bobbygw · 4 months
The Glutton is a tour de force of lyrical, historical fiction and the uncanny.
Set in the 18th century, mostly in rural peasant France, before, during and after the Revolution, it will appeal to all those who were enthralled by Süskind’s modern classic, Perfume, for its magisterial, remarkable and intense ability to capture and portray an unfathomable…
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bobbygw · 11 years
The author, most recently, of “They Eat Puppies, Don’t They?” says his favorite writer is Evelyn Waugh, “even though he so despised Americans that, if he were alive to hear this compliment, he would swat it back across the net.”
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bobbygw · 11 years
So the gist of this article in Slate is that two white privileged, middle class CEO women don’t like the word ‘feminism’, and and other women, young and old, those not informed or misinformed never educated about the history of feminism think it’s unnecessary or negative and man-hating. And if successful women like Mayer at Yahoo dislikes feminism and being called a feminist and Sandberg thinks mentoring younger women is “therapy” (What's the difference between that ignorant/sexist statement coming from a woman instead of a guy? Answer: no difference at all!), then that means feminism / feminist must be wrong or outdated or about women with chips on their shoulders (how nice to have so much money to disparage other women) as terms and exclude them. This is blindness and ignorance. It is precisely only thanks to the countless women over hundreds of years who have fought for women’s rights that Sandberg and Mayer are able to be where they are now. Without feminism they wouldn’t have had access to education or any other kind of power. The other irritating thing about the article is that the author and citing Mayer and Sandberg think equality of the sexes is a given. There’s also no mention of impact of those in poverty, on impact of the double bind of racism coupled with gender, of challenges to access quality education, of violence against women everywhere (irrespective of class, sexuality, race or views; and of all types: physical and sexual and racist assault, psychological, and killing), of the everyday sexism women and girls face everywhere: home, at work, school, travelling, on public transport. There's no reflection in the article or by Mayer or Sandberg of women having to deal with and fight against the pressures of right wing, conservative sexist politics that deny all women full health care choices and the many challenges that involves and - well, the list goes on. Ignorance is bliss, clearly, for those too privileged to care about the majority of women not having equality compared to men with regard to freedom of choice, political or gender or race or sexuality or environment or economic circumstances or a conflation of these dynamics.
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bobbygw · 11 years
Article on the some of the recent dangers and threats of Facebook, exposing fans to the potential loss of privacy and data theft. Is it about time you closed your account? Is it just a matter of time before you find your password hacked and thieves have a gateway key into all your other linked website accounts?
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bobbygw · 15 years
iNove by mg12 is one of the top themes used for self-hosted WordPress blogs, and a commonly requested addition to our offerings here on WordPress.com. We’re always doing what we can to...
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bobbygw · 15 years
You publish a lot of quality content (trust us, we know). And so we understand that making it easily accessible to your faithful readers is very important for you as a blogger. Sure, our ...
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bobbygw · 15 years
Say goodbye to messing around with HTML in a Text widget just to get an “About Me” in your sidebar. With the new Gravatar widget it only takes a few seconds to achieve this and stamp...
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bobbygw · 15 years
PollDaddy joined the Automattic team last year, and we have been working on adding some of our great features directly into the WordPress platform ever since.
The PollDaddy rating...
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bobbygw · 15 years
Here at WordPress.com, we always run the most recent version of the WordPress open source software. In addition, we do custom development so that we can offer features not included in the open...
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bobbygw · 15 years
Last month we launched the Yahoo! App and 360 importer so you can migrate your content to WordPress.com quickly and easily. And we introduced the SocialVibe widget, which helps you earn...
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bobbygw · 15 years
Remember National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) back in November? You all used the opportunity to take a swing at churning out a 50,000-word novel on your blogs in only one month — some with...
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