#Salem knows about headpsace
antiendovents Β· 2 months
- 🌌🩷
🩷 - do you have any subsystems?
Yes, we have a lot actually, I think the current number is 11-12? They're mostly grouped subsystems that are connected for all different reasons (the one that runs this account is connected because of our roles + the reason we split in the first place), he do have an alter in alter subsystem that's in layer two.
πŸ“Ί - do you make/buy gifts to other alters in the systems?
We don't do it very often, but we do like to get notebooks, apps, jewellery and stuff for certain alters. Though almost always another alter ends up using them anywaysβ€” but it was the thought that counts, right? :p
🌱 - do you have a headspace? if yes, describe it! if no, do you want one?
Yes! It's a really big headspace. Basically the headspace is one big void with different floating islands, each island is a layer. We have four (known) layers. Layer one is the "main" layer and it's made up of a giant forest with different clearings and patches, we have different "areas" in this layer that range from safe to very dangerous. Layer two is made up of fields and hills, it's mostly foggy and is considered the "secondary" layer, here I believe most of the areas are safe with the exception of one area. Layer three is the second smallest layer, it's a little village of cottages, this layer is completely safe with the small exception of the alters themselves, they could chose to attack but most if them are friendly. Layer four is the smallest layer by far, made up of a singular abandoned house that holds a few fragments known as the "trauma kids". Most of layer four is considered dangerous all around, with only the fragments that reside there able to travel throughout the house and its garden unharmed.
πŸͺ΄ - did you have to build your headspace over time, or was it just there?
As far as we're aware it was just there, but we do have an architect who does make some "edits" to some places in headspace. He used to fix up the alters homes, but he went dormant at some point and now that he's back he doesn't seem very motivated to do anything like that anymore.
πŸͺ - do you have a collective name/identity/orientation? if yes, how did your system make those decisions?
We do have a collective identity, but it's sort of merged with a singletsona, which is also a bit separate? It's complicated. Collectively we go by many names, but mostly critter or bug, we use he/they/it/xe as collective pronouns since they're the most common ones we have. These were decided among the "admin team". But we have no collective gender or sexuality, that's where the singletsona comes in. We won't say it's name since it's out legal name, but our singletsona is a he/they trans-masc non-binary who is aceflux and omnisexual. This is based of the "main" hosts Identity before they figured out we were a system. They fought very hard to be seen as a boy and we didn't want to ruin that, so we kept their identity mostly.
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