dzthenerd490 · 2 months
File: Yume Nikki
Code Name: Madotsuki, the Depressed Dreaming Goddess
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: When awake, SCP-AFI is given daily therapy sessions to various Foundation therapists in order to both stabilize her mental health and have her interact with various people. She has also been provided with Foundation anti-depression and anti-trauma medication. On a monthly basis she is to be escorted to one of the Nexus points in good relation or owned by the Foundation. A 16-person team of Foundation agents are to watch over her to ensure she is not harassed by anyone within these points and only build up good relationships with the locals. 
When it is time for SCP-AFI to sleep she is to be locked within Site-AF. She is contained within an 8x8 meter containment cell with the proper furniture, housing, and other housing accommodations. Her bed is made with the most comfortable materials and state of the art construction to ensure maximum comfort and sleep. The door to the containment room is reinforced with various strong metals as well as metals that prevent reality altering wavelengths to pass. four armed guards are to watch over the door while SCP-AFI is asleep in case any entities break out.
In the event of a containment breach, SCP-AFI's situation depends on where she currently is. If SCP-AFI is off site, she is to be kept away until the containment breach is cleared. If the containment breach lasts for a day and SCP-AFI needs to sleep, she is to be transported to Site-AB. She will be transported to the visual memetic dreaming testing room. She is to be placed on the seat and given the googles to help her lucid dream. It should be noted this is no healthy for SCP-AFI and even when lucid dreaming her dreams can easily get out of control. She should be made to stay awake for as long as possible without harming her health. Forcing her to lucid dream should always be considered a last resort.
If she is at Site-AF, she is to be locked in her room with four guards inside with her all armed with Foundation laser guns to ensure their own safety in case SCP-AFI falls asleep when they are on guard. The guard count outside the containment cell is to be increased from four to sixteen in case any Hostile Groups of Interest will try to kidnap her. 
Description: SCP-AFI is a Japanese young adult of at least 22 years old. In Japanese culture she is referred to as a Hikikomori, a shut in to be exact. SCP-AFI has refused to tell Foundation staff why she is a Hikikomori or anything else about herself other than her name being Madotsuki. SCP-AFI claims she doesn't know how she got her anomalous properties either and so far, the Foundation has found no links to it or any known Foundation anomalous resources, Items, or even any of the gods. 
When SCP-AFI goes to sleep she enters a strange dark room with 24 different doors each one leading to a different dream. Testing with the Poe Visual Dream Projector Helmet confirms this to be true. When she enters one of the rooms the setting starts leaking into our world and certain entities can manifest in our world as well. These entities are not necessarily hostile but are often disruptive and harm those close to SCP-AFI while she is sleeping. They are referred to as SCP-AFI-1 instances and sometimes resemble snowmen, objects with human limbs, hands that grow out of the floor, and/or various other chaotically random creatures. 
The most hostile creatures born form SCP-AFI's dreams are SCP-AFI-2 instances though she refers to them as the Toriningen. The SCP-AFI-2 resemble teenage girls but with elongated pig snouts on their faces and abnormally large and grotesque eyes. They all have slender bodies wearing regular blouse and long skirts. These entities are not necessarily hostile but do like to mock SCP-AFI herself and tend to get very aggressive with anyone who is close to her. Thankfully these entities are physical and not immortal in any sense, meaning although they can harm, they can also be harmed. Normal gun shots tend to do the trick but it's possible for SCP-AFI-2 instances to survive multiple shots. Laser blasts have proven to be the most effective against any entity created form SCP-AFI's dreams.
SCP-AFI is not completely powerless, by entering these dreams she has gained a diverse among of anomalous abilities that change her appearance while also allowing her to do different things. For example, her frog ability makes her have the head of a frog while also allowing her to walk on water. The snow woman form allows SCP-AFI to resemble a Yuki-onna ghost and make it snow wherever she goes. Then there is the knife form which is simple SCP-AFI holding a knife though it can never be taken from her grasp until she gets out of the form. However, she is now more intimidating to anyone who wishes to do her harm and the knife is strong enough to cut through titatium even when she is barely putting effort into cutting. There are various other abilities SCP-AFI has gotten before capture and even after capture, but they all have various degrees of power, and some are so rare in usage they are practically worthless. 
SCP-AFI was discovered in 2004 when the tenant in her building reported several strange noises coming from her room as well as her rent being past due but her refusing to come out. An officer went to her room and managed to get in only to see her jump off the balcony and die. However as soon as she fell her body vanished only to reappear on her bed. The doctors confirmed the blood on the ground is Her's yet according to the evidence it was impossible for her to jump. 
Mobile Task Force Posideon-3 "Otaku Heart" was deployed and assigned to cover up the crime scene. It was altered to the point making it seem like SCP-AFI did commit suicide and the police officer was trying to cover it up. This resulted in him getting fired and arrested. Afterwards, SCP-AFI was captured and taken into Foundation custody where she was told about the Foundation and confirmed that her anomalous abilities are real and not just dreams. SCP-AFI was confirmed to be compliant with Foundation testing but is suffering from depression and is most likely planning to take her own life again. Foundation staff are advised to be nice to her and patient with testing not to rush anything even when she claims its fine. It is with hope that the Foundation can help SCP-AFI break out of her depression so that she can be processed by the Anomalous Employment Division. Or at the very least have her powers removed so that she can be processed back into society and given a better life with Foundation compensation money.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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agentromanoffsir · 1 year
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neocities guide - why you should build your own html website
do you miss the charm of the 90s/00s web where sites had actual personality instead of the same minimalistic theme? are you feeling drained by social media and the constant corporate monopoly of your data and time? do you want to be excited about the internet again? try neocities!!
what is neocities?
neocities is a free hosting website that lets you build your own html website from scratch, with total creative control. in their own words: "we are tired of living in an online world where people are isolated from each other on boring, generic social networks that don't let us truly express ourselves. it's time we took back our personalities from these sterilized, lifeless, monetized, data mined, monitored addiction machines and let our creativity flourish again."
why should I make my own website?
web3 has been overtaken by capitalism & conformity. websites that once were meant to be fun online social spaces now exist solely to steal your data and sell you things. it sucks!! building a personal site is a great way to express yourself and take control of your online experience.
what would I even put on a website?
the best part about making your own site is that you can do literally whatever the hell you want! focus on a specific subject or make it a wild collection of all your interests. share your art! make a shrine for one of your interests! post a picture of every bird you see when you step outside! make a collection of your favorite blinkies! the world is your oyster !! here are some cool example sites to inspire you: recently updated neocities sites | it can be fun to just look through these and browse people's content! space bar | local interstellar dive bar creature feature | halloween & monsters big gulp supreme peanutbuttaz | personal site dragodiluna linwood | personal site patho grove | personal site
getting started: neocities/html guide
sound interesting? here are some guides to help you get started, especially if you aren't familiar with html/css sadgrl.online webmastery | a fantastic resource for getting started with html & web revival. also has a layout builder that you can use to start with in case starting from scratch is too intimidating web design in 4 minutes | good for learning coding basics w3schools | html tutorials templaterr | demo & html for basic web elements eggramen test pages | css page templates to get started with sadgrl background tiles | bg tiles rivendell background tiles | more free bg tiles
fun stuff to add to your site
want your site to be cool? here's some fun stuff that i've found blinkies-cafe | fantastic blinkie maker! (run by @transbro & @graphics-cafe) gificities | internet archive of 90s/00s web gifs internet bumper stickers | web bumper stickers momg | gif gallery 99 gif shop | 3d gifs 123 guestbook | add a guestbook for people to leave messages cbox | add a live chat box moon phases | track the phases of the moon gifypet | a little clickable page pet adopt a shroom | mushroom page pet tamaNOTchi | virtual pet crossword puzzle | daily crossword imood | track your mood neko | cute cat that chases your mouse pollcode | custom poll maker website hit counter | track how many visitors you have
web revival manifestos & communities
also, there's actually a pretty cool community of people out there who want to bring joy back to the web! melonland project | web project/community celebrating individual & joyful online experiences. Also has an online forum melonland intro to web revival | what is web revival? melonking manifesto | status cafe | share your current status nightfall city | online community onio.cafe | leave a message and enjoy the ambiance sadgrl internet manifesto | yesterweb internet manifesto | sadly defunct, still a great resource reclaiming online social spaces | great manifesto on cultivating your online experience
in conclusion
i want everyone to make a neocities site because it's fun af and i love seeing everyone's weird personal sites that they made outside of the control of capitalism :) say hi to me on neocities
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hobbymommyy · 7 months
The time change is throwing me off so bad :(
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xohmygoth · 2 months
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Here's how you start your week off right!
Also there's a new ✨️ GOLD TIER ✨️ on Fansly that is on sale til the end of the month. Check it out (my 🔗 are on a bunch of other posts)
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bannannahanna · 2 months
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my free Onlifans page
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sexykaylababyy · 7 days
If you enjoy my posts here you’ll LOVE my uncensored posts on Fansly and OnlyFans
Source: @sexykaylababyy
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toreii · 1 month
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💙Idia Shroud 1/8 Scale Figure💙
Specifications: Pre-painted finished product. Including stand.
Size: Approx. 235mm (9.25in)
Supervision • Illustration: Toboso Yana
Sculptor: Futaro Takahashi (ToToY), Ron
Production Cooperation: 千値練
Coloring: Sakura (fukufuku)
Publisher: Aniplex
Release: June 2025
Pre-Order: May 2nd, 2024 - August 18th, 2024
Price: 29,800 yen ($207.24 usd)
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da-riya · 11 months
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Average Dynasty-Scans Reader (4 parts)
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jayden81 · 4 months
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dzthenerd490 · 3 months
File: The Shape of Water
Code Name: The Underwater Couple
Object Class: Euclid/ Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-ADQ-Husband and SCP-ADQ-Wife are to never be separated as doing so will instigate aggravation from both. As such, they are contained as Site-AF and given both a 20x20 meter normal house with all the normal rooms, furniture, entertainment, and appliances for a house made for a married couple. Though beside the house is a 30x30 meter pool that is 40 meters deep, making it large enough for both of them to swim freely in. Both anomalies rarely leave and prefer to be left alone unless asking for help, meaning containment breach should not be a worry.
Instead, the front door of the house which is the entrance to the containment cell has been outfitted with magnetic locks to keep anyone who isn't Foundation Staff and the SCP-ADQ instances from entering. In the event of a containment breach a metal dome will retract from the walls and cover the front door ensuring both SCP-ADQ instances will be safe.
Every month the pool must be cleaned by a 6 crew Foundation staff with several Foundation cleaning pool drones. While cleaning the water the Foundation staff are to collect all the slime within the water and other bits such as dead skin and sweat from SCP-ADQ-Husband and SCP-ADQ-Wife's body. These samples are harvested for both testing purposes as well as emergency medical samples due to their anomalous properties.
Description: SCP-ADQ-Husband is an amphibious humanoid anomaly that doesn't seem to match any known species of interest. However, he does have traces of Species of Interest: Atlanteans DNA in his blood yet lacks the intelligence of the others. Furthermore, he does not resemble most common Atlanteans that the Foundation is familiar with. Whether SCP-ADQ-Husband is a mutant species of Atlantean that survived the purge of Atlantis during the First War is yet to be properly determined.
SCP-ADQ-Husband like SCP-ADQ-Wife is unable to talk verbally but is intelligent enough to understand conversation and understand the intentions of those he interacts with. He does have sharp claws and teeth for defense but what's most anomalous is his ability to heal himself and all those that he comes into physical contact with. Healing of SCP-ADQ-Husband is always with 100% accuracy and restoration of the body with 0% chance of negative effects for either SCP-ADQ-Husband or the one he has healed.
SCP-ADQ-Wife appears to be a Human-Atlantean Hybrid where her main anomalous property is that she has gills on the sides of her neck. She also possesses abnormal regenerative abilities even by Atlantean standards. However, other than that there is nothing particularly anomalous about her. In fact, the most anomalous thing about her is how easy it is to mistake her for a normal human who simply is unable to talk.
Both instances were discovered in 1962 after escaping the custody of a U.S. Government facility that imprisoned SCP-ADQ-Husband in order to use his anomalous healing abilities to assist in the Space Race. SCP-ADQ-Wife, who at the time didn't know she was a hybrid, along with a few friends saved SCP-ADQ-Husband and released him into the ocean, but not before killing the director of the project to utilize SCP-ADQ-Husband. After barely escaping SCP-ADQ-Husband healed SCP-ADQ-Wife and pulled her into the water. By doing this her anomalous properties were revealed, revealing they were able to live happily together. Though it was a short-lived moment of freedom as Mobile Task Force Gamma-6 "Deep Feeders" found them a week later.
All others involved in SCP-ADQ's original imprisonment and liberation were found. It should be noted this isn't the first time the U.S. government has kept anomalies out of Foundation custody as such those involved in his imprisonment were processed as D Class and immediately used to test the readiness of Foundation armor against Anomalies. As for those that were involved in their liberation, they were offered a position at the Foundation under Protocol “Sole Survivor”, but all refused and were instead amnestied and given Foundation compensation money.
SCP-ADQ-Husband and Wife mostly prefer to keep to themselves and though they do help heal the injured they come across they don't like socializing too much unless needed. As such the Anomalous Employment Division has agreed to leave them alone. Furthermore, it has been confirmed that now that they are together the scales, slime, sweat, and dead skin have even greater healing properties that seem to be improving as time goes on. Just the smallest bit is able to heal a person's whole body now. It is for this reason that SCP-ADQ as a whole is labeled as both Euclid due to its unknown origin and Thaumiel due to its beneficial properties.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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hobbymommyy · 5 months
Do you like this lingerie I crocheted? :3
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xohmygoth · 2 months
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Last nights live show was a blast! Got naked and explicit pretty damn fast too. Good job boys 🥰
The next live shows will be for my birthdayyyy
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flameyfay · 3 months
The bounce is unreal
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flamedoesart · 1 year
I feel like people tend to forget that the reason children are on websites they really shouldn't be on, like Twitter for example, is because there are no spaces on the internet anymore specifically designed for children, unless it's for babies or toddlers.
The death of Flash also meant the death of thousands of games and websites specifically designed for the 9-13 demographic. Now granted, several games died long before Flash did (like the Holy Disney MMO trio - Pixie Hollow, ToonTown and Club Penguin) but there were other websites designed around what kids would enjoy. Sites like Kongregate, Sploder, GirlsGoGames and others were designed with kids in mind.
These sites were special in the sense that it gave fun games for children to play without even really needing to interact with other people directly. They could play the games and have fun. If they wanted to make friends they could, and oftentimes these sites had moderation to prevent kids from having full control over what they could say so as to prevent bullying and potential cyberstalking.
But now Flash is dead, and there's barely any hangout spots for that demographic anymore. I think the last remaining game you can play that doesn't require Flash that was a major part of the 2010s game nostalgia was Wizard101, but that game comes with the flaw of membership programs, similar to all the other MMOs that existed at the time.
Needless to say, the next time we ask in annoyance why there's so many 12 year olds on Twitter and Tik Tok, remember that it's because there's literally no online spaces anymore solely for them and only them, that majority of adults wouldn't step foot into anymore.
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peachesandpot · 8 months
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
File: X-files S1 E3 Squeeze
Code Name: The Squeeze Demon
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AAM is contained in a 4x4 containment cell within Site-AF. Due its anomalous abilities no air filtration of any kind is allowed in the interior of the cell. A single 360-degree camera is placed in the middle of the celling of the containment cell. The camera is protected by a 5mm thick shock absorption glass dome to prevent SCP-AAM form tampering with it. The containment cell is reinforced with 1-inch-thick titanium walls, floor, and the ceiling. Each crack and crevice have been welded shut to prevent the slightest chance of allowing SCP-AAM to escape. Every Month when SCP-AAM is done hibernating an AFA-1 is to enter the containment cell with a small stack of newspapers. Every week a single D-Class is to be escorted into SCP-AAMs containment to be fed on, the AFA-1 must always be armed with a Foundation Assault Rifle.
Testing is regularly done with SCP-AAM’s blood and must be approved by a at least one Level 3 Clearance staff member. If SCP-AAM is reported showing signs of distress or displaying self-harm it is to be assumed he is merely trying to gain sympathy. Any Foundation staff that feel guilt for SCP-AAM are to be transferred to a different Site immediately. SCP-AAM has not, nor will he ever be approved to be processed by the Anomalous Employment Division.
Description: SCP-AAM is a humanoid anomaly that appears to be of Caucasian decent with brown hair and black eyes. Biologically, SCP-AAM is somewhere in his early thirties but is actually over a hundred years old, possibly older. Furthermore, he possesses the anomalous ability to stretch his body to extensive degree with unknown limits. This allows him to fit through small holes and stretch his arms out to grab anything in front of him regardless of what obstacle stands in his way. It should also be noted that SCP-AAM is extremely strong, able to rip open the stomach of a grown man with his bare hands alone. 
Despite being human in appearance and sometimes in behavior, SCP-AAM's can be very savage and animalistic, especially when hungry. SCP-AAM has a taste for rotting meat or human meat thought it mostly prefers to eat the liver. He seems to be able to absorb the regenerative capabilities of the liver to prolong his lifespan, maintain his inhuman strength, and abnormal stretching abilities. How SCP-AAM is able maintain his anomalous properties by devouring the liver is not well understood by the Foundation. SCP-AAM has the strange ability to build a nest to allow him to rest and maintain his vitality while waiting for his next meal. For whatever reason SCP-AAM always likes to build his nest out of newspapers.
SCP-AAM was discovered in 1993, when it was apprehended by Persons of Interest: Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. SCP-AAM placed under FBI custody as a criminal who tried to assault Agent Scully in her home. However, due to the anomalous abilities of SCP-AAM and the lack of evidence the FBI could not hold him for long. As such, Mobile Task Force Iota-10 “Damn Feds” had to step in. Foundation hackers got into the system made a false transfer request for SCP-AAM. Iota-10 units transported SCP-AAM to Site-AF only after transferring to a Foundation truck and after destroying the FBI truck. The cover story is that the FBI truck crashed and SCP-AAM died as a result. 
Interviews with SCP-AAM about its origin and source of anomalous abilities have yielded no results. SCP-AAM is under the impression he is held in another government prison and believes that so long as he acts innocent the Foundation will eventually let him go. He has been reported continuously trying to gain sympathy from everyone who interviews or interacts with him. It should also be noted that he tries to get Foundation staff to be alone with him in an attempt to eat them. It is for this reason that AFA units are always present during testing with SCP-AAM and are relied on when feeding him. 
"it's honestly annoying that SCP-AAM has persisted in playing innocent. We’ve even shown the monster video recordings of him eating D Class and he’s still trying to keep appearances! The pathetic freak is even trying to pin it on Scully and Mulder, saying they’re framing him. Though what's REALLY annoying is that despite the DNA samples we collected we're still no closer to finding out how the hell SCP-AAM came to be or how the freak is able to do what he does. Well, no matter, so long as he's here he's never going to hurt another innocent person again, and frankly that's good enough for me. I'm just saying it would be nice if he'd stop trying to act like an innocent puppy when we all know he's a murderous piece of shit." -Dr. tutela
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