chrollohearttags · 1 year
ain’t no way I went all the way in the grocery store, shopped for an almost an hour and came back to my car to realize that my stupid ass left my keys in the ignition. 😭😭 just insane actually
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httpiastri · 16 days
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pepe marti p2!!!!!! i dont care that hes on a different strategy and is just the second out of those who havent pitted because !! he's p2 !!!!!!!!!!!!
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What does Kris like/dislike? [hi btw! hope you’re doing well :>]
Hope you’re doin well too, pal aaa!!! Good to hear from ya xoxo
It’s December which means Christmas!! It’s Kris’ favorite holiday without a doubt, and they just love this time of year watching the gifts pile up, making lefse, having mulled wine, and enjoying the snow. There’s something so warm and cozy about being with those they love around the end of the year.
Kris also likes their job as Charles’ executive assistant. They can just relax on a couch while bookkeeping and making spreadsheets and all that boring office junk that just lets them check out for a bit. Making phone calls is not something they’re particularly fond of, though, but such is their duty.
Kris both likes and dislikes their power. It’s great that they can develop incredible strength and endurance when listening to metal, and it’s useful when they’re doing klokateer work, but that means they can’t listen to metal at all unless they want their power to activate. They also get incredibly exhausted once the music ends, feeling all that taxing effort come onto them in one big wave. It’s more burdensome to them than they like, but Kris would not want to give it up due to just how useful it is in their line of work.
As far as people go, of course Kris loves Charles, that’s just a given. They also find Dethklok to be like brothers to them, both annoying but loves em to death. They have a good friendship with Abigail and Dick too, seeing them as good mentors for behind the scenes action when it comes to the band(Abi moreso, she’s very articulate!) Absolutely hates Rockso though, and loathes whenever Toki hangs out with him. Oh and of course Kris loves Lasagna as though she were their niece! :3
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br3adtoasty · 1 year
🌹 omg Krom date in a little forest clearing....
ask game here
as my brain has been completely fried these past few days and my mind just shut down when i think about them, here’s a drawing instead!
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they’re the ever, your honor
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cashweasel · 2 years
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Not enough Ushijima art out here
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ectoplasmer · 1 year
every time someone brings up how the yamis are supposed to be the “darker half” of their host and how they are meant to reflect/act on their deepest desires/thoughts/etc i think of monster world and just. crumble
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kagxme · 8 months
8, 12, 16
8. do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
yes absolutely. there are house clothes and outside clothes. there are also house shoes and outside shoes ddjjdd
12. brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare that you trust 100%?
no, not after my last "trusted" brand got sued for causing hairloss with carcinogens.
16. thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
slaps, no notes. if you think it tastes like toothpaste, you have a new genetic thing like the cilantro-soap people. argue with your mama.
ask me shit?
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blazechime · 11 months
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I added my backlog of art to the queue of my art account……
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lowoserdrawsstuff · 10 months
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folks this was only supposed to take like 2/3 days at most to draw, but I’ve been wrestling with it on-and-off for the past two weeks shdjdhd
I like to imagine Tim’s doing this for martin and martin alone - he might not approve of his spooky loser boss, but it’s hell of a lot better than David
Original image
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rsmrymnt-tea · 2 years
greatly enjoy bfast but it would be nice if i could stay up long enough to enjoy its sequel, lunch
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"Do you have a coin?"
"No. Who carries coins?"
Dear God, as someone who still carries coins, that made me feel old as hell hearing that SHDJDHD
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strwberri-milk · 5 months
Shdjdhd, thank you for the request! It was super cute! How do you think Kaeya, +anybody else. Would react to the same type of s/o, but she's /actually/ a genuine flirt? And it's absolutely so random. (She tells them that she does this on purpose to make them feel good about themselves, but don't expect them to be consistent) lol.
I totally see Kaeya being absolutely whipped by that point, and if he's drunk, he may totally absolutely ask you to marry him, without realizing he said it out loud😂. (Just food for thoughts aha)
im going to just do this for kaeya bc i promise you i have no sense of creativity and if you dont tell me who my brain shuts down LMAO
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Kaeya doesn't mind if you're just a genuine flirt. He trusts you fully and knows that you aren't doing it with the intention of something else happening with the recipient and he can also see the differences between you flirting with him versus somebody else.
When you tell him that you do it to make him feel good he's even more flattered. It's clear to him that you reserve your best lines for him and only him, and knowing that you do it specifically to bring a smile to his face just makes him that much happier when you do tell him a lone.
He laughs a little when you tell him you won't be consistent, kissing your cheek and telling you that you don't have to be for him to know that you do care about him a lot.
Kaeya absolutely has asked you to marry him when drunk. The amount of it goes up proportionally to how close he is to purchasing the ring/how close it is to the actual proposal. Thoughts of marrying you just fill his mind up constantly and when he's not as secretive about it he always ends up circling the same topic. You have no idea until he actually proposes that that was the reason why he wouldn't stop bringing it up when drunk.
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4 Street Ghoul (besides the obvious hbHFGB), 5 Kris, 10 Yugo Nora!!
4. Do they have any scars or tattoos?
Besides the obvious? Why, whatever do you mean? Teehee heehee 😇 agdjdhdj ok besides the fact it has only one arm, Street Ghoul doesn’t have a lot of other scars. Usually, just nicks from maybe getting a paper cut here or there, or remnants of scrapes. You’d think it would have SOMETHING other than a missing arm from getting hit by a car, but nah, Street Ghoul is actually pretty blank when it comes to that. No tattoos either, the idea of getting stabbed with ink just makes it squirm.
5. What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances?
Kris is pretty emotional as it is, so it’s actually very easy for them to cry over every little thing. Hell, I bet the last thing they cried at was a movie of some kind. Kris cries when angry, when laughing, when stressed or anxious, it’s rather hard to know when they last cried. I think a better question is: when was the last time they DIDN’T cry?
10. What objects do they always carry around with them?
With a bag charmed with magic to hold as much as Yugo wants, she could carry just about anything! Even the bag itself is something she can’t go without, since it was her mother’s. Things that are a must are cookware. She knows how to cook basic meals, and definitely needs that knowledge for her journey. Now that she was gifted her father’s emerald cloth that she now wears every day, there’s no way she’d go anywhere without it. Yugo is a sentimental type, and her cloth and bag mean so much more to her than meets the eye.
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palskippah · 3 months
What mpreg mareach fic are you writing? I might be reading it actually
It's one called super Mario and Princess Peach: making babies shdjdhd
Haven't updated in like two months tho 😔
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napayim · 9 months
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bu bitkiyi görünce aklıma sünger bob çizimleri geldi shdjdhd
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For the music ask game: 9:A song that makes you happy & 5:A song that needs to be played LOUD (:
9: i/me/myself by will wood, but specifically this live version from 2019!! its a really impressive performance and i love the lyric changes compared to the studio version :]
5: demirep by bikini kill!! you just have to blast it and scream along to get the full experience shdjdhd
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