#San Diego resort and spa
quietmindretreat1 · 1 year
Meditation retreat center in San Diego
Looking for a peaceful escape in San Diego? Come to Quiet Mind Mountain Retreat, the perfect meditation retreat center for those seeking a tranquil space to unwind and recharge. Our beautiful mountain setting and expert guidance will help you find the inner peace and clarity you seek. Book your stay now.
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quiet-mindretreat · 2 months
Health Spa and Resort in Southern California with San Diego Resort and Spa Packages at Quiet Mind Retreat
Indulge in luxurious relaxation at Quiet Mind Retreat, a premier health spa and resort in Southern California. Explore our San Diego resort and spa packages, offering the ultimate in luxury and rejuvenation. Escape to tranquility and pamper yourself with our exquisite spa experiences.
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jenthebug · 11 months
Honeymoon Poll: LET'S DO THIS RIGHT
Husband and I talked. I was right, he didn't even have a list. But he had an idea: The Mirage in Las Vegas. Because it's smack dab in the middle of the strip. The man loves his gambling and his nights. I want him to scratch those itches, especially the night thing, as he is a legit night owl. I am very much a morning person, so I want things to do in the morning without him, too.
We've narrowed it down to three, and I've found a dark horse that I'll surprise him with next time he comes up here: Sedona!
Our choices are:
New Mexico - Hot springs spa resort featuring mineral pools, mud baths, on-site restaurant, hiking trails, *private* mineral pools for each suite. Far from civilization, closes at night.
Las Vegas - The Mirage. Swanky casino hotel featuring on site spa, pools, shops, restaurants, and bars. Right on the strip. But how to make it romantic instead of wall to wall debauchery?
San Diego - Dump it all into lodging at a super sweet resort. Scrimp and save until the day we leave so we can go into the city, go on the water, and/or go to the San Diego Zoo.
Sedona - Swanky-ass resort in cute little resort town that stays open late. I've been to Sedona. I fuckin LOVE Sedona. The beauty alone makes me want to go. But so much of Sedona's fun is outdoorsy, active stuff. I can't hike or swim or take risks like I used to.
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devanshxraina · 3 months
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full name: Devansh Raina
nickname(s): Dev, Ansh, Raina
age: 36
birthdate: January 16th 1988
occupation: Owner of Southern Elegance Resort and Spa
currently living in: Orchird Park
gender: Cis Male
pronouns: He/Him
hometown: Seattle, Washington
hello hello !! please give this a like if you’d like me to pop into your dm’s to plot !!
Devansh Raina was born to Anil and Sarita Raina in Seattle Washington. His parents had both migrated from India to the United States in the early 1980’s. He had a relatively middle class childhood, nothing to rave about. He was an average student at best, but he was always very active at school. Whether that was sports or different extracurriculars like debate team. Education was something his parents had put a lot of emphasis on but Devansh just wasn’t academically inclined in the same way his parents were. He mostly skirted through on average grades and was happy with that. 
When he turned 10, he was told they were moving from Seattle to somewhere in Georgia. That was the worst news for him because he had liked his life in Seattle but at that age he didn’t get to have a say in the family decisions and so they packed up and shifted to Covington, Georgia. The first few months were exceptionally difficult for Dev. He found it hard to adjust, especially have coming in the middle of the school year. But slowly he began to make friends and the next couple years of his life were smooth sailing.
When Devansh was in his last year of high school, he'd thought long and hard about what he'd wanted to do and while no real decisions had been made…his parents, specifically his father was adamant that he go to university and pursue higher education. Fights ensued of course until Devansh loudly declared he was eighteen and therefore able to make his own decisions in life. He’d chosen to travel. He would go around back to Seattle and figure out his own path. Of course his mother was extremely unhappy with this decision, losing her little boy that way but his father had declared that he wanted nothing to do with his son which suited Dev just fine.
He’d travelled by bus across the country, up to Seattle—lived there for a few weeks before making his way down the coast. He’d ended up in San Diego at the same time as one of his closest friends from his time in Covington, Ryan Parrish. Hearing that the other planned on enlisting gave Devansh a renewed interest in the same. And when he’d done it as well, much to his parent's dismay, there was no looking back. Maybe it was the fact that having his buddy with him made it easier, or maybe it was just that he felt like he'd finally found something he was good at but Devansh was actually feeling content for once in his life.
They deployed and he served the country right alongside his other mates. It had been a lot for him emotionally because while he’d been aware of what he was signing up for—somewhere the gravity of it didn’t sink in till much later. 
The sad part was that he was quite skilled in his combat, one of the best  in their unit but when those moments of pain arose, losing friends and other fellow marines—Devansh couldn't take it. He withdrew and that had caused a lot of personal reflection within himself. He felt like a failure in every single way. He didn’t know why he’d done this, feeling like he’d not only let down himself, but his parents and ultimately even the country.
It took a lot of work—but he’d managed to figure out another course of action. He’d go to school. He’d go and get a degree—wanting to make his mother proud especially. He’d enrolled at Boston University and while he was an older student, he still worked hard and got his bachelors of science in business administration. It had felt like the easiest course of action and had helped secure him to a job right there in the city.
Cut to a couple years later, his father had passed due to a sudden heart attack and instantly despite their estranged relationship—Devansh had returned home to Covington. He’d stayed with his mother for a few weeks before deciding he could not be living with her for too long and ventured out on his own. Devansh couldn’t abandon her completely despite wishing he could go back to Boston, but he’d stay…for her. He started out in Downtown in a small studio apartment, working some odd jobs here and there until his father's will was read.
He had inherited his father’s pride and joy—the Southern Elegance Resort and Spa. Now while he had a business degree, he did not feel like he could be a qualified owner/manager of the hotel and was ready to sell it. Only—he’d gotten emotionally blackmailed by his grieving mother every single time he’d brought that topic up. And that is how he’s currently living in Covington, trying to find buyers on the side for the hotel because his mother is finally doing better post his father’s death and he is ready to get the hell out of Georgia. 
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homomenhommes · 7 months
STORY: Ups And Downs 15
Second Interview
“Well, Joe, it seems that you have been adjusting to your new environment rather well,” Mr. Block flashed just the hint of a smile.
“It’s a nice place you have here.” It was a totally stupid remark, but I couldn’t think of anything else to say. I was caught between feelings of pride, embarrassment, hope, anxiety, uncertainty, and fear of rejection. Are you going to offer me a job or not?
“As you know, Joe, Rafael graduated from San Diego State this past spring and is moving on in his career. He has accepted a very promising position in Spain.”
“Spain? Wow! I knew he was going places, but I didn’t know he was going that far.”
Mr. Block and Woody both tried to suppress their giggles.
“Yes, his grandparents came to this country from Sitges, a small town about 35 kilometers south of Barcelona, so Rafael grew up speaking not only English, but also Catalan, Mexican Spanish and Castilian Spanish.”
“I’ve read about Sitges. Isn’t that a popular gay resort?”
“Yes. In fact, a major hotel chain has decided to build a gay-friendly hotel and a smaller gay resort hotel there, and when they offered Rafael a management training position, he jumped at the chance.”
“That’s fantastic!” I exclaimed. “It sounds like a great opportunity for him, and I know he will do very well in that job. He’s a natural.”
“Indeed. He has been a tremendous asset to us. We are sad to see him leave, but we are thrilled for him at the same time. Now,” he continued after a significant pause, “we are left with the task of finding a replacement for him. This is not a cushy job, Joe. Rafael has left big shoes to fill.”
“I understand.”
“As you know, Kim is primarily responsible for our kitchens. He not only cooks our daily meals, but he has taken the lead in coordinating parties, banquets, and other social events we host. Ron mostly takes care of the housekeeping, and Rafael was our chief groundskeeper and chauffeur. He has looked after the lawns and gardens, the pool and spa, and also our vehicles. In addition to looking after their cleaning and maintenance, he is also our main driver.
“These chores are not exclusive. Each employee is expected to learn all of the tasks because someone has to cook on Kim’s days off, someone has to keep the house clean when Ron is off, and someone has to fill in for Rafael when he is off.
“I understand that in your work at the hardware stores, you had to be at least somewhat familiar with the lawn and garden tools, automotive parts, pool supplies, and much more. That is why we thought you might be a good replacement for Rafael.”
“I am flattered, sir.”
“It’s not flattery, Joe. If you feel that you are up to the challenge, the job is yours, but you will have to prove to us that you are worthy of this responsibility. You will be on probation for three months, and then we will decide whether or not to make your employment permanent.”
“I am flatt…uh…thank you for your confidence in me. I will not let you down.”
“Good. Now Woody will go over all the details of your employment.” And with that, he rose to shake my hand. “Welcome aboard, Joe.”
“With me,” Woody snapped, almost like a drill sergeant, as he led me through the alcove and into his own office, which was almost identical to Mr. Block’s except for some of the furnishings and accessories. Just like everywhere else in the house, the walls were adorned with homoerotic paintings and drawings from the top people in the field, including at least one by Paul Cadmus.
Woody spent about an hour with me going over the paperwork and more details of my responsibilities. “Rafael has about one more month with us. During that time, you will mostly shadow him as he shows you the ropes, but you will also spend some time with Kim and Ron learning the nuts and bolts of their jobs. And,” he added, somewhat to my surprise, “I want you to spend some time with me as well. I could use some help with some administrative tasks, and with your experience working in the hardware store, I think you might be able to help. We’ll see.”
The prospect of working closely with Woody sent erotic shocks up and down my spine. The guy was so fucking hot, I just hoped I could keep my hormones in check…or maybe save them up to use on the other guys.
“Before I turn you over to Rafael, I want you to do something for me. I want you to go up to your room and lay out all of your clothes—all of them—on the bed so I can see what you’ve got. Go, and I’ll be up in about fifteen minutes. It seemed like an odd request, but Woody always seemed to know what he was doing, so I ran up to my room where I found Raphael waiting for me.
"Woody wants me to lay out my clothes. Wanna give me a hand?”
“Sure.” Then, seeing the puzzlement on my face, he added, “Woody does that with all the new guys. It’s a good thing. You’ll see.”
Sure enough, Woody appeared in about fifteen minutes, scanned the clothes I had laid out—pants, shirts, underwear, socks, everything—picked up a few things to examine them more closely, put them back, nodded to Rafael, and left without saying a word.
“OK, grunt, your ass is now mine,” Rafael mocked. “Let’s get your clothes put away, and I’ll start your training.”
As we walked down the stairs, Rafael said, “There’s one spot we didn’t cover on your tour yesterday,” and with that he led me to the eight-car garage.
“Wow! These are all Mr. Block’s?” I asked, somewhat ridiculously. Of course, they’re his, Professor Tesla. Who else’s would they be?
In addition to the Porsche Panamera that Rafael had picked us up in at the airport, there was a Lincoln Navigator, a Jaguar convertible, a Cadillac Escalade limousine, a Ford F-150 pickup, and three Lexus RX hybrid SUVs.
“The Jag is off limits,” Rafael instructed. “Nobody touches that but Woody. Of course, Mr. Block could if he wanted to, but he never does. Only Woody drives it, but if you’re very lucky, he might let you ride in it sometime. The Porsche is mostly for chauffeuring the bosses wherever they want to go. The pickup, of course, is good for hauling supplies. The Navigator and the limo are used mostly when we have to transport large numbers of people, and the Lexus SUVs are for local driving. We use those when we have to run to the store, for example. You can also use them for personal stuff as long as you clear it with Woody first.”
Jeezus! I think I’m really gonna like working here.
Actually, the Escalade limo was the only vehicle not parked in the garage. It was parked in the driveway where it was being detailed by a couple of guys wearing nothing but tidy whities, which were virtually transparent after being soaked in water.
“You and I are responsible for keeping the vehicles clean and in good running condition,” explained Rafael, “but once you know the procedures, you can tap any of the guys lying around to do the grunt work while you supervise. Mr. Block says it’s good for us to take on leadership responsibilities.”
At that point, I confided in Rafael my secret wish to have sex in the Mercedes that took Woody and me from the Atlanta hotel to the airport. “Well, I can’t give you Woody,” chuckled Rafael, “but I can sort of make your wish come true.” When I displayed a quizzical look, Rafael simply nodded toward the two young men in the nearly transparent tidy whities.
“I appreciate the thought,” I assured him, “but after last night, I don’t think I can—”
“I know your ass is sore,” acknowledged Rafael, “and maybe your mouth too, but they didn’t wear out your dick, did they?”
“Well, not completely, but—”
“Then you’ve got nothing to worry about. They’re both bottoms. Power bottoms,” he emphasized, “so all you have to do is lie back and let them do all the work.”
And that’s exactly what we did. After some perfunctory introductions—Davey and Zac—the four of us climbed into the back of the limousine. Rafael sat facing forward, and I sat facing to the rear—both of us sliding down to the edge of our seats, offering ourselves to the would-be conquerers. The guys pulled off our shorts and then their own underwear, sucked our cocks until we were good and hard, and then impaled themselves on our sabers.
Raphael was right. They were power bottoms. Naturally, I wanted to pump my little boy toy hard, but I decided to save my energy because he pumped hard enough for both of us.
They were power talkers too. They moaned and groaned from start to finish, and they kept saying things like, “Oh, man, you’re so fucking hard. What a fabulous hard cock you’ve got. Jeez, with balls like that, I bet you gush like a fire hydrant.” And facing each other, they talked to each other too. “Oh, fuck, Zac, you’ve got a real stallion there. I can’t believe you can take that whole horse cock up your ass. Damn, I love watching you bounce up and down on that fucking pole. That is so fucking hot, man.”
While they bounced on our cocks, they pumped their own dicks vigorously. “Oh fuck, man. I’m gonna fucking come. Ah…ah…ah…oh shit!” When they shot volley after volley of man juice across to the facing seat, I thought, “If they just cleaned this thing, they’re gonna have to start all over again.” I guess it’s a good thing the seats were leather and not cloth.
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” screamed Rafael, and come he did. He shot so much liquid seed up Davey’s ass that when the guy finally got up, white cream flowed out of his ass, coating Rafael’s still-stiff poker.
The sight of that white lava flow ignited my own orgasm. I thought I would never stop filling Zac’s guts with my man cream, and the same thing happened. When he rose up from my dick, my juices flowed back onto my cock.
Nothing to worry about, though. The guys switched places, and Davey slurped up my pudding while Zac gobbled up Rafael’s. It was so hot watching them kiss and swap our cum back and forth. Of course, some dribbled down onto the floorboard of the limo—more work for these guys, but they didn’t seem to mind at all. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they volunteered regularly for car-washing duty. I wonder if Mr. Block and Woody ever fuck guys in here.
That thought got me hard again instantly, which led Davey and Zac to attack my dick with a vengeance. It was like they were competing with each other to see who could siphon the most batter out of my ball tank. Those boys alternated between sucking my cock and tongue fucking me with deep kisses. I could taste the residue of cum—Rafael’s and mine—on their tongues, and some even dribbled down my chin. Just when I blasted my second load, the limo door swung open, and there stood Woody.
To be continued..
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Lake Cuyamaca Hotel: Luxury Health Spa & Resort in Southern California
Experience the ultimate luxury at Lake Cuyamaca Hotel, your premier destination for a rejuvenating getaway in Southern California. Indulge in our Luxury Health Spa and Resort southern california, nestled amidst the serene beauty of San Diego. Discover the perfect blend of relaxation and adventure as you immerse yourself in our world-class amenities. Whether you seek a tranquil escape or an exhilarating outdoor experience, our hotel caters to your every need. Unwind in style at our upscale accommodations and pamper yourself with top-notch spa treatments. Book your stay now at Lake Cuyamaca Hotel, the best hotel & spa in San Diego, USA, offering unparalleled comfort, luxury, and wellness services. Experience the epitome of luxury hospitality in the heart of Southern California.
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bestmassagechairsd · 1 month
Luxuriate in Comfort: Discovering the Best Massage Chair in San Diego
Imagine sinking into the plush embrace of a massage chair after a long day exploring the vibrant streets of San Diego or attending to the demands of work. This isn't just any massage chair; it's a sanctuary for weary bodies and restless minds. Here, at the intersection of technology and wellness, lies an experience that transcends the ordinary.
What sets the best massage chair in San Diego apart from the rest? It's a combination of factors that cater to the discerning needs of its users. Firstly, comfort reigns supreme. Crafted from the finest materials and designed with ergonomic precision, these chairs cradle you in unparalleled luxury. Whether you prefer gentle rollers or deep tissue kneading, customizable settings ensure that every massage is tailored to your preferences.
But comfort alone isn't enough. The best massage chair in San Diego also boasts cutting-edge technology that elevates the experience to new heights. Say goodbye to tension and tight muscles as advanced massage techniques target key pressure points with precision. From Shiatsu to Swedish, a variety of massage modes cater to your individual needs, ensuring relief from aches and pains.
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Moreover, these chairs are equipped with innovative features that enhance relaxation. Imagine reclining back as soothing heat radiates through your body, San Diego Best Massage Chair melting away stress and tension. Built-in speakers allow you to immerse yourself in calming music or guided meditation, transporting you to a state of pure bliss. Some models even offer zero-gravity positioning, simulating the sensation of weightlessness for the ultimate in relaxation.
But perhaps the most remarkable aspect of the best massage chair in San Diego is its accessibility. No longer confined to luxury spas or exclusive resorts, these chairs bring the benefits of massage therapy to the comfort of your own home. Whether you live in a spacious house overlooking the ocean or a cozy apartment in the heart of the city, there's a massage chair to suit your space and budget.
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latribune · 2 months
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thetravelkonnection · 5 months
Your Ultimate Guide to Pet-Friendly Travel: Where Your Furry Friend Is Always Embraced
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Let's Dive In
Embarking on a vacation as a pet owner often means wrestling with the decision to leave your furry companion behind. But fear not, as our world is increasingly becoming a haven for pets. In this guide, we'll take a stroll through pet-friendly destinations, accommodations, and share travel tips to ensure a seamless vacation experience with your beloved pets.
Choosing Destinations that Welcome Your Pet
When planning a pet-friendly getaway, choosing the right destination is key. Here are some fantastic pet-friendly places to consider:
1. San Diego, California, USA
Known for its dog-friendly beaches, parks, and outdoor spaces, San Diego is a paradise for pets and their owners. Explore Balboa Park or take a leisurely stroll along Ocean Beach for an absolutely delightful experience.
2. Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona is a treat not just for humans but also for pets. With many parks and outdoor cafes being pet-friendly, the city's warm atmosphere ensures your furry friend feels right at home.
3. Portland, Oregon, USA
This eco-conscious city is a haven for pet owners. With numerous pet-friendly breweries, parks, and even pet-friendly yoga classes, Portland makes it easy for your four-legged friend to join in the fun.
Finding Pet-Welcoming Places to Stay
Once you've settled on your destination, the next step is to find accommodations that warmly welcome pets. Here are some options that go the extra mile for your furry companions:
4. Kimpton Hotels
Famous for their pet-friendly policies, Kimpton Hotels provide a luxurious stay for both you and your pet. From cozy beds to pet-friendly happy hours, Kimpton ensures that your furry companion feels like a VIP.
5. Airbnb
Many Airbnb hosts are pet-friendly, offering a homey atmosphere for your pets. Use filters to find accommodations that explicitly welcome pets, and reach out to hosts to ensure a comfortable stay.
6. Resorts That Pamper Pets
Numerous resorts worldwide specifically cater to pet owners, offering amenities like pet-friendly room service, designated play areas, and even spa treatments for pets.
Essential Travel Tips for Pet Parents
Ensuring a smooth travel experience with your pet requires some thoughtful planning. Consider these essential travel tips:
7. Visit the Vet Before Travel
Before setting off on your adventure, schedule a visit to the vet for a health check-up and to ensure all vaccinations are up to date. Keep a copy of your pet's medical records handy for emergencies.
8. Pack a Pet Travel Kit
Assemble a bag with your pet's essentials, including food, treats, water, favorite toys, a leash, waste bags, and any necessary medications. Familiar items can help ease your pet's anxiety in a new environment.
9. Choose Pet-Friendly Transportation
Whether flying or driving, opt for transportation options that accommodate pets. Many airlines have specific pet travel policies, and road trips allow for more flexibility in catering to your pet's needs.
10. Research Pet-Friendly Activities
Plan your itinerary with pet-friendly activities in mind. Whether it's exploring pet-friendly parks, hiking trails, or visiting attractions that welcome pets, make sure your plans align with your furry friend's enjoyment.
11. Respect Pet-Friendly Rules
While enjoying pet-friendly spaces, be sure to respect rules and regulations. Keep your pet on a leash where required, clean up after them, and be mindful of other visitors.
Wrapping Up
With the right destination, pet-friendly accommodations, and careful planning, you can embark on a vacation that includes the whole family, furry members included. From exploring parks and beaches to staying in pet-welcoming lodgings, the world is brimming with opportunities for creating lasting memories with your pets. So, pack those pet essentials, hit the road, and get ready for a paw-some adventure! 🐾
Hurry Up! Visit our website to get amazing deals on International & Domestics packages. Click here: https://thetravelkonnection.in/
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farjiahossain121 · 6 months
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quietmindretreat1 · 1 year
Romantic Couples Los Angeles Getaways
We provide the most romantic couple's getaways in Los Angeles. Our relaxing wellness retreat and spa packages offer a peaceful nature getaway and bring your mind, Reserve getaway packages for couples, and create lasting memories today. Phone: 1 844 999 9644 Email: [email protected]
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quiet-mindretreat · 4 months
Tranquil Oasis: Silent Retreats and Spa Packages at our San Diego Wellness Resort
Nestled amidst the serene landscapes of Southern California, our wellness resort offers a tranquil oasis for those seeking rejuvenation and relaxation. Located near Lake Cuyamaca in Julian, California, our retreat center is a haven for wellness enthusiasts, couples seeking romantic getaways, and individuals in search of spiritual renewal.
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Escape to Wellness: Embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing at our wellness resort in Southern California. With a focus on holistic wellness, we offer a range of spa retreats and wellness packages designed to nurture the body, mind, and soul.
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Silent Retreats: Experience the profound tranquility of a silent retreat at our San Diego wellness resort. Disconnect from the noise of everyday life and immerse yourself in peaceful contemplation amidst the natural beauty of our surroundings.
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Spa Packages for Couples: Indulge in a romantic escape with our spa packages for couples. Treat yourselves to rejuvenating massages, soothing facials, and intimate spa experiences, all set against the backdrop of stunning mountain views.
Yoga and Meditation Retreats: Find inner peace and balance with our yoga and meditation retreats. Led by experienced instructors, these retreats offer the perfect opportunity to deepen your practice and connect with your inner self. 
Nature's Serenity: Revel in the breathtaking beauty of Southern California's landscapes from our wellness resort. With mountain and lake views that inspire serenity and awe, our location provides the perfect backdrop for relaxation and introspection.
Spiritual Renewal: Discover a sense of spiritual renewal at our San Diego spiritual retreat center. Whether you're seeking solace in nature, exploring Buddhist teachings, or simply reconnecting with your inner wisdom, our retreats offer a supportive environment for growth and reflection. 
Romantic Getaways: Escape the hustle and bustle of city life with a romantic getaway to our wellness resort. With luxurious accommodations, gourmet dining, and intimate spa experiences, our resort provides the ideal setting for a memorable retreat with your loved one. 
Unforgettable Experiences: At Quiet Mind Retreat, we strive to create unforgettable experiences for our guests. From sunrise yoga sessions to sunset strolls by the lake, every moment spent at our resort is designed to inspire relaxation, rejuvenation, and renewal. 
Plan Your Retreat: Ready to experience the tranquility of our San Diego wellness resort? Browse our spa packages, silent retreats, and wellness offerings to find the perfect retreat for you. Whether you're seeking solitude, romance, or spiritual growth, Quiet Mind Retreat welcomes you to embark on a journey of wellness and renewal in the heart of Southern California.
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jenthebug · 11 months
Honeymoon shopping!
My goal: Relax and get pampered.
I want amenities, little treats, and effortless lounging. I want a concierge. I want to get drunk (in love and otherwise). I want a massage. I want delicious food. I’d love to have access to weed, but that’s not a must. (says the person who is stoned right now due to nausea)
I have a husband to plan around. He loves the night, he’s not a morning person. He loves good food and alcohol. He loves to gamble. He wants to take a road trip with me.
We have money. Not a large amount, but enough to work with. We could dump most of it into lodging and stay at a fucking awesome resort, and spend most of the time there. Or, we could stay somewhere less expensive and plan activities away from the hotel.
I have four ideas so far:
A hot springs resort in New Mexico - We could road trip. I’ve been there before and freaking LOVE IT. It’s an all natural hot spring with mineral soaking pools, a spa, and a restaurant, along with access to hiking trails.
Vegas - We’d do it up right, stay at a nice hotel instead of buying up an unsold room wherever a few days before. I’m thinking the Palms. We’d focus on each other rather than on gambling and debauchery, although those things would be a fun sidequest.
Dump it all into lodging in San Diego - SUPER NICE RESORT. Private beach, on-site restaurants and bars, on-site spa, concierge. You get what you pay for, and this one’s expensive.
Tropical getaway on South Padre Island TX - another SUPER NICE RESORT. This one is surprisingly not expensive. We could rent jet skis or visit a sea turtle rescue.
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chicagocubsreactions · 7 months
Cubs again plan to investigate possibility of signing Shohei Ohtani
[original article]
Why did Shohei Ohtani meet with the Chicago Cubs? That question has never been fully answered in detail. Ohtani rarely speaks with the media and his representatives at Creative Artists Agency closely guard the information around the Japanese superstar.
The Cubs were granted an audience with Ohtani in December 2017, which could mean nothing in the complex negotiations that will fascinate the baseball world. But the Cubs again plan to be involved in Ohtani’s process, a league source confirmed, which doesn’t guarantee anything other than more rumors and daydreaming about him performing at Wrigley Field.
Cubs executives simply wouldn’t be doing their jobs if they didn’t seriously investigate this possibility. It would also be bad business for a multibillion-dollar franchise to ignore the global marketing possibilities around the team’s iconic stadium and streaming platforms with Ohtani as must-see TV.
Jed Hoyer’s bold decision to sign Craig Counsell to a five-year, $40 million contract and fire manager David Ross dominated the news cycles this week at Major League Baseball’s general manager meetings in Arizona. But as executives and agents wheeled their suitcases through an outdoor plaza Thursday and checked out of the Omni Scottsdale Resort & Spa at Montelucia, the offseason focus will shift back to the players.
It’s unclear if there are any clues in the seven finalists Ohtani chose when he narrowed the list from the 30 teams that were sent a questionnaire that asked for detailed explanations on how each organization would handle the assimilation process from Japan and maximize his enormous talents as a hitter and a pitcher.
Clearly, the calculus has changed. The National League now features the full-time designated hitter and Ohtani will be recovering from elbow surgery and unavailable to pitch next season. The Los Angeles Angels squandered their six years with Ohtani, who never competed in a playoff game with Mike Trout.
The Los Angeles Dodgers are widely seen as a team that will aggressively pursue Ohtani. The Texas Rangers are coming off their first World Series title in franchise history. The San Diego Padres are preparing to cut payroll. The Seattle Mariners and San Francisco Giants could be appealing if Ohtani still has a geographic preference. The Cubs were also invited to CAA headquarters in Los Angeles to make their recruiting pitch.
“I look back on that,” Hoyer said. “We had a great meeting. It felt like we prepared a ton. It was a really good dialogue, good conversation. Obviously, he was going to only choose one out of seven. But we had been to three NLCSs in a row and won a World Series. We had things rolling pretty well.
“It doesn’t surprise me he took a meeting with us, even though us and Texas were the only two teams that weren’t on the West Coast. I think that’s why we were outliers. But it doesn’t surprise me, given when it happened. We had it rolling at that point and I think he was intrigued.”
The Cubs built part of their presentation off material they gathered while unsuccessfully courting Japanese pitcher Masahiro Tanaka after a last-place season in 2013. Cubs chairman Tom Ricketts and Theo Epstein, the president of baseball operations at that time, were involved in the Ohtani meeting. Nao Masamoto, a longtime Cubs official, served as an interpreter. To answer any questions about the team’s pitching infrastructure, the Cubs included Tommy Hottovy, the future pitching coach, and Kyle Hendricks, their World Series Game 7 starter. The Cubs showed Ohtani a piece of virtual-reality equipment used by their hitters.
“Going back to when he came over and when we met with him, there were zero questions about his ability on the mound,” Hoyer said. “That’s all borne out. But I feel like with the bat, there were a lot of questions about how things would translate and would he be able to handle inside fastballs and stuff like that. He proved he could do it.”
Hoyer laughed and continued: “There’s no question the offensive part of his game was underestimated. I think the pitching was probably viewed accurately.”
This time, the Cubs won’t be capped at a $300,000 maximum bonus and Ohtani won’t be restricted by the international signing rules. There were also some health questions back then about Ohtani, who underwent Tommy John surgery in 2018. But this is still a perennial MVP candidate with the left-handed power to hit 40 home runs a year and pitch like a Cy Young Award winner when healthy. Future Hall of Famer sounds like an understatement when describing someone who’s already one of the best athletes in the history of professional sports.
“It was pretty clear that he wanted to do both and DH-ing was the best option for that,” Hoyer said. “We couldn’t provide that. The Dodgers and Padres couldn’t provide that. It was four NL teams and three AL teams and I thought we were at a big disadvantage because we couldn’t offer him the ability to DH. As good as the meeting went, we knew that was always going to be an uphill climb.
“It doesn’t surprise me in the end that he picked an AL team. But I wish we could roll back the clock and take a shot at it again.”
That rare opportunity is here again and no one expected Counsell to pick the Cubs, either.
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california-slow-take · 9 months
A luxury four-star resort on San Diego’s Mission Bay shoreline has been accused of suppressing public access to a beautiful stretch of California sand.
A California Coastal Commission report reviewed by SFGATE accuses Paradise Point Resort of numerous violations that “impede public use of the area and reinforce the impression that the entire area was private.”
The 44-acre site and half-mile stretch of white sand surrounding Vacation Isle, in the middle of the city’s giant human-made aquatic park, have always been open to the public, but visitors could be forgiven for thinking the area was private due to encroachment from the hotel and spa, the commission says. Alleged violations included the failure to put up a single “public access” sign, blocking public pathways to the beach, and the installation of a kiosk and security guard at the primary parking entrance. Another allegation states that the resort built or placed uncovered dumpsters and an event tent on public pathways and parking spots. 
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lake-cuyamaca-hotel · 12 days
San Diego Staycation | Best Hotels, Resort & Spa - Lake Cuyamaca Hotel
Discover the perfect San Diego staycation at Lake Cuyamaca Hotel! Whether you’re planning a staycation in San Diego or looking for a relaxing getaway, we offer the best hotels, resort, and spa experiences in California. Enjoy stunning lake views, top-notch amenities, and activities for all ages. Lake Cuyamaca Hotel is your ideal destination for a memorable staycation San Diego. Book now and make your next staycation in San Diego unforgettable!
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