#Suzanne Schramm
randomfoggytiger · 10 months
X-Files Collector's Edition: Fight the Future Fics (Part II)
No intro needed part 2, I suppose.
Loose chronological order below~!
**Note**: I will edit later-- got to get this out now.
David Hearne's Nine
Of course, could you say that time really exists in this world as well? I mean, time is a form of measurement, not a tangible element. How we use it changes from era to era. Five hundred years from now, people might employ a twelve-hour day instead of a twenty-four-hour one. And there's the theory of relativity to factor in. Time is really a face we paint over the universe in the hopes it might tell us something.
Right now, it's saying that me and everyone else in this building has less than thirteen minutes to live. It's telling me that I'm helpless to do anything except watch it happen.
All I wanted was a soda....""
Mulder stares down the bomb.
@unremarkablehouse/Surajtare's Pizza
""Earlier that afternoon they had stood among the smoldering debris and settling ash, amid the scream of fire trucks and ambulances and pedestrians, as those least concussed from the blast attempted to sort of the kind of error that causes a building to explode in downtown Dallas. The SAC was dead, that much was clear, and the advisory agents who helped lead the search in the misidentified building took no time at all to decide that Agents Mulder and Scully could be chargeable scapegoats.
It was almost fifty minutes after the explosion that Mulder was able to press a bottle of water into her dusty hand and nearly two hours after that that they were finally dismissed.""
Scully is concerned over the bombing; and all of Mulder's joking and teasing can't pull that anxiety from her.
Suzanne Schramm's Falling
""Only in my nightmares do I fall. Mulder has spent over twenty years in a free fall. I've always realized that I was his life line but tonight it no longer seems like such a burden. I acknowledge to myself, at last, that I need him just as desperately. He, too, makes me whole. Tonight he is the one who's grounded and I am falling. My eyes fill with tears and I cannot find the words to express my overwhelming love for him.""
Scully has lived with 'falling' nightmares all her life; but she and Mulder live it for real after the bee stings.
goodgriff's 15 Minutes
His eyes flew open and he inhaled a gust of wind. “Cold,” he echoed her words from earlier.
“Don’t sleep.” She kissed his brow, his eyes. He had never felt so loved. He had never been so cold. “Don’t sleep. Look at me—I need you to open your eyes and look at me.”
“Scully,” he whispered hoarsely, and forced his lids to rise.
“Hi,” she smiled, her eyes filling with frozen tears. “Hi,” she whispered again, reverently.""
On a timer for survival, Scully power drags Mulder to the Snocat, soothing him along the way and CPR-ing him back to life.
We Always Reveled in the Pain - Chapter 6
""Come on, Scully,” he insists, desperation wrapping its fingers around his throat. “Please. We can make it back.” He pulls her with him for a few steps, but every time she moves her legs, white-hot pain shoots up from her foot and she whimpers. “Scully.”
He acquiesces and sits down again, pulling her back onto his lap and wrapping his arms around her as she presses her forehead against his. “I’m sorry,” she breathes into the warm, stinging air between them.""
Mulder tries to rescue Scully after he wakes; but the two collapse poetically in the snow, together even in death.
A First (Ao3)
""They’re both weary even a week after Antarctica—him from being shot in the head, her from the bizarre effects of the Africanized honey bee, and both of them from the beginnings of frostbite. Still, Mulder sneaks out of bed one night and knocks gently on her door three times to announce his presence. Scully opens the door and ushers him inside with a furtive glance into the hallway....""
AU--Post FTF Mulder sneaks to visit his under wraps gf Scully to celebrate having survived their newest adventure.
Girlie_girl7's and FoxfireX's
Reflections in the Reflecting Pool
""Can you get out of the pool Mulder? I can't carry you."
Mulder looks at Scully dejectedly, "I carried you the length of a buried space craft. The least you can do is carry me to the car."
"Come on Mulder." <grunt> "And it was NOT a buried spacecraft."
"Ouch, ouch, careful. Was too."
Post FTF Mulder trips right into the reflecting pool, sprains his ankle, and drags Scully in with him.
Susanne Barringer's Awakening
""I've never seen you sleep," he says gently, once again reaching out to brush away that same strand of hair that has dropped onto my cheek with my movement toward sitting up. I look at him curiously.
"What are you talking about, Mulder? Of course you have." He nods his head in the negative.
"No," he responds.""
Post FTF Scully wakes from an impromptu nap; and is surprised that Mulder had-- despite his own burdens-- enjoyed watching her blissfully sleep.
GingerAlchemy's Static Codes
""Trying not to look. Looking anyway. This is mostly what they do these days, if she’s being honest with herself. Scully sometimes feels like her whole life is spent trying not to see things for what they are.
But today, she’s in the driver’s seat and he’s reclining in the passenger seat with his lanky limbs all stretched out and a tabloid magazine in his hands.
...From where she sits, there’s not a thing wrong in the world.
“Scully, you’d never believe this. This woman claims she’s the reincarnation of Elvis.""
Post FTF Scully ruminates on purposefully not seeing as she and Mulder bump along companionably on a dead-end Kersh detail.
marasmus's (Xanadu) Life During Wartime 06 - Stand by the Window (Or, Things to Do in Dulwich When You're Dead)
""Once they had tracked him down, only his threatened cascade of disclosure kept them at a distance, growling and snapping.
A few years ago he might have fought them, might have tried to disappear for good, or else oust Strughold. Now he was simply tired of it all.
And so he was finally forced to live the life he had pretended to have all along.""
Post FTF Well-Manicured Man didn't die in the car bomb, living in retirement until the events of Two Fathers/One Son.
FabulousMonster's Hair Wars
""Despite my dislike, I thought the Hair served its purpose over the past year. It provided some levity, albeit to the wrong people. I knew The Gunmen--mavens of style--had been merciless in their critique.
But I think the Hair was Mulder's way of taking control of our roller-coaster existence last year. It wasn't lost on me that the Hair underwent renovations during high moments of stress. While we were off the X-Files, the Hair stayed consistently shorn. It was spiked to the heavens everytime we met with Kersh. When the ghost told Mulder that he was prone to paramasturbatory illusions, the Hair's sideburns virtually disappeared. I could almost hear the Flowbee being fired up after his drug-induced declaration of love in Bermuda.
I looked over at him again.... The Hair stuck its tongue out at me.""
Finally: an explanation for post FTF Mulder's horrendous buzzcuts and Scully's tragic S7 hair-- and TLG celebrating their friends' liberation. (I adore this fic with everything in me.)
Ten's (The Salvation Archive)
Laid Bare (Alt.)
""I knew he wasn't THAT far gone.
"Okay, here's the deal. Every few feet you manage, you rack up another kiss, to be delivered when we're settled in the snowcat. Reaching the snowcat will give you the bonus prize of some heavy necking, and a guarantee that when we get home, you'll get much, much more."
He blinks and gapes....
We make it to the snowcat. Now I know how to keep him from ditching me in the future... I should have worked out long ago that incentives are much more effective than threats...""
Scully threatens then wheedles Mulder back to the Snocat, helping to insulate him with alien goo, bring down his temperature, and reassure him he rescued her necklace as well. And after their release, she refuses to let her partner distance himself.
Sliding Doors
""Doors were opening along the hallway, neighbours sticking their heads out....
Mulder suddenly let out a strained choking noise. It abruptly ceased.
"Mulder?" Scully froze, then checked his vitals. His pulse was beating...
He wasn't breathing.""
AU-- Mulder accidentally squashes the bee on Scully and gets stung on his palm. getting stung on his palm. Between calling for help and trying to keep him alive in the hallway, Scully doesn't see danger until it-- literally-- smacks her in the face. But, of course, she's NOT letting her partner perish in Antarctica, stealing her mother's clothes and chastising herself all the forlorn way.
Beneath the Surface
""I couldn't hear the voices anymore. Whoever it was had probably gone to get help or security or something. Mulder would probably keep moving the car forward at the same pace, just enough to force me inexorably backwards until he had enough room to get the car out of the space. I couldn't let that happen. So I took a deep breath and pushed myself sideways, falling so that I lay directly in front of the left wheel. Leaving no room for him to manoeuvre except over me.
I'd left a metre between me and the bumper bar, but it was still scary to see the tread of the tire before me and hear the engine running.""
AU-- Scully thought Mulder had died in FTF, and vowed to make a confession once and more all. But he starts shoving her away, making rash decisions in The Beginning, and becoming shorter tempered and angrier at her. She realizes his hard-headedness has more to do with his actual head than their relationship.
Safe Now (Ao3)
""You were in the middle of nowhere, miles away from Bureaucracy and rules. Out here you were just Mulder and Scully- two people who witnessed and survived the impossible.""
Mulder wakes, holding Scully while a kind, random stranger hauls them back to safety.
100 days of 100 word dialogue prompts - Chapter 20
""Did you think I wouldn’t?” Mulder asks.
Unconscious, Scully hadn’t thought anything. In that tube, seeing him there, she thought she had died.
“It was irrational,” she says shaking her head.
Mulder smiles. “Would you expected anything different?""
Mulder brushes off Scully's shock that he'd followed her.
50 Days of Prompts - Chapter 19
""Why did you do it?”
Why did he go all the way to Antarctica.
“To save you,” he answers almost bewildered himself that she was really asking her that. “Because they shouldn’t have taken you, it’s not fair.” He shakes his head. “None of it’s fair.” All the pain he’s caused her; the abduction, death of her sister, the cancer, this. It all just keeps adding and adding and he can’t anymore, he won’t.
Scully sighs once more, looks to be defeated, and sits down beside him.
“Is that all you did it for?” she asks quietly.""
Mulder reiterates his dedication to and love for Scully over Diana.
Karen Rasch's
Fate, Chance, Kings and Desperate Men
""Oh well, that's what you get for visiting Antarctica out of season, he now silently mused as he padded stiffly across the tiled floor towards his partner, treading as quietly as he was able. Way too much unwanted attention. As far as he could tell, Scully and he were the only two full-time patients the facility had. So, together, they bore the brunt of the staff's zeal. Much to Mulder's dismay. He had repeatedly assured the medical personnel attending to his wellbeing. I'm fine, he told them. A little tired. A little crispy around the edges. But once you got past that and the assorted aches and pains throbbing along the length of his battered form, he really didn't have much to complain about. Nothing that a few hundred ibuprofen couldn't cure.
He wished he could say the same about Scully.""
Scully slowly recovers after being rescued.
Erin M. Blair's (Ao3)
Leaving My Love
""I can't let them divide us. I won't let it happen. If I leave him, who will protect him? Who will help him find the truth? Who will....? Don't go there, Dana. You know he loves you; you could see it his eyes.
I can't leave him.""
Scully leaves OPR determined not to let Them break the partnership; but she is unresolved on confessing her feelings or clinging to Mulder under the guise of professionalism. She knows he loves her; but....
As I Wait
""None of this make any sense to me at all. How could it make any sense? If it made any sense, Scully and I wouldn't have to appear at the Office of Professional Review.""
Mulder, excused from OPR, wallows in his confusion over being blamed for the tragedy... and almost dying without telling Scully he'd loved her.
The Conversation of Love
""Mulder and I were at the reflecting pool after my meeting with the Office of Professional Review. He wanted me to quit and to become a doctor. I know why. He didn't want anything to happen to me. He was scared of losing me. He was scared that I might die.
I would never leave you, Mulder. How could I leave you after everything that we had been through? It's impossible for me to leave. "If I quit now, they win." I gazed into his hazel eyes with a smile on my face. I love him. I know I love him.""
AU-- Post FTF Scully purposefully picks up the threads of their hallway conversation back at her apartment.
The Reunion
""I hope the bee doesn't sting me again," Scully murmured as she watched Mulder turning the key to open his door to his apartment....
"Ha. Ha. Very funny, Scully.""
AU-- Post FTF Scully and Mulder pick up where they left off.
If the Bee Hadn't Stung Scully
""When Scully and I got back from Antartica, I was wondering what would happen if the bee hadn't stung her.""
AU-- Post FTF Mulder is oddly grateful that the bee stung Scully, since it did help them validify the reinstatement of the X-Files and brought to light their unspoken feelings.
Returning the Cross
""The cross necklace symbolized many things for both Mulder and I. For me, it symbolized my faith. My faith in God. My faith in Mulder.
As for Mulder, my necklace symbolized me. When I was missing, he finally told me that he wore the necklace to be close to me. He told me while I was in the coma that I had the strength of my own beliefs to pull through. I think that he wore it to feel my strength to pull him through.""
AU-- Post FTF Scully mourns the loss of her cross. Mulder drops in, gifts it back to her, and picks up where they left off in his hallway.
Discovery Of A New Hope
""Why are you calling?"
"This has something to do with that bomb," Erin answered, in a professional manner.
Scully saw her husband's impatient expression and decided to end the conversation. "Erin, we'll talk later.""
AU-- Mulder and Scully are married and expecting their third baby; but that, of course, doesn't prevent him from almost dying trapped with a bomb. Despite Scully's fears that their partnership will be broken up, her cousin (of all people) help the duo pull through.
Then, Let's Go Home
""Penny for your thoughts, Scully?"
"Hmm? Oh, I was just wondering where we go from here. You do know, of course, they'll destroy, cleanse, sanitize each and every thing we've said and written, everything we knew as evidence, and think they've broken us. But they haven't. I think you know that as well as I do." She patted his arm and smiled slightly, weariness showing around her eyes.""
Post FTF Mulder is shocked that Scully is staying by his side-- she even admits the spaceship, for his sake.
And Then He Kissed Me
""For our efforts to expose something dangerous and frightening, I was kidnapped. experimented upon twice, and now everything we accomplished has been for nothing. We have to pick up the pieces, pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and get on with things. Things? THINGS will never be the same.""
AU-- Post FTF Scully sticks by Mulder more than ever; and is deliciously happy that he slowly picks up where they left off.
jordan's Alligator Moon
""Edgar Ray Terran was dead. The wet parts of him seemed to have ended up on Scully, or splattered among the leaves, or in a long furrow filled with blackish blood and gore. There were patches of skin and hair on the tree trunks on the path, and fragments of clothing torn in pieces on the ground. The scene looked like the aftermath of an airplane crash with only one passenger and no plane....
Then almost without any thought at all, she had the Sig in her hands and Mulder was holding his automatic in a two handed grip and they were facing away from each other, turning in a slow circle. Whoever or whatever had done this was still out there. Scully felt her back come up warm and solid against his. They stopped for a moment, their breathing exactly in synch.""
Trapped in a cabin surrounded by either cocaine or sugar, Mulder and Scully are forced to pause long enough to address some of the frustrations of their stalemate after FTF-- and hopefully survive a particularly vicious wendigo.
EllieL/Ellie's Between Two Truths
""Mulder's words struck a chord with me. I was raised to believe that there was no greater democracy that American, but my work on the X-Files has challenged this belief. I now know this government keeps secrets from their people. And they do not do it alone. These secrets are the truth we seek.""
Post FTF Scully sits in the dark on a stakeout, thinking over the Antarctica adventure, Mulder's truth, and her new faith.
Taverl's Arlington
""As the cab pulled away from the curb, he tried to calm his thoughts, to focus on the night ahead and the anticipation of seeing her again. Even though it had been a while since he had shown up on her doorstep he knew she wouldn't turn him away. But he also knew her acceptance would change nothing. 
Mulder mulls over Kurtzweil's hints, slowly coming around to investigating them with Scully (who he'd often dropped in for "late night" visits before.)
insouuuuf’s this is not going to end well.
““Her heart is racing ; a sudden feeling of uneasiness is settling into her.
Not because she doesn’t know who it is.
Oh no.
She knows.
That’s what’s making her feel that way. Him. At her place.
Three loud poundings in the middle of the night ? After what happened this afternoon ? : this is not going to end well.””
Mulder is not tipped off by Kurtzweil but winds his way to Scully’s anyway. She finally addresses their relationship, as well as her thoughts, goals, and fears. 
RebeccaRusnak/Anonymous‘s (mulderscreek) Small Blessings
""I didn't realize you were that big of a Sox Fan."
"It's not that. It's the principal of the thing."
"There's principal in a ballgame?"
"Normalcy, then. Think about it. It's about as far from here as you can get. The quintessential American moment.""
Mulder and Scully fantasize about warm summers and tropical vacations while waiting in the Snocat; but she doesn't let them brush off another genuine moment, leading up to an "I love you."
Jennifer Stoy's Somebody's Goodnight Kiss
""I remember the hallway very well. Her eyes ringed with tears, and a flicker that I swore was desire. My very own corner of beauty in the world, and she was gone. So long, Mulder. I'm leaving and that's that. I couldn't let it go.
"You were gonna kiss me," she murmurs. "But I was gonna kiss you right back at the same time."
My mind slips away from that and to the ice. Always the ice.""
Post FTF Mulder, hazy and discouraged in DC summer sun, asks Scully how she can keep going. A little tune and words of love help restore his spirits.
Anne Haynes's (Gossamer)
Package Deal (Alt.)
" She blinked, as if finally realizing that he was confused. "You haven't listened to ANY messages today?"
He shook his head.
A slow smile spread across her face, lighting it up from within. "Mulder, there's a message on your machine from Skinner. The FBI is reopening the X-Files."
Mulder felt something curl into a hot, tight little knot inside him. He sank to the coffee table in front of where she sat.
"Skinner said that Cassidy couldn't dispute the need to look into the possibility of a terrorist plot to spread a virus for which we currently have no cure. Based on our findings in the Dallas bombing case, they had no choice but to arrange for the reactivation of the only unit in the FBI qualified to pursue such investigations." Scully's ended her explanation with another mega-watt smile.
He couldn't help but smile back. "You did it, Scully."
AU-- Mulder and Scully are overjoyed: their trip to Antarctica bolstered their case, earning them an expansion for their office. They both start to solidify their own personal relationship as well.
(Follow up to this might be Chin Music/chinmusi.txt... I think.)
@im-a-goddamn-cat/Owlfrost1's (FFN) One Man Not Alone
""She begins walking down the hall, looking at all the containers and realizes that they're cropods of some kind. She goes over to one and wipes the snow off it so she can see inside. Inside is a man.... She wipes more of the snow away towards the bottom and sees something else in the cryopod with him. It isn't human and it isn't an animal of any kind.
It can only be described as alien.""
Mulder is stung instead of Scully; and she moves heaven and earth with fury to get him back.
stellar_dust's (Ao3) Heaven's Ashes (Ao3)
""Mulder turned the knobs wildly on the remaining oxygen tanks, praying he was turning them the right way, breathing with relief when he heard the telltale hiss, shoved Scully inside the transport bed and climbed in after her, pulled the top closed just seconds before something that was all claws and teeth and eyes and slime slammed into the side -
Mulder held his breath. The seal held.
Two more crashes - three - the vessel still held, and the thing slunk away after easier prey. He breathed again.
Outside the tiny capsule of sanity, he could hear raucous screams and cries, loud, cloying wails as though a soul was torn asunder from its body, muted through the walls of the isolation chamber. Mulder shivered, and the entire huge structure shuddered almost in perverted empathy.""
The vaccine malfunctions the ship, killing all the alien lifeforms and skyrocketing Mulder and Scully to space before they can escape. There is no hope of return; and Scully wrestles with anger and fear before resigning herself, returning to Mulder determined to spend whatever life she has left with him.
@nowwhateinstein's (Ao3)
Seeking Warmth (Ao3)
""Aren’t we a pair of ragamuffin Eskimos.” Mulder says the words quietly, just loud enough for me to hear over the crunching cadence of our feet as we trudge across the ice towards the hulking mass of a C-130 aircraft. Despite the geographic faux paux, his words are oddly encouraging, and I do my best to ignore the curious stares of the well-insulated, hale and hearty passengers who stream by us. Compared to them, we do make for a shabby duo: Mulder’s parka is ripped in several places, and the duct tape he used for patching only draws attention to that fact. My jacket isn’t much better....
We’re far behind the rest of the group, now. I’m still weak from dehydration and exposure, and have difficulty maintaining my usual “brisk pace,” as Mulder describes it. The over-sized boots aren’t helping, either. I have to stop and catch my breath for a moment. Despite the thick layers I’m wearing, I can feel the pressure of Mulder’s hand against the small of my back. He hasn’t left my side since my release from the Station's sick bay, and he clearly won’t leave me now.""
Scully, though a little wear and tear, feels better the closer she gets to DC, giving back some of Mulder's mother-henning and hallway gesturing when he returns her necklace.
 Violetta_Valery's The bee in the room
""They spend the next couple of hours turning the office upside down, in search of the vial. The smell of the smoke hits and stirs the air with every cabinet opened, every drawer rummaged, and it dilutes the heavy fragrance of Diana. Suddenly neither remembers the woman had even been there, too involved in the task of digging the truth.
It feels just like their golden days, and as they steal gazes at each other, both can tell there’s almost a thrill to it, a joy only them can truly grasp. But the vial is nowhere in their office. There is no stone left to be turned there, there’s no sign of it, and the search ends like countless of their cases: with a sense of bitter frustration, closed, but with a loose end to it. Only this time, they feel it in their bones. This time, it is personal.""
Post FTF Mulder and Scully burrow their hallway frustrations into righteous anger over Diana Fowley's betrayal (a heavily redacted OPR report)... and then decide to avoid their unspoken no longer.
Amatia's One Man, But Not Alone
""I don't even get a thank you?" he asked, reaching out to wrap his long fingers around her arm as she turned to place the glass back on a card table to the left of his bed. Beside it was another cot, the blankets rumpled.
He may be only one man, but he was not alone.""
Scully confesses her own feelings when Mulder finally wakes.
Paper and Amber Liquid
""Mulder's cell phone rang. "Mulder."
"Well, well, if it isn't Fox Mulder," came an unmistakable voice.
Mulder immediately tensed. "Is it true?"
"Yes it's true, you idiot," Alex Krycek snapped.
"Why?" Mulder asked.
"Why what?"
"Why'd you give it to me?""
After Mulder and Scully scrabble back to the Snocat and are rescued, Krycek decides to do them a solid by mailing them a little more vaccine. Scully takes the cure, doses up Mulder, and starts working on making more.
""I sigh, considering a sarcastic remark but instead seeking refuge in the enigmatic. "That 'Whoever reflects on four things, it were better he had never been born: that which is above, that which is below, that which is before, and that which is after.'"
A normal woman would've remarked on how depressing that is, or thought of some intellectual reply, but Scully just scrunches up her face for a moment and then says, "The Talmud, right?"
With Scully, never assume.""
AU-- Post FTF Mulder ruminates on the on-again/off-again relationship he had with Scully since S3; and the agonizingly slow climb to this moment where he can finally say "I love you." with Scully, their tender relationship and hard times that led them to this moment on the couch, waiting for her to wake.
Pillar of Salt
""The chanting stopped, and as Mulder's vision cleared, he identified its source--Arthur von Deer, eyes and mouth wide in a cartoonish mask as he gaped at the resurrected agent. In his hands were two defibrillator paddles, but Mulder could see the machine attached to them wasn't charging. The endless, electric wail was coming from the heart monitor near Scully's head.""
AU?--Post FTF Mulder and Scully investigate a casefile that brings them both to death and face-to-face with losses that refuse to leave. Dreams and visions and double realities help them confront the one that they've brushed under the rug.
Said the Spider to the Fly
""Skinner hadn't given her pictures of the bee sting, or what came after.
"I'm only urging you to be careful," her supervisor had told her fiercely.
As if on cue, Mulder spoke roughly, a catch in his throat. "Who gave you these?"
She wet her lips. "Skinner." The older man's voice still rang in her mind: _I'm on your side, Scully. I know how this looks, but you have to trust me.""
AU-- Post FTF Skinner brings surveillance photos to Scully, concerned about Mulder's mental state and warning her about stricter Consortium surveillance. She flees with Mulder to a motel, carefully prying him open about his wounds from his sister and ex-wife. Of course, not is all as it seems.
Recovery 01
Recovery 02
Recovery 03
Recovery 04
""I open the door to his apartment and he's still sitting on the couch, looking as glum as can be. I shouldn't have abandoned him like that. I shouldn't have left him alone just because he asked about Diana....
Mulder has no memory of the way we've been teasing and romancing each other this summer. But I do. Nothing earth shattering. Just a lot of quiet dinners at nice little places. A lot of moonlit walks.... He probably suspects that the shooting is what crumbled my resistance, forced me to affirm my feelings for him. Yes, most definitely it shook me up, made me re-evaluate our relationship. But also there were the events of the past few months, when our caseload dwindled and we had time to relax with one another.
He can't remember those lazy summer days we spent together and I regret that, because I've never been courted like that by any man, especially a man like Mulder. I'm determined to give him some much better memories once he gets his health back.""
S7 Mulder is shot on a case, losing all of his memoires of their life post the events of Fight the Future. Scully is devastated; but finds his private journal so he can relive the past year and becomes his encouraging shadow.
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lilydalexf · 2 years
👽 Random X-Files Fic Rec
This fic is an intriguing casefile where Mulder takes Scully on a "nice trip to the forest." Scully dreads the trip (spoiler: the trip is upsetting and dangerous), but she does meet a flirty ranger. Mulder is not so fond of this development and gets jealous. How delightful for all 3 of them to be staying in the same small tent! By which I mean delightful for the reader because this fic is a great mix of a case and the personal. Title: Dark Water Author: Suzanne Schramm Summary: Prehistoric insects. Mothmen. Now it's a publicity-shy tribe of murderers. Just another nice trip to the forest with Mulder. Length: 99k (~17,250 words) Classification: X-File, Angst, UST Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: Season 5, Pre "The End" Favorite line: Scully had sometimes wondered if it was the long, dry spell in her social life or just Mulder himself causing the flutters in her stomach. Read the story!
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perfettamentechic · 1 month
28 marzo … ricordiamo …
28 marzo … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2023: Ryūichi Sakamoto è stato un musicista, compositore e attore giapponese. Viene considerato tra i pionieri della fusione tra la musica etnica orientale e le sonorità elettroniche occidentali. Dapprima membro degli Yellow Magic Orchestra, gruppo musicale seminale per la musica elettronica giapponese e il j-pop, Sakamoto inaugurò successivamente la carriera solista e divenne compositore di note…
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mindibindi · 8 months
⭐(Re)Visit a Classic XF Fic [7/7]⭐
So, as part of The X files 30th anniversary celebrations, I took it upon myself to highlight some of the AMAZING authors I first read in this fandom. They were a HUGE part of my experience of watching the show during it's original run. For shippers, the original run was a marathon in faith, frustration and endurance. We were judged, dismissed, ridiculed and gaslit throughout. But in fandom, we found solidarity, and in fanfic, we found solace. (AND we won in the end, so THERE).
As a retired author, I also have a vested interest in pleading the case of older writers. Fanfic archives are libraries, not social media sites. Don't just read whatever comes up most recently in your feed. Search. Discover. Explore. Experiment. Yes, there are some differences in older fanfic culture that are evident in these seven recs. Characters may be understood differently in their original context, narrative style may also differ (more 1st/2nd person address that even addresses the reader directly), there may also be less clear trigger warnings and fewer opportunities for feedback/community. I know we all love AO3 and are grateful for its good works. But don't forget that there are other avenues through which to explore fanfiction.
For this final rec, I want to return to the first author I rec-ed. I urge you to check out her other works. The characters are sometimes a little overwrought or OOC but even when they are, her stuff is tremendously messy, sexy and fun. Here Mulder and Scully are perfectly in character in a rather rauchy scenario. (If you're a babyphile and you don't know the politics at play then ask an auntyphile to fill you in). I will post links below for all the classic authors I have rec-ed, along with a few archives you may want to check out.
Rec #7:
MSR, obligatory stakeout fic
Prompted by current events, Mulder and Scully discuss oral sex
Some knowledge of the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky scandal required
Rachel Anton (inc lots of Krycek content)
Suzanne Schramm
Narida Law
The search engine is not great but Gossamer IS still up and running:
X-Libris is a current archive that is doing a great job of recovering older works. You can suggest fics to be added to the site or even ask for a long lost fic to be tracked down!!
Smaller archives but also still up and running is Whispers of X and XFSM, both of which are good for different pairings, threesomes and a bit of kink, if that's your jam.
In particular, if you're into BDSM then you may want to check out Kristel St Johns "Aphrodisia" which does a beautiful job of putting Mulder and Scully in a v different, intense kind of physical relationship . The novel is unfinished but definitely still worth a read.
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enigmaticxbee · 1 year
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Casefiles - Fic Recs
Need just the right case to push you from UST to RST with your not so platonic work partner? Casefiles with slow burn MSR are my jam:
Early On:
Universal Invariants by @syntax6 - set over the course of a canon-parallel version of season 1 and early season 2 where Scully’s boyfriend Ethan who was cut from the pilot sticks around. One of my all time favorites.
Classic Era (or I don’t know when it’s set so I picture season 3):
This House Is Burning by Tesla - serial killer undercover case set at a ski resort.
Under Covers by skinfull- Scully goes undercover.
We’re Married Now by skinfull - married undercover with a cult.
Scary Stories by skinfull - investigating urban legends.
Homicidal Tendencies by Swikstr - crossover with Homicide: Life on the Street, but you don’t need to know that show. Scully/Other ending in MSR.
Cancer Arc Era:
The Common Fate of All Things Rare by @aloysiavirgata and Scarlet - post Never Again, filling in the blanks leading up to Momento Mori.
Omens by @lepus-arcticus - a cancer era classic.
On Untying the Endless Knot, and Other Improbable Things by secondsflat - post Demons, dealing with Mulder’s lingering flashbacks and tying back to the post lives from The Field Where I Died.
Gates of Hell by @alienqueequeg - post remission they work a cold case from Scully’s past.
Embers by @syntax6 - post remission as they explore a new relationship.
Laws of Motion by @syntax6 - sequel to Universal Invariants, set over the course of season 5.
More Than a Feeling by @sisterspooky1013 - undercover at a carnival with fake dating goodness.
You He Did Not Fail by extraordinary_ordinary - AU where Scully leaves the X-Files post-remission. Two years later their paths cross again on a case.
Post FTF:
Queen’s Gambit by Suzanne Schramm - early season 6 serial killer case.
Kinesthesia by Amy - early season 6 undercover at a fairground.
Quietus by Allison Johnson - early season 6 follow up to Paper Hearts.
Suspicious Minds by skinfull - undercover as a couple at a drug compound.
Lesser Evils by Hannah Mason - fun dramatic, tropey Scully is kidnapped, will Mulder save her in time?
Cold Cuts by Joann Humby - serial killer case.
No Earthly Means by Circe Invidiosa aka @invidiosa - season 6 follow up to Gender Bender.
March by bluesamutra - post Tithonus
Speechless by Anjou - post Tithonus
Heart’s Desire by @malibusunset-xf-blog - post Two Fathers/One Son. My favorite Scully/Other fic - ends in MSR, but it’s probably the only fic where I’ve thought that Mulder might be the wrong choice.
Overnight Sensation by @syntax6 - post Two Fathers/One Son case in Boston. A favorite.
Arizona Highways by Fialka - post Two Father/One Son, dealing with the discovery of more Emilys. A classic.
Ensky by ViXen - late season 6 serial killer case.
Lacuna by @aloysiavirgata - post Milagro, Scully/Other ending in MSR.
Amish Country by Lolabeegood - serial rapist case within an Amish case. Undercover married, a favorite.
Mind Games by Spider - featuring profiler!Mulder. Warning for very disturbing case details.
Margaritas by agoodwoman - post The Unnatural morning after.
Watching Wall by amerella - post The Sixth Extinction: Amor Fati
Petrichor by @aloysiavirgata - post The Sixth Extinction: Amor Fati
Damsels by @sisterspooky1013 - Scully goes undercover at a strip club.
Hallowed by @gaycrouton - married undercover in a cult.
Parabiosis by penumbra - set across season 7, an all time favorite.
Wing and Prayer by Revely - post En Ami, investigating a miracle.
Seeds of Synchronicity by mountainphile - follow up to Aubrey 6 years later.
Late Era:
Mobius by L.A. Ward - while Mulder is missing a missing scientist’s case leads Scully to Mulder in an unexpected way.
Gerber Daisies by DiscordantWords - set during the back half of season 8, case involving Charlie Scully.
If anyone has any IWTB or revival era casefile recs please let me know!
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syntax6 · 3 years
Hey! You’re one of my fav authors and I’m craving some novel length MSR similar to your style! What are some of your favs?
Aw, thanks so much! I have not read XF with any regularity since about 2006, so I am probably not the best person to ask about this. That said, here are a few long MSR fics that have at least something in common with me, and which I have enjoyed:
Bone of Contention, by Kel and Michelle Kiefer
Malus Genius, by Plausible Deniability and Amanda Wilde
Resurgam, by Ophelia
Arizona Highways, by Fialka
Increments, by DashaK
The Way Things Are, by Sukie Tawdry
Queen’s Gambit, by Suzanne Schramm
The Thirty-Sixth, by Jess M
Goshen and the follow-on stories, by Bonetree
Jack, by Exley61
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asifyoudidntknow · 2 years
Scully felt a surge of gratitude for Mulder. For his dogged determination in saving her, not just from a distant frozen grave, but from herself. His beliefs, however irrational they sometimes were, challenged her and kept her from becoming a caricature of herself. He appealed to the nearly forgotten child in her. His sense of wonder in a world that had treated him so callously was reassuring somehow.
Queens Gambit by Suzanne Schramm
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I need some hot fic recs. What are you favs?
HOO BOY. Alright, so what have you read?
I’m always into Master of Reality by Khyber (just re-read that one this afternoon)
Not Close Enough - Lysandra - Sexytimes, but kinda cute too.
Road Roughly Traveled - Suzanne Feld - Lots of sex in this one.
Blue Light Special - Jori - Sex, and Mulder meets Charlie Scully
Sleeping Bags - Andrea - Mulder, Scully, a snowstorm, some snuggling for warmth, and then... more than snuggling. 
Office Play - Avalon - More or less what it sounds like. They fuck in the office.
Thank You - Cyra Scully’s not very good at expressing herself during sex, Mulder reads her journal and they kinda work on it a little.
Consequences - Suzanne Schramm - I don’t actually have a description for this one, but I like it.
Desk Job - Amorfati32 - Set in S10, Scully goes down on Mulder in the basement office. They almost get caught by Tad O'Malley. Then Mulder returns the favor. It's very, very hot.
Getting Better - Alicia K - Scully has a bad day. Mulder makes it better.
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Fic rec!
Y’all!! This story is AWESOME! I loved it! It’s funny, and sexy, and got a tiny little bit of a case file (a wee one, anyway lol), and it is hot, hot, HOT! BTW, I discovered it via @i-dont-wanna-wrestle ‘s list “MSR First Times by Trope: 1 bed edition” - which has provided me with many happy hours of reading enjoyment, thank you dear💋, but I can’t seem to link to here 🤬
Impulse by Suzanne Schramm
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txf-fic-chicks-blog · 7 years
Novel Length Friday
Philes!  We have a feeling you’re going to hate/love us for this.  This week we are doing a  recap of the last few months to allow everyone to catch up on novel length fics, and to read anything that may have been missed.  Trust us, each one of these stories is so worth cancelling any and all plans for.  So, please, scroll through and read till your heart’s content.  
Each link provided below takes you to the original post, which contains the length, rating, trigger warnings, and a synopsis. 
Lots of love, and we will see you with something fun and fresh for Smut Sunday!
And Death Shall Have No Dominion by Jean Helms
As by Dri
Diary of the Second Holocaust by Megan Reilly
A Legacy by dlynn
Twelve Tales of Christmas by Anne Haynes
The 13th Sign by Prufrock’s Love
The Sins of the Father by MD1016
Summer’s Lease by Brandon D. Ray
All Things Bright and Beautiful by dlynn
An Alluring Indiscretion by Beduini and M. Taylor Harrison
Original Sin by Syntax6
Lost Time by Spider
Portions of Eternity by Dianora
City of Light by Bonetree
Butterflies All Tied Up by Bugs
Mesabi Ferum by Zoonr
And We Remain by Shannono
Queens Gambit by Suzanne Schramm
*Please note:  there is a post from August which contains a list of earlier novel length fics.  We can’t find it, but if you do, feel free to read those as well!
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onecountrycom-blog · 6 years
Luke Combs, Dustin Lynch, Lauren Alaina Make HGTV Lodge The Place to Be During CMA Fest
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There are many, many locations to see your favorite country music stars during CMA Music Fest. But for us, the HGTV Lodge is the place to be. Constructed only for CMA Fest, you won't see it any other time, the cozy barn in the middle of downtown Nashville helps fans get out of the heat and enjoy some great country music. Boasting a lineup that rivals Riverfront stage and even Nissan stadium, the HGTV booked country's hottest acts, including Luke Combs, Trisha Yearwood, Kip Moore, Dustin Lynch, Lee Ann Womack, Lauren Alaina, Ashley McBryde, LoCash, Michael Ray, Jon Pardi and Lee Brice.
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Photo by Jamie Schramm/CMA Hosted by Suzanne Alexander, who welcomes fans to the intimate venue, some of the performances are coupled with an on the spot Q&A by the host. In case you weren't able to make it to the Lodge this year, there's always next year. But you can also tune in to CMA Fest, a 3-hour special, hosted by Kelsea Ballerini and Thomas Rhett that will feature an exclusive performance by Midland from inside the Lodge.  
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KIP MOORE - Photo by Nick Zimmer/CMA  
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LEE ANN WOMACK - Photo by Caitlin Harris/CMA  
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LUKE COMBS - Photo by Hunter Berry/CMA  
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JON PARDI - Photo by Angela Everett/CMA  
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CAM - Photo by Dusty Draper/CMA  
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MIDLAND - Photo by Hunter Berry/CMA  
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LAUREN ALAINA - Photo by John Russell/CMA
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HGTV LODGE - Photo by Caitlin Harris/CMA Read the full article
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perfettamentechic · 1 year
28 marzo … ricordiamo …
28 marzo … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2020: David Schramm, David Michael Schramm, attore statunitense. Era conosciuto principalmente per il suo ruolo di Roy Biggins, il proprietario della linea aerea nella serie televisiva Wings. È apparso in tutti i 172 episodi. Dopo Wings, Schramm è tornato a recitare sul palcoscenico sia nei teatri di tutto il paese che a Broadway. Morto all’età di 73 anni per un attacco di cuore. (n. 1946) 2020:…
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lilydalexf · 5 months
hi! do you know of any fics where mulder or scully (i think this fits either of them well) ask the other "can i kiss you?" ? its my favourite fic "trope" but i think ive only found one xf fic that does it and i cant even remember it, please help!
Thank you for this ask! I have (many) older asks I maybe should've answered first, but it was very fun compiling this rec list of fics where one of Mulder and Scully asks the other "Can I kiss you?" Enjoy! Anamorphosis by Megan Reilly Assigned to find a horrifying serial murderer, Agent Scully discovers things about herself and her past that she never suspected. City of Light by Bonetree On the run through the American Southwest, Scully and Mulder flee the shadowy forces of Owen Curran and Padden's government agents, who threaten their freedom and their lives. On the way, they must also struggle with their own demons, which threaten to tear them apart. (Part of the Goshen universe) Eleventh Hour by Rachel Anton Some feeling defy the confines of time. Fumbling Towards Ecstasy by Jenna Tooms Scully comes to Mulder with a wound only he can heal. general conundrums by @intrepidment Nonsense fluff. Impulse by Suzanne Schramm Mulder and Scully investigate some strange doings in a little town where people seem to have no control over their actions. Let's Bee Together by @baronessblixen Set during IWTB: Scully comes home from the hospital to find a bored and restless Mulder has picked up an interesting new hobby: apiculture. Little Notes by aRcaDIaNFall$ Mulder and Scully are bored in a meeting and start passing notes... The Mad Physicist & The Lab Rat by littlemisfit5290 (@alittlemissfit) "Who said I was even going to the party?” “I said you are if you plan on knowing whether I dressed up as a sexy alien or that beast woman.” MSR, pre IWTB, Halloween fluff. The Most Wonderful Time of the Year by Baroness_Blixen (@baronessblixen) For the first time ever, the FBI is doing a secret Santa exchange. But what do you do when you're not paired with the only person you can imagine exchanging gifts with? You do everything in your power to rig the game. Nuptiae Sub Rosa by SisterSpooky1013 and XFMaweezy (@sisterspooky1013 and @xfmaweezy) A series of canon-compliant missing scenes showing that some dynamics of Mulder and Scully’s relationship may have changed much earlier than previously thought. radiant by kittenscully (@kittenscully) Under normal circumstances, her vulnerability would shock him. But things are different now, the shift tectonic and undeniable. He owes her the same trust that she’s showing him. Saying the Words by Karen Rasch Mulder and Scully finally confront their feelings for the first time. (Part of the Words series) Tender Intent by A.I. Irving When Scully returns to work after recovering from her illness, Mulder discovers that she isn't quite the changed woman she claims to be. Untitled by @baronessblixen “I’ll kick his ass if you want me to.” / “Why do you only kiss me when I’m sleeping?” Untitled by @broadcastnews1987 a “what if one breath never happened au.” Untitled by @msrafterdark scully puts the moves on mulder post-millennium. What Happens In Vegas (Sometimes Finds Its Way Into Official Documents) by tiredmoonlight (@myshipsintheharbor) When some interesting news about the marital status of two agents finds its way to back to the FBI, questions are raised, the main one being that the agents don't actually remember getting married. While You Were Sleeping by Skinfull Mulder falls for an intoxicating red head he spots in the park, then saves her life but not before she is injured and put into a coma, then he meets her sister! Den den dehhhhhh! Seraphim by chekcough (@chekcough) After Mulder returns from the dead, Scully tries to pick up the pieces. AU, with Mulder/Scully relationship pre-established after FTF. Implied character suicide.
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lilydalexf · 2 years
👽 X-Files Fic Rec Roundup 2022, Part 5
Here is a master list of all my new X-Files fic recs from the last month. These and all my earlier recs can be found under my fic rec tag, where you can also read why I recced each story. This month I also newly posted the themed lists below. Enjoy!
Casefiles (part 3)
** Fic Rec Roundup 2022 parts 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 ** Dark Water by Suzanne Schramm (Casefile - ~17,250 words - PG-13) Meg by Apostrophic (@mappingthexfiles) (My Struggle IV - 3,741 words - General Audiences) Mere Ripple by Luperkal (Vignette - ~2,500 words - PG) Swimming In My Mind by theo_rathke (Season 7 - 1,405 words - Teen and up)
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lilydalexf · 4 years
👽 Random X-Files Fic Rec
This fic involves a serious casefile (bonus: Mulder is profiling mode), but it also heavily features Mulder and Scully trying to navigate their relationship. The story begins with an intimate Mulder/Scully encounter that they – surprise! – don't talk about at all even though it's practically all either of them can think about. It is a very, very good story packed with danger and romance. Title: Queen's Gambit Author: Suzanne Schramm Summary: Queen's Gambit: A chess strategy in which a player sacrifices key pieces in order to win. Length: 211k (~37,000 words) Classification: MSR, X-file, angst Rating: R for language, mild violence and sexual situations Spoilers: Season 6 through "Drive". In this universe, nothing after "Drive" has taken place. Favorite line: But now, with Mulder mere inches away, waiting for her kiss, she missed him with aching intensity. Read the story!
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lilydalexf · 5 years
👽 Random X-Files Fic Rec
This story is amazing, and you need to read it. Mulder and Scully have an extended conversation in a car about traffic that is intensely intellectual and teasing and somehow ends up with them talking about being in Mulder's hallway with a certain bee. Then they get to Scully's apartment, and you really need to read this story. Title: Consequences Author: Suzanne Schramm Summary: Every action has its consequences. Length: 37k (~6,200 words) Classification: MSR, a little humor Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: Through "Fight the Future" Favorite line: I've made my bed and I'm just dying to lie in it. Read the story!
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