flyingpotstickers · 1 year
“We’re going to find them.” Kara’s voice is determined, harsh. Defensive. Wanda’s pacing back and forth in the small DEO room, livid and ready to defend the children that aren’t there. Tommy and Billy are missing--- Fucking Agatha was somehow in National City, memories intact and ready for vengeance. Kara knows how her mother must have felt, the panic of losing your child to the enemy, all too well now. Kara wants to throw something, preferably at Agatha. She had to find their boys.
Wanda looks at Kara, her eyes filled with tears and rage. “We have to.” she says simply--- nothing else needs to be said. Kara knows how keenly Wanda is feeling this; she feels it too. Kara’s eyes darken as she turns at the sound of the door opening. It’s Alex. “Kara, Wanda.” She greets. “I need you to listen to the full story before we go out guns blaring.” Alex’s voice is stern. “We have to do this right, so we don’t get Tommy and Billy hurt.”
That convinces Kara and Wanda to stand down. Kara sits and pulls Wanda in close. “Tell us what you know.” Wanda squirms, still unused to showing affection in front of Alex. So Alex nods, sharp and silent. She tells them the whole of the information. “We need to be careful,” she insists again. “If Agatha has Kryptonite, Kara won’t be able to stop her.”
“So I go with her, and I’ll kill Agatha myself.” Wanda suggests with a growl. “The boys’ safety is paramount.” Kara nods in agreement. “We can do this together,” Kara is convincing as she speaks, her eyes wide. “Please Alex.”
“Kryptonite could kill you,” Alex reminds needlessly. “We don’t need you injured and kidnapped on top of the boys being gone. That’s why we’re waiting for Lena to finish correcting the Krypto suit. Then you can go. Okay?” Alex steels her gaze at Wanda. “Don’t do this alone, you won’t win.”
“Fine.” Immediately, Wanda regrets snapping. She deflates. “What’s the ETA on that suit?”
“Ten minutes.”
Ten minutes was a long time, would be years of nightmares that Kara and Wanda would have to soothe. Kara was determined to have years with her boys, and Wanda, so she nods. “You have eight before I bust out of here with Wanda.”
Alex nods. “I’ll take it.” She hurries off, presumably to tell Lena to shave two minutes off their best time.
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haeva · 2 years
"too broke to put gas in our car but we're the fucking shit." + SuperWanda
Say you fancy me (not fancy stuff)
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Supergirl
Pairing: Kara Danvers x Wanda Maximoff
Words: 2.5k
Summary: Kara and Wanda are two broke college students that make each other feel rich. No powers AU.
Author's note: I don't know if this is what you wanted me to write. I don't even know if this is what I wanted to write. This story changed course like 3 times. I hope you enjoy it anyway.
They met at Lena’s party. Wanda didn’t actually know her all that well, having only met her a couple of times, but Natasha had whined and begged her to come along. Eventually, she had given up her protests and agreed to come along. It was fun at first, Wanda had to admit, until Natasha left her to talk to some other friends. When she didn’t come back after twenty minutes, Wanda retreated to a corner in the living room. They had taken Nat’s car here, and so she couldn’t go home. 
Lena’s apartment was a lot bigger than her own. Wanda had not expected anything less of course, she knew that Lena was rich, but she couldn’t help the feeling of envy that crept up in her stomach. Her own place was small, overpriced and was in dire need of the repairs that her landlord kept putting off. If only she could live like this. Unfortunately, she was stuck with her barista job for now and the Arts degree she was getting probably wouldn’t be paying her rent for at least a couple months. 
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing here all by herself?” Wanda looked up to see a blonde girl smiling at her. She wore glasses and a button up; her hair was in a ponytail. Wanda frowned. The line and the person who’d said it didn’t seem to match up at all. 
Kara appeared to have caught her confusion as she shook her head and looked at the ground. “Sorry,” she said, pushing her glasses up. “I was trying something new. I’m Kara, by the way.” She held out her hand for Wanda to shake. 
Wanda chuckled. It felt odd to shake hands with someone at a party, somehow, and so she intertwined their fingers instead. Kara’s hand was warm, hers was cold as always. She smiled at Kara, who, after a moment of understable confusion, grinned back at her. Wanda noted how strange it was to be standing there, at some party, holding hands with a complete stranger. Not a stranger, Wanda corrected herself, Kara. Her name was Kara. 
“I’m Wanda,” she said, most likely way too late. She felt her face flush. 
Kara didn’t seem to mind. “Wanda,” she repeated. 
Kara hadn’t come to her best friend’s party with the intention of flirting with anyone, but Wanda had to be the most beautiful person that she had ever seen in her entire life. The pickup line was stupid; she would never take dating advice from Winn ever again. Yet, Wanda had laughed about it and held her hand. It was odd; they had never met each other before, but somehow it felt familiar, like it was meant to be. 
She dragged Wanda up to the roof. The view from Lena’s apartment building was amazing, she had seen it many times before. She didn’t even look at it this time. Instead, she studied Wanda’s face, watching how her green eyes lit up at the sight of the skyline. She watched as the word “wow” formed on Wanda’s lips. 
“The view, it’s beautiful.” Kara could not agree more. 
They sat on the rooftop for a while, telling each other stories; who they were, how they ended up here. Kara learned that Wanda was originally from Sokovia, but moved to the United States when she was little. She had a twin brother named Pietro that she lived with. She worked at a coffee shop and was majoring in Arts. Apparently she didn’t even know Lena all that well, and had been dragged to the party by a friend of hers. 
In turn, Kara told her about being adopted and growing up in Midvale. She talked about her sister, Alex, and explained that Lena had been her best friend for years. Wanda seemed very interested when Kara told her about her internship at Catco and how she was studying to become a journalist. 
“I live with my best friend… my other best friend, Winn. He’s in IT. Our place is not nearly as nice as Lena’s though.” Kara chuckled and Wanda laughed with her. 
“Your friend, Winn? Is he also at this party?” Wanda asked, pointing down at the roof under them. 
It took Kara by surprise. Why did she care if Winn was there? “Yes. Why do you ask?” 
There was a mischievous glint in Wanda’s eyes. “Well, if he’s here then maybe we could go back to your place?” She tilted her head a little. It made Kara’s heart skip a beat. 
She opened and closed her mouth a couple times before eventually a “yes” came out. Wanda took her hand again, Kara never wanted to let go.
Their first kiss wasn’t on that roof, or in Kara’s apartment for that matter. It was in Kara’s car, ready to leave the party. Wanda just got into the passenger’s seat, trying to put the seatbelt on. She pulled at it several times before concluding that it was definitely stuck. 
“Oh wait, it does that sometimes. Let me,” Kara said as she leaned over. Their faces were close together and Wanda could feel Kara’s breath in her neck. “There,” Kara said as she pulled the now unstuck seatbelt over Wanda’s body. 
It was then that Wanda saw an opportunity. She grabbed Kara’s upper arm; they were strong and toned. She didn’t expect that, but she wasn’t complaining. Wanda leaned in, brushing her lips against Kara’s. It was soft at first, but quickly became more heated. Wanda felt Kara’s arm wrap around her waist, as she herself moved her hands up to cup Kara’s face. She had kissed other people before, but this time it was different. She could feel the thrill of something new and passionate. Yet there was a gentle undertone to it, like something pure, something made to last. 
Kara took her home that night and Wanda stayed in that apartment for three days. They didn’t call it anything, but they didn’t have to. Kara quickly figured out that Wanda understood her in a way that most others could not. They could talk for hours without growing tired of one another and even when silence did arise it was comfortable rather than awkward. 
“Why do we always hang out at my place?” Kara asked on one of the rare days where neither of them had to be at work or on campus. 
Wanda looked up at her from her spot on the ground. She was painting Kara’s toenails aqua blue; that was what it said on the bottle, at least. She shrugged and made a face. “I don’t know,” was her answer. “My place is just…a mess, I guess.” 
“Worse than this one?” Kara gestured around her. Her apartment was old, the wallpaper was starting to come off and doors creaked as if they belonged in a horror movie. 
“Yes.” Kara detected no sarcasm in Wanda’s voice. 
“You know, “ she started, “maybe one day we could get a nicer place of our own.” She regretted it as soon as she said it. They had only known each other for a couple months now and they hadn’t even defined the relationship yet. Still, here Kara was talking about moving in together. 
Wanda didn’t look scared off, though. In fact, there was a small smile forming on her lips. “Yes, we could,” she said softly. 
Being with Kara felt like a dream and every day Wanda was afraid that she would soon be met with a rude awakening. She thought that she had given up on love a long time ago. Two years ago, to be exact, when her now ex boyfriend had cheated on her. He was nothing like Kara. He would never reply to her texts, yet when she was with him he was always on his phone. He had forgotten her birthday. Twice. Wanda could not believe she had wasted five years of her life on him. 
Kara, on the contrary, she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. Kara was kind and thoughtful. She was interested in Wanda’s art, something that not even her friends always understood, and she listened to her incohesive ramblings. Kara was a breeze of cool air on a hot summer day and Wanda felt like had been burning since forever. 
They were sitting in Kara’s car. It was the same car in which they had shared their first kiss. Wanda was extremely fond of that memory. She had painted it, but had not yet shown the painting to Kara. Something in it was still missing; it didn’t quite capture all the feelings that she had felt that night. Usually she was pretty good at evoking emotions through her art, but this time she just couldn’t get it right. 
Kara rolled down the windows and Wanda felt the hot air blow on her face. They were on a roadtrip to Midvale. Kara said she wanted Wanda to meet her family. Naturally, she was nervous. What would Kara’s parents think of her? She had met Kara’s sister, Alex, before and she had been lovely. Still, it was a big step for the both of them. She wondered how Kara would introduce her. Was she going to say that Wanda was her girlfriend? They had never called each other that before. They had never called each other anything. 
“Are you okay?” Kara moved her hand over to Wanda’s knee. “You’ve been awfully quiet.” 
“Just nervous,” Wanda admitted. “What if your parents don’t like me?”
“They’ll love you,” Kara reassured her. “I love you.” 
Wanda felt like her heart was going to explode out of her chest. “I love you too,” she said, but it wasn’t enough. Love, she had been told, was everything and yet it didn’t fully encompass all that she felt for Kara. She loved Kara, of course. She loved her more than anything, more than art even. But there was something more than that. Love was mortals, what she and Kara had was divine. Wanda had never felt like that before and now she’d had a taste of it, she never wanted it to stop. 
Wanda intertwined her finger with Kara’s. Yet another parallel to their first night together. She wanted to put her head on her lover’s shoulder, but decided against it, not wanting to distract her from driving. She studied her face instead. 
“It’s your hair,” Wanda said after a couple minutes. 
Kara frowned. “What’s wrong with my hair?”
“Nothing,” Wanda assured her. “It’s beautiful. It’s the most beautiful hair I’ve ever seen.” That made Kara laugh. Wanda kept talking. “I tried painting our first kiss.” She knew she hadn’t done anything wrong, but it felt as though she was admitting to a crime. 
“You did?” Kara did not sound mad, but rather pleasantly surprised. If it were possible, Wanda would have loved her a little more for that. 
“I did. But I couldn’t get it right. There was something off. It was your hair, it’s too shiny. I didn’t capture your shine enough.” She hoped that made sense to Kara. If Wanda was being honest it did not entirely make sense to herself either. There was something about Kara that just made her too bright even for a painting. 
Kara laughed again. It was a sound that Wanda could listen to for hours on end and not get tired of. “Well, I’m sure you can get it right.” 
Even after all their time spent together, Wanda kept finding new ways to amaze Kara. She was like a puzzle that was never quite finished. There were always new things to discover. Kara had always been a glass-half-full kind of person, but when she was with Wanda she felt as though she could take on anything the world threw at her. She knew that whatever happened, Wanda would have her back. In turn, Kara promised to herself that she would always be there for the woman she loved, no matter what. They would take care of each other. 
Kara had to admit that it was hard keeping her eyes on the road with Wanda sitting next to her. On the night they met, Kara had thought this woman the most beautiful on Earth. That opinion had not changed. But they wanted to get to Midvale safely and so she settled for the small touches. 
“What if I don’t?” Wanda asked. “Get it right, I mean.” Kara knew how much Wanda cared about her art. Granted, her paintings were beautiful. Although she was probably a bit biased, Kara was sure that one day Wanda would make it big. 
“Then you don’t,” she answered. “And it’ll still be an incredibly beautiful painting.” 
Wanda didn’t say anything after that, so Kara assumed she wasn’t satisfied with that answer. 
“You know, when I write an article it doesn’t always turn out the way that I want it to. But that doesn’t make it a bad article. And it also doesn’t make it any less my article. It just makes it different from what I had imagined.” 
She heard Wanda chuckle. “I like the way you say things.” 
It was in that moment that the second-hand car Kara had owned for four years now decided to break down. They stood still in the middle of the road, with no other cars in sight. They both got out to see if they could try and fix whatever damage was done, but the car was too far gone. They leaned against the hood.
“What do we do now?” Wanda asked. 
Kara checked her phone for service. She was in luck. “I can call for help. But they probably won’t get in at least…an hour?” 
Wanda sighed. Then, her face lit up. She wrapped her arms around Kara’s waist. “Oh, whatever shall we do for an hour before they get here?” She grinned. 
Kara raised her eyebrows at her. “I still have to actually call, Wanda.” 
Wanda threw her hands up in defense. “Okay, okay. You call first. But then you come here.” 
It made Kara laugh. “What did I do to get stuck with you as my…” She hesitated. She wanted to say “girlfriend”, she planned on introducing Wanda as such to her parents. But now she wasn’t sure. They had never said it before and Kara used to think it didn’t matter. She knew what she felt. But did Wanda feel the same? She had told her she loved her not so long ago. “What am I to you, exactly?” 
Wanda took her hands. “You,” she said, “are my future wife.” 
Kara kissed her then. She kissed her until she ran out of breath. In that moment, Kara felt on top of the world. There was no broken car, no crappy apartment, no bills to pay. There was only her and Wanda, and the love that they had for each other. To someone else, it may not have seemed like much. But for Kara it was more than enough. It was everything.
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supercorpkid · 3 years
Will the avengers ever come back? Like will they ever team up again? Also I loved its crossover season it was so good!
THANK YOU SO SO MUCH! It makes me so happy knowing people enjoyed it, cause I had the most fun time writing it.
Honestly, I would love for them to come back. Stark and Superkid relationship was hilarious to write. And Wanda and her were so cute together that I wanna give them a ship name.
So, you know, I’ll probably make up something insane just to have them back for a little fic, why not?
In the meantime, here’s a drawing I did of the things Superkid kept in her pocket :)
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(Two post-fight heroes and a little sticky note ❤️)
Thanks for the support ❤️💙
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buntterflies · 7 years
chorong apink icon please?
sure babe
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amostexcellentblog · 9 years
I am shipping trash
I’m starting to ship Wanda Maximoff/Clark Kent. They bond over being outsiders, immigrants, and Jewish. They met when their dry cleaner got their capes mixed up.
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flyingpotstickers · 1 year
Send me a ship/character(s) and a one word prompt and I will write a 5 sentence fic about it. +BETRAYAL.
Kara was still mad at Wanda. Why, do you ask? It's simple. There are places you don't want your partner going without you, and well, Wanda supposedly has no respect for anything like that. Kara scowled as she pointed it out to her girlfriend.
"Kara...." Wanda warned in her mother voice. "I even brought you back ice cream. You don't have to be so upset!"
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flyingpotstickers · 2 years
nine random headcanons
for the ship wanda/kara
superfriends team up with the avengers to stop the bad guy, save the world, etc. that’s when kara and wanda met. wanda was still with vision at the time, but there was definitely ✨chemistry✨ between kara and wanda.....nothing happened until after the events of wandavision, and after kara has already revealed herself to the world as supergirl, blah blah blah. so kara is superheroing one day and she realises that there is already a hero there, beating the bad guy or saving the cat from a tree either one. kara turns to go and let it be, but then she notices it’s wanda. cue their little italicized “oh” moment. you know the one where you’re like oh, hello. it’s going to be you? that was it for them. kara learns russian for wanda, the same way that wanda keeps kryptonian alive for kara.
the boys call kara jeju. they consider her the fun mum.
tommy and billy are known to kara as her firstborns. they are in the succession to become heroes like her, and she will give them equal parts of the mantle to hold. there’s no competition here. just tons of love.
wanda will live almost as long as kara. they will have so many children, adopted and born from the matrix both.
kara and wanda each have a soft spot for kids, so naturally adoption is an easy decision to make for them. they bring home “strays” like the newspaper. their home is basically like a halfway home to half the nation.
wanda loves to cook and kara loves to eat so basically they’re perfect for one another lmaoooooo but wanda learns how to make potstickers and kara (after eating approx. 20) kisses her for a good three and a half minutes.
when kara is knocked out from a fight, and needs to recover while still asleep, wanda uses her powers to make a world where they’re together with kids inside kara’s head. this is before they get together officially, ofc. and then when kara wakes up and kisses wanda she’s like “i’ve wanted that for so long and you were so quick to give it to me.....thank you.”
they have a variety of animals at any time: namely a cat named streaky & a dog named krypto.
they’re also fans of doctor who ---- a time traveling hero? oh come on, you already know it. also the boys create a robot dog that gets christened k9. they’re bigger fans of the classic who series, despite it being in black and white. they are old school like that.
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flyingpotstickers · 2 years
please tell me i’m not the only one who’s shipping the fuck out of wanda maximoff and kara danvers
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