#Sir Walter Elliot
firawren · 11 months
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kajaono · 2 months
When Jane Austen writes: Sir Walter Elliot was now 54 years old and still really pretty“ what face comes into your mind?
I always imagined one of those 55 years old Hollywood stars who are ridiculous pretty and sure as hell had plastic surgery. I most definitely didn’t imagined… well… *looks at 1995, 2007 and Netflix*
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a-mythologynerd · 3 months
Sir Walter Elliot, man who would use moisturizer and have a 10 step skin care routine. You would have loved the anti wrinkles straw.
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bethanydelleman · 5 months
I think I have discovered my very favourite comic male character type, he must have these criteria:
Extremely vain
Mainly focused on female-coded aspects of appearance (hair, skin, clothes, not body-building)
Objectively attractive
So Gaston from Beauty and the Beast, who focuses on male aspects of beauty, is out, as are many male characters who believe they are hot stuff but aren't (like John Thorpe and Robert Ferrars). Some examples are Sir Walter Elliot from Persuasion and Rogelio de la Vega from Jane the Virgin:
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(Both of these men are older, that's not important, they are just the ones who came to mind)
It's also important if the vanity is extremely fragile, as in if they see a single blemish in their appearance it is a full on CRISIS and must be addressed IMMEDIATELY.
Anyway, anyone know more of these characters? I am told Howl from Howl's Moving Castle is like this, so I'm planning to watch/read that one.
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purple-crayoner · 1 year
If Sir Walter Elliot lived in modern times, exactly how extensive would his skincare regimen be, I wonder?
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"Be it known then, that Sir Walter, like a good father, (having met with one or two private disappointments in very unreasonable applications), prided himself on remaining single for his dear daughters’ sake."
Persuasion, Jane Austen.
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comicaloverachiever · 7 months
The Elliots being an awful family to Anne | Persuasion (1995)
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violaobanion · 2 years
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PERSUASION 2022 | dir. Carrie Cracknell
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Cassim: He left his wife and son to find the Hand of Midas so he can provide them a better life, but the dude is gone for like 20 years. He becomes the King of Thieves while his family struggles without him. He and Aladdin reconcile in the end but he was an absent father because of his greed.
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sir-walter-elliot · 11 days
Dear Sir Walter,
I am thinking of visiting Bath soon, but I hear that the women may not be up to my very high beauty standards. I have the utmost trust in your judgment, how attractive are the women in Bath?
Thank you,
Robert Ferrars
Dear Mr. Ferrars,
You are quite right to be so fastidious about such matters. I must own that the proportion of plain women in Bath is shocking. Not that there are no pretty women, but, as an example, I once stood in a shop on Bond Street and counted eighty-seven women go by without there being a tolerable face among them!
I might advise you not to visit during the winter, when sharp frosts put extra strain on the skin and which hardly one woman in a thousand could stand the test of. Neither should you visit in summer when the heat will make the ladies wilt and the sun will make them all dreadfully tanned and freckled.
Sir Walter Elliot
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kittyelii · 6 months
RIP Sir Walter Elliot you would’ve loved rupauls drag race 💔
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showmethesneer · 1 year
Sir Walter when Anne wants to visit Mrs Smith:
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anghraine · 2 years
I know I’m not the only person who’s had the idea, and I’m kind of iffy about the Jane Austen Cinematic Universe interpretation of her novels, but ... okay, I first read Persuasion in high school, and ran across this passage:
Sir Walter’s continuing in singleness requires explanation. Be it known then, that Sir Walter, like a good father, (having met with one or two private disappointments in very unreasonable applications), prided himself on remaining single for his dear daughters’ sake.
me, c. 2003: omg. he proposed to Lady Catherine, didn’t he?
And, well, I stand by it.
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bethanydelleman · 4 months
WIBTA for leaving my kids behind while I try to secure their future?
I am a young widow (F27) with two young children (M4, F2). My late husband wasn't very wealthy so I've been forced to move back in with my father. Fortunately, my father is the agent of a wealthy baronet (M54). He's in a little debt right now, but who isn't? The baronet's daughter, Ella (F29), has taken an interest in me and asked me to accompany the family to Bath. I think this is my golden opportunity to improve my life! The baronet doesn't have a male heir and what could be better than marrying a woman with proven fertility?
If I go, I have a chance to catch the father and secure my children's future, but I will have to leave my kids behind and people can be pretty judgmental about things like that... so WIBTA if I spent six months in Bath and left my kids with my father?
Top Comment:
YWNBTA at all! Ignore these other comments about your duty as a mother, as a woman you need to try for the best you can get your hands on! This opportunity is far too good to pass up!
Go secure yourself a baronet!
u/ClaytoBeauty (OP) Thank you for saying this, I have told Ella that I'm going to accompany her!
Comment near the bottom:
A quick consultation of The Baronetage reveals that this baronet is in fact Sir Walter Elliot of Kellynch Hall, born March 1, 1760. Ella must be his daughter Miss Elizabeth Elliot, born June 1, 1785. There are two more daughters in the family but as stated, no male heir. The property is entailed, something that I am very familiar with, so the requirement for a male heir is valid.
I will consult with my honoured patroness, Lady C, to see if anything should be done to warn Sir Walter about this scheme. It would be a shame to see such a man marry a woman of low rank and Lady C is very concerned about the preservation of distinctions of rank.
(WIBTA is for future situations, "Would I Be TA?" and YWNBTA "You Would Not Be TA")
AITA Masterpost
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ljones41 · 7 months
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I just did a recent re-watch of the 1995 version of "PERSUASION". There was something in this film that I found baffling.
In the movie, Mr. William Elliot, who is the main heroine's cousin and heir presumptive to her father, Sir Walter Elliot, had earlier married a wealthy woman from a lower class. She eventually died, leaving Mr. Elliot a wealthy man. But despite his wealth, Mr. Elliot attempted to reconnect with the family in order to ensure that Sir Walter would never remarry and produce an heir, which would prevent Mr. Elliot from inheriting Sir Walter's baronetcy and estate.
But in the 1995 version of "PERSUASION", Mr. Elliot had spent all of his late wife's money, making him barely penniless again. I never understood why screenwriter Nick Dear had allowed Mr. Elliot to lose his wealth. This doesn't make sense to me. This means Mr. Elliot would be forced to choose between finding another wealthy wife or marrying one of his less affluent Elliot cousins in order to prevent Sir Walter of ever remarrying. Dear had Mr. Elliot pursuing his cousin Anne Elliot anyway. But what would have happened if he had married Anne and spent her dowry? Then what? Especially since the very healthy Sir Walter would have lived a good number of years down the road. Did Nick Dear consider the ramifications of this change?
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mametupa · 2 years
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Sir Walter Elliot upset... 😉
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