#Starker au
k1sspearlstarker · 23 days
mr. i dont like being handed things stark does a double take when the new PA guy peter parker grabs his hand to feed it with a serious amount of paper sheets meanwhile pepper stands in the corner smirking because she knows she hired this one for a reason
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anonoite · 1 year
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prompt from twitter: "merman peter au"
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definitelynottony · 3 months
Starker High School AU wip
(Peter is a sophomore and Tony a senior. Peter is a somewhat new kid, too smart, too anxious, and too pent up. Tony understands him the most and knows exactly what the kid needs. BDSM, Daddy kink, underaged, angsty)
"Bad boys get punished, Pete." Tony rumbled lowly.
"...holy shit." Peter panted, out of breath. A bolt of heat shot through him, an electrical shock that left him tingling. "Fuck. Yeah, punish me then Daddy, please." Peter didn't realize he had whispered it out loud until after it was said. Until after it was too late to take it back.
... The whole time, Tony had been corralling Peter to the closest wall available. When they got close enough, Tony shoved the younger teen against it. Peter winced; more from the shock of the cool, pale toned sheetrock against his back than the force itself. Tony kept firm against him. Chest to chest, pressing Peter's arms above his head, pinning him to the wall.
"Say it again." The darker haired teen demanded in a rough whisper against Peter's ear.
"Punish me... Daddy." Peter's tongue felt heavy. The tension was heady, and the younger teen had no idea what was happening, but he never wanted it to stop.
"Fuuuck" Tony drawled out. His head dropped to the crook of Peter's neck, like the air was too thick and he needed a second to just breathe. That thought alone turned Peter on almost as much as the mouth that was licking its way to his ear.
"God." Tony huffed out, irritated. Why was he irritated? Peter was feeling amazing! "Alright, sweetheart, if we're doing this, then we need to get a couple of things outta the way first."
"Holy fuck…" Tony groaned, head back, eyes closed. He was on some cloud nine shit. "Jesus! You're so fucking good, baby. Sound like a spoiled little princess." Tony crooned, feeling that familiar bullet of heat going straight to his cock. It was honestly starting to hurt at this point, the way it strained against his jeans. "But I need you to shut up-"
"Yeah. I thought that's what we were doing?” Peter gestured down to their very noticeable situations. “Come on, I thought you were gonna punish me? Punish me! Please, Daddy." He whined like a brat because Peter Parker is a brat. A bossy brat and Tony fucking loved it.
"I said shut it."
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pretty-bratty · 3 months
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"Wait a second. You found your mom's old diary? Hid it from Aunt May and read it?"
"Yeah, Ned, focus! I have three potential dads!"
"May's gonna kill you when she finds out."
"When she finds out, it's gonna be too late, MJ."
"What do you mean-"
"I invited them all to the island."
When Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes and Tony Stark arrive to Kalokairi, Peter quickly finds out that May has even more reasons to kill him. It wasn't his mom's diary, it was hers. However, Tony is the only one who actually had a summer fling with both sisters at some point (yes, they were wild back then, and Peter's not sure he's ever gonna be able to look May in the eye).
And now Peter's praying that Tony's not his biological father, because he wants to call this gorgeous man Daddy instead of dad...
🌊 Tony, who falls hard and fast and is double terrified, because not only he's falling for a kid who can be his son, but he might actually be his son?! Universe has a wicked sense of humor.
🌊 Peter, who's trying to figure out the way out of this whole mess he created. Making more messes on the way. It's a talent.
🌊 Steve and Bucky, who fucking finally stop being oblivious dumbasses and get together after years of mutual silent pining.
🌊 May, who doesn't know whether she wants to kill or kiss Peter for bringing these three idiots back into her life. Probably both.
🌊 Ned and MJ, who are here for this wild ride (with popcorn).
🌊 Lots of pining and emotional hurt/comfort from both Tony and Peter.
🌊 Greek island and lots of good music.
PS: Tony and Peter have a heart-wrenching confessions exchange on the cliff to "The Winner Takes It All" playing. Almost sure they can never be what they want to be:
"I've been wanting to find my dad my whole life, but now I want nothing more than to never know my dad. I don't want you to be my dad!!! I need you..."
Soon after that the confirmation comes that Tony's definitely not, in fact, Peter's father.
They celebrate it at Stucky wedding.
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starksvinyls · 12 days
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pirate captain tony of the iron maiden and cabin boy peter sneaking off to a secret cove for some privacy after months out at sea.
for @starkerfestivals mer-may event, prompt 'pirates'
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starkerscuteworld · 1 year
Peter has the prettiest doe eyes and knows how to use them. He will give Tony the biggest puppy eyes to get what he wants, when he wants it.
The relationship works perfectly as Tony loves to spoil Peter with anything he could ever want in life.
But don’t worry, Peter will make sure Tony knows how grateful he is. He will always thank Tony with a blowjob after every new surprise.
He will give the sloppiest head ever known, taking the older man all the way down until he’s gagging and choking on it.
Tony could never get over the feeling of the younger’s mouth, letting out the most whoreish moan at the feeling of Peters throat constricting around his cock.
He would gently pull Peter off and tell him not to hurt himself, only to have those fucking pretty eyes on him, brimmed with tears from the gagging.
“But I want it to hurt, Mr. Stark.” Peter would say in the sweetest voice, a voice that should not be speaking such a filthy sentence.
and who is Tony to say no to his pretty boy? After all, he gets everything he asks for.
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captshipper · 7 months
shitty cheating AU inspired by a trilogy I'm writing
Omega Tony is married to someone – probably Steve, for, uh, reasons – and he's happy about it. Or as happy as he could be. His mate isn't the worst, he's just too busy but at least he's not pressuring Tony to have the pups Tony doesn't wanna have.
But then alpha Peter shows up and he's everything Tony actually wanted in an alpha.
Because he doesn't want to be a shitty cheater, he's an absolute jerk to the golden retriever in alpha shape for the next year or so. They're lab partners and it's hell because the young man just wants to be his friend.
Then there's an incident. And they're on lockdown. And Tony's urges can't be contained.
Peter's pretty into it.
Tony is, despite his efforts, a shitty cheater.
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soleillov · 2 months
Nanotechnology 🤖
🇬🇧: Peter spends a lot of time alone in the engineering lab of Avengers Tower. Until one day Tony shows up to help.
🇧🇷: Peter passa muito tempo sozinho no laboratório de engenharia da torre dos Vingadores. Até que um dia Tony aparece para ajudar.
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⚠️: English is not my first language
🔗 In English
🔗 Em português brasileiro
Com amor, Sol ☀️
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starkwub · 1 year
(Tw: Starkercest)
Mob boss! Tony and his son, Peter (super out of the blue idea (considering I usually never write mob Au's), but figured I'd write it down ha!)
Just thought of Mob boss Tony allowing Peter, his prized possession son, go out on his own to live life since the boy had been harping about it for ages. Peter wanted to feel like all the other kids in his class. He didn't want body guards or exuberant allowances--nothing.
Tony of course couldn't say no after having done so for years-but that didn't mean he wouldn't be tricky about it.
Peter didn't have to know that he hired people to go to his house and be sketchy--knocking on the door at strange hours of the night or tampering with his window. Perhaps even telling the men to make creeping sounds within the home, just so Peter might feel more afraid of being on his own. He'd get people to stare at him on the streets, or following him after a late night shift at work in a dark hoodie with a jangling set of keys in their pockets so the boy would know they were there.
At first Peter wasn't all too fazed--thinking that it was just another one of 'dad's undercover body guards', but after a while--with his Dad denying the accusations and having not recognized any of the gruff and uneasy looking faced that met his gaze, the paranoia started to set in.
When it got to the point where Peter couldn't sleep for hardly a wink before startling at a creak in the floorboards or a brushing knock at his door--he did the only thing he possibly could think to do in that instance.
Call his Dad.
Sniffling, Peter grappled for his phone in the dark and clicked on his dad's profile, hearing the dial on the other end and then the un-familar beeping.
Why wasn't he picking up?. He always picked up.
It had been nearly 15 seconds before the beeping stoped and then came a sleep-laden voice on the other end.
"What is it baby? It's late, you should be asleep by now."
Peter shivered at the comforting voice and huddled a bit in the bed, pulling the blankets up and over top of his knees.
"Dad I.." He sniffled, looking worryingly at his bedroom door,
"I wanna come home. Just to visit--of course."
When his dad pressed on the topic, wonder why such a sudden thought had crossed his mind at three am, Peter just pouted and wrapped an arm around his knees tightly.
"Haven't seen you in a while s'all.." and suddenly his tone turned sour, "Why? You don't want me there?"
Tony coo'd and seemed to ruffle his bedding on the other side of the phone before speaking in a tone that Peter knew all too well.
"Of course I want to see you baby. Wish you where here right now so all you had to do was knock on my door, crawl into bed, and tell Daddy what's wrong instead of calling from a state that's a million miles away."
Daddy. Peter's heart thumped in his chest wildly at the honorific. It'd been so long..too long, since he'd heard it.
"It's not a million, jeez.." Peter retorted, suddenly remembering back to what it felt like to be with his Dad. His room somehow was always so much warmer than his own, and as he flexed his fingers to feel them stiffen from the chill, he sighed.
"I'll see you tomorrow then? I'm off with this weekend so I'll let them know I can't do any overtime."
"Mm.." Tony hummed, shuffling a bit more, "Alright sweetheart."
They stayed on the line for a few moments longer, and as Peter yawned, now letting his body slip back down to the crappy mattress, he breathed out against his phone.
"Want me to stay on the line?"
Peter nodded sleepily, knowing that his Dad couldn't see it, nor hear it, so he let out a muffled hum of his own, enjoying the subtle deep chuckle that came from his father's throat in response.
-- -- --
There can always be more, but I'm going to stop it here and count it as a win that I've finally written and posted something on here again XD I've been so enamored by the Harry Potter fandom as of late so my mind has taken to straying away from Starker more than usual
Hope everyone is doing okay! :)
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anonoite · 1 year
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pkmn au
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spider-mancan · 2 years
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He calls himself the Superior, and he takes whatever he wants. He's taken New York and holds the rest of the world in the palm of his hand. He's taken Peter Parker and delights in breaking him over and over. Even Peter's repeated escape attempts are amusing. He's always enjoyed playing with his food.
This time it's different. Peter comes across a different Tony in the wastelands of the city, fallen into their universe after sacrificing himself for his own. He's broken but he's softer. Peter sets aside his distrust and he plans.
Peter knows he needs to fight fire with fire - whether this soft, broken Tony wants to stay here or not.
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pretty-bratty · 3 months
Gossip Girl AU
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Spotted: Peter P. with the new science teacher, aka everyone's new crush. Are you going to make P stay after class and teach him a lesson, Mr. Stark?
or the Gossip Girl AU for @starkerfestivals Extended AUpril card 'Education' (card below)
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starksvinyls · 11 days
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merfolk tony and peter
for the @starkerfestivals mer-may event, prompt 'non-human anatomy/tails'
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starkerscuteworld · 1 year
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when tony starts sucking peter off, he’ll try to keep his control. reminding himself to breath and shutting his eyes to avoid looking at his gorgeous boyfriend because one look and he’s a goner
his hands will grip whatever they can grab, usually the bedsheets due to his strength and not wanting to accidentally hurt tony.
he will throw his head back when it starts getting too much for him to handle, soft trembling moans would slip past his lips.
and when tony would pull himself off, slowly stroking peter as he spoke
“lemme hear you pete, c’mon”
the words sent peter spiraling and he allowed his control to slip, moaning out tony’s name louder and louder as tony’s mouth encouraged him.
and when he’d cum? oh well that was tony’s favorite part.
it always started with a small gasp, thighs and abdomen clenching.
then it was the small rapid moans as he grew closer. his head falling to the side into the soft, silk, expensive pillowcases.
and finally a mostly silent scream. peters pretty lips would fall open and unlike the entire time, his moan was silent as he got wrapped up in his own pleasure.
but at the very end of his climax, he would let out the most delicious, porn-worthy moan tony had ever heard.
and god would he do this a million times over to hear peter’s sweet moans.
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captshipper · 6 months
another Starker au based on one of my original works
omega!Tony x alpha!Peter, again. half-siblings AU, they share an alpha father who's just awful to them. even more to omega, he has a... special affection to his son.
one day he tried to show the same kind of affection to Peter, it's when Tony snaps.
it's a serial killer AU.
they're on the run, wanted murders, considered extremely dangerous and they only trust each other. it's more than natural that things go how people expect alphas and omegas to interact, despite the siblinghood.
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starkeristheendgame · 2 years
I keep thinking about a The Propsal AU but where Tony needs to marry to keep his position as CEO thanks to a clause Obidiah created to try and oust him before the whole betrayal debacle and Peter is the poor brand new intern who permanently looks confused and he's only been here three weeks and now he's engaged to Mr. Stark and I need to meet your parents, kid, make it all official and haha, yeah, about that Mr. Stark... And holy shit but isn't Mr. Stark totally banging Miss. Potts? And what does Peter know about spring weddings vs fall weddings and holy shit this ring is worth more than his life if he loses it oh god oh no—
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