nicklloydnow · 9 months
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“Death as a subject? Is not death the non-subject par excellence? However cheerfully we may chatter about love, there is little to say about death. It leaves us speechless. Once, we are told, in the good old days, in ancient times it was different, Death was more loquacious and affable, was part of society and the family, encounters with him were not avoided, and if he was not a close friend at least he was on familiar terms with mankind. There has been a fundamental change over the last two hundred years. Death has fallen silent and commands our silence, and we are happy to comply; indeed, we preserve a deathly hush. And not because we know nothing about it - that, as everyone knows, is no reason at all to keep one's mouth shut - no, it is simply because death is the spirit of the eternal negative, a spoilsport, literally a killjoy, and we want nothing to do with such characters today.” - Patrick Süskind, ‘On Love and Death’ (2006) [p. 39, 40]
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bobbygw · 4 months
The Glutton is a tour de force of lyrical, historical fiction and the uncanny.
Set in the 18th century, mostly in rural peasant France, before, during and after the Revolution, it will appeal to all those who were enthralled by Süskind’s modern classic, Perfume, for its magisterial, remarkable and intense ability to capture and portray an unfathomable…
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palkerekfy · 5 months
Mozi + szerelem = MÚVILÁV
Nők és férfiak, páros történetek a mozivászon helyett a színpadon, ez a MÚVILÁV, egy kétszemélyes színpadi produkció. Nem tudom, hogy színdarab-e, mert annyira szokatlan, formabontó valami. Az Orlai Produkció által megadott műfaj “zenés romkom-fantázia”, akármit is jelentsen ez. A szerelem két alanya, a nő és a férfi Trokán Nóra és Klem Viktor, az utóbbi egyben a rendező is. A szerelemben…
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gwydionmisha · 6 months
The Perfume to go (Süskind in 10.5 minutes)
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septembergold · 1 year
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silknest · 5 months
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Eddie Nashton sketchpage because I’m going through the horrors and thinking of him again! Happy very very late new year by the way, I hope you’re doing well ❤️
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sahafbey · 7 months
Bu güne kadar hep, büzülüp uzaklaşması gereken şeyin genel olarak dünya olduğunu sanmıştı. Oysa dünya değildi,insanlardı . Öyle görünüyordu ki , insanları boşalmış bir dünyada pekala yaşanabilirdi.
Patrick Süskind- Koku
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psychopompoi · 2 months
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Odors have a power of persuasion stronger than that of words, appearances, emotions, or will. The persuasive power of an odor cannot be fended off, it enters into us like breath into our lungs, it fills us up, imbues us totally. There is no remedy for it.
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Towards the magnetic pole of extreme solitude.
Patrick Süskind
(oh to be an incredibly gifted creature wandering around forgotten forests, maybe less the murdering part though-)
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nerves-nebula · 6 months
i love reading books about weird little fucked up guys they so often include weird sexual shit and because the book is about a fucked up guy and fucked up people i can't tell if this is the authors thing or if its supposed to be fucked up. also they include incest stuff way more casually it's fantastic. this guy just stood over his daughters sleeping body and was like "i wish i wasnt her dad so i could fuck her" and it's not even that relevant to anything else going on- outside of her supposedly having such an intoxicating scent that everyone thinks shes super hot. i love books where its just like "things suck and boy, they're about to get worse!"
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gottdeswill · 1 year
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palkerekfy · 6 months
A nagybőgő előadáson Veszprémben
Nemrégiben írtam arról, hogy megnézem Patrick Süskind művét Klem Viktor előadásában, és terveztem, hogy megírom az élményeimet. Azóta olvastam Kiss Anett élménybeszámolóját, és úgy döntöttem, hogy engedélyét kérem az itteni közzétételre. Nagy örömömre, megkaptam az engedélyt, így mindenki elolvashatja. Köszönöm! Kerékfy Pál Szeptember 14-én, csütörtökön vettem észre a Veszprémi Petőfi Színház…
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rachedurst · 9 months
i generally find the movie version of the perfume to be better and dislike the author explicitely making grenouille be pre-determined-evil. i actually have like, mad issues with that stance being a part of the books message. despite my issues with the book though I have to say patrick süskind really wrote something that is haunting me for years because Man
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autoneurotic · 1 year
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grenouille was a certified That Bitch !
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barxlupin · 9 days
Muses' Sexualities
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Maurice Leblanc: gender non-conforming, bisexual (male-leaning)
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Georgette Leblanc: gender non-conforming, bisexual (female-leaning)
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James Joyce: pansexual
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Murasaki Shikibu: bisexual
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Henry Poe: homosexual
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Ted Geisel: pansexual
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Arthur Conan Doyle: demisexual
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Patrick Süskind: pansexual (female-leaning)
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