#Skill Tree
talloseye · 1 year
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I made a unique specialization tree for Cinna if he were a companion! I based it off of both the DA:2 and the DA:I trees even though he's just in Inquisition...each ability is explained below🦉
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squeakingsheep · 6 months
Niche? Probably.
But Skill Tree boyfriend and Rachel Maksy girlfriend is such a duo.
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poppibranchlover · 5 months
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Hmmm? Where can I find that last Troll skill? Can any of you who had this game help me figure it out? 🤔
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mandareeboo · 4 months
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Don't just click it find out the other skills-
Appraisal: Level 1
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a-cosmic-elf · 8 months
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This is what I love about Starfield’s skill system. I have just leapfrogged two whole tiers of the Social skill tree, by only upgrading the first.
I’ve gone straight down to ship command without having to waste a single point in skills I’ll never use with this character. 🥰
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sekhithefops · 1 year
Diablo IV Sorcerer Build: Electrical Burn
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Been a yip since I posted anything on this blog hasn't it? Well, thats because I've been kinda busy... in Sanctuary... killing the hell outta Hell.
While I normally go with the Necromancer (for the minion army) or the Druid (yip yip Imma furry,) I was surprised to find that it was the Sorcerer I stuck with all the way through the end of the main story quest.
Thing is, I greatly prefer to solo in games like Diablo IV, and for solo players the Sorcerer usually has the same life expectancy as a fly in a wind tunnel... and yet mine is easily my strongest character.
So, I figured I'd share the skillset I use with him with you all, a mixture of Fire and Lightning magic I've dubbed the Electrical Burn Build.
Basic Skill Tier:
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For my basic skill I went with Spark, taking the enhancements to give it occasional multi-garget and the chance to form crackling energy. I also try to stick with a wand and focus as much as I can so that I can spam the hells outta this one. Faster cast speed is your friend with this spell, you wanna be able to machine gun this sucker! Assault Elixir is very useful for this as well!
Core Skill Tier:
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For my core ability I chose Chain Lightning. Its an excellent spell for both groups and solo enemies as, should the Sorcerer stand alone against a single foe, the bolt of lighting will pinball between you and your foe so that it still hits multiple times!
Defensive Skill Tier:
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For the defensive tier I took Flame Shield over Teleportation. Its a fun trick, but I found the self heal I got from Flame Shield really came in handy in a lot of situations!
As for Glass Cannon... its a risk, but with my Sorcerer most enemies die before they can land more than a hit or two on me, so this one works out pretty well if you're willing to take the increased damage.
Conjuration Skill Tier:
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For Conjuration I actually took two spells, foregoing anything from the Mastery tier ability-wise. Lightning Spear and Hydra make a very deadly combination of sentient fire and lightning to decimate my enemies, whether they be alone or in groups.
I also took Precision Magic to increase my Lucky Hit Chance as much as I could. As for why...
Mastery Skill Tier:
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I didn't take an actual spell from that, but I did take all three Lightning passives! Crackling Energy is a big part of my strategy in the game, and these are vital for my build. Any time an ability has something that can make Crackling Energy, I take it. When I run low on mana I can just dodge around and there'll usually be a few spheres nearby to nab for a quick recharge, and an extra burst of damage to boot!
Ultimate Skill Tier:
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Naturally my Ultimate is Unstable Currents, or as I like to call it "Fuck you, I win." This, combined with a fast attack speed and spamming the hells out of Spark, will absolutely ERADICATE anything around my sorcerer. Swarms of foes, elite enemies, even bosses are laid low by this one!
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Even the mighty Butcher has wound up dead at my feet with this build, multiple times! The last three encounters with the massive brute had him on the floor and me still standing with seven potions in reserve!
All thanks to my last skill...
Key Passive Skill:
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When I pop Unstable Currents, crackling energy rains from the sky. It appears EVERYWHERE! When I grab it, my cooldowns are cut dramatically against elites. Against bosses and the like, that means I can get off Unstable Currents again VERY quickly under the right circumstances!
The Butcher might be able to survive me using it once... I got it off three times last time we fought, and he was fried beef by the time I was done.
Speaking of frying things... as for why this is called the "Electrical Burn" build...
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Both my Enchantments are Fire ones!
Fire Bolt's enchantment gives ALL my spells a burning Damage over Time effect for bonus damage, and the Fireball enchantment is a holy terror for enemy mobs!
I can fire off one Spark into a single bat in a swarm, and then just sit back and watch the fireworks display. A whole mob of Ghouls? Chain Lightning the leader and its raining limbs! Fireball's enchantment isn't much use against boss monsters, but against enemy mobs its absolutely devastating and lets me steamroll dungeons with ease!
So yes, thats my build. I'm still level 59 at time of writing and working out my Paragon Tree, but I may well update this once I'm done there. Feel free to give this a try if you like! It may not be for everyone, but I find there is very little that can stand against me with this setup.
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lmaverick123 · 1 year
Blizzard Gives the Overwatch Community the Finger
One thing that has LONG been a contention of mine is that live service games are bullshit.  It is a way for game devs to put out half-finished products, with the idea being that they will finish it somewhere along the way.  Just look at how many live-service games have gone the way of the dodo.  Games like Marvel’s Avengers or Anthem.  These games, like all their ilk, were released with…
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babyspacebatclone · 2 years
Ok, I want to make this.
Set it up to do tea, but obviously the set up functions gorgeously for loose leaf as well as it does for coffee grounds.
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hyperhimes · 8 months
Who thought it’d be a good idea to land here? Well, I mean we did run out of gas, so it really doesn’t matter, but I’d have a better chance correctly saying “Dessert Paradise” without saying “Desert Paradise” instead of trying to get out of a valley filled with fire and flames. LANDING IN THE DRAGONS VALLEY?! - THE PARADISE TEST! (Cookie Run: OvenBreak)
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fyvefyngerdiscount · 9 months
ungh I fucking love a skill tree I love assigning my skill points I LOVE getting access to more poweful abilities as I follow my tree i caN'T gET FUCKING ENOUGH of mix and matching skills to optimize my build dhcuvoshsvaixkmfn
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hollycrowngames · 10 months
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working on those skill trees for the barely-formed idea, this is the full list before I started tinkering and writing down what I wanted each tree to feel like (really just paragraph-long blurbs)
What kind of tone does this speak to? I feel like this is fantasy but hmm
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mandareeboo · 4 months
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Ooh, a massive level up! Major appraisal chops could help down the line.
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diablur · 11 months
When I started this Diablo thing, I really had no idea what I was doing. Literally no idea. So I started with The Sorc because for the last almost 20 years I played ranged classes in wow.
Not saying Diablo is like wow, but Sorc does come across as being a ranged class. And maybe you really could make a build that actually is ranged, I don't know. But this Diablo Sorc is not ranged.
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But I do like playing it. I am a filthy casual, so not much other than watching shit explode is that urgent for me. Right now that Sorc is waiting for me to finish the Capstone Dungeon and move to tier 3. And I have come very close a couple of times in killing the Curator, I mean within single digit percentages. Only to find that most people do this as a group. I have enough firepower, just not enough defenses. But I have taken care of that I think now.
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But in the meantime, I have been putzing with a Druid. I have used this Druid as a learning tool on builds and how the skills and passives and boons all work together. Flipping back and forth between Landslide, Pulverize and Lightning I now have a better grasp of how these skill trees mingle things.
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Yes he is mostly a melee, it was more of how to tune a toon that I was after. He is really chewing up the levels, and maybe will end up being my main. The Druid is crazy fun, and I think it has much more variety in playstyles. But still not a ranged.
For that, I started a Necro…
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gabbedot9 · 11 months
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a little blue bird told me everyone is running to here, so I'm here too! this was my entry to an art contest hosted by Skilltree. I called it "Ruralpunk"
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monorayjak · 11 months
You know what I want game wise? A game that combines Skyrim style skill trees with Morrowind/Oblivion style stats in an open world rpg........is that a thing that exists?
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attleboy · 5 months
What if Pomni's hat acted like expressive dog ears? Droop when sad, stand straight up when scared, ect.
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to reiterate what i said in the sketchpage, yeah this is a hc ive enjoyed for a while i just can't do it anymore because ermmmm hat too big :(
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