#Sties RP
did you know you have a descendant on here?
D☸ i n☸w? Actua⥜⥜y, i w☸uldn't be suprised if i had mu⥜tip⥜e. I've been ar☸und a whale. But h☸w can y☸u be sh☸re? Sharing a sign d☸esn't necessarily make me any☸ne's ancest☸r. There has t☸ be m☸re t☸ it than that, y☸u kn☸w.
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resolvebound · 8 months
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As one of the Exceed eggs that was sent to Earthland in X778, he hatched alone in a large forest. It didn't take long for some manner of creature to come by and startle him into fleeing and hiding, sending him eventually to the edge of the forest where a small town was settled. The sounds, scents, and people were almost overwhelming to him, yet not enough to scare him back to the forest. He sought shelter in the quietest building he came across, the library. Here, he felt safe.
The librarian, an elderly and kind gentleman named Terrence, found him and coaxed him into coming forward. Terrence cared for him and named him Lector, after one of his favourite scholars. After a little while, it became apparent that Lector was no ordinary cat, that he could potentially talk and fly. Terrence was thrilled to teach him to read and write, encouraging a love of reading and learning. When Lector was a few years old, Terrence decided to enrol him at the local school to help him make friends and socialise.
Lector’s intelligence, and already substantial pool of knowledge, made him swiftly rise to the top of the class. He aced all the tests, and to the chagrin of one of the oldest boys in the class, was found to be adorable by the girls around. Lector’s life began to get difficult from that point. The boy disliked the attention Lector got, and was further incensed when Lector would at times correct him or point out something he was doing wrong. Lector was only trying to help, but it was not well received.
The boy and his friends took to making fun of Lector and pushing him around at any opportunity. One day, they made fun of his wings and how he never seemed to use them (Lector didn’t have very good control of them, they would burst out whenever he was startled or excited, sometimes even just when he sneezed!). The bullies taunted him and challenged him to prove himself by flying a dangerous course. Lector, hoping to earn his place and put an end to the bullying, attempted the course.
It did not go well. He crashed and they laughed at him, soon scattering as it became apparent that he was injured. Lector eventually made his way back home to the library. As he recovered, Terrance asked what had happened, but Lector refused to talk about it, feeling foolish. Terrance, though concerned, did not press the issue, and instead gave Lector collections of stories that he thought might inspire him, books about heroes and bravery.
Sometime after Lector recovered, Terrence fell ill and passed away, leaving Lector alone. The bullying continued and Lector took solace in the books and heroic stories left to him. He dreamed of becoming as strong and capable as the characters in his books. So, when he then began to hear of a new kid around that was strong with magic, he was of course interested. He soon found him, a blond boy, clearly skilled already. Intrigued but wary, Lector watched from a distance at first, soon witnessing the boy standing up to and scaring off the kids that had given Lector so much trouble himself. Lector gathered his courage and followed the boy, requesting to become his apprentice, hoping to learn how to be strong and brave. The two have been together ever since.
Lector’s self-confidence grew alongside his friendship with Sting. With such steadfast belief in his best friend, he began to become rather arrogant, as seen in his first appearances throughout the GMG arc. Seeing the battle between the four dragon slayers during the games end in a draw (this follows my canon div for Rogue along with other RP partners divs for the same event), Lector was shaken. He had never seen Sting struggle or be so evenly matched, aside from with Rogue, but what truly stood out to Lector was the way Sting tried for his sake, to honour the promise made long ago. Following the battle and talking with Sting, Lector came to understand that it didn’t matter what the rest of the world thought about either of them, he still believed in Sting and they had each other, that was all that mattered. There was almost a relief to be had, and an acknowledgement that they could both still learn more and achieve more. He was proud of Sting (and Rogue too for that matter), and that was what pushed him to speak to Jiemma on their behalf (which, as we all know, did not go well…).
Later, having seen what Sting went through in the battle, and having faced the possibility of death himself (not to mention then seeing dragons invade the city), Lector reassessed himself and became a little more humble, stripping back some of the arrogance he had walled himself up with and showing more of his true self.
Lector is, at his core, incredibly loyal and well-meaning. He favours logical and practical approaches and can be relied on to have a sensible suggestions, but on the other hand, logic flies out the window when it comes to his friends. He protects and supports them with everything he has, even if it means putting himself in harms way or going against his better instincts. He is slow to warm up to most people, as he and Sting never tended to get too involved with other people over the years and he doesn’t trust easily, however once he deems someone worthy, he is all in. He likes to help others, and in fact sometimes can’t resist helping, which can at times be taken the wrong way. Since the X791 GMG, he has tried to become more open to others.
He addresses most people with a title – Mrs, Ma’am, Miss, Mister etc, as he was raised to do so by Terrence as a matter of manners. He uses such titles with strangers, and with people he respects only. He did address Sting as “Mister Sting” for quite a while when they first met. (this is me side-stepping his use of honorifics in canon). Once he is close with someone (or they request it), he drops the title.
Terrence also taught him a lot about tactfulness in the hopes of curbing some of Lector’s troubles with people viewing him as a know-it-all. Lector tries to think before he speaks and usually does well with it.
Obviously, there are limits to his physical capabilities and his hopes of becoming as strong as Sting were short lived, however, he did his own type of training with Sting in order to become a skilled flier and was successful.
He loves strategy games like chess. He loves an intellectual challenge. He has always known that his biggest asset is his mind.
On the same note, he loves crossword puzzles and puzzles in general as they use the brain and he doesn’t have to be ‘strong’ to have fun with and be good at them.
He has excellent handwriting due to learning from Terrence.
He really enjoys drawing and has become very skilled at it. He initially took up the hobby, alongside writing, with the goal of recording Sting’s adventures and achievements in a book.
He loves cooking and food in general and is highly interested in recipes from different cultures and areas. He tends to (subconsciously) associate a person’s cooking skill with if they are a good person or not, as Terrence was a very good cook.
He most definitely has nightmares about Jiemma and about being alone.
He has a variety of different vests, but tends to wear the light blue one the most as blue is one of his favourite colours.
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thessalian · 10 months
Thess vs Sex
Since I’m trying to take my mind off some anxieties today (I will talk about these anxieties when they are resolved and not a moment sooner), I’ve had at least one post as regards the whole deal about what I can only call neo-puritanism and kink tossed in my general direction recently because people know that, however counterintuitive it is given my orientation, this is a subject in which I have a great deal of interest. Not the actual doing of it, mind you; just the various bits of discourse that seem to go around so much these days. So here it is - a specific asexual’s view of the whole thing:
First of all, I have no issues with sex. I don’t want to do it, I don’t particularly want to watch it, and I’ll probably skim-read over it. I am a Fade To Black sort of person when it comes to RP (the people I’d be writing erotica with are like my siblings anyway; that’d just be weird even if I did like sex). Thing is, as I understand it, sex is a good thing for the people who enjoy it. It can be a moment of intimacy. It can be just for fun. It can be both. It’s just that people are taking it more and more seriously in all the wrong ways right now. So when it comes to sex, there are a few questions:
Is it consensual? And that’s about all of it. The basics of sex, certain positions or acts, whatever kink is being indulged ... if there is not full, enthusiastic, and continuous consent throughout, that is the only time I would say it’s ‘wrong’. I’m not just talking about sexual assault either. I’m talking about, “He wanted me to give him a blowjob and I don’t deal well with that but he just kept pushing my head down there and--”, or “We were doing some light spanking and they got a little carried away and I didn’t want to ruin the moment by telling--” The moment is already ruined by that point - for you. Consent can always be revoked at any time. If your partner or partners are not willing to accept your revocation of consent, they are nasty pieces of shit who don’t deserve the fun and the pleasure sex can bring.
Is it safe? Not just talking about “guard against STIs and unwanted pregnancy” safe, either, though that’s hella important. I have a long history of despising Fifty Shades of Gray, not just because it’s poorly-written pulp but because it has made an absolute mess in the BDSM community. Safe words, aftercare, contract (preferably written so it can be gone over again later) negotiated and agreed by both parties ... you need those things for a safe and healthy BDSM situation. It’s important to not only have aftercare, but to understand what that means for the specific sub; without not only aftercare but the right aftercare for the individual, there’s a chance of serious physical, mental, and emotional damage. No one wants that (or if they do, they belong in jail). Be a dog or a slave or a sex toy all you want, but make sure you’re getting what you need afterwards to be okay. This also goes towards things like one-night stands or friends with benefits, at least on the emotional scale. People have a right to have sex with any consensual partner they want, regardless of whether it’s a spouse or just some person they thought was hot, but making sure all parties understand the situation - like, “I’m DTF but I’m not looking for anything serious; we might want to rethink if you want something meaningful” - is as important as any other kind of agreement between parties trying to have a good time and be okay with it all. That’s the end goal here, as far as I’ve ever been able to tell - for all parties involved in the act to be happy, satisfied, and okay afterwards.
...Okay, really there are only two questions: is it consensual, and is it safe? Because everything else is down to the individual. Whips and spanking paddles? You do you, fam. Yiff or be yiffed? That’s entirely up to you. Golden showers and scat-stuff? Fine, but do disinfect things afterwards, for your own safety. Whatever you want so long as it’s safe and consensual is fine by me. It’s not really my business anyway.
Which is where we get into the whole thing about what is and isn’t “appropriate” for the public. Mostly in terms of people dressing up in fetish gear for Pride. It’s leather. It’s a banana hammock. Maybe someone’s on a leash. Big whoop. No one’s out there showing any genitalia, so people complaining can shut the fuck up. I have a feeling that the people bitching about that sort of thing mostly do so because they’re repressing a whole hell of a lot of curiosity, and they don’t like seeing that side of themselves, so they clutch their pearls and whine about “Think of the children!!!” Like those precious children haven’t seen more extreme outfits on Emma Frost. Seriously, these purity culture advocates need to remember “try it; maybe you’ll like it” from the days when their parents were trying to feed them unfamiliar food.
Sex is one of those things that people take far too seriously in all the wrong ways. I am asexual. I don’t want any of it for myself. Thing is, I’m not going to freak out about someone in latex or leather at Pride either. If I think about it at all, it’s just, ‘good for you; be safe, be happy’. I don’t let it live rent-free in my head, is what I’m saying. The thing that does live rent-free in my head is rage at the assholes who seem to be trying to turn something that’s supposed to be fun and intimate and good into ... well, “You can only do it within the bonds of marriage, through a hole in the sheets with the lights off, and only for procreation”.
Sex is fun, from what I understand. LET SEX BE FUN FOR THE PEOPLE HAVING IT. And don’t judge how people have it, either; they’re not forcing you to wear leather, so if it somehow offends your eyes to see leather outfits ... look somewhere else, because it’s not for you.
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clockworksteel · 2 years
Been viewing a lot of transgender-related memes lately, between the Youtube channel One Topic at a Time being recommended to me and showing /r/Traa and /r/egg_irl memes, and also proceeding to visit reddit.com/r/egg_irl and scroll through the best posts of all time for hours (it stops scrolling when you get down to about 5.2k upvotes on stuff though). I'm not sure if it's just empathy but I keep wondering about myself more than usual as a consequence. Like, the memes weren't super relatable but there's definitely a part of me that wishes they were (feel free to imagine "part of me" is in purple as a Celeste reference if you want).
I'd probably just brush it off if nothing suspicious had happened before, but stuff with varying degrees of suspicion has happened before.
There was one time sometime in the past couple years (it might've been just a few months ago, but time is fake these days) where I tried to look into whether it was possible to naturally shift the testosterone/estrogen balance just a little, eg with food, just to see what it was like. I know actually DIYing the hormones for a transition is a bad idea, but figured if anything was possible with food it would be minor enough to be harmless. My unfortunate finding, as I'm sure others have found before, was that although some foods are known to have hormones like estrogen present, there's no way it gets processed by the body.
After that I had a couple dreams on the subject of being transgender. I tend not to remember most of my dreams at all, and even then it's more like getting a screenshot with a description than a movie. Here's what I remember: -In one, it was about trying to socially transition, essentially. I was already dressed in unspecified feminine clothing (dream knowledge: I didn't see myself at any point) and showing a wig I was thinking about getting to an unspecified friend. During this scene, a browser history of voice training videos flashed through my mind (though I haven't actually tried any before in real life, just thought about it). -In the other one, I was in a dentist waiting room packed with women. I was told I couldn't be there because it was "women's day", and I wasn't sure whether I should insist I belonged because I had an appointment or because I was a woman. (This situation did not play out further as far as I remember: snapshots, not movies) -I feel vaguely like there was a third dream in between those two as well, but it's totally gone from memory now.
Much earlier, in late 2012, I'd joined an RP group that was, at least at the start, entirely text-based, so after a few days I was asked what my gender actually was. I'll admit that I thought for a few moments about how it might be the best chance I'd get to explore another identity, although I did decide against it due to both honesty reasons and concerns about voice calls or otherwise not being able to keep up the identity.
A few times a year I have idle thoughts about a second Youtube channel that uses either a voice changer or voice training to seem female. I barely run one Youtube channel, so I'm not sure where the time would come from even if I was actually willing to commit. Like, I don't even really market the one I have.
I actually own some tall rainbow socks. Unfortunately they kinda slide down over time so I don't really like wearing them. Maybe if there was better elastic up top. I also have some leg warmers that were marketed to women but they somehow feel less gendered than even the socks.
Also, there was a nonzero amount of envy for that streamer that's been in "girl mode" for, like, 5 months.
That was probably the most overt stuff, but, like, much earlier I remember taking some Facebook quiz (which shows how long ago this was considering I used Facebook for about a year) about how masculine/feminine your mind was, and even though it was just a facebook quiz I remember I wanted it to be more feminine, even though it was already something like 30-40%. What an odd thing to still remember after all this time though, huh?
There's also that time I was oddly happy when in a 3-game streak of Munchkin it was always me getting the Sex Change Curse trap, even though we handled it totally mechanically and didn't make any sort of big deal out of it at all.
Getting into even more vaguely related stuff, there is of course the amount of female characters I've chosen to play in video games even when there's no mechanical difference (eg in Pokemon, World of Warcraft, or critically aclaimed MMO Final Fantasy XIV with free trial something something Heavensward level 60).
I'm sure I'm also just leaving a lot of little moments out.
Anyway, I believe if I say "still cis though" it's as powerful an incantation as "no homo" so yeah. This is clearly just the regular amount of gender fluidity or whatever. Nothing to unpack here.
But seriously, I don't think I'm anywhere close to considering changing names/prounouns (yet?) but this stuff is on my mind. On a masculine/feminine spectrum things are probably still tilted towards the masculine side. Or if they're not opposites and thus should be measured separately, I'm honestly probably low-ish on both (I guess that'd make me nonbinary if true?). I'm sure I have mostly masculine habits, of course, but I don't feel any particular need to be manly.
I feel like I'm trying to follow multiple separate conclusions here, but did want to remark that, the memes do make it sound like making the skirt go spinny would be fun, if I wanted to buy one just for that. The thing is, I think I'd feel super awkward doing anything clearly feminine around literally anyone: even just my nonbinary housemate. I guess since I'm not changing anything I'm not quite sure why I felt the need to type all this out and post it. There's a voice in my mind going "But why? What seekest thee?" That voice is Crossbreed Priscilla from Dark Souls, but she has a point.
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hazbincalifornia · 2 years
Oh I bet the one thing Blitz and Fizz sti do a lot of is roleplay. They both have wild imaginations and pretty much anything’s on the table (except pirates). Having spent so much time with him, Fizz does a good mammon impression and part of Blitz still hasn’t outgrown his teenage fantasy of getting fucked my mammon so that’s a pretty regular scene they do lmao
Since Fizz knows the guy personally he knows it's not really worth it, but hey, he'll play ball if that's what gets Blitz's rocks off. They would do other rps too, whatever idea popped into their heads.
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cultleads · 2 years
casually  monologuing  my  experience  as  a  LGBT  /  mixed  race  person  growing  up  in  a  heavily  religious  household  as  a  child,    sticking  it  under  a  cut  &  tagging  cause  y’know  justin  case,    perfectly  understandable  trigger  in  all  honesty.     I  guess  I  just  wanna  know  if  there’s  people  out  there  who  relate,    or  maybe  I  can  make  somebody  with  similar  experiences  feel  not - so -alone
It’s really such a bizarre thing when I think about it. Replying to mine & my fiancé's rp thread just now it got me thinking about my own experiences. Like most Amuricans I was raised in a Christian household so like... full church experience, endless nonsense shoved down my throat from the moment I was born. It was always wild to me how church (and as I entered my teens, youth groups and church camps etc) were the places I met some of the most vicious, judgemental, awful people I’ve ever known. I was told some pretty awful shit as a child and it’s a place where I experienced a lot of rejection & exclusion.
I had the standard queer kid upbringing where I knew my parents knew I was different, but they didn’t know in which ways, so instead I was constantly silenced, “corrected”, and told to be and do this n that. You know... YOU CAN’T DO X CAUSE YOU’RE X, YOU SHOULDN’T BE LIKE X BECAUSE YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE X, YOU CAN’T BEHAVE THAT WAY AROUND X GENDER BECAUSE YOU SHOULD SHOW INTEREST IN X GENDER (even as children so like...funny how they accuse Lefties of being gr**mers when they literally say that shit and encourage heterosexual interactions between kids because believe me THAT DID GO ON), blahblahblah.
It was absolutely WILD to me that later in life, I found out the church allowed in a previously convicted p*doph*le and let him teach the SUNDAY SCHOOL WHICH I WAS IN, and he was forgiven because he “found god”, yet my brother and I were treated like crap because we are (mostly) latinos and were the only people in the church who weren’t 100% white and we were both born with last names that align with our Mexican-Navajo heritage. Like...we were kids, dude??
Also absolutely wild to me that my mother’s best friend in America (my mother is Scandi-British) could forgive her husband who served 25 years for murdering a 16 year old (the perp was an adult btw!) but absolutely could not look me in the eye, ‘forgive’ me, or accept me any longer after my mom told her I am LGBT.
I don’t get all these people who told me and millions of others like me that we were wrong somehow, for wanting to be our authentic selves and live in peace. For just being who we are, loving who we love... And punishing us for it. Because even as a child, none of that felt wrong to me. What felt wrong was the hypocrisy and the madness I could see in the church even from a young age. They could forgive the p*doph*le and the murderer but they hated me & everyone like me for being LGBT, and then later belonging to a single mother who had no money and they let us be homeless.
Thankfully after moving to the UK to get help from my British grandmother (and flee my ‘father’) when I was 11 my mom’s religious discipline started to go down the drain especially after she was treated with disdain for divorcing my “father” who is...downright evil. I’ll leave it at that lmfao! I think when her “friends” abandoned her over it, scolding her for “going against god” rather than putting up with his evil for any longer, she started to see religious cultism for what it is. Not to mention that my  bio “father” after committing a HUGE crime (I can’t say what it is, sry for no deets) apologized TO A REVEREND ABOUT IT, not to my mom, the reverend said “you’re forgiven, your only crime is marrying a woman who left you for your sins” LMAOOO There’s so much nuance and torment growing up in a heavily chri*sti*n household. Especially if you are / later realize you belong to a marginalized group they don’t like. Like I haven’t even touched the tip of the iceberg with any of this, but y’all get it. There’s a reason both my brothers and myself grew up to be heavily, heavily resentful of Chr*sti*nity. But truthfully? Peoples’ faith is not my business. As long as people aren’t using it for oppression or bigotry, I truly do not care or hold against them what they believe. I just have A LOT of trauma and fear surrounding it and I feel myself become ferally aggressive when nearing a church. But the most insane part of it all is that to this day, when backed into a corner and when in a dire situation or one of desperation, I still find myself praying for help & mercy. THAT is how ingrained this shit goes lol. 
I will forever lack understanding as to why something so vague and non-scientific can rule the lives of so many, and why it’s used as such a driving force for evil. Religion is inherently not good. It is separate from faith, that I do believe. Quite literally it is cultism and that’s it. I think my stance & views born from my experiences are easily summed up by this lyric (sorry to quote this guy but it’s an accurate line) :  I never really hated the one true God but the God of the people I hated  
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sincerely-krp · 8 months
About Nocturne and Paradigm
Hello, this is Verona’s writer. I’m only coming forward because this is getting out of hand.
  I know the admin of Nocturne and they’re not Paradigm, I dislike those guys as much as anyone with common sense. Like me, I know Nocturne admins were in Paradigm briefly and also left after the racism incident. 
  Why is Paradigm liking their post? Take a wild guess. They love inserting themselves in the drama even if they later come here to ask to be left alone. They keep using your assumptions to make sure other rps get closed before they’re even open. 
But they take advantage of that because YOU do that. You just want to believe it’s them so you have something new to hate on. The rp that had to close because people were sending dead threads to them? You need to realise this is getting out of hand.
  Do you want to keep using any detail to claim it’s them? Okay let’s go. 
Why do they have so many apps already? People write in rps and form connections with writers. And when we know of new places, we invite them to come and keep writing with them. For every person you invite, you might get them inviting another 2. I’ve shown that rp to people that like to write because they CAN’T find a rp to write in, because guess again, THEY’RE NOWHERE. So while Nocturne is not the other group of friends rp either, I do know many of the writers behind those muses, because we wrote in multiple rps together, so yes, some of us are friends.
  But what about the similar fcs, you say? Oh you mean fcs that get taken almost right away in many rps? And anyone can use them. Can I vouch for every single muse that is already waiting in their acceptance post? No, I can’t. If one of Paradigm joins to spy, do drama or who knows what, I can’t know, yet. 
  But the aEsThEtIc- It’s a template. People like to make their rp look good because also, some of you refuse to join a rp if they don’t have nice graphics. But if they do have that, then it must be Paradigm. Make it make sense, really.
  But the application is- Stop, please. There have been other rps requiring writing samples. Because some that don’t bother writing or reading their lore will still try to join, to do what? Who knows. 
  But the lore is so similar! Have you read their carrd? Where they state where they’re getting inspiration from? Are now vampires exclusive of Paradigm’s previous rp? When it was basically The originals? Please. This is not the main admin’s first rodeo and they work hard making lore and the rp. It pisses me off how you’re treating their rp when it’s not even open.
I’m seriously tired of seeing a rp being dragged in Paradigm’s mess just because people have nothing better to do. Do you want to believe it’s them? Then don’t join. I assure you it’s not the rp’s loss, but yours. 
But if you do love writing, and want to find more people to develop a muse with, give it a chance. I’m going to be there, and unlike some of those Paradigm members, I know most of the members won’t have ridiculous elitist demands in order to write with them. They’re friendly and great at plotting and writing. 
And if someone pulled any toxic behaviour like in Paradigm? I’d call them out too. 
  Now can you please stop with this talk and show some respect to any other rp that might come out? These attacks must be so discouraging for many admins that want to create a place but don’t want to face this kind of hate that they have not earned at all. So what if Paradigm is opening another rp? If you happen to join that one you’re going to know pretty soon, and then, as long as you have proof, we can believe it and avoid it like the plague.
Have you also considered that maybe they spread that rumour to make precisely this kind of mess? Let’s face it, they know they can’t start fresh in another rp they build, because they won’t be able to leave behind the mess they’ve made. But instead of accepting it, they go cry wolf on any other rp opening. This is their ridiculous way to try to stay relevant. 
Why are y’all still entertaining an entitled bunch of people that just want the attention? Indifference is what I’d give them after all this.  sincerely admin edit: proof of identification was sent to us in our dms!
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wpdariacutnes · 1 year
Me: okey nader offical oc out but zero staws
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Backstory a solo cherater::
so yeah, sara has more X/megaman (or as I call it mega)
it is known that tony has more than zero element or acts like enifing like dys staws like play a RP staws
generally it's supposed to have but more magic uses it because it defends more or blocks attacks than it attacks because there's not a lot of damage to attack anyway 25% is attacking the opponent and blocking 95% of attacks so dys dyfrent
Sara more attack damage be 67% a the opponent and blocking be 45% (not so much but working well good not like so super oc a take a brake RP sans)
Cm only reaches the girl's shoulders and the boy's is only the size of the whole leg, which is not much but it is full summer because she is 25 years old (past a 22 years old) orange light brown hair (such a normal caramel, not pastel and orange because it is mix dys such caps he has orange and to clean he has light brown) without wile I wanted to give amber but I preferred to change to green amber because of a few actions related to sti ston gem eyes are more normal amber (ogilan has moles on his face but a few gave me a gag for that so ok no more 2023) there will still be sporers chapters but they have a romantic act almost we're going to this moment boys prrrrr wogule that zero married her because they were werise zero black armor so like something
Offical epic note: 10.04.2023.r
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My side blog is @ourwrittenstories <--- Multi Muse! (probably why a random Stiles blog followed you)
Rules and Muse info for Mobile~~
Under the read more you will find rules as well as info on my particular Stiles, AU’s, and Tags to look up!
Rule one
Please be patient with me. I’m either stupid fast at replying or I take a few days. If it seems I’ve forgotten you, though, send me an IM
Rule Two
That being said I will reply when I feel like. I will always tell you if I need to drop a thread, if I take long it doesn’t mean I’ve dropped it. If you need to drop it because I’m taking too long, let me know. I promise not to be mad.
Rule Three
I will not RP with anyone under the age of 18, even if the thread has no smut. I’m sorry, but no. This is an adult oriented blog. Heavy themes, along with smut, will be regularly posted in rp formal and/or in images.
Rule Four
I will not RP with anime/cartoon/game FC’s (There are exceptions like RE8 chars). I will also not RP with any deceased FC’s
Rule Five
As awesome as it would be to be bilingual, I only speak and know English.  Anything you see me post that is not English was brought to you by Google Translate.
Rule Six
I do not have a verse page, but that doesn’t mean I’m not open to AU’s. I LOVE AU’s. I’m a multi-ship multi-post blog and am trash for any and all AU’s. Just ask!
Rule Seven
I can write a lot in my replies (And a lot of it can be unnecessary detail) but don't feel pressured to match my length! Just, please, try to give me something more than two sentences to work with. I don't typically enjoy writing short replies, but I understand muses can be fickle things.
Rule Eight
I don't enjoy pregnancy threads or writing children so I, typically, will steer clear of those types of threads. If our muses have been in a long relationship (and we have been writing partners for a while as well) I may make an exception, but don't come in expecting babies. My girls all have IUD's unless stated otherwise. That being said I am 100% down with the breeding kink.
Rule Nine
If a muse has (unknown) somewhere in their age it means they are old old. Like 100+, so age can be changed if you are uncomfortable with age gap.
Rule Ten
I have a handful of chronic issues that effect my sleep and my mood so I'm up all hours of the day. I live in EST time zone, but I'm often up at 4AM so.....it's a gamble lol!
Rule Eleven
I have SEVERE ANXIETY and struggle messaging new people. IF I FOLLOWED YOU I WANT TO RP WITH YOU! I'm probably just figuring out how to message you without puking lol. I would appreciate the help, if you want, or you can wait until I gather the enrve.
Rule Twelve
My grammar isn't the best in the galaxy, ok? I over use comma's and never really figured out the semi-colon. If something is horribly wrong or you can't understand what I've written, just ask please.
Rule Thirteen
I will tag major triggers (ie; Snakes, Spiders etc) but I won't tag smut or NSFW unless it really needs it.
Rule Fourteen
If I have ever posted a meme please feel free to send one in even if it was a year ago! With that in mind, I do prefer introduction threads with new muns/characters if I am not familiar with them.
Rule Fifteen
Don't like my starters
Rule Sixteen
Don't God-Mod blah blah and Follow TOS k I love you <3 <3
Age: 19
Height: 5'10"
Sexuality: Pansexual (? Testing)
Residence: Beacon Hills
Parents: Sherriff John Stilinski
Siblings: None
Abilities: Superior Sarcasm, awesome baseball bat skills
Occupation: Part Time Barrista when he’s not out kicking ass
Personality: Sarcastic, Hyper active, Loyal to a fault, Paranoid
Background: To keep it simple my Stiles is canon up until the last episode of the last season. He lives in beacon hills with his father, his best friends are all weird supernatural creatures, and he was once a murderous void. Now, while the pack is at play, Stiles has taken a job as a Barrista in some mom and pops cafe slash bookstore. The old woman who runs it can barely get down the stairs anymore so Stilinskerino is basically the one who runs the joint. Until the bills and taxes come rolling around, then the old lady practically runs down stairs to do whatever it is she does to keep the shop running. Stiles doesn’t come into work those days.
Kinks: Biting, D/s , Daddykink, spanking, just be rough with him okay? DIRTY TALK. TALK ALL THE DIRTY TO HIM. CALL HIM NAMES AND JUST UGH DIRTY TALK
Banned Kinks: Childplay, Scat, waterbording, Incest (Step is ok) MPreg
D/s Preference: Sub/Brat for men and Top/verse for Women
SafeWord: Red or Kanima.
Canon Verse: This verse is the typical one. Stiles caught up completely to the end of the most recent Season Finale.
Void Verse: In this verse Stiles gave into the wills of Void and is now a dark entity that enjoys the pleasure of torture, murder, and all around chaos.
Emissary/Spark Verse: Same as the canon verse but he’s more in tuned with his magic.
Grunge Verse: Set back in the early 90’s Stiles is a drummer for the band The Pack along with band mates Scott, Erica, and Derek.
Spidey Verse: Okay this one I’m still working on/playing with in my mind But basically Stiles gets an Internship at Oz Corp and is bitten by a Radio Active Spider. When he comes back to Beacon Hills he tries to hide it from the pack but also uses it to help them in secret.
#somexfusarehuman;; - Tracked Tag
#Selfie;; - Photo’s
#Wishlist;; - Wanted plots 
#Wanted Opposite;; - Wanted FC or Characters to RP with
#Cassette;; - Song lists
#Aesthetic;; - Shit Stiles likes
More TBA
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devoutbrother · 5 years
( ya’ll should start rping / plotting with my percy partner @missinghastings )
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riddlefool · 7 years
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hello    ,    citizens    of    gotham    !    do    you    enjoy    puzzles    &    reformed    villains    ?    noir    aesthetics    mixed    with    self-loathing    &    social    awkwardness    ?    do    you    just    really    like    clicking    buttons    ?    if    you    answered    yes    to    any    of    the    above    ,    consider    following    my    newly    rebooted    edward    nygma    !    i    promise    only    the    most    wholesome    riddler    content    with    a    dash    of    couch    psychology    .      /    previously    puzzlleprince    .    run    by    wes    .
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s1lent0cean · 3 years
another headcanon!! umm
you used to have a group of friends that had the same interest, but u lowkey separated over the years ;[
either that, or ur sti best buds to this day and rp a l o t together
oooohhh-!!! That's a really good one!! tbh, I guess this headcannon is half true?? Because I was in the eddsworld fandom..once and I had lots of friends- then months later, we separated because stuff happened aaaa
I wouldn't call them my best friends, but I find them acquaintances!! I would love talking to them again if I ever had the chance to ;v;
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miilkyquartz · 4 years
Tagged by: @iseonew
Tagging:  @wxndxrlusters @alxvensxoul @themoonlitwitch @lotusshop @gcmblingdice @tuggeriisms @dandyboy-seungmin
1. nickname: lys
2. real name: if you know my real name you are an og.
3. zodiac: aquarius
4. height: 5′3″
5. what time is it? 5pm
6. favorite musicians/groups: keshi stray kids ateez joji xxxtentacion
7. favorite sports team: cowboys.
8. other blogs: none active.
9. do i get asks? just rp asks
10. how many blogs do i follow? gotta check l o l
11. any tumblr crushes? check who i tagged ~
12. lucky number: 18 or 97
13. what am i wearing rn? joggers and a graphic tee (all black bc im emo)
14. dream vacation: maybe the motherland, Cambodia
15. dream car: subie wrx sti. i love subies.
16. favorite food: Thai food, Khmer food, Vietnamese food.
17. drink of choice: water or alcohol.
18. languages: Khmer, English and basic ass spanish (i barely can speak it so its not even basic)
19. instruments: used to play drums and piano when I was younger. Forgot it all.
20. celebrity crushes? Seo Changbin and Park Seonghwa.
21. random fact: I live a really boujee lifestyle, if you know me irl you would easily agree i only wear name brands (or fashionnova)  oof.
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graveyardtrees · 4 years
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@psychcdelica​ said: 🌸 from Hajime too Katze - san ! 🌸 Put a flower in my muse’s hair ↳ nonverbal rp starters - symbol meme // accepting
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    [⚰️] “ Oh, Haaaajime-tan! Don’t you think you should be careful putting your hands where they don’t belong~ ❥? “ The abhorrent alien would mellifluously question, with the rising and falling inflection of their voice eerily following their sing-song tone. Painted lips spread wide to reveal those shark-like teeth, which teasingly clicked together to warn her that they would bite if she dared venture close.
      But to no surprise, the so-called heroine hadn’t hesitated in her approach one bit. How it pained them to see that horrid smile of hers, which, radiated a growing happiness capable of raising dead spirits. All the more vile that she would place such a foul smelling weed in their immaculate fuchsia locks. The gesture lending her little favor, as they would quickly respond in kind by shoving the flower in their mouth, before crudely spitting it right back into her face.
                                                        ( Stupid girl. )
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      “ Your present was stinky, Hajime-tan! Sti-sti-sti-stinky! You wear it much better than I do~! “
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voreboy · 5 years
22) I don’t think I’d be able to be in a relationship with Evan so to speak it be very hard as long he don’t bring anything home stds then I’d be good. And no fucking around on the week of our anniversary or birthday. But on his bday no problem throw in a few ppl he can swallow. If it were rigo the same but swallowing don’t be around me until they have all but gone. Ignorant is bliss
In an open relationship it’s important to have and understand boundaries!
In real life safe sex practices are vital but in this particular reality with Predators that have hyper active immune systems, STDs/STIs wouldn’t be a concern with these guys.
I know Evan would have more sense than this but: I think it’d be pure comedy if it were an anniversary and he was balls deep in a hook up before realizing it and the scene cuts to you tossing his stuff out the door/window while he’s begging for forgiveness on the lawn.
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deviantART | RP Guide (18+ ONLY/STR8 Guys Welcome) | Ageplay Guide | Vore Multiverse Guide | Send Me Anons (But State Your Age)  
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agirlinhell · 5 years
34 + 36!
the be honest meme. aka things you lowkey want to talk about but don’t because you don’t know how to bring it up. send me a number and i’ll tell you the honest truth. either a simple yes or no answer or a detailed response.
Have you ever cried while writing a reply?
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Like .. I think it was a really long time ago back on my Senju Toka blog where she was dying in her husband’s arms?? Though, there were DEFINITELY times where I got REALLY CLOSE to crying! Uhh.. hold on lemme think..  There was also this one time where Clementine and @weprevail‘s Mitch were doing a drinking game where they had to like make presumptions on each other’s pasts - and there’s like no boundaries - and the setting was on like... her birthday and the confessions that came out of her ( and Mitch, too actually ) was absolutely TRAGIC AND BEAUTIFUL AT THE SAME TIME?? Like.. one of her confessions was that Clementine wants children one day but she thinks that she’ll fail them or watch them die or they’ll be afraid of her after hearing of the things she’s done in order to survive.  Thanks for ripping out my heart Hope LMAO
There was also a reunion RP between Lee and Clementine with @softiv in an AU where he survives and they end up reuniting at the ski lodge and it’s been like... THREE YEARS AND SHE THOUGHT HE WAS DEAD?? I WAS SO HAPPY OKAY. There was also this one RP with @zombeam​ that almost had me cryin like a bitch and it was where Ben and Clementine reunited after literally TEN YEARS from being separated and I WAS SO HAPPY?????? OH MY GOD??  I HAVE TO REPLY BUT STI LL
I’ve also been plotting with @youngshct and I think we’re gonna end up doing an AU scene where both Clementine and AJ end up turning in the barn and you can BET THIS BITCH WILL BAWL WHEN THAT HAPPENS. It’s gonna be the same exact thing with @prctecthem where James and Clementine reunite after like a few months since Take Us Back and they had their little confrontation, it’s gonna get really emotional.
What’s one thing that other people seem to hate that doesn’t bother you?
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Hmmm... this is tricky because I’m honestly laid back about a lot of things. But if I had to pick, I think it’d have to be the fact that people are SO unwilling to explore darker themes or make their canon characters unique and different and distinct? Like... I’m honestly sure that I can write pretty much almost anything. After reading A Song Of Ice and Fire / watching Game of Thrones and reading up on H.P Lovecraft and Stephen King... I’m pretty sure nothing fazes me anymore. Of course, I’ll tag things and discuss things of such matters and constantly make sure they’re comfortable writing a topic and I’ll drop a thread if it means making you feel okay, but like... I literally portray a once sweet and innocent little girl turned murderer and torturer ( who could very well possibly be raising a future sociopath in AJ even if it is unintentional ) in a zombie apocalypse. Clementine isn’t Lee’s little sweetpea anymore. Her experiences have fucked her up in more ways than one and I’m not afraid to write about it and I HATE it when people sugarcoat the things that happen to their muses psychologically. My portrayal of Clementine in her backstory has pretty much every major trigger you can think of. Will I tag these triggering things? Yes. Will I sugarcoat them? No... no, fam, I hate to break it to you, but I won’t.
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