shigaeru · 3 years
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late night work 🌙 day 2: domestic
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nanime1313 · 3 years
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Shizayaweek 2021 Day 6
"the memory of you is haunting me"
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organic-bunny · 3 years
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“Ah, those two. In a fight, they’re lethal. Around each other, they melt.” ― Richelle Mead, The Golden Lily
Addams family values parody (PART 2 BELOW ✨) 
Day 8: Free day
It started out as a joke, but then it became a thing :). 
Planning this as a surprise gift for @secretcatmugs but end up having her rewrite the lines for me ;;-;;. I love you my baby bun.
Thanks @shizayasweek​ for giving me chances to spread my cursed idea around.
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allshewhispers · 4 years
Ok but when Izaya put that cold pop can on the back of Shizuo's neck... that was super gay.
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ikam177 · 3 years
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Shizaya Week - Day 5 - "I can’t sleep, so will you hold me?”
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nomiizuo · 3 years
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shizaya week has ended already but that ain't stopping me to finish all the prompts :')
Day 4: mutual pining
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sachigram · 3 years
((In standard me fashion, I picked a prompt from Shizaya Week, weeks late, and have no intention of doing the others, lmaoooooooooo)) 
Prompt: I can’t sleep so will you hold me?
Shizuo doesn't think he could ever get used to Izaya and his bat-shit flea antics entirely, but Izaya has proven to be easier to deal with than Shizuo ever would've thought before. There are often hidden truths in Izaya's actions, things ordinary people who don't deal with him often enough would think to look for. Shizuo doesn't consider himself an expert in anything, but he thinks he's become a decent flea-to-human to translator.
Izaya will cook, but not without making snide remarks about Shizuo's inability to cook. Izaya will do laundry, but will refuse to fold it. If Shizuo asks for Izaya to come home early, Izaya will do so, but he'll still arrive later than Shizuo requested. Sometimes it still annoys Shizuo what a brat Izaya is, but he can see Izaya is actually trying, and that's enough to keep Shizuo from flying off the handle.
Izaya's sleeping habits, however, remain a constant source of contention between them both. Shizuo has a regular sleep schedule and always has. Even when he's angry or upset, which is more often than not, he finds sleep easily. It's taken him a long time to wrap his head around Izaya's sleeping habits, which are all over the place. Truly, Shizuo still doesn't get it.
Izaya will be up all night and then wake early in the morning, even without setting an alarm. He'll pass out at his desk and be dead to the world, but wake up a mere hour later and go right back to work. Sometimes he'll be out after Shizuo goes to bed and already be gone in the morning before Shizuo wakes up. It drives Shizuo insane, especially when Izaya will have dark circles and bags under his eyes but still firmly refuse to lie down. Izaya always says he has too much work to do to sleep like a normal person, and then he'll make some scathing remark about Shizuo having a caveman sleep cycle, and they'll end up arguing. It's always the same song and dance, but Shizuo is getting fed up with following Izaya's lead.
Today, Izaya is at his desk, clacking away at his keyboard. He has a humongous coffee cup next to him, which he will occasionally reach for and sip from, and he has a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. He looks cute, and Shizuo hates him for it, because Shizuo wants to be mad at him.
“Why are you staring at me, Shizu-chan?” Izaya asks, and Shizuo glowers up at him.
“You didn't come to bed last night.”
“What's wrong? Are you worried I was out being unfaithful to you?” Izaya bats his eyelashes playfully, and he grins at the expression on Shizuo's face. “I told you, I have to work.”
“All night? And you're still at it. What are you even doing?” Shizuo grumbles.
“That's top secret! I don't ask you about your work, now do I?” Izaya keeps typing even as he speaks, barely glancing in Shizuo's direction. “I'll sleep when I'm done.”
“You're never done. As soon as you finish that one, you'll think of something else to do.”
“No rest for the wicked,” Izaya sings, still not looking at Shizuo. “It takes a lot to be as efficient as me, you know? I rest for one day and suddenly I'm out of the loop.”
“I'm not asking for an entire day! I'm asking you to sleep when you need it!” Shizuo snaps, and Izaya finally frowns up at him.
“Your nagging is unattractive.”
“You—!” Shizuo stands and stomps over to the desk, looming menacingly over Izaya. “Turn off. The computer,” he hisses through clenched teeth.
“I'm not tired, you idiot! Damn it, just—“ Izaya lifts his hand as if to wave Shizuo away, and Shizuo growls before grabbing Izaya's hand and tugging him. “Stop it! Shizu-chaaaaaaan!” Izaya wails as Shizuo drags Izaya, swivel-chair and all, towards the stairs. “Shizu-chan, you're hurting me!”
Shizuo freezes in his tracks and releases Izaya, who glares up at him, cradling his hand to himself. Shizuo feels guilty, feels like lead is in his stomach. He doesn't want to hurt anyone, but he especially never wants to hurt Izaya, even when the fucker deserves it.
“Sorry,” Shizuo mumbles.
“Oh, relax, I was kidding. You weren't hurting me; I just wanted you to let me go.” Izaya scoots himself back towards the desk, and he lifts his coffee cup, grinning at Shizuo over the rim. “What an expression you're making! I bet you wished you hurt me now, huh?”
Shizuo takes a deep breath, cracks his knuckles by one, and then moves towards Izaya again, who only looks up at him smugly. Shizuo leans onto the desk.
“You wanna work? Fine. But tonight, you're going to bed when I do, and you're not leaving the bed till I do,” Shizuo says.
“That's not happening,” Izaya says, taking another sip of coffee. Shizuo slaps the coffee out of his hands, and Izaya looks from the shattered cup to Shizuo, clearly irritated.
“Yes the fuck it is happening, 'cause if you refuse, I'm gonna throw your computer out the window, and then I'm gonna tie your scrawny ass to the bed for a week.” Shizuo smiles, but there's nothing pleasant about it. “What's it gonna be, I-za-ya?”
“You're going to tie me down? Kinky. I don't see how turning me on is going to get me to sleep.”
“Keep it up and I'll tie you upside-down.”
“Whoever would've guessed how high-maintenance you are?” Izaya sighs loudly and then shrugs. “Sure, what do I care? I'll just watch you sleep and do creepy stuff to you until morning. Will that placate you?”
“Yes,” Shizuo says, not threatened in the least. Izaya scowls, but doesn't argue, and that's a victory in Shizuo's book.
Hours later, after they've both eaten dinner, (Izaya at his desk, eating while working) Shizuo stands from the couch and yawns. He looks over at Izaya, who is pointedly ignoring him.
“Bedtime,” Shizuo announces.
“What? Now?” Izaya asks, looking from the monitor to Shizuo. “It's not even ten!”  
“I'm tired now,” Shizuo says. “Besides, you look like a zombie. You need it more than me.”
“I'm not tired!” Izaya whines, his legs kicking out a bit. Shizuo withholds a grin at Izaya's antics, finding them cute. Before they got together, he never would have guessed how childish Izaya can be. Izaya doesn't throw tantrums, but he does pout and whine when he's not getting his way, and his surly attitude will persist for a long time afterwards until the opportunity to be a vindictive little shit comes along. “Shizu-chan, I'm still not done!”
“A deal is a deal. Come with me, or I'm tying you down, and you'll miss even more work.” Shizuo crosses his arms and watches Izaya, who rolls his eyes, sinks into his chair, and glares at Shizuo with his bottom lip poking out.
“You're being unreasonable.”
“I'll count to three.”
“Shizu-chan, I just—“
“This is really important. My life could be on the line if I—“
“I hate you. I detest you! You're horrible, absolutely the worst!”
Groaning loudly, Izaya pushes himself up, slumps his shoulders, and makes his way up the stairs, grumbling the entire way about Shizuo. Nodding to himself, Shizuo moves to Izaya's computer, shuts it down, and turns off all the lights before joining Izaya upstairs. Izaya is in the bathroom, cat ear headband pulling his bangs off his forehead, and he's brushing his teeth with his narrowed, catlike gaze settled on Shizuo.
“Keep sulking all you want. You not sleeping isn't impressing anyone. You're lucky you haven't passed out in the path of one of your enemies,” Shizuo says, pulling his shirt off. He unbuttons his pants and steps out of them, and when he looks up, Izaya is still glowering at him. Sighing, Shizuo walks into the bathroom, shoving past Izaya to get to his own toothbrush.
When Izaya is done, he moves on to his skincare, an extensive process. Shizuo finishes brushing his teeth and then leans against the counter, simply watching Izaya apply serum after serum to his face.
“You know, you could put less shit on your face if you'd just sleep sometimes,” Shizuo says, amusement clear in his tone.
“You sound like a broken record,” Izaya says.
“You sound like an asshole.”
Clearly fuming but not wanting to show it, Izaya slams the container in his hands onto the counter, not bothering to look at Shizuo. He moves on to the next step of the process, and Shizuo reaches out to tug on the hem of Izaya's shirt, pulling him closer.
“Let go of me. You're lucky I haven't kicked you out,” Izaya huffs, but Shizuo pulls him in anyway.
“I wouldn't have to nag you if you'd bother to take care of yourself,” Shizuo murmurs into Izaya's hair.
“I take care of myself just fine,” Izaya argues.
“You don't. Being clean and having good skin isn't taking care of yourself.”
“Neither is punching people. Neither is being a stupid, simpleminded beast of a man.”
“I think that's enough skincare. Clearly you're getting grumpy from lack of sleep,” Shizuo says, unaffected by Izaya's sharp tongue. Usually he'd be enraged, but the sight of Izaya in the cat ears is too endearing. He'll yell at Izaya later, he decides, and in a swift motion, he throws Izaya over his shoulder and carries him towards the bed. Izaya curses and squirms, his bony elbows digging into Shizuo's back, and Shizuo tosses him down onto the bed, grinning triumphantly down at him.
“At least let me get undressed,” Izaya grumbles. He pulls his shirt off, pulling the headband off along with it. He looks up at Shizuo expectantly.
“Oh, you want one of my shirts?”
Snorting, Shizuo tosses a T-shirt at Izaya, who pulls it on with a pleased expression. Izaya is just squirming out of his pants when Shizuo turns out the light, bathing the room in darkness. Izaya sighs again, flops back into the bed, and relents to being held, though he doesn't relent quietly.
Despite all of Izaya's bitching, he falls asleep within the hour. He's soft in Shizuo's arms, his leg wedged between Shizuo's, and he's breathing evenly, dead to the world. Shizuo smiles and runs his hand through Izaya's hair before he closes his eyes and lets sleep take him as well.
When Shizuo wakes, it's still dark.
It takes him a minute to figure out what exactly woke him, but then he realizes Izaya is moving around, muttering little things under his breath.
“Flea?” Shizuo asks softly. Izaya doesn't respond, and Shizuo realizes Izaya is dreaming, talking in his sleep.
“Need to...work...” Izaya says something else after it, unintelligible, and he swats at Shizuo, who is beyond amused. “Brute.” Izaya finishes.
“What's that? You dreaming of me?”
“Hate you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Shizuo says. He lifts his hand to wipe some drool off his chin, and Izaya makes an affronted little noise, pawing at Shizuo's chest. “What?”
“Want...want Shizu-chan...”
“I'm right here.”
Izaya whines and burrows closer, still swatting at Shizuo.
“Flea, quit it, I'm right here!” Shizuo huffs, though he's finding it hard to be annoyed when Izaya is being so cute. Izaya makes another anguished sound and presses his face into Shizuo's neck.
“Hold me...” Izaya's words are muffled, barely audible, and Shizuo wonders if he imagined them. Izaya is never this clingy, this open with his desires.
Gently, Shizuo wraps his arm around Izaya, who makes another noise, this one sounding happy. Izaya stops squirming and the room grows quiet once more, save for the pounding of Shizuo's heart. Izaya is a pain in the ass, and he's hard to deal with, and he's stubborn as all hell, and he's the last person in the world who should feel safe with Shizuo, but he does. He's here, sound asleep in Shizuo's arms, asking to be held, and Shizuo feels a lump in his throat.
Izaya hums in reply, clearly contented, and Shizuo kisses Izaya's forehead, pulls him closer, and dares to hold him a little tighter.
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shizayasweek · 4 years
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Here are finally the prompts and dates (and some other important information) about Shizaya Week 2020! If you have any questions about the prompts or rules, leave us an Ask or comment down here, we'll be happy to answer! See you soon <3
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lauretra · 4 years
SHIZAYA WEEK DAY 2: "yes, i hate you too"
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kaleidoscope13579 · 3 years
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Day 4 - chases / mutual pining /  angel & demon au
I know it makes more sense for Shizuo to be the angel and Izaya as the demon, but think about this reversal:
Izaya is an angel that really loves humanity. He’s the best and worst at his job. Izaya does lead people to the greater good but with unconventional methods. He leads humans to the brink of their destruction in order for them to see the right choice. He’s just been really lucky that no human hadn’t chosen the dark path on his watch (not that he cared since he believes in free will and choice). (This was also inspired by how even though Izaya mocks suicidal groups, nobody actually commits suicide apparently after he talks to them.) 
Shizuo is a demon who brings violence and chaos wherever he goes. He does have a heart of gold, but he has to care about you and you can’t annoy him first. The violence and anger is also unintentional. It’s just something about him that makes humans give into their animalistic desires. He still got super strength. 
Here’s the thing: Heaven is smart enough to know that if they let Izaya become a demon, then all hope for humanity will be loss since he’ll be too good at it. So it’s better that they keep him on their side. Plus, they wouldn’t able to control Shizuo and his temper. His destructive nature would do more harm for them.
And Hell knows that Izaya could probably rule over Hell and change the system if he wanted to, so they think he’s too dangerous. Shizuo doesn’t care about position and he’s too good of an asset to let go. 
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shigaeru · 4 years
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day 1: high school days / ‘let me dye your hair’
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nanime1313 · 3 years
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Day 7: reunion
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icestar-74 · 3 years
Shizaya week 2020 day five.
I can't sleep, will you hold me?
Shizuo and Izaya were in bed. Izaya was reading a book while Shizuo seemed to be sound asleep.
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"Hey Izaya...?" Shizuo spoke his name so softly that Izaya barely heard it.
"Shizu-chan? Did you say something?" Izaya asked.
Shizuo turned his head to see Izaya. "I can't sleep..."
"Oh?" Izaya moved away his book. "What do you want me to do about it l?"
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"Hold me?" Shizuo asked quietly.
Izaya looked at him for a moment before a smile softened his features. "Hold you?"
Shizuo turned his head back and nodded against his pillow.
"Very well." Izaya said as he sat his book down in the floor.
"Such a simple beast." Izaya spoke as he wrapped his arms around Shizuo while curling into him. "Be careful, some might mistake you for a human."
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Shizuo only replied with a soft hum and a gentle squeeze on Izaya's fingers.
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nohajwo · 4 years
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SO where I live it’s the 3rd of December already SOOO
DAY 1 “let me dye your hair”
thank you @shizayasweek
   (i promised in the last post to make a hair cutting moment in sawaranaide, here it is! all that’s left is to write it someday hahaha)
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ikam177 · 4 years
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Shizaya Week - Day 2 - Domestic
He’s ranting about humans again
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minizayas · 3 years
Anytime You Want
Shizaya Week Day 3, Injury/Hurt&Comfot/Vampire Au @shizayasweek
Izaya never felt like he could have this. His back on the arm of a couch, his legs laying gently across Shizuo's lap, Shizuo's hands softly massaging at the sore spots on his legs and the low hum of the television in the background. It was overwhelming at times; and sometimes Izaya wished he could just get up and run away.
In the beginning, he had done just that. Up and into his wheelchair as quickly as possible, causing his legs to feel like they're throbbing for days. It was the price he paid. He would remind and tell himself constantly that:
Shizuo’s not a monster.
more on AO3
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