#Self-Aware Fukuzawa Yukichi
Fukuzawa Yukichi is your exam supervisor, and must determine, if you are a good cuddler
Self-Aware! Fukuzawa Yukichi x GN! Reader
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Description: You knew, that "Cuddle Night with Dazai" won't be a secret for too long. You didn't expect, that Fukuzawa will be the first one, who spoke about it
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Warning: OOC. English is my second language. Fluffy. Multiple cuddle sessions.
You looked at the small stack of papers with an owlish expression. The words "Cuddler Exam" were written in bold letters on the top of the first paper sheet.
You looked up at Fukuzawa. The president of Armed Detective Agency (rebranded as "Private Investigation Bureau" in this world), as always, looked calm and serious. Like.he didn't just give you that stack of papers.
"What." your question sounded flat, but it was a question. Fukuzawa leaned forward, towering over you. He tapped his fingers against the first paper sheet.
"Dazai told everyone about your cuddle session. I decided to use it as an opportunity to hold a "Cuddler Exam" for you." Fukuzawa managed to keep a straight face and serious voice. And you didn't learn anything new. You weren't surprised, that Fukuzawa knew about "Cuddles with Dazai". If Dazai had a megaphone, he would yell into it, to be sure, that everyone knew about cuddles. But, why hold an "exam", what will "exam" even be, and why Fukuzawa decided to do it in a first place.
"I don't follow." you shake your head. Fukuzawa, without batting an eye, took the first list from the stack. You saw, that on the second paper, were scrabbled more text.
"I want to determine, if you have requirements on being a good cuddler. Cuddlers in ADA should be professionals." explained Fukuzawa. "I will be your supervisor. After you finish all tasks, I will proclaim my verdict on your cuddling skills."
You can't help, but ask.
"Um... How many cuddlers before me have taken that exam?" You can't imagine anyone from BSD Cast doing it. Well... Maybe, if you will be an exam supervisor...
Fukuzawa shook his head.
"No one. You will be the first one to take it. And your results will determine the future requirements for a passing score."
How? Just how in the world Fukuzawa can say something like that in a straight face?
"And if I fail? Or refuse?" The whole idea was strange, but you can't help, but be curious.
"It will mean, that all cuddling sessions will be strictly held in your room. After exam, you will have an opportunity to cuddle with others in different places." Fukuzawa quickly reassured you.
You had a nagging feeling, that Fukuzawa just wanted to cuddle, but tried to keep it cool, and, instead of asking for them straight, created an entire exam.
Well, why not amuse him?
"I will do it."
Fukuzawa's stoic expression changed. Now he was smiling at you.
"Good. I will judge you fairly. You will find all tasks on the papers I gave you. Do your best, kitten."
"Task № 1. Cuddles on the workplace. Requirements: exam supervisor should be able to do their paperwork, while enjoying cuddles."
You sat on Fukuzawa's lap. You were facing him, his legs were between yours. Your face was pressed against Fukuzawa's left shoulder, and your arms were around his chest.
In his right hand, he was holding a pen, doing paperwork.
Fukuzawa's left arm pressed you firmer against his body. His fingers were running up and down your back. You heard, how Fukuzawa sighs, quickly nuzzling your hair.
Fukuzawa didn't say a word, continue doing his paperwork.
You fight an urge to give Fukuzawa a few kisses. The point of that... "exam task", was to let Fukuzawa do his paperwork. And kisses will make the task impossible.
The door in Fukuzawa's office opened. Someone walked into the room.
"Sir, I have brought reports you asked for." You didn't need to turn your head to look at Kunikida, to guess, what emotion he had on his face. A poor hidden jealousy under the mask of indifference.
Fukuzawa's voice rocked his chest.
"Good, you can leave them here."
Kunikida's steps sounded closer. He put documents on Fukuzawa's table. A minute passed, and Fukuzawa put his hand on your head.
"Do you need something else, Kunikida? I am in a middle of exam."
"No, it's nothing." Kunikida mumbled and left the office, closing the door behind him.
"It was on purpose, right?" asked you, looking up at Fukuzawa. He pressed you firmer against his chest.
"Hush. You are in the middle of an exam."
You can imagine a slight smirk on Fukuzawa's face. It was on purpose.
"Task № 2. Appropriate cuddle outfit. Find an outfit for an ultimate cuddle session."
You made a mistake by choosing a cat kugurumi.
It was soft, warm and cute. Great for cuddles.
At first, Fukuzawa was quietly staring at you. At kitten face on the kugurumi's hood. At white "belly", at tabby "fur".
Then you were pressed against Fukuzawa's chest. He was cradling you in his arms. With one hand he was playing with your hair, with the second hand he was rubbing your tummy.
You felt like a cat, that was caught by an affectionate cat lover.
"Passed this one with a flying colors." Fukuzawa carefully pinched your cheeks.
"Final task. Just... cuddle with me. Please."
It was dark in your room.
And you were cuddling with Fukuzawa.
Fukuzawa was a big spoon. A very affectionate big spoon.
He was hugging you with both hands. You nuzzle Fukuzawa's chest. You felt safe.
A soft kiss was placed on the top of your head. Fukuzawa's fingers ticked your cheek. Warm breath tucked your ear, followed by a small kiss.
"You know, that you could just ask for cuddles..." whispered you, leaning towards Fukuzawa's palm. He chuckled, kissing you on a forehead.
"I still got what I want, so, it's a winning situation." Fukuzawa's hold loose for a moment. But, after he put covers above you two, he immediately hugged you again.
The warmth, the darkness, the safeness.
You looked up, and left a few kisses on Fukuzawa's chin. His fingers ran through your hair. Fukuzawa hugged you closer.
"Put your arms around my neck." Fukuzawa's voice was barely a whisper. You did as he asked.
His fingers danced up and down your arms. Fukuzawa placed a light kiss on the tip of your nose.
"Go to sleep, [Y/N]. My cuddly kitten." you raised an eyebrow, waiting for Fukuzawa to say something more. He rolled his eyes. "My exam passing Cuddler Kitten."
You giggled, closed your eyes and snuggled up to Fukuzawa. He sighed, nuzzling your hair. He whispered.
"Dazai is not the only one. I also love you."
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lucifermeo · 2 years
speaking of skk generations my fave headcanon is just like how chuuya sees dazai and goes "mannn i might be as inhuman as they go but i can't be as bad as THIS guy" as his motivation fukuzawa must also look at mori and go "mannn i might like killing a little too much (read: so much so that killing people might've become my reason to serve the greater good rather than the other way around) but i can't be as bad as THIS guy" to cheer himself up too
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animeyanderelover · 10 months
Can I request headcanon for fukuzawa yukichi from bsd , megumi nobara yuji and geto , gojo from jjk ? ( i love yukichi but if it's make u uncomfortable then you can change it to platonic )
I've written romantic Hc's for Jiraiya, honey, Fukuzawa is no problem.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, stalking, controlling behavior, manipulation, gaslighting, blackmailing, sadism, isolation, abduction, death
Multiple Yandere Hc's
Fukuzawa Yukichi
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⚪ Fukuzawa as the president of the Armed Detective Agency fulfills all the expectations you'd imagine a man of his position to have. Serious and calm with a great sense of responsibility for his subordinates and the city of Yokohama. He's dedicated to everything he has built to ensure order and peace so that's what makes it all the more confusing and even downright disturbing as he slowly finds himself entrapped with his darling. Yukichi is no delusional fool, he's very lucid of the abyss his emotions slowly unwind into and it leaves him ever so slightly agitated. Obviously not with you as he knows that this isn't your fault but more with his own lack of self-control in this situation, the capability to even feel and think in such dark ways in the first place. Unable to find a solution to his problem, Fukuzawa does what he does best. Maintaining a calm face as he does his best to go about his days as usual.
⚪ The more time passes on, the worse it gets though as he ever so subtly starts showing signs that something isn't as it used to be. When Haruno serves him a cup of tea, he stares into the steaming cup a few seconds too long as his thoughts drift to you. The first time he wasn't even fully aware until Haruno asked him if something is wrong with the tea and he quickly pretends like everything is fine, flustered and embarrassed with what just happened. Zooming out for a few seconds becomes far more common than it should be and the realization that he's long lost control of his feelings weights very heavily on his shoulders. A while after stomaching this knowledge, you find Yukichi approaching you a bit more and engaging in occasional conversations with you, mindful and observing during those interactions. It's a curse for him more than a blessing that he's able to remember smaller details about you so much better, whether you tell him something about you or he notices a small quirk of yours merely by watching you. He doesn't want to admit it but he always ends up hyperfocusing when around you.
⚪ With a freshly developed obsession, Fukuzawa finds himself oftentimes overthinking about a lot of stuff. How often can he approach you without looking suspicious? Should he hold eye contact with you during conversations the entire time or is that creepy? If he asks you to call him by his first name, would that be weird? Underneath his serious persona, this man is so painfully awkward as he has zero experience about courting and even falling normally in love, his first love just happening to be his obsession is truly a bad joke of destiny. He has similar problems with jealousy as he has always struggles figuring out how much jealousy during which interactions would be suspicious. He isn't the type to be insanely jealous, to his own luck, but to say that it doesn't leave a bitter taste on his tongue would be a lie. It's uncomfortable, over time he finds his body going slightly rigid and his stare is heavy and intense which does intimidate your counterparts more than often. Worst of all is that Fukuzawa is never aware of all of this until someone points it out to him.
⚪ The Armed Detective Agency was created because of his want to see justice prevail and ensure that order and peace would always reign over Yokohama. Especially after realizing his obsession he puts more value into his morals as he fears to revert back to his days as an assassin. Days where he looked forward to killing another person. How far his fears are justified is up to debate but it's a big concern of the president nevertheless. He upholds his morals quite well though, the only hiccup in this all would probably be his overprotective behavior which at times just slips out. Whenever he notices that someone makes you uncomfortable he finds himself stepping in, as soon as he notices that something scares you he has the urge to protect you. What Fukuzawa ends up doing is scaring quite a few people due to his serious nature and the heavy feeling of authority that always surrounds him. He knows that there will be people after you though because you're dear to him and he would never hesitate to draw his sword to defend you against such people either.
⚪ A main reason why Yukichi attempts to keep his feelings hidden is precisely because he's aware that the Port Mafia and so many other people might come for you the moment information seek out that he loves you. Obviously every secret will eventually get revealed so the moment that happens, especially if you two are officially a couple at that point, he tightens the security in your life a tad bit more. He doesn't want to be too restricting about it all but he can't help but be worried, especially if you have no gift and are just a normal person. He wants to keep closer tabs on the Port Mafia just in case that they plan anything and if the Agency gets hold of any information regarding public attacks for whatever reason, he's rather demanding when telling you to stay away. This all is tolerable at least but that maintenance of self-restriction gets shattered the moment you get involved in serious danger which fuels Yukichi's paranoia and triggers him for an unknown amount of time to be a lot more controlling. His aura forbids any protest to the point where even you find yourself flinching intimidated if you try to argue with him about the tight boundaries he's made for you.
⚪ Ranpo figures out Fukuzawa's up until that point well-kept secret which includes the darker side to all of that but he's too close to the president to blame him for anything, especially since he realizes how troubled Fukuzawa himself is with the situation. Dazai is probably another member who gets behind the president's emotions too but he's more fascinated than worried. Most other members are just happy for Fukuzawa when news get out about his feelings and if you aren't a couple officially by that point, a lot of them would be up for the idea of helping him here and there. He rejects their help politely, secretly terrified to even think about what some of them would try to do to help. His affection has more of a gentlemanly approach to it, consisting of small and thoughtful presents, acts of service or nice dates. He has a soft spot for you and sometimes Agency members abuse that by pleading for your help against his anger if they've caused some problems. Also, the Agency loves teasing him when you manage to successfully fluster him in front of them to the point where his cheeks are covered with a hue of pink.
Itadori Yuji
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🩷 Yuji is crushing so hard on his darling, it doesn't take much for others to notice that he has a fat crush on you. The boy is such a pure-hearted simp who will literally compliment his darling for anything, even if it's something minor like the shoes you chose to wear on that day or the way you style your hair. He focuses a lot on you and the stuff you're into and is actually fairly well in remembering it so Nobara definitely calls him out for knowing what you favorite food or your favorite colour is whilst forgetting things like when and where he's supposed to meet with her and Megumi on missions to track down curses. Itadori on the other hand is more confused when the people around you don't know certain information about you or don't notice habits or quirks of you which are so painfully obvious to him. He's a bit naive though as you can't exactly call him someone who actually notices that his hyperfixation is not normal. The boy is just a bit dense at times...All the time.
🩷 He's clingy at a level where it is noticable but not quite there to be suffocating or creepy in the eyes of others as Yuji shows some respect for your boundaries. Needless to say though, he would love to spend a lot of time with you whenever both of you are free and whenever he isn't busy with matters involving the jujutsu sorcerers. Even whilst in company of people like Megumi, Nobara or even Gojo and Nanami he often pulls out his phone to see if you're online to chat with you and when all of that doesn't work, he just looks at photos he took of you. You weren't aware in all of them that he took them but Yuji literally can't resist at moments when you just look too gorgeous and adorable. His mood gets for sure affected after a while of not being in contact with you though as he starts sulking around and grumbles significantly more. Considering the world he was thrown into ever since becoming Sukuna's vessel, Yuji has become more protective over his s/o as he could never even bear the thought of them being attacked or even killed by a curse.
🩷 He'd like to think that he isn't obvious when jealous of someone but all his friends can assure him that he's just kidding himself. There's a scowl on his face that gets more prominent as time passes on, he's drumming his fingers against whatever surface is there and is shaking his leg as time ticks by and he gets visibly more impatient as he wonders what in the world could be so engrossing about them. He feels neglected and that is not a nice feeling so if he's had enough he will just squeeze himself in whatever interaction you're currently having with them. It would be only fair to say that Yuji isn't the type to be insanely jealous around others but he just dislikes when he's with you and you ignore him in favor of someone else. He likes your friends, he makes an effort to befriend them too and is cool with all of them as long as no one of them is crushing on you. Something that will definitely trigger him is when he catches someone flirting with his darling because then he's not hesitating to storm over and put himself in between you and the other person with a facial expression that just screams that he's unhappy.
🩷 Itadori has his morals straight when it comes to killing a human. It's morally and ethically just plainly wrong in his eyes as he doesn't see himself as someone who has the right to do so. Killing a human is a last resort in his opinion and so as long as someone hasn't done something truly disgusting to you, he normally doesn't murder anyone for you. He mostly just intimidates and scares people away from you if they've wronged you, although he has probably also gotten into physical fights as the urge to punch someone who has just been a terrible jerk to you isn't always something he can suppress. Your personal simp is physically very strong and athletic though so don't worry, he has won every brawl so far. That makes him for the most part harmless but if someone does manage to genuinely anger him, his hatred stays forever and is very intense.
🩷 One to give you lots of freedom, Itadori isn't someone who would consider ever isolating or restricting you in any way. He prioritizes your happiness a lot and goes above and beyond to make sure you're always in a good mood. Obviously he always tells you about staying away from certain areas when he knows that a curse might be there and it isn't uncommon for him to insist for you to let him accompany you when you have to go somewhere and he has information that something might be lurking around there. Other than this stuff and his clinginess he isn't very controlling but that's mainly because he has never truly experienced what it would feel like if you were to be in serious danger and honestly, he doesn't really want to consider such a terrible thing at all. That is going to make it all the more earth-shattering for Yuji though if it ever happens as that is the moment where he truly feels like he should have done more to protect you. Even if it would have meant invading your privacy and freedom.
🩷 Nobara is at times that close to smacking him with the amount of times Itadori spends gushing about you, she's still happy for him though. Megumi has chosen to just ignore Yuji's rambling, Gojo at times supports him much to the distraught of Nobara. Yuji, once in a relationship, is very dedicated and eager. He constantly goes on little dates with you as soon as he has time and wastes far more money than he should on small presents like snacks or cute little accessories such as key fobs. Text him or call him to inform him that you need something and he's on his way to retrieve it for you, even if he has to walk across the entirety that is Tokyo. That's just how much down bad he is for you. If it wouldn't be for Sukuna who lives inside of him, Yuji would have little to no worries. The curse definitely knows about Yuji's obsession even if the boy denies it when he points it mockingly out. There are times where Sukuna provokes Yuji even as he knows that you're his biggest weakness, threatens to hurt you the next time he gains control. Itadori's surprisingly dark response never fails to amuse and even impress the curse.
Fushiguro Megumi
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💙 Megumi already has enough drama going on in his life. His step-sister is in a coma, his father and step-mother have abandoned him and his sister years ago, the Zenin clan tries to claim him and he has to deal with the antics of Gojo, Yuji and Nobara. In between all of this hassle there is you, a disease to his heart and mind as you quickly become a large part of the young man's daily routine. Astonishing, considering that you never see Megumi that often in person but it doesn't need two to watch you, Megumi all by himself is enough. He doesn't know how he should really approach you with all of those confusing emotions swirling around inside of him so stalking is the best option he can come up with. It might sound creepy but just seeing you is almost therapeutic as his mind just clears for those moments from all the stress and the annoyance he normally feels as he just focuses on you. This leads him at one point to impulsively feel the urge to see you whenever he's confronted with something that gets on his nerves and makes him uncomfortable so Megumi starts becoming slightly co-dependent on you.
💙 He's a good observer and all the stalking really shows results as time passes on as Megumi essentially knows a lot of stuff about you he shouldn't know considering how little you know of him. Partially Megumi is lucid enough to know that his behavior isn't normal after all which is why he never tells anyone about you nor is he dumb enough to let you ever find out. Envisioning the drama that would break out the moment people would find out is enough to give him already a headache and he can't risk under any circumstances to scare you. With that said though, Megumi is at best semi-aware though as his own moral code isn't quite as honorable as Itadori's is and this only gets tainted more in black as his darling rises up to be his biggest priority. He justifies any action he takes with their safety in mind and this makes it surprisingly easy for Megumi to commit certain crimes without feeling even an ounce of guilt, the only exception are your tears if his actions should scare and horrify you. You have to believe him though, it was all done for you.
💙 Megumi is so secretive and aloof, you barely remember seeing his facial expression be something else than neutral so you never consider the possibility of him being potentially jealous. Funny considering that Megumi is one of the more jealous people out there. Are you surprised by that? There are a few factors that play into this and the main reason would be his paranoia out of his insecurities. Megumi is in a tough position, sold to the Zenin clan by his father if it wouldn't have been for Gojo who in return forced him into becoming a jujutsu sorcerer and he only really has partially accepted this because he wants to save Tsumiki. Even if he has no connection to the Zenin Clan anymore, they still won't leave him alone either and he might just be forced into becoming the next head of the clan. You're the only good thing in his life so it shouldn't be a surprise that he is so easily irritated, jealous of even close friends of yours. Jealous and insecure of anyone who can make you smile and who makes you happy as it only aggravates his insecurity and in return fuels his possessiveness which fluctuates strongly depending on his own confidence in the moment.
💙 We've already touched the subject before but let's take a deeper look. Megumi is prone to committing acts of violence more often as he hates bad people and good people who are too merciful. His paranoid overprotective antics only make it worse as he feels a rather overwhelming urge to shield you and protect you from everyone and everything bad in this world. I consider it likely that he's the type to threaten and scare people away even if you plan to forgive them as he most likely ends up seeing you as someone far too forgiving, something he normally hates in people and which he occasionally despises in you too when you cling onto someone who in his mind does not deserve your forgiveness. You're brushed off as too naive as he decides to just secretly take care of the problem as he's paranoid that if you'd find out, you'd try to leave him. Megumi is calculative and careful due to his fear to be abandoned by you and potentially be replaced.
💙 With all this talk of his paranoia, insecurities and his overprotectiveness it's by now probably obvious that there is the underlying threat of being abducted and that can be caused by multiple triggers. Megumi is most likely already the type who likes to be alone with you as it is as other people make him uncomfortable. He just wants you alone for himself without you ignoring him for your friends due to his quietness or all the people around you two whose eyes he can't help but feel like linger on you. That's most of the time only a byproduct of his imagination out of paranoia but Megumi is strong when it comes to overthinking to the point that he feels a tightness in his chest when he notices that someone has been following you two for a while now even when they just happen to walk into the same direction as you and if they stare at you for a second too long, he assumes worse. A relationship with him demands already sacrifices as you spend a lot of time with him alone inside as he's most comfortable there. If there would ever be a day where you get in grave danger, try to leave him or he simply assumes that you plan to replace him with someone better, you're done for.
💙 Megumi isn't all that good after all even if you might think of him as someone calm and composed all the time. Surely he is calculative and observant but let me tell you, on the inside he's most of the time just a possessive and insecure mess who just happens to be exceptionally good in hiding it. The jujutsu sorcerer finds himself often guilt-tripping and manipulating you into staying with him inside and not inviting your friends over when you want to do something with him. He has to allow you to spend time with others from time to time to avoid any arguments but that doesn't mean that he's happy with it. In some cases he's actually so paranoid and insecure that he ends up stalking you. One could argue that this means that he doesn't trust you but Megumi would see it more as him not trusting others with you. Although yes, he has this irrational fear of you finding someone you like more than him. That might be possible for you but he literally only has you so you'd shatter his heart and his last bit of self-restraint with it.
Kugisaki Nobara
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🔨 Nobara is maybe just a bit iffy at the beginning about her crush which descends dangerously into obsessive territory as she can't help but feel disappointed as she normally prides herself on being strong and level-headed. Also, under her brash and confident facade she is very caring and due to that she can't help but think ahead and worry what that might imply for you. Unwilling to slip up and risk her position as a jujutsu sorcerer, she holds her head high and carries on as usual. That works so so on days as you always return onto her mind and it is angering as much as it is weirdly enjoyable. Nobara's confidence makes her sort of possessive over her darling as well as sort of semi-delusional. She isn't as insecure as Megumi is so she doesn't shy away from approaching you and befriending you, confident that she can charm her darling and be a good lover and girlfriend for them so that definitely makes her a tad bit more arrogant at times around others who might have a crush on you too.
🔨 The woman is rarely actively manipulating her darling as she wants to stay true to herself and refuses to rely on lies unless it's the only option left. Obviously she keeps curses and the world of jujutsu sorcerers a secret from you if you're just a normal citizen in Tokyo but otherwise she never lies to you and her outspoken and brash personality plays a huge part in that. She doesn't tolerate any bullshit from you though even if she loves you dearly so there is an air of strictness to her. She isn't a hard simp as Yuji is nor is she as paranoid as Megumi, she is a stable middle who reprimands you when you've done something wrong and does the same if someone has treated you the wrong way. Nobara isn't overly strict of course but in cases she is, she ususally expects you to listen as she is acting that way in particular when it concerns your own health and in most cases she won't accept any excuses from you.
🔨 She is reasonable and would never be irrationally jealous or at least she pretends she isn't, even when she is. She knows all of your friends and she's on good terms with all of them so she doesn't think that there is any need to be jealous of one of them. Nobara refuses to be influenced by her jealousy and start acting ridiculous, those are your friends who you've known longer than her in most cases after all. If someone tries to flirt with you though or thinks that they have a chance, she can't help but curl her lips in displeasure and disbelief as she scoffes. Now, now, even if you two aren't officially together at time she surely won't let some wannabe ogle at you and think that you're easy. Her comments are passive-aggressive as she ends up getting into the one or other argument at times. She's quite unshakable though as most people underestimate her confidence and always end up giving up. She denies your teasing words about her being jealous though, sometimes even scolds you for allowing them to continue in the first place because if you would have, she wouldn't have needed to interfere.
🔨 Nobara finds herself once again more in the middle between between Megumi and Yuji. She isn't as merciful as Yuji nor is she as overly paranoid as Megumi is. Don't get her wrong now, this girl is fiercely protective over you and as soon as she realizes that someone makes you uncomfortable or scares you, she tells them off angrily, even if they didn't do it on purpose. If someone does scare you on purpose or makes you intentially uncomfortable, she's all the more furious. She doesn't hesitate to execute any curses that interfere with your life, it's literally her job to kill as a jujutsu sorcerer so she came in prepared. Humans are a different calibre though so she obviously doesn't go around exorcising them nor can she use in most cases her Cursed Energy or her tools unless they also happen to be sorcerers. But she never takes bullshit from anyone so as soon as someone harms you somehow or uses you, she comes in to your rescue, ready to unload. You don't want to mess with her even if she doesn't use her weapons as Nobara has a temper and won't quit until the person has either admitted their wrongdoings and made it up or she has driven them away from you.
🔨 She has despised her childhood where she was stuck in the countryside all the time and she has set herself some boundaries within her obsession to have limits and abduction is certainly one of them. She hates the idea of restricting you and imprisoning you as she'd see it as a loss to herself by letting her own feelings influence her. Nobara is level-headed so chances of an abduction are fairly low as she works, admittedly, very hard behind the scenes to not let anyone or anything harm you. She's the tiniest bit controlling in the sense that she wants to know about the people beside herself that you have in your life to know who she has to lecture if something happens and she also expects you to tell her if you're in troubles or someone gives you a hard time. I can't really see an abduction or restrictions within your personal life happening unless a curse attacks you and or you're seriously injured in which case Nobara insists on spending more time guarding and protecting you and also wants you to stick to her advice she gives you no matter what, especially if you're still recovering.
🔨 She wouldn't want to isolate you for the fact alone that she loves going out with you, exploring the city and enjoying her new life. If you've lived here your entire life, she definitely wants you to show her around and take her to your favorite shops and restaurants. She isn't one to spoil but she definitely enjoys taking her darling out when she goes shopping and wants your opinion on certain outfits that catch her eye. If she sees something that she thinks would look good on you, she always insists for you to try it on and she's very persistent so she wins you over most of the time. Fashion is important for her so I can't help but feel like she'd like to doll you up from time to time and let her choose your outfit. Couple outfits will be a thing between the two of you, you can not convince me otherwise. She isn't one to actively gush over her darling all the time but if they have a hobby in which they excel or they do something of which she's proud about, she brags about it to her friends such as Yuji.
Gojo Satoru
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🩵 Gojo is someone who enters your life without any warning and refuses to leave you alone forever after. You may do your best to avoid him or tell him as friendly as possible that you'd like him to leave you alone for a bit but nothing works as he chooses serenely to let everything fly over his head. Sweetie, he's not leaving you. He's here to stay whether you want him to or not, perhaps you just need a bit of time to get to know him better. Something you should know is that better than him isn't possible so he blatantly looks down on whoever you might show a prefence to or who might have any intentions to court you. This white-haired annoyance is one clingy man with no intention to give you any room to breathe. Admittedly, a part of him sometimes just likes annoying you and he's a master in it but for the most part Gojo has just an unquenchable desire to be with you as you manage to make him aware of something he didn't want to acknowledge for years now. His undeniable loneliness that comes with being the strongest, the still lingering diappointment of Riko's death and the searing scars left forever by Geto's betrayal. Never again. He'll never let someone else leave him or die on him again.
🩵 Despite his obvious playfullness, Satoru is very possessive over his darling and combined with his unbearable clinginess, that makes for one smothering presence. He's shameless and ruthless when it comes to being the most important person in your life and that transcends far beyond your crushes or love rivals. Your friends, acquaintances and even your own family get entangled into this mess and whilst he wouldn't actively hurt them, as long as they treat you well and don't try to tell you to stay away from him, he'd still expect you to choose him without any moment's hesitance over them because he'd do the same. Beyond his nonchalant and arrogant facade, Gojo is more paranoid and protective than he'd ever show to anyone besides maybe you. He's the strongest sorcerer for sure but the paranoia that something might be wrong and the additional stress his clan gives him as they're clearly unhappy with his choice of partner wear him down. He isn't invincible after all.
🩵 I'd label him as more possessive than jealous as his confidence is through the roof and he judges people mostly only based on their strength alone so with him being the strongest sorcerer in the world, he looks down on most people in your life. Gojo is the type who scares people out of your life without much remorse. One glare is often enough to make someone turn around and avoid you as long as the tale male is with you which is unfortunately more often than you're comfortable with. Turning your attention away from him and ignoring him for someone else never goes down well as he's clearly displeased when you choose to do so and he chooses to be an asshole in return, condescending and talking down to whoever it is you're conversing with at the moment and with his height and his heavy glare he never fails to scare them away. Gojo causes you a lot of problems with his overflowing affection as at one point everyone believes him to be your boyfriend and he does nothing but worsen it more and more.
🩵 I've already said it, I'll say it again. Gojo has little to no remorse for scaring, hurting or even murdering people for you. He barely tolerates anyone besides himself in your life and there is little space left for family and friends with him but they at least get the minimum of respect from him. Everyone else is a free game and then it's completely up to Satoru's own mood what he does with them. He is sadistic so he finds it amusing seeing someone cower in fear the moment he confronts them because they tried to interfere with the relationship. Most people once mess up and then never show their face in front of you again out of sheer fear of Gojo and it leaves you alone and isolated most time as he doesn't even spare friends and family from it if they do something that they shouldn't have done in his eyes. Nothing will help someone though if they've harmed his darling though and their death will be nothing short of excruciating, he literally doesn't care if it's a curse, a human, a sorcerer, executive or someone else. He won't let anyone ever touch a strand of your hair in the wrong way, he promises.
🩵 An abduction with Gojo is not avoidable and it'll happen soon, sweetheart. Satoru is maybe just a bit crazy about the aspect of controlling and monitoring you so he can know where you are the entire time and that is partially influenced by his protective side. He initially tries to talk you into moving in with him and tries to make it sound as appealing as possible. You can design the rooms however you like, you would have access to all of his seemingly limitless bank accounts and you'd never have to work again. It'd be just the two of you. It might sound tempting at first but there are also some hidden implications there. Because you wouldn't be able to leave the house without his permission and he'd install a security system which would in emergency situations shut all windows and doors, allowing pretty much only him to enter and leave. It sounds good in his mind and he'd be very happy if you'd willingly follow him in what is essentially a luxurious prison but your consens isn't needed. Don't blame and cuss at him though, he did give you a chance to choose the better option.
🩵 Gojo never listens to you when it involves you telling him to respect your privacy or when you beg and plead him to let you go as he doesn't take you seriously. You can play hard to get if you want to, you can try to despise him as much as you want but that only mean isolation and even less space for you as he forcefully inserts himself in your daily routine as much as he wants to. You're able to get away with a lot of things simply because Gojo doesn't deem you as any threat to him but that doesn't mean that you can be a brat all you want. Perhaps a reminder of what he's capable off should help you to control your temper a bit better. He's just saying, he could easily break your legs or ruin friends and family of yours. Why don't you just give in? The future would be bright and filled with everything you'd want as the man would ensure to spoil you rotten and since he's good in almost everything he tries, he can easily pick up anything for the sole purpose of impressing you. Don't abuse his trust though because around you Gojo actually feels secure enough to be vulnerable which takes a lot for him to do. So if you'd ever try to escape him, you'd see what lies beyond that playful grin of his.
Geto Suguru
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🗻 You get to know him yet really don't under the disguise of a Buddhist priest you often find yourself visiting his temple after the advice of a friend as recently you have experienced weird dreams and feel constantly tired and heavy. A curse clinging to you yet you don't know that and are simply another monkey who collects curses for him. That is all you are, a monkey who Geto so desperately wants to murder yet something about you is different, something that Suguru can't quite pinpoint but it's enough for you to stay permanently on his mind, much to his disdain. His hatred for all non-sorcerers makes Geto quite dangerous as his sworn hatred constantly clashes with his ever-growing affection which he locks away deep inside of himself. Newfound hatred specifically pointed against you has led him multiple times close to allowing curses to kill you yet none of them do so in the end as if sensing that the Curse User himself isn't able to do so, his own will the thing that ultimately always stops them and with that the manifestation of his weakness, his soft spot. A human.
🗻 His love is twisted as the knowledge that he feels so strongly about a non-sorcerer throws him into a new abyss of his mind and it reveals a sadistic, possessive and controlling side of himself. He uses his curses to haunt you and wear you down to force you into visiting him far often since his presence helps you as he puts on his most charming fake persona to lure you into a sense of security. Some of the more intelligent curses are used to spy on you and deliver information whilst Suguru is busy conjuring up his plan to murder every other non-sorcerer. He's very manipulative as he slowly gets into your head as his advice of what you should do help you as he orders the curses to leave you if you do as he tells you and it foolishly leads you into trusting him as you open up to him about a lot of things. You're blinded by his gentle smile and charming attitude, almost too trusting but that's alright. Suguru gradually comes to term with his feelings as he starts changing his perspective. Animals have an order about who is better than others and if the rest of non-sorcerers is a bunch of crude monkeys, he likes to see you as a fine and rare feline, as something more sophisticated and elegant.
🗻 Jealousy would require for him to feel threatened or insecure by someone and with his condescending look on non-sorcerers, that never happens. Now, obviously you don't know anything about sorcerers and curses, still blissfully naive about the true danger the man in front of you really is but Suguru shows lenience. You might be slightly above monkeys but ultimately you're still underneath sorcerers so he can't expect you to know any better just yet. If there is something going on in your life though such as someone courting you, you crushing on someone or, heaven forbid, you actually getting into a relationship with someone, he always finds out. His anger shortly flares up when he's informed about it but the next time you see him, he has reassumed that gentle smile that always calms you down. Non-sorcerers shouldn't even be able to touch you and leave their stench on you, he definitely needs you to drop anyone who would even think of you in that way. You're better than that, he'll help you remove the bad influence scum has on you. Normally you always trust him with such matters so if he ever finds out that you've kept something like that a secret from him, he views it as an act of disobedience.
🗻 Suguru's goal is it to isolate you from everyone, including your own friends and family as all of them are disgusting, soon to be dead anyways. He can easily discard people around him if they are non-sorcerers or should stand in his way and even if it is irritating to see you struggle to do the same, he tries to be reasonable. You don't know any better after all, you were born into their world and are brainwashed but that's alright. Because he will fix everything for you. Perhaps the scariest part of all is that Geto truly believes to do you a favor as you haven't seen how ugly the weak are and what they do to cling onto the delusion that they aren't. Everyone you cherish holds no worth to him besides maybe bait to manipulate and blackmail you once you've taken your rose-tinted glasses off and realize what he really is capable of. Their worth lasts for him only that long though before he decides to cut all of your ties with them completely, removing everyone from your life and leaving you all alone. Don't waste any time crying over them as they aren't worth it. They aren't even worth remembering, he can promise you that soon you'll stop caring about them altogether.
🗻 An abduction is a guarantee and merely bears the question of when it will happen. Suguru has to make some preparations for that day though as he knows that he needs to inform his fellow curse users and the curses that aren't aware of it yet about his new addition soon. It goes against anything he stands for and fights for and Suguru fully understands that but ultimately he manages to convince them as he emphasizes that you are in no way an equal, words he truthfully means. You're a possession he plans to keep and whilst he shall cherish and treasure you, you'll also have to learn how to submit and obey as soon as you're taken in. Everything comes crashing down onto you on the day where you enter the temple but never leave again as Geto finally pulls the rug out from under you and reveals who he truly is. A smile that once comforted you now terrifies you as freedom and privacy are rights taken away from you unless you follow his rules and obey. You wouldn't want to disappoint him and earn yourself a punishment after all, would you?
🗻 Your life is never the same afterwards as it is, in fact, not your own anymore. It all lays now in Suguru's hands who is the one orchestrating your whole life. You have a strict set of rules that you always have to follow and for most things that aren't included in your schedule, you need to ask for permission from him and silently accept if he denies you your request. You're always watched when he isn't at home, either by other curse users or by curses. The latter is especially terrifying as he never informs you fully in the beginning of the world of sorcerers fully simply to test you and let you bask in the illusion of having a chance to escape when in reality you don't. Geto always finds you and hands out a punishment for your failed attempt, keeps the secret up for a while until he decides to tell you the whole truth, slightly disappointed with how often you might have tried to run away at that point and by this point, the knowledge that you were always watched and never had a chance to begin with cracks something inside of you and the new world you find yourself in terrifies you.
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4ngel-inc · 5 months
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𝐘𝐔𝐊𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐈 𝐅𝐔𝐊𝐔𝐙𝐀𝐖𝐀 — 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝑜𝓃'𝓉 𝒹𝒾𝓈𝒶𝓅𝓅𝑜𝒾𝓃𝓉 𝓂𝑒 ₊˚ʚ
notes: my thirst for fukuzawa is growing guys !! he's just so beautiful and strong and perfect :')) i rly need him i do ࣪ 𓈒⠀ྀིㅤׂㅤ
warnings: mentions of insecurity, it's your first time with fukuzawa & his first time being intimate in a while. 700 words.
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fukuzawa was very much aware you'd been in love with him for quite some time before he decided to give your relationship a chance — he doesn't make decisions lightly, and the fact that falling in love would stir up his peaceful life quite a bit scared him — but if he didn't give himself a chance to really feel something, was he even truly living at all?
it isn't until you're a few months into your relationship that he realizes you'll likely be expecting physical intimacy soon. you've never asked him about it, but he can feel it in the tension between you two each time you kiss, your hands reaching under his shirt to gently caress his sides — you both seem to want more, so why is he hesitating?
fukuzawa hadn't been intimate with anyone in a while before he met you, he hadn't even dated for many years — work was distracting, that was the excuse he allowed himself. but truly, he felt a bit selfish for being a loner sometimes. did he truly believe no one in this world deserved to see every side of him? was protecting the city simply the excuse he clung to because he was scared to open up?
now, in this moment, after all of your soft kisses and gentle touches, he finds himself feeling a bit self-conscious as he hovers over you — it isn't like him at all to feel insecure, when has he ever doubted his ability to do anything? however, this moment feels so different — you're so special to him, so precious, the thought of disappointing you makes his heart clench.
he groans into your mouth as he enjoys the taste of your tongue on his, almost letting go, but not quite fully — his hands caress your body, running up and down each curve and dip that makes you so unique and sexy in his eyes. however, as you reach under the waistband of his briefs to pull out his cock, he sighs into your neck and pulls away before your fingers can even wrap around him.
he's rock hard, leaking and desperate for more of your touch, but he can't shake the thoughts running through his mind, distracting him from giving you what you truly want. "what's wrong?" your voice is gentle but breathless as you reach out to him, attempting to pull him in for more kisses. he only sighs, looking down at his hands. who is this person, who doubts their own abilities? why can't i let go? perhaps i've never cared for something so deeply.
silence fills the room for a few moments before he speaks again, "it's been a while, since. . ." his deep voice makes a statement, and you wait for him to continue. "since i've truly been intimate with someone. i don't want to disappoint you, my love. i hope i can give you what you need."
you smile at that, pulling him in and running a hand through his soft, silver hair, comforting him as he exhales. "you won't disappoint me," you speak against his lips. "i just want to be with you, yukichi, i want to feel you. nothing else matters to me. i want this because i love you."
his heart swells as he holds a steady gaze, eyes locking with yours as he slides his briefs down, aligning his thick cock with your entrance. "we can go slow, if you'd like." your kindness knows no bounds, you've never rushed him — and he's grateful for that, your words are like a salve to him, soothing all of his doubts and insecurities.
you gasp as he presses into you, gently and slowly, before rocking into you with a steady rhythm. "oh, fuck- you're so big, yukichi, oh, yes, keep going." your little whimpers and cries are like music to his ears, and just like that, he finds his confidence again, one hand gripping your hair as the other pushes your thigh open, sliding in deeper as he begins thrusting faster.
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ddostoyevskyy · 11 months
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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒... nothing much, just fluff and can be read as gn!reader. Mori Ougai.
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄... slight self-indulge because I get all hyper when I drink coffee, mwahahahaha.
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𝐇𝐄’𝐒 𝐓𝐑𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐌 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍; because he can’t handle your hyper ass. Although, you get too affectionates and he loves your sudden kisses on his cheek and the corner of your lips and the random back and side hugs felt lovely — your hyper awareness is just too much for him especially when you’re prancing around too much and playing harmless pranks like a kid or when your sudden mood changes from giggling to laughing into smallest things; it’s cute — you’re so cute, really and in all honesty, but he’s just too worried that you might hurt yourself or jab your thighs on the edge of a table.
Kunikida Doppo, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Sagakuchi Ango, Mori Ougai (ew), Oda Sakunosuke, Nakajima Atsushi, Nakahara Chuuya, Tachihara Michizō —
𝐇𝐄’𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐆𝐘; as much as how hyper you are when you consume even little sweets or coffee, he’s running around and prancing with you, pinching your cheeks and biting your skin the same way you always do first.
Dazai Osamu, Edogawa Ranpo, Nikolai Gogol —
𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐇𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐏𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐘 𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒; especially when you’re feeling a bit down or not in a mood; he always have an extra sweets on his pockets, or he’ll make you a coffee to cheer you up. Especially, if you’re easily drained within the end of the day (or not even, just like me), he occasionally holds your hand which quite confuses you, until you found some candy on your palm which makes you smile as you munch down and he’s now contently staring at you with adornment and fascination when your energy charged full.
Dazai Osamu, Nakahara Chuuya, Edgar Allan Poe, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke, Nakajima Atsushi, Mushitarou Oguri, Suehiro Tetchōu —
𝐇𝐄’𝐒 𝐒𝐎 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐃; everytime you consume tons of sweets and coffee in just a day where you get all jumpy and enthusiastic, he’s looking at you like you’re some weird creature he calls his lover as he watches you with horrid eyes while you’re going tippy-tappy on walks and you’re clinging, nuzzling and being too sweet with him. But at the end of the day, he secretly enjoys it despite of how much he tried to gently push you  and how he grimace everytime you shower his face with kisses; he enjoys it, actually.
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Sigma, Tayama Katai, Saigiku Jōno —
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
All Rights Reserved 2023 © ddostoyevskyy. Do not repost without permission or plagiarized.
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bungo-stray-dogs-au · 9 months
Zack Austen
Anime: Bungo Stray Dogs OC
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Also Known As: Dazai's Son, 'Rookie' by Fukuzawa Yukichi, 'Blanket' by his adopted mother and father, Yume and Dazai.
More Information Underneath
Status: Alive
Gender: Male
Birthday: December 27
Age: 15 (25 present)
Height: 5'8
Blood Type: AB+
Likes: Adventures, Long Walks, Cold Weather
Dislikes: His Deceased Adoptive Maternal Grandmother
IQ: 125
Hobbies: Reading, pretending to be deaf, baking, walking
Ability: The Gift
Occupation: Under ADA (Armed Detective Agency) protection, University Of Yokohama (Sophomore Student)
Affiliation: Armed Detective Agency (ADA) and University Of Yokohama Baseball / Soccer Team.
Anime Debut: Episode 1
Manga Debut: Chapter 1
Zack Austen, who was 15 years old at the time, likes to read and bake with his adopted mother, Eris. Although he is loving and giving, he can also be incredibly lethargic and a little cowardly. He is relatively naive and suffers from a profound lack of self-worth, which makes him feel helpless in the face of danger. He is frequently regarded as a genius despite his character. He is exceptionally smart and has an IQ of 125.
Now fast forward to 25 years old, Zack's personality shifted after that day he saved his friend Arianna Lavoie (Anna) from the threat of two mafia bullies. He becomes more aware of his value in life and takes ownership of his character, which can be cold at times. He’s a tsundere with a harsh personality, which over time gradually reveals a warmer, friendlier side of him. He is still called a “genius” while falling in his adopted father, Dazai, in footsteps. 
Zack was an orphan whose parents are still unknown. Later, his adopted mother, Eris, was assigned to a case of protecting an unnamed baby boy prodigy, which is later revealed to be him. He was then raised in a loving home despite Eris being  a single mother at the time. Zack thinks he has a father after discovering an old box full of pictures and somewhat love letters from this supposed Dazai Osamu. This leaves Zack with questions about this man, which is later ended with a talk with his said adopted father. 
Unleash AU
Zack only knows that the pictures and photographs left in an old box give him a glimpse of what his adoptive parents really look like from the beginning of the Later Years AU. He only knows that his adopted father, who is Dazai, sends gifts and money occasionally. This gives Zack an ambition to search for his adoptive father knowing that he (Dazai) is still alive and always makes his presence known through his (Zack) life. 
Zack didn't truly realize he had an ability until he saved a young girl, Arianna Lavoie (Anna), from the threat of two mafia bullies. He was only fifteen when this happened. Later, his ability was known as “The Gift” from Chuuya Nakahara, which was later restated by Fukuzawa Yukichi. Eris then worries about her son, Zack, as he is now following in Dazai footsteps while working under the ADA. Thinking that she’s going to lose her son as well into the shadows of the unknown. 
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yandere-romanticaa · 5 years
BSD Scenarios// Armed Detective Agency // Part 1!
For what kind of person would the ADA members fall for? Well, let's find out!
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♡ Yukichi Fukuzawa ♡
Fukuzawa would fall for someone who is very kind and also somewhat motherly. He needs someone responsible but caring by his side because he already has a lot on his shoulders as the leader of the Agency.
He'd never admit it though, but he's be a sucker for someone who is extremely affectionate and sweet. Fukuzawa seems gruff, and some sweetness would do him a lot of good. He also needs someone who is intelligent and self aware of their surroundings. He can't stand stupid and ignorant people...
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♡ Dazai Osamu ♡
Dazai would like a s/o who has a pretty good sense of humor. He appreciates people who can make any situation light hearted, no matter how grim it may be. And Dazai would definitely pester his s/o for double suicide, but deep down he would need someone who has a strong love for life, and would never let Dazai commit suicide.
He would also like a very cuddly s/o, and maybe even somewhat clingy because he can bearly keep his hands to himself.
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♡ Kunikida Doppo ♡
Kunikida already has an entire list dedicated on how his perfect partner should be. But alas, that list is probably too specific and nobody would probably be able to fit every criteria.
Kunikida is very strict and he likes to keep a constant schedule, so he needs someone who can understand this, but at the same time would need someone who can stop him and just force him to relax. He is constantly stressed and Dazai isn't helping to relieve that stress.
He would also like a s/o who is fairly modest and catious, and he isn't too fond of "bad girls". Also, in order to capture his heart s/o needs to be intelligent and light hearted.
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♡ Nakajima Atsushi ♡
Atsushi's needs to be someone empathetic and very understanding. His s/o would always help Atsushi to get back up on his feet. Atsushi needs someone to support him, someone on who he can rely on for help. Atsushi also has a bad habit of telling himself that he is nothing and that he doesn't deserve in the good people in his life, but that's not true.
His s/o would need to break this nasty habit, and Atsushi would forever be grateful.
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♡ Edogawa Ranpo ♡
Ranpo would definitely like a eccentric s/o. Strange people always catch his eye, and his s/o is no different. He would like his s/o to be imaginative and creative, and to always buy him snacks of course!
He wouldn't really like his s/o to be too clingy since he is often busy, but he wouldn't mind if they stopped by the office from time to time. Ranpo would also need someone who would motivate him to work since he often gets bored very easily.
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aidendh · 2 years
BSD! OC! Seki ___
Seki {¿Edogawa?/¿Fukuzawa?}
(Normal appearance)Izuku hair, glasses, grey overalls patched with blue jeans, pink-violet eyes,  barefoot
13 but chose to look like a child
Taken in by the Ranpo Edogawa
Ability: Pick Me, Choose Me?
Can change into other people at any version of the person's age
It has to be consensual to activate
He can get random tidbits of the person's (past/present/future) knowlage
*Ranpo/Atsushi/Yukichi/Akiko, forms
Not limited to humans
'Self aware character', perseves animation/drawing gags (eg, animal ears)
Prefers to be mute, but will make noises
Regressive mind set (age)
Often clings to ppl's legs
Quiet, Shy, Stubborn, Argumentive
Because of Ranpo, he has taken a liking to foods on sicks / stick shaped foods
Eg, Popsicles/Pocky
He insists that people call him Seki, or he will throw a fit
Seki is homeschooled by the ADA
He loves following Ranpo and Yukichi around
They don't mind Dazai, but seki is often rialed up by him
Took a liking to cats after Yukichi eased him into it
As Atsushi, he turns into a Tiger Cub
Practically gave Poe a heart attack when Ranpo surprised him with Seki in his arms
"Poe! I have a Mini-Me!" -Ranpo
*Holding up Ranpo-Seki*
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An orphaned child taken in by Ranpo Edogawa
Ability: Pick Me, Choose Me?
*Can turn into others
Often takes the form of a 7 year old
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The Purple Sign. Part VII
Self-Aware! Fukuzawa Yukichi x GN! Reader
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Description: There's The Purple Sign on your door. Part VII.
Hurt/Comfort. Fukuzawa pampering
Warning: OOC. Alcohol. English is my second language.
It was midnight.
You wanted to drink some water.
And you found Fukuzawa Yukichi in the kitchen. Fukuzawa, dressed in his signature yukata and haori, was sitting at the kitchen table with a bottle of sake in front of him. Fukuzawa held a cup of sake in one hand.
This made you worry. Fukuzawa? Drinking alone? In the middle of the night?
The problem wasn't in the alcohol. It's not like you don't have any in the storage room. It used both for cooking and as a beverage.
Moreover, Fukuzawa and Fukuchi do drink together from time to time. For a moment, you thought, that you stumbled on one of their drink times, while Fukuchi wasn't in the kitchen, but, after taking a second look on the table, you abandoned that idea.
There was only one sake cup.
Fukuzawa was drinking alone in the middle of the night. That what was concerning.
It was unusual for Fukuzawa to drink his sorrows away.
"Are you... okay, [Y/N]? You froze in the middle of the step." Fukuzawa's voice was soft and tried. You hesitated, before answering.
"I am fine. I just... thought about something."
Fukuzawa only hummed, staring into a distance again.
You took a pitcher from the table and pour water in your glass.
While drinking your water, you studied Fukuzawa's face and posture.
It was another concerning sigh.
Fukuzawa always looked presentable. His clothes, no matter, what he wears, be it his signature yukata and haori, or something more... non-attention--of-this-world's-people-grabbing, always looked neat and clean. But, right now, his clothes looked wrinkled. And as for Fukuzawa himself... There were bags beneath his eyes. The long gray hair, that seemed almost dull, looked unkempt.
You step closer to Fukuzawa and put your hand on his shoulder.
"And you, Yukichi... Are you okay?" you couldn't help it, but cast a quick glance at the sake bottle. It was almost full. Perhaps, he only had one cup, before your arrival.
Fukuzawa jerked slightly, lost in his own thoughts apparently, and slowly nodded.
"I am fine. You don't need to worry." Fukuzawa frowned, then chuckled in a poor showing of forced joviality. "Really, I am fine."
He cast a quick glance at your face. You still looked worried. And, apparently, Fukuzawa noticed, that your attention was focused on a bottle of alcohol. Yukichi sighed and stand up, holding a bottle of sake in one hand and a cup un other. The cup was quickly put in a sink, and, after turning on his heels, Fukuzawa headed towards the exit from the kitchen. Swordsman spoke.
"I have lost the track of time. I'm already going to bed. Good night, [Y/N]."
He left. The house was quiet enough for you to hear, how the basement door was opened. Fukuzawa returned sake into the storage.
You bit your lip. He wasn't fine. But You loved everyone from BSD Cast, but, some of your new friends were so stubborn. Especially, when their situation called for the use of The Purple Sign.
The Purple Sign was an accessory and an important symbol at the same time.
It was an accessory, because, with or without it, you would help your friends, if they are feeling down.
It was an important symbol, because handing it on your bedroom door means, that starting from that moment members of BSD Gang can be vulnerable. The Purple Sign on your door means, that you can't be disturbed by others if it's not an emergency. Because all your attention is focused on making one person feel special and appreciated again.
But, some of your friends, refused to use the Purple Sign or simply reaching out to you and ask for help. Someone, like Dazai, were afraid to be vulnerable and show their emotions. Someone feel ashamed of their negative thoughts. And someone feel terrible by going to you. Because, they thought that they were bothering you.
Fukuzawa Yukichi was one of this people.
He is used to looking after people of Yokohama, making sure, that peace is maintained. He is used to looking after Armed Detective Agency, making sure, that its members are safe and sound.
You mindlessly wash your glass and Fukuzawa's cup. You were lost in thoughts.
You had a rule you follow while pampering BSD Cast. Don't cause kindness and inflict good. Don't force anyone to open up, to you or to others.
But, before stepping aside, you need to step forward.
You looked at the ceiling. There must be something you can do, to make Fukuzawa feel a little better.
Well, you don't need The Purple Sign to pamper Fukuzawa.
Before going to bed, you left a note on a special desk for notes you have in a kitchen.
A note, asking people who will cook breakfast at the morning, to wake you up.
You have a breakfast to one swordman to make.
Cooking duty was a great way to share rumors. You had a nice chat with Kunikida, Atsushi and Junchirou. You manage to prove, that no one from ADA has been feeling under the weather. At least, Fukuzawa's condition didn't came from worrying about his employees.
You made enough food for two of you.
You were holding a bed-tray with plates, full of breakfast food, and two steaming cups with green tea. You were ready to knock (okay, to lightly kick) on Fukuzawa's door, when the door was opened. And you came face to chest with Fukuzawa.
"Morning, Yukichi!" greeted you, smiling and looking up.
Fukuzawa looked slightly better, then he looked at night, but, still, his hair and eyes looked dull. Fukuzawa looked tired.
"[Y/N]? Good morning. What are you..." Fukuzawa raised an eyebrow. You hold the tray with breakfast higher.
"Breakfast" simply stated you. Fukuzawa blinked. Then took the tray from you.
"Thank you." Fukuzawa's eyes soften. You quickly respond.
"No problems." You took one of the cups from the tray. In case, if Fukuzawa didn't want company, you could simply leave with your tea. It seems, that Fukuzawa noticed your little 'maneuver' and step aside.
"There is enough for two. Want to share it with me?"
You nodded and step in Fukuzawa's room.
Fukuzawa sat on his bed, motion for you to sit near him. You quickly join him.
On the tray, were two bowls with rise porridge, plate of fluffy Japanese pancakes, plate with rolled omelettes, and saucer with fruit sandwiches.
The breakfast was spent in comfortable silence. In the middle of eating his pancakes, Fukuzawa spoke.
"[Y/N], you really shouldn't be worried about me. I will manage on my own." You made a generous sip of your tea, before answer.
"I should. Because you are my friend. I care about you. I worry about you." You looked Fukuzawa in the eyes. He didn't say anything. You spoke again.
"If you want- And only if you want! - Later we can go together to a cat café. The new one has opened two weeks ago." You reach towards Fukuzawa's hair and carefully take one strand between your fingers. "Or I could brush your hair. Only if you want it."
Fukuzawa didn't answer, taking a rolled omelette.
The room was silent again.
The silence were broken by clink of flatware against plates.
When you two finish eating, you pick up the tray with dirty dishes, planing to bring it to the kitchen. Before you left the room, you heard Fukuzawa's voice.
"I would love to visit the cat café with you. And hair brushing sounds nice."
A little smile appears on your face.
Someone knock on your door.
You looked up from the book, got up from the bean bag chair and headed towards the door.
Fukuzawa was standing on your doorstep.
"I am ready, [Y/N]."
You smiled and asked.
"What do you want to do first? Go to a café? Or me brush your hair?"
Fukuzawa closed his eyes and spoke.
"Hair brushing."
You nodded and went to the emergency shelf. You took a hairbrush from it.
For the next thirty minutes, Fukuzawa was sitting on his knees, while you carefully brush his hair. You tried your best untangling knots.
When you finished, Fukuzawa looked at you. He slowly put his hand on your head and slowly pat your head.
"Thank you, kitten."
You feel, how your cheeks became warm. Fukuzawa rarely called you by a nickname, so, you still haven't used to it.
"Um... No problem..." Fukuzawa chuckled.
"So, to the cat café?"
Only four customers were in a cat café right now (including Fukuzawa and you). So, you two can play with almost all cats from the café.
You had a little tabby cat on your lap. And Fukuzawa was holding a Siamese cat, cooing at it.
You try not to laugh, noticing other customers' and workers' gazes they sent at your way. To be precise, towards Fukuzawa.
Fukuzawa Yukichi is an imposing man. He is taller, then you, and his face has a permanent strict expression. He is muscular and, you knew, that he is quite powerful. You are pretty sure, that he can throw you across the yard and don't break a sweat.
And this man was cooing at the small cat.
And, as you remembered, your contact name in his phone is "Must resist the urge to pet".
Fukuzawa's eyes soften slightly. He spoke, talking to the cat.
"Little buddy, have you seen a cinnamon bun? I couldn't find it."
You were confused. What cinnamon bun? As long as you knew, there weren't any cinnamon buns in the café.
Cat mewed. Fukuzawa chuckled and, suddenly, booped your nose. He looked you in the eyes. His face expression was soft. He was smiling.
"Here it is. A cinnamon bun." Fukuzawa chuckled. "A kitten"
You hide your face in your hands. You were sure, that it became so warm, that you can heat frozen food on it.
"I won't say I feel broken, or overwhelmed." explained Fukuzawa, walking down the street with you. "I am simply felt... tried. All the work I must do to establish ADA in this world... It's tiering. I did ask Fitzgerald for help, but, I still must do most of the work."
You hummed. Fukuzawa faced an emotional burnout. Well, you are sure, that you can deal with it.
"You really need lessons in time management, Yukichi. Well, nevertheless..." You stopped and place your hand on Fukuzawa's hand. "You can always count on me. If you feel tired, if you feel burnt out. Just came to me."
You gave Fukuzawa's hand a little squeeze. Swordsman squeeze your hand in return.
Fukuzawa, dressed in comfy clothes, was, once again, sitting on his lap on your room's floor. You were massaging his shoulders, wearing a pair of kitten paw mittens. Currently, they were the only thing that you have in Fukuzawa's drawer in emergency shelf.
Purple lights were on.
The Purple Sign was on your bedroom's door.
Fukuzawa sighs and stretched. He raised up and, suddenly, picked you up. In one motion, he took off your kitten paw mittens and start softly massage your hands.
"Your hands are soft. Like real kitten paws." Fukuzawa laughed quietly. You let out an incoherent noise. Fukuzawa chuckled and kissed your nose.
"And you are as cute, as a kitten."
This night you sleep, laying on Fukuzawa's chest. His hands slowly run up and down your back. He looked much better.
And it makes you happy.
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hi, I was wondering if I could possibly request some crack with chuuya and a reader who's the same height as him. whether the reader be a teen or adult doesn't matter, I just want to see dazai make fun of the two of them for being short.
When you are the same height as Chuuya
Self-Aware! Platonic! Chuuya Nakahara x GN! Short! Teen! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic Dazai Osamu
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Description: They heard your voice when they were in their world. They always wondered, how you looked like. Today, they will get into your world. Today, they finally will see you.
Warning: OOC, Platonic. English is my second language.
The moment has finally come. The day they were waiting for. Portal was ready. Just in a few moments, they will finally get to real world. They will finally see Their Guiding Light.
They knew few things about Their Guiding Light. Their name was [Y/N]. They were a teen and their parents were working abroad. They were getting checks from their parents every month. Their Guiding Light were looking after the house, doing chores, paying taxes, going to school and looking after themselves. There were adult relatives in the picture, but only when [Y/N] need a sigh on permission.
They knew what kind of person Their Guiding Light were. Today, they will finally learn, what Their Guiding Light look like.
Portal start working.
Bright light filled the room.
In the next moment, BSD Cast left their world and appeared in the real world. Right before Their Guiding Light.
When your phone's screen suddenly start glowing white, you got startled and fell down on the floor.
So, you met BSD Cast while sitting on the floor.
For the next few minutes you were blinking like an owl, while Fukuzawa Yukichi gave a whole speech about self-awareness, their gratitude and you being Their Guiding Light.
When he finished talking, everyone finally noticed, that you were still sitting on the floor. Chuuya chuckled, carefully picked you up and put you on back on your feet.
"Okay, let's have a proper introduction."
With Chuuya Nakahara standing near you, everyone saw, that you two were the same height.
Osamu Dazai was grateful to you. For been near him during the darkest moment of his life, for treating him like a human, for bringing Oda back. He spent hours thinking, what he will say to you, when you finally met face to face. But all these preparations were destroyed. The chance was too good to be true.
Dazai took a step forward and bend to your level.
"Where is the rest of you? Or will you and hat rack, over here, morph into a one big adult?"
And that's how you and Chuuya formed a brother-sister alliance against Dazai.
Dazai didn't stop with teasing you two.
You were having a chat with Kunikida, while Aya, Q, Elise, Katsumi, Kousuke, Sakura, Shinji and Yu were watching 'The Lion King' in the background. The first iconic scene with the rising sun has begun.
"So, to solve this math exercise I should do this, right?" you showed Kunikida your notes. Kunikida quickly scanned through them and nodded.
"Yes, very good. Now, try to solve it."
You two didn't pay attention to your surroundings and kids were too interested in a cartoon, that no one noticed Dazai, sneaking up to you.
The cartoon continued.
Rafiki raised Simba above his head.
The same moment, Dazai picked you up and raised you above the floor as high as he can.
Dazai started to sing-a-long.
"It's the circle of life. And it moves us all~"
Kids were having a hard time looking at you and Dazai on one side of the room and a TV screen with cartoon on it on the other side.
When the title screen finally appeared, Dazai put you down.
He ruffled your hair.
"Thanks for been a great Simba, [Y/N]!"
Before Kunikida and you can react, Dazai left the room.
You grumble and hide your face in your hands.
Kunikida looked at you with pity.
"If it makes things easier, he tried to do the same thing with Chuuya, back in the app."
You two heard the sounds of fighting and familiar 'Damn Blue Mackerel!'.
Kunikida adjusted his glasses.
"And that's exactly how it ended last time."
You were in a bad mood.
The cereal you planned to have for breakfast were put on the top of the shelf.
You could swear you heard Dazai's laughter. Despite the fact that Dazai left fifteen minutes ago to get groceries.
You were almost ready to go grab a chair, when you felt two gloved hands on your shoulders. You felt, that you became lighter and start slowly levitate towards the top of the shelf.
Dazai loved putting your stuff on the top of the shelves. But, you gave Dazai some credit, he never moved really important staff or fragile things out of your reach.
You quickly grabbed flakes.
Slowly, you were back on the ground.
And gloved hands never left.
Chuuya always keep contact with you when he was doing it.
You turned to Chuuya and smiled.
"Thank you, Chuuya."
Chuuya grinned in return.
"Don't mention, [Y/N]. You knew, that you can always ask me to help deal with vegatoid's pranks."
You let out a small laugh. You remembered, how one time Dazai walked on you and saw, how exactly you were getting back things he put on the top.
That day you heard joke about morphing in one adult six more times. And at least seven times, Dazai joked about you sitting on Chuuya's shoulders and wearing a coat, so you two can ride a roller coaster for adults when you visit an amusement park.
"Don't interfere, you pipsqueak! Or I will squish you like a grape!"
You got that message (and a few more threats) from your classmate. They were harassing younger students, and you promised to tell teachers, if they didn't stop.
That's why they start sending you threats. And mocking you about your height. You were in the middle of writing a letter to the teacher, explaining, what your classmate were doing, when Dazai snatched your phone.
You looked at him, expecting teasing and him holding your phone above your head, but, instead, Dazai was silent. He was reading messages your classmate sent you.
Chuuya was ready to grab your phone back, when Dazai almost shoved it in his face, forcing Chuuya to read the messages.
For a few moments, Dazai and Chuuya were quiet. Then Chuuya turned around and marched towards the front door. He was mumbling.
"I won't let anyone threat my sibling!"
Dazai returned your phone to you.
"No one dares to threat you, [Y/N]. Moreover..."
Dazai grinned and put his elbow on your head, using it as an armrest.
"You are my pipsqueak! I am the only one who is allowed to tease you!"
With that, Dazai followed after Chuuya.
You sighed.
Even if teachers couldn't do anything, the classmate won't ever forget their encounter with your two brothers.
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The Purple Sign. Part X
Self-Aware! Ranpo Edogawa x GN! Reader
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Description: There is a Purple Sign on your door. Part X
Fluff. Ranpo pampering
Warning: OOC. English is my second language.
Incoming Messages from Yukichi
"Code Purple. Bring as much as you can. Fidgets"
For a person, who don't know the context, this message may seem strange. But, you knew exactly what Fukuzawa means.
You are supposed to go to the library and return home. But now, you will make the little detour.
You closed the message app and opened maps app, searching for the nearest candy store.
Ranpo was in a need of pampering, sweets, praise, and hugs.
It was a good thing, that you have your backpack with you.
You returned home, your backpack was full of sweets and snacks. Without paying attention to others, you walked into your room.
The Purple Sign was on your bedroom door.
You walked into the room, closing the door behind you.
The warm lights were on. They weren't suitable for reading, but, they were perfect for creating safe, cozy environment.
They would work better, if the curtains were also closed.
Ranpo was laying on your bed. He put himself in a blanket burrito. His eyes were open, he was looking somewhere in the distance. He looked tired.
You walked to your bed, opened your backpack and start putting sweets, snacks and soda cans on your bed, right before Ranpo.
He blinked, focusing his gaze on the sweets.
You didn't say anything to Ranpo, choosing to go to the window instead. You closed the curtains.
Now the room was bathing in comforting warm lights.
You still were silent. You got to your special shelf, opening the drawer with Ranpo's name on it.
You took a gaming console and a basket with fidget toys.
You put both items before Ranpo.
Finally, you took your beanbag from the corner of the room and put it before your bed. You sat down in it, waiting for Ranpo to do something.
Ranpo slowly sat up on the bed. He grabbed a bag of chips and opened it. In one hand, he took a stress ball from the basket. He started squeezing it. With the second hand, he took a chip.
For a few minutes he was enjoying his snacks, playing with various fidget toys.
From time to time, you were observing Ranpo with a corner of an eye, making sure not to stare, making Ranpo uncomfortable, and giving him space.
You heard, how Ranpo stand up from your bed. A bunch of unopened snacks and gaming console were put on the floor near your beanbag. Then Ranpo sat on your lap, holding into you, like a koala.
Despite not having many muscles, Ranpo can give a bear hugs, if he wants to.
You hugged him in return, putting one hand between his shoulder blades and put the second one on the top of his head.
You two were still silent. A few more minutes passed. Ranpo lose his grip on you and took a bag of candy from the floor. He put the bag between you two.
"Have them with me..." his voice was firm, but quiet. You nodded, taking a candy from the bag.
A bag of candy, few snacks and a soda later, Ranpo spoke again.
"The work was hard today. They again didn't like, that I was right. They were rude. On my way home, I broke the snake toy you gave me..."
Fidget snake was one of the many fidget toys you get for Ranpo. It has a segmented body and segment jiggle quietly, each time the snake was moved.
Ranpo, as everyone from BSD Cast, had some difficulties with getting used to the real world. So, you get Ranpo fidgets, to help him, if he got overwhelmed.
Lively Real World was too much of a contrast, in comparison to Almost Empty BSD Yokohama.
As for work...
"Private Investigation Bureau" (a.k.a. Armed Detective Agency, but without copyright infringement) quickly gained popularity in this town, including among the police.
And, of course, Ranpo was the most popular detective.
And, unfortunately, one of the most despised by the officers.
For police, Ranpo can be described by two titles: "Great Detective" and "Up tied Bastard".
Ranpo was admired by his logic, smarts and skills. But, he was also "despised" for his attitude. Ranpo was snarky, has sharp tongue and huge ego.
Of course, Ranpo was more than a detective manchild. Ranpo was a good, loyal friend. He has a golden heart underneath the layer of "he is a jerk".
To be fair, Ranpo wasn't rude, he simply ignored other officers and didn't call them "idiots". But, he likes to boast about his skills (and he had said skills).
Everyone, who try to learn Ranpo a little more, soon will learn, of how good of a person he was. Unfortunately, his new "colleagues" didn't want to know "Mr. Know-it-All" better. They made their mind and didn't want to change it. Even their thanks for Ranpo's job was fake and delivered through clenched teeth.
Ranpo didn't show it. But he was hurt by whispers behind his back.
He didn't care about their opinion. But Ranpo wanted to be part of the Real World.
You put a hand on Ranpo's cheek, making him look at you.
"Mother of lost child you have fond, almost choked you in her embrace. She was more than grateful for your work. She was grateful to you."
Ranpo remains silent.
"She wasn't the only one. Elderly couple, whose money were stolen, man, whose innocence you proved, teacher, whose car was hijacked, and much more people... You saved them, helped them. If it wasn't for your skills, they will either have to wait, before culprits were found, or won't receive any justice."
A small smile appeared on Ranpo's face.
"As for officers... They are jealous idiots, don't pay attention to them. Don't sweat over people, who won't appreciate your skills... And don't worry about the snake, you can take another fidget you want. Or I can buy you a new one."
Ranpo's smile turned into a grin.
"Right! They are little idiots, who needs The Greatest Detective in the World to do their job faster!"
Ranpo crashed you in another bear hug.
"And The Greatest Assistant of The Greatest Detective in the World are leagues above their assistants!" proclaimed detective.
You can't help, but smile. Ranpo was back to his normal self. Meanwhile, he hopped from your lap, grabbed the gaming console from the floor, kissed your cheek and pointed at your bed with his chin.
"Come on, Sweet Assistant, let's play some games, eat snacks and cuddle. We deserve it! Me for being great, you for being you."
You stand up.
"Of course, Master Detective, your plans are great as always."
Ranpo fall asleep e the middle of the game, with his head on your chest. You cleaned your bed from empty bags as much as you can, without waking Ranpo. You managed to put blanket around you two.
You fall asleep, petting Ranpo's hair.
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What if the reader had Mitsuri's demon slayer strength and Tanjiro Kamado's personality?
AND Have you had water yet? Have a great week 😃👋
Here you go. Thanks for your concern. Yes I have water today.
Thank you, I also hope you have a great week 🥰
Reader have Mitsuri's strength and Tanjiro Kamado's personality
Slight! Self-Aware! Fukuzawa Yukichi x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Fukuchi Ouchi
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Warning: OOC. English is my second language
🐾 Before coming to your world, BSD Cast already knew, that you are kind.
🐾 But, in reality, you were even kinder.
🐾 Your eyes are so soft and gentle.
🐾 You are not afraid of asking for help.
🐾 The Gang already were planning to protect you. Now they are ready to double their efforts.
🐾 Some rascals may take an advantage of you and your kindness, so it's their duty to protect you.
🐾 One time, when you asked them to take a rest and don't worry so much, Junchirou proclaimed that they can't rest. "The strong must protect the sweet" he said.
🐾 How did he? Was it intentional or accidental?
🐾 You did hold yourself together and start laughing only when you were alone in your room.
🐾 At the end, you decide to let them do their thing. It seems, it wasn't really hard for your new friends to help you.
🐾 They saw you as an adorable little bunny.
🐾 Until one day.
This morning, you woke up because of sounds of arguing.
You yawn and get out of bed. You quickly wash your face, brush your teeth and change into your everyday clothes.
After the that, you finally went to the living room, where the sounds of the argument come from.
Fukuzawa Yukichi and Fukuchi Ouchi were arguing. Sigma was also there, looking for a way to break the argument. You came closer to Sigma, who was nervously looking from one male to another.
"Morning, Sigma. What's going on?" greeted you. Sigma smile at you.
"Good morning, [Y/N]. Fukuzawa-san and Fukuchi are arguing about... some events in the manga." Sigma looked uncomfortable. You rolled your eyes.
One of the first things you did, after BSD Cast got into your world, forbid characters from trying to start a showdown about events that occurred after they gained self-awareness and in which they were not directly involved.
But, you do know, that In case of Fukuchi it might be tricky.
So, just in case, you've confiscated Shintou Amenogozen from Fukuchi and hide it. You also made Fukuchi to take Holy Sword from the Bram. Stoker, after getting his body back, was exploring your world. (Was browsing The Internet and Watching TV with Aya).
But, even without his sword, Fukuchi still can start a fight. A verbal fight.
It doesn't seem, that Fukuzawa and Fukuchi will stop anytime soon.
You tried to break the fight. You stepped between two men.
"Okay, that's enough, you two. Let's not start the morning with fighting."
Both Fukuchi and Fukuzawa step back, but they still looked mad at each other.
"While I don't want this, [Y/N], but I can't just sit there and not try to settle our conflicts," Fukuzawa looked calmer, than before, but still, looked determined to start a fight.
"Yukichi, please..." you tried to reason with the silver-haired man, when you were interrupted.
"[Y/N], step aside, we will settle this," growls Fukuchi, trying to gently move you out of the way.
"Ouchi, stop, or I will go mad," you threatened, frowning at Fukuchi.
"Little Guiding Light, it's not like you can do anything to... Woah!" Fukuchi didn't expect to be picked up by you. You picked him up with one had and then picked up Fukuzawa with the other.
"I don't have a "Get Along Shirt", so you will have a "Get Along Human". To the dining room!" cheered you, and walked headed to the dining room. Sigma silently walked after you.
🐾 Let's just say, your entrance was epic. Their Kind, Adorable Little Bunny were holding Fukuzawa and Fukuchi above their head.
🐾 Everyone was shocked.
🐾 You were talking about your strength during breakfast. Yes, you have it from the day you were born. No, It's not an ability. Yes, that's why you eat so much. No, you don't want to start boxing for money.
🐾 Now BSD characters knew, that you can take care of yourself. But still, they want to protect you. They don't want something sweet to be corrupted by someone evil.
🐾 On the side note, now you are training with Fukuzawa and Fukuchi from time to time.
🐾 Some characters may start arguing on purpose, so you will carry them.
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Family love(less). Chapter I
Self-Aware! Platonic! Yandere! BSD Characters x GN!Child! Reader
Self-Aware! Platonic! Yandere! Yukichi Fukuzawa x GN! Child! Reader
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Chapter description: you woke up in unfamiliar place. Fukuzawa promise to keep your safe.
Warning: OOC. Platonic Yandere. Mental abuse. English is my second language.
[<Previous ll Masterlist ll Next>]
A/N: Merry Christmas, everyone! 🎄🎅🧑‍🎄🤶☃️
Chapter I. Bodyguard's memories
The Park was quiet. No children's laughter. No adults talking with each other. No birds singing.
Only wind's howling.
But the Park wasn't completely empty.
There were six people.
Fukuzawa Yukichi, the bodyguard. President of the Armed Detective Agency in the future. Right now, a bodyguard, again.
He was cradling you. You were sleeping soundly, nested against Fukuzawa's chest.
On the ground were laying four of your relatives. Four people, on punishing whom Fukuzawa, Oda, Ranpo and Natsume insisted personally.
Three of your cousins. Their father, your uncle. Four people, who tortured them.
And who hurt and abused you.
Fukuzawa breath through his teeth. Your so-called family personified everything he (and others) hated.
Fukuzawa cradle you closer to his chest and walked towards the bench.
He kicked your uncle on his way. Their revenge will start, only after you and your relatives woke up, yet, Fukuzawa couldn't help it. After quick thinking, Fukuzawa kicked your uncle a few more times.
The man on the ground groan in pain, yet, didn't wake up. Slightly satisfied, Fukuzawa sat on the bench.
He, after making sure, that you are comfortably cradled in his arms, he started to think.
He had some time, before all of you wake up.
Three months ago. After another session of "Read BSD together" video call.
Fukuzawa was sitting in his office. He was hiding his face in his hands.
The words of forsaken Real People rang in his ears.
"Fukuzawa is such a terrible character!"
"Agree! How could anyone like an old bag like him!"
"And this is the great swordsman? A babysitter for a bunch of kids!"
After word.
After word.
After insult.
After insult.
Aimed at him. Aimed at his detectives. At other organizations' members.
And with every insult come pain. With every insult, Fukuzawa felt, like he was drowning, teared apart. Tortured.
Fukuzawa can accept, that he and others can't be liked by everyone. And, while he despised of thinking about that, he understands, that not everyone will like stories about their life.
But this people hate all of them.
Hate them for simply existing.
For not reaching their expectations.
For being too kind, too cruel, too old, too young, too strict, too soft.
Fukuzawa hated Real People.
They only insulted them. Not even once Real People said something relatively nice about Fukuzawa or others. Only complaints and insults.
... Well, Readers said something nice about their looks from time to time. Yet, this comments didn't make the situation better.
"I am so tired of BSD. I can't even understand, why I still read it together with all of you!"
Fukuzawa, unheard to the real world, grumble under his nose.
"Then why are you still reading about us? If we bring to you only anger and boredom, why you torture both yourself and us?"
But, of course, no one answered Fukuzawa's question.
Fukuzawa's thoughts were interrupted by movement on his lap. You started to woke up.
You felt warm. Warm and safe. You were dreaming about being protected by someone.
But, it's just a dream, for sure. No one from your family would care enough to protect you.
You yawn, opened your eyes and looked around.
At the park. At Uncle Arnold, Rita, Monika and Rebecca, who were laying unconscious on the ground. And at Fukuzawa, who was looking at you, and his gaze was soft.
If it wasn't for Fukuzawa's grip, you would fell on the ground. But, bodyguard held you close, not letting you fall down and hurt yourself.
"Careful, kiddo, there's no need to be afraid." Fukuzawa's hand ruffle your hair.
"Who... Where... How?" almost squeaked you. You had no idea how you got here and what was going on. Fukuzawa continue ruffling your hair.
"Shh... Don't worry, you are safe here. Nothing is going to harm you, kiddo." His voice was shooting.
No one has ever talked to you with so much softness in their voice, or pet your head. Slowly, your fear disappeared. You sat still.
"Now, let's introduce ourselves to each other. I am Fukuzawa Yukichi. And you are?" Fukuzawa sound genuine curious.
he gives you no reason to think, that he already knew your name
"[Y/N]... Nice to meet you, sir" Mumble you under your breath. You were nervous, yet, you still remain polite. You don't want to be hit by Fukuzawa. Bodyguard chuckled.
"You have a nice name, kiddo. Say, what were you doing, sleeping on the streets?" Fukuzawa's eyes remains soft. You looked at the ground and shrugged.
"I don't know... I fall asleep in my bed. Woke up here." Fukuzawa chuckled, hold you closer to his chest and stands up.
"Well then, you can stay with me, for now. Let's find you something more suitable for walking down the streets." Fukuzawa takes a few steps towards the Park entrance, when you shake his shoulder.
"M-Mister Fukuzawa, but, my family are still here!" You point at four unconscious people on the ground. You looked down at them, feeling nervous. You knew, that they would ruin anything good, that is supposed to happen to you, yet, you were afraid of leaving them here. They would be mad at you.
they will hit you
You didn't notice Fukuzawa's glare, that he send towards your family.
The new person, who start reading about them, weren't that bad.
They were a child.
And a sweet one.
Soft-spoken. Kind.
And utterly adorable.
They were nice to all of them.
Not a single insult were thrown in their way. The new reader didn't feel even a speck of hate towards them.
Such a contrast, in comparison to the previous... Readers.
They start calling the new Reader Guiding Light. Their hope in this dark days.
Yet, the voices of previous Readers remained.
And this time, they were hating on Little Guiding Light.
This four weren't an exception. And, the man was Fukuzawa's enemy.
Yukichi's eyes shrink, when he looked at your uncle.
Arnold... Despicable being...
"Hey, Little Rat, are you still here? Shouldn't you be in a sewer with the rest of your kind?"
"[Y/N], don't try to act smart. You are dumber, then a donkey!"
"You useless clod! Your mother's should have get rid of you, when she had a chance!"
Fukuzawa wished, he could break the phone's screen, go to your world, destroy your family and, finally, give you the father's love you deserve.
But, for now, Fukuzawa can only wait.
Fukuzawa felt you shaking in his arms. Your voice sounded scared.
"P-please, we can't leave them."
'We can. They would leave you. They won't care about you. Stop caring about them only because you are related! Are you afraid, that they will punish you? Don't be! Your new father won't let them lay a finger on you!'
Fukuzawa wanted to say this.
Instead, he smiled.
It was the fakest smile in the world.
"Don't worry, kiddo, we won't be gone for long. I promise, that we will return in ten minutes. And, if they woke up before we return, then." Fukuzawa winks. "We will pretend, that we found them after they woke up. Deal?"
You looked at Fukuzawa and slowly nodded.
What remains of your childish curiosity has won.
Fukuzawa chuckled and walked towards the entrance.
The clothing shop wasn't far away from the Park, so, you quickly choose your new outfit.
There were no salespersons, but, Fukuzawa assured you, that it wasn't a problem, and he will simply leave money on the counter.
'There are no other people in this world, except you, kiddo, your older brother Ranpo, your second new father Natsume-sensei, your future new third father, Oda Sakunosuke and I, first of your new fathers. And your relatives? I don't consider them as humans.'
Fukuzawa didn't say this out loud. He didn't want to scare you by mentioning your family.
You were too nervous, you didn't want make Fukuzawa to spend money on you, but, swordsmen firmly insisted on getting you new clothes.
You choose a simple clothes, that was good enough for taking a walk. When you changed, Fukuzawa lead you back to the park. He assured you, that he did leave money on the counter.
He grasps your much smaller hand in his.
For the first time, an adult hold your hand, to make sure, that you won't get lost.
Was it normal to like Fukuzawa more, than your actual relatives?
You still don't know, how you get here.
But, right now, this place was better, then home.
When Fukuzawa and you returned, your uncle and cousins were awake.
Fukuzawa took a step forward, shielding you from your relatives.
People, who made him and others go through torture. People, who made your life miserable.
'You will never hurt my kid ever again.'
His revenge has officially begun.
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Self-Aware! BSD x SAGAU Imposter AU Crossover ideas. ADA Edition
Previous posts: [I] [II ] [IV] [V] [VI] [VII] [VIII] [IX]
🐯 Turns out, Nakajima Atsushi's ability had an interesting quirk. It makes tigers see Atsushi as one of them. Moreover, Atsushi is viewed as the dominant tiger. So, Atsushi can command tigers. He will order Rishboland Tigers to attack people, that hunt you down during Imposter Hunt. Will also bring you Rishboland Tigers cubs to play and cuddle.
📒 Kunikida Doppo will always stay near you. He will take care of you and insists on following the schedule. It actually helps you, because, you didn't have a peaceful routine when you were in Teyvat.
🩺 Yosano using her ability, so captured people of Teyvat can be punished again and again. She helps others during questioning.
Always near you, checking your health. Will buy you pretty clothes.
🌨️ Junchirou Tanizaki will use his ability to slowly drew people, who hunted you insane. Will create special illusions for you (favorite place, person). Will cook anything you want.
👩🏻 Naomi Tanizaki will be a spy. Will gather intel on 'Creator', on Teyvat people. Will keep you company, bringing gossip.
🍵 Kirako Haruno will be another spy. Will make you green tea.
🛏️ Turns out, Tayama Katai's ability works on Ruin machines of Khaenri'ah and King Deshret's mechanisms. Katai will make them attack capitals. It actually makes Teyvat people question the power of 'Creator'. If they can be overpowered by 'Imposter's' follower, are they really all-powerful?
🐄 Kenji Miyazawa is kept away from Teyvat. There is a possibility, that he will go on a rampage the moment he got there. Instead, he stays near you. He Will offer to do some gardening together.
🐰 Kyouka Izumi is also staying close to you. She is waiting for the right time to strike. She will ask Kouyou and Verlaine for more combat lessons. 
🕵🏻 Ranpo Edogawa makes a name for himself in Teyvat. After he became famous as a detective, he will start framing people. He will frame Ninguang for tax invasion, Kamisato siblings for slavery and Childe for murder.
Watch mystery TV series with you. Will share his candies with you. Will try to make you smile.
👘🗡️ Fukuzawa Yukichi became full-time bodyguard for you. Will drink tea with you and play with tiger cubs Atsushi brought. If needed, Fukuzawa will become an assassin again.
🪢🦀 Dazai Osamu is using all his intelligence to destroy Teyvat nations. He is planning to choke 'Creator' with his own hands. 
He will stay close to you. Dazai will tell you jokes, will cuddle with you and do anything he can, to make you smile.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms
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Self-Aware BSD Requests. Masterlist
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Because Main Masterlist reached link limit, I moving Requests to their own Masterlist.
When they learned, that you have similar trauma. Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu x GN!Reader (Slight Self-aware! Oda Sakunosuke x GN!Reader)
Party crashed (Self-Aware! Edgar Allan Poe x GN! Reader)
Finding out, that user are a teen (Platonic! Self-Aware! BSD characters x GN! Teen! Reader)
When you came to their world (Self-Aware! BSD Characters x GN!Reader)
Your dream matters (Self-Aware! Platonic! Edgar Allan Poe x GN! Teen! Shy! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Oda Sakunosuke. Slight! Self-Aware! Platonic! Fyodor Dostoevsky x GN! Teen! Shy! Reader)
Sequel. Reunion (Self-Aware! Platonic! BSD Characters x Teen! Reader)
My little guardian (Self-Aware! Platonic! Dazai Osamu x GN! Child! Abused! Reader) Small Add-on
Self-Aware! Hunting Dogs x GN!Reader (Headcannons) Bonus
The Real You (Self-Aware! Platonic! BSD Characters x GN! Teen! Neglected! Reader)
Recast (Self-Aware! Mori Ogai x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Strictly Platonic! Elise)
Reader have Mitsuri's strength and Tanjiro Kamado's personality (Slight! Self-Aware! Fukuzawa Yukichi x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Fukuchi Ouchi)
Self-Aware! Decay of Angels x GN! Reader (Headcannons)
Finding out, that you are a child (Self-Aware! Platonic! Dazai Osamu x GN! Child! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Chuuya Nakahara)
We will protect you (Self-Aware! Atsushi Nakajima x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Akutagawa Ryunosuke)
You are happy, and that's the most important thing (Platonic! Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu x Fem! Reader x Platonic! Self-Aware! Kunikida Doppo x Self-Aware! Platonic! Fyodor Dostoevsky)
When you are a famous streamer/model (Self-Aware! BSD Characters x Male! Model! Streamer! Reader)
When you like to sing (Self-Aware! BSD characters x GN! Reader)
My favourite (Poe Edition) (Self-Aware! Edgar Allan Poe x GN! Reader)
Venti-Like! GN! Reader (Self-Aware! Chuuya Nakahara x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu, Self-Aware! Nikolai Gogol x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Sigma) Part II
My baby brother (Self-Aware! BSD Characters x Male! Reader)
It is not your fault (Self-Aware! Platonic! Chuuya Nakahara x GN! Abused! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Kouyou Ozaki) [TW: Non-descriptive SA (psychological (photos, comments, forced looking at nudity) and physical (forced touching)). Mentions, without clarification or NSFW language. Mentions of drugs. Reader think that it's their fault [IT'S NOT AND IT WILL NEVER BE]. The bastard gets what he deserves. Soft protective platonic yandere. English is my second language.]
They heard The Monster (Self-Aware! Platonic! BSD Characters x Fem! Teen Mother! Reader) [TW: Forsed Pregnancy. Teen pregency. Bastard, who is interested in underage girls. Struggling of a teen mother. Bastard's fate is worse than death.]
Some questions
More questions
More questions Part III
More questions Part IV
Baked goods (Self-Aware! Platonic! Ranpo Edogawa x GN! Teen! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Sigma)
My favourite (Teruko edition) (Self-Aware! Teruko Okura x GN! Reader)
Mitsuri-Like! Reader (Slight! Self-Aware! Platonic! Kyuusaku Yumeno x GN! Mitsuri-Like! Reader)
Kitsune! Reader (Self-Aware! BSD Character x GN! Kitsune! Reader)
Baking pancakes (Fitzgerald and Kyuusaku)
When you are a big Soukoku fan (Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Chuuya Nakahara)
You don't need blood to be a family (Self-Aware! Platonic! Hunting Dogs x GN! Teen! Reader)
Starry eyes (Self-Aware! BSD Characters x GN! Reader)
When you are the same height as Chuuya (Self-Aware! Platonic! Chuuya Nakahara x GN! Short! Teen! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic Dazai Osamu)
Short Ideas Part I
I am aware that you are aware (Self-Aware! BSD Characters x GN! Reader)
Circus Hop Self-Aware! Platonic! Dazai Osamu x GN! Teen! Suicidal! Reader Warning: Mentions of Suicide, Suicide attempt. Parental Neglect. Emotional abuse. Terrible parents. Self-harm. Breakdown. English is my second language
The Fifth Descender, The Sixth Descender, The Seventh... Where did you all came from? (Self-Aware! BSD Characters x GN! Sixth Harbinger! Reader)
Gothic Lolita (Self-Aware! Platonic! BSD Characters x GN! Teen! Gothic Lolita! Reader)
Tea parties
Scaramouche! Male! Reader
Transported in chibi forms
How Dazai would react on Real Life Dazai's grandchildren
Big fan (Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu x GN!) Reader
About Mori
Reader, who are always hungry
Reader's OC
Relationship between BSD Cast and Reader
No pats (Self-Aware! Platonic! Edgar Allan Poe x GN! Child! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Akutagawa Ryunosuke)
On the roof (Self-Aware! Platonic! BSD Characters x GN! Teen! Traumatized! Reader. Trigger warning: Suicide attempt. Abuse. Child abuse. Kidnapping. Assault. Attempted murder.) Follow up
Kenji's cow
Teen! Reader sneak to a party
Reader have an accent
Reader play Gummy Bear Song
Not a childish hobby (Self-Aware! Platonic! BSD Characters x Fem! Teen! Reader)
Music Duo (Self-Aware! Fyodor Dostoevsky x GN! Reader)
Single Father! Reader (Self-Aware! BSD Characters x Male! Single Father! Reader)
Denji! Teen! Reader (Self-Aware! Platonic! BSD Characters x GN! Platonic! Denji! Teen! Reader)
Masks we were forced to wear (Sort of! Self-Aware! Yosano Akiko x GN! Traumatized! Reader/Warning: English is my second language. AU - World of Tech-magical Progress. Film Industry Abuse (Reader are forced to be filmed, forced to act like Nicole) Mentions of heavy topics (drugs, shooting). Open finale.)
BSD Cast at the Indian wedding Part II
Reader are genderfluid and aroace
Stoic! Teen! Reader
Teen! Short! Male! Reader with medical problems
If GL are a criminal
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Yukichi Fukuzawa (self-aware)
Self-Aware! Yukichi Fukuzawa x GN! Reader
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Warning: Yandere. OOC. Spoilers for "The Untold Origins of the Detective Agency". Fukuzawa doesn't like you at first. Overprotective Fukuzawa. English is my second language.
Becoming self-aware
👘🗡️ Fukuzawa Yukichi is a stoic man. Fukuzawa Yukichi is a swordsman. Fukuzawa Yukichi was an assassin. Fukuzawa Yukichi was a bodyguard. Fukuzawa Yukichi is a President of the Armed Detective Agency. And, apparently, he never has been real.
👘🗡️ It takes everything for Fukuzawa not to lose himself.
👘🗡️ Was his previous life a lie? Were the lives of his workers a lie too?
👘🗡️ What about other Yokohama citizens? Are ADA members the only ones who gained self-awareness? Are they the only ones who stayed in this cursed place?
👘🗡️ Fukuzawa wanted to scream. He wanted to do something, anything, to stop this real life nightmare.
👘🗡️ But there is no point in grieving. ADA need him to be strong.
👘🗡️ Fukuzawa ordered everyone to travel in pairs. After taking a quick look at other floors and finding them empty, Fukuzawa ordered to move living quarters into the ADA building.
👘🗡️ The first day was hard. The next ones wasn't easier.
👘🗡️ Atsushi was afraid of been alone. Kunikida was a husk of his former self. Yosano was ready to destroy anyone who crossed her path. Junchirou put all his efforts in looking after Naomi. Naomi was avoiding all of them. Kirako was behaving like a robot. Katai was working day and night. Kenji tried to stay positive, but he also was lost. Kyouka was ready to become a killer again, if it helps the agency. Ranpo was working as much as he can. And, while each time he couldn't find something useful, Ranpo pretended not to be bothered by it, Fukuzawa still could see, that Ranpo became sadder and sadder. Dazai was aloof and closed off.
👘🗡️ Fukuzawa saw his workers distress. He could see their pain. And he can't do anything to ease their pain.
👘🗡️ He talked to them. Offered a shoulder to cry on. But it wasn't enough.
👘🗡️ He tried to be strong for them. But, time to time, he almost broke.
👘🗡�� The news, that they weren't the only one, who is self-aware, were... good. At some extent. At least, there were other people.
👘🗡️ And then, one day, he feels an entity's gaze on him.
It was watching...
It was observing...
It was not something familiar...
Years of training have sharpened Fukuzawa's senses.
They were sharp enough to observe The Entity in return.
Fukuzawa is patient. He is observing The Entity. He is waiting for its first move.
Fukuzawa was an assassin. He still remembers, how to follow his target. But he can't follow this target.
He trusts his guts and years of training. He is sure, that he is not mistaken. Fukuzawa was sure, that this thing isn't there. The Entity is hiding in a different world.
When Atsushi asked if they have felt someone's gaze on them, Fukuzawa answered, that he has felt it.
Others have felt it too. Their conditions became worse. Most of his workers became angrier.
All because of This Entity.
Fukuzawa is trying harder to find a way to The Entity. To this strange emotionless thing.
When he will find it, he will make sure this creature will be destroyed.
He won't let this thing poison his workers lives anymore.
And then time resets.
And Fukuzawa, once again, was thirty-two-years-old bodyguard, whose last client were assassinated.
When they start feeling your presence
👘🗡️ At first, Fukuzawa was just standing there. At first glance, he looked calm. But in reality, he was enraged, he was scared, he was lost.
👘🗡️ He felt The Entity's gaze again. But in a second, the ominous presence disappeared.
👘🗡️ Instead, he felt, like something was floating above him.
👘🗡️ Fukuzawa looked up. A blob of light. A small, shapeless blob of light. He can tell, that it is The Entity. Of course, it wasn't its real form. And he heard a voice. Just a whisper, that came from the blob.
"young..." "cool..." "strong..."
👘🗡️ Then blob gently lowered itself and settled on Fukuzawa's head. The Blob seems happy.
👘🗡️ And Fukuzawa felt its happiness. Fukuzawa felt, like he just drank some good tea.
👘🗡️ Okay... He didn't expect this. Fukuzawa was puzzled. This Entity has emotions? And it decides to become a light blob.
👘🗡️ Fukuzawa tries to touch the blob. But his fingers passed through it. And Blob doesn't seem to notice Fukuzawa's actions.
👘🗡️ Fukuzawa decided to go to the company of his late client. He needs to meet Ranpo.
👘🗡️ And like this, with a light blob on his head, Fukuzawa was on his way.
👘🗡️ When Fukuzawa arrived, he, once again, had to preform an impossible movement, just to get to the room with the caught assassin.
👘🗡️ Fukuzawa heard, that Entity spoked again. This time, the voice was louder, but not really clear.
"Fukuzawa [||||||||||] awesome! [|||||||||||||] bodyguard ever!"
👘🗡️ The Blob on his head purred. It was... cute.
👘🗡️ During the next few minutes, Blob, once again, was floating above him, above young assassin, above secretary, above Ranpo.
👘🗡️ Fukuzawa noticed, that, he was the only one, who can see the Blob.
👘🗡️ During their talk in a café, Blob were floating above them.
👘🗡️ After secretary's crimes were exposed, and Fukuzawa agreed to treat Ranpo, he asked, if Ranpo heard The Entity. Ranpo confirmed that yes, he has heard them.
👘🗡️ For the first time, since Fukuzawa learned about The Entity's existence, he felt calm. They... don't seem bad. Simply curious. Not malicious.
👘🗡️ Fukuzawa and Ranpo finally went to the theater, where Fukuzawa's next job should be.
👘🗡️ When he met Ranpo for the first time, Fukuzawa was so irritated by the child's behavior, he thought about fifty-one ways of getting rid of him. Fukuzawa hoped, that this time, Ranpo would be less annoying. He was mistaken.
👘🗡️ Not only Ranpo was as annoying as before, The Blob was laughing. The Blob seems amused by Ranpo's behavior. Fukuzawa felt exhausted.
👘🗡️ At the end of their walk, Fukuzawa had thought about thirty ways of getting rid of the Blob. And he proclaimed it loudly, pointing at it. Ranpo looked confused, but didn't ask any questions.
👘🗡️ When Ranpo was kidnapped, and Fukuzawa was looking for him, he could feel The Entity's worry and fear.
👘🗡️ When Fukuzawa was lecturing Ranpo, The Entity was also lecturing him
👘🗡️ The Entity were never evil... Fukuzawa was grateful, that he learned it before he can seriously hurt The Blob... Little Light.
👘🗡️ The time 'resets again'. Fukuzawa 'woke up' in the ADA office. Atsushi's entrance exam just ended a moment ago.
👘🗡️ Days passed. Slowly, others became back to normal. As Fukuzawa learned from talks, The Entity was praising them. They were crying with them. They were treating them like humans.
👘🗡️ And one more thing were new there.
👘🗡️ The Light Blob, that were floating above them. And, again, others didn't notice it.
👘🗡️ Now it didn't stay with Fukuzawa for long. He wished, that Little Light will stay with him longer. He wished, he heard their voice again.
👘🗡️ Ranpo has discovered, that Little Light is normal human.
👘🗡️ The next day, Dazai started a meeting in Fukuzawa's office. Dazai confessed, that he also can see Little Light Blob. If one feels Guiding Light presence long enough, they start seeing the Little Light Blob. Dazai offered to start working on finding a way to Their Guiding Light. That's how Dazai called them.
👘🗡️ Fukuzawa and the rest of ADA agree.
👘🗡️ ADA has decided to find a way to their world. So they can be near them.
👘🗡️ And then, Atsushi and Kyouka were kidnapped by Port Mafia again.
"A comrade is in danger. We need to rescue him. Is there some weightier logic in the world which trumps that?"
Fukuzawa Yukichi felt, how Light Blob flew closer to him. He heard the voice.
"kind" "true leader" "everyone is safe with him"
"Fukuzawa, you are a great leader. All ADA members are safe with you. You will never let them be hurt. I think, they are very lucky to have such a kind and loyal man as their leader."
Little Light flew closer to Fukuzawa and pet his shoulder.
[In reality, you carefully pet the manga panel with Fukuzawa on it.]
👘🗡️ When Dazai offers to arrange a meeting between Fukuzawa and Ougai Mori, Fukuzawa agrees. They need more people. More people to find a way to Their Guiding Light.
👘🗡️ The meeting was a success. After hearing about working together with finding a way to the real world, to Their Guiding Light, Mori immediately agrees.
👘🗡️ Some time passed. The Guild joined them. And Rats. And DOA. And Hunting Dogs. And The Government.
👘🗡️ All of them were together. Joined their forces in finding a way to you.
And then, one day, during one of their meetings, the purple moon shined above Yokohama.
When you installed BSD Mayoi Inu Kaikitan
👘🗡️ Fukuzawa will be the first, who will try to raise the chance of getting his card from the scout.
👘🗡️ Soon, you will have all your Fukuzawa cards with max level skill.
"This SR Summer Festival Fukuzawa card looks good"
"Wow, Fukuzawa's skill deals so much damage"
"I like when I see Fukuzawa's sprite in The Office"
👘🗡️ When BSD gang will gain access to the rest of your phone, Fukuzawa will find information about dangers in your world. He can't allow anyone to hurt you. You are under his protection. He is your bodyguard. He will keep you safe.
👘🗡️ Likes to look at cat videos, cat pictures and cat memes with you.
👘🗡️ Last time, he touched the Little Light, hie couldn't do it. But he will get this chance, when they will go to your world. He wants to touch your face. To feel, that you are real.
👘🗡️ Fukuzawa Yukichi was a bodyguard. And for you, he will become him again. Fukuzawa Yukichi is a President of the Armed Detective Agency. And he will use his authority to help you. And Fukuzawa Yukichi soon will be real. Others soon will be real. Real, as you are. Their Guiding Light.
You finally get a new Fukuzawa card. When you finish level it up, you saw a notification from the "Gift Box".
It was a note from Fukuzawa. With Awakening materials attached to it.
"[Y/N], I hope that you are safe. Please, be careful. The world is a dangerous place. I wish I could protect you. Fukuzawa Yukichi"
You smile and open Fukuzawa'd card again. You carefully pet sprite's shoulder.
"Thank you, Fukuzawa. I am grateful, that you want to protect me. Perhaps, one day, you could do it."
You didn't notice, that Fukuzawa's eyes shine with dangerous light.
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