but two of my character essays get recognised in the wild - my first Shinguuji essay and my "in defence of Mika Shimotsuki" essay. (But yous voted Shimotsuki out, so that probably doesn't hold a lot of weight.) If you've followed me for a while, you've probably seen a few of my "oh no. I thought about Shinguuji." posts in your lifetime. I don't know why he eats at me like this. I hear he's a little fucked up, actually, but that's just a rumour. Wasn't he reformed and a teacher now anyway? (/ref). Danganronpa is also a fandom I am known for, so that could influence your vote. (Do I have a tulpa?) Anyway, does all of this mean he should win my blorbo tournament?
It finally comes down to this... I'm so relieved it's not Sebastian VS Simon. Danganronpa VS Ace Attorney. Story of my life. I feel like I already know who's going to win. But both of these characters have stans. Will this poll in particular find its audience?
If you love one or both of these characters, I'd be happy to talk about them with you!
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pienhime · 7 months
Ten Under-Recognized Jirai Kei Characters!
Ive been meaning to make a post on some jirai kei characters that i think are underappreciated by the overseas landmine community! Mostly i think its bc they don't wear girly kei, cybercore, or other fashions associated with us on SNS, and bc their media came out before 2020. So ive compiled a list and an explanation for why i think they're jirai! I have another list for pien kei characters who arent jirai in my opinion too. If u have any characters u think the western jirai comm sleeps on, comment/reblog and tell me who & why!
1. Celestia Ludenberg
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Celestia (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc) has screamed landmine to me for like, ever! She's wrapped up in her appearance and at first glance makes the effort to come off as regal and formal. But she frequently lets that disguise slip and shows her sadistic side at the slightest inconvenience, threatening violence and screaming in peoples faces. She's got both a superiority complex AND inferiority complex, and has an unhealthy obsession with gambling, her super high school level talent.
2. Nijimin Anazawa
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Nijimin (Mahou Shoujo Site) is super popular in the japanese jirai comm, and its easy to see why. She's easily lovestruck and a borderline yandere (dependent type), murderous and hellbent on revenge, and her magical power literally revolves around manipulating others. She's a beloved idol and a symbol of cuteness, but she's a murderous magical girl? How much more jirai can you get!
3. Mayoi Ayase
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Mayoi (Ensemble Stars) is a very interesting character! From his obsession with the occult to his self depreciating behavior to his obsessive and stalkerish tendencies, he's an overall offputting yet charming guy. As an idol, he has fans who have a totally different image of him than the creep (affectionate) he can be at times behind the scenes. Also, not to stereotype, but his favorite sanrio character is kuromi, whos super popular within jirai.
4. Yuri
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Yuri (Dokidoki Literature Club) being a landmine seems a little self-explanatory to me. She's a yandere character who's probably the most unassuming of the cast at first. She's shy, smart, kind... and a self-harming yandere with a knife fetish who will literally kill herself if you get involved romantically or reject her.
5. Yoosung
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Wow, when's the last time I thought about Mystic Messanger? No idea, but Yoosung feels pretty jirai kei to me in retrospect. In the beginning of the game, hes the adorkable self-conscious junior with an unhealthy online addiction. But, by the end, he's a self-harming yandere who refuses to let the player character go, and is willing to do whatever it takes to secure a happily ever after.
6. Kusokawa-chan
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While I have an immeasurable hatred for her creator, Kusokawa-chan (Menhera-chan spin-off 4komas) is a comfort character of mine... for some reason. With a name that means "kawaii trash", her personality is probably predictable. She's human trash, a sadistic asshole with no respect for others who will insult and berate you at the drop of a hat, and turn on a dime on her fans. She tries to cover it up by putting on an exaggerated innocent act and kawaii-fying herself and her life, but she just cant stop herself from exploding on others with no remorse.
7. Azusa Mukami
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Admittedly, everything I know about Diabolik Lovers is through its fandom as I've yet to cave and buy the games. But from what little I know, Azusa seems pretty jirai. He seems innocent, fragile even- but has the typical amount of yandere tendencies for the series. He has a self harm addiction, and if you peruse his route you're in for a toxic time.
8. Satou Matsuzaka
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This might be cheating because she's so popular on yandere tumblr, but Satou Matsuzaka (Happy Sugar Life) is ultra jirai kei. It's no wonder she's such a popular choice of pfp on japanese jiraitwt! She's obsessed with living out a fantasy saccarine-sweet life with the object of her desire, and given her full-blown yandere nature and her lolicon status, its no doubt shes a toxic partner. She's beloved at her school and workplace for her seemingly sweet nature and cute looks, but her kindness is only for the purposes of manipulation.
9. Kosame Amagai
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Again, I'm no expert on Diabolik Lovers! But based on what my friends on yandereblr tell me, this guy is definately a jirai danshi. He's a lover of all things cute, who uses his cute shota-like appearance and polite manner of speech to lure others in. In reality, hes an abusive partner in his route, and takes his anger out on others verbally. He's willing to cry, scream, and threaten over the smallest of transgressions. Of course, he's also a yandere as per series standard.
10. Momonga
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Okay so this is only half-serious, but there's a reason Momonga (Chiikawa) is so beloved by jirai girls and often depicted fitting the visual jirai stereotype in fanart. She's ultra cute! But she uses her appearance and acting vulnerable and innocent to try to get away with shithead behavior. She's loud, erratic, and self-obsessed, and often cries when she doesn't get her way. She's obviously the worlds cutest little manipulator, and she knows it.
I hope you enjoyed this list! There's a list for non-landmine pien kei characters coming soon, so feel free to send me asks with recommendations! And feel free to add on to this list in reblogs and comments!
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kt-splits · 1 month
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Danganronpa Amnibus acrylic cards (with amnibus preorder bonuses included) for pre-order!
These don't ship until mid July to August
Price $5 USD each.
As usual, the first initial Box 2 of THH Byakuya and Aoi will be taken. The more interest, the more I am likely to open another box with those characters! So backup claims are highly encouraged!
(V3 will be in a separate post)
IM me here or DM on Instagram characters you'd like to reserve!
Pre-orders close May 8th!
Reblogs and reshares are appreciated!
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amamotaweek · 10 months
amamota week 2023!
hello danganronpa community!! it’s about that time again! amamota week (a week celebrating the ship between kaito momota and rantaro amami) will be running from november 1st through november 7th 2023!
here is our graphic made as always by the amazing @nebulaleaf and the prompts will be transcribed below!
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day one / november 1st: royalty au / loyalty / determination
day two / november 2nd: dawn / acknowledgement / friendship
day three / november 3rd: travel / long-distance / yearning
day four / november 4th: meet cute / blind date / curiosity
day five / november 5th: greeting / farewell / embrace
day six / november 6th: bouquet / promise / dream
day seven / november 7th: first kiss / free space
if you’re participating, please do me a favour and @ mention this blog so i can see and boost your entries. also be sure to tag all entries with [ # amamota week 2023 ] and [ # amamota week ] as i will be checking those tags in case tumblr glitches and doesn’t notify me.
rules and guidelines will be under the cut! if you have any questions feel free to message or send an ask to this blog, or contact me on my main @toxicpineapple if you need any help. cheers and happy amamoting!
1. this will be an entirely sfw event! i won’t police what’s going on on the blog you choose to participate with (so using a blog that contains nsfw is fine) but please do not use my prompts to create nsfw content.
2. all plagiarism will be strictly forbidden for the purposes of this event. heavily referencing art or fanfic and the unauthorised use of anybody’s fanart for a video edit, moodboard, etc will not be prompted for this event. please do not use anyone’s art without both PERMISSION and CREDIT. there is never an acceptable circumstance to do this.
3. please respect all other entries! if i find out about anyone trolling or leaving hate comments they will be banned from participating in the event.
4. “problematic” content such as incest, age gap, shota/lolli is absolutely banned and not supported for this event. ya nasties.
5. poly ship content (featuring kaito and rantaro in a relationship with other characters) will be allowed and encouraged! however do make sure that kaito and rantaro are dating EACH OTHER, not just existing as metamours or something.
6. cis genderbends will not be allowed for this event. however, all trans headcanons including trans genderbends will be allowed and boosted.
7. late entries will be accepted indefinitely! please feel free to use the prompts whenever you can however you can and i will boost your work so long as you tag me. :)
8. you are free to take loose inspiration from the prompts or even not use the prompts at all if it suits you. if you drop a piece and label it for amamota week (and it follows my guidelines) i will boost it. heh.
9. aus and crossovers will be accepted!
10. this ship event is focusing on the ROMANTIC relationship between kaito and rantaro, and as such content featuring them in a friendship will not be promoted. however queerplatonic amamota content will be boosted.
that’s all i’ve got! keep an eye on this blog because i’ll be reblogging the promo and posting countdowns as the dates draw closer. thanks for your attention as always and i’m looking forward to november!
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kaemakiweekarchive · 1 year
kaemaki week 2023 from july 8th through 14th (NOT CLICKBAIT)
slides into home base. three months to the date you know what that means
HELLO DANGANRONPA COMMUNITY! kaemaki week will once again be running in 2023! as always, the event will be running from july 8th through july 14th here on tumblr :)
here is our lovely graphic by @nebulaleaf​​ with the prompts transcribed below!
Tumblr media
day one/july 8: fire / scorn / soothe day two/july 9: flowers / welcome / sunburn day three/july 10: opening up / laughter / romance day four/july 11: ribbon / nail polish / pinky promise  day five/july 12: martyr / mastermind / impulsive day six/july 13: love at first sight / slowburn / wingman day seven/july 14: reincarnation / happy ending / free space
i’ll be placing rules and guidelines under the cut, but as always, please tag all entries with [ # kaemaki week 2023 ] and make sure to @ MENTION THIS BLOG so that i can reblog your entries. if time passes and i still haven’t reblogged your work, feel free to shoot me a message or ask either via this blog or my main, @toxicpineapple​​ :) 
happy kaemaki! looking forward to seeing you guys again in july :3
1. nsfw content will be prohibited for this week. i am not comfortable with you using my prompts to create nsfw so you can do that on your own time. please do not post entries to your nsfw blog, however if you have only one blog where you host nsfw and sfw content you are allowed to post there.
2. problematic content (incest, abuse, loli, etc) will be prohibited!!
3. respect all other entries.
4. plagiarism is 1000% completely against the rules. if you’re creating an edit, that’s totally fine, but please credit any art you use in your work, and do NOT use the art of an artist who prohibits the use of their work in edits. additionally please do not use an artist’s work without explicit permission. please respect the wishes of all artists as you wouldn’t like your own work to be used for things that you don’t want. :)
5. late entries will be accepted indefinitely.
6. polyamorous/open relationships (maki and kaede in relationships with other people as well as each other) will be accepted!!! as much as the kaemaki relationship is the focus of this week, you can go ahead and highlight their other partner(s) as much as you would like!
6.5. please refrain from producing friend content of kaede and maki for this week; the focus is on their romantic relationship. however depictions of them in a qpr will totally be accepted.
7. aus and crossovers will be accepted!
8. you don’t have to use every single prompt, or both prompts, or even either prompt? lol i mean the prompts sure are here for a reason, but if you wanna put out kaemaki content during that week and then tag me, i’ll totally reblog it!!!
9. i will be accepting all manner of trans headcanons, however i will not be boosting cis genderbend content of these two, as a heads up.
10. have fun!!! enjoy yourself!!! don’t take it too serious!! we’re all here to have a good time :D
thank you for your time, and once again i look forward to seeing all works come july! <3
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foundfamilyhq · 3 months
Submissions Open
We've reached the "only repeat fandoms in the backlog" stage quickly this time, so submissions are open again. Please submit via the pinned form only as asks will be ignored. If you're unsure if your character has already been judged on the blog you can check this list Also, there's been a slight change this time. We're no long accepting tags that are basically propaganda for the character. Sorry folks, it was fine at first, but it's reached the stage where every character for one fandom has loads of propaganda submitted as tags and seeing how divided opinions are when those characters get posted, I don't think it's fair for me to include only one side as the tags, especially for series I'm not familiar with myself to verify. Also it just takes me ages to copypasta all the propaganda tags ngl. Please do reblog and comment with as much propaganda as you like, but I won't be including them as tags anymore. Sorry for being a killjoy! :'( Anyway, without further ado, these are the list of fandoms we currently have backlog for. You can still submit for these fandoms, but know that you'll be waiting longer for your submissions to be reached. Fandoms highlighted in bold have a longer than 2 month waitlist:
Pokemon Danganronpa (+fan games, I'm told) Supernatural Steven Universe Five Nights at Freddy's Doctor Who Dorohedoro El Goonish Shive LEGO franchises (DreamZzz) Record of Ragnarok Baldur's Gate 3 Jujutsu Kaisen Danny Phantom Super Mario Bros. Gargoyles The Silmarillion Batman Project Sekai Helluva Boss Kirby Legend of Zelda PHIGHTING! Digimon Magi: The Adventures of Sinbad Fire Emblem Star Wars Spongebob Squarepants Teen Titans Final Fantasy Sonic the Hedgehog Hades Game
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