#// izaya has it so good
soultiio · 1 month
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my god my god why have you forsaken me
wasn't I good to you?
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"uuuhhhh izaya isnt a sociopath because he feels sad and has emotions and sociopaths dont do that!!" L plus ratio plus read the hidden suffering of the psychopath by willem h j martens phd plus maybe if you cant empathize with people who are seen as societys rejects maybe youre not cut out for the task of analyzing a series about empathizing with people who are seen as societys rejects
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subarashiihibi · 11 days
come to think of it ive projected so many things onto izaya over the years i probably owe him an apology
like 1) lgbt 2) mental illinois (particularly bpd but also(and i thikn this is kind of less projection more 'well with his childhood and the way he was forced to care for himself it fits quite well') cptsd) 3) emo (this is not really so much projecting as it is 'why did you own a chain wallet in high school') 4) fall out boy fan (my mental image of izaya reading pw lyrics intensely) 5) latina (this is kind of a joke but also i love my latina princess) 6) [i can't say this one] 7) theres probaly more idk but ya thoise are the ones i can think of
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kaifishh · 2 years
You know what really gets me? People who say Izaya’s the ONLY reason Shizuo has violent rages, and that after he’s gone Shizuo’s never going to act like that again.
Sure, they’re enemies and piss each other off all the time, but Shizuo’s anger and violence is something he dealt with long before Izaya. I don’t know, I just think it’s not that simple 🤷
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sinisterlutist · 7 months
For the ask meeeeme Volo, Riza Hawkeye, Rui (rhythm game boi I can't remember if he has more name), Izaya Orihara, Spock, Wilfred Mott, Mulder.
WAAAA I GOT ANOTHER ONE AWESOME THANK YOU!! I love the variety of names you slapped in here! I hope you don’t mind that Volo is going in the exact same spot as when he was asked the first time—
1. Go grocery shopping with
Rrrrriza goes here this time- grocery shopping can be a nightmare but between her efficiency and mine we’d get done so fast, and her being chill would help me too. (Fifth)
2. Have lunch with
Okay I eventually decided on Mulder for this one, though again, the point is really more to hear him talk about something interesting— I know he’s kinda cagey at first about telling people what he believes, but I think it’d be a supremely interesting conversation provided one of us starts it instead of sitting there weirdly in silence. (Sixth)
3. Have coffee with
I’m gonna put Izaya here for my second pick. In all honesty, this would be less about having coffee with (or whatever hot beverage) and more a little lesson on people-watching out the cafe window- that would be fun.
4. Go thrift shopping with
Wilfred!! I’ll bet he knows excellent places to find cool stuff— especially relating to space, with his interest in stargazing. (Picked third)
5. Explore a museum/art gallery/aquarium with
I’m bringing Rui for this one, we’re gonna go to one of those interactive science museums where you can raise yourself in pulleys and stand inside a bubble and lay on a bed of nails (which btw are REALLY comfortable)— I think he’d love it, I’d love it, I haven’t been to one in years, and I would not be surprised if one of the exhibits was a bit,,, modified,,, after we leave— entirely safe to play with still, just… better. (Fourth)
6. Go the library/bookstore with
And this one goes to Spock (sorry you were last-). I think it’d be very interesting to see what he gravitates to in terms of Old Earth Books— or in a different situation, I’d love to know some recommendations of Futurey Space Books!
7. Have as a plus-one at a wedding
(Picked first again—) It’s still Volo. He is the only one I could bring for this. He’s the only one I’d be comfortable calling a plus-one. If I take these silly ask situations seriously I’ve now brought him along to two weddings and he would be happy to be asked both times (I will bring you to a history museum one of these days, Volo, and I’m sure you will have SO much fun learning there, and so will I)
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threadmonster · 1 year
Love how Narita actually wants us to both love and hate his characters. Like sir, you have definitely succeeded doing so in the first volume of SH.
Love Yahiro and fucking hate that shitty carbon-copy-Izaya son of a bitch Kuon.
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outofcontextfossil · 6 months
i have to make a presentation to teach my latin teacher something by the end of december and i have been thinking about what i will teach her since this summer. every single one of my ideas has been something im into like an insane amount and love a lot so i dont know if i would be able to compose myself and actually present and not dry heave when it comes time to actually
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ethereal-blossom · 1 year
izaya, dazai, and mori reacting to their s/o experiencing a major burnout to the point where they needed extensive medical attention due to their overall health plummeting due stress and fatigue. this is me rn ;-; im so overworked yet so underpaid lmfao thank you so much in advance! 💗
A/N: Hi, thank you so much for the long wait! I hope your situation has become better :( give my dear their rest and money🔪 I'm sorry Mori's part is a bit short compared to the others, but I hope you like it💖
Izaya loves all humans equally, but you're the exception as his favorite one and Shizuo being his least favorite.
With Izaya's special interest in human beings and his well-crafted observation skills, it didn't go unnoticed by him how you were becoming more tired and less happy step by step. The part of him that loved to observe humans was fascinated and wondered how far you could be pushed, but then again- you are his favorite.
Izaya only realizes you need extensive medical treatment after he returns from an underground job. If you haven't moved in with him already, Izaya will throw all his charm (or manipulation skills, really, who cares about the details?) into convincing you to stay at his place. Being an information broker and professional chaos lover has provided Izaya with enough money to spoil you rotten.
The question is whether he'll let you go back to work. And if you manage to convince him to let you go back to work, he's going to do a full background check on the company and its people.
Izaya has a hard time admitting this to you, himself, or anyone really, but seeing you become this fragile scared him. It's a feeling he immediately tries to shove away, but it only leads to him being more protective of you.
During your assigned recovery, you'll catch Izaya chuckling to himself. There are just so many fun possibilities to ruin your boss' life! Should he destroy it brick by brick? Or should he wreck it in one go? Whatever it is, it'll be cruel and twisted and fun. Your boss didn't think they could get away with treating his favorite little human like this, hm?
One thing is for certain: no matter how Izaya is going to destroy your boss' life, it'll be done through cyber damage. Izaya would rather not leave your side. He has been very cheery and confident around you, never giving you a sign of the fear he felt when he saw you turn into a burned-out version of yourself. But he has you tucked in bed and you just have to say it and he gives you anything you want. Izaya has Namie assist him in taking care of you, too.
Izaya does drop hints here and there about how he's going to be responsible for your boss' life taking a bad turn. If you try to confront him about this or prevent him from doing so, Izaya is going to ask you for a good explanation as to why not. It may even lead to a discussion, however, no reason will leave him satisfied. You've already gotten hurt, so the damage is already done and there's nothing the boss can do to make up for it except pay for it with his sins. Izaya can say he'll let it go, but you know he won't. If anything, he's more excited to start. Nobody messes with his favorite human except him.
Dazai puts great value in the one he gained but would never want to lose. It's one of the reasons he pays so much attention to you; he knows things about your behavior that even you are unaware of.
That's why Dazai is the first to observe how you're slowly burning out. He encourages you to copy his work ethic (lying on a couch and letting your partner do all the work), but he never convinces you no matter how much he tries to tug at your strings.
But when Dazai comes home from a mission he had to travel for and sees you so burned out to the point of needing extensive medical care, he was livid and scared. From the inside, that is. From the outside, he'd be calm and reassuring, even cheery once you feel better.
Dazai would insist that he stays home with you to become your personal nurse. He would cling onto you whenever you want to leave the bed, claiming you were on bed rest, which automatically meant he was on bed rest, too.
He'd take care of you in his own silly way. He makes you laugh, distracts you from the tiredness, buys you the biggest teddy bear you've seen in your life, and prevents you from doing anything.
Nonetheless, there's going to be a time you need to get back to work. Once you do, you notice something strange about your boss. It's like they are a whole new person. They offer you tea or coffee the minute you step in, push out a nervous chuckle that's supposed to sound friendly, and say you can take a break whenever you feel like you need one. It wouldn't take long for you to realize there was something off... and you could tell who was behind it.
When confronting Dazai though, expect him to be packed in denial. "Me?" He answers with doe eyes that scream innocence and surprise, which means he was definitely not innocent nor surprised. "Do I look like someone who would threaten your boss? I was taking care of you all that time!" Yes Dazai, you look like that type of person. But the latter was true since you cannot point out a moment he must have had a talk with your boss. Dazai had taken his role as your personal nurse very seriously to the point he rarely had been out of your sight.
Dazai knows you'd have to let it go eventually because you have no evidence against him. Even if you did find the courage to ask your boss if your boyfriend had talked to him, the boss wouldn't slip up. The only evidence you have is the fear in your boss' eyes when mentioning your boyfriend and the sly but satisfied smile you caught on Dazai's face when he knew he got away with it.
Being the boss of the port mafia is a time-consuming job, especially when you're almost at war with another underground organization. It's why Mori, who is always eager to spoil you rotten, wasn't there to see how work was affecting you for the worst.
Mori made sure the upcoming threat was nothing more but forgotten dust, and one look at you after he came back made him want to do the same to your boss. You could see it in his expression, how it changed from excitement to surprise to deadly and back to soft but cheery in the span of a few seconds.
Absolutely takes this opportunity as an excuse to spoil you rotten more than he already does. After all, who can take better care of you than himself, the doctor who loves you the most?
The doctor in him comes out; checking your vitals, making sure you eat and drink, assigning you time to rest but also to go out and make a little walk with him. And oh, look what a cute thing he bought for you the other day! Yeah, it wouldn't be Mori if he didn't take this opportunity to buy new clothes for you and to doll you up as much as you let him.
Mori will offer to bring harm to your boss as if it's a sweet declaration of love. Whatever your answer, he makes sure your boss learns their lesson.
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animeyanderelover · 9 months
Request: firstly, id like to request more yanderes of your choice, maybe the newer fandoms, with that prompt i suggested long ago, about darling distancing themselves to plan on how to confess to yanderes.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional thoughts, stalking, threats, manipulation
Darling distances themselves to plan on how to confess
Heiwajima Shizuo
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🚬 Somehow Shizuo can't bring himself to be surprised by this. He's scared a good couple of people away due to his temper and sheer physical strength, he's probably more surprised that you stayed as long with him as you did. Does that mean that he's any less hurt by your actions? Absolutely not, his poor heart is crushed. He's put so much effort into trying to better himself around you yet it appears to have been in vain. It's just unfair. Poor Tanaka has to deal with the aftermath of Shizuo's broken heart as the man's temper essentially becomes a brooding volcano waiting to explode at any moment and wreck havoc. Shizuo refuses to let anyone know about his feelings but his emotions are out of his own control as everyone can tell that something is wrong. He's vulnerable right now and doesn't know how to cope with it, prays to all gods that Izaya will let him be.
🚬 He nearly crushes his phone when he receives a message from you, asking him to meet you. The whole way to the place where you two are supposed to meet, he already feels like cracking multiple times but his delicate composure shatters finally when he sees you and you give him a shy smile as if nothing has happened. You know, he used to adore that smile but now it almost fills him with pain because how can you smile like that after the stunt you've just pulled? Everything he's stuffed down breaks out of him as he starts shouting at you, confused, hurt and angry all at the same time. You flinch a bit when he starts yelling but you manage to get him to listen to you and finally tell him why you've done what you've done. One might as well have deactivated Shizuo as his mind wents blank and he just looks down at you, frozen. Eventually his face twists into one of still slight anger yet also overwhelming giddiness, his cheeks turn pink as he's flustered and embarrassed at the same time. Ultimately he mutters that he has to go somewhere as this is too much for him at the moment so he sort of runs away. Give him a bit to calm down and then he'll be the happiest man ever.
Takumi Aldini
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🍝 He truly doesn't understand what has happened between the two of you as in his eyes, everything was going quite smoothly. He had finally gotten over his pride and bashfulness and had approached you and you two have grown quite close since then. So why are you avoiding him all of a sudden? Takumi tries to talk with you, wants to ask you what's wrong all of a sudden but you brush him off and always excuse yourself, barely able to look him into his eyes. This just serves to fuel a growing paranoia as he starts looking back on all interactions he's had with you, wondering if he's done something that unintentionally hurt you. He can't figure anything out though and the lack of knowledge drives him up the wall. Soon questions turn to desperate pleads and he relapses into old habits of stalking you. Takumi tries to keep it together but Isami catches him crying when he thinks that he's alone a couple of times.
🍝 Takumi's confidence is shaken and that even shows in his cooking skills so his twin brother and all of his friends try to help him. Eventually you inform Isami that you want him to retrieve Takumi for you since you have a surprise for him. Seldom has he run faster in his life, out of breath when he arrives. He's instantly drowning you with apologies for whatever he's done and pleads to just stop distancing yourself from him before you hush him and point to a plate in front of you and encourage him to lift the lid. He does so and a mouth-watering scent fills the air as an Italian dish is revealed and written on it, in tomate sauce, is a love confession. His brains stops for a moment, his eyes nearly pop out of his head and he looks absolutely flabbergasted. As his brain slowly processes what's going on, a blush starts spreading across his face. It starts from his ears until it covers his entire face. You finally reveal to him that you've practiced to cook Italian Cuisine to surprise him and hearing that you've put so much thought and care into this for him finally makes his heart burst. He probably starts crying a bit, hides his face behind his hands out of sheer embarrassment and happiness. Very much happiness.
Sohma Hatsuharu
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🐮 Hatsuharu is normally always nonchalant, although also quite shameless around you. Yet your sudden ignorance regarding him brings out his worst sides which is Black Haru as he grows aggressive and rude. Deep down Haru is just very hurt because he loves you and thought that you cherished him too yet your sudden absence in his life makes him feel lost and lonely, a feeling he despises and wants to go away. As White Haru he has tried to ask you what has happened but you've never given him an answer, triggering his other side. Worst for him though is that you only ignore him and still interact with others which is only another blow to his fragile heart at the moment. He expresses his hurt with sheer rudeness though. It's quite scary as he suddenly follows you around persistently, threatens your friends and even grabs people by the collar if they annoy him. He's even attempted to drag you somewhere where the two of you are all alone so he can just have you to himself and force an answer out of you.
🐮 He catches you one day clutching a letter to your chest, the hearts drawn on it immediately setting him off and before you can stop him, he yanks you closer to him and rips the letter out of your hands before running away. His heart is pounding against his chest with anger and fear. Is there someone else you like? He's tempted to just rip the letter apart but wants to know which bastard he has to beat up since you're only his so he rips the envelope open and starts reading it's contents. You find him a few moments later and realize with horror that he's reading your letter, deeply immersed. His eyes shoot up when you storm to him and a smirk forms on his lips. Before you can react, he grabs you by your hips and pulls you closer, his own lips smashing against yours. Your thoughts stop as for a short moment you're just in pure shock before your whole face heats up with embarrassment and you try to pull away, a fruitless effort as Haru doesn't allow you to break the kiss. When he finally pulls away, you're out of breath and feel like your head's about to explode, unfortunately the mischievous boy doesn't give you a break as he goes in for the next kiss. You owe him that for what you've put him through.
Leah Clearwater
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Leah is pure spit and bitterness, which in itself isn't anything new. It's so much worse now than it has ever been though because it's her imprint who has started avoiding her all of a sudden. It's just so unfair because Leah felt finally happy again after years of being heartbroken and sad over Sam. She physically can't stay away from you and your sudden avoidance of her drives her crazy and makes her immensely short-tempered and aggressive. It gets to the point where no one from the pack wants to deal with her antics anymore besides Seth who is at that point the only one able to approach her without her snapping at him. Honestly, Leah is pretty bad as she's relentless and unwilling to allow you to leave her. She scares your friends as she's insanely jealous that you still spend time with them but not with her and guilt-trips you.
It's a miracle that you stil pull through with your plan but love is blind after all. So you eventually invite her over to your house for dinner and she jumps greedily at the chance to just be alone with you after you've been avoiding her for so long. That doesn't mean that she's not angry at you though, she's still holding a grudge and so her words are sharp and snarky. A part of her is even a bit sceptical to why you've invited her over all of a sudden but her possessive feelings wouldn't allow her anything else than meeting you. Dinner with her is awkward for a while as you feel her hard gaze on you, at least until you decide to confess to her. Surprise flies over her face before she narrows her eyes and observes you, unwilling to fully believe you just yet even if she really wants to. When she sees nothing but sincerity in your eyes, she feels a fuzzy feeling buzzing inside her chest and head and lets out a small scoff, doing her best to play it coo, although there is a small smile on her facel. She's still a bit mad at you for avoiding her but she'll probably forgive you if you promise to make up for the time where you avoided her and spend from now on much time with her.
Hijikata Toshiro
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🚬 Toshiro officially goes crazy and Okita's comments that he's more surprised that you managed to handle the Vice-Captain as long as you did and that it was bound to happen. Normally Hijikata can ignore Okita's words but this is the first time his words get stuck in his brain as he can't help but consider if he's right. Have you had enough of him? Why? Surely not because of his excessive controlling streak and his overprotective antics. He just wants you to be safe after all, he has only the best intentions. This officer is stubborn and unwilling to slip up during his job and show any weakness but he fails miserably. He's brodding all the time, the slightest things can set him off and he shows higher aggression against anyone who breaks the law as his emotions are a mess. Any attempts to talk to you normally have failed and by now he's that close to breaking your door down, dragging you out and forcing you through an interrogation.
🚬 He snaps when he manages to catch one of your close acquaintances and asks threatens them about what has been going on with you. They stutter out that they suspect that you're in love with someone and plan to confess, words he shortly mulls over in his head before he storms to your house, suddenly having troubles to breathe. That shouldn't be possible, he's sure that he's familiar with every person in your life thanks to his "diligence". He nearly breaks your door down but you open it just in time to see a frenzied Toshiro in front of you, out of breath and slightly twitching as he instantly pushes you inside and asks you with a harsh and slightly betrayed voice if you're in love with someone. Your eyes widen an suddenly he's interrogating you who it is, his mind racing with ideas how to successfully threaten them. Unable to take this anymore, you yell at him with tears in your eyes that he's the person you wanted to confess to. Within seconds his face changes colors from red, to green to a sick-looking grey. Shit, he's messed up. He stumbles out of your house, muttering an apology for the inconvenience before leaving. He comes back the next day with the biggest bouquet of flowers he could find, ready to beg for forgiveness for making the wrong assumption.
Seras Victoria
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🩸 Seras has always been a bit odd, brave yet timid, smart yet childish. She's a vampire who has her fair share of battle experience and fights yet this woman is more than often a flustered mess when she's with you. Alucard obviously knows about her massive, and partially unhealthy, crush she has but he isn't discouraging her. However, when you spontanously decide to cut off contact between the two of you, Seras is shocked and shaken as she can't even begin to imagine what has happened. Sure, she is a Draculina but you knew that and it never bothered you before. The poor woman falls into a hole and is often just sitting somewhere all by herself, wallowing in self-pity. She can't even begin to describe how hurt she is and whilst she is scared of approaching you and asking you what has happened, she still ends up stalking you as she stays true to her protective instincts. She doesn't want to lose any more people important to her.
🩸 Eventually you send a letter addressed to her, one she rips more eagerly than anticipated out of Integra's hands when she hands her the envelope. A strange mix of hope and nervousness wells up when it says that you want to meet her in the evening but she appears nevertheless, doing her best to hide her nagging fear. She's constantly looking at her as you begin to chat with her casually, gauging your reaction. She feels like she's on fire, unsure what your big purpose is for inviting her over and eventually you notice that and decide to end her silent torment. Out of your bag you pull out carefully a single red rose adorned with a bow and give it to her, admitting to her your feelings and your reasons for having avoided her for a while now. Seras stares at you, stares at the red rose, blinks a couple of times and then starts going slightly pink, all bashful all of a sudden. She's so relieved and most of all, happy though that you avoided her because you wanted to work on your confession to her. Giddiness starts flodding her body until she can't stop herself anymore and nearly crushs you in a tight and clingy hug. Congratulations, you've earned yourself a clingy and strong vampire girlfriend.
Gokudera Hayato
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🧨Hayato is just such a loyal simp, it's rather cute. If one ignores his aggressive and jealous attitude because oh boy, he can definitely be very obnoxious. He tries to prove a point here though, one can never start showing to his crush that he'd be the best choice. So a long story in short, he does not take well to the fact that his darling suddenly doesn't spend any time with him anymore and straightup avoids him. Initially he thinks it's the fault of someone around you but after a good amount of stalking you and threatening your acquaintances without finding anything suspicious he suddenly starts considering that the problem may be with him. Has he done something that angered or upset you? Have you figured out his obsession? Have you grown tired of him, like Hibari told him once due to his annoying behavior? Gokudera immediately starts overthinking, quickly starts doubting himself and questions everything he's ever done.
🧨Now he's all on you, trying to ask you frantically if he's done something wrong but your shallow reassurances only fuel his paranoia as he's by now convinced that it's his fault. He becomes unbearable to be around to the point where even Tsuna and Yamamoto have troubles calming his flaring temper down. All gets resolved when one day he receives a message from you where you apologize for having treated him so coldly and that Tsuna has informed you out of concern for Hayato. At the bottom of your message is a sentence that Hayato can't help but read over and over again as if the words don't want to enter his head initially. Then his expression transforms from confused to dumbfounded to thrilled until his cheeks are glowing in a pretty pink. His legs begin moving on their own as he starts dashing outside, to your house. He's tripping over his own thoughts, far too flustered and excited to think straight. He runs past a flower shop, jogs back, buys a bouquet and finally reaches your home, ringing one too many times. You've been hoping for him to visit you after you confessed per message and open the door to be greeted by a out of breath but clearly thrilled Hayato.
Usui Takumi
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💚 Now, this here is a man who has made it a hobby to monopolize his darling's time as he's very possessive and easily jealous when seeing them being close to someone else. Honestly, he's acting almost normal when you initially start to avoid him, even if it is unusual considering that you two have been close up until now. He's going to stalk you anyways and for a while Takumi makes it sort of a game to see how long you can ignore him and avoid him until you give up. When he realizes that you're serious though about sort of taking a break from him, this becomes a problem though because you surely can't expect him to just accept that peacefully. He suspects that you're keeping something from him and that is something he can not accept. He doesn't like it when you keep secrets from him. Takumi becomes an utter nuisance as he tries to coax your friends into telling him your secret and follows you around, insisting on you to admit to him what's going on.
💚 It's quite difficult to plan your confession with him quite literally breathing down your neck at times, miraculously you still manage to do so. By now Takumi has become a bit impatient which is a bit of a dangerous game as he starts pulling you aside to drag you to places where no one can see you, traps you between walls and his bodies and towers over you as he questions you why you're avoiding him and what it is that you try to keep a secret from him. Only that this time when he slams you against the wall, you can actually give him an answer. His green-eyed gaze on you is intense as you nervously fumble out the poem you made for him out of your bag and hand it to him, flustered and shy. His eyes go back and forth between reading your letter and making sure that you don't try to run, until he realizes what the poem is about and his eyes hastily fly over every word. Just like that the slightly intimidating demeanor about him is gone and his green eyes shine brighter as he pinches your cheeks slightly, scolding you for making him worry over you like this before leaning down to give you a kiss, a smug grin still present on his face. You poor thing, he's going to tease and embarrass the living daylight out of you.
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starlightshadowsworld · 3 months
I got bored so I'm rambling through all of my Bungou Stray Dogs AU's.
The Sheep King and his Demon AU
Aka Bsd except Chuuya doesn't join the Port Mafia.
The Sheep never betray Chuuya. In fact they are basically one big dysfunctional and loving family.
Chuuya still goes on the search for Arahabaki and meets Dazai. But the Sheep trust him, their wary of Dazai but not Chuuya.
As time goes on, the Sheep warm up to Dazai and basically adopt him like a stray cat. Chuuya and Dazai get together, the Sheep tease them relentlessly for it.
Just a silly lil AU on their antics and Soukoko being Soukoko even though Chuuya remains King of the Sheep.
Agency informant Izaya
Izaya Orihara from Durarara in the world of Bungou Stray Dogs. However this Izaya is quite different, essentially everything in Durarara still happened.
The final fight with Shizuo and the brutal humbling reminder that Izaya was still very much human.
This is an Izaya who has changed, who tries every day to be a better person than who he was.
He came to Yokohama because he was curious if the famous Demon Prodigy was in fact a Demon. And ended up with a whole new life.
He learned to let people in, he learned how to love people. And became the human Shinra always said he could be.
No one from Durarara shows up because Izaya has erased all evidence of him online. He has left Ikebukuro behind and will never return.
Izaya is like Katai in the way he's not technically a member of the Agency but he's still with the Agency. The Agency adore him, Dazai is basically his little brother at this point.
Sometimes Izaya wonders if he deserves this, but he's thankful anyway.
Izaya's firecely protective over them all, and helps out when shit goes down. Usually from behind the scenes.
He has an ability, Sunsets Last Applause, that functions like Ango's except it works through looking at people rather than touching objects.
An AU that takes place across different moments and arcs in canon, either about Izaya or he's in someway involved.
The Port Mafia brothers AU
Aka Bsd except Akutugawa and Dazai have a good sibling relationship
Basically that.
Dazai finds Akutugawa and recruits him into the Port Mafia. What Dazai didn't expect was for Mori to put him in charge of Akutugawa.
Dazai freaks out, because he's in no way equipped to raise a child (child in question is 2 years younger than him.)
The reason Dazai freaks out is because he wants to do right by Akutugawa. He saw a scared kid and wanted to help him, but he doesn't know what to do.
Oda is there to give him advice and reassure him that he'll be fine. That Akutugawa will have to learn to stand on his own two feet in this organisation.
You need to guide him, be a helping hand. Dazai doesn't abuse Akutugawa in this, at all.
In the Port Mafia, Akutugawa is basically Dazai's shadow. He's silent, he's never far from him and almost treated like the furniture, a bodyguard.
For his own protection, no one can know their true relationship especially Mori.
Outside of the Port Mafia Akutugawa is Dazai's silly, bitchy little brother and Dazai is his dramatic, dumbass older brother. Their idiots and they love each other.
Silly lil AU that's basically Dazai and Akutugawa's antics, along with Gin. And Oda keeping an eye on them with Ango.
Moonlit Butterfly
When Atsushi's ability manifested, the Orphanage called the Special Division of Unusual Powers to take him away.
They were fascinated by his ability, see they wanted to start the Hunting Dogs programme. But they didn't have proof a human could survive the procedures.
Hence, where Atsushi came in as their lab rat.
However at some point, Fukuchi learned of him and said such a strong ability couldn't just be wasted like this.
So along side being a lab rat, now Atsushi was being trained by Fukuchi. And let's just say Fukuchi was not a kind instructor. No one treated Atsushi like he was human.
The great war came and Atsushi, now 10 years old was deployed as a soilder. Which is where he met the other kid in his regiment, 11 year old Yosano Akiko.
Yosano had been working at a sweets shop just last week, but was persuaded by Doctor Mori to join the war effort. He told her she could save lives with her ability, and she wanted too.
Neither really knew what they'd signed up for, though it wasn't like either had a choice.
Yosano is the first person to show Atsushi kindness, the first to treat him like a human. Both of them have a sibling relationship and everyone else in the regiment keeps their distance.
They love Yosano one moment and than hate the next as their angel of death. And Atsushi is deemed a demon simply for existing.
Well, not everyone thinks that. The only person outside of the duo who are kind to them is Shunzen Tachihara.
He's an older sibling to them. Yosano and Atsushi remind him of his little brother and Shunzen's always there to let them have those little pockets of ease and joy during the war.
(Entire regiment: that's an angel/Demon
Shunzen Tachihara: Those are children, leave them alone!)
AU is basically the embodiment of the universe bought them together, ripped them apart and somewhere along the way they found each other again.
Because Shunzen... Meets his canon fate, Yosano and Atsushi are seperated after the war. Yosano to the psychiatric hospital, Atsushi back to the lab.
But with the efforts of one Genuis Detective they are bought back together again.
And if I can figure out a plot, this one might become an actual fic. Mostly centers on them in the war but does include afterwards.
The Wary Weretiger
The Orphanage never let Atsushi forget who he was. Atsushi remembers killing Shibusawa and was told about why he came.
Shibusawa wanted the tiger, most people want the tiger. Atsushi doesn't really know why, just that it's unique the tiger and because of the power it holds.
The Headmaster really told Atsushi almost everything. The man was many things but a liar wasn't one of them.
He taught Atsushi that the only one you can trust is yourself and Atsushi took that seriously. The only being Atsushi trusts other than himself is the tiger.
The tiger and Atsushi are close, they are the only one each other have. Because of that Atsushi has better control but not completely.
Atsushi doesn't trust anyone else. Every adult in his life has let him down, has tortured and abuse him.
He runs away from the Orphanage and lives on the streets.
He knows the Guild are after him, he's met Fitzgerald and knows about Fyodor. Atsushi has even met Doctor Mori, who was an old friend of the Headmaster and curious about his ability.
So when Atsushi gets asked to join the Agency, he refuses. Because he believes they just want his ability. They did start the whole thing by searching for the tiger, so... Fair assumption.
And while, true the fact the rampaging tiger is actually a homeless teenager definitely shifts everyone's priorities.
They work to build up trust with Atsushi, wanting to show they truly want to help him.
But Atsushi doesn't want their help, he's gotten this far on his own. He's been hunted his whole life, known pain as a constant companion.
He doesn't know what to do in the face of genuine kindness.
Unfortunately the threat will continue to grow and Atsushi will end up having to ally with the tiger.
He's smart, cold and has a short temper. But underneath it all he's just a kid that wants a home.
The Agency swear they'll give him one, one day.
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spotlightlowlife · 4 months
Alastor hazbin let down
By overhype and a lack of tone setting.
He isn't creepy
Try as they may, the glitchy effects just tell me that this is a quirky character, only most of the cast are quirky in character just not too flashy.
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Nobody is particularly menacing, including Alastor who so far has been a bit menacing to a character who isn't going anywhere and unnamed extras who not even Charlie 'everyone is worthy', 'these are my people/family' cared about.
His secrets mean nothing to anyone
Where has he been for seven years? The same absence period of Lilith? Who cares?
What Alastor knows is what the audience and clueless Charlie doesn't, but others do.
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All someone else's talk
In the pilot it was Vaggie who let us know who exactly Alastor was and ehat he was capable of, she wanted no part of him around, but nothing to loose, no opinion in the matter Charlie did.
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Mimzy in her passing visit told us more about him, she actually bought his character down to earth a little which was actually a good thing, Mimzy let us know that Alastor could be fun, reminded us that he had a whole life, she offered us a time frame of his existence and let us know he has friends/acquaintances/connections.
Though the 'bringing down to earth' negative aspect would happen too this episode, through no doing of Mimzys but entirely of Alastors. Unfortunately Alastor appears to have cut off Mimzy as a friend, leaving him with a shorter reach.
Any other reputable character steals his spotlight
Alastair was outshone by Mimzy, who literally interpreted his song baiting the actual devil. In this episode he showed that he wasn't all too composed when not in control of the situation or when outclassed, his attitude to Lucifer case in point, who he can't possibly topple any time soon in any way. All would be fine if we got to see what he did about it when he had time to himself or what he would do when things escalated, a missed opportunity being in the last episode he would lose to Adam, which was great, Alastor gave off overconfidence and lack of interest as usual, but by now we have seen how much he wishes to insert himself among those higher, only for him to treat Adam like a nobody - how did he feel about the looming danger he was in and not being in the same ballpark as someone who felt confident enough to challenge? Who knows, he as good as drifted away like piss in the ocean.
We didn't learn of any particular interest or reason for lack of in Adam, for someone who does so much research.
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Between these encounters, Rosie too managed to stand out more than him as his confidant who successfully run an operation, had a clear goal, seemed unconditionally helpful, a people person and got through to Charlie with nice enough advice and a ear to listen.
He struggles to keep up an act, something that's not utilized at all when it could be
Being overactive to Lucifer, showing dislike for no apparent reason and dropping the bomb seems like it was meant to get a laugh out of the audience, only for Alastor to go on to continue tormenting Charlie's dad and to build a rivalry. If a rivalry was the intention then the usual composed attitude would have fit. If there's a reason for a hatred he struggles to contain, it's a shame the time wasn't made to delve into this.
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Significant characters could have done with more time in general honesty.
In other media we have Good omens had composed and sweet angel Azraphale drop an unexpected but very understandable fbomb (which may have been the first of the series) when he accidentally lost his body of 6000 years. There was a build up of the looming end of the world, years of preventative work going to waste, nobody listening and a pest in his home.
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HH really missed a beat in having a character like Alastor first snap for no particular reason.
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In other media, Durarara did excellent at deconstructing and humbling an unbothered and mysterious troll character, this being Izaya. In this supernatural series he would manage to stand out and consistently be a strong villain/antihero, managing to not become lesser dispite going from a menace holding a number of cards who claimed to love humans, to being proven to be a human with the introduction of his sisters, his very uncomplex backstory and generally getting dealt with by the series's most illusive gangsters.
Coherence could make things work, hopefully there's less going on next time and the ensemble cast can be dispersed out a bit better.
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Better luck next time Alastor
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straw-beri-jam · 2 months
Drrr-kuramerukagari post ketsu swap au
Basically iseya/eiwajima switching places with izaya/shizuo
I’ve never really posted abt things before and this is the first time I’m attempting to write abt something in such detail, so please bear with me🥲
I want to emphasize that this is all post ketsu but prob before sh and sunset novels bc I’m literally ignoring some characters.
Iseya is shocked to find himself in a wheelchair, looks for the one person he knows and trusts, eiwajima, only to find someone slightly different, in appearance and also behavior. When they meet he looks at him like he’s grown a second head, the wheelchair shocks him too but he also wasn’t expecting izaya to just appear in front of him with no purpose. Iseya just looks at him, comments on the hair that while he does look good blonde he prefers his natural brown.
Shizuo thinks he’s playing games so he shouts and takes a step closer and they’re both shocked to see izayas body tremble. Iseya gets glimpses of the battle in his head, his mind repeating the events over and over again and he understands. They’re not together, they’re hardly even friends. They’re enemies. How he can’t even begin to understand, how he could come to hate this man? He’s so much like eiwajima, just with sharper edges.
He takes a look around people are staring and whispering, some recognize them both and think they’re gonna get into a fight. He doesn’t like hearing them talk, despite his love for people he doesn’t really want to be seen right now, not in front of him like this when everything’s so complicated but also not. He doesn’t really know what to do now. He wanted to confine in the one person he knew he could talk to, but that person doesn’t exist the way he does in his memories.
Shizuo doesn’t understand what’s going through the fleas head but he can see him thinking. He almost looks sad, which is weird because izaya would never show emotion, especially not to him.
Iseya understands their rivalry more or less because despite everything it’s still them, so he tells him that he remembers him differently but he doesnt want to hurt him. He wants to learn more about him. He doesn’t know how long he’ll stay here or even how he came here, but he knew from the start that something was different. And so if he’s gonna have to stay here it’ll be with this alternate version of eiwajima, whatever their past may have been.
Shizuo is dumbfounded but agrees bc this guy, whoever he is, seems much easier to get along w than izaya, or maybe it’s just a side of izaya he never got the chance to see. (Or maybe in the very back of his mind he’s actually still playing games w him)
After talking (he realizes that this being a lie is too much of a stretch even for izaya) he feels sad to find out that they exists somewhere and they’re together, they’re friends they talk and laugh and are happy. Iseya, he calls himself, tells him about eiwajima and how he is, what his life is like and he is so jealous of his alternate self because he really is living the life he’s wanted since he found out he had this cursed strength.
He feels this loss, that he could have had that if he tried hard enough. The voice in his head telling him that eiwajima makes iseya feel good while he put izaya in a wheelchair. Eiwajima has wooed iseya while he scared izaya away. He really wonders if he has anything in common with the guy, but he must because iseya is staring at him like he’s holding the sun.
Iseya kisses him at some point and shizuo finds he doesn’t know what he’ll do when this guy leaves because he’s really enjoying their time together.
Alternatively if it’s eiwajima switching places, he’s rather confused at the hair and doesn’t like hearing people talk abt him while he walks, it seems they have nothing nice to say and they all avoid him like he’d crush them with his glance.
Of course he seeks out iseya only find a wheelchair bound man who feels like iseya but has a very unsettling vibe. He is obviously wounded if the wheelchair wasn’t enough to go by but apart from that the man freezes at his appearance and is trembling.
He immediately realizes that they don’t share the same relationship and past he knows to be true. What’s more they not only don’t get along but things have escalated between them so far that he’s managed to traumatize the man before him.
He doesn’t know what the best course of action here is, he doesn’t want to speak for alternate him because he doesn’t quite understand the extent of their situation, but “iseya” looks at him with such hatred and demands answers that he quite frankly doesn’t have.
He decides to come clean bc he couldn’t pretend to hate him even if he tried. He explains who he is and what he actually wanted by coming here and alternate iseya is so confused. He starts ridiculing him and it does kinda piss him off but when he accidentally punches a hole through the wall in frustration and “iseya” freezes again all his anger goes away.
He tells him that he cares about him. That despite what they’ve been through here he misses iseya and wants to see him. He tells him that they’re alike in some ways and he finds them endearing and wouldn’t trade what he has w iseya for anything. That they’re happy.
Izaya looks so bitter and hates that what this fake Shizu-chan is saying actually makes him want it, he realizes that he might be jealous and gets pisses bc as if he’d be jealous. He tells fake shizu that fake him is prob just lying to him and actually hates him but he’s hiding it to use him for his own advantage, bc that’s what kind of person he is really and if they’re anything alike then that’s what’s gonna happen.
Eiwajima just gives him a sad smile (which pisses izaya off even more). He knows what the words mean, that the world he’s describing, his home, is making the other man emotional. He strongly and confidently says that iseya loves him and he knows it. It’s not possible to fake their kind of love, and he doesn’t mind being used by that man, they love eachother and that’s all that really matters.
Izaya has never hated anyone more than this man before. He’s so much worse than shizu-chan bc he doesn’t get angry, he doesn’t react to anything he just sits there, spouts all this nonsense and looks at him like he’s actually in love w him and he really doesn’t know how to get out of this situation, he doesn’t want to be here but he’s so incredibly curious abt their life. He knows this guy is telling the truth but he refuses to believe it bc it seems so dreamlike and unreal, he can’t fathom being happy as described, much less with this man.
Eiwajima wants to stay with him, despite the fact that he didn’t actually do anything to bring this man such pain he still sees the emotions swimming around in his eyes and he wants to help him. Despite the fact that it’s not his iseya, it’s still this worlds version of him and that’s enough for him to try and fix whatever they have going on, or at least help in some way. He tries to get close, as close as he’s allowed and talks about whatever he remembers from his home, all things almost always leading to iseya of course. He tries various topics hoping the other will come in at some point and they’ll have a normal conversation, as normal as it can get anyways.
Izaya eventually does, they talk like they’re friends. Izaya can’t comprehend what’s happening but he’s trying not to think about, fake Shizu-chan is interesting, he likes hearing about this world of theirs and his life there, he realizes that he’s having a casual conversation and it’s easy too he’s easy to talk to and listen to. He’s enjoying this more than he originally thought he would. He wonders if his Shizu-chan is this nice to be around when he’s not throwing things at him, which he knows is probably true, he just has never been on the receiving end of shizuo’s kindness. However this “eiwajima” he’s very charming, and he can’t seem to look away from those eyes.
Idk where this is going but yeah I just want them to find out abt their alternate lives separately and cry abt how miserable they are. Maybe they would try to find each other and start over (in a sense) after this happens so they can actually make a happy ending for themselves (or a happy new beginning)
them actually swapping places makes it hurt more since they’re inserted into this foreign world. They would both be shocked to find their supposed enemy sleeping next to them and the ppl around them liking them, I don’t think they’d ruin anything, well maybe izaya would try depending on what would happen but I don’t think he’d would want to make these ppl hate alternate him even just to spite him bc they prob wouldn’t, I mean they know what he’s like and they like him so…
shizu would be so shocked to see ppl liking him random ppl not afraid of him but wanting him around, he’d be afraid to talk to them so as not to hurt them. And then as far as their relationship goes they’d be happy but also sad that they can’t have it.
Overall it would mostly be sad (bc as it seems I love angst), heartbreaking really, to see what they could have had but weren’t as lucky as the other two. There’s a lot of reasons as to why the two of them never really got the chance to get along (which I’m not gonna get into now bc that’s a whole other story and lots of ppl have already made theories on it) but I think that seeing versions of themselves happy and well is like a slap in the face bc had their circumstances been different they could have had that, had they tried to do things differently they could have had something similar.
This has been in my head for a while (post ketsu usually is on repeat) and I really had to get it out bc it’s too much, and it turned into a whole ass essay🥲 this is the first time I’m attempting this tho so pls don’t look into it too much, it’s a mess of thoughts that I can’t quite put together. I apologize if there’s any mistakes or holes in it, it’s def ooc so yeah…
Thank u to anyone who decided to read it and made it this far! If theres anything anyone wants to add pls go right ahead I’m starving for these boys. Thanks again for reading! 🥰
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honestly, looking at izaya's life from a third person pov, it's just... sad? like.
here's this guy who touts himself as something akin to a god and a master manipulator and someone to be feared, and he IS very good at what he does, except... when you take a look at the rest of his life, you see a mid-20s man who has no friends, nobody who really likes him- his clients fear him, his secretary isn't fond of him, and the one friend he DOES have is honestly kind of a garbage friend. and when people draw attention to this, izaya goes on this spiel about how this friendship is so intricrate it can't possibly be understood by an outsider, but what's REALLY happening is that shinra routinely doesn't care for izaya on a personal level via ignoring and ostracizing him, and izaya kind of just. takes it up the ass
he sees everyone around him as an object and the sad thing is everyone, in turn, sees HIM as an object- less an actual living being and more an abstract concept, or at least something that only exists for others to gain something from. it's this vicious cycle of izaya keeping everyone at arm's length and denying his own humanity, which in turn leads to people also denying his humanity, unknowingly feeding into this fucked up cycle of self depracation that most likely started when he was a child- his parents didnt see him as a person, just a mouth to feed and later, a way to have the life they wanted while still appearing respectable- they had kids, just like society said they should, but theyre not obligated to care for them.
and the one person who DOES notice there is something unhealthy going on can't be assed to do anything about it- in volume 9, shinra explicitly says that he doubts izaya expects to live long enough to die of old age- celty actually agrees with him! celty not being assed about it i'd expect, she already hates izaya and doesn't actually know all that much about him, but shinra at least should realize that there's something off about the whole situation. wether thats out of apathy or he just genuinley doesnt believe izaya is being unhealthy, i don't know.
but as it stands, here's a man who insists he can't be manipulated and that he's in control, who's... routinely mistreated by his only friend whom he still talks to and expects some sort of closeness from, and who ultimatley not only loses control, but loses it so spectacularly that he ends up disabled, possibly permanently. i KNOW the spinoff novels said he couldve walked if he went to physical therapy, but "ability to walk" does NOT equal "not disabled anymore."
like... it's just. a sad life! it's a horribly sad existence of a perpetual misery cycle that izaya not only doesn't pull himself out from but actively perpetuates via constantly giving in to his worst impulses and keeping everyone away from him via said impulses, ensuring nobody will notice anything wrong, and that people who DO notice and DO realize its unhealthy, won't give enough of a shit about him to help
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bpd-blorbo-bracket · 7 months
Hello and Welcome to the Borderline Blorbo Bracket! I've not seen one yet for us and that is a crime so I wanted to fix that. (You don't have to have bpd to submit!)
I'm Mod Izaya and I use He/It pronouns. [I am over 20]
Submissions: Closed. But will open again for more with enough demand.
Bracket: A-E Here. F-H Here. I-K Here. L Here. M Here. N, Finals Here.
Please read all rules and outlines before submitting, and please check the questions tag before sending in questions I will delete your question if I've already answered it in a previous ask. I will delete your submission if you didn't read the rules.
Tags to watch:
Mod Izaya: I'm talking freely - Questions: Answering your questions - Inbox: Stuff from the inbox regardless of content - Propaganda: For Propaganda - Conversing: Reblog chains with talking - Poll time- Polls questions once the poll starts
Rules and Submissions form Below:
Rules and Outlines:
Character doesn't have to canonically have BPD.
No submitting the same character more than once.
 You can submit multiple characters, but make them different submissions
Submit them even if no one else has, They will get in anyway.
Please put their name and source exactly as it appears on the cover of the book/game with no added emojis
Don't beat down others in your propaganda, just have fun supporting who you're submitting
 Propaganda doesn't have rules besides that! Write a little note or a long paragraph or an a fucking essay! Let people see what you see in them!  Canon proof or strong hunch from a  few clues are all good! I Am Serious All Propaganda is Good as long as it's TRUE.
If you've read this far, tell me your favorite food in the 🍰 Section.
No H*rry P*tt*r or Att*ck on T*tan or Real People (Media version of them are fine: ie: No Real founding fathers but I GUESS if you're evil someone from the play hamilton would count. I guess. Maybe no that specifically tho.
No T/rfs, r-df-ms, or n-zis allowed in poll or out :)
Have fun!
Submissions form:
tagging some other polls ive seen: No pressure to reblog
@killerrobot-killingmatch, @masked-character-competition @the-ballerina-battle @the-robot-bracket @gaslightgatekeepgirlbosscombat @irritable-bowel-showdown
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bakuhatsufallinlove · 2 years
"Motto mo naka ga ii": The Language of Bonds in Japanese
So, we are all familiar with the fact that in Chapter 359, AFO/Shigaraki tells Katsuki, "君は緑谷出久と最も仲が良い。" (You are closer to Midoriya Izuku than anyone else.) There has been some discussion about the fan translations that interpret this as "Midoriya Izuku's best friend," which I disagree with. In the context of Izuku and Katsuki being osananajimi (childhood friends) but not tomodachi (friends), I want to talk about how personal relationships are thought of and talked about in Japanese.
Broad disclaimer: Japanese is a context-heavy language. This means that people use contextual clues and social norms to understand not just the literal meaning of what is being said, but the underlying intentions behind and the social implications of what is being said. All languages do this, but compared to English, this quality is much more pronounced in Japanese. There are millions of Japanese speakers who will all interpret scenes in media differently, just as English speakers have varied interpretations of English-language media. This is intended as a general discussion of social norms and language use, I am not suggesting everyone thinks or speaks this way.
So, naka ga ii means gets along with, on good terms, friendly with, close with. Literally, it means "relation is good." People use it in a lot of nuanced ways, because this phrase is referring to your emotional relationship with a person, not their role in your life.
Broadly speaking, people tend to describe relationships first by role. This is how you know them and who they are to you, senpai (your senior), sensei (your teacher), etc.. You are expected to treat them a certain way based on this role, and someone's first role in your life tends to define your bond for years. This is why many people continue to refer to their high school teachers as sensei even as adults, or retain a certain honorific for a senior colleague even after their employment has ended. But naming their role alone does not necessarily express your personal feelings about that person or how close you are, especially with a hierarchical role like senior or teacher. You might introduce someone as your senpai, but other people will pick up on the fact that you personally like your senpai and get along well with them by observing your interactions.
Izuku and Katsuki are referred to as 幼なじみ (osananajimi, childhood friends) by everyone who knows this about them. This carries a lot of social weight--you are expected to get along with your osananajimi. You know each other incredibly well, you are intimately familiar with one another's habits and behaviors. Generally, you would want this to be a relationship that uplifts you--someone who encourages and supports you, who helps you find your path in life--this is why it is so striking to people that Izuku and Katsuki do not get along. But that weight of familiarity is not erased by currently poor relations.
I want to use an example of a different set of childhood friends to illustrate a linguistic detail here. I am not particularly into Durarara!!, but I remembered a few interesting, relevant exchanges in the first anime. In the show, Masaomi and Mikado are childhood friends who were separated after elementary school, but kept in contact through the internet over the years. They have a very friendly relationship. In episode one, at time-stamp 3:50, Mikado calls Masaomi his 大の親友 (dai no shinyuu); this is literally "great best friend," shinyuu is used for your best friend or closest friends, dai no makes it clear he is a GREAT! best friend. Later, at time-stamp 7:02, Masaomi and Mikado run into some people Masaomi knows, and one of them asks who Mikado is, saying "友達?" (Tomodachi? A friend?)
Masaomi immediately responds that Mikado is his osananajimi. Even though they are currently good friends, he uses their life-long bond to properly explain who Mikado is. Later in episode three, at time-stamp 15:52, they run into Izaya, someone dangerous and unpredictable that Masaomi is visibly wary of. When Izaya is curious about Mikado, Masaomi downplays Mikado's role in his life. He says, "こいつは俺のただ友達です。" (Koitsu wa ore no tada tomodachi desu.) He is saying, "oh, this guy is just a friend of mine (don't mind him! pay no attention to him!)" This is clearly an attempt to conceal Mikado's importance and, by extension, Masaomi's emotional attachment to him, out of concern for his safety.
We even get clarification later that Masaomi does see Mikado as his best friend. In episode five, at time-stamp 5:18, Masaomi's inner monologue calls Mikado his 親友 (shinyuu, best friend). They engage in extremely playful antics and Anri, a classmate of theirs, kind of awkwardly asks them, "仲いいんですね" (naka iin desu ne, you are really close, aren't you?) Masaomi agrees, repeating the term, while Mikado jokingly calls their relationship 腐れ縁 (kusare'en, an undesirable but inescapable bond).
Now, if someone wanted to tease you about a guy you have a crush on but haven't started dating yet, they might say the same thing Anri says--"Ooh, aren't you two close! You sure get along like a house on fire!" There is also the idiom 喧嘩するほど仲がいい (kenka suru hodo naka ga ii, close enough to quarrel) meaning two people who are intimate enough with each other that they argue. This can be used for all kind of relationships, but it is often said about romantic partnerships. In Japan, people are generally socialized to avoid confrontation and direct disagreement, so along with the connotation of getting on each other's nerves or knowing each other "too well," this kind of closeness means that you will speak freely with the other person, even if it results in an argument.
Naka ga ii has a lot of uses like this, it does not explicitly mark someone as tomodachi.
If AFO/Shigaraki really wanted to say "best friend," he likely would have used shinyuu. And as far as I am aware, AFO/Shigaraki does not know that Izuku and Katsuki are osananajimi--but frankly, I don't think he cares what role Katsuki has in Izuku's life, because he can clearly observe Izuku's emotional bond with Katsuki. He can tell that they have the closest, most important bond because of Izuku's reactions to Katsuki specifically being harmed. Regardless of how they know each other, Izuku cares about Katsuki the most, and that's what matters here.
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
minidura chapter 4 react
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simon i SWEAR ill get you out of there and that horrendous art style
also though. TEENAGE SHIZAYA CHAPTER LETS GO???? idk if narita made the minidura or if it's a separate illustrator but they are giving the FOOD rn
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i was wondering where the official knowledge that simon forced izaya and shizuo to eat sushi together came from. i mean i guess this isnt official and it was probably stated in the anime somewhere but still, good to see it illustrated pff
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AAAAAAAAA ive seen this image around tumblr but i didnt realize it was from minidura 😭 i thought it was fanart or smth (<-dumbass)
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wait im actually going crazy over this akwjhkjdshs they're washing dishes together!!! now we just need them to do laundry and taxes and-
im going to go over the image limit this time on god
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wow cant believe they're bathing each other too (<-delusional)
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something about the first shizuo panel reminds me of aggretsuko. which is. actually. huh. arent they both like adults with anger issues. durarara aggretsuko au when
also deadass i forgot dennis existed until i read about him in a shizaya fanfiction and i was like "who's dennis" pfgfkhkd
so true though never throw kitchen knives kids
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they're gonna be here all day at this rate. actually shizaya as fast food/restaurant staff au when because they'd have the stupidest rivalry known to man and i need it
fucking imagine shinra walks in and sees shizuo and izaya working by the counter
i hope izaya gets to eat fatty tuna by the end of this though. god knows he's gonna look cute as hell
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made funnier by the fact that izaya at least definitely knows how to cook with how long he's been on his own and needed to feed his sisters
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damn ive actually never seen someone's vein burst in a way where blood sprays out in anime akshGKJHJKSD thats impressive actually
dont look now but this may or may not inspire me to make a mermaid/pirate au (<-obsessed)
who needs kaiju battles when you can have blue fin tuna vs crab
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they're literally never leaving this place bro they're gonna be stuck here for eternity. anyway here's a literary analysis of durarara pointing out why russia sushi is actually representative of dante's inferno /j
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i want to read those blurbs so baddddd screams sobs bangs table
rip dennis dude he doesnt get paid enough to deal with shizaya
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rippp time to listen to izaya pine hopelessly for the man he cant stop annoying for five seconds
simon had the right idea. too bad shizaya are shizaya
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what is that face izaya. i cant tell if he's irritated that simon's right or irritated that simon cant understand how instinctual their hatred is or amused that simon thinks he and shizuo could be friends or amused because he thinks meaningless fighting is hilarious
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oh......that kind of hurts actually
i can imagine izaya suggesting it as a joke and then lying in bed that night thinking about how it's never going to happen and it really sounds like a funny joke huh? (he is not crying)
i cant believe simon's been dealing with these bitches for like 7 years now like dude has the patience of a saint
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😭give him his 50,000 yen simon
we can see that the crack in the sign is actually fixed now too ahhh time really flies when you're stuck in a relationship of mutual hatred
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chibizaya is so cuteeeeeeeee
im sure he intended to paint himself that way in his recollection though pff
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step aside erika, simon is the face of the shizaya nation now. especially with that "you just have a shizuo complex dont you" quote that i found the other day which i still havent recovered from
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HAUDGHUSDH orihara izaya, pro unreliable narrator
hilarious how we never see tom's face. just his dreads lmfao
dennis and simon are so done with like izaya bro i think they can tell at this point that he's horrifically pining and has no healthy outlet for it. the bills go to him because they're bullying him
it'd be funny if they billed him 50,000 at the end actually pft
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they're so cute oh my god can i make that my header or something
10/10 chapter im going to punt izaya into a wall and get simon flowers
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