#Ryan o’reily
scurvyratt · 6 months
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thisdivorce · 2 years
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wawamouse · 3 months
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Oz textposts (31/?)
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ozimagines · 13 days
Chris Keller, Tobias Beecher, and Y/N in: Paternity Test part 2/?
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“Tobias merely sent me a message that my presence would be appreciated tonight.”
“Hmm.” Keller hummed under his breath. He’d tried not to be too much of a dick with the minister. He’d always been there for Beecher and Holly.
Still, that holier than thou attitude really put a sour taste in his mouth.
“Can I call you Chris?”
“If I can call you mom.” Chris responded sarcastically. Said rolled his eyes.
“Fine then. Keller. Whatever your feelings on whether or not you should have had a kid, you have one now. You owe it to Y/N.”
“Kid’s done just fine without me.”
“But as a familial unit-“
“Said, respectfully, blow it out your ass.” Keller’s seething from his chair. “I find out I’ve got a long lost kid and had to listen to your bullshit in the same day. I’m basically battin zero today.”
“You already have a kid, if I’m not mistaken.” Kareem said, still sipping on ice tea. “A wonderful daughter.”
Keller shrugged, not really wanting to talk but not wanting to let all of these thoughts die in his head. Maybe make Said realize what this meant.
“She’s my daughter, but she’s all Beecher inside.”
“That’s not true and you know it.”
Said reminded him of Holly before Chris was her dad and Holly after. She was more outgoing, less apologetic. She even talked like Keller sometimes, and he referred the man to a time where she was talking about some “rat” classmate she’d have to “talk to” if they “knew what she meant.” They were all a little concerned.
Plus the countless Father-Daughter adventures he’d take Holly on. One ended with them watching a soccer match in a small Greek restaurant. He’d really come to love that kid.
“Don’t think I worry about that every goddamn day? Holly turning out like me?”
Tobias entered the room not a moment too soon.
“Kids are down.” He looks between the two of them. “Another pleasant exchange?”
“Seems so.” Kareem responded.
“We have Y/N to worry about now.”
“Why?” Keller interjected, rubbing his neck. “Y/N already has a family. She/he/they don’t need us.”
“But he/she/they want to know us.” Beecher insisted, sitting down next to his boyfriend. “We are Y/N’s family now.”
“Everyone deserves a family.” Kareem says, catching an annoyed look from Keller.
“Fine.” He grumbles.
The next morning, too come down to Toby and Chris in the kitchen. You watch from the doorway for a second.
Keller’s got his crotch pressed against Beecher’s backside, kind of swaying together. He kisses Toby’s neck.
“Only thing more delicious than this breakfast is you, babe.”
Beecher was making pancakes. And waffles. And French toast. He didn’t know which you liked.
“Chris, I’m gonna burn myself.” Toby’s admonishing him but smiling all the way. He kisses Chris’s nose.
They seem happy. Really happy. You feel guilty for showing up after all this time.
You knock on the doorframe and both men turn around, one with a smile and one without.
“Y/N!” Beecher shows you his massive breakfast he prepared for you, apologizing if you don’t like any of it. As it turns out you like it all.
Beecher leaves to go wake Holly up, and pats Chris on the back reassuringly before he does.
You and Keller are alone together now.
He’s staring at his shoes, stacking pancakes and preparing toppings for everything.
“W-which are your favorite?” You ask shyly. He thinks for a second.
“Waffles normally but I like Toby’s French toast. It’s never too eggy.”
You nod your head and remark you like waffles too. He knows it’s a general statement, but it gives him the creeps.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Hasn’t stopped you yet.” Chris said. You’re standing behind him with the plate Toby handed to you. Suddenly, Chris takes the plate from your hand, and it seems like you’ve crossed a line.
But he’s just getting you a few waffles and slices of French toast.❤️
He hands the full plate back, gesturing to the syrup on the counter.
“Well? Go on.” Keller prodded.
“Why don’t you seem to like me?”
He was a little startled but thought on it for a second.
“Are there any leading theories right now?” He asked back.
“I think you have a wonderful life and family. And I think I messed it up by being here somehow. I understand why you hate me.”
Chris’s heart ached. It was a dull, painful feeling. Something in him just wanted to comfort you. Something primal. Instinctive.
“Look, I don’t hate you. I don’t even dislike you. I don’t know you.” He shrugged, putting some food on a plate for Holly the way she liked it.
“You can’t always feel about yourself the way you think others feel about you. It’ll tear you up inside. You gotta have a thick skin, or this world… it’ll chew you up and spit you out. Hear me?”
“Yes, Mr. Keller.”
*sigh* “you can call me Chris.”
“Can we compromise at Mr. Chris?”
He smirked and chuckled a little. You were very mature.
“Sure, kid.”
When Beecher enters, you and Chris are in a death match debate on whether or not Batman is a superhero.
“What’s his power then? Hm? Money? He’s just a rich bitch in tights.” Chris checkmates, with a big grin on his face as you laugh.
“Language, Chris.” Toby said, but he’s smiling. Holly gives Chris a hug and sits down next to him, her plate already being made by him.
Toby’s too. Chris considers it a point of pride that he can make anyone in the family a plate and they’ll love it. Shows how he knows them.
You’re all sitting and talking and laughing like a family.
“Is there anyone else I should meet? Like Miss Bonnie and Uncle Kareem?”
Keller bristles at his kid calling Said “uncle” but he says nothing
Holly takes over
“There’s uncle Ryan, and uncle Cyril.” She leans in a whispers. “He’s the best.”
You ask and they explain Cyril’s condition.
“He’s really nice.” She continues. “And he always asks Ryan to buy him candy and always gives me the yellow ones because he doesn’t like that flavor and they’re my favorite.”
Beecher and Keller exchange knowing looks. Cyril LOVED being Holly’s uncle. And even though they were worried about him being violent at first, Cyril just took on a protecting role. In fact even that had become sort of a problem when Cyril yelled at another child for being mean to Holly. (They had to explain the optics of a fully grown man yelling at a kid to him.)
Since then, Holly and Cyril were inseparable when they hung out.
“You can meet them today if you want to, Y/N.”
“Yeah, I think I’d like that.”
Beecher sets up the meeting. It’s at a park. Holly and Cyril’s favorite because there’s a playground and a duck pond.
“Hey, Ryan.” Beecher called, and Ryan’s head turned to greet him. There was a tall kind blonde haired man standing next to him. They both looked a little scary at first, if you were honest.
“Hey, kid.” Ryan greeted, and you assume Beecher explained ahead of time. You would be mistaken however. Beecher wasn’t sure how to explain over the phone.
“This is Y/N.” He introduces you and Ryan and you shake his hand. You go to shake the other man’s hand and he just looks at his brother. He leans down and whispers something to Holly. You’re suddenly very self conscious. Holly smiled.
“No, Y/N is really nice. He/she/they’re pop’s kid.”
Cyril’s eyes got really wide, and when he spoke, you smiled.
“You two had another baby?”🥹
Beecher chuckled and told Cyril that’s now how that works until Ryan waves for him to not bother explaining.
“So… I’m an uncle again?”
“Seems so.” Ryan said, sliding a taunting glance at Keller, who rolled his eyes and scratched his nose with his middle finger.
Beecher tells you and Holly and Cyril to go play but not to go too far.
As soon as you’re out of earshot, Ryan turns mockingly to Keller.
“Condom’s a lot less expensive than child support, my friend.”
“Little late on the advice there, O’Reily.” Keller snapped, eyes flitting to you from time to time to make sure you’re okay.
“Will you two stop.” Toby chided. “Y/N’s here. Now. The woulda coulda shoulda’s are out the window. We have a child we need to support.”
“We? Unless my biology teacher lied to me, Beecher, I’m not sure that’s possible.” He smirked and checked on Cyril in the same breath. He waved when Cyril looked back at him. It wasn’t that he disliked Holly. In fact, her blunt honesty was growing on him. He just had his hands full as a single dad raising Cyril.
“Holly’s not Chris’ biological daughter, but she’s his daughter. Y/N’s not biologically mine but that doesn’t matter. Keller’s mine so Y/N’s mine.”
O’Reily sighed and backed off. He dropped the facade.
“How ya handling it?” He asked Keller.
“Really shitty. Why?”
“If it helps, you’re already as unfun and lame as any dad I know.”
*sigh* “Thanks, O’Reily.”
“I’ll pretend I’m not also insulted.” Beecher continued. “Anyway, I wanted to introduce Y/N to the family. And you guys are sorta family.”
Ryan relented on that front. They’d watched Cyril for him on several occasions. He and Holly would stay up watching movies all night, and Beecher made sure he ate and brushed his teeth and all that. Keller had even softened up to him after taking on Holly.
“What d’you think they’re talking about?” -Ryan
Meanwhile, when you walked over with Cyril and Holly, they were chatting like old pals and you were just trying to keep up.
“…and then Miss Ramos shared her banana bread with me.”
Cyril asked Holly about school often. He really wanted to go to school but Ryan said no. So Holly would call him after school and tell him everything she learned and when the teachers were nice.
“I’ve never had banana bread. Ryan says it’s icky.”
“Uncle Ryan doesn’t know anything then because this was really good. I tried to save you a piece but dad said it wouldn’t last. So I ate it.”
You giggle softly at their conversation; you realize why Cyril gravitated towards Holly. She spoke to him like an equal. You sit by the duck pond and Holly takes a bag of peas out of her pocket.
“Its for the ducks.” She narrates unnecessarily, and you pretend not to have known ducks can’t eat bread just so she could excitedly tell you she learned it in school.
Cyril quietly says your name, a little timid as he is with all strangers.
“Do you like ducks?”
“I do.”
He grins really wide and sits next to you, Holly on your other side, as he tells you how to feed them.
“You think it’s gonna hurt when they eat from your hand but it doesn’t. But don’t try to pet them. They don’t like that.”
You’re feeding the ducks together, chatting and laughing happily. 🦆 ♥️
Later, you’re at the playground and Cyril is pushing you and Holly on the swings.
“Uncle Cyril pushes swings the best. Better than Dad, even. He pushes really hard and you swing so high! I said my uncle pushes the highest and Samantha H. was like ‘no my uncle does’ and I said ‘no he doesn’t because my uncle Cyril is the strongest guy ever’.”
You swear to take her advice and Cyril starts to push. He goes slow at first but then he does one that sends you and Holly into the stratosphere.😂
“Whoa!” You found yourself saying, as you rocked back and forth at insane speeds.
Cyril beams with pride while Holly talks about him. He likes being the cool uncle.
“Who else should I know?” You ask earnestly between giggles and pushes from Cyril.
“You’ve pretty much met the core group. We sometimes go to like plays at the theater to support someone else my dad knows from prison. Mr. Miguel. He’s the stage manager which means he gets to be bossy to like everyone.”
You make a mental note of the name.
“Has Y/N met Mr. Said?” Cyril asks.
“Yes, last night.”
“I asked him if I could call him Uncle like Holly does but Ryan said not to.” Cyril explains.
“Oh, then there’s the bad guys. Like really bad guys that my dad met in there. The guys that took me.”
You’re surprised she can talk about it so openly.
“I’ve been seeing a therapist since I was seven. It’s been almost five whole years of talking about it. I have trouble remembering Gary sometimes. And then sometimes I remember him so much it hurts.”
She looks sad for a second but her eyes light up.
“But my therapist is really nice. Her name is Sister Peter Marie but if you’re really good she lets you call her Sister Pete. She always gives me a lollipop after my seasons.” She’s grinning again a to the thought of it. She points at Cyril. “She’s uncle Cyril’s therapist too!”
“She’s really sweet unless you make her angry like by not giving her Jericho if she asks.”
Holly explains Jericho as a puppet that Cyril does. No one, I repeat, no one likes Jericho except for Holly.
Cyril was having a bad day and wouldn’t give up Jericho before The Keller-Beecher’s arrived for dinner. Beecher was about to take Holly home when she walked straight up to Cyril -she was maybe ten at the time- and placed one of the flowers she brought on the puppet’s head. He said thank you in the Jericho voice, and Holly flinched until she said…
“Whoa. Cool! Do it again!”
“Who are the bad men?”
“This guy named Schillinger and then this other guy named Robson.” Cyril answers and looks at the ground. “They hurt me but I’m not supposed to say how in front of Holly.”
Your eyes dart to Holly who shakes her head.
“He didn’t tell me but I know. It’s the same thing that happened to my dad. And yours.”
You ask what and she explains the situation to you; she knows what happened to them in prison. One of her classmates was bullying her about having two dads AND two dads in prison. Said she didn’t understand the word he used at first, but she looked it up after school. She said she didn’t tell them she knew, because they didn’t tell her, so it must not be appropriate for her to know.
“They’ll tell me when they’re ready. Like they told me about loving each other when they were ready.”
“…Jesus.” Was all you could think to say. Your head was spinning you were a little older and had definitely heard and understood at least some of the implications of that word. It made you sad, as you looked back at Cyril first, then Tobias, then Chris. Three vastly different men who all suffered in the same way at one point. And now they had all this. A family. You were suddenly very proud to be related to such strong people.
“Are… are you okay?” You ask Cyril, who still looks upset. 🥺
“Sometimes I’m sad. But now I have my best friend and Ryan so I’m really happy sometimes too.” He explains. You ask who his friend is.
“Me, of course.” Holly says, showing you their matching best friends forever bracelets. Holly explains with pride that she made them.
“The same men that hurt them are the ones that took you?”
“Kinda. It was his son. But they’re all bad. But his grandkid goes to my old elementary school and the middle school is right next to it so sometimes they see each other. They’re also doing ‘interactions’ but I don’t think they’re helping.”
“Can’t imagine they would at this point.” You admit, understanding the gravity of the situation.
“Want a hug?” Holly offered. You smile and nod. She hugs you and then Cyril bear hugs around both of you.
The guys see it.
Keller can’t lie to himself, it made him happy to see you happy. To see you with his daughter.
“That’ll melt ya, huh?” O’Reily mused.
“So, I the reason I asked for you to meet Y/N…” Beecher was treading carefully. Ryan could be slippery. “…you remember our deal years ago when we got out? About Holly and Cyril.”
“Yeah. I protect Holly, you guys protect Cyril.”
“Since the verdicts of so many inmates are being overturned because of Kibbler… so many of the people we knew… the people we pissed off, are out now. We gotta be careful-“
“What’re you getting at, Beecher?”
“Y/N’s a part of the deal now too.”
“It was one for one, man.” O’Reily stated coldly, “We each picked one person to save. Above all else. That was the alliance.”
“Alliance? What’re we, back in Oz?”
“You’re a college boy, right, Beecher? Use that university head of yours. We. Are. NEVER. Getting. Out. Oz is till you die.”
“So’s family, O’Reily.” Keller said suddenly, pulling his boyfriend away and getting nose to nose with Ryan. “You oughta know.”
“Feeling especially paternal there, K-boy?”
Keller’s eyes went cold and Killer Keller stepped into the ring. His voice lowered, and O’Reily sensed the shift.
“Y/N’s a part of the deal. Now and forever.” 💀
O’Reily survived as long as he did because he could sense danger, and there was danger in his voice. He nodded, and said nothing else.
The dependents ran up to their respective caregivers. Beecher immediately started smiling like nothing was wrong. Keller and O’Reily snarled at each other for a second but sensed it wasn’t the time.
“Have fun, kids?” Beecher asked, getting down on his knee for Holly. She responded in the affirmative. They started walking back to their vehicles.
Beecher saw something out of the corner of his eye and looked at Keller in alarm. One look was all it took for Keller to put an arm on both you and Holly and push you towards the car.
“Heads down.”
To be continued…
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betelgo0ze · 1 month
my thoughts on the new OZ spinoff short
I’d like to start out by saying no matter what, I’ll always love this. I may be sixteen and only have discovered OZ within the past two years but it is by far my favorite show and I cannot imagine how long the wait has been for all the older fans so getting into the fandom only two years ago didn’t give me much wait time lol so I can understand why some people may look over it BC we’ve waited so long. I watched Hazbin when I was eleven and I’ve waited for the show for five years so I understand to some capacity, but it’s been over two decades for yall.
I liked it for what it is. I liked that they did a bit of a “character study” but it felt unnecessary. They were just spilling tea on each other and it felt more like a fanfic than anything. I love Lee Tergensen but his acting felt a bit off to me. Dean Winters was a solid 9/10 tho lol, he’s always been a really good actor.
I also REALLY liked when Ryan referred to Chris as Toby’s boyfriend. Everyone always said they were either lovers or various slurs. Some people called them boyfriend and girlfriend but condescendingly. Ryan said it in a way where he simply judged the man Toby was with, not that Chris was a man. And also Toby not denying that they were boyfriends is everything to me.
one thing I REALLY REALLY hated tho was the sudden beef between O’Reily and Beecher. I don’t remember them fucking with each other at any point??? They were pretty chill, almost friends. Toby said that they were and Ryan said he never thought so but that simply isn’t true. Ryan may be a manipulative asshole but it’s still obvious that he was both Chris and Toby’s friend. He would hang out w/ both of them and genuinely liked them. For whatever reason Ryan’s pissed and I don’t see why. They made up some bullshit but they basically retconned half the show.
earlier today I was talking about how OZ was surprisingly consistent ESPECIALLY with Toby and Ryan’s unlikely friendship but this just shit on it.
realistically I’m disappointed but in my silly delulu mind this is not canon and while I can see it being so, they should have replaced Ryan with any other character. It could have all been the same with Ryan simply being an ass but warning Toby that someone from his past was after him and THAT would be a GREAT gateway into a new series if they wanted to. As much as I want more OZ content I don’t really think a spinoff would be good unless there multiple shorts/one-shots of the characters everyday lives and them just living w/o the serious drama. At the very least I think a new cast of characters would make it feel less like OZ and more like a show that takes place in a prison called OZ. OZ isn’t iconic for JUST the violence. It has romance and drama and genuine feelings.
meh I’m rambling.
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lcandothisallday · 1 month
i be forgetting how fine ryan o’reily is sometimes
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raysofcrosby · 2 years
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Did you see this? People on Twitter think it’s Jamie Benn or Jonathan Toews. Though Ryan O’Reily was also mentioned as well. If this is true it is crazy but I wouldn’t put it past any of them. Except I’m surprised the player knows how to work excel.
lmao tbh idk if i can see benn being him, idk much about toews or o'reilly but i just love how everyone's throwing in names 💀
tbh nothing about it surprises me, bc pro-athletes cheat a crazy amount [like those mfs are barely faithful, it's like a struggle to them] but it's funny how one would keep an excel spreadsheet 💀💀💀💀
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dillydollydally · 2 years
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watching oz has got me obsessed 🤤😍
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ozisretro · 3 years
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mashkara45 · 5 years
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scurvyratt · 4 months
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Oz postsss
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j1zz1n3m · 5 years
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wawamouse · 2 months
OZ Rewatch 3: s3e08: Out o' Time
(mini) Said gets bitten by a rat
(mini) Rebadow : be afraid
Rivera backs out of Sister Pete’s program; the other members of El Norte are let out of Solitary and El Cid threatens Miguel, who tells Sister Pete he won’t tell the warden who raped his daughter and wants to go back to Solitary; Carlo and Chico go to kill Miguel; Carlo is killed; (mini) Pete and Mukada moment; Miguel tells the warden that Carlo was Ardeth’s rapist
Shirley gets her execution paused and commuted to life imprisonment after Sister Pete realises she is insane
Beecher, Keller, etc, get out of the hospital/solitary after their scuffle
Diane and Claire get into a physical fight; Glynn and McManus verbally fight
(mini) Junior and Poet get out of the hospital; Kenny tells them they’re back with Adebisi, who has a plan
Ryan and Hamid go to Glynn to get the boxing match uncancelled; Stanislofsky hints to Murphy about O’Reily spiking the water bottles; Murphy doesn’t tell anyone but doesn’t let Ryan keep poisoning the waters; Ryan gets Seamus to come visit to rile Cyril up instead; Cyril gives Hamid brain damage in the boxing match; Khan’s wife wants him taken off life support
Said and Tobias observe the rising racial tensions between white and black…Adebisi radicalises Hughes; Hughes whips it out in front of Lopresti and Howell for some reason after hearing them being racist in the locker room; Schillinger does a speech to various white prisoners; a COs vs prisoners aspect is added the mix, increasing tensions
Glynn fires Hughes
New year’s scenes throughout the prison; Toby and Chris kiss; Adebisi gets a gun from Hughes
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Sister: [EXTREMELY LOUD GASP] …Isn’t that the lamp we have back home?? (There’s a lamp at our parent’s house that does indeed look like that lamp lolol. Guess it must've been a popular 90s design. I’d never noticed before.)
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Sister: Your guy gave up pretty quickly. Me: Yeah, he was not with the program whatsoever. He was holding that knife like a pen.
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Sister: Oh look, she visited… I guess the rest of the family members were like ”whatever”.
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Sister: Ugh, this guy’s still alive?
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Sister: He looks like he’s supposed to be a conman at a beachside casino resort.
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Sister: the racist kind...
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Sister: …And there will be nooo direct consequences…
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I always wonder what the Latinos were doing during all this LOL. They’re conveniently just nowhere to be seen whenever the show decides to do a black/white race thing. Are they on the second tier? All at work? In the showers??
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Sister: Hahaha finally… That’s what you get for showing your dong to everyone…
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Sister: I don’t like that. Me: (thinking hard) …His underwear? Sister: Yeah. I don't like that. Looks like a thong.
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Sister: (as Khan) (wheezing) Happy… new year…
Stray thoughts
When Carlo and Chico go to kill Miguel, you can sort of see through his shirt that Carlo has magazines stuffed against his abdomen as armor. Fat lot of good that did him, though.
Miguel 1999 🏆Most Distracting Nipple Award
Sister did not want Cyril to win the boxing match since way before it even happened
Sister was convinced that there was going to be another riot
Why was Hughes still there way after hours after he got fired lol
Sister thinks Augustus had the skin mag out after they were banned to go to the Hole on purpose
My plotpoint bullet points are becoming soooo long at this point. I long for the days when everything could be summed up more simply lol... Or maybe I've just gotten more detailed about it??
Final Thoughts
Sister thought there should’ve been more Auld Lang Syne type catharsis. She was not a fan of the low key cliff hanger lol
Thought more people should've kissed but failed to come up with who might possibly
The McManus/Glynn fight always feels like it sort of came out of nowhere to me. I’m on Glynn’s side because WTF is McManus even talking about thb? When does Glynn even really get seen having to deal with the white prisoners' bullshit outside of Schillinger and Peter Schibetta? (Also, when McManus uses Hill as an example of Glynn taking the side of a black inmate, I can't for the life of me figure out what that is referring to). I understand that the race divide/tension is a thing among the prisoners due to the boxing match, but some of the lines that the show tries to draw and connect throughout this episode don’t make that much sense. I know that the muddling of issues is sort of the point when the aspect of COs vs prisoners gets thrown into the mix, but McManus yelling at Glynn about the racial aspect just seems weird. I guess it makes more sense/gives more causation to next season when Glynn hires Querns to take McManus’s place, but honestly I feel like McManus being how he is at that point is cause enough.
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ozimagines · 26 days
Hey there, buddy! I really hope that you knee surgery went well, and that you’ll be over the worst of the pain as soon as possible. Stay comfy and rest well. If you are not too swamped with requests, would you mind if I shoot one? Would you be able to write for Shannon O’Reily falling for a woman? Perhaps someone she initially believes to be a cute guy, only to find that she is a cute butch, and how she deals with that?
Y’all are so kind!❤️😭 Yeah it’s been… not fun. But you all delivered and I have a decent amount of requests (though I’m always hoping for more🥰) to help me take my mind off the pain. They’re all FUN requests too. I love this fandom’s creativity.
Before I write any of the characters, I track down all their scenes and watch them all to understand the character. I could see Shannon being a late in life lesbian. (Y’all don’t know much about me but I’m an early in life lesbian😂 Pansexual technically but I only seem to like fictional men and irl women lol) Sooo without further ado, I give you all;
(Also totally not basing this on the married woman I’m in love with at work and my girlfriend -open relationship- with a butch mullet… anyhoo…)
Shannon O’Reily Sullivan falling for a Butch Lesbian…
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Fuck him. Real goddamn lowlife.
Shannon lit a cigarette between two trembling fingers. So he’d stay with her through high school, through infertility, through prison… but cancer was where he drew the line?
Prick. Real goddamn prick.
It’s not like she hadn’t been supportive. Like she hadn’t been up every night searching the internet for cancer treatments and the antioxidant smoothies and shit. Not like she’d been making a thousand phone calls to a thousand doctors to see if she couldn’t scrape together a better treatment than they’d give him in prison.
Shannon released the smoke in her lungs, but not the anger in her heart. She’d loved him. Actually loved him. And the first doctor who shook her tits in front of him stole him away. She puffed on the cigarette liked it’d be her last.
Now here she was, back in the city. Cyril was at his cousin’s now. Or someone’s. She’d actually miss that doofus. The way he watched her while she did her makeup and giggled whenever a certain blue dog got mail.
Now she had no one and nothing. Nothing of her old life. She’d left it all for him, and he’d left her for Dr. Nathan.
Fuck. She needed a drink.
She stopped off in some pub, she didn’t really read the sign. She plopped down on one of the barstools and flagged down the bartender.
“Whisky. Straight. Double.”
The bartender chuckled a little, and pushed back his hair.
“Sounds like you’ve had a day.”
“Don’t know the half of it, buddy.” She rasped, fingers reaching for another cigarette. The bartender held out a light. She looked him over. Cute features. Dark eyes. Kind of a feminine jaw if not for the masculine brows and piercings.
“Aren’t you the gentleman.” She said, sourly. “If my husband… ex-husband were anything like you, I wouldn’t be here.” 😅
“Hmm, wouldn’t have even had to ask if it was a rough day if you’d just lead with that.” He chucked a little, and flagged the other bartender to watch his checks. He poured her drink and handed it to her, and she shot it back, holding it in her mouth for a second so she could feel the burn. She made a gesture to fill it again. So he did. She threw it back again, just as effortlessly as the first, when she made the motion again, he stopped her.
“A better man isn’t at the bottom of this bottle, hon.”
Shannon got angry. Yet someone else dictating her life. The bartender seemed to understand this, so added;
“Just sit with it for a few seconds. I’m not saying I won’t serve you, just… pace yourself.” 🥲
After a second of silence, he asked,
“Who’s this shit ex?”
Shannon felt the tears well up in her eyes so she explained everything. The marriage. The infertility. The brother. The arrest. The cancer. Everything just came spilling out as she sobbed. Her head was starting to spin. She felt a hand on hers, a little bigger than her own.
“Sorry, hon. Sounds like a real piece of work. Still, he’s in pain and scared right now. Could be that. I’m not saying go back to him or anything, but… I’m saying it’s not you.”
She sniffs and drinks the water the guy pours for her.
“The real shitty part. The part that sucks more than anything else… I actually loved the bastard.”
“That’s always the kicker, isn’t it. You actually love them and then they do something that makes you feel like they were fooling you. You feel silly, and small.”
She sniffed, wiping at her mascara.
“What bitch broke your heart?”
He laughed at her bluntness and reflected.
“Emily. Sweet girl. Beautiful girl. Though… she would always do this thing where if something was funny she’d actually said “wait that’s so funny”. Every time. Like it was just occurring to her.”
They both laughed. Shannon’s fingers stopped trembling.
“Ryan once complained that it was cold but he hated wearing socks to bed so the idiot literally cut the toe off the sock.”😂
Shannon and the bartender laugh for ten minutes about their past relationships. For just ten minutes, she got to remember and forget that bastard all at once. 🙂
“Sorry, I never got your name.” Shannon giggled, head starting to spin.
Shannon’s head popped up and she really looked at her bartender closely. That feminine jaw started looking a lot more suspicious, even if the mullet had thrown her off. And the lashes a little too long. Lips a little too full… oh god.
“Youre a chick?” She almost accused. The bartender seemed confused.
“Last time I checked, yeah.”
“But… your ex girlfriend?”
Shannon hadn’t been living under a rock. She’d heard about lesbians. She’d just never met one so frank. She grabbed her bag, embarrassed.
“Im sorry I thought you were… someone else.”🥸
She rushes out of the bar, only to hear a voice call after her.
“I’m sorry, Shannon!”
She sighed in the doorway and turned around and went back.
“I’m sorry, honey. I’m a little turned around right now.” She said to Natalie, who just gave a sad smile.
“You’re okay. Just kind of thought you knew.”
“Well, I didn’t. You… don’t exactly look traditionally feminine.”
“Yeah, worked on that for years.” Natalie responded.
Shannon laughed.
“If I may ask… what’s the draw?” Shannon leaned forward and whispered. Natalie leaned forward too, and whispered back.
“First of all, I don’t know why we’re whispering. You’re the only one here who didn’t know I’m gay.”
Shannon snickered and went to light another cigarette. Natalie outstretched a lit lighter.
“Second, I don’t know. I just saw guys in their clothes and thought it looked comfortable. Put em on, and suddenly I just felt like myself.”
“So, you like being confused with a guy?”
“I like being me. If other people confuse me with a man, I’ll just correct them. Although…”
“Although?” Shannon asked, sipping on her water again.
“Its not like I haven’t used he/him pronouns before. Sometimes the girl isn’t ready to be with someone super feminine, sometimes I have to pretend to be a guy in public just so we aren’t harassed.”
“Jesus.” Shannon was playing with her long nails.
“That’s also kind of a no no.” The woman gestured to her nails.
“You’re not allowed to look great as a lesbian?”
Natalie tells Shannon the history of lesbian culture that she needs to know. Doc martins and plaid and all that.
“Too bad.” Shannon mentions into her promised third whiskey. Natalie asks what she means.
“Too bad you’re a woman, I mean.” Shannon smiled. “I’ve liked talking to you, Natalie.
“You can keep talking to me even though I’m a woman, y’know.”
“I’m not a lesbian.”
“You don’t have to be a lesbian to talk to a lesbian. We can still hang if you want. Promise I’ll get no ungentlemanly ideas.”
Shannon agrees.
They get coffee with each other before work every day. It’s a lot of Shannon badmouthing Ryan but sometimes they talk about other things.
They start hanging out at nights at each other’s homes. They start watching shows together. Start ordering food for each other.
Shannon is crying one day when Natalie gets there.
“What’s going on, hon?”
Shannon explains that she has to give Ryan the divorce paperwork to sign and go over everything.
“I can’t face him. Not him and his new woman.”
“…you could always take me.”
Natalie explains to Shannon that she can pretend to be her new girlfriend for the paperwork. Just so that Ryan doesn’t pull any shit about her not having anyone.
“I’ve done this for a few of my straight friends. Guys have fewer questions when their woman shows up with a woman.”
Shannon agrees, taking Natalie up with her to go see Ryan.
He’s shamelessly flirting with Dr. Nathan, who is doing her best to ignore him. Natalie leads Shannon in by her hand.
“Shannon.” He acknowledged her as coolly as she did him. He notices Natalie over her shoulder.
“Who’s the dyke?”
Shannon’s face burned.
“This is Natalie. She’s been a lot of help since the divorce.” Shannon throws the papers down at Ryan. “Just give me the house. Not like you’re gonna use it any time soon anyway.”
“Fine.” Ryan starts to sign. His eyes keep getting drawn up towards Natalie, who’s stroking her arm softly. “Oh, I see.”
“I’m betting you’re wrong.”
“No, it’s just that it usually takes women a lot longer to go lez.”
“You’re a pig.”
“Nah, I think I got this figured out.”
“You certainly do,” Natalie jumped in, “if you’re implying your dick put her off men in general.”
Shannon laughed and covered her mouth. She’d spoken back to Ryan dozens of times, but never like that.
Ryan’s face goes red. He signs the forms.
“Yeah yeah, just take the butch and leave.”
Shannon is giggling and holding Natalie’s arm the entire way out.
“The look on his face!” Shannon shrieked, throwing her head back to laugh again. “And I got the house! All thanks to you, Nat.”
“Thanks, Shannon, but that was all you-“
Shannon feels her lips on Natalie’s before she even realizes it was her that leaned forward.
“I… I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”
“…you’re good.” Natalie responds with a smile. Shannon catches herself staring again.
“I’m just all turned around right now.”
“That’s okay too.”
“I didn’t mean to-“
“Shannon, it’s okay. I’m here if you want a friend. I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t settle for more. I’ve just learned my lesson getting my hopes up on straight women.”
Shannon thinks for a second, chuckling darkly into her cigarette.
“Why don’t we though?”
“Why don’t we go out?”
“… if I’ve not been grossly misinformed thus far, it’s because you’re straight.”
“Am I? I think you’re funny, and sweet, and cute. We get coffee. We call each other over on bad nights. We do everything lovers do except we don’t call it that. Why don’t we just call it that then, if that’s the only thing we’re missing. I don’t know if I’m gay. I just know that if you were a man, I’d have no doubts. So it’s worth a try at least.”
Natalie doesn’t know how to respond. She felt herself falling for a straight woman again.
But Natalie can’t say no to those intense eyes.
Natalie crept a hand around Shannon’s.
“Let’s try it then.”
Shannon was right, they were basically living as lovers.
Natalie would come over with food for Shannon after a bad day. Not that box of chocolates and champagne shit. Natalie brings a gallon of chocolate milk and some cheese its. Soul food.
Shannon gets her period on a date and gets embarrassed.
“Babe, c’mon.”
Natalie makes her a makeshift heat pack and orders tacos.
“Can you go to the store and get me some tampons?”
“…I could do that. Or you could just use mine.”😂
Shannon isn’t butch but is intrigued when her closet just doubled in size. She also likes to dress Natalie.
Natalie is decked out, head to toe in a little black dress and heels.
“Get this off of me, Shanna Banana.”
“You look like my own personal Barbie!”
She comes along physically. The kisses are first. Then some light petting. Then more intense and sexual acts.
“Just realized I’m physically attracted to you.”
Shannon asks a lot of questions starting with “do lesbians ______?”
Natalie pretends it’s a game show.
“Can this baby gay determine if lesbians are capable of doing something, more after these messages.”
Natalie introduces her to girl showers/baths.
“Even the butchiest butch knows how to set up a good bath for her girl.”
They get a Polaroid and just take pictures of each other to hang around the house.
Historians will say they were best friends.
Shannon still doesn’t get that joke.
They adopt a dog together. Duke the Great Dane.
They love their big tired boy.
Shannon loves going shopping with Natalie. Natalie doesn’t like it as much as Shannon does, but she gets the feeling Ryan wasn’t very supportive of things she liked.
You watch Baseball together. Yankees mostly.
Shannon just likes yelling at the ref.
She finally gets to try making new food. Ryan was a picky eater and Cyril even more so -but she doesn’t blame Cyril for any of that.
Finally gets to try that Romanian place everyone was fussing over.
Shannon likes legos. Likes building the flower models for around the house. She starts building everything they need; pencil holders, jewelry boxes, even a fruit bowl.
She never needs Natalie’s help speaking up for herself again. Shannon’s a tough, Irish bitch. Do something wrong and she’ll let you know.
For the first time in a long time, Shannon was happy. Really happy.
She’d become happy she’d been forced into a divorce. She’d never have met Natalie.
Turned out she was worth it to someone. Just one person. And that’s all she needed. ❤️
Bonus: Shannon’s breakup song with Ryan is No Children, by the Mountain Goats. She sings it at the top of her lungs during karaoke. She always hits the line “I hope that if I found the strength to walk out, you’d stay the hell out of my way” a little harder.
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sapphire-rising-sun · 5 years
Just finished watching Oz.
Forever wishing Tom did 2 more seasons!!!
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sigmadecay · 7 years
“No thanks. I’ve never been big on tomatoes.”
“You Irish. Never any appreciation for the simple things in life.”
“What’s simpler than a potato?”
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