#Stuart twombly x reader
obriengf · 8 months
17 and Stewart!! I can picture that one with him perfectly!
get cute with meet-ugly blurbs - requests closed! 17: “we make contact before trying to steal the last seat on the subway/bus/train and I end up in your lap and fuck you, I’m going to stay here because I’ve had a really long day and this seat was mine” Note: I am very well aware that this isn't the best thing...
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Your vision line was impaired for a brief moment, but you could still feel his eyes on you; the way you were watched closely, your every move waited upon and calculated as if you were a puzzle that he was trying to solve. Your observations were just as canny, if not more, as you took a moment to take in your surroundings within an enclosed cabin of the subway to San Fransisco. The afternoon commute was busier than usual - passengers taking up every minuscule inch of occupancy, bodies feeding into the claustrophobia of limited seating. It was amazing how a sea of people from every platform could filter into such a small space so easily. Fresh air was non-existent and it caused your heart to thump and brows to furrow in distress. The knuckles of your right hand were screaming in pain from clutching the hanging strap too tight, and every bump the cabin passed caused your stature to falter and your footing to become unbalanced. Your time at work was bad enough as it was, but standing and waiting for a seat overtook every stressful event of your day with ease. Your eyes fluttered around for a vacant spot, but were met again with the large brown gaze that hid behind glass frames - the first time you saw them, your cheeks grew flushed, until you realised their motive. The owner, a man with matching annoyance clutching at every facial feature, was making sure that you didn't get the first seat before him. Smug bastard.
It was as if he could read your mind; his body stiffening, ready to pounce despite how his shoulder ached with a heavy bag that slung deeply. His day, too, was challenging - trying to meet quotas on a mind-blank of ideas wasn't something he often faced, yet it had been his daily norm for nearly a week. He desired to sit, to rest his legs and to take that relieving deep breath that was much warranted when the evening came. Nobody else in your peripherals was awake enough for a battle of comfort, which made this fight fit best for the quickest and most cunning.
The next stop was approaching and people began to stand as they awaited their further commute home. Your surroundings shifted, bodies repositioning as they slid around you like Tetris - confined tensions forcing your eyes closed as you drew a deep breath. You loved your job, truly, but the hour commute to and from was less than ideal. You were forced in between strangers and moments away from your throat closing with nervous energy before the train finally began slowing its pace, and you released relieving exhale of panicked breath in time with the opening of your carriage doors.
Congestion was imminent, however, your brief layover finally allowed carriage breathing room - and the possibility of the much-awaited available spot. As people began to vacate, you spotted a free seat and it was as if your heart sang in solace with laser-eyed focus and feet ready to lunge. You held on to your bag tightly as you pressed forward, small pleasantries slipping past your lips as you dodged other passengers.
You could feel the soft seating before you even sat down, you were dreaming of it for the past thirty minutes - but the plushness of the seat wasn't what you expected when you realised that the man with the glasses and observant eyes was where you managed to place yourself. Your own eyes widened in shock, voice unable to emit after you glanced down to his cocky smirk.
With a small growl, your brows furrowed at him, "No, no! This is my seat, go somewhere else."
"Sorry sweetheart, I was here first." His voice was mocking, a daring tone that effortlessly portrayed just how much he didn't care. To further affirm his unwillingness to move, the stranger's body sunk snugly against the padded bench with a loud and restful sigh. His competitiveness continued to shine through with a cocky quirk of his lips, "I'm not giving this up."
Fire burned in your eyes, an anger brewing that started much earlier in your day. You were exhausted and irritated, and games were far from what you were prepared to face at this moment. A pout prompted your lips to purse and brows to drop, and for a second you felt like a four-year-old standing their ground during a tantrum.
"Well, I'm not, either."
The man just nodded, quick to ignore your presence as he pulled his phone from his jacket pocket and began immersing himself in the small screen. You couldn't decide what was more awkward - the fact that he wasn't acknowledging your place on his lap or the way that you were sitting to the curve of his knees in absolute unsteadiness. One rickety bump and you'd find yourself on the floor.
Fate wasn't on your side; a running gag that life decided to throw at you once again today, in the form of the old train rocking and your legs sliding away from the glasses-wearing stranger. You expected the embarrassment of numerous eyes watching you collide with the cabin floor, but it never came as arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you backwards.
It took a second for you to realise that the outside of your thigh was snug against the stranger's stomach, his hands now flat over your side and against the bottom curve of your ribs as he held you close to him. He was your human seatbelt, holding you back and keeping you safe. It provoked warmth to shoot through your veins, to awaken the butterflies in your stomach and to colour the rosiness in your cheeks. It felt nice, despite the fact that he was a stranger with a stupid smug smile and filled with utter cockiness.
"Woah, nearly lost you there." He mumbled, a softness peeking through. It was easy to follow the caramel swirl of his eyes as they gazed over your face for any sort of discomfort, but you both seemed in the clear, and his shoulders dropped in relief. They looked down for a brief second before he smiled again, "Us googlers gotta stick together, you know."
Your head tilted to the side, every ounce of your focus now directed only toward him, "What?"
"Your lanyard." Hesitantly, he pulled a hand away from your side and tugged at the multicoloured fabric dangling from your neck, a plastic key card with a four-month-old photo of you sitting to the side. When he saw you following his touch, he hastily found his own within his zipped-up jumper and dangled it between you both. "Got a matching one. We're practically family."
Black letters caught your eyes first, the name of the man filling in another puzzle piece as you said it aloud, "Stuart Twombly, software development."
"That's me." He replied, a wink dropping behind his glasses and hold absentmindedly tightening as another small bump disrupted the cabin. Everything was coming together for you; no wonder he seemed full of himself, a handful of people you know from that department certainly have a big head and a matching ego. Your mind awoke from your thoughts when you felt your lanyard tugging again. Stuart hummed, "Y/N L/N, accounting. Interesting."
"How so?" You said quickly, offence already settling in your voice.
"You just got to be really smart to be an accountant for one of the biggest companies in the world."
Your head shook as your body readjusted yourself on his lap, "I'm not an accountant... yet. It's just a paid internship. But I'm sure you don't want to hear about any of that - "
"An internship?" Stuart's eyes lit up, his smile genuine as the corners of his lips lifted, "I know a thing or two about internships, try me."
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ateotd-izzy · 1 year
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midnights (dylan o’brien’s version) (izzy’s version) (from the drafts)
“meet me at midnight”
“midnights become my afternoons”
lavender haze; stuart twombly
maroon; thomas
anti-hero; joel dawson
snow on the beach; stiles stilinski
you’re on your own, kid; joel dawson
midnight rain; stiles stilinski
question…?; thomas
vigilante shit; mitch rapp
bejeweled; joel dawson
labyrinth; thomas
karma; stuart twombly
sweet nothing; thomas
mastermind; stiles stilinski
the great war; thomas
bigger than the whole sky; stiles stilinski
paris; stuart twombly
high infidelity; joel dawson
glitch; stiles stilinski
would’ve, could’ve, should’ve; thomas
dear reader; mitch rapp
hits different; stuart twombly
you’re losing me; stiles stilinski
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taglist: @brvceyamada
a/n: i’ll post these whenever ig
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marie-swriting · 1 year
Your gallery if you're dating...
Stuart Twombly
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Those pictures aren't mine, credits to owners !!!
Other galleries
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yujisabs · 3 months
Does anyone still write fics for Stuart Twombly from the movie the internship?
Bc I have an idea for a fic but I don't wanna write it myself.
Like remember when they are at the strip club and the guys get a lap dance and what not?
Yeah how about Reader eventually gets drunk and gives Stuart one? And it's kinda enemies to lovers?
Yeah if anyone ends up writing this (or if it's already out there) pls tag me or let me know about it 👀
Doesn't even have to be smut. Just the suggestive theme of it and some kisses are enough.
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harringtonstilinski · 10 months
requests; open (s.h. & e.m.) / new guidelines
so, i literally just got done with writing always the babysitter. it's bittersweet that my second series is done being written.
my requests are now open until about the beginning of november, where i'll start the proofreading, doing edits and posting of always the babysitter.
the characters that i write for are ;
steve harrington (henderson!reader)
eddie munson (newest addition) [henderson!reader]
stiles stilinski
dave hodgman
stuart twombly
thomas (tmr)
mitch rapp
richie boyle
joel dawson
sam taylor
stuff i won't write ;
unaliving one-self
kidnapping / trafficking
stranger things kids (el, max, lucas, mike, will, and dustin. they will be included in the story if the request is for steve.)
stuff i write if asked ;
a certain character (oc's [emma, and olivia{more background; pre atb}], sibling!reader, smut, fluff, angst, etc)
aged up characters (ex: college!steve & reader, dad!stiles)
au's (soulmate, modern, best friends to lovers, fake dating, break up;back together, secretly dating, enemies to lovers [will try my best for any other au's y'all request])
i do also write stilinski!twins, but those take more time to think about.
please stay within these newly found guidelines
if you don't see your request within 2-3 days, please let me know which one you sent and i'll do my best to get it out asap. if you don't see it within a week after that, it's because i've gotten busy with my hubbs, kiddos, and the kids i babysit mon-fri from 3pm-5:15pm, est.
reblog, reblog, reblog. i know you've seen this from every other content creator here on tumblr, but it really helps us out. this isn't tiktok where you like something and it shows up in the algorithm.
likes and comments are welcome! i love it when y'all like and comment on a fic i've written.
i am a mama to a 7 & 2 year old, as well as a wife of almost 10 years. please be patient with me. we're also in minor softball season as well.
please have fun!
REQUESTS ARE OPEN AS I AM POSTING ALWAYS THE BABYSITTER. if you still send one in, i will still write and post it for you within 2-3 days after a new chapter has been posted!!
edited to add: anything with an asterisk is just the working title, and is subject to change at any point during the writing process before or even after posting.
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hoes4dylanobrien · 2 years
Stuart+ ARMS (oml his arms), angst+smut, at work and a woman in her 20s
okkk this is a fun one and I almost never get Stuart SOO lets goooo
You were late to an office meeting. Some last minute one a higher up pulled together for everyone including the interns only a half hour before end of day.
As you walked inside to find a seat, you noticed Stuart surrounded by a gaggle of women, some interns some paid staff, as they completely unprofessionally grabbed at his arms, which for once weren't hidden behind his usual polos or bland tees but out, showcasing his oddly buff biceps. He was regaling them with some story or other while they felt him up.
"I'm going to remind you this is a place of BUSINESS, ladies, so please keep your hands to yourselves," said your boss, coming around to sit next to you at the head of the table. Stuart's eyes found yours, a little taken aback, clearly not having noticed you during all the ogling. You tried not to look annoyed but your eye twitched, and you had that saccharine smile that always was your tell.
You were pissed.
After the end of the meeting, everyone going their separate ways to leave work, you pulled Stuart into an empty stall of the bathroom. It was sort of risky given anyone could've been inside, but that was part of the thrill for him, and for you, as his direct supervisor.
"Little touchy earlier," he murmured as you lay biting kisses into the pale column of his neck. "No, think that was you with your fawning legion."
"Ouch, that actually hurt, y/n-
You'd bitten a little too hard to emphasize your point, grinning. "Sorry, baby, but you know how I get when other people touch what's mine." He opened his mouth to retort when you enveloped him in your mouth, his Adam's apple bobbing. "Shiiiitt-"
"Quiet, Stu," you hushed him, fingernails digging into his arms at his side, as if the mere action would erase any prior evidence of others' touch. "Just lay back and let me do the work. Then after, I want you to fuck me with those long, slender fingers of yours. Can you do that for me?"
He nodded wordlessly, beautiful brown eyes hazy with lust.
It didn't take long for him to cum, already so turned on by your words. He loved when you took control.
You changed positions so that you were the one sat on the closed lid of the toilet as he knelt before you, digging past your lacy underwear to thumb your clit, swiping back and forth while occasionally fucking into you. He got a good rhythm going, having you on the edge.
"Yes, yes, YES!" You cried, unable to silence yourself from the feeling of euphoria washing over you.
"What was that about being quiet again?" He smirked.
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ohwowimlonley · 2 years
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Stuart Twombly + voyeurism kink
[warnings - masturbation (f and m), slight dark behaviour, voyeurism]
[word count - 566]
[kinktober list]
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Stuart isn’t supposed to be home yet. Actually, you’re supposed to have your shared flat to yourself for the next few hours, so it’s not such an inappropriate thought that maybe you could have some self care time. 
Without the lingering threat of someone walking in on you, the bedroom door had been left open as a show of your carelessness. Music drifts softly throughout the compact two-bed, all the curtains are drawn despite the fact that it’s only half past six on a Thursday evening. 
The only issue is that you’re not at home alone as you originally thought; Stuart had come storming in a few minutes ago, annoyed beyond belief because no one is as smart as him, so he’d stormed out of the lecture hall dead set on the idea of releasing his frustrations via an extra long gaming session. 
Instead, he stumbles into a dimmed house with slow music wafting through the warm air. His eyebrow hitches up in suspicion, wondering why you had the flat so dark so early. He wanders through the house, towards your open bedroom door when he deduces that’s where the music is coming from. As he gets closer to the threshold, the music begins to mix with soft, gasping mewls.
He stops dead in his tracks. You wouldn’t- would you? Do you know that he’s home? Is this some sort of invitation? All these questions and more cloud his head, and he almost doesn't notice the fact that he’s now well past the doorway to your room, only hidden by the way your wardrobe juts out in the way of the door - he’s safe from your gaze for now. 
“Oh,” a whimper tumbles from your ever-soft lips, and Stuart can only imagine what you're doing to yourself. He can picture you trembling on top of your sheets, fingers fumbling about with your delicate, puffy lips; maybe you’re even thinking about him while you’re doing it.
Perhaps you have a toy in there with you, drilling it into your weepy core. He knows for a fact that whatever stupid silicone you have in there, it won’t make you feel anywhere near as good as his cock would.
“S- oh- Stuart-” theres a thump, maybe it’s your head hitting the pillow, and Stuart freezes. Oh God, he thinks, what have I done? I’m such a fucking creep, she’s never going to speak to me ever again. But then- “Mm, feels so good,”
Oh. So you are thinking about him? If only he could see inside your head, maybe he could make your fantasies come to life. Maybe you’re imagining his tongue all over your pretty cunt, licking up any semblance of your delicious wetness. That image often plagues his mind - being able to feel your sticky honey coat his tongue. 
“Baby, please, I need more,” I could give you more, he thinks indignantly. 
His cock gives an interested kick at the sound of a loud squelch - oh God, is that your fingers in your pussy? More than anything, all Stuart wants is to burst into your room and show you something you can really moan about. 
He can’t help but stuff a hand down past his sweats and boxers, gripping onto his rock hard cock and leaning closer towards the dulcate tones of your pleasure ringing out. 
It’s safe to say he won’t be moving for a while.
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Taglist - @jexnrey @samiam0907 @jessmooneya @tiredmf @baddiewivdafattie @art3mas @bella-738 @aphrodites-flowers @alexloveskili @downbadforvecna @dcwrites1 @masterofmunsonspuppets @youreyesaretherealtruthtellers @m-rae23 @rubesred @visionsgoodgirl @loudwombatmugkid @garfieldsladybird @rubes2323 @maddy-potter @trixcate @depressedjoey @sunnysolsstuf @clover723 @anamariel2301 @01-angela @kozumewhore @britlord @zemossugarbaby @bunnyweasley23 @slashersluttt @ilovejimhopper [+ @ahsstilinski bc it’s DOB]
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faithiegirl01 · 2 years
Faithie’s Fic Finding Corner:
Ok y’all I need your help…
Back when I was younger and still reading on Wattpad I came across this Fic where Stuart twombly and the reader were together. The reader was on her period and just cuddling with him on the couch. She gets annoyed with everything that’s going on so she sticks her headphones in her ears and starts to paint on her paint app. She then hears Nick says something about calling Stuart Stewie and he says “Stuart, never Stewie,” and Nick is all confused and says “but she called you it. Why can she and I can’t?” And Stuart response was “because she came up with it,”. Then Stuart gets up along with the reader like he just knows that she’s in pain and takes her home.
Anyway when I found that one I absolutely adored it. When I first found it I think it was titled “never Stewie,” idk though it’s been a really long time since I’ve read it. But recently I got an idea when thinking about that fic and I’d really like to read it again for some inspiration on the fic I plan to write.
But… sadly I can’t find it anywhere anymore. So could you all possibly help me out and let me know if you know where to find it or if it’s still up? Or like if it’s gone?
It would mean the world to me if someone could either find it or the author, because I absolutely loved that one back when I first started writing my own work.
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sageo7 · 19 days
okay i wanted to just put out that i take requests for more than just stiles!! i am working through my drafts rn 😔 but id also love some requests for other dylan characters teehee, so this is my list of who i write for ☺️ so if y'all want anything from these characters.. lmk ;)
stiles stilinski (any season)
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void stiles
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stuart twombly
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mitch rapp
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joel dawson
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thomas mzr
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dave hodgman
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colin (not okay)
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notanettelmao · 2 years
Hello there
Since I don't know yet when I'll be back to writing the rewrite (probably next month, but shush), I've decided to let you guys send me asks with random words (3-5 of them) and a Dylan character from my masterlist, and I'll try to write a short blurb or something using them when I'll have time
I am really bad at explaining stuff
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Stuart Twombly - Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
Dylan O’Brien Masterlist
Here’s every pieces I wrote about Stuart Twombly!
NSFW = 18+ ;)
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Tech Issue
Summary: Being smart and graduate college early doesn’t only have good sides. Busy with studies, you have less time to see your boyfriend. So one day you decide to go see him on his university’s campus to make him a surprise. But the surprise is rather he who make you one, because the future employee of Google wearing the significant beanie that Stuart is asks you for help on a problem that is supposed to be his specialty.
The Nerdy Plan (NSFW)
Summary: Your boyfriend is always on his phone. Never gave you any attention. Never said I love you. It’s time for revenge, making him live what you lived. With the help of your best friend, Neha, you come up with some kind of strategy involving desire, envy, and well… Sex? The nerdy plan officially begins.
Error 404 (NSFW) Coming soon
Summary: Stuart isn’t the sport kind of boy. But when you find him working out, you can’t help stare just a bit too much. Sweat running down his body, his tank top showing his torso and his cute little cap flipped upside down on his head… The view is amazing. But why is he doing this? The question still haunts your mind when you decide to join him. Maybe he’ll tell you. But right now, it doesn’t matter. Cause you feel hot, and not just because of the training.
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obriengf · 19 days
alright guys this is not a d r i l l ~
i need recs for multi-chapter fics sent to me pronto pls
for dob and his characters because i swear I've read most things or dabbled in them, but i need MORE, also i would really appreciate it and i would love to see what your own recs are!
totally serious though ~
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ateotd-izzy · 11 months
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lavender haze | stuart twombly x fem!reader
“i feel the lavender haze creeping up on me”
stuart and y/n had been dating for only a few months after accidentally meeting while he was renting a few dvds from where she worked.
“surreal, i’m damned if i do give a damn what people say”
stuart liked keeping his private life, well, private from the others at google. but there wasn’t much he could do when they found out that he had a girlfriend.
“no deal, the 1950s sh*t they want from me”
warnings: swearing, kissing or wtv, nothing too bad
“i just wanna stay in that lavender haze”
“stewie’s got a girlfriend?” nick grinned at him teasingly. “wow. never would’ve guessed.”
“i know, right?” billy, who had been the one to find out and tell the others, grinned. “dark and stormy’s not very dark and stormy anymore.”
“guys, can you just shut up about it now?” stuart asked, turning to face his laptop again. “yes. i have a girlfriend. big deal.”
“this is a big deal, stuart.” billy told him. “do we get to meet her?”
“what? never?”
“aww.” neha fake-pouted. “anyway, can we get back to work?”
“finally something i agree with.” stuart pointed to her. “back to work.”
“but i would love to meet your girlfriend, stuart.” neha added and he groaned. “do you think she’d follow me on instagram?”
“no. shut up.”
“oh, come on, stuart.” billy laughed as stuart put his headphones on. “don’t be like that.”
“guys, back to work.” lyle ordered and the rest of the group sighed before turning back to their computers.
“how’d you meet your girlfriend, stuart?” yo-yo asked and the room burst into chatter again.
“yeah, how, stuart?” nick asked and stuart rolled his eyes.
“none of your business.” stuart replied, pulling out his phone after it vibrated, indicating he got a text. it was from you.
“you should invite her to tomorrow night, stuart.” billy suggested. “to the par-tay.”
stuart gave billy a weird look. “why?”
“so we can meet her, duh.” neha scoffed.
“invite her.” billy ordered.
“no.” stuart shook his head.
“do it. invite her.” nick agreed.
“no.” he spoke more firmly. “i’m not inviting her.”
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“hey, babe.” you greeted as stuart appeared in front of the counter as you worked. “what’s up?”
“are you busy tomorrow night?” he asked. straight to the point.
“i shouldn’t be. why?”
stuart sighed. “there’s some work party and everyone in my group wants you to come.”
you smiled. “really?”
“yeah. so, if you want, you can come.” stuart silently prayed you wouldn’t want to go. “you don’t have to.”
“no, it sounds fun. i’ll go.”
“yeah, why not?”
“nothing. yeah, cool, whatever.” he forced a smile. “see you at my place tonight?”
“yeah, of course.”
“great.” stuart turned around and the smile dropped.
he really wanted you to say no.
he could’ve just not brought it up and acted like you weren’t invited, but that would be a horrible thing to do.
he wished he did that.
that was how you ended up at a google work party the next night with stuart, hiding in the corner of the room.
“why can’t i meet your friends?” you asked and stuart frowned.
“because you can’t.” he mumbled, taking a sip of his drink and adjusting the beanie on his head.
if it weren’t casual dress you probably would’ve had to rip the hat from his head to make sure he wouldn’t be wearing it.
“from what you’ve told me they don’t seem bad.” you shrugged and stuart stared at you.
“trust me. they are the worst.”
“are you talking about us, stewie?” nick asked as he approached the two of you, and stuart rolled his eyes and groaned. nick held out his hand to you. “i’m nick.”
“no.” stuart grabbed your hand. “let’s go.”
“oh, come on, stu.” you gave him a look. you shook nick’s hand. “my name’s y/n.”
“it’s a pleasure to finally meet you, y/n.” nick greeted before looking at stuart. “she’s so much nicer than you. where have you been hiding her?”
stuart glared and you chuckled.
“no seriously, how the hell did you get such a nice girlfriend when you’re a massive jerk?” nick asked jokingly. “i’m kidding.”
awkward silence.
“i’ll be back in a second.” stuart mumbled to you. “stay here.”
“where are you going?” you asked stuart while nick wandered off to get another drink.
“just the bathroom.” he told you, pressing a short kiss to your lips. “i’ll be right back.”
“alright then. go.” you pushed him lightly and he kissed you once more before he walked away.
“so, you’re stuart’s girlfriend?”
you turned your head at the voice and were met with a girl around your age.
so when stuart left the bathroom, he found you happily talking with neha patel.
when he appeared at your side again, stuart took your hand in his and you smiled.
“hey.” you looked away from him and went back to your conversation with neha.
stuart stared at the two of you. he didn’t like you talking to neha. he had tried so hard to keep you separate from his work friends.
he knew what they were like. he didn’t want them to be all in your business, or to annoy you too much.
he didn’t want them to scare you off. after all, you had only been dating for three months.
“—alright, thank you, neha.” stuart quickly cut off whatever conversation you were having and tugged on your hand. “we’re gonna go now.”
“what?” you asked, confused. “why?”
he shook his head, gave neha an extremely forced smile and practically pulled you across the room.
“stuart, what the hell is going on with you?” you asked as the two of you left the room and went out into the hallway.
“who have you talked to tonight?”
“like, five people. nick, billy, neha, lyle and yo-yo.” you counted on your fingers as you listed them. “and billy introduced me to some guy he called chetty, so six.”
“oh, god.” stuart groaned and rubbed his eyes, his hands slipping under his glasses.
“why, stuart? what’s the big deal?” you asked. “why are you being so weird?”
“because they’re so…” stuart sighed. “they act like they need to know everything about everyone and are always trying to know everything about every aspect of my life.”
stuart let go of your hand and instead sat his hands on your waist.
“you’re the one thing i want to keep separate from them. i don’t want them to end up ruining this.” stuart spoke quietly. you brought your hands up to his shoulders. “i love you, y/n.”
that was something new.
you smiled and leaned forward, connecting your lips before pulling away just a second later.
“i love you too, stuart.” you laughed softly against his lips, making him smile, before you leaned into another kiss.
you reached up and pulled the beanie off of his head, running your fingers through his hair after.
“you’ve got to agree that they’re annoying, right?” stuart asked almost immediately after pulling away.
“oh, definitely. i think billy asked me about eight times if we were going to get married.”
stuart laughed a little. “seriously?”
“yeah. they asked so many questions about us.”
the two of you were silent for a moment.
“do you want to go back inside?” he gestured to the doors beside you.
“no.” you answered, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck. “i just want to stay with you.”
“back to my place?” he asked and you nodded.
“of course.”
the two of you headed towards the building’s front doors.
“do you want take-out?”
“it’s, like, midnight.”
“yeah, but do you?”
stuart chuckled and opened the door for you. “i love you.”
“so you’ve said.” you teased, kissing his cheek. “i love you, too.”
you both walked to the car in silence. hand-in-hand.
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taglist: @brvceyamada
a/n: i feel like this is too short or smth, but yay lavender haze
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marie-swriting · 1 year
Last Time - Stuart Twombly
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Romance Masterlist
Summary : You've been sleeping with Stuart since the beginning of your internship at Google. After every night spent together, he always claims it's the last time but he always comes back.
Warnings : set during the movie, hooking-up, implied smut, drinking (be careful with your alcohol consumption), nightclub and stripteasers, a bit of angst, happy ending, maybe some grammatical mistakes as English is not my first language, tell me if you see some or if I missed any warnings.
Word count : 3k
French version on Wattpad
French version on Tumblr
Song Inspiration : This Love by Camila Cabello
You squint your eyelids as the first sunray comes into your bedroom at Google’s. You slowly raise while wrapping your bare chest with your sheet. You notice Stuart getting dressed, ready to leave like a thief in the night, again. When he came to see you yesterday, you didn’t know how to resist him even when you knew how it was going to end. Like every time. You think you’re really pathetic to let him have that much power over you.
“What time is it ?” you ask.
“6:00 A.M. I’m gonna go back to my room.” he informs you, before a silence takes place, “About yesterday-”
“It won’t happen again”, you finish with weariness, “I know.”
“This time, I mean it. If we keep doing-”
“We might jeopardise our internship. I know.”
“We’ll see eachother later, with the team, for the new trial ?” Stuart enquiries whilst scratching his neck.
He smiles at you awkwardly one last time and leaves your room, his beanie in hand. You let yourself lay down on your bed again and curse at yourself all at the same time. It’s been a little over a month since this has been happening. Generally, it always begins again the same way : you ignore each other for a few days then he slowly comes back to you and next thing you know, you’re both naked until he tells you it’s the last time. It’s like a never ending story. The more the time goes by, the more you feel like he takes you for a fool. You wish for once, he’d keep his words when he says it’s over. You can’t take it anymore. Everytime, you build up walls, trying to get used to the idea that it won't happen again but he takes a perverse pleasure to make them fall again and again. You feel like you’re just a game for him. You wish you could say it didn’t affect you that much but yet, everytime he comes back just to leave once more, your heart tightens a bit more in your chest. You’re totally overwhelmed by it. Besides, as your internship goes by, the more your feelings for Stuart get stronger to your dismay. Yet, boys were the last thing you had in mind when you came here. 
Upon arriving in the team's meeting room, you realise you’re the last one. You freeze for a second when your eyes fall on Stuart, but you act as if it was nothing. No one knows about… you two ? Well, if we can use that word to describe it, indeed despite your intimacy, Stuart reminds you often ‘you two’ doesn’t exist. You keep your pseudo-relationship a secret to avoid a weird atmosphere in the team, the balance between each of your personality and your age compared to Billy and Nick is already very fragile.
A week has gone by since your last time. You feel some relief to know he still hasn’t come back. Maybe this time he was serious about it ? You’d be lying if you said there hasn’t been an obvious tension between Stuart and you in the past few days. Albeit your team doesn't know, they feel something happened between you two, though they can’t guess the reason. Nea tried to talk to you about it in private, however you denied everything. You lied to her by saying there isn’t any disagreement between Stuart and you. After all, everything is over, what would be the use in telling her ?
You’re in your room, ready to go to sleep when you hear someone knocking on your door. You open it and find Stuart, his lips pinched together. You feel sick in your stomach, thinking it’s going to happen again like the last times.
“Sorry to bother you, my charger doesn’t work anymore and I wanted to know if you had another one or if I could use yours.” he explains, showing his phone.
“My battery is full, you can use mine now.” you propose.
You’re going to get your charger to give it to him. Though, when he takes it, he doesn’t move from your door. You raise your eyebrows, not understanding what he wants more.
“I’d like to talk to you. Maybe we could do it while my phone’s charging ?”
He gives you his cell and your charger, you go plug it and put the phone on your nightstand. You turn around and see Stuart trying to avoid your gaze. The silence is becoming more and more unbearable so you sit on your bed. You give him a look to invite him to say what he has in mind. He sits next to you and clears his throat.
“You know, maybe we should act like nothing happened. I think the others are guessing there’s something.”
“Yeah.”, you sigh, “Nea even asked me if something happened.”
“What did you tell her ?”
“That nothing happened, she was imagining things. She didn’t seem fully convinced, but she didn’t insist.”
“If it curbs our internship, we’d really need to do something.”
You nod as a simple answer. You both stay silent, not knowing what to add. You avoid his eyes at first before feeling the presence of his body closer to yours. When you turn your head towards him, you notice his lips are only a few inches from yours. You don’t even know how you got there. You know you should back up, nevertheless you feel attracted to him, in spite of yourself. Stuart knows how to bring you back to him. You have no idea if he does this on purpose or not, yet, he can make you succumb slowly again. You don’t have the time to think much longer that you fell Stuart’s lips on yours. You kiss him back as if it was an automatism. Like you’re used to, your body gets closer and closer and you straddle Stuart’s lap. He puts his hands on your hips to have no distance between you two. You feel his hands slipping under your shirt and as if it was an electroshock, you snap out of your transe and break your embrace from him. You run away in a corner, opposite from him, trying to get a grip on yourself and putting your shirt correctly again.
“You said it was the last time last week.” you exclaim, out of breath, “Is that why you came to my room tonight ? Your phone and the conversation were just excuses, weren’t they ? I’m sick of it, Stuart. I feel like this is just a game and I’m the one who gets played. You can’t leave and come back again and again. It’s hurting me.” you admit.
“Sorry, I don’t know what got into me. I meant it when I said it was the last time.” Stuart apologises with red cheeks.
“Yes, just like the time before and the ones before. I always need to build up walls and then you have fun destroying them. I’m tired of it, Stuart !” you lose your temper, “You can’t say one thing and the next time say another one. I’m lost. I don’t know how to act with you, that’s why the team realised something happened between us.”
“Y/N, I swear to you-”
“Keep your explanation for yourself.” you retort before going to your nightstand, “Take your phone back and go ask Yo-yo for his charger. Leave me alone.” you order, giving his cell back.
Stuart lower his eyes before getting up from your bed and leaving your room without saying anything else. When he closes the door, you run your hand on your face, sighing. It’s the first time you’re able to stop yourself before it goes too far. On one hand, you consider this a victory but on the other hand, he still got into your head for a second. You wish he didn’t have that much effect on you. If you could, you’d go back in time and make sure to stay far away from him. You shouldn’t have talked to him and become friends with him, you should've listened to your brain and focus on your internship.
After your last altercation, you haven’t said another word to Stuart. You try to avoid him as much as you can, despite the circumstances. Unfortunately, that night, you have to stay in his presence longer than you’d want to. Your team needs to create an app and neither of you has an idea so with the team, you’re still in your room, making knots into your brain.
The more the time goes by, the more panicked you all are. It’s the second to last trial so you can’t make a mistake if you want a job for the next year. From time to time, Billy and Nick try to propose some ideas but they have already been done. What annoys you the most in the situation is that they don’t seem stressed about the fact you got nothing. The teamworks is really complicated with them sometimes. You feel like they don’t understand how important this internship is for you. 
“You know what ? We should get out, change our mind.” Nick says without a warning.
“We need to find an idea for our app. We don’t have the time to go out.” you retort, massaging your temple.
“You’re always working. It’s not by racking your mind you’re going to find a solution, trust me.” he says before getting closer to his friend. “Trust us.”
“Alright, but not too long.” Lyle accepts, “We really need to work.”
After a meal in an Asian restaurant, Nick brings you to a bar, on the advice of a person from the restaurant. When you arrive in the place, you all discover Nick in reality made a mistake while translating. It’s not a bar, it’s actually a nightclub, like the stripteasers prove it to you. You instantly feel embarrassed, like the rest of the group. Some women get closer to you, especially to the boys. One of them comes in front of Stuart who has his nose in his phone. When he raises his gaze, he’s surprised at first, then his eyes go wider when the stripteaser takes his fingers and puts it in her mouth. You can’t help but open your eyes wide as well when you see the action. Without saying anything else, Stuart follows the women in another part of the club whilst you stay by Nea’s side.
Thirty minutes later, they’re all having fun and drinking alcohol. As for you, you stay in the booth, a drink in your hand. You don't really want to dance with Nea or see Stuart having fun with another woman. This night is definitely in your top three of the worst nights of your life. 
Notwithstanding, you try to see the good side by thinking Stuart doesn’t come your way with his hormones yet you’d be lying if you said it didn’t make you feel something to see him leave with that woman. You don’t like to be eaten by jealousy. You finally got what you want : Stuart away from you but at the same time your body only wants one thing, to have him again. Stuart doesn’t make you think rationally and you hate that, you hate him for that.
“Not having fun ?” Nick asks you as he sits next to you.
“I’m not in the mood to party.”
“Y/N, you’re 21, it’s time to enjoy yourself. After that, it’ll be too late, believe me.”
“I have too much in mind to enjoy myself.”
“Ah ! It’s because of a boy, isn’t it ?” he states, smiling. “Maybe I know the guy who is turning your head.”
“Nonsense ! I’m worried about the app we still haven’t made yet because of you and Billy’s brilliant idea.”
You put your drink down on the table in front of you violently before standing up, angry at what he said. You only take two steps when Stuart comes in front of you with a huge smile on his face. Apparently, he just had a great time. You see him open his mouth, ready to talk, but you cut him off.
“You shut up, I absolutely don’t want to hear you !”
You go in the club’s bathroom to splash some water on your face, hoping it’ll calm you down. You’re surprised to know you got easily riled up. The situation with Stuart is irritating you more than you thought.
Ten minutes later, you leave the bathroom and go meet the group. However, you find them on the verge of getting thrown away by the bouncers. Confused, you follow them out of the club and Yo-yo informs you they got into a fight, that’s why they had to leave. Sometimes, you wonder why you didn’t make more effort to get into another group.
You end up in a place near the Golden Gate Bridge to sober up, well actually for them to sober up because besides two drinks, you didn’t drink anything else so you’re fine. Lyle is completely wasted while the others are hungover.
You’re on a bench, away from the others. Your annoyance is too strong for you to laugh at their alcoholic antics so you prefer to stay alone and enjoy the coolness of the morning. You need thirty minutes to finally laugh at Lyle’s actions. He says a lot of nonsense which is really different from what he usually does. From afar, you can see Stuart talking to Nick. You wonder what they’re talking about before you can’t stop yourself from doing it. Stuart needs to stop being on your mind 24/7. Speaking of Stuart, you see him get closer to you. He sits next to you so you refuse to look at him, keeping your gaze on the landscape in front of you. 
“Could we stop avoiding each other ?”
“When we don’t, they notice there’s something between us… I mean there was.” you retort drily.
“I said we wouldn’t sleep together anymore, not that we should stop talking.”
“Except that when we do talk, you always wanna get in my pants. So I prefer keeping my distance.”
“I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.” he admits, “you’re an amazing person.”
“Less amazing than the other woman at the club.” you murmur.
“What ?”
“Nothing.” you tell him, not wanting to show your jealousy.
“Y/N, I swear I never meant to play with you or ruin our friendship. When I kissed you the first time, I don’t know what got into me. It shouldn’t have gone this far. I apologise.”
“We’ve talked about it a thousand times, Stuart.” you sigh, looking at him, “I feel like we go around in circles. Either you want me or you don’t. But you can’t leave and come back whenever you feel like it.”
“I know.”
“Why do you do it then ?” you ask him, desperate.
“I don’t know.”
“Wow, you know how to talk to women.” you say sarcastically. “Fuck this love.” you mutter before standing up.
“Wait. I care about you, Y/N.” Stuart holds you back while taking your hand in his, “More than I’d like to and I think that’s why I leave and come back. I don’t want to lose you but I don’t know if you want me.”
“I wish you had talked to me about this instead of hurting me. At least, I’d feel less shitty.” you throw at him before leaving him alone.
Your team’s hangover ended up giving you an idea for an app which earned you a lot of points. Although you’re happy to see your internship is going well, you can’t help but feel perturbed by what Stuart told you earlier. Did he mean it ? Or did he only want to put you in his bed again ? He said he cared about you however you don’t know if you should believe him. After all, you got disappointed so many times by him in a month and a half…
As your trial is over, you walk to your room to finally get some rest. Between the sleepless night and the app you had to do at the last minute, you don’t have energy anymore. You dream of only one thing : the comfort of your bed. You’re about to open your bedroom’s door when you hear someone screaming your name. 
“Y/N !”
“Stuart ? What do you want ?” you question as he comes in front of you.
“I’m tired of hiding.” he drops, “I really care about you, Y/N. You’re a smart, funny and beautiful person. I was stupid for always leaving and coming back, you don’t deserve me to do this to you. You were right this morning, I should have talked to you about what I felt before screwing everything up. It’s just, I didn’t know if you’d want a relationship with me so I was okay with what we had and you seemed okay with it too, except I ended up hurting you and I’m terribly sorry about it. I know I’ve ruined all my chances with you, but if I could at least have you as a friend, it’d make me happy. Y/N, I promise you, if I could go back in time, I’d confess my feelings for you way before so you wouldn’t hate me now.”
“I don’t hate you.” you correct him, staring at him.
“You don’t ?”
“I have been disappointed by you, that’s for sure. You’ve messed with my brain, that’s the least we can say, but I can’t help and fall back into your arms because I care about you, too.” you admit to him, “I know I’ll probably regret what I’m about to say but if this time, you promise to communicate with me, to not run away at the first hesitation, I’d like to be friends with you again. Even if I have feelings for you, I can’t promise you we’ll get back together, I need to fully trust you again before getting into a relationship. But I can’t act as if I wanted to stay away from you. Let’s try one last time.”
“One last time is all I ask.” Stuart smiles with a hopeful look.
In the end, this last time ended up being different from the previous ones. Your relationship with Stuart has finally been able to blossom into something beautiful, like both of your hearts wanted it so much.
Romance Masterlist
{This is my side blog so I'll be answering comments under the username @marie-sworld}
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bether3385 · 2 years
author : 
Maybe there will be a part 2 I'm not sure but please be kind for I'm dyslexic and I really do have bad grammar and this is my first time writing a Stuart twombly  x Reader
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"What you want me to say was the best night of my life.. ok it's was the best Night of my life.."
Your outfit.. you love Harry Potter your house is Hufflepuff so you wear your colors
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You had crush on Stuart  Twombly since you frist saw him. 
You and him where not closer but talk alittle and he always being sarcastic asshole  times but you loved it...
You all chill and trying to get ideas of app need to create.  You were spinning around in your chair bored as hell when you spun around and faced Stewart and then stared at him for a while Neha poke at  you .  " hey your drooling. "  You looked at her ..  I am not . "    you say to her and smirks.    Everyone's just kept talking about what they can come up with and Billy and Nick talking about how young and life was good for them... Stuart looked and shook his head  " do you even know what it's like to be 21 now.   " they weren't really getting it but later after all that Billy had mentioned about going out and getting some fun but they really needed to do this app thing they all decided to go out and take the bus hanging out at the Chinese restaurant Billy and Nick we're having a good time with some Chinese dudes Billy and tell him I'm some stupid joke you were just picking at your sweet and sour chicken food Stuart had looked took a piece of your chicken and threw it at you you look up and gave him a look he just took a drink of his beer like nothing happened.    You shook your head and ate some of your food after a while they all talked about a bar Billy had mentioned to the group they wanted up going to the strip club I thought you said this was a normal bar Billy you had said scared as s*** to be in there with a bunch of people you kind of had social anxiety and you didn't have your stuffed weight plushie with you you got a little afraid but your best friend Neha grabs you and keeps you calm Stewart was just sitting there with his phone right in his face not even looking up a dancer dancer walked in front of them can I escort you to your table she asked but Stuart just kept on looking at his phone Nick touched his chin  " T here's a great big world out there my friend only 3 inches up. I beg you."
And the looks Stuart had gave him that girl crushed you someone took a sledgehammer and just broke your heart..  Stuart would never look at you that way especially especially you being a nerd and wearing a yellow sweater a school girl checkered yellow and black skirt and your hair down to your side and a little messy.  
With some knee high socks a black boots.. so you won't would never actually look anything like a woman who had the perfect tits perfect body cuz you are a little curvy and chunky and you didn't feel beautiful at all. She didn't put her finger in his mouth and sucked on it oh that was disgusting and he groaned oh you love to hear that sound but only if you made him do that you imagined him groaning for you instead in your own little world at the moment you daydreamed as soon as Stuart got taken away from the dancer.  Neha started talking about fanfiction Twilight girls with tentacles in Alien the kind of fiction she's reeds Billy and Nick just look at her but and Dancer grabbed her and you come on my gorgeous ladies she had said escorting them to the table with the group..  
Soon after that y'all started drinking well everyone else you weren't really drinking much because you weren't exactly 21 you could be in there but you couldn't drink only if you drink soda or something so you had a water but since it was Nick and Billy they kind of slipped you a little tequila here on there so you were pretty buzzed after a while as soon as the yo-yo was getting lap dance after lap dance and running to the bathroom you and Neha dancing in the rain booth enjoying and having fun and the song Rain On Me by Lady Gaga featuring Ariana Grande was playing while you were both in the booth dancing your sweater got soaked so you took you slipped it off you are wearing a lace bra top thingy like a sports bra but it was really fancy and pretty you just kept on Dancing Stewart was in there as well dancing being funny with his tongue hanging out just dancing you started to laugh and giggle but soon after that he got out and got a lap dance by it the same dancer that sucked on his finger you felt your heart dropped into your stomach you couldn't believe it it couldn't have happened you just sat there and watched Billy came next to you and looked at you I see you staring and frowning you like him don't you he said you look at him and not...   " yes I do I crushed on him since the moment I saw him.." Billy just looked at you or maybe you should tell him maybe you should go over there and take it over..    " no no I'm too scared. "  you said.. Nick her overheard you and Billy talking..  " just go for it Milady what do you got to lose.. "  Nick had  said pushing you a little bit..    trying to get you to move you then bite on your lip hard and you couldn't believe what they were trying to do you were shy and scared but this boy every time he smirked every time he winked and just the way he looked made you melt like a popsicle on the 4th of July.. they keep giving you a nuts but you set your sweater down on the Boost of the chair you didn't crawl over to Stewart as the dancer was giving him a lap dance you sort of bumped her and for her to move she just looked at you and bumped her again moving her away he then turned to her I got this you tell her she moves you crawl up on him she sits there for a moment watching you as she shows you how to grind up on him and give him a lap dance you started to get the hang of it and she smirked.  She whispered in your ear "get it girl if you want him get it  ." and she walked away.. Stewart have looked at you and smirked oh God that smirk made you melt he put his hands on your hips and he moves along your body and then his hands when close to your thighs hands go under your skirt you're grinding harder on him he groans as he enjoys it you  leaned into him even more...    Stewart's glasses were crooked and he was just enjoying so much of you a Nick and Billy gave you a thumbs up when you look back they were all excited Lyle was over there talking to some girl that he had a crush on since he met her at a dance thing in Google..   you've just kept on grinding and lap dancing on Stuart's lap he then brought you to him closer he whispered in your ear.   " oh God baby u keeps this up  your gonna home with and gonna fuck the shit out of u.  "    
Song of the background was  F eel it jacquees
You bite your lip at that response and got chills from him whispering in your ear and you so wet for him. " Oh please take me home.." you begged
" I've had a big crush on you forever Stuart there would be nothing more than to enjoy having you inside me and fucking u and wanna u so bad..   "
You tell him..   he smirked kissed your cheek and then down to your neck started making you all hot kissing that sweet spot sucking on your neck
giving you a big mark on your neck claiming his territory your moans softly into his ear as you keep grinding soon after that he had stopped you. As you all then had to cool off and dancing to the booth again cuz he would have f***** you right then and there but y'all dance some more and then soon after that Lyle had got into a fight with some guy trying to steal his woman he was talking to talk about him looking like Biff from Back to the Future you laughed y'all were beating the crap out of them y'all got kicked out Stuart had yelled that's how you party you screamed woohoo yeah!! 
Neha over the security guard shoulder screaming I know where you live at I'll kill you and your children and you were shocked from from a itty bitty girl  that coming out of her mouth.. after that y'all got back on the bus who sat next to Stewart his hand going up your skirt we're driving back they all stopped at the Golden Gate Bridge and you started hanging out sitting on the picnic table. Billy was talking to Neha why I was over there peeing taking pictures and saying sending them to the girl he was talking to yo-yo was laying on a bench table Nick talking to Stewart trying to get him to realize that he had fun he then looked at Nick and smiled and then over at you.. what do you want me to say that was the best night of my life..  Nick had nodded.. " what's the best night of my life.. " Nick had smiled see there you go and gave him a fist pump..    after that Lyle had came over and told them what he had done we all disgusted and tell him that was gross..  " you're just too drunk you stop drunk texting.." Lyle just looks at you I'm not drunk they gave them a math problem and he give a the answer Stuart said the answer Nick replied "  now that's the app a drinking app with math problems and things see how drunk you are.. " y'all agree..    then you all agree to get back to Google to get the app done but yoyo had said he could do that on the bus Stuart wanted to stay a little longer after stay in a little while you guys get the app done..  get back on the bus to where it has a little fun with you while on the bus you wind up going home with him and him Fuck the shit out of u..    next morning you all were hungover Staurt was laying on a bean bag you laying next to him with your head on his chest messy hair still cute little outfit...
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writingsbychlo · 3 years
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gingerbread spice latté | stuart twombly
word count; 7629
summary; stuart is counting on a little bit of a festive miracle to get what he really wants for christmas.
notes; none, really. nothing to say here.
warnings; none. not a one.
If there was anything that Stuart hated, it was the chalkboards outside of the little coffee shop that he called his place of work. He hated the way the signs always seemed to look sloppy when he did them, and he hated balancing on a ladder - especially in the snow - and he particularly hated the way the chalk marks seemed to get everywhere, all over his clothes in stains and on his face, and drying out his fingertips and the feel of it on his skin. He had a lot of negative feelings about chalkboards, so, yeah, he definitely hated decorating the chalkboards.
If there was anything that Stuart loved, though, it was you. He was completely and utterly infatuated with you, he couldn't help it, not when you looked so insanely adorable as you scowled at a pile of knotted Christmas lights in your hands, sitting cross-legged on the floor next to the counter. He’d helped you drag the tree you’d delivered three days ago into the back corner earlier, stabbing himself on a pine needle and almost choking on his breath when you’d rubbed your thumb over the spot on his index finger while cradling his hand to make it better.
The thing was, you’d been his best and closest work colleague for three years now, he’d formed a little crush on you from the very second that you had walked in two summers ago spelling like coconuts and mangos, and ordered an iced tea, before noting the ‘help wanted’ sign pinned up behind him, and pulled a CV out of your purse with an excited grin. You’d been all but hired form the moment you’d shaken hands with the boss, the interview being a formality, and just a week later, you’d been putting on the navy blue apron with the company logo stitched onto it and joining him behind the counter.
He’d kept it in control until now, because up until a month ago, you’d been in a relationship, a long-term one, and he'd been able to find a clear line and he had a great ability not to cross it. You didn’t stay late after the close-up shifts to have a drink with him, and he didn’t tempt himself into growing closer to you by talking to you outside of work. You were just the cute barista he saw four times a week. But, then you’d been single, and you’d started staying behind after work to have a coffee with him, and let him walk you home as it grew darker into the winter, and you’d even started messaging him outside of work. ‘Friending’ one another on Facebook had led to chatting, which was exchanging numbers, and then there were the times you were bored, or he was, and you’d spend hours on the phone just talking.
Since then, he’d been in deep. That was exactly how he found himself in his current situation, watching as you mumbled to yourself and huffed as you undid the lights, looping them in untangled trails around yourself as you went. Maybe he leaned a little too far to see you, maybe he just wanted to get a better look at your face as you sat illuminated by the fairy lights you’d already strung up along the counter that made you glow like an angel, because one moment he’d been writing ‘Christmas Specials - only $4’ on the sign over the door and watching you wistfully, and then next he’d been tumbling unsteadily on the ladder and landing on the snow, head cracking against the concrete as he groaned, thankful for the layer of icy flakes that had cushioned his fall somewhat, even if he had hit the ground hard enough that his vision had gone black for a second, and was still spotting slightly.
His head was spinning, and the second it cleared, you were leaning over him, wide eyes and distressed expression on your face as you knelt beside him, and despite having the breath punched from his lungs with the fall, he was now breathless for an entirely new reason. Heat rose to his cheeks, enough to melt the snow that was landing on his face as he tried to sit up, feeling your fingers snake around to cup the back of his head as you helped him up, shuffling back to sit on your legs as you contained to kneel beside him.
“Oh my God, Stu!” Warm breath was coming out in pants in the cold afternoon air, and his embarrassment only increased. “Are you okay?”
He groaned again, the pain of a nod making him wince, and he paused for a second to clear it, feeling the throbbing pain in the back of his skull getting worse. Your fingers were still within his dark tresses, tracing lightly over his scalp, and he hissed under his breath as the tips brushed across the sore spot on his head. “‘M going to be fine. I promise.”
“That is gonna’ leave a nasty bump. The one day you don’t wear your beanie is the day you could’ve used your extra head protection.” He couldn't help by laugh at your words, hating the way a spike of pain shot along his spine from his skull as he did.
“I know, I know.”
“How’d it happen?” You were staring at him instantly now, your hand slipping down from his head to sit on his shoulder, your thumb brushing against his neck each time you moved it, and he wasn’t sure if you even knew what you were doing, but you made his mind stutter to a complete halt, blank of any coherent thought as he stared at you.
“Just, uh, distracted. Slipped, I guess. Icy.” He gestured a hand around himself vaguely, hating the way he couldn’t even form real sentences, and you smirked at him, nodding your head.
“Yeah, icy.” You were teasing him, he knew you were, but he couldn't even be mad in the same way he’d be mad at someone else, because as you smiled at him, a glint in your eye and a sweet looking taunt that made him weak, all for him, he just shrugged, grinning back at you. You stood up, hands shaking a little as you brush the tip of your nose, rubbing it to bring heat back to your face as you began to chill, and when you brought it to his attention, he realised just how cold it was, sitting in the mounds of snow. You brushed yourself off, wet marks along your legs from where you’d been perched in the ice, and held your hands out to him. “Let’s get you up and inside. C’mon.”
He didn’t hesitate, hands slipping into your own, and he held on tightly, letting you pull him to his feet before he was brushing himself down of the ice and following you into the building, the bell above the door chiming as the two of you entered, warmth encasing him as he did, and a tingling spread along his skin. The smell of freshly ground coffee, and all the different sweet and spiced syrups that had been bought in to match the drinks, as well as the slightly sweet smell of herbal teas in the background.
You led him through to the back, sitting him down on the boxes that had yet to be unpacked, and he popped the buttons on the front of his coat, pushing it down his shoulders as he watched you disappear. When you came back, you had a towel wrapped around a clump of ice, scooped fresh from the ice machine for frozen coffees and teas, and he reached his hand out for it, before you bypassed him. Instead of stopping before him and handing it over, you stepped up between his parted legs, bring a hand around to the back of his head to press it to the sore spot gently, and while it hurt for a split second, it felt like the patch was on fire, and he was relieved at the cooling pressure, letting out a deep sigh.
He fell forwards, he couldn't help it, forehead pressed to the soft flesh of your stomach through your jumper, and you chuckled, his head bobbing a little as you did, before your other hand was coming up to play with his hair. It was slightly damp, he could tell from the way it stuck to your fingers, but he wasn’t all that surprised; actually, he wouldn't be surprised if he got a chill from going out to do the signs in the snow, but someone had to do it today, and he wasn’t going to let it be you.
He shifted, chin resting on your stomach instead, and you moved his hair away from his forehead, offering him a little smile as he stared up at you. “You’re looking at me from the worst possible angle.”
“You look great.”
“Uh-huh.” You rolled your eyes, and he snorted a little at the way your face screwed up.
“Like an angel.” This made you really laugh, deep and full-bodied, and he wrapped his hands around the backs of your legs. Large palms spreading out over the backs of your knees, pulling you a little closer and he didn’t miss the way your breath hitched and your eyes widened a little. He wasn’t blind, nor stupid, he was well-aware of the way things had been developing between the two of you, he knew you had some kind of feelings for him, he just didn’t know if you were ready for them, only a few months out of a relationship that had lasted years, and he was more than happy to wait for you if you weren’t. “A Christmas angel. My angel.”
“How hard did you hit your head again, Twombly?”
He rolled his eyes, it was his turn to laugh, but you didn’t back away from him, bringing your hand down to place the melting ice pack down on the side as he stood, towering over you now, hands sliding up from your thighs to your waist, a respectable place, no matter how much he wished it was a little lower, a grip just a little tighter, a little more intimate. “Not that hard, I swear. But, it doesn’t mean that it’s not how I feel. You really are an angel.”
Your own hands were on him now, too. Sitting lightly on his biceps, nails dragging against his skin lightly through the cotton of his shirt and he shuddered slightly under your grazes. He could smell the perfume you wore, a seasonal one, spices and berries that you swapped out with the seasons and he felt intoxicated by it already.
“A very pretty angel, might I add.”
“Yeah?” You grinned now, and he could taste the gingerbread-flavoured coffee on your breath still, the drink you’d been sipping on all day, a slow crowd and so you’d busied yourself with last-minute Christmas decorations. The snow had been a blessing, the cold weather and icy temperatures had ushered in large crowds who sought out hot drinks and winter aesthetics, and the two of you had barely any time to set up for the Christmas celebrations. Now, though, as the snow came down in thick storms from fluffy clouds, you had a day of quiet and calm.
He watched as you leaned in, the tip of your nose bumping his own, and he swallowed thickly, his nerves taking over, but he was quick to steady them, trying to soothe his racing heart. “The prettiest, sweetheart.”
Just as he’d garnered the bravery to close that gap, the ringing of the bell at the front door shocked through the air, a startling noise that clamoured in his ears and made you jump back with a little squeak. His eyes went wide, body stiffening and heat was crawling up his cheeks. The same look he was sure was reflected on his own face was present on yours; a little embarrassed, a little flustered, and totally caught off guard, before you were shrinking away from him, a sweet smile on your lips as your hands slid to find his, squeezing reassuringly.
“That’s a, uh, customer.”
You grinned, entertained by his awkwardness once again, and you picked the ice pack back up, pressing it into his hand as you nodded your head. “That it is. I got it, you put that pack back on. Hope we didn’t break that smarty-pants brain of yours.”
With that, you were stepping away from him, turning your back on him with a final cheeky smile, and disappearing out front. Your voice rang out a second later, followed by the fake-laughter he knew you offered up to those who made crappy jokes about he fun names of all of the coffees, before you wee switching on machines, the coffee-grinding drowning out your voice, and he sighed, unable to stop the smile taking place on his face as he shook his head to himself.
He waited a while longer, hearing the bell ding a handful more times, hearing your cheery voice greet them and take orders, before machines were whirring into life, dulling moments later to reveal the sound of the cash register dinging and then the bell was signalled again as they left. When the throbbing in his skull eventually gave in, and he was just left with a slightly sensitive patch on the back of his head that was raised up in a firm and angry bump he was sure would come to cause struggle later that night when he got in bed, he finally ventured back into the main shop again.
He searched for you, concern flicking over his features for only a second, before you were popping out from behind the Christmas tree, a box of ornaments under your hands, and he could see the fairy lights already strung within the branches, yet to be turned on at the socket. You caught his eye, a sweet smile pulling at your lips, before he took tentative steps over to you, holding his hands out to retrieve the cardboard box in your hands.
You let him have it, and he held it steadily for you, following you in circles around the tree until he was dizzy, but you were beginning to be happy with the placements of the colour scheme and the ornaments put up among the branches. It was domestic, far too domestic for his liking, and he couldn't help the way his mind wandered.
He was picturing you setting up a slightly smaller tree in the corner of his apartment, wearing one of his jumpers and a pair of leggings, the fluffy socks he got you as a gift every year, sipping eggnog and singing to Christmas music the way you did when the songs came on over the radio, interspersed with the regular hits that played on loop. He pictured getting to come up behind you, arms around your waist, kissing at your cheek until your face screwed up and you turned to kiss him properly. He was dreaming about Christmas day, not needing an excuse to kiss you, cold days where you’d snuggle up a little closer to him in bed, and on the couch, and getting to hold your hand when you wandered along in the snowy streets with him. He wanted to sip hot chocolate with you, and take you home to meet his parents and all of his siblings as his mom showed you baby photos from the albums, an-
“You remember our first Christmas?”
He snapped back out of his reverie, a blush crawling up his cheeks as you looked at him expectantly, and he wondered idly if you’d been talking this whole time and he’d just missed it all, but he only nodded, a smile taking place in his face as he thought about it. “Yeah, ‘course I do. How could I forget? It was a nightmare.”
He told no lie, it truly had been disastrous. It wasn’t the same kind of icy but dry chill that surrounded you both now, this year was a perfect white Christmas, just enough snow to keep everyone inside, three days of peaceful quiet as the flakes fell down from the sky. That had been a weirdly warm but snowy Christmas. The snow was melting when it hit the ground, muddy ice and slushy trails now that were slippy, the floors were constantly wet and needed to be mopped.
There had been angry customers, frustrated with the weather that snapped when the machines took too long to grind beans, or their order was a little off, or they just didn’t like the prices. The pair of you had been run off of your feet, absolutely exhausted by the end of it all, and more than happy to shut up shop at the end of the 23rd, not to return until the 27th.
“Last year wasn’t so bad.”
“Until I burned the gingerbread biscuits, and we had to call the fire department.” He felt his face screw up again as you laughed, souring as he remembered the burnt spice scent that had lingered around for almost a full week afterwards, and the way he was certain he was going to lose his job when the boss had found out, but he’d just about been spared, on a probationary period. Truly, he wouldn't have been all torn up about it if he’d lost the job, he could easily get another, but he would’ve been begrudging to lose out on all the time he got to spend with you.
“That was very funny. For me, anyway.” He stuck his tongue out childishly at your teasing, dropping the box in his arms down when the final decorations were up on the tree, and letting out a satisfied little sigh as the two of you looked up at your masterpiece. “Holy shit, it looks awesome. I should be a professional Christmas tree decorator. Is that a thing?”
“Probably. For, like, the really rich people who have those fancy trees that always just seem to show up in the living room in movies.” You grinned, shaking your head and gathering up all the boxes and storage, pushing it away towards the counter with your foot. “You’d have to make all your money at Christmas. Think you can fit in that many trees?”
“Nah. I’ll just do, like, three trees a day but charge a grand each time. That’s how good my tree decorating skills are.”
“Uh-huh.” He crossed his arms, watching as you found the right plug, flicking on the socket as you scoffed.
“What, you don't think my tree-skills are that good?” He shrugged, and you raised your brows, plugging the device in, lowering the lighting of the room a little bit with the switch on the wall, and admiring the glow of the lights as they all came to life. He had to admit, it was stunning. Warm lights were reflecting from gold and silver decorations, the star at the top seeming like it was haloed by the light below, and it brought every other decoration in the little shop together. “How about now?”
You came back over, standing beside him, lifting his arm for you to tuck yourself under, and he chuckled at the action, fingers running gently along your arm as you settled yourself into his side, trying to steady his racing heart as he did. “Okay, fair enough. This would look epic on your tree portfolio.”
“I knew it.”
He only rolled his eyes, leaving the conversation at that, tipping his head to the side a little to rest his cheek atop the crown of your head. Maybe it wasn’t the way he'd daydreamed it, but he was happy to wait until that time came around. You stood there for a while, just like that, and he was more than happy to, just holding you, and letting your fingers play with the front of his jumper, tangling lightly and brushing hard enough that he could feel it all the way through to his skin.
“Been a good two hours since we had any customers, y’know.” He startled a little, the silence broken, and he looked over to the clock, noting you were right, having become distracted with your tree decorating and reminiscing, and the light outside was beginning to fade away.
“I think, if we closed up a little early, nobody would mind.”
You turned, a little glint in your eyes as you looked at him, raising a hand to pat at his cheek with a smirk, and he slapped your hand away. “I like the way you think, Twombly.”
He followed you as you went, the two of you more than used to the routine you’d got through as you began the closedown of the little coffee shop. He was on trash and machine duty, he’d empty all the filters and change all the bins and shut everything down after setting it off on its cleaning cycles. You went through the fridges, making sure every bottle was closed and counted, writing up the stock sheets, and going upstairs to the storage rooms to get more of anything you’d run out of during the day, before wiping down all of the tables.
Just like that, the two of you were off. Working in a perfect harmony with one another, humming along to Christmas music as you worked. You disappeared for a little while, and he was left alone, beginning to get everything finished, and stacking up the various trash bags in the corner, all but one machine now on their cleaning cycle, sterile tablets put into each to make sure they were thoroughly disinfected, and he couldn't help but notice how good the tree the pair of you had set up actually looked as the light began to fade. Only ten minutes until the actual closing time of the shop, and if there was one huge benefit to the winter, it was that people never came out as late.
Summer brought groups of teens who were too young to drink coming to the coffee shop to meet up, drinking iced teas and thinking they ruled the world, and he hated the backchat he got whenever he had to kick them out at closing time in order to be able to gather up the fold-away chairs that lay outside. In the winter, they didn't even bother putting those chairs out. Placing two of the tallest mugs under the spouts of the final remaining machine, he set it off, a generous dash of gingerbread syrup in the bottom of one. He made a jug of hot milk, foaming at the top, and watching as they began to fill up, hearing the creaks of the floorboards over his head as you moved around the stock room and gathered what you needed.
Only moments later, you were making your way down the stairs, uneven steps, before backing your way into the room and huffing, placing the full crate down onto the counter and blowing a piece of air back and out of your face.
“Can we make a deal?”
“Depends on the deal.” He smirked at the way your face hardened a little, even though both of you already knew that he would say ‘yes’, for you.
“Will you put away the last boxes of unused Christmas things if I take out the trash bags instead?” He sighed, seeming to contemplate it, before giving you a cheeky grin, and nodding his head.
“Well, I suppose so.”
You beamed, leaning up to brush a kiss to his cheek as you passed him by, before you were moving away towards the backdoor to find the trash, and he went back to the task he was doing. He swirled in the milk, artfully making sure there was a layer of foam at the top as the coffee poured in, the perfect mix reaching up to the top of each mug, right to the rim, and he placed them both further away on the counter. Leaving them to cool, he did as you’d asked, carrying the boxes up the stairs two at a time, shivering a little at the backdoor that was popped open, and deep down, he was glad he didn’t have to do the task, the industrial waste bins being all the way at the opposite end of the pathway, and there was at last three trips worth of bags there.
It was still snowing, a few flakes gathering in the doorway and melting as they touched the floor, and Stuart made a mental note to heat up some heating pads and put them into his bed before getting ready to sleep tonight, so his covers would be nice and warm when he got into them later tonight. He still had time, and so he put away the box of stock you’d brought down, returning the box to the stockroom and jogging back down. There were no more bags, he knew you must be on your way back by now, and so the timing was perfect, both of you finishing up your set of tasks in correlation.
Using the shape stencil for the chocolate powders, he placed one over the top of your drink, sprinkling the dust across the top until a layer was made, a brown heart sitting prominently on the top of the foamy surface, and he pushed it over to one side of the counter, dusting his own with cinnamon, and taking a seat on the opposite side of the bar, blowing gently on the surface of the drink.
He heard the drag of the metal, the chill being shut out as you closed the door and the sound of locks bolting, before making your way through to meet him. There was snow in your hair that you were trying to shake loose, and goosebumps raised along your skin, and you let out a little huff as you sat opposite him, hands wrapping around your mug for warmth, and he raised his brows, taking a sip of his drink as he stared at you.
“It’s cold as fuck out there.” You smiled a little at the gesture on top, the shape in the foam, offering him an endearing smile, before running a wooden stirrer through it to mix it all up.
“You didn’t think to wear your coat?”
“Didn’t think it was that cold, and by the time I was halfway through, I just wanted to get it over with as soon as possible.” You shrugged casually, and he studied you for a moment, before feeling the wicked grin that was cracking across his cheeks.
“You didn’t bring one, did you?”
You paused for a second, before shaking your head with a sigh, and he cheered internally at being right. “I hate that you can read me so well, Twombly. But, no. I didn’t bring a jumper, and I didn’t want to put on my coat because then it would be wet and cold for the walk home.”
He disappeared for only a second, bringing his hoodie back through in his hands, and holding the top of it up for you. You pushed your head through the gap, arms following, and he pulled it down your torso as you cozied into it, before he was sitting down once again, and enjoying the appreciative little noise you left out as the warmth of the oversized hoodie embraced you.
“You are a gift from God himself. You make me my favourite hot drinks, and you keep me warm so I don’t get a chill. Whatever would I do without you, huh, Stu?”
He scrunched up his nose at the nickname, hating the word himself, but loving the way it sounded when you said it, and so he settled for tolerating it in silence, a single shoulder raising and falling in a weak attempt to brush off the gestures, in hopes you wouldn't look too far into them. “Speaking of gifts, check the front pocket.”
He nodded his head to the garment now hanging on your frame, and your jaw dropped, excitement flashing across your features and he sipped his drink to hide his grin, watching as you dug both hands into the pockets, pulling out a small and neatly wrapped box that he’d had ready to give to you for two weeks now.
You placed it down on the tabletop before you, eyeing it for a second before giving in to your curiosity and running a nail underneath the seal of the wrapping. It popped open, and you undid it carefully, before pulling out the box from within. Undoing the latch and pushing it open delicately, there was a little gasp on your lips as you took in the design inside, eyes flicking up to him for a second, and there was something considerably softer and warmer evident in your eyes than had been there before.
“Stuart, this is so pretty.” You ran the pad of a single finger across it, admiring the gem within, before pulling it out slowly by its string. A beautiful charm, silver chain that was shining, a new clasp put on, holding a beautiful charm along it; your birthday stone. “Can you put it on for me?”
He was on his feet in an instant, making his way over to you and standing behind you, taking it from your hands and letting you sweep your hair out of the way before he was fastening it around your neck, and letting you admire it on yourself. “I saw it a few weeks ago, in that little vintage charity shop type store down the road, the one you love, and I just knew you’d like it.”
“Correction, I love it.” He beamed, daring to reach a hand out across the table towards you, and you spread your fingers wide for him, enough for him to slip his own digits with yours, holding onto you as your joint hands sat atop the counter. “I got you something too.”
“Well, can I have it?”
“Uh, not quite. Well, not until next summer.” He snorted a laugh, using his free hand to take a sip of his drink. “And, it’s not really something you open, it’s more just something you do.”
“Is it something we can do together?”
“No.” You hummed, squeezing his hand a little at the confusion that flittered across his features. “You know, you’re meant for more than this coffeeshop, Stu. You’re so smart, and so good with all your computers and your tech, and I know you want more.”
He was confused, he had no idea where you were taking this, and his eyes narrowed apprehensively as he tried to work out where you were going with it all, and what it could possibly have to do with his Christmas present. “You always say you want to go for some amazing opportunities, but don’t think you’re good enough. But, I know you are. So, I may or may not have signed you up to a few things.”
“I feel like this is leading to something weird, like, a tantric sex course, or something.”
You gave him a disbelieving look, a low chuckle emitted from you, before you were shaking your head. “No, not tantric sex. Unless they do that at Google, I’m not sure.”
“Yeah.” You played it off like it was no big deal, but his jaw dropped slightly, and you were staring into your mug with a little smile on your face. “They do this internship thing every year, as you know, since you told me about it, but you didn’t think you had what it takes. I sent in an application form for you, and did some emailing, and there’s a place available for you if you want it. Next summer, six weeks long, I think, but they provide everything. You don’t have to take it, you can turn it down, but I think it could be the beginning of an amazing future for you, Stuart.”
He didn’t know what to say, his eyes were burning slightly as tears formed, and he laughed breathlessly, ducking his head to try and blink them away, before he was taking his hand from your own to wipe at his eyes. His head shook with disbelief, and he felt his entire body deflate with the contented sigh that he let out. “They really accepted me?”
“They did! I’ve been telling you for years how good you are, Stuart, you just have to believe it.”
“You’re the most incredible woman I have ever met.” He looked back up to you now, a look he couldn't quite decipher flashing over your features, before your head was ducking as you nibbled on your lower lip, embarrassment taking place. “Nobody has ever done anything like that for me before.”
“You deserve it.”
“Maybe, but I don’t deserve you.”
Your lips pursed, head shaking vehemently as you wrapped both hands around the one of his that you were holding. “You deserve everything good in the world, Stuart Twombly. I promise you that.”
Stuart was pretty sure that he had never wanted to kiss you more than he wanted to kiss you right now, but before he could work up the nerve, you were standing up, bringing yourself off a little, and taking the box of his gift and placing it back in your pocket. Throwing away the wrapping paper, you made it to his side, arms wrapping around his middle as your hands smoothed over his back, cheek on his shoulder, and he could feel your short puffs of breath against his neck, and he didn’t hesitate for even a single second to wrap you up tightly in the returning of the hug.
You remained that way for a while, letting him trace his fingers up and down your spine, until you had decided that you’d had enough. He would never get tired of it though. The way you felt in his arms and the way you would cling to him in that unique way that you did, the smell of your varying body sprays and perfumes that changed with the seasons, and your heart thudding against his chest through your own, everything that made each hug one of his favourite moments.
“Do you want me to walk you home tonight?”
“I would love that, actually.” You pulled away from him then, and he regretted speaking, but you were giving him that smile that was reserved only to be shared between the two of you when you were alone, and he’d do anything to see it, to keep it on your face, and so he was willing to let the hug go. “Let me go grab about coats.”
He only nodded, draining away what was left of your drinks and leaving the mugs upside down on the counter beside the dishwasher, ready to be cleaned and restored to the shelves before opening time tomorrow. You were already wearing your coat when you returned, holding his out to him, and as soon as he took it, your hands were buried into your pockets. He fished out his keys, a hand on your lower back as he guided you towards the door, letting you turn off all the fairy lights and main lamps, the building closing down into darkness.
As the door was pulled open, cold air swept in, a groan on your lips as you exited into the icy chill, snow crunching under your feet as you went, leaving your marks in the pristine covering, shuddering a little as you did. He locked up, hearing you kicking at piles of snow absentmindedly behind him, before the building was all locked up and the shutters were pulled down, locking the building up tight to be protected for another night. Then, he was pulling up his hood, protecting himself against the cold weather, and falling into step beside you on the way he was accustomed to walking in the direction of your apartment.
You didn’t have a hood, and he patted down his pockets, finding the item he was looking for, and bringing it up to place on your head, hands smoothing over your hair as the garment was adjusted, before deciding he was happy with the way it looked.
“You had your beanie with you the whole time, today?”
“I always have my beanie with me.” He teased, reaching a hand into your pocket boldly, and lacing cold fingers with your warm ones, feeling you squeeze back and hold onto him tightly. His other hand was tucked into his own pocket, and he had to bite at the inside of his cheek just to be able to contain his smile.
“Well, why didn’t you wear it? You needed it, today of all days.” He huffed a little at your teasing, in reference to the fall he had taken hours ago.
“I don’t know, I just wanted to be different today, I guess.”
“Well, you don’t need to be different. I happen to adore you just the way you are.” He didn’t bother to reply, simply twisting his head to press a kiss to your temple, before a simple silence was taking up around you both. It wasn’t unusual for the two of you to be in a comfortable kind of quiet, whether you were physically together or on the phone, or a video call, it was just a norm. Sometimes, when he had college work to do, he’d ring you, and let you go about everything you were doing at home, just to have some company. Sometimes, when your anxiety was getting the better of you and you’d feel a little overwhelmed, you’d call him, and he’d talk to you about anything and everything he could think of until you fell asleep, or felt better.
It was just the way the two of you operated, another way in which the pair of you created a perfect balance and harmony together.
It was a short walk, and only a few lights in your building were still lit up, but he knew that most of your neighbours were older couples, but that you’d chosen that purposefully, for a more peaceful place to live. When he reached the bottom of the steps you were cautious to stand in the spots where snow had been cleared and salt laid down, the centres of the steps, as you climbed up onto the first one. You were taller than him by a few inches now, and he was looking up at you, your hands moving to rest on his shoulders.
“Thanks for walking me, Stuart.” He could only nod, swallowing thickly, and trying to gain some confidence. Today had been the best day yet that the two of you had spent together, it had all been one, long, ‘moment’ between you both. Uninterrupted and without anything to shatter it, he’d loved every moment, and he didn’t want to let his chance slip away as a new day threatened to wipe the slate clean. “Out with it, Twombly. What’s going through that brilliant head of yours?”
“Just, that today was amazing. With you, it was incredible.”
“I had a great day too, if that’s what you’re worried about.” You squeezed his shoulders reassuringly, and he laughed lightly, watching as your eyes twinkled with your own amusement.
“I know, it’s just that I had such a good day I don’t want it to end. But, I never want days with you to end.” He could feel fear taking over, logic about knowing you must feel the same way flying out of the window, and he felt like a teenager again, trying to ask the popular girl to be his date to the latest school dance. “I felt like there was something special today, though. When you were looking after me after I bumped my head, before a customer came in.”
He took a deep breath, watching the way your lips flicked up at the sides, and he scowled a little, now knowing that you knew exactly what he was talking about, and forcing him to say it anyway.
“You know what I’m trying to say.”
“Maybe I do.” You teased, and he grumbled a little under his breath, but he could never really be angry with you for your teases, not when you looked so cute while doing so.
“I just think that me and you have something special, and I’d hate myself if I didn’t say anything when I had the chance, if some other schmuck came in and swept you up before I had the chance to tell you how I really f-” He was shocked, a gasp on his lips as he felt you push into him. Your hands had moved from his shoulders to rest lightly on his neck, heart racing under your palms and as he realised that you were kissing him, a soft moan bubbled up from within him.
When he finally managed to wrap his head around what was going on, he lifted one hand up to place over your cheek, pressing back into you enthusiastically, and the other settled on your waist. Underneath your coat, his fingers flexed against your waist, pulling you closer and letting you step back down to his height as your chest came flush up with his. It was slow, the drag of your lips over his, soft and short kisses that were pressed in between soft sighs and smiles, gasps for breath before you were diving into each other once again.
He let his tongue poke out, needing more from you as he found himself beginning to drown in the taste of your mouth, and the way it felt to finally indulge in what he’d been wanting for so long, and he needed more. He traced the seam of your lips, and you parted them for him almost instantly, dipping your own tongue out to play with his own, and it felt like an entirely new high. Dragging together, tangling, playing as you learned one another’s mouths, got to know each other in a whole new and more intimate way than ever before, and he was sure his head was spinning.
He needed breath, desperately, but he wasn’t ready to pull back just yet, and then you did, a whine sliding form him as he puckered his lips and chased after you in a way that he really should have been embarrassed about, but couldn't find it to do so. You had swollen and shining lips, hair slightly messy from the hand of his own that had slid into the locks, and you were flushed, panting a little for breath as you stared up at him through darkened but widened eyes.
“That might be the best kiss I’ve ever had.”
He grinned, dragging the tip of his nose against your own, and stealing a few more quick kisses from your lips, looking down at you once again as you found yourself standing on the ground alongside him. You were tugged into him close enough that he could feel your heart beating against his own, just as fast and unsteady, showing him that you felt the same way he did, and that he affected you just as you affected him.
“You taste like gingerbread.”
He smirked a little, something like a giggle and sigh leaving you as you nodded your head, shrugging slightly before running your hands back down his arms to take his hands in your own. With foreheads pressed together, you pecked his lips once more, and Stuart swore this was what heaven felt like. “Well, you did make me a gingerbread spiced coffee before we left the shop.”
“They are your favourite, you have a ton of them every winter, I knew you’d like one.”
“I didn’t know you noticed that.” You smiled, and he brushed a thumb over your cheek, tipping your head back to catch his eye.
“I’ve had a thing for you for quite a while, I just never knew what to do about it, and you were in a relationship, so I was left learning stupid little endearing facts about you.” He grinned, and you gasped, shoving him a little while never letting go of his hand.
“Stuart, I’ve been flirting with you constantly for like eight months. You never made a move!”
“I just made a move!”
You only laughed more, pursed lips as you stared at him. “Nope! Pretty sure I’m the one who kissed you, actually.”
He could only roll his eyes and smile, nodding his head and leaning back in. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” He closed the gap, another sweet and tender kiss being shared between you both. Sensual and soft, he decided that if he could live in this exact moment forever, he’d be more than happy with that, kissing the Christmassy reminiscent taste from your lips as you held onto him so tightly.
When you finally pulled away, you were walking backwards up the steps, tugging him with you a little, and offering him a coy smirk. “Wanna’ come up for a Christmas spiced nightcap?”
He let out a loud laugh at that, louder than he should have when all the downstairs lights were turned off, but he couldn't help it, following you up the steps and weaving your fingers together properly. “Can’t imagine anything better.”
“I’ll tell you all about your internship when we get up there.” You were patting down your pockets, finding your keys and making sure to lock the main door building carefully behind yourself, and he trailed after you, as quietly as possible.
“I can’t wait.”
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