#Ruby x Skyler
lulughoul · 1 year
Not Rainbow high youtube casually putting Andershaw and Sunlet moments in their Valentines day compilation and thinking they're being slick
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meiko333 · 1 year
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Happy Valentine's Day!
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areanoodles · 7 months
A few rainbow high headcanons?
A little headcanon I thought about, considering Naomi's personality, is that....
●If anyone were to mess, bully, or tease Veronica, naomi will be there to punch the mess out of that person(this would mainly take place elementary school, and mostly kindergarten).
Ive been obsessing over the storm twins and thought about this a few days ago, but I was gonna be busy over the weekend. But I can finally post.
I also find it interesting that they were in a tv series
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I think that's cool. I like the idea.
But, I honestly love these twins, along with the madison twins. I just love them, and I'd love to get their dolls. But, I don't know where to start. I want to get all the main girls dolls first(jade, sunny, violet, ruby, Skyler,Bella, and amaya). But I also wanna get the main group from shadow high(shanelle,Heather, natasha, luna, Nicole, and ash).
Also, does anyone else think this ship is cute?:
Natasha zima x heather grayson?
Back in the summer of this year I read a fanfic, and it had natasha x heather in it. At first, I wasn't sure about this ship, but I grew a close liking for it. Now I think it would be cute, but, im not sure. Any rainbow high fans agree or disagree?
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ruby x sky x colin throuple could heal the world
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kingluffy5 · 4 months
Playing Detectives Pt 5 (Wednesday x Male Reader)
When Wednesday went to the school dance with Tyler, Y/N realized how he truly felt about his partner, meanwhile he and Eugene staked out the cave and caught someone burning and evidence there was something inside, and Eugene got attacked by the monster.
I had been spending the last couple of nights hanging around Eugene’s hospital bed, he’s going to make it, but he’s still really badly hurt. I usually stay until the nurses kick me out, I’m on a first name basis with most of the hospital staff at this point. Me and Wends talked for a little bit, she offered me her deepest sympathies over Eugene since we are roommates which is her way of hugging me and telling me everything will be all right.
However this weekend I wouldn’t be able to hang out in Eugene’s room because I have to deal with another one of this school’s annoying functions, Parent’s Weekend, don’t get me wrong I love my family, it’s just that some of them are a bit on the weirder side, plus my cousin Gojo will just flirt with all the girls and my cousin Oliver will just flirt with all the guys.
The run down on the family tree is that there is my grandfather Tim Barron, he had my dad Oscar, my uncle Austin, my uncle Eddie, my uncle Francis, my uncle Richard, my uncle Joseph, my aunt Jane, and my uncle Toji. Tim’s brother is Issac Barron. My dad married my mom Maxine, they had my oldest brother Arthur, the dead one, my oldest sister Ruby, my sister Elizabeth, then there’s my brothers Jason and Jack and my sister Amelia. My uncle Francis had my cousins Skyler, Oliver and Gwen. Then my uncle Toji had my cousins Maki and Gojo.
Other than my parents none of my uncles or my aunt really had successful marriages but aunt Jane is dating someone she thinks is nice right now.
Now even though it is called Parent’s Weekend all of them are coming. So this weekend I have to deal with the stress of my entire family being in one school, Eugene’s injuries, my emerging feelings for Wednesday, her family being in the same school, and solving a murder investigation that also involves our destiny to determine the fate of the school involving a clash with a murderous four hundred year old pilgrim. There is also something I’ve been wondering about, the night Rowan died when Wednesday touched my hand she had a vision, then the night of the Rave’N she was worried about me going out and running the risk of dealing with the monster, so now I just want to know what she saw in her vision of me.
— — —
Me, Jack, Jason, Ameila are all standing out by the gates waiting for our various family members to arrive. Most of them arrive in various limos but uncle Francis, Skyler, and Oliver all pull up on motorcycles doing their best to make in entrance. We greet our various family members and before I know it I’m face to face with my parents.
“Son.” My dad says deadpan.
“Father, Mother.” I return.
We stand there a few seconds before breaking out into laughter and hugging.
“How have you been?” My mom asks me.
“Fantastic, solving a murder investigation that involves a monster and Jericho’s founder Joseph Crackstone.” I reply.
“That’s my boy.” Dad says proudly wrapping and arm around my shoulder before turning to my siblings.
“Hey, assface.” I hear and as I turn I’m met with my sister Ruby.
“Shit brains.” I greet before once again laughing and hugging my relatives.
“Hey Y/N.” My sister Elizabeth greets.
“Hi.” Hi say hugging her.
We all start to head into the quad to hear Weems’ speech. Nevermore’s a haven blah blah blah. Stuff like that. The only part I paid attention to was when she said that Eugene is on the mend.
“That’s your roommate right?” My cousin Maki asked me.
“Yeah.” I say before walking off the second the speech is done.
I head over to Wednesday and Enid, I know Enid’s got it rough with her mother since she isn’t able to wolf out like the rest of her family so I try to be there for her when I can, but the fact that my family has contributed this much to overpopulation means I don’t have a lot of free time during Parent’s Weekend to comfort her about her situation.
“That is not your fault okay, the monster hasn’t attacked anyone in the past week, maybe you finally scared it off.” Enid said to Wends.
“Yeah it’s not your fault Wends, it’s mine.” I say trying to comfort her.
“Maybe the monster went into hiding to avoid this weekend.”
“Y/N, are you really choosing to talk up a couple of girls rather than be with your own family, I know you’ve always been popular with them but still.” My uncle Francis asks me walking over with my grandpa.
“Where are my manners, Wednesday and Enid, this is my uncle Francis Barron and my grandfather Tim Barron, grandpa, uncle, this is Wednesday Addams and Enid Sinclair.” I introduce
“Addams, are you Gomez’s kid?” Francis asks her.
“Yes, speaking of which I knew I should’ve worn my plague mask.”
“Well look at my family talk about toxic pack mentality, I give my mom thirty seconds before judgey claws come out, let’s get this over with.”
We all walk over to each of our respective families.
— — —
What is one of the arguably weirdest moments of the weekend so far is when my dad and Wednesday’s dad reunited.
The two ran up to each other, hugged, then did a secret handshake that only belongs in bad teen movies from the 80s. I talked with my family about the case and Eugene, leaving out anything about my feelings for Wednesday, but of course leave it up to Jack and Jason to ruin a good thing.
“Did he tell you guys about his hot goth girlfriend yet?”
“You know he’s got a girlfriend now right?”
“It can’t have been just me who thought he was aroace right?”
That kind of stuff.
Some of my family is talking with Wednesday’s, my brothers are talking with her’s, my dad and some of my uncles are talking with her dad, and my mom and aunt are talking with her mom.
“Would you look at that, our families is getting along so well” I point out.
“I know, it’s awful.” She replies.
— — —
Wednesday’s family went to go to family therapy while I continued to hang out with mine, some of us went into Jericho to hang out, we went into the Weathervane to grab some coffee and I noticed the Sheriff sitting down. He looks up and notices all of us, he had particular trouble dealing with my cousins Gojo and Oliver, they were the ones who most often broke the law.
“No, no, you two can not be back again, not again.”
“Well hello Sheriff Galpin, what can we do for you?” Gojo greeted him.
“Hey, it’s alright I’m helping him with the murder investigation, he’s cool, Sheriff you don’t have to worry my family is only in town for the weekend.” I defuse.
“That’s still one weekend longer than I have the patience for.”
“So do you have the DNA test back yet?” I ask.
“No, hold on this might be it, hello, you got the test?” He says answering a phone call. “Ah shit.” He says before walking out.
“Woah, dad what happened?” Tyler asked him.
“You know the local coroner? He just blew his brains out.”
Later we see Wednesday and her family storming out of Kinbott’s office and Bianca and her mom come in and start talking, I feel like they both want their privacy so I stay with my family while we hang out.
— — —
I manage to get some alone time when I head to the bee hives. It’s there that me and Wednesday run into each other.
“So, how was family therapy?”
“Awful, my mother still refuses to tell me the truth about Garret Gates, the man my father is accused of murdering.” She vents.
“That sucks, I sorry you have to deal with that.”
“Are we going to beat around the bush forever or are we going to finally talk about what happened last weekend?” She asked me.
“Which part, a lot happened?” I asked for clarification.
She then pulled me into the shed for some reason.
“You know even if someone was watching they probably only started getting suspicious now.”
“How could you not tell me you’re having panic attacks?”
“I didn’t know my mental health is any of your concern, what does it matter anyway?”
“If you have a panic attack in the middle of us dealing with the monster then it could put you at risk, and I don’t want to lose one of the only bearable people in this place.”
“As touching as that was, you don’t need to worry I’ll be fine.” I say before leaving the shed.
We gather some honey and head over to Eugene’s room to talk to him, this is Wends’ first time seeing him after the attack. Turns out she had Thing keep an eye on him.
“He didn’t deserve this, I should be in that bed.”
“Don’t say that Wends, it’s not your fault.” I say trying to comfort her.
We then feel hands on our shoulders and we turn around quickly to be met by Eugene’s parents, Sue and Janet, turns out he was talking about us all the time. We decided to leave as they deserved to have time with their son.
— — —
We’re now at lunch in Nevermore sitting with our families. Apparently Wednesday saw her mom visit Garret Gates’ grave earlier. My family and Wednesday’s are still joking around with each other. Enid and Ajax have seemed to patch things up since the Rave’N, Enid is still dealing with her mom’s disappointment in her lack of wolfness.
Suddenly the Sheriff is bursting in avoiding principal Weems’ questions and heading straight for Mr. Addams.
“You’re under arrest for the murder of Garret Gates, you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law, you have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney one will appointed for you.”
Everyone sits there shocked at the scene unfolding before us.
— — —
Enid vented to me about how her mom wants to send her to lycanthropy camps to help her wolf out which is beyond messed up, Wednesday visited her father and is now convinced of his innocence, of course I believe her, she’s usually right about these sorts of things.
Later that night I’m woken up by the sound of my phone ringing. “Hello.”
“Y/N.” I hear the familiar deadpan voice on the other end.
“Wends, what’s up, I thought you didn’t have a phone.”
“I don’t, I need you to come down to the police station.”
“I’ll tell you when you get here.”
I sneak out and head to the station where I find Wednesday, and her parents in a couple of cells, she explains the story of how they got arrested to me and to say I was shocked and disturbed would be an understatement.
“To prove your fathers innocence you dug up a grave and stole the corpse’s finger to prove they had died before your father killed him?” I ask just to check.
“That is correct.” Wednesday confirms.
“And you didn’t invite me!” I shout, this could’ve been a very fun night of digging up graves and foiling conspiracies.
We end up going over our plan and the next morning Me and Wednesday’s brother Pugsley, bailed them out, it was then that me Wednesday, and Mrs. Addams go to Mayor Walkers office to talk to him about our theory.
He confirms that Garrett died of nightshade poisoning after his father gave him some to spike the punch at the Rave’N 30 years ago but he accidentally got some in his system. I swear that dance is cursed.
We manage to blackmail him into dropping all charges against Wednesday’s father. While we were at it I wanted to ask for a pet camel provided by the town but Wednesday said that was stupid.
— — —
Wednesday finally managed to start opening up to her mother about her powers and Mrs. Addams explains some of the aspects of their powers and their ancestors. Mr. Addams and the Sheriff managed to work things out as well. Enid finally stood up to her mom and her dad praised her, I always liked that guy. I have no idea what was going on with Bianca and her mom. My family congratulated me on freeing Mr. Addams and all of our families left, after they left Wednesday realized something shocking. Which is why we are barging into Weems’ office right now.
“You’re a shape shifter.”
“That’s a fascinating theory.”
“I curious to find out how Sheriff Galpin feels when I tell him.”
This causes Weems to admit to impersonating Rowan after he died and lying to the Sheriff, and that she had Rowan’s family support, that Rowan was driven insane and that his death managed to allow them to stop him or the school from being in hot water.
“I’m doing what I did to protect the school and shield the students from harm.”
“Tell that to Eugene, how are you protecting him?” I ask her.
We then hear shouting outside and look out the window to see fire burning on the lawn saying fire will rain.
— — —
I asked Wednesday to meet me in my dorm before we head to bed.
“Nice pets.” she compliments.
“Thanks, so there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.” I tell her.
“Go on.”
“With everything going on, the chances of either of us getting hurt or dying is only getting higher so there’s something I should probably tell you.”
Wednesday looks a little nervous when I say that but manages to speak up. “Spit it out then, what is it?”
“I like you Wednesday, as in more than friends or partners.” I say, a look of shock spreads across her face. “I know you probably don’t feel the same way and that you’d probably think of this as a distraction from the case but I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if you never knew and I-” Before I can ramble on any more Wednesday closes the distance between us by kissing me.
We stay that way for a few seconds before she pulls back.
“I can’t deny my own personal feelings for you, we seem to be compatible in many different ways, we understand each other and are able to be around each other without vomiting, which can’t be said for most of the school.” She says, I laugh at the last part. “As annoying as your brothers are, I … care about you enough to look past them.”
We then kiss again for a few more seconds before Wednesday leaves and I spend the entire night wondering what just happened.
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enchantingmirage · 1 year
The Romance in Rainbow High is Not Good
Check out my newest post. I talk about the romantic relationships in Rainbow High and why I think they're not good.
So, to cure my writer’s block because I’m lacking the motivation/inspiration to write for school, I will talk about the romantic relationships in the Rainbow High franchise. Note: I will only discuss the pairings that are canon/implied to be canon in the show. So, I won’t be talking about Andershaw (Ruby x Skyler) or Jella (Jade x Bella), for example. (I feel like the scenes featuring the girls,…
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orchidsangel · 4 months
prefacing this by saying that i took all of these pics at 11 pm while running on 3 hours of sleep and i really dgaf if they look ugly. i also only put images of my fave dolls and will have a list of dolls not pictured at the end since there are many of them.
anyway, here's my doll collection.
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from left to right: cleo de nile, haunt couture (2022), honey swamp, frights camera action (2014), draculaura, vampire heart (2023)
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from left to right: cloe, bratz girlz really rock (2008), cloe, girls nite out reproduction (2022), kirstee & kaycee, tweevils 2-pack (2023)
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from left to right: dana, sunkissed summer (2004), meygan, sweet heart reproduction (2022), yasmin & eitan, rock angelz world tour (2005)
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from left to right: yasmin, rock angelz (2005), yasmin, rock angelz reproduction (2021), roxxi, rock angelz reproduction (2021)
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from left to right: cloe, rock angelz reproduction (2021), jade, rock angelz reproduction (2021), sasha, rock angelz reproduction (2021)
monster high haunt couture frankie stein (2022)
monster high haunt couture clawdeen wolf (2022)
monster high howliday draculaura (2022)
monster high haunt couture lagoona blue (2023)
monster high haunt couture cleo de nile (2023)
monster high sdcc exclusive voltageous frankie stein (2022)
monster high skullector frankenstein & bride of frankenstein (2022)
monster high haunt couture midnight runway spectra vondergeist (2023)
monster high haunt couture midnight runway cleo de nile (2023)
monster high sdcc exclusive freak du chic draculaura (2023)
monster high fang vote rochelle goyle (2023)
monster high monster exchange draculaura (2014)
monster high frights camera action elissabat (2014)
monster high frights camera action operetta (2014)
monster high scaris city of frights jinafire long (2013)
monster high physical deducation ghoulia yelps (2011)
monster high boo crew draculaura (2022)
bratz x jimmy paul pride month roxxi & nevra (2022)
bratz pretty n punk reproduction cloe (2023)
bratz pretty n punk reproduction jade (2023)
bratz pretty n punk reproduction yasmin (2023)
rainbow high chinese new year collector doll, lily cheng (2022)
shadow high natasha zima (2022)
rainbow high rainbow vision ayesha sterling (2022)
rainbow high winter break ruby anderson (2021)
rainbow high winter break poppy rowan (2021)
rainbow high winter break sunny madison (2021)
rainbow high winter break jade hunter (2021)
rainbow high winter break skyler bradshaw (2021)
rainbow high winter break violet willow (2021)
rainbow high michelle st. charles (2023)
rainbow high sheryl meyer (2020)
rainbow high jr violet willow (2022)
also not pictured: the dozen or so dolls i have in storage from my childhood. amonst them are 13 wishes catty noir, boo york cleo de nile, boo york deuce gorgon, freaky fusion dracubecca, gooliope jellington, etc.
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ellarain · 4 months
I want to write a fanfic for either Bella x Jade, Ruby x Skyler, or maybe Sunny x Violet. I need inspo to start so if you have any please share with it me
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thekimspoblog · 9 months
This blog's main blorbos:
Kim Wexler: She needs a sequel!!!
Jimmy McGill: He's just Ken.
William Delos: "I can fix him" becomes very literal.
Dolores Abernathy: 10/10 girlboss. Got to see her revolution through to the end. Morally gray in a way that didn't feel like centrism pulling its punches. No notes. Please teach Kim how to shoot a gun.
Love Quinn: She deserved so much better. A single episode of hearing her unhinged internal monologue was insufficient. I wish she had killed Joe and been the POV for Season 4. Kim's frenemy.
Rose Quartz: A crusader who puts all her friends and family on the line for the "greater good"? If you haven't noticed the theme yet, this is very much a "support women's wrongs" kind of blog.
Ruby+Sapphire/Garnet: She should be Jimmy and Kim's marriage counselor. She should be EVERY ship's marriage counselor!
Elphaba Thropp: Same appeal as Rose Quartz. But she also beat a white supremacist to death with a broom once. That gets her extra points.
Pearl X: Not a star. But a solid addition to the chorus.
Peter (Leigh) Graham: Where do we go from here? The little free will he had has been crushed by a family legacy, and he's the only one left to carry on. These creeps think he's a god; he's just the same scared teenage boy he's always been.
Wheatley: Doesn't really fit in with my current fandoms. But I still love him.
Audrey II: Did I mention I love Faustian bargains?
The Angel of Crockett Island: Did I mention I love Faustian bargains?
Hippolyta Freeman: Actual best-written female character on tv in the past 10 years. Seriously, I love Kim but calling her "best character" is antifeminist, when we have characters like Hippolyta who are getting overlooked.
Letitia Lewis: She's flighty. She doesn't get along with her sister. She likes scifi and mystery. She doesn't resist the call to adventure. She gets knocked up by her sweetheart as the result of magical shenanigans. And by the end, she's one of the few remaining characters who knows how to cast spells. If I was a character in "Lovecraft Country", I'd like to think I'd be Letti. Just please... anyone but Christina!
Adelaide Thomas: I still don't feel like I fully understand this character. But her story speaks to me on a profound level.
Clara Saburova: Has a lot of Elphaba's same "benevolent misanthrope" witchy energy. Not only can she break the fourth wall; I'm pretty sure she knows how to use console commands. Send her off to America to study THE LAW.
Nadia Vulvokov: Misc. failwoman archetype
Oksana Astankova: Misc. failwoman archetype
Judy Gemstone: Misc. failwoman archetype
Sally Reed: Speedrunning these "blonde crime-drama love-interest" tropes.
Dee Reynolds: Misc. failwoman archetype
Turanga Leela: Ponytail? Check! Exposed biceps? Check! Schlub she does care about but she's mostly just keeping around for sex? Check! Confidence exceeding competence? Check! Back and ready for more punching stuff, Ma'am!
Carmella Soprano: Supra.
Skyler White: Res Ipsa.
Daenerys Targaryen: ⚠⚠ Construction Site! Do Not Enter! ⚠⚠ We are still waiting on the autopsy reports. But man, she left a CRATER when she fell off.
Bella Swan: Basically the drip-pan for everything above her.
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purfectprincessgirl · 3 years
Since it seems like you ship it, could we see a Ruby X Skyler moodboard? ❤️💙
Smh at myself for taking so long to answer, but yee here ya go~ Def another RH ship that could use more love uwu
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lulughoul · 1 year
Reminder that the very first runway look Skyler designed was Ruby's, and that Ruby inspired her to design her own
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meiko333 · 2 years
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Rainbow High Andershaw Icons (Close-up)
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sailoraspie90 · 2 years
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maradovan · 3 years
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CEO of redxblue ships
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jett-dawson · 3 years
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kontent-with-karma · 3 years
Its a bit late but andershaw for the ship ask?
More than happy to do this for you!!
Send me a ship and I'll Tell You: Andershaw Edition (Ruby Anderson x Skyler Bradshaw)
How much I like it: actual cause of global warming | notp | don’t care | it’s okay | cute! | otp | MY BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN
“Their” song: Not My Ex - Katie MAC
Who does more housework: Skyler! I feel like Ruby is a little messy-
What couple cosplay they should do: Korrasami would be cute tbh!! (Ruby as Korra and Sky as Asami. It'd also be a color swap, which'd be just as fun!!)
Who cried watching Toy Story 3: Skyler. Ruby did too, just don't tell anybody.
Who hogs the blankets at night: Ruby.
What they fight about: Ruby literally has to argue with Sky that she's worth being at RH, since Sky doubts herself still )):
Who has more Facebook friends: Sky, but that's because she adds everybody to be nice.
One headcanon about them: They love to wear matching outfits, that Sky designs and Ruby then customizes!!
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