#Sam Brannan
womeninfictionandirl · 11 months
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Serena Williams by Sam Brannan
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zayaanhashistory · 1 year
The California Gold Rus
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The California Gold Rush was sparked by the discovery of gold nuggets in the Sacramento Valley in early 1848 and was arguably one of the most significant events to shape American history during the first half of the 19th century. As news spread of the discovery, thousands of prospective gold miners traveled by sea or over land to San Francisco and the surrounding area; by the end of 1849, the non-native population of the California territory was some 100,000 (compared with the pre-1848 figure of less than 1,000). A total of $2 billion worth of precious metal was extracted from the area during the Gold Rush, which peaked in 1852.   
On January 24, 1848, James Wilson Marshall, a carpenter originally from New Jersey, found flakes of gold in the American River at the base of the Sierra Nevada Mountains near Coloma, California. At the time, Marshall was working to build a water-powered sawmill owned by John Sutter, a German-born Swiss citizen and founder of a colony of Nueva Helvetia (New Switzerland, which would later become the city of Sacramento). As Marshall later recalled of his historic discovery: “It made my heart thump, for I was certain it was gold.” Days after Marshall’s discovery at Sutter’s Mill, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed, ending the Mexican-American War and leaving California in the hands of the United States—a remarkable twist of fate with important ramifications for an America eager for westward expansion. At the time, the population of the territory consisted of 6,500 Californios (people of Spanish or Mexican descent); 700 foreigners (primarily Americans); and 150,000 Native Americans (Barely half the number that had been there when Spanish settlers arrived in 1769). Sutter, in fact, had enslaved hundreds of Native Americans and used them as a free source of labor and makeshift militia to defend his territory and expand his empire. 
Though Marshall and Sutter tried to keep news of the discovery under wraps, word got out, and by mid-March at least one newspaper was reporting that large quantities of gold were being turned up at Sutter’s Mill. Though the initial reaction in San Francisco was disbelief, storekeeper Sam Brannan set off a frenzy when he paraded through town displaying a vial of gold obtained from Sutter’s Creek. By mid-June, shops and businesses stood empty, as some three-quarters of the male population of San Francisco had abandoned the city for the gold mines, and the number of miners in the area ballooned to some 4,000 by August. As news reports—many wildly overblown—of the easy fortunes being made in California spread worldwide, some of the first migrants to arrive were those from lands accessible by boat, such as Oregon, the Sandwich Islands (now Hawaii), Mexico, Chile, Peru and China. 
When the news reached the East Coast, press reports were initially skeptical. Gold fever kicked off nationwide in earnest, however, after December 1848, when President James K. Polk announced the positive results of a report made by Colonel Richard Mason, California’s military governor, in his inaugural address. 
Throughout 1849, people around the United States (mostly men) with gold fever borrowed money, mortgaged their property or spent their life savings to make the arduous journey to California. In pursuit of the kind of wealth they had never dreamed of, they left their families and hometowns. In turn, women left behind took on new responsibilities such as running farms or businesses and caring for their children alone. Thousands of would-be gold miners, known as 49ers for the year they arrived, traveled overland across the mountains or by sea, sailing to Panama or even around Cape Horn, the southernmost point of South America. By the end of the year, the non-native population of California was estimated at 100,000, (as compared with 20,000 at the end of 1848 and around 800 in March 1848). To accommodate the needs of the 49ers, gold mining towns had sprung up all over the region, complete with shops, saloons, brothels and other businesses seeking to make their own gold Rush fortune. The overcrowded chaos of the mining camps and towns grew ever more lawless, including rampant banditry, gambling, alcoholism, prostitution and violence. San Francisco, for its part, developed a bustling economy and became the central metropolis of the new frontier. 
The Gold Rush undoubtedly sped up California’s admission to the Union as the 31st state. In late 1849, California applied to enter the Union with a constitution that barred the Southern system of racial slavery, provoking a crisis in Congress between proponents of slavery and anti-slavery politicians. According to the Compromise of 1850, proposed by Kentucky’s Senator Henry Clay, California was allowed to enter as a free state, while the territories of Utah and New Mexico were left to decide the legal status of slavery for themselves. 
After 1850, the surface gold in California largely disappeared, even as miners continued to arrive. Mining had always been difficult and dangerous labor, and striking it rich required good luck as much as skill and hard work. Moreover, the average daily take for an independent miner working with his pick and shovel had by then sharply decreased from what it had been in 1848. As gold became more and more difficult to reach, the growing industrialization of mining drove more and more miners from independence into wage labor. The new technique of hydraulic mining, developed in 1853, brought enormous profits but destroyed much of the region’s landscape. Though gold mining continued throughout the 1850s, it had reached its peak by 1852, when some $81 million was pulled from the ground. After that year, the total take declined gradually, leveling off to around $45 million per year by 1857. Settlement in California continued, however, and by the end of the decade the state’s population was 380,000. 
New mining methods and the population boom in the wake of the California Gold Rush permanently altered the landscape of California. The technique of hydraulic mining brought enormous profits but destroyed much of the region’s landscape. Dams designed to supply water to mine sites in summer altered the course of rivers away from farmland, while sediment from mines clogged others. The logging industry in the area was born from the need to construct extensive canals and feed boilers at mines, further consuming natural resources. 
In 1884, hydraulic mining was outlawed by court order, and soon agriculture became the dominant industry in California, and it remains so today. While a few mines and Gold Rush towns remain, much of the heritage of that era is preserved at places such as Bodie State Historic Park, a decaying ghost town, and at Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park, where Sutter’s Mill once stood. 
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focr · 2 years
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We prefer to rush to judgment. Irving Stone's classic history of the American West, "Men to Match My Mountains," contains a passage on early justice.
During the Gold Rush, San Francisco had a rash of crimes. It got to the point where the police were more corrupt than the criminals. So in 1851, a group of concerned citizens formed a "Vigilance Committee." The word "vigilante" is derived from it.
It was not just a lynch mob. They elected Sam Brannan as president, drew up a constitution, and set up parliamentary rules. Only responsible citizens were allowed to join and they only acted in emergencies when the law was ineffective. The first official act of the group was to arrest John Jenkins, who had stolen a safe and dropped it into a boat.
Tried in Brannan's office before a committee jury, Jenkins was declared guilty. An 1851 law said that grand larceny was punishable by death. But most of the committee seemed reluctant to hang someone for only stealing a safe.
At this point, William Howard threw his cap disgustedly on the table and cried:
"Gentlemen, as I understand it, we came here to hang somebody!"
So that's exactly what they did.
If God acted like this, where would you be right now?
~ Precept Austin
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samkamuh · 2 years
Cari dahulu kerajaan Allah
Selama Demam Emas California, penambang sering mengirim pakaian mereka ke China untuk dicuci. Butuh tiga bulan untuk menerima pakaian bersih kembali … dan lebih lama lagi jika kapal menghadapi angin topan.
Pada tahun 1848, James Marshall menemukan emas di Sungai Amerika di timur laut Sacramento saat ini. Surat kabar melaporkan penemuan itu, tetapi tidak ada yang percaya sampai Sam Brannan memamerkan sebotol debu emas di sekitar San Francisco dua bulan kemudian. Kemudian warga San Fransisco berlari ke pedalaman. Musim panas itu, surat kabar New York melaporkan penemuan itu dan demam emas dimulai.
Penambang yang membanjiri California membayangkan kekayaan yang tak terhitung, tetapi dalam kenyataannya, kerja keras, emas yang berkurang, dan persaingan yang ketat menunggu mereka. Seseorang menulis, “Menambang adalah pekerjaan tersulit yang bisa dibayangkan. ... Orang yang lemah mungkin juga menggali kuburnya seperti menggali emas.”
Harga kamp penambangan yang meningkat mengharuskan penambang menemukan setengah ons emas sehari hanya untuk bertahan hidup. Nilai seribu dolar mungkin muncul dari satu panci, tetapi hanya sedikit penambang yang pernah menemukan sebanyak itu. Sekitar 400.000 pria dari seluruh dunia memadati California pada tahun 1850-an, tetapi kebanyakan dari mereka kembali ke rumah dengan membawa kurang dari apa yang mereka bawa saat datang. Meskipun menemukan bongkahan pertama, Marshall meninggal dalam keadaan bangkrut.
Imigran Cina mengambil alih ladang ranjau yang ditinggalkan oleh penambang kulit putih. Binatu adalah pekerjaan wanita, jadi pada awalnya pakaian kotor dikirim ke Cina. Tetapi para imigran melihat peluang, dan binatu Cina bermunculan di mana-mana. Penambang di Weaverville, California, mengejek John karena mencuci pakaian mereka secara gratis. Tapi setahun kemudian, imigran itu memakai pakaian mewah; dia menemukan kekayaannya di kantong celana para penambang!
Hari ini, dalam perebutan untuk mendapatkan kebutuhan dan keinginan kita, mudah untuk mengabaikan apa yang benar-benar penting. Tetapi Tuhan berjanji bahwa ketika kita mengutamakan Dia, kebutuhan kita akan dipenuhi—bahkan lebih banyak lagi!
Matius 6:30-31
[30]Jadi jika demikian Allah mendandani rumput di ladang, yang hari ini ada dan besok dibuang ke dalam api, tidakkah Ia akan terlebih lagi mendandani kamu, hai orang yang kurang percaya?
[31]Sebab itu janganlah kamu kuatir dan berkata: Apakah yang akan kami makan? Apakah yang akan kami minum? Apakah yang akan kami pakai?
Doug Batchelor
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jomiddlemarch · 3 years
AU Meme: Mary Phinney/Samuel Diggs, College AU? Please and thank you!
Mary Phinney and Sam Diggs met in King 203, the only two freshmen in Professor Nicholson’s section of Math 329; within a week, the juniors and seniors had dubbed Mary “Rings” and Sam “Fields” and had stopped grousing about letting newbies in. It was over Oberlin’s celebration of Pi Day, specifically over the last piece of shoofly pie and the battle for the last bite, that Rings and Fields became something more. They would have been just two nerds in love, except for the dreams. Mary called them “funny” and Sam called “just plain weird,” their peculiarly shared, peculiarly vivid dreams of Mary’s great-great-great-grandmother Mary Elizabeth and Sam’s similarly vintaged ancestor Samuel, both Oberlin alums, Class of ‘45. 1845. Were they truly dreams—or something else? Evidence of reincarnation, of ghosts? Or of a shared psychotic break? It didn’t seem like there was anyone to confide in who wouldn’t think they were lovesick, overtired or high, at least until legendary archival librarian Bridget Brannan came across them one night in the stacks.
“Took you long enough,” she said, her tone so practical and annoyed they couldn’t help sharing a smile of pure relief.
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formicarum-rex · 5 years
so sam brannan, as a person, seems like as ass, but his life is kinda cool
like look:
important mormon dude, later disfellowshipped
established san francisco's 1st newspaper
put the word out about the gold
the gold rush's 1st millionaire (not from mining tho! he bought up all the mining equipment in the area before spilling the beans)
part of SF's 1st vigilante committee
established calistoga as a resort time, probably comitg up with the combo-name
ended up in southern california, poor, dying near to where i'm from
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
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More Modern AU! I got bored of not drawing hobbits.
If you like panel shows, British humor, immature jokes, and four friends each competing to get a giggle out of each other, you have to watch Citation Needed on Youtube. Pippin is not calm enough to be Chris Joel—and Chris is not dumb enough to be Pippin—but Gary Brannan’s brainiac tomfoolery is 100% Merry, Matt Grey’s “I have a Latin GCSE and yet I can’t words for the life of me” is 100% Sam, and Tom Scott’s role as the calm show host in the midst of all the shenanigans just suits Frodo, so that leaves Pippin to Chris.
All the dialogue here is modified from various episodes which I can’t be bothered to link, LOL
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arcanaimperii · 3 years
Not me making a playlist for the Trials of Apollo
Here are all the songs that made me feel something about this series. They aren't songs that are mentioned in the books, let me know if you want me to make that playlist because I can do. These are just the songs that I associate with the series.
Trials of Apollo on Spotify
The Visit - Regina Spektor.
Home - Margo
Skyscraper - Demi Lovato
Love for a Child - Jason Mraz
Brave - Sara Bareilles
Warrior - Demi Lovato
Elusive Knight - Jay Brannan
Praying - Kesha
Slipped Away - Avril Lavigne
Words - Skylar Grey
Flaws - Bastille
I'll Follow the Sun - The Beatles
You've Got a Friend - James Taylor
Demons - Imagine Dragons
Count on Me - Bruno Mars
Here Comes the Sun - The Beatles
I Lived - OneRepublic
It's Time - Imagine Dragons
I Have Made Mistakes - The Oh Hellos
Brother - Kodaline
Could Have Been Me - The Struts
Fight Song - Rachel Platten
Ode To My Family - The Cranberries
Yesterday - The Beatles
Don't Forget Where You Belong - One Direction
The Call - Regina Spektor
You'll Be Ok - A Great Big World
This Is Home - Switchfoot
The Best Is Yet To Come - Sheppard
Battle Scars (acoustic) - Paradise Fears
All I've Ever Needed - AJ Michalka
You Will Be Found - Ben Platt (Dear Evan Hansen)
Anywhere With You Is Home - Kurt Hugo Schneider, Sam Tsui, Alyson Stoner
Never Gonna Let You Down - Colbie Caillat
This Is Me / You Will Be Found - Mashup - AJ Rafael and Justine Rafael
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ao3feed-darklina · 3 years
by middlemarch
A collection of ficlets inspired by Tumblr prompts.
Words: 3232, Chapters: 8/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Shadow and Bone (TV), The Grisha Trilogy - Leigh Bardugo, GLOW (TV 2017), Mercy Street (TV), The Hour (TV), Anne of Green Gables - L. M. Montgomery
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Nina Zenik, Matthias Helvar, Jedediah "Jed" Foster, Mary Phinney, Henry Hopkins, Sam Sylvia, Ruth Wilder, Sebastian "Bash" Howard, Rhonda Richardson, Carolyn, Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa, Matron Brannan (Mercy Street), Freddie Lyon, Bel Rowley, Anne Shirley, Gilbert Blythe, Marilla Cuthbert, Rachel Lynde, Alina Starkov, The Darkling | Aleksander Morozova
Relationships: Matthias Helvar/Nina Zenik, Jedediah "Jed" Foster/Mary Phinney, Sam Sylvia/Ruth Wilder, Inej Ghafa & Nina Zenik, Henry Hopkins & Mary Phinney, Sam Sylvia/Carolyn, Freddie Lyon/Bel Rowley, Gilbert Blythe/Anne Shirley, The Darkling | Aleksander Morozova/Alina Starkov
Additional Tags: Ficlets, Inspired By Tumblr, Tumblr Prompt, Romance, Humor, Domestic, Alternate Universe - World War II, Alternate Universe - Flower Shop, Hair Brushing, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, inspired by Manhattan, inspired by Resistance, Marriage of Convenience, Alternate Universe - Neighbors, Alternate Universe - Bookstore
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sagiow · 3 years
Mercy Street - Hallmark Edition
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For Mercy Street Hallmark Movie day, here are the synopses of the Luke MacFarlane Christmas movies recast in Mansion House based solely on their names (no cheating, the only one I’ve watched is The Mistletoe Promise). And because it’s 2020 and the Hallmark Channel still won’t, I’ve made them all LGBTQ.
Chateau Christmas (lol ok I Iike that one)
Through a mysterious letter, still-mourning-although-it’s-been-two-years widow Mary Phinney finds out that she inherited a small, struggling vineyard and ramshackle chateau from Gustav’s unknown great-aunt in Alsace, and decides to put her veterinary practice on old for a month to evaluate her new assets. There she meets - and butts heads with -  the winery’s exacting yet artistic master vintner, Lisette Beaufort, whose guarded, veneered exterior hides also a grieving heart. Will their common care for the vineyard’s survival, appreciation for art and Gewurtzstraminer, and the magical Christmas season in picturesque Strasbourg make allies - et peut-être plus - out of these two women?
Secret scoop: Expect plenty of outdated, Emily In Paris-style French stereotypes and swooping views of Alsace that were actually shot in British Columbia.
Sense, Sensibility & Snowmen (FFS)
Following their mother’s second, ruin-saving marriage to her distant cousin, Sir Alfred Summers,  Emma and Alice Greenwood move from their native Virginia to his estate in Connecticut. There, Alice is swept on a whirlwind romance with the dashing Captain Willoughby Tallboots, under the melancholy eyes of retired officer Colonel Bullen, while Emma silently pines for her best friend and secret love, Isabella Friars. More distant cousins appear with convoluted relationships, passive-aggressive exchanges over long country walks and they probably go for a fortnight to Bath Newport before it all ends happily in a double wedding.
Bonus scene: Colin Firth emerges from the frozen lake in a wet shirt (Wrong movie? Don’t care.)
Maggie’s McBurney’s Christmas Miracle (ugh so cheesy)
Clay McBurney had landed the hottest deal of the season: planning the upstate New York wedding of Virginia heiress Emma Green to local war hero Henry Hopkins. He has booked the best location : Mansion House Lodge. It has everything: rustic yet elegant charm, breathtaking views, killer cellar, and a top celebrity chef, Pink Erton (yes, they’re that Pink Erton). However, he soon learns that Pink and him don’t exactly see eye to eye on how the Lodge should run the year’s biggest event. With a major snowstorm threatening to bring utter chaos to his carefully laid out perfect plans, and the bride’s family, total Armageddon, perhaps Matt Brannan, the gardener who used to be their army general (and could also be Santa) can help bring the magic back and save the day.... A musical ensues. 
Secret scoop: Some themes sound maybe kinda similar to Christmas Chateau? Of course they do: it’s a Hallmark Christmas movie!
The Mistletoe Promise (this one I’ve actually watched (thanks @fericita-s!) so real plot adapted)
Henry Hopkins wants to make partner at his law firm, but the company has a policy of promoting only “good family men with proper conservative values”, and he is happily single - and very, very gay. Jed Foster is running his travel agency with his ex-wife, Eliza, who now has the most irritating and single-brain celled new boyfriend, Byron. As this wasn’t bad enough, the Christmas party season is upon then, and showing up solo is not option. After meeting and commiserating in a mall food court, the two men enter an agreement to be each other’s "+1″ for the holidays to stick it to their workplaces. Could this “strictly business” arrangement (and weekend getaways to Christmassy NYC with horse-drawn carriage rides and a hotel suite with only one bed) lead to more?
Bonus scene: Henry teaches Jed how to ice-skate (shot on a shitty greenscreen + treadmill with no appreciation whatsoever of how one actually moves on skates)
Christmas Land (well that’s just terribly vague)
Real Estate developer Anne Hastings hates Christmas, which is why she always gets TF out of Chicago to spend it on a white sandy beach with many-a sweet drink and many-er sexy strangers. However, this year, her firm has the opportunity of purchasing land next to the little town of Nowell, close to the Canadian border in Vermont, to turn it into a giant, duty-free, fireworks-and-booze-and-pot selling outlet mall, and she is shipped out to strike the deal. There, she meets Charlotte Jenkins, the Georgia girl who always dreamt of a white Christmas, and who came all the way North after her husband died to open a florist/bookstore/coffeeshop, raise her two children, and hey, write a novel, why TF not, in the town she lovingly calls Christmas Land. Will Charlotte’s bright eyed goodness, delicious hot chocolate and adorable -and hammy, over-acting- kids make Anne discover the true meaning of Christmas... and perhaps even true love?
Bonus scene: There is a snowball fight that ends with them slipping and falling one on top of the other, with their laughter fading in an oh... oh moment, that’s interrupted by a kid before it gets anywhere interesting.
A Shoe Addict’s Christmas (uuuuugh whyyyyy)
Byron Hale loves shoes. He looooves them. He can never have enough, but his small bakery barely makes enough to cover rent and supplies. All this changes when he decides to take part in the Great Gingerbread Bake-Off, which whisks him off in magical Genosovia, a non-descript European country where people speak in Britishish accents. There, he meets Samuel Diggs, another competitor in the contest, whose lebkuchen with royal *wink wink* icing is the stuff of legends. Despite himself and the romance of Old Québec City Europe, Byron cannot help but slowly fall for the sweet, kind, really really ridiculously good-looking adversary. But perhaps there is something more regal *nudge nudge* to good ol’ Sam?
Bonus scene: Flour fight while baking something festive, which ends with Samuel pinning Byron to the fridge, their laughter fading in an oh... oh moment -ah crap just used that one already... ok, so let’s go with grandiose decorations in the palac---- huh town hall.
Secret scoop: Sam is a Prince. Oh that’s not a scoop? Nor secret? Damnit.
Of course, all first kisses occurs in the last scene of the movie under the mistletoe, softly falling (fake) snow and a jazzy rendition of a classic Christmas tune.
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womeninfictionandirl · 11 months
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Naomi Osaka by Sam Brannan
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my-infp-world · 4 years
INFP Music Collaboration Project: Complete!
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The INFP Collaboration Playlist Project is now complete! 
In total we had about 200 songs submitted and that completely blew me away! Thank you all so much for participating, I had no idea that it would get this many responses! 
Thank you especially to @rokokokokolores,  @stillnotknowing, @anypassingthought, @2nerd4this, @sonsoftie, @aseratreasures, @infp-relatable, @lunagirl0013, @idunno-justpicksomething, and @namhamjoon (please let me know if I accidentally forgot to tag you)
These are just the participants who were okay with being named but also thank you to all of the anonymous participants!
Here’s the final playlist from everyone’s suggestions, including some of mine that I threw in even though some of you beat me to the punch for a few songs.
Here is the INFP Music Collaboration Project!
Spotify Link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2F8xgXYEKiJSBOo7g8IvON
I was thinking of doing another one of these in the future but just make up my own prompts and put them all in one form and leave it open for a while or forever and just update the playlist twice a month or something like that. If you have ideas, just drop a comment or an ask if you want it to be anonymous. 
For those who want to know what the playlist turned out to be, here’s the list of songs with their categories below this break:
Silver Dagger - Live at Cecil Sharp House - The Staves
Today I Sing the Blues - Aretha Franklin
Pink Moon - Nick Drake
White Flag - Joseph
Black Swan - BTS
Indigo - Origa
Everything Black - Unlike Pluto
Yellow Lights - Harry Hudson
Red Hill Mining Town - U2
.stage 4 fear of trying. - Frank Iero
Symphony No.5 In B-Flat, Op.100: 2. Allegro marcato - Sergei Prokofiev
One More Time with Feeling - Regina Spektor
100 Bad Days - AJR
R.I.P. 2 My Youth - The Neighbourhood
+THNX190519+ - CL
100 Ways - Jackson Wang
Day 1 â—‘ - HONNE
18 - Anarbor
Two - Sleeping At Last
Three Tree Town - Ben Howard
Fumes - EDEN
Summertime Sadness - Lana Del Rey
T-Shirt Weather - Circa Waves
ME! (feat. Brendon Urie of Panic! At The Disco) - Taylor Swift
Dream - Priscilla Ahn
Carnival Hearts - Kayla Diamond
Yam Yam - No Vacation
Motivation - Normani
Wake Me Up - Avicii
Alligator Alley - Michael Daugherty
Because of You - Kelly Clarkson
Sincerely, Me - Mike Faist
Cheerleader - OMI
Viva La Vida - Coldplay
Supermassive Black Hole - Muse
Over You - Ingrid Michaelson
Shine A Little Light - The Black Keys
Dynamite - BTS
Prelude in E-flat minor - Dmitri Shostakovich
Sick of Myself - Matthew Sweet
Salute - Little Mix
Smother - Daughter
Ship To Wreck - Florence + The Machine
I Am The Best - 2NE1
Baba O'Riley - The Who
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
King - Years & Years
I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me) - Whitney Houston
I'm Coming Out - Diana Ross
Rain - MIKA
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up) - Fall Out Boy
Jump in the Line - Harry Belafonte
We Are the Tide - Blind Pilot
I'm A Believer - Radio Edit - Smash Mouth
So Much More Than This - Grace VanderWaal
Open Road - Lost & Found Music Studios
Vasoline - Stone Temple Pilots
Walk in the Night - Kaori Kobayashi*
Fáinleog - Live - The Gloaming
I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) - The Proclaimers
Kiss - Prince
Olalla - Blanco White
Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood
Whiskey and Morphine - Alexander Jean
Meds - Placebo
High - Sir Sly
June - Florence + The Machine
Here's to Never Growing Up - Avril Lavigne
Void - The Neighbourhood
Clouds - BøRNS
Love Wins - Carrie Underwood
Shukumei - Official HIGE DANdism
Boy With Luv (feat. Halsey) - BTS
The Man Who Can't Be Moved - The Script
Love Come Down - Kalafina
Here Comes The Sun - Remastered 2009 - The Beatles
You Are the Best Thing - Ray LaMontagne
Pokemon Theme Song - The Breaking Winds Bassoon Quartet
Someday - From "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"/Soundtrack Version - All-4-One
How We Love - Ingrid Michaelson
Everything You Ever - Neil Patrick Harris
Bluebird - Sara Bareilles
The Christmas Shoes - Newsong
Amen - Amber Run
Empty - Ray LaMontagne
In Dreams - Roy Orbison
The Beach - The Neighbourhood
Kimi Ga Hikari Ni Kaeteiku - Kalafina
Memories - Maroon 5
No Choir - Florence + The Machine
Should I Stay or Should I Go - Remastered - The Clash
Love On Top - Beyonce
Keep Your Head Up - Ben Howard
Fight Song - Rachel Platten
Samson - Regina Spektor
One More Sad Song - The All-American Rejects
No One - Alicia Keys
Poison Prince - Amy Macdonald
Love Story - Taylor Swift
7 Things - Single Version - Miley Cyrus
Rude - MAGIC!
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
Lean on Me - Bill Withers
Cat's in the Cradle - Harry Chapin
More Than a Feeling - Boston
Killing Me Softly - Frank Sinatra* 
How Sweet It Is - Michael Buble
This Will Be (An Everlasting Love) - Natalie Cole
I'm A Believer - Radio Edit - Smash Mouth
Hold You in My Arms - Ray LaMontagne
Never Stop (Wedding Version) - SafetySuit
Skinny Love - Birdy
That's the Way It Is - Cassidy Janson
Angel - Darren Hayes
Titanium - Madilyn Bailey
There Must Be An Angel - ORIGA*
Mr. Tambourine Man - The Helio Sequence
Rude - Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox
Bad Guy - The Interrupters
Africa - TOTO
Beautifully - Jay Brannan
Creep - Radiohead
Cupid - Sam Cooke
Your Favorite Thing - Sugar
Livin' On A Prayer - Bon Jovi
I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston
For Good - From "Wicked" Original Broadway Cast Recording/2003 - Kristin Chenoweth
Take Me or Leave Me - Idina Menzel
Something To Believe In - Jeremy Jordan
Dancing with the Devil - Wolf Gang
Holding Out for a Hero - From "Footloose" Soundtrack - Bonnie Tyler
A Thousand Miles - Vanessa Carlton
Drops of Jupiter (Tell Me) - Train
Waterfalls - TLC
Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) - Green Day
Wannabe - Spice Girls
Memories - Maroon 5
Men Of Snow - Ingrid Michaelson
The River - Kyla La Grange
Saturn - Sleeping At Last
Landslide - Fleetwood Mac
The Fear - Ben Howard
Dog Days Are Over - Florence + The Machine
The Good Part - AJR
Build It Up - Ingrid Michaelson
Freckles - Natasha Bedingfield
Happy Home - Lukas Graham
Barely Breathing - Duncan Sheik
The Road - Hurts
Lost in My Mind - The Head and the Heart
Love Like You (feat. Rebecca Sugar) - End Credits - Steven Universe
Esmeralda - The Hunchback of Notre Dame Company
West Side Story: Act I: Maria - Leonard Bernstein
Nina Cried Power (feat. Mavis Staples) - Hozier
Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond
Roxie - Renae Zellweger
Grace - Florence + The Machine
Sukiyaki - Kyu Sakamoto
Fuckin' Perfect - Melanie La Barrie
Who's Got a Match? - Biffy Clyro
Into The Fire - Thirteen Senses
Bang The Doldrums - Fall Out Boy
I Was Here - Beyonce
Neon Gravestones - Twenty One Pilots
Danzon No.2 - Arturo Márquez
Most Girls - Hailee Steinfeld
(Finally) A Convenient Truth - Get Well Soon
Stand by Me - Otis Redding
Such Great Heights - Remastered - The Postal Service
To the Beginning - Kalafina
Here Comes a Regular - 2008 Remaster - The Replacements
Night Rather Than Day - EXID
Wonderwall - Remastered - Oasis
Waiting for the End - Linkin Park
All Along the Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix
Human Nature - Michael Jackson
The Longest Time - Billy Joel
Love, You Didn't Do Right by Me - Rosemary Clooney
Before Our Spring - JONGHYUN
girls - girl in red
Conversations in the Dark - John Legend
Just like Heaven - The Cure
On The Street Where You Live - Frederick Loewe
Still into You - Paramore
Five Variants of "Dives and Lazarus" - Ralph Vaughan Williams
Black Woman - Danielle Brooks
Eyes Nose Lips (feat. Taeyang) - Epik High
Empty - Ray LaMontagne
Just a Dream - Carrie Underwood
Landslide - Fleetwood Mac
Requiem - Laura Dreyfuss
Hurt - Christina Aguilera
So Much More Than This - Grace VanderWaal
Pretty Hurts - Beyonce
Just like Heaven - The Cure
i'm lonely - Luz
Skylark - Aretha Franklin
Never Let Me Go - Florence + The Machine
Ship To Wreck - Florence + The Machine
Going Under - Evanescence
Muddy Hymnal - Iron & Wine
Rush - Aly & AJ
Smooth (feat. Rob Thomas) - Santana
Who Let The Dogs Out - Baha Men
She Looks So Perfect - 5 Seconds of Summer
Never Let Me Go - Florence + The Machine
Vienna - Billy Joel
The Pros and Cons of Breathing - Fall Out Boy
In Dreams - Roy Orbison
Car Radio - Twenty One Pilots
Sweet Nothing (feat. Florence Welch) - Calvin Harris
Lonely Dance - Set It Off
*Could not be found on Spotify
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l8rhader · 3 years
Top Tracks the last 4 weeks according to spotify:
Accidentally In Love — Counting Crows
Eddie Baby — Felix Hagan & the Family
the 1 — Taylor Swift
Ease My Mind — Ben Platt
Twin Size Mattress — The Front Bottoms
Always Something There to Remind Me - 2018 Remaster — Naked Eyes
Wouldn't It Be Nice — The Beach Boys
Buddy Holly — Weezer
She's In Love With The Boy - Single Version — Trisha Yearwood
First Day Of My Life — Bright Eyes
Cruel Summer — Taylor Swift
Love Is A Battlefield — Pat Benatar
illicit affairs — Taylor Swift
Nightswimming — R.E.M.
Boys Will Be Bugs — Cavetown
Eddie My Love — The Teen Queens
1980s Horror Film II — Wallows
Grow As We Go — Ben Platt
Half-Boyfriend — Jay Brannan
Don't You (Forget About Me) — Simple Minds
Come To My Window — Melissa Etheridge
Lovesong - 2010 Remaster — The Cure
For Forever — Ben Platt
Finally — CeCe Peniston
I Think We’re Alone Now — Tiffany
First Date — blink-182
Wherever is Your Heart — Brandi Carlile
Friday I'm in Love — The Cure
willow — Taylor Swift
Richie Tozier — Ok Otter
Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight — James Taylor
Everything Has Changed — Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran
Valentine — Pentatonix
Temporary Love — Ben Platt
invisible string — Taylor Swift
Can't Take My Eyes off You — Frankie Valli
Mr. Brightside — The Killers
Maps — Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Can't Help Falling In Love — Pentatonix
Sweater Weather — The Neighbourhood
In The Still Of The Nite (I'll Remember) — Boyz II Men
Lover — Taylor Swift
Latch - Acoustic — Sam Smith
The Night We Met — Lord Huron
Turning Out — AJR
Run Away — Ben Platt
Africa — Weezer
To Be With You — Mr. Big
Just Some Guy — Anthony Rapp
You're My Best Friend - Remastered 2011 — Queen
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broadwaybaggins · 4 years
"I'm calling in that favor you owe me. Actually, I'm calling in all the favors you owe me," she said. First line fanfic
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"I'm calling in that favor you owe me. Actually, I'm calling in all the favors you owe me," she said.
“I owe you favors already? That doesn’t sound like me.” Emma grinned at Mary as she rifled through her dufflebag, searching for the contraband candy and other assorted junk food that she had stashed there. Lights’ out for the campers had been thirty minutes ago, and the counselors were meeting up to “unwind” after the long day--which meant drinking, s’mores making, and other such shenanigans.
“I’m serious, Emma. Oh, hey, Cheeto me.” Mary caught the bag of Cheetos that Emma tossed her way and opened it in one practiced motion. “I need to know everything you can tell me about that Jed Foster.”
“Ah. Trouble in the health lodge?”
Mary rolled her eyes. “Only if you call him second-guessing every single decision I made trouble. He even asked me if I was sure I wanted to use that brand of calamine lotion on Hattie’s mosquito bites.”
“I’m sorry, I should have warned you about him. He’s a bit...prickly.”
“That’s the understatement of the year. You know what he told me? ‘I know more about these things than you.’ As if we’re not both pre-med and there’s really that many ways to treat a damn mosquito bite. What is his problem?”
Emma shrugged, opening up a bag of Sun Chips. “He usually works here with his girlfriend, but she got a fancy internship in LA instead this year. Didn’t even talk to him about it, so I guess he’s pretty pissed. He shouldn’t take it out on you, though, that’s not cool.”
Mary sighed, running a hand through her bobbed hair. “It’s not. At least he’s decent with the kids. That’s about the only thing that kept me from trying to beat him to death with an Ace bandage.”
“He’s nice once you get to know him, I promise. It just...takes a while.”
Mary considered her thoughtfully. “Samuel said the same thing. I guess that’s as good an endorsement as any.”
“Laaaaaaaaaaaay-deeeeeeeeeeees!” a new voice sang, and Emma watched as Anne Hastings strode into view. She had a tote bag emblazoned with various logos for Broadway shows slung over her shoulder, and from inside it Emma could hear bottles clinking. “I hereby declare this party started.” She took one strap of the bag off her shoulder and began to rifle through it. “What’s your poison? I’ve got wine coolers, Fireball, a little bit of peach schnapps--”
Mary made a face. “Got anything good in there?”
Anne fixed Mary with a withering look. “Excuse me, baroness, but some of us actually have to rely on our paltry counselor’s salary! I was a bit limited in my selections at the local excuse for a liquor store!”
“It’s okay, Anne. I’m sure the others will have something else if Mary prefers,” Emma said quickly, wanting to avoid an argument. She had seen the way Mary had bristled at Anne’s baroness comment, and how Anne’s eyes were glinting with annoyance. “Frank usually brings some Bud Light or something. It’s all good.”
“Fine,” Mary said after a second. Anne responded by reaching for a wine cooler out of her bag and taking a swig. “Come on, girls,” she said, linking arms with Emma and leaving Mary to bring up the rear. “The fire waits for no woman.”
They quickly made their way to the firepit where the other counselors were gathering. They walked quickly and quietly, not necessarily because they were afraid of being caught--the only real danger was if they woke up Mrs. Brannan, whose tiny cabin was right next to the dining hall--but because the act of sneaking around made everything seem so much more fun and exciting.
They were among the last to arrive. Samuel and Charlotte were there, sitting close together, Sam’s guitar propped against the log next to them. Emma saw Alice wearing tiny cutoffs and what was perhaps the tiniest bikini top known to man. Emma wasn’t sure how she wasn’t freezing her buns off. Anne immediately abandoned them when she spotted Byron, launching herself at him as if he were a soldier returning from war that she hadn’t seen in years. 
“How long has that been a thing?” Mary asked as she watched Byron shove his tongue down Anne’s throat. She turned away and reached for one of the Bud Lights that Emma had mentioned. She popped the top and took a sip, grimacing. “Beer is gross.”
“And yet we drink it.”
The arrival of Jed Foster caused both girls to turn towards him. He, too, was clutching a can of Bud that was currently sweating into his palm. A guitar was slung over his shoulder like a backpack. “Hey, Jed,” Emma said kindly.
“My dear Miss Green. How is life in the art barn?”
“Oh, you know how it is.” 
His eyes flickered over to Mary almost nervously. “Mary.”
“Jed.” She nodded at his guitar. “You play?”
“When the moment calls for it,” he said coolly.
All right, this was interesting. Despite her earlier animosity, Emma could see clear interest in Mary’s eyes as she gazed at Jed. Anne would say that Mary had a lady-boner for him, and Emma wasn’t entirely sure she was wrong.
“I’m gonna...get a drink,” she mumbled, leaving the two to work through their mutual sexual tension in their own time. She turned and almost immediately collided with a warm body that smelled of campfire and pine. She knew because her nose collided with his shirt.
“Woah!” Emma felt hands on her upper arms--she’d worn a tank top and was already starting to feel chilly, but the contact caused warmth to go straight through her--to steady her. “My bad. Sorry, Emma.”
“Henry!” There he was, wearing the same outfit as earlier when they’d been in the loft together, but now his sleeves were rolled up a little and he was barefoot. There was a band-aid on his thumb that hadn’t been there earlier. “What happened to you?”
Henry shrugged. “Little disagreement with a bee. Jed and Mary fixed me up. Can I get you a drink? We have quite a selection. Beer, or beer. Or...” he grinned and held up another six-pack, already half gone. “Beer!”
“Anne brought some stuff, but I think she’s...busy.”
“That’s one word for it. Has she worked here long?”
“Yeah, this is her...” Emma tried to think. It was a little hard to focus when he was looking at her like that, the firelight shining on his face. “Fourth summer? Fifth summer? I can’t remember. Fourth, I think. She started when she was like seventeen.”
“What’s the deal with the accent?” he asked, lowering his voice. “Like, is it an act, or...”
Emma laughed. “I can see why you’d think so, but it’s actually real. She’s English. Or half English, at least. I can’t remember which parent.”
Henry winced as Byron’s voice rang out through the camp. He had climbed up onto a stump just outside of the circle of logs around the fire and held one of Anne’s bottles high above his head. “Isn’t he worried about waking the kids?”
“Byron doesn’t worry about anything.”
“Your attention please!” Byron bellowed. “Counselors of our beloved Camp Green Wood! Another summer has begun! Another summer of camraderie, friendship, and shenanigans--”
“Get to the fuckin’ point, Hale!” Frank called out, his arm slung over Alice’s shoulder. His words caused a ripple of laughter around the circle.
“Come on, let’s sit down. He does this every year and we need to be sitting for it, it’s a whole thing,” Emma leaned up to whisper in Henry’s ear. They made their way to the circle and sat down on the only remaining empty log, between Mary and Jed and Sam and Charlotte. It was a bit crowded by this point, so Emma ended up with her entire side pressed up against Henry. She said a silent prayer of thanks that she’d stolen a bottle of Alice’s signature Georgia Peach body spray.
Byron put a dramatic finger to his lips. In case the message wasn’t abundantly clear, Anne’s loud “Shhhhhhhhh!”, followed by “Shut the fuck up, Stringfellow!” brought about the desired dramatic silence.
Byron hopped off the stump, still brandishing the bottle. “I hereby declare the summer officially....” he paused for effect. “Started!”
He smashed the bottle against the stump like he was christening a yacht. It exploded, and the assembled counselors let out appreciative claps and cheers that almost drowned out Anne’s screech of “I didn’t put the tarp down! You said you’d let me put the tarp down! YOU ARE CLEANING UP EVERY BIT OF THAT BROKEN GLASS, BYRON HALE!”
“He does that every year?” Henry asked, his expression unreadable.
“Every year. And every year he forget to do it in a way that doesn’t release broken glass everywhere. You can set your watch by it.”
“This place is crazy,” Henry remarked, but he didn’t sound scared off by this fact. Someone was passing around a bag of marshmallows, and Henry took two and handed one over to Emma.
“What kind of marshmallow toaster are you?” he asked. “Let it get nice and golden, or put it straight in the fire?”
Charlotte handed Emma one of the marshmallow skewers, and Emma answered by sticking it right into the center of the flames. Henry looked aghast.
“No!” he cried. “No, no, wrong! You’ve got to do it slowly, gently...”
“It’s no use, Rev,” Charlotte said, nudging Emma with her shoulder. “I’ve tried to talk her out of it so many times. Our Emma just lives for chaos.”
Emma retrieved her burning marshmallow and quickly blew out the remaining flames, leaving it charred just the way she liked it. “You’re both wrong. This is the only way to do it.”
Sam had been strumming his guitar gently, tuning it as Jed worked on his. Mary perched nearby, eating a s’more and pretending she wasn’t watching. Sam gave one final strum and looked up. “All right! Any requests?”
“You promised me some Sheryl Crow,” Charlotte reminded him.
“Later, Char. You don’t start a set with Sheryl Crow.” Jed’s face implied that such a thing was ludicrous. Emma wondered how much trouble she’d be in if she throw her flip-flop at him.
Perry, one of the junior counselors, had been creeping their way. He tapped Sam on the shoulder and whispered in his ear.
“Huh? Oh, sure, why not.” Sam conferred with Jed for a moment before counting them off. “Okay, one-two-three-four.”
“When I wake up, oh I know I’m gonna be, I’m gonna be the man who wakes up next to you!”
The song was met with a mix of groans and cheers. Henry looked up from assembling his s’more with precision and laughed. “This is definitely gonna be an interesting summer.”
Emma grinned and hoped she wasn’t imagining the way he seemed to lean closer to her as he said it.
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jimagius · 4 years
Calistoga history episode is out today! Jim and Tom welcome historian Rebecca Yerger for a sampling of stories on the history and characters of Calistoga. We talk about the wild life and legacy of Sam Brannan as well as George Yount, Calistoga’s connection to the Donner Party, Edward Turner Bale, “Old Hog Killer”, Leland Stanford (Stanford University), Eadweard Muybridge (father of the motion picture), Mount St. Helena and more.
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jomiddlemarch · 3 years
It had the virtue of never having been tried
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“You know you’re supposed to fail, right?” Jed said, settling down next to her at the bar. Mary scowled—at the barman mopping the other end, providing her no good reason to ignore the man next to her, at her glass of synthehol, which yeah, was guaranteed not to leave her with a miserable hangover but which was, for that very reason, not giving her the satisfaction she wanted, and most certainly at Jed Foster, thorn in her side, burr in her hide, jackass-of-all-trades and frustratingly master of many, her command-track classmate and sadly, the lead in far too many of her sexual fantasies.
“That’s Charlotte’s seat,” Mary said. Sure, she was being rude but he probably wouldn’t even register it.
“She’s beating, no, trouncing Sam in Kadis-kot and I don’t think he even cares,” Jed replied. “Actually, he’s usually pretty good at it, so maybe he’s just drawing it out for the fun of it.”
“You think he’s throwing the game to get in her good graces. By which you mean her pants?” Mary asked. “Because that sounds not at all like Sam but remarkably like you.”
“Don’t believe everything you hear from Hale. And Lisette,” Jed said. “Eliza, yes, but I was much younger then, a mere cadet well-endowed with wild oats in need of sowing.” He’d waggled his eyebrows roguishly saying well-endowed, drawing the requisite grimace from her and an unhealthy flare of curiosity about how much he was exaggerating for comedic effect.
“Cripes,” Mary shook her head. “And they’re going to make you a captain.”
“Not right away, but yeah,” he said, grinning for all he was worth. She unwillingly added that expression to the fantasy catalog. “Partly because I get it. What today was about.”
“I get what today was about,” Mary said. “I don’t have to like it.”
“Look at it this way—no one can pull a Kirk on the Kobayashi Maru, but I feel fairly certain the idea would have occurred to you and you would have discarded it due to your extremely firm moral fiber, whereas I would have tried and cocked it up and failed anyway.”
“That’s supposed to make me feel better?” she said, swirling the amber liquid in the glass. She refused to even think of them as spirits.
“It was. As it didn’t and given that you understood the point of the exercise, why do you think you feel so bad, besides the fact that you are trying to drown your inexplicable sorrows in synthehol instead of quality Kentucky bourbon,” he said. He held out a flask, presumably of the aforementioned bourbon. The flask was laser-etched, probably monogrammed and she refused to even glance at the letters.
“This is a bar, you’re not supposed to bring in your own liquor,” she said. God, even she thought she sounded like a priss, but it was still his fault. She was sticking to that.
“You gonna tell on me, darlin’?” he said.
“No, and don’t call me darling,” she said, grabbing the bottle and taking a quick swig before anyone nearby could see her. He hadn’t been lying, the bourbon was extremely good, with a hint of vanilla and honey mixed with oak that synthehol could never quite capture.
“Hell, Mary, I didn’t think you’d actually—”
“Don’t offer, then,” she said.
“No, that’s okay, I just didn’t think you’d go for it,” he said. “You’re usually so thoughtful, so, so… competent about everything.”
“God, you make me sound boring,” she said.
“Well, your simulation was anything but,” he said.
“You watched?” she said. “I feel worse, give me the bourbon.”
“You’re welcome to another drink, but don’t have one just because you feel like you fucked up today. I was impressed, very impressed, by how you handled everything. You did—you did all you could, Mary,” he said, reaching his hand out like to was going to touch her—her cheek maybe or her bottom lip. She went very still and then he noticed his outstretched hand and dropped it.
“The instructors said the same thing, I heard them. Rear-Admiral Brannan said it was like you had the Sight. If you don’t take top marks for your sim, you’ll definitely be in the top five,” he said.
“Oh joy,” she said.
“That’s not making you feel better either? I mean, Hopkins basically gave a fucking sermon on the bridge and Emma shot her XO in front of the whole crew, once she figured out he was a saboteur. Hale passed out. I miscalculated the dose of antidote I was supposed to take, I left it too long, and I died,” Jed said. “You evacuated all your refugees except for the stowaway—it was just your command crew you lost and you sent out the distress call in enough time that at least their families would know what happened. What gives?”
“I cried,” she said.
“What? I watched the whole thing. You were like a fucking Valkyrie. Or a Vulcan having an off day,” Jed said, running the hand he’d recently extended through his dark hair. Her brain recorded that too.
“Not during it. Afterwards. I went to the restroom and I locked the door and cried for a half-hour,” she said.
“So you feel bad for feeling bad?” he said. “That’s not like too neurotic or anything.”
“I knew I was supposed to cope with failing,” she said. “And I did. Sort of. I faked it. I kept it together until I wasn’t being evaluated anymore and then I fell apart. But if it really happens, I’ll never have that chance, to feel what I need to feel,” she said.
“Grozit, Mary, you’re exhausting,” Jed replied. “It’s okay, all right? Sometimes, a lie is the best you can do. Sometimes, it’s the closest you can get to the truth—and that’s enough.”
“Dayenu,” she said, making him wrinkle his forehead. “It’s Old Hebrew. It means, ‘it would have been enough,’ it’s something my savta used to say. From an old song, a very old one,” Mary explained.
“My grandmother,” she said.
“Well, you should listen to her then. And don’t ever try to double-cross Emma, because she’ll shoot you and gorram, she’s got good aim,” Jed said.
“Shove off, Foster,” Charlotte said, before Mary could think of what to say. It was lucky, because she was feeling the bourbon, even without a second shot, and the warmth in Jed’s dark eyes, the modest distance between his thigh and hers that was aching to become shamefully narrow, and then disappear. Or it wasn’t lucky, the Charlotte was hardly ever truly lucky, just extremely observant and brilliant and insightful, playing two games of Kadis-kot at once.
For once, Mary wished her friend had thrown the game. Or lost.
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