fuzzycreatorreview · 6 months
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sicarx · 1 year
Punto de Venta SICARX
Si eres dueño de un negocio, ya sea grande o pequeño, sabes lo importante que es tener un punto de venta eficiente que te permita gestionar tus ventas, productos y reportes de manera fácil y rápida. Es por eso que hoy quiero hablarte de las ventajas que tiene SICARX, un punto de venta alojado en la nube que te permite gestionar tu negocio desde cualquier dispositivo con acceso a internet. 
Una de las principales ventajas de SICARX es la posibilidad de acceder a tu punto de venta desde cualquier lugar, en cualquier momento. Si tienes una tienda física, puedes conectarte a SICARX desde tu teléfono o tablet y gestionar tus ventas en tiempo real. 
Otra gran ventaja de SICARX es la facilidad de uso. La interfaz es muy intuitiva y fácil de entender, lo que significa que no necesitas ser un experto en tecnología para usarlo. Puedes agregar productos, crear reportes y realizar cortes de caja en pocos minutos, lo que te permite centrarte en lo más importante: tu negocio. SICARX también te ofrece una gran cantidad de funciones y herramientas que te ayudarán a gestionar tu negocio de manera más eficiente. 
Por ejemplo, puedes generar reportes detallados de tus ventas y productos, lo que te permitirá tomar decisiones más informadas sobre tu inventario y estrategias de marketing. Además, puedes crear promociones y descuentos para tus clientes, lo que te ayudará a fidelizarlos y a aumentar tus ventas. Por último, SICARX es muy seguro y confiable. La información de tu negocio se almacena en la nube, lo que significa que no tienes que preocuparte por perder tus datos en caso de una falla en tu computadora o dispositivo móvil. 
Además, SICARX cuenta con una encriptación de seguridad de alta calidad para garantizar la privacidad de tus datos. En resumen, SICARX es una excelente opción para aquellos que buscan un punto de venta alojado en la nube, fácil de usar y con una gran cantidad de funciones y herramientas para gestionar su negocio de manera más eficiente. Con SICARX, puedes acceder a tu negocio desde cualquier lugar, en cualquier momento, lo que te permitirá centrarte en lo más importante: hacer crecer tu negocio.
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Edge bender machine
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Bende heves ,sende şeref kalmadı
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Bu gerizekalilar dershanenin girişindeki kepenk seysini Volkan hocanin ses dinleme cihazi sanmislar bozalim diye basmislar sonra kepenki indirdiler bende o sirada telefonla konusuypdum sonea fark ettim HSIDJWKDHHD
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lilither · 2 years
valla onun yuzunden beni dovceksiniz diye korkuyom he @sarapvevotka @smyna @cigaretteandcherry
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voiceemporium · 2 years
Sabine Wren in Star Wars: Rebels voiced by Tiya Sicar
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sadovv · 2 years
akbilimi kaybettim saka mi
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5--5---5 · 1 year
telefonumun kenari kalkmis saka midr daha ay olmadi
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travellingnews · 2 years
Το επενδυτικό κεφάλαιο SouthBridge II επενδύει σε WebHotelier και primalRES
Το επενδυτικό κεφάλαιο SouthBridge II επενδύει σε WebHotelier και primalRES
Η WebΗotelier και η primalRES ανακοινώνουν την επίτευξη στρατηγικής μετοχικής συνεργασίας με το επενδυτικό κεφάλαιο SouthBridge Europe Mezzanine II SICAR. Η WebHotelier, κορυφαία εταιρεία στην παροχή ολοκληρωμένων λύσεων για ξενοδόχους, εξοπλίζει περισσότερα από 8.000 συνεργαζόμενα καταλύματα σε Ελλάδα, Κύπρο και 50 ακόμα χώρες με μια σειρά από καινοτόμα εργαλεία και αυτοματισμούς για την αύξηση…
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leftistfeminista · 3 months
Junta abuses of Socialist women in Plaza de la Constitución
From Las mujeres torturadas por la DINA
As soon as she heard voices, she tried to get up from the mat. She had her eyes blindfolded and felt sick. Despite this, someone roughly grabbed her and shoved her into a garbage truck. After being detained for seven days in the underground of Plaza de la Constitución – located in downtown Santiago – Patricia Herrera, a 19-year-old militant of the Socialist Party, was transferred to Londres 38 along with her party comrades who were imprisoned with her. Patricia was very weak after the repeated rapes and beatings she suffered at Plaza de la Constitución.
Neither her body nor her mind were responding well. In the main hall of Londres 38, located on the first floor, prisoners had to wait to be called for interrogation. However, Patricia was never called for this. Her health condition prevented her from moving. Days passed, and she remained motionless in the mansion located in the heart of Santiago. After several years, thanks to the accounts of other comrades who were there, Patricia has been able to reconstruct her past in this place.
June 27, 1974 was a cold and cloudy day. Like every Thursday, Patricia went to classes. She was in her first semester of Business Administration at the Catholic University. As soon as she finished her last class, she set off for her home in the Cerrillos commune. One block before arriving, she felt that something strange was happening. As she continued walking, she saw more cars than usual in her neighborhood and sensed an unusual movement. While she walked, she felt that something could happen to her, however, she never imagined seeing her mother outside her house talking to some men dressed in civilian clothes. Without saying a single word, they approached her violently, tied her hands, put tape over her eyes, blindfolded her, and put her in a vehicle. "At that moment, I thought my life was over. I felt very helpless. I had the feeling of falling into a black hole, into a hole where I didn't see where I was going to end up. It was the feeling of falling into a bottomless pit," she recalls.
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After several years and thanks to a lawsuit she filed—where various witnesses helped her reconstruct her story—Patricia remembers that the same day she was arrested, she arrived at Plaza de la Constitución. She had been kidnapped by the Intelligence Service of Carabineros (Sicar), and days before being detained, her partner at the time, Luis Alvarado, and a group of socialist militants had also been taken to that place.
They abruptly got out of the car and took her to the underground, which currently corresponds to the parking lots of La Moneda. Upon entering that place, they left her on a mat just as she came in the car: blindfolded and tied up. Patricia was completely out of it. Hours later, she heard footsteps approaching. She didn't have time to think when a man put a gun to her stomach and began to rape her in front of all the people there. Patricia tried to defend herself with her feet, but it was in vain. "I had never had sexual relations before. That night I felt like I was dying. Besides, everything was very fast, the arrest, the beatings, the rape, I never had a chance to regain my strength," she explains.
Several days had passed since her arrest. Her health was deteriorating, and she still had a fever. As was customary when they arrived at Londres 38, the agents sat the prisoners in wooden chairs lined up. However, every time they tried to sit her down, one chair after another fell. They hit her and put her back in the chair, but it never worked. Her body couldn't support her. Finally, they gave up and left her lying on the floor. "In Londres, I was completely out of action, I wasn't in any condition to be interrogated," she explains.
Rapes, forced nudity, and groping by the guards of the prisoners were constant in the underground dungeons of Plaza de la Constitución. "There, not only did I suffer successive rapes in front of everyone, there were also humiliations and groping even harsher than the penetration itself. They felt all-powerful towards us and it was like: 'Realize the situation you're in'. To them, we weren't people," she says.
Patricia was lying on the mat with her eyes blindfolded in Plaza de la Constitución when suddenly she smelled the unmistakable scent of hot sopaipillas. One of the guards who was eating touched her arm and said, "Today it's very cold, it's raining, and I have daughters like you. Take this," and he handed her two pieces of sopaipilla in her hand. Like never before, she enjoyed that bit of food, which gave her the strength to keep surviving and sleep for an hour. For Patricia, the days passed very slowly in that place. She doesn't remember being given food—apart from that piece of sopaipilla. It didn't matter if she menstruated or needed to defecate: she couldn't go to the bathroom, let alone shower. Her body weakened day by day.
Political prisoners not only suffered torture and sexual violations. Humiliations and sexual humiliations were also a way to break them and weaken them. Patricia was lying on her mat when the guards made her and the rest of the prisoners in the room get up. With blows and shoves, they took them to another place in Plaza de la Constitución. They stripped them naked, lined them up, and then made them march. "They laughed out loud at us. Suddenly they made us jump or bend over, and obviously we obeyed or else they could kill us. That's another type of torture," she recounts.
She was lying on the floor while the other prisoners were sitting in the chairs of Londres 38 waiting to be interrogated. Reduced to a lump, Patricia was in such precarious conditions that the agents decided to take her to a doctor. One of the guards violently lifted Patricia by the arms and took her to a room where Álvaro Vallejos, better known as "Loro Matías," was. He was a prisoner, a medical student, and a militant of the MIR who had been detained for several months in Londres 38. The moment they took off Patricia's blindfold, both of them realized the bad conditions they were in and that they couldn't help each other. He signaled to one of the agents, indicating that he was not in a condition to examine her due to his health condition and how delicate she looked. Upon this, Patricia was pushed out of the room and returned to where she was before: the floor.
Not understanding very well what was happening, she was lifted from the floor by the agents and put into a vehicle to be transported. Like her party comrades, she arrived at the Four Alamos prison camp. Several years later, through the accounts of people who saw her while she was imprisoned, Patricia learned that she was in Londres 38 for approximately seven days. During that week, she was never interrogated by the agents. Her passage through Plaza de la Constitución left her so weak that her memories are practically non-existent in that place. Upon arriving at Cuatro Álamos, they separated the prisoners into men's and women's cells.
Patricia, as the only woman in her socialist group, was alone in one of the cells. The days passed, and little by little, she recovered. Despite the detainees being in precarious conditions, at Cuatro Álamos, they had the possibility to eat and be without blindfolds inside the cell, unlike their time in the torture centers. "The food was left outside the door, it was disgusting, but the fact of having food helps you. That allowed me to regain strength to keep surviving because it was better than what I was before," she comments.
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damnhotmsimmons · 1 year
If I was a writer for cm evolution...
If I was a writer for Evolution, I would..
give Luke and Tara more screentime. Adam and Aisha are great actors and it’s annoying cm keeps underutilizing them
Rossi less screentime
make every episode about 60 minutes or more. 
Show the BAU’s personal lives in every episode, even if it’s just a scene or two and a few seconds per person
More Luke and Garcia interactions, the banter and snark. Will sure as hell add a proper explanation as to what happened after the date, even if it takes more than one episode
Some more humor, I get that the season is tackling a much darker storyline but a little lightheartedness won’t hurt them and it helps add some levity to balance out the serious and bleak moments
Reid and Matt are acknowledged more prominently despite their absences, especially the latter
No Greencia sex scene, post credits scene has Luke showing up instead or maybe Tara gets a text from Rebecca
Maybe keep the Bailey scenes in but in episode 5, he gets more of a backbone and he shows more guilt between choosing to defend Emily and the BAU versus caving in to Martha Reeves’ demands. Subsequent episodes would have him make it up to the team as well as making it up to them after being so harsh on them, looking down at the BAU and the way he talked down to Emily. He has a lot of work ahead, which makes his redemption go off more natural
Garcia gets called out for her selfishness by Emily or even Luke and JJ, seeing how she handled her trauma and it seems that she tried to solve her issues by cutting ties with them and avoiding them at all
Tara and Rebecca having more scenes, whether it’s them being domestic in their apartment or they finally have a talk down after the fallout they had in episode 6
None of the silent treatment Rebecca is giving Tara between episodes 6 and the season finale
Garcia realizing she made a mistake with Tyler after the kiss and her realizing that she loves someone else and letting Tyler know about it
More lady bonding moments, ladies night. Considering how the women outnumber the men in the main cast this season, it’s jarring to see how little they interact besides cases and the fact that the writers try to add more men (Bailey, Tyler) to the show as an excuse to fill in the void left by Reid and Matt’s absences, did not help
Keep the Willifer scenes, ditch the diagnosis subplot and replace it with the family having to deal with JJ returning after her time working in New Orleans didn’t go well due to covid happening
Krystal doesn’t die, sick and tired of the whole “fridged women” trope, her absence could be explained by staying with her daughter Portia cause of covid etc
callbacks to the date and why things didn’t work out and Garcia is back to treating Luke the same way she did in s12-15
Emily and the team gives JJ a proper hug in the reunion
Maybe a small time skip or something so that JJ and Luke have time to properly recover from escaping the trap set up by Elias
Garcia doesn’t say “...even Luke” when she hugs him and JJ after seeing that they survived. He asks if this means she does care about him, with Garcia not saying anything but rather gives him a smug look
Make Garcia less selfish, she goes to therapy and she deals/overcomes her unresolved trauma in a much more healthy manner instead of making poor choices like hooking up with Tyler and knowing she can’t keep being an emotional crutch for others
Garcia get’s more meaningful interactions with JJ and Emily, seeing how it’s odd they rarely interact despite the three being close friends
Maybe JJ and Luke suffer from ptsd due to surviving an explosion, could serve as something that needs to be brought up and acknowledged in future episodes
Luke gets an episode centered on his personal life, ditto for Emily and Tara
Maybe he makes more mentions about his family, not just a one time thing
another breather episode like Saturday (15x04), which serves as a little break from the heavy storyline, Elias/Sicarius makes no appearance cause it’s about the BAU fam and their time off the Sicarius case
maybe flashbacks to what the team have been up to between 15x10 and 16x01
JJ being the one who talks to Tara about her fallout with Rebecca
Set up Elias as a potential foe to Garcia instead of Rossi
More glimpses of Garcia’s new life post-BAU
Luke and Garcia finding some sort of happiness, whether it’s with each other or someone who doesn’t have heavy emotional baggage and anger issues (aka Tyler Green)
That’s all I have so far. I’m not an experienced writer, so the chances of me being a writer for cm is unlikely. Still, a girl can dream. Also, feel free to add more to this
@darcyfangirlsfrequently, @snailsandpuppy-dogtails, @marvelfanlife, @jacquiebethelina44, @rewrotethestars, @ghostlypawn, @blackbird-brewster​, @unitchiefs-blackbirdphoenix​, @gaelic-symphony​
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kaxtwenty · 7 months
This weird Sabine plot line can be salvaged, but it requires the whole Rebels writing room to come back and keep Filoni in check.
Also nothing gets approved without Tiya Sicar’s supervision.
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birazuyuyupgeldim · 26 days
Cok güzel bi kombin yaptim gecen gün ama buraya atarsam burdaki yobazlar ağzima sicar
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beppebort · 8 months
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Vangelo che ci porta alla contemplazione
Lettura del Vangelo secondo Giovanni (4,5-42)
In quel tempo. Il Signore Gesù giunse a una città della Samaria chiamata Sicar, vicina al terreno che Giacobbe aveva dato a Giuseppe suo figlio: qui c’era un pozzo di Giacobbe. Gesù dunque, affaticato per il viaggio, sedeva presso il pozzo. Era circa mezzogiorno. Giunse una donna samaritana ad attingere acqua. Le dice Gesù: «Dammi da bere». I suoi discepoli erano andati in città a fare provvista di cibi. Allora la donna samaritana gli dice: «Come mai tu, che sei giudeo, chiedi da bere a me, che sono una donna samaritana». I Giudei infatti non hanno rapporti con i Samaritani. Gesù le risponde: «Se tu conoscessi il dono di Dio e chi è colui che ti dice: “Dammi da bere!”, tu avresti chiesto a lui ed egli ti avrebbe dato acqua viva». Gli dice la donna: «Signore, non hai un secchio e il pozzo è profondo; da dove prendi dunque quest’acqua viva? Sei tu forse più grande del nostro padre Giacobbe, che ci diede il pozzo e ne bevve lui con i suoi figli e il suo bestiame?». Gesù le risponde: «Chiunque beve di quest’acqua avrà di nuovo sete: ma chi berrà dell’acqua che io gli darò, non avrà più sete in eterno. Anzi, l’acqua che io gli darò diventerà in lui una sorgente d’acqua che zampilla per la vita eterna». «Signore - gli dice la donna -, dammi quest’acqua, perché io non abbia più sete e non continui a venire qui ad attingere acqua». Le dice: «Va’ a chiamare tuo marito e ritorna qui». Gli risponde la donna: «Io non ho marito». Le dice Gesù: «Hai detto bene: “Io non ho marito”. Infatti hai avuto cinque mariti e quello che hai ora non è tuo marito; in questo hai detto il vero». Gli replica la donna: «Signore, vedo che tu sei un profeta! I nostri padri hanno adorato su questo monte; voi invece dite che è a Gerusalemme il luogo in cui bisogna adorare». Gesù le dice: «Credimi, donna, viene l’ora in cui né su questo monte né a Gerusalemme adorerete il Padre. Voi adorate ciò che non conoscete, noi adoriamo ciò che conosciamo, perché la salvezza viene dai Giudei. Ma viene l’ora – ed è questa – in cui i veri adoratori adoreranno il Padre in spirito e verità; così infatti il Padre vuole che siano quelli che lo adorano. Dio è spirito, e quelli che lo adorano devono adorare in spirito e verità». Gli rispose la donna: «So che deve venire il Messia, chiamato Cristo: quando egli verrà, ci annuncerà ogni cosa». Le dice Gesù: «Sono io, che parlo con te».
In quel momento giunsero i suoi discepoli e si meravigliavano che parlasse con una donna. Nessuno tuttavia disse: «Che cosa cerchi?», o: «Di che cosa parli con lei?». La donna intanto lasciò la sua anfora, andò in città e disse alla gente: «Venite a vedere un uomo che mi ha detto tutto quello che ho fatto. Che sia lui il Cristo?». Uscirono dalla città e andavano da lui.
Intanto i discepoli lo pregavano: «Rabbì, mangia». Ma egli rispose loro: «Io ha da mangiare un cibo che voi non conoscete». E i discepoli si domandavano l’un l’altro: «Qualcuno gli ha forse portato da mangiare?». Gesù disse loro: «Il mio cibo è fare la volontà di colui che mi ha mandato e compiere la sua opera. Voi non dite forse: “Ancora quattro mesi e poi viene la mietitura”? Ecco, io vi dico: alzate i vostri occhi e guardate i campi che già biondeggiano per la mietitura. Chi miete riceve il salario e raccoglie frutto per la vita eterna, perché chi semina gioisca insieme a chi miete. In questo infatti si dimostra vero il proverbio: uno semina e l’altro miete. Io vi ho mandati a mietere ciò per cui non avete faticato; altri hanno faticato e voi siete subentrati nella loro fatica».
Molti Samaritani di quella città credettero in lui per la parola della donna, che testimoniava: «Mi ha detto tutto quello che ho fatto». E quando i Samaritani giunsero da lui, lo pregavano di rimanere da loro ed egli rimase là due giorni. Molti di più credettero per la sua parola e alla donna dicevano: «Non è più per i tuoi discorsi che noi crediamo, ma perché noi stessi abbiamo udito e sappiamo che questi è veramente il salvatore del mondo».
Dalla Parola alla vita
Papa Francesco scrive: «Per tutti è un tempo favorevole per poter uscire dalla propria alienazione esistenziale grazie all’ascolto della Parola e alle opere di misericordia». L’invito è molto chiaro e sarà il filo rosso che guiderà le nostre riflessioni ascoltando la Parola e scegliendo, di volta in volta, alcune opere di misericordia per un concreto “esercizio di cristianesimo” da vivere nella settimana.
1. Il messaggio della Parola. «Gesù, affaticato per il viaggio, sedeva presso il pozzo. Era circa mezzogiorno. Giunge una donna samaritana ad attingere acqua». La situazione di partenza è di impotenza: l’uomo desidera la salvezza, ma scopre che essa è… in fondo al pozzo. Il pozzo è profondo e l’acqua non è a portata di mano: questa è la condizione dell’uomo che cerca la salvezza e non la trova. Gesù ci prende per mano per condurci nel cammino della fede. Il dialogo di Gesù con la Samaritana è lo stesso che ogni cristiano intesse con lui nella preghiera. I passi che Gesù ci invita a compiere sono tre: chiede attenzione, suscita il desiderio della grazia, cambia il cuore con il suo perdono. Per noi, concretamente, questi passi costituiscono il programma quaresimale. Nella preghiera e nel silenzio più intensi ascoltiamo la voce dello Spirito Santo che ci parla di Gesù; il desiderio della grazia ci conduce alla celebrazione della riconciliazione che permette di scoprire il volto misericordioso del Padre; l’acqua donata da Gesù purifica dal male e dona, nel perdono, gioia e pace.
2. Le opere di misericordia. L’incontro di Gesù con la Samaritana ci suggerisce di «dar da bere agli assetati» e «consigliare i dubbiosi». Sappiamo che nel mondo i deserti stanno avanzando e che folle immense sono oppresse da una cronica mancanza d’acqua. L’acqua rende possibile la vita e dove manca l’acqua tutto rischia di morire. Noi non sappiamo neppure cosa significhi soffrire la sete. Il pensiero che tante sorelle e fratelli non riescono a soddisfare questo bisogno primario ci deve indurre a un serio ripensamento del nostro modo di vivere. Senza rendercene conto siamo diventati sciuponi e dissipatori di tante ricchezze del creato. Sant’Ambrogio ci ammonisce: «Il superfluo dei ricchi è il necessario dei poveri��. Ognuno, nella propria coscienza, deve trovare la maniera di non sprecare l’acqua e in genere il cibo, e anche cercare di far crescere intorno a sé la cultura del rispetto del creato e di una vera condivisione dei beni tra tutti gli uomini.
Dobbiamo aggiungere che Gesù, nell’incontro con la Samaritana, non si è lasciato guidare dai pregiudizi, ma si è avvicinato a lei mostrando comprensione per la sua situazione e, al contempo, aprendo la sua mente e il suo cuore a un cambiamento profondo. Nella vita quotidiana di ciascuno di noi, sul lavoro o in famiglia, ci capitano tante occasioni in cui siamo chiamati a non giudicare, ma anche a non tacere. Imparare a dire la verità con garbo e umiltà è oggi una delle opere misericordiose più urgenti.
Commento di don Luigi Galli
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Tabii annemden habersiz yoksa sicar agzima
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