#Someone talk to me about this
caramel-cream50 · 5 months
Dude it is so interesting to me how different husk and angel are treated by their soul owner.
Also like, Husk has seen how Valentino treats Angel, he’s not only had a first hand experience but he has seen how fucked up angel seems when he gets back to the hotel after work.
But Angel has seen nothing but Alastor occasionally telling Husk what to do. Like he knows that Husk can relate to him and he thinks Alastor is freaky as fuck but he’s never seen to what extend Alastor has control of him.
Which we can’t blame him for obviously cause we didn’t even see how bad it was until episode 5. Alastor does treat Husk like a pet and i’m so curious why he left husk alive after killing almost every overlord he faced??
I really hope we get a scene of angel asking husk to go into more detail about what happened to him or maybe Alastor threatening husk in front of the others and everyone is kinda like “what the shit”
Like look at him. He’s absolutely terrified
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Alastor clearly has a firmer hold on Husk then it seems and I feel like it’s gonna prevent husk from keeping up with the others
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U guys don’t understand. If Henry had accepted the offer to be a hero for neighborville he would have lil dynomite as a sidekick. DREXS SON. WOULD BE HENRYS SIDEKICK. ITS LIKE A LEGACY. AND ITS MAKING ME GO CRAZY.
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loraliewritesthings · 3 months
You know how Azula is only like 14.
I desperately want a dc x avatar crossover where Jason Todd is like, guess I'm a dad now.
for more then a couple reasons
First of all the character growth. Jason learns not all people who hallucinate are like the joker. Azula learns that how her father treated her is not normal
Azula deserves someone who understands the mommy issues
Girl dad jason
Tell me Jason wouldn't take one look at this girl whose been praised for her talent for destruction and then demonized for it and be like been there done that.
For the sake of teaching Azula to channel the aggression in a semi constructive way.
Also Azula who was dismissed by her mother for being too aggressive and Jason who was dismissed by Bruce for the exact same reason
I firmly believe Azula is redeemable, it's just that no one bothered with the hard work and she was left in the hands of a monster.
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spaceshipellie · 8 months
god am i being proper delusional today like what is THIS
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puppypeter · 8 months
Why are Billie Eilish's Happier Than Ever and Bad Guy such Jamie songs and What Was I Made For? and Bury A Friend such Roy songs
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eeepgrove · 5 days
Writing an A/O/B verse Trick fanfic rn, if anyone wants to chat headcanons or sneak peak lmk.
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antstarion · 3 months
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look. maths at work.
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iys-cloud · 9 months
on other, more important news, I have now been sucked into the rabbit hole of TheSunVanished arg, and I'm not planning on leaving, it's so good??? AND underrated?
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maddietheshoe · 7 months
iron flame was a fucking ROLLERCOASTER
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leenfiend · 1 year
keith would lay on his bed staring at the ceiling listening to this is how i get myself killed by indigo de souza and think of lance and you can't convince me otherwise!!!
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http-starboy · 5 months
i have never really put much time into the foundations of decay; after listening to it on repeat and actually like, paying attention to the lyrics, though, i think i can say that this is the absolute. best song they have ever released
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highscal · 2 years
why did luke hemmings show up on the set of the easier music video and make it his personal mission to make it as slutty as possible
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kashi-prompts · 1 year
To those who read my writing:
Specifically, those who have read my ongoing Kakashi x OC fanfic, Flowers for a Shinobi
What can I do to improve my writing?
Is my writing boring/over detailed? Is the plot confusing or dumb? Do I not get as many likes because I don’t write smut? Or do people only like one-shots to satisfy their cravings? Is the Naruto fandom just drying up as time goes on?
I know the worst thing I can do is compare myself to others, but sometimes it’s unavoidable. Especially when it’s easily seen and comparable, like on AO3.
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baconpncakes · 1 year
I want a Christmas Carol episode of House so bad it's unreal. It would all work thematically and with a lot of the devices that the show uses: dreams, hallucinations, flashbacks, etc.
Stacy would probably be Christmas Past and Moriarty would be Christmas Yet to Come. Christmas Present could be one of the fellows or Cuddy or Wilson. But if Stacy were a character in the flashback then Cuddy could be the spirit for past.
Amber would be Marley because I want her to say the Muppet Christmas Carol line "Make amends and make some friends. The future's up to you." to House.
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thesoupisburning · 2 years
currently mad that there is so little (according to my two short two minute searches) content crossing the stanley parable with the magnus archives there is just something so SIMILAR about them. i just can’t place it.
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something something Strangers Things and Preacher's Daughter etc etc
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