#San Francisco expo 2023
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Finally after nearly a decade of wanting to meet THE Peter Cullen, I achieved my dream! He was so wonderful and kind and I could tell he was in awe of how many people were so happy to meet him and express how much himself and his work means to us
Also he’s like everyone’s favorite grandpa and he has a great sense of humor
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fuckyeahelijahwoodfan · 6 months
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Hobbits are such wonderful people 💖 ❤️
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michaelgabrill · 6 months
Connect with NASA at FAN EXPO San Francisco 2023
Connect your sci-fi fandom and learn about how NASA explores the unknown in space for all humanity! Join experts and engagement team members from NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley at FAN EXPO San Francisco 2023. Visit the exhibit, panels, and more to hear about NASA’s plans for human exploration at the Moon and […] from NASA https://ift.tt/yFXO0jg
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kitkatcodes · 1 year
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Virtual Tech Events ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
Tech events are a great way to learn, network, and meet other people who are interested in the same things as you! I've compiled a short list of virtual & hybrid events that are happening soon and seem interesting. ❥
RSA Conference SF ($$$$) Apr. 24 - 27, 2023 I recommend researching for student/company sponsorships, some companies like HackerOne are offering free expo passes ☆ Join cybersecurity leaders and peers as we explore our critical role in ensuring a more secure future. Access expert-led sessions, Keynotes, in-depth Trainings, and more.
Developer Week Europe (€100) Apr. 26-27, 2023 there are discounts available for student, gov, groups ☆ DeveloperWeek Europe 2023 is the hub of the Europe developer community: We will be showcasing 100+ technical speakers from Europe and the world’s top technology companies and corporate engineering teams, inviting 3,000+ attendees from over 1,000+ companies to take part in Europe’s largest developer & engineering conference & expo.
Reactathon San Francisco (free virtual) May 2-3, 2023 ☆ If you're looking for a technical conference on React & the modern frontend ecosystem, look no further than Reactathon. We facilitate conversations around the latest topics, technologies, and various skill levels to help you find the people & subjects that are most meaningful for you. You will learn from some of the leading engineers in the field who present on stage in a single track, with plenty of opportunities to meet & discuss with those speakers and other experts including library maintainers, core-contributors, & sponsor companies working on interesting & relevant problems.
Women in Tech Global Conference (free to $$$) May 9-12, 2023 prices vary based of student, group, vip and scholarships ☆ ​​​​​​This hybrid conference will bring women in tech, minorities and allies from all over the world together through an interactive platform featuring live educational & training content, keynotes, engaging panels, breakout rooms, technical workshops, and networking with virtual and in-person sessions.
Product Day by ADPList ($10) May 10, 2023 ☆ From career success tips to future trends, covering some of the hottest spaces 24hrs non-stop. We bring you 80+ live keynote and thematic networking sessions in design and product. You will experience an extraordinary lineup of contents with a bevy of entertainment.
Signal hosted by Twilio (free) Aug. 23, 2023 ☆ SIGNAL product sessions where you'll see case studies of industry-leading customer engagement from Twilio’s customers and deep dive product demos from Twilio experts. This year, we’ll focus on products for data-driven customer relationships like Segment and Engage, the cloud contact center Flex, Messaging, and building a customer engagement platform through Twilio.
Unfortunately, not all of these events are for free. However, most of the time there will be a way to get discounted or free admission! I recommend checking around on the event sites you want to attend but aren't free for scholarship, volunteer, or discount links. I also recommend checking in with your school or work manager they may have funds saved to send you to these events! example of a "convince your manager" email you can send [。♥‿♥。]ノ
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Full panel with Sean Astin, Billy Boyd, Elijah Wood and Dominic Monaghan at San Francisco Fan Expo November 25, 2023.
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sunnydaleherald · 6 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, November 24
ANGEL: Look, I can't do this anymore. SPIKE: Admitting defeat, are you? ANGEL: You and me. This isn't working out. SPIKE: (mock hurt) Are you saying we should start annoying other people?
~~A Hole in the World~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Sweet Tooth by veronyxk84 (Buffy/Spike, ensemble, PG-13)
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The Thanksgiving Catastrophe by forsaken2003 (Xander/Spike, T)
Breakfast by RandomPizzaEater (Buffy/Spike, G)
Conversations Beyond the Edge of the Galaxy by Shadowfax (bagheerita) (multiple crossovers, Angel, T)
Unravelling by fatalfae (Lorne, Angel/Buffy, T)
Lie Still by Shadowfax (bagheerita) (Wesley, T)
Please Don't Take My Sunshine Away by Shadowfax (bagheerita) (Illyria, Fred/Wesley, T)
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Sweet Tooth by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, anthology rated R)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Shadowed Suspicion Chapter 402 by madimpossibledreamer (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure fusion, Giles, Wesley, Willow, Teen)
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The Neighbor's Point of View, Ch. 58 by the_big_bad (Buffy/Spike, PG)
California Sun, Ch. 11 by To Be Hers (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Goodbye to Everything That I Knew, Ch. 9 by fortes775 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Dead End Plots, Ch. 20 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Freak Show, Ch. 7 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Fates Intertwined: A Second Chance, Ch. 8 by Spikelover4ever (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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When Ethan Rayne made Rambo, Ch. 7 by SplitEnz (Rambo crossover, Xander, FR15)
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The More the World is Changing, the More it Stays the Same - Chapter 1 by the_widow_twankey (Angel/Spike, M)
Dusk Rising, Ch. 26 by HappyWhenItRains (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Cherry On Top, Ch. 1 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Gifset of hugs by andremichaux (Buffy & Willow, worksafe)
Gifset: Mad Woman — Taylor Swift by detectivedawnsummers (Drusilla, Angel, Angelus, Darla, possibly NSFW due to shirtless torture scene)
Meme: serving cunt/nothing/clown in a depressed/neutral/cheerful way: an alignment chart by dyke-o-matic ()
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Drawing: Buffy saving Dean Winchester by gleafer (Supernatural crossover, worksafe)
My Updated Sunnydale High in the Sims 4 by mrsnikki88 ()
[Community Announcements]
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Interest check for recreating the Spangel Fan Fiction group from Yahoo! Groups on a different platform by the original mod, stpony
[Fandom Discussions]
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Wesley's Relationships (cont'd) by RachM
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Star Trek References in Buffy? by ImportantAd4006
Assemble your ideal Scooby Gang + HQ by Stellz04
PCP and the 90s by PutTheKettleOn20
bit confused on the season 5 finale by b3_k1nd_rw1nd
What was Faith thinking in Who Are You? by sigdiff
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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James Marsters FAN EXPO San Francisco 2023 Reports, Pics & Videos via dontkillspike
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diarioelpepazo · 1 month
Marcano Trillo, "Dumbo" Fernández, "Conejo" Fonseca y Oscar García serán exaltados el 28 de abril Ya hay fecha para que el Salón de la Fama del Beisbol zuliano inmortalice la Clase 2023, que conforman Jesús Marcano Trillo, Enrique "Conejo" Fonseca, Ramón "Dumbo" Fernández y Óscar García "Ventarrón", cuarteto de figuras que brillaron en la pelota regional y fuera del país, y que serán honrados el próximo 28 de abril, víspera del cumpleaños 90 de Luis Aparicio Montiel. Estoé “póquer” de grandes de la historia de la pelota zuliana fueron elegidos por un Comité especial conformado por 20 expertos, que emitieron su voto a la directiva del Salón de la Fama. “Ante la importancia de la fecha del cumpleaños número 90 de Luis Aparicio Montiel, el lunes 29 de abril, decidimos organizar nuestra ceremonia el domingo 28 para unirnos a esta gran celebración; porque Luis Aparicio Montiel, además de ser miembro del Salón de la Fama en Cooperstown y del Salón de la Fama del Beisbol venezolano, es parte de los primeros exaltados al templo de los inmortales de la pelota del Zulia”, indicó Giamberto Urdaneta, presidente del Salón de la Fama del Beisbol zuliano. “Es importante destacar que en nuestro acto solemne también le haremos honores a Luis Aparicio por su cumpleaños y a Víctor Davalillo, quien el pasado mes de diciembre falleció, y al ser el pelotero con unos números impresionantes, de los mejores en toda la historia del beisbol de Venezuela; no podemos pasar por el alto esta oportunidad para honrarlo también”, indicó vía telefónica Urdaneta. Clase 2023 Es bueno considerar que para poder ingresar al "cielo del béisbol zuliano" el postulado debe lograr acumular, como mínimo, el 75 por ciento de las preferencias de los votantes. En estas elecciones Enrique “Conejo” Fonseca fue el más votado, porque este "Héroes del 41" recibió el 88.41 por ciento de los votos, mientras que su compañero en aquel equipo campeón mundial, Ramón "Dumbo" Fernández, el ex grandeliga y ex aguilucho Many Trillo y el comentarista Oscar García, estuvieron presentes en el 78.94 por ciento de las papeletas. También se debe destacar que terminó muy cerca de hacer historia doña Lilia Silva de Machado, fundadora, junto a su familia, del equipo Águilas del Zulia, al terminar con 73,3%; a la espera de ver si en próximas votaciones puede superar el ya mencionado 75% de los votos. A finales del año pasado, tras conocerse el total de la votaci��n, el presidente de la institución declaró: "Nos sentimos muy contentos por esta selección. Sabemos que estamos en deuda con la historia, porque aún hay fuera muchas leyendas que deberían estar en el Salón de la Fama, pero es que el hecho de que en el Zulia existan tantas estrellas históricas hace que este proceso sea más largo de lo que muchos queremos. Pero cada año que pasa le vamos pagando a la historia y eso nos complace mucho". Estos son los exaltados El grandeliga Jesús Marcano Trillo “El Indio”, jugó siete años con las Águilas del Zulia y perteneció, por más de 20 campañas, al plantel técnico del conjunto zuliano. Con el equipo rapaz fue campeón en cinco campañas de la LVBP, como jugador y como coach; incluyendo dos Series del Caribe. En las Grandes Ligas jugó como segunda base para los Atléticos de Oakland (1973-74), los Cachorros de Chicago (1975-78, 1986-88), los Filis de Filadelfia (1979-82, con quienes ganó una Serie Mundial), los Indios de Cleveland (1983), los Expos de Montreal (1983), los Gigantes de San Francisco (1984-85) y finalmente para los Rojos de Cincinnati (1989). Ganó tres Guantes de oro y fue a cuatro Juegos de estrellas. Los Filis, por cierto, ya exaltaron a Many Trillo en el salón de la fama del equipo cuaquero. Enrique “Conejo” Fonseca fue un destacado pelotero, el último de los “Héroe del 41”, puesto que falleció en 2021, tras cumplir 103 años. Este derecho nació el 18 de septiembre de 1918, en Maracaibo, estado Zulia. Después de formar parte de aquella selección venezolana del 41, en la que fue uno de receptores de la selección, desarrolló una larga carrera como deportista aficionado.
Tuvo su anhelado debut en el béisbol profesional a los 28 años, en la temporada de 1946, la primera de la Liga Venezolana de Béisbol Profesional (LVBP). En ese circuito jugó para el Cervecería Caracas durante seis temporadas, de 1946 a 1950-1951. Se tomó un año sabático en la 1951-1952, para retirarse a los 34 años con el otro equipo de la capital, los Leones del Caracas, en la campaña 1952-1953. Ramón "Dumbo" Fernández fue un destacado serpentinero y también fue protagonista de los aclamados "Héroes del 41" y de los torneos domésticos de Maracaibo. En la LVBP brilló con los Leones del Caracas, teniendo la alta cifra para entonces de 7 victorias en dos campañas diferentes. También lanzó para el Magallanes y los Sabios de Vargas. Ramón Fernández igualmente jugó, de manera destacada, en los circuitos del Caribe de la República Dominicana y Puerto Rico, siendo un destacado lanzador en ambos países. Oscar García, el popular "Ventarrón" (se ganó ese remoquete por la velocidad que tenía, en su juventud, cuando participaba en pruebas de atletismo), fue parte del circuito radial de las Águilas del Zulia desde el nacimiento del equipo, junto a don Arturo Celestino Álvarez, entre otros. Cómo comentarista y voz comercial vivió y contó los grandes momentos de las Águilas en las primera tres décadas del conjunto, sobre todo, de aquel primer título rapaz en la pelota venezolana, en la campaña 1983-1984, que también se convirtió en el primer campeonato en la Serie del Caribe para las Águilas. Ya todo está listo para que las placas de estos cuatro personajes del beisbol zuliano reposen junto a la de los ya inmortalizados de la pelota del Zulia. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Prensa Museo
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collidingworldstv · 2 months
JAMES WILLIAM MOORE - Educator, Artist, Agent of Discussion
James William Moore is not only a much-sought after and admired educator, but he is also  an international lens-based artist known for his use of camp and kitsch aesthetics to create surreal and thought-provoking cinematic experiences through photography, video, projection mapping, and installations. Through his work, Moore appropriates politics, American pop culture, and everyday life creating a visual language that is both humorous and deeply meaningful.  He has always been drawn to the power of visual storytelling, as seen in his series Tilting at Windmills, Get a Clue, and Portrait of a Teller’s Fortune as he brings his imagination to life by combining fact and fantasy. To James, appropriation is not a dirty word. To him it is a word that has been much maligned over the years.  “However, when we aren’t appropriating cultures, the power of appropriation is limitless, “ said James.  “ To be honest, as much as kitsch and camp form the heart of my storytelling art practice, the soul of my artwork is appropriation.  Appropriation refers to taking something of someone else’s and making it our own. When I look back over my work, I see a heavy influence coming from artists like Cindy Sherman, René Magritte, Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Andy Warhol, and Edward Hopper.  Whether it’s a subconscious passion for architecture and mundane of Hopper, the vibrant storytelling with saturated imagery of diCorcia, or the sheer gaudiness of Warhol – I see the influence of these masters on my work.  Through my reverent appreciation of these artists, I appropriate their style, subject matter, visual composition, and techniques.” Moore completed his Master of Fine Art, with a concentration in photography, at San José State University.  He has taught photography at SJSU and Gavilan College.  He also led a workshop on Adobe Photoshop to assist with the City of San Jose’s Cultural History and Postcard Public Art Project.  His work has been seen in group shows, with highlights including: Clang, Clang Clang went the Trolley at Rayko Galleries’ SHOWCASE (2012, San Francisco), Spin Me ‘Round at Pacific Art League’s Carnevale (2010, Palo Alto), Alone with Dino at 1650 Gallery’s Dudes, Bros, & Gentlemen (2016, Los Angeles), Dances at Windmills at JJ&A PopUP Gallery’s Unconventional Urban Ballet (2014, Palm Springs) and selected images from Madame B’s Tarot Readings appearing at FotoNostrum (2023, Barcelona).  Moore’s solo show highlights include: 40 at Paragon Restaurant, Carnevale & Kimonos at Read Brown Salon (2016, Palm Springs), Get a Clue at San Jose State University’s Black Gallery (2020), and Madame B’s Tarot Readings at Jo Farb Hernandez Gallery.  His public art participation includes Red Obi from the Obon series in the Japantown Mural Project (2013, San Jose) and Judgement from the Madame B’s Tarot Readings series in Expo Metro’s Billboard Art Project (2023, Barcelona).
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theultimatefan · 4 months
FAN EXPO Philadelphia Returns May 3-5, With Lopez, Gunn, Day, McKenzie Among First Stars
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Fans of all things pop culture have marked their calendars for the return of FAN EXPO Philadelphia, set for May 3-5 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. With the show fewer than four months away, the guest roster for the pop culture extravaganza gets off to a huge start with the first nine standouts in what will be a star-studded lineup.
First to the post are headliners Mario Lopez (“Saved by the Bell,” “Access Hollywood”), Sean Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy, “Gilmore Girls”), Felicia Day (“The Guild,” “Dragon Age: Redemption”), Ben McKenzie (“Gotham,” “The O.C.”), Holly Marie Combs (“Charmed,” “Picket Fences”), Adam Savage (“MythBusters,” “Unchained Reaction”), Michelle Hurd (“Star Trek: Picard,” “Law & Order: SVU”), Sofia Boutella (Rebel Moon, The Mummy) and Jason Lee (“My Name is Earl,” The Incredibles).
Lopez first gained attention for his role as “A.C. Slater” on “Saved by the Bell” from 1989-1993 and its reboot in 2020-21. He also served as host for the syndicated entertainment newsmagazine shows “Extra” and “Access Hollywood.” He also starred in the police drama “Pacific Blue” and had a recurring role on the daytime drama “The Bold and the Beautiful.”
Gunn played "Kraglin" in Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) and its sequels in 2017 and 2023, as well as providing the physical performance via motion capture for "Rocket Raccoon" in the films plus Avengers: Infinity War, Endgame and Thor: Love and Thunder. He also portrayed "Kirk Gleason" throughout the seven-year run of "Gilmore Girls" among his 60+ acting credits.
Day has more than 100 credits, from films to TV series to voice work, with many highlights including a 66-episode run on “The Guild” and recurring spots on “Supernatural” and “Eureka.” She teamed with original series host Joel Hodgson for a five-year run on the recent iteration of “Mystery Science Theater 3000” and had her first big fandom exposure in a recurring role as “Vi” on “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.”
McKenzie, who portrayed the lead character “James Gordon” in the hit Fox TV show “Gotham,” was born in Austin, Texas, appearing in theater productions and a few TV shows including “The District,” “JAG” and “Mad TV” before the success of “The O.C.” launched him into stardom. His film roles have included Junebug opposite Amy Adams and 88 Minutes with Al Pacino. The University of Virginia graduate’s starring role in “Gotham,” which regularly hit nearly seven million weekly viewers, followed the Commissioner’s life before Batman came onto the scene.
Combs starred in "Charmed," which ran for eight seasons and has adopted a huge, loyal following since, as "Piper Halliwell," one of three witch sisters fighting evil in modern day San Francisco. That followed her breakout role in 88 episodes of the hit series "Picket Fences" and later led to appearances in more than 30 series and movies and a long run as "Ella Montgomery" on "Pretty Little Liars."
Savage, best known for his work as the co-host of the Discovery Channel series “MythBusters” and “Unchained Reaction,” has made his mark in the entertainment world as a special effects designer and fabricator, actor, educator, television personality and producer. His special effects work on such films as Space Cowboys (2000), Galaxy Quest (1999), Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999), Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002), The Matrix Reloaded (2003) and others earned him acclaim that led to the “MythBusters” gig and front-facing success.
Hurd has appeared in a wide variety of projects, notably in regular roles in “Star Trek: Picard,” “Blindspot,” “Hawaii Five-0,” “The Glades” and “Law & Order: SVU.” She had her first extended exposure as “Dana Kramer” on the daytime drama “Another World,” and last year co-starred opposite Jonathan Bennett and Cedric the Entertainer in the feature film The Plus One.
Boutella played the lead character in last year’s Netflix action-adventure feature Rebel Moon: Part One: A Child of Fire, a follow up to her role in “Rogue Heroes” a year earlier. She co-starred opposite Tom Cruise in the fantasy-adventure film The Mummy in 2017 and was also top billed in the science fiction drama Settlers and Prisoners of the Ghostland alongside Nicolas Cage and Nick Cassavetes in 2001 and the horror film Climax in 2018.
A native of Southern California, Lee is a photographer, producer, director, and actor. Having established a successful career as a professional skateboarder during the sport's pivotal late 80s and early 90s period, Lee would go on to pursue acting, which would lead to working in film, television, and voiceover, and with such directors as Kevin Smith, Lawrence Kasdan, Cameron Crowe and Rebecca Miller.
Single-Day Tickets, Three-Day Passes, Ultimate Fan and VIP Packages for FAN EXPO Philadelphia are available now. Advance pricing is available until April 18. More guest news will be released in the following weeks, including line-up reveals for additional headline celebrities, comic creator guests, voice actors and cosplayers.
Philadelphia is the eighth event on the 2024 FAN EXPO HQ calendar; the full schedule is available at fanexpohq.com/home/events/.
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8bitdigi · 6 months
Highlights from Fan Expo San Francisco 2023
From the artists to the meet-ups along with the insightful panels, these are the highlights of Fan Expo San Francisco 2023
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raisedbyanother · 6 months
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fuckyeahelijahwoodfan · 6 months
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Oh, the love Elijah has for his Samwise gamgee 😍♥️true friends
One friendship to rule them all
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spacenutspod · 6 months
1 min read SaSa Learning Activities Students of the 2022 SaSa class stand in a cockpit, learning from a NASA airman as part of a training module. Module 1 The first module starts with a two-week introductory summer workshop at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) and Howard University Beltsville Campus research facility in Beltsville, Maryland Immediately after the workshop, there is a one-week, hands-on training on remote sensing/satellite application to disaster monitoring (ex. smoke from forest fires, volcanic plumes, desert dust storms, chemical spills, tornadoes and hurricanes, etc.) using the Direct Broadcast System Antenna Receiving and Data Analyses System at Hampton University. Module 2 Students participate in a three-week field deployment based out of the NASA Wallops Flight Facility, where participants will be involved in all aspects of a scientific field campaign; from detailed planning for achieving mission objectives to flying on NASA aircraft and assisting in instrument operation and field validation at selected sites. Module 3 The final module is focused on processing and analyzing the collected field data and presenting early results to peers, mentors, and other stakeholders based at UMBC. Participants are provided academic advisement and mentorship support until graduation, to help improve student retention and assure timely progress to graduation. Share Details Last Updated Nov 22, 2023 Related Terms General Explore More 7 min read Science on Station: November 2023 Article 10 hours ago 2 min read SaSa NASA Partners Article 1 day ago 2 min read Connect with NASA at FAN EXPO San Francisco 2023 Article 1 day ago Keep Exploring Discover Related Topics Missions Humans in Space Climate Change Solar System
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hppyniiuye · 6 months
Xi's APEC trip to pilot China-U.S. ties, contribute to regional, global development
* Xi has stressed that China is ready to promote mutually beneficial cooperation with the United States based on the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation. "Under the current circumstances, China and the United States share more, not less, common interests," he said at the Bali meeting.
* Facts have proven that the mutually beneficial cooperation remains a strong driving force, and the foundation of people-to-people exchanges lies deep. To keep communication open and increase exchanges holds the key to improving China-U.S. relations.
* Xi's attendance at the upcoming China-U.S. summit and the APEC gathering will hopefully secure more comprehension of China's growth story, helping the world garner more drivers for development by drawing on China's modernization.
BEIJING, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- At the invitation of U.S. President Joe Biden, Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend a China-U.S. summit meeting, and the 30th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting scheduled for next week in San Francisco.
In the face of complex international landscapes and at a time when China-U.S. relations are at a critical crossroads, Xi's upcoming travel to the United States has drawn worldwide attention.
As the world's two largest economies, China and the United States, with their interests closely interwoven, account for more than one-third of the global economy, nearly a quarter of the world's population, and about one-fifth of global trade.
Head-of-state diplomacy plays an irreplaceable strategic role in growing bilateral ties. Last November, Xi and Biden met in Bali, Indonesia, and reached a series of important common understandings.
Xi has stressed that China is ready to promote mutually beneficial cooperation with the United States based on the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation. "Under the current circumstances, China and the United States share more, not less, common interests," he said at the Bali meeting.
China always believes that the common interests of China and the United States far outweigh their differences, and the respective success of China and the United States is an opportunity rather than a challenge to each other, Xi said.
Deeming peace and U.S.-China cooperation critical, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger holds that partnership between the two countries is in the interests of the two and the world at large.
In the first half of this year, China-U.S. relations went through twists and turns. The U.S. words and deeds harming China's interests have all seriously deviated from the track set by the two presidents.
Since June this year, senior U.S. officials including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo have visited China in succession. The talks between China's special envoy for climate change Xie Zhenhua and his U.S. counterpart, John Kerry, in California reached positive outcomes. The two countries have set up economic and financial working groups and other exchange mechanisms.
At the end of October, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited the United States, met with Biden and held talks with U.S. political, strategic and business communities figures. He Lifeng, vice premier of the State Council and Chinese lead person for China-U.S. economic and trade affairs, is visiting the United States from Nov. 8 to 12.
For the first time, the United States sent a high-level official delegation to the just-concluded sixth China International Import Expo (CIIE). High-level interactions have been on the increase, and bilateral relations have shown positive signs of stabilizing.
The foundation of China-U.S. relations lies in the people. From U.S. entrepreneurs visiting China, to "Bond with Kuliang: 2023 China-U.S. People-to-People Friendship Forum," and from the delegation of U.S. Flying Tigers visiting China, to the fifth China-U.S. Sister Cities Conference successfully held, the Chinese and American people have shown goodwill and a deep friendship, injecting impetus into bilateral friendship and cooperation.
Facts have proven that the mutually beneficial cooperation remains a strong driving force, and the foundation of people-to-people exchanges lies deep. To keep communication open and increase exchanges holds the key to improving China-U.S. relations.
Heba Gamal, a member of the Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs, said promoting cooperation between China and the United States and easing tensions would help reach a breakthrough in several current world crises.
"Beijing is prepared to find a path that can gather the two countries in a shared vision that will serve both countries and the world," Gamal said.
At the 29th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in the Thai capital of Bangkok last year, Xi called for building an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future.
In living out such an appeal, China, an important economy in the region, has been actively participating in the APEC agenda. Xi has, on multiple occasions, advocated genuine multilateralism and open regionalism, offering China's wisdom to the challenges facing the times, and injecting confidence into the international community.
China's ideas and solutions have been widely recognized by APEC members. Through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China has pooled strength for the common development of Asia-Pacific countries.
The Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway, a flagship project of China-Indonesia cooperation within the framework of the initiative, is the first high-speed railway in Indonesia and Southeast Asia.
Another landmark BRI project put into operation in the Asia-Pacific is the China-Laos Railway, which, since its launch in December 2021, has converted Laos from a landlocked country to a land-linked hub on the Indo-China Peninsula.
Green development is also a priority in the region. Iconic projects for energy conservation and emission reduction abound, such as the China-Pacific Island Countries Climate Action Cooperation Center, and the floating photovoltaic project built by China and Thailand in the Sirindhorn Dam.
"A strong and friendly China will bring positive influence to the region and the world, and will help small and medium-sized countries achieve common development," Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said.
In the view of Teuku Rezasyah, associate professor of International Relations at Padjadjaran University, Indonesia, the mutually beneficial projects China has promoted in the Asia-Pacific region are a potent testimony to China's pursuit of common prosperity.
China has been sharing its development opportunities with the rest of the world by opening wider. The Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation has painted a rosy picture of the high-quality Belt and Road cooperation among participating countries. The sixth CIIE has hosted a record number of exhibitors from across the world.
Centering around high-quality development and high-level opening-up, China is spearheading its own way of modernization, together with the shared progress of the world. Therein lies its quest for peaceful development, mutually beneficial cooperation, and common prosperity.
"The modernization we are pursuing is not for China alone, but for all developing countries through our joint efforts," Xi rightfully observed at the BRI forum held in Beijing last month.
The world is expecting yet more diplomatic events this month. Xi's attendance at the upcoming China-U.S. summit and the APEC gathering will hopefully secure more comprehension of China's growth story, helping the world garner more drivers for development by drawing on China's modernization.
China and the United States, in particular, are widely expected to bring their relations back for the good of the Asia Pacific and the globe.
"Cooperation between the United States and China will strengthen both countries and benefit the world," said Jeffrey Sachs, economics professor and director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University. "It is correct and indeed possible."
The emerging Global South should not be left behind. At the forthcoming APEC meeting, China will continue to take on its responsibility as a major country, work to make sure that emerging markets and developing countries are better represented and have a greater say in global affairs, and push for further improvement of the global governance system.
Ronnie Lins, director of the China-Brazil Center for Research and Business, expects China to present important proposals in California.
The proposals could help build an Asia-Pacific region that is peaceful, stable, open, and inclusive, making "Asia-Pacific contributions" to global sustainable development, Lins said.
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sunnydaleherald · 6 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, November 19
Buffy: I don't know you. Cordelia: (faces Giles) Did something take her memory? (turns to Buffy) He's Giles. Giiillles. (grins) He hangs out here a lot. Buffy: Cordelia, could you please drive me home? Cordelia: (surprised) Of course.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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A Place to Call Home by anonymous Mind the Gap Flash Exchange participant (Buffy/Giles, G)
The Man in the Library by LadyAramisGrey (crossover with Welcome to Night Vale and the Hatchetfield Universe, Giles, Buffy, Willow, not rated)
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beyond passion by marzipanthursday (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Ties to the World, Ch. 29 by The Danish Bird (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
You Drive Me Out Of My Mind, Ch. 35 by Geliot99 (Buffy/Spike, R)
The Witch’s Gift, Ch. 28 by RavenLove12 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Haunted, Ch. 10 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Dead End Plots, Ch. 18 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Binding, Ch. 2 by Harlow Turner (Buffy/Spike, R)
The Freak Show, Ch. 6 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Fates Intertwined: A Second Chance, Ch. 6 by Spikelover4ever (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Not Just a Boy and a Girl (It's Just the End of the World) Ch. 1 by noctilucent (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Blood and Black Lace, Ch. 21 by SlayrGrl (Buffy/Spike, R)
The Plunge, Ch. 11 by Harlow Turner (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Virtual season episode: BTVS - 8x01: When You Wish Upon A Star by MyLoveableCrayon (ensemble, not rated)
Virtual season episode: BTVS - 8x02: Dream a Little Dream of Me by MyLoveableCrayon (ensemble, not rated)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Satsu by falsestardust (worksafe, in a multifandom post)
BTVS + text posts pt 4 by pzyii (ensemble, worksafe)
Drawings: Giles by chxrcasm (worksafe)
Spike by gallonsoblood (worksafe)
Vid: Witchy Woman by purplenurplespn (Supernatural crossover, Willow/Rowena)
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Photos: 26 years of watching Buffy, 24 years of collecting Buffy by Neon-Maniak ()
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Unpopular opinion about "Family" by coraniaid
To Live So Close To The Spotlight (The Zeppo) by herinsectreflection
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Slayers audio book (not finished with it yet) for those that are listening to it or finished by Lobothehobosexual
Favorite stand up and cheer moments? by kipcarson37
[Fandom Discussions]
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I actually think Angelus did love Buffy. It’s just... by austinoson
Buffy and Willow in this bathroom getting jealous over this fashion sketch is sending me by austinoson
Thinking about how conflicted Spike was when Dru killed his dinner for him by elysianfieldsarchive
season 7 of buffy: good and evil are not choices by lesbianboyfriend
my biggest btvs pet peeve is when people act as if willow doing questionable stuff is out of character by missjessefantastico
A headcanon about the Master by smmagill
Re: What made you ship Spuffy? by hello-nichya-here
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I wish I knew how to make video games by CaterpillarEven5129
Vampire Willow for Seasons 3-5? by rationalsilence
What do you think were each character's best moments? by smalltown_dreamspeak
Why does Randy not want to bite Joan? by pinenutty23
Is the dating relationship of Buffy and Spike which started in S6 important to you? by rationalsilence
Xander and Anya in Tabula Rasa by Archonate_of_Archona
How does Willow hack into anything? by Tuxedo_Mark
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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James Marsters FAN EXPO San Francisco 2023 Schedule updated (Photo ops times added) via jamie_marsters
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ear-worthy · 10 months
"What A Creep" Podcast: Humanity At Its Worst / Sarcasm At Its Best
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Sometimes, if you dive into the rabbit hole that is TikTok and watch as Karens are exposed in all their glorious insanity, meltdowns, and temper tantrums, you begin to think that average, non-celebrity people kind of suck.
Well, fear not, because after listening to the What A Creep podcast, you then realize that there are plenty of celebrities who can win the footrace to become some of society's most horrible human beings.
And that's the simple premise behind the What A Creep podcast. Expose celebrities for their heinous actions and words that are too often smoothed over by their P.R. people, legal team, or studios.
 Some of the subjects of their episodes -- AKA Creeps -- are well known and well known as creeps. For example, actor Armie Hammer, who hit the creep jackpot with allegations of sexual assault, rape, and even cannibalism.
Then there's the lesser known creep like self-avowed Christian evangelical comedian Steven Crowder, who allegedly exposed himself to co-workers a la Louis C.K., created a toxic workplace, and was seen on a video, verbally abusing his pregnant wife.  
Then we have well-known people who we've had suspicions that they may be a creep.  That's Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak on the June 24, 2023, episode. Suffice it to say that Sajak has always curated an air of dismissive disdain and ennui about his game show and especially the contestants. Apparently, Sajak revels in homophobia, climate change denialism (he could probably afford his own personal climate) and whining about people not working hard, despite the fact he only works four days a month.
The latest episode was a "Creeps" bonanza when profiling Robert Kennedy, Jr. Sometimes, it's a case of too much decrepitude. You have to hand it to Kennedy. He spreads his hate and contempt around -- wifi, vaccines, Jewish people, Chinese people, and gay people along with a twisted belief that antidepressants cause mass shootings.
Margo Donohue and Sonia Mansfield chat about creeps as co-hosts of the show, who are not paragons of restraint. These two don't hold back. 
Notably, these co-hosts note their sources and attempt to present factual information before their "editorial" comments fly around like arrows with razor-sharp tips.
On their website, Donohue and Mansfield announce: "We talk about Creeps of the past and the present: It's the who's who of who's the worst. Do you have a story about one of the Creeps we covered? Email us at [email protected]." This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, which specializes in distribution, advertising, sound production, and analytics for independent podcasts. That's admirable that there is a ecosystem extant for podcasters who don't have the financial backing of an Amazon or Spotify.
Margo Donohue is the co-host, producer, and editor of a whole slew of podcasts, including Book Vs. Movie and the Not Fade Away podcast.She makes her living as a public relations/marketing and social media consultant and as a part-time fitness instructor. Her new book, “Filmed in Brooklyn” is available for pre-order on Amazon.
Sonia Mansfield is a former TV critic and celebrity gossip columnist for the San Francisco Examiner. She also wrote for a lot of entertainment websites that don’t exist anymore, including Cinescape, IF Magazine, and EON Magazine. She pays the bills working as a content designer.
Donohue and Mansfield excel as a hosting team. They don't rant unintelligibly, like say Charlie Kirk, but often present a "creep" biography before proceeding with the bullet points of pure creepdom.
The duo seem to have a special section of Hell for comedian Chris D'Elia, who has allegedly been accused of sexual assault or harassment by more than 12 women. D'Elia has been accused of threatening to release intimate, adult videos of a woman and making death threats against her. If the requested videos and photos were not sent instantly, multiple women in the exposé claimed D'Elia would become enraged and berate them. 
Donohue and Mansfield roast this creep in a saucy concoction of revulsion, contempt, and utter disgust. 
What makes this podcast so good, and ear worthy are its sarcastic and sharp-witted co-hosts, the sardonic venom they spew on these celebrity douches, and their ability to construct a narrative that is equal parts comedy, satire, sarcasm, and righteous indignation.
Some of my favorite creeps exposed include Scott Baio, Eric Clapton, Josh Duggar, Matt Gaetz, and Pete Rose. 
Check out the What A Creep podcast. You never know what creep will be profiled each episode.
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