nyxivy · 8 months
Rocketober - Day 1 - Friends
A/N: am i starting this midway through october? Maybe so. You cant stop me
Contents: No actual smut just rocket being horny. Nsfw descriptions? Smut mentioned. Female reader. No use of Y/N
Friends. Friends. Friends. Friends. Friends. Friends. Just friends. Rocket chants in his head as he fixes his eyes to the gun he's tinkering with. To be honest it hasn't ressembled anything even similar to a gun since you've come flouncing in, basically flaunting your flarking flawless body in your little skimpy loungewear, making it pretty much impossible for Rocket to get anything done.
Not for the first time this evening his eyes rake over your body when you turn away from him. From the way your hair fell perfectly against the back of your neck, slightly mussed up from a day of doing nothing much, allowing Rocket to imagine that your head looked that way from being buried in a pillow, his hand placed at the crown of your skull, claws gently gripping the roots of your hair, keeping your moans nice and muffled. He shakes his head out of the daydream and his eyes continue their path down your body, your oversized sleep shirt drapes over the gentle curve of your shoulders. He knew that if you turn around he would be able to see the swell of your tits, and the outline of your nipples where you'd decided you didn't need a bra. A decision he both cursed and thanked you for. The hem of the shirt rested on the crest of your ass, bunched up where he swears he'd seen you purposefully hoist it up before you bend over to do fuck knows what. He actually doesn't think he has a single idea what you're actually doing in here apart from shamelessly parading around for him to gawk at but his thoughts never get any further as his eyes fall on your ass. He actually thinks his jaw drops open and his brain short-circuits a bit. The quite frankly tiny booty shorts you're wearing do nothing to protect your modesty, and the way you're bent over allows them to ride up even more, exposing your soft skin. He has the urge to bite. Not enough to break skin, just enough to make you squeal in that adorable way you do when something startles you. He thinks about the way your ass would feel in his hand, firmly gripping the plumpness and maybe even the way it would bounce if he gave it a sharp smack- oh fuck. He feels himself go entirely still as his eyes lock on the most glorious thing he thinks he's ever seen. Right there, between your legs, not five feet away from him he can see the plump outline of your pussy, the thin fabric of your shorts the only barrier between him and what he's sure must be the prettiest fucking pussy in the galaxy. Holy shit, was that a wet spot? He has to catch himself as he feels a growl rise up in his throat, he just wants to shove his nose into the warmth between your legs and lap up your wetness until you're a quivering mess.
He needs to look away, he feels warm all over and the sorry excuse of scrap metal he called a gun on his lap was the only thing between his cock straining against his jumpsuit and the world. He tears his eyes away from your pussy, just to trail them down your perfect legs, trying desperately to think of something, anything else.
Just friends. Just friends. Just friends. He went back to chanting, the issue was not that he needed to be reminded not to try and make a move on you, lest he ruin the friendship you have with each other. In fact he found it quite easy to deny his urges, simply because he know you were not interested. How could you be? Rocket just needed to remind himself of that. It wasn't your fault he was quite frankly obsessed with you and that made him second guess every little action. You were just innocently doing- wait, what were you actually doing? You had your head in a box and were rummaging around. Almost as if you'd read his mind, you straighten up with a sigh from within your throat that could easily be mistaken for a moan. You don't have anything in your hands, you must not have found what you were looking for. When you turn around your eyes almost immediately find Rockets and he fixes his gaze to his project in front of him, cursing himself for being caught staring. When he dares to lift his gaze again he notices that he was completely right about your nipples. The hard outline of them creating shadows in your shirt and he wonders if it's because you're cold or because of the friction of the shirt. Then he wonders if they're sensitive, if he could simply brush over them and have you arching your back into his hands. Then he thinks it must be the friction, because this room feels boiling. Although that might just be Rocket. And with the clothes- or lack-of clothes you were wearing he wouldn't be surprised if you were cold. Your bare feet padded against the cool metal of the ship as you made to leave. Definitely cold. And when his eyes flicked up to meet yours you smiled at him, as if you knew something he didn't.
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caesarhamato22 · 8 months
Rocketober: Day 1
Word Count: 2.0k
Warnings: Suggestive themes implied.
Summary: When Kraglin finds you in Rocket's quarters, he questions his captain on who you were. However, Rocket isn't ready to answer that just yet.
It wasn't often that you found yourself anywhere near, let alone on the Bowie. It was too dangerous, even in stationary. You could stumble over stray wires or exposed pipes, you could hit a bunch of buttons and cause the ship to explode, or you could take ship for yourself and never return to Knowhere ever again.
Of course, those were Rocket's over exaggerations. He really just didn't want to see you get hurt on his ship, meaning it would be his fault.
In his eyes, at least.
The only times you were on the Bowie was when he was there. Only him. The rest of the ship would remain empty and silent, the only thing heard being the distant echoing of moaning, partnered with the wet sounds of pleasure.
Good thing the ship was soundproof when it needed to be.
After however long you were there for, Rocket always, always walked you home.
"For two reasons," he'd say. "One, gotta make sure my girl gets home safe, 'cause what kinda partner would I be if I didn't?" And, "two," he had hesitated before mentioning this to you, "I can't have the crew knowin' about you just yet."
Many thoughts had run through your head that day. Questions and doubts, was he embarrassed of you? Ashamed? Rocket wouldn't even associate himself with you if that was the case, he made sure you knew that.
You pondered on his reasoning, wanting to know why you had to be kept a secret from his family.
You were only left worrying for a few seconds before he added to his cliffhanger of a sentence.
"I'm not ready, princess. Not yet."
You understood his side. And with a nod, you respected it. And it hadn't been brought up since.
Spending time with Rocket on the Bowie wasn't rare, but it certainly wasn't common. The rare thing was being left alone on the ship.
It was the next morning when you realised where you had spent the night. His bunk had never been the most comfortable bed to have sex in. That just added to the many reasons why you'd go to your place, usually per his request.
You had more pillows, your blankets were softer, your bed was bigger. Rocket occasionally got genuinely worried that if he didn't set his alarm, he'd never wake up. Being surrounded by your warmth and scent was a trap, and you used it often when you didn't want him to leave. And why would he want to?
So it wasn't a surprise when you woke up with a leg and an arm hanging over the side of his single mattress, with a slight cramp in your neck, and the sheets half way up your bare back.
The bed was barely able to fit you comfortably, let alone both of you. Yet another reason as to why Rocket adored your living space. It was made to have him in it.
One of your eyes peeled open, glancing around the room and taking in every piece of his quarters.
His projects were scattered in every corner, on every spot of the floor and covering his desk. Pieces of metal littered, lost, and forgotten, or perhaps left there for when he returned to fiddle with them however he pleased.
Wearing nothing but the sheets of his bed, you sat up with a groan and ran your fingers through your hair. Visualising how messy it must look, you reached for your brush, only to be reminded that this wasn't your room. Meaning your clothes were elsewhere.
Your eyes scanned the floor, searching through every piece of tech, metal, trash, and clothing that belonged to your dearest Rocket, who constantly told you to “watch out” and “don’t touch that”. Your gaze settled on the outfit you had worn the previous night, bundled up nice and neat beside the bed.
He had a tendency to fold your clothes the morning after an eventful night. You'd never catch him doing it. But you always knew it was him.
And he, being Rocket, was currently nowhere to be seen among everything that littered his living space.
You stood and stretched before picking up and examining your clothes.
No stains. Better than last time.
You two had gone out for a dinner, a rare occasion that Rocket wasn't particularly fond of, but he sucked it up for you. Begrudgingly, but he did.
The outfit you had chosen was much too fancy for the state you were currently in. But it's all you had, so it had to do. It revealed as much as you wanted and covered what you wished.
Rocket had yet to return to his quarters, and you remembered how clear he was about you roaming the ship without him.
So, you waited, respecting his wishes and staying in his room, on his bed, prolonging your morning routine as best you could with what you had.
You weren’t sure when he’d be back, and you weren’t even sure when he left, but you assumed if he had left you here alone, it wouldn’t be long.
The smooth sliding of Rocket’s bedroom door opening made your head snap up.
“Rocket, you—“
Your eyes locked on a man’s stomach for a single second when you realised that was not the face of the raccoon you had spent countless nights with.
Letting your eyes quickly flick up to his face, seeing a short brown and grey stumble along his jaw and a tall red fin wired into his head like a mohawk. His light brown long sleeved shirt came in contrast to Rocket’s short sleeved blue one.
His focus went from the device in his hand to your face, taking note of the smudged make up and your slightly disheveled hair.
“Who are you?” He had asked after pausing. Startled but not scared. Definitely confused.
You couldn’t tell him how you were connected to Rocket, that was the one and only thing on your mind. Didn’t matter who this guy was, you had made a promise to your partner.
“Why are you in here?”
“I’m a friend of Rocket’s.” Your words were quick. You thought it was the best, and most harmless thing you could say to this stranger.
It was obvious he knew Rocket. That fact was made clear by him simply being on the ship is such a relaxed manner, without others to guide him around.
“Oh,” his voice was quiet, almost unsure. “A friend?”
You nodded and blinked once when your eyes had started to sting from keeping them so wide for so long.
“And why isn’t he in here with you?”
The amount of questions he was asking made you nervous. You almost thought he knew the answer to all of them, but the confusion on his face told you he was genuinely baffled that a stranger was in Rocket's quarters. On Rocket's bed.
You would be shocked too, if you weren't the one being talked about.
“He left.”
“Not sure where. Or when.”
You weren’t entirely helping your case here, but it was the best you could do to avoid telling this man who you were really were to Rocket.
At times, you weren’t even sure who you really were to Rocket.
The man’s eyes glazed over you, every part of you, taking in every detail almost is if he was making a judgement on what to do you with you.
It wasn’t the most comfortable stare, but his eyes didn’t seem to carry any malicious intent.
“Might be best for you to wait outside for the Cap'n to come back."
He spoke politely but his face was stern. And rightfully so too, you couldn't blame him. Based on his knowledge, you could have snuck onto the ship and taken anything you damn well pleased.
Of course, that wasn't was what happening at all.
But you couldn't tell him that. 'Not yet', per Rocket's pleading request.
With a nod, “sure, of course,” you left the room.
The man followed behind you by just a few feet. A reasonable distant to be not too close, but able to be certain you were heading towards the exit.
Making it to the open doors of the ship was an awkward journey. The sounds of your footsteps clanked off the walls no matter how soft you attempted to walk. Your posture was straight and your head was up, yet it was clear you were embarrassed by the red tint on your cheeks.
You took in each detail of the ship that you seemed to have missed all the three or four times you had visited the inside of the Bowie. Wires, bags, the occasional chewed up toy, it wasn’t just a ship the Guardians eused for missions, it was a home.
It made you want Rocket to bring you here more often.
But that was something for you ask when you weren’t being escorted out of the ship by one of his crew members.
You reached the large open door of the Bowie, the same Guardian still guiding you further out of the ship.
"What are you doing?"
Your eyes had landed on Rocket before he managed to ask that question. He took his last couple steps towards you, but his eyes were locked on the person who had confronted you back in Rocket's room, the man who was still standing behind you with his hand on your back, a subtle motion to forbid you from trying anything.
You felt like you were being arrested, which you technically could have been, if any of the Guardians chose to do so.
"She was in your quarters, Cap'n." He explained, almost with a stammer.
"I know." Rocket's gaze flickered over you, showcasing a twinge of softness before locking back on his fellow Guardian. "I left her there."
"You ... Respectfully, Rocket, I think leaving your … hook ups alone on the ship," he spoke carefully, "ain't the best idea."
"Hook up-?" Rocket took another step closer. "She's not a fuckin' 'hook up', Kraglin."
Finally knowing the man's name brought some ease to your soul, letting you exhale through your nose, quiet and soft. It was comforting, in a way, to know the name of at least one of the people Rocket spends each of his days with.
"i just ..." Kraglin glanced at you. "I just assumed-"
"Can you get your hands off her?"
Kraglin's hand dropped from your back as he took two cautionary steps to the side. "Uh, yeah, yeah, sorry ... ma'am-"
"Don't call her 'ma'am'."
Kraglin took one extra step back. "Right." He was surprised by Rocket's hard glare. It wasn't angry, but somehow eerie. His stance was relaxed while his eyes were unblinking. "Who is she?" Kraglin built the courage to ask.
"My ..." Rocket now froze. His glare transferred to you, his eyes softening once more as his mind searched for the best answer to give his co-pilot. His brain rattled for an explanation as to why this strange woman was in his room. And in that outfit.
The moment he had taken it off you last night was still fresh and replaying in his mind.
So was the moment he folded them the morning after.
"She's a friend."
Kraglin looked at you but your eyes were on your friend. Taking in every piece of his expression and body language just to know if he believed his own words.
"Alright." Kraglin hesitated while his hands brushed against his pants twice before extending one to shake yours. "It’s nice to meet you."
Slight confusion made your brows furrow. The tension in your face quickly melted when you looked at his hand then into his eyes. You return the gesture, shaking his hand with a gentle smile.
"You too, Kraglin."
He offered a nod to you and a quick side glance to Rocket. From what you could see, he presenting a sly smile to his captain. A knowing smile.
Rocket only replied by nodding his head and avoiding his eyes, keeping his line of sight to the ground while Kraglin walked off, leaving the two of you in a moment of silence.
It broke when Rocket spoke up while keeping his eyes on the ground, searching the dirt surrounding his feet for something interesting to distract himself with.
"What did you tell him?"
You looked at him, hoping he'd look at you, but the gravel seemed to be holding his attention with an unyielding grasp.
"That we were friends."
His ear twitched, "nothing else?"
You shook your head, "nope. Not even my name."
He sighed, and his eyes gradually made their way up to yours, who had been waiting patiently. His right hand gestured forward, in a way of offering his gratitude, before being placed back on his hip.
"Thank you."
You shared a small smile, understanding his worry. The worry he had mentioned to you before in that trembling voice you had only ever heard from him once.
"You're welcome, Rocket."
Anywhozzle, hope you enjoyed Day 1! And I apologise for the future days delay, but they will be posted!
Rocketober List
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evolvingchaoswitch · 8 months
Rocketober: Day 5 Meeting
Rocket didn’t seek out for his first pet a few months ago but he had one now, he had gotten it from Spiderman impulsively agreeing to take in the young creature after listening to the kid worry about what to do with the little fluff ball. Spidey had explained that black cats had a superstition associated with them that often led to them not being adopted. Rocket thought humies were pretty stupid but this took the cake. How could anyone hate the tiny ball of the darkness, with a star shaped burst of white fur underneath her neck, and looking into the bright yellow eyes well he’d never tell anyone that he fell in love with the kitten in that moment.
He called her Mira.
No one dared make fun of how much the kitten made Rocket smile, they didn’t want to risk the mood he’d be in after, and the Guardians loved the softness in which Rocket cared for Mira. Rocket found himself waking up to Mira snuggled on his chest when he woke up each morning, the weight getting a little heavy each month as the kitten grew though Rocket did start to get concerned when Mira stayed as a kitten instead of growing to full size. He grabbed every Terran resource book he could find about cats to do his research, refusing help from the others Rocket immersed himself in Terran Veterinary textbooks. To Rocket's surprise after setting the scanner to max sensitivity did it pick up an anomaly at the base of Mira’s neck that he was unable to identify, so Rocket made the decision begrudgingly to put his girl under and find out what the anomaly was.
It was a small mass that looked like a jeweled piece of bone covered in a mysteriously flowing script, it was pretty in a sense but why was it there? The mass couldn’t be removed using surgical instruments; it was almost too slippery, and in a fit of frustration Rocket touched his claws to the object before the room filled with a brilliant golden light as he felt himself be pushed as Mira transformed from kitten to adult woman.
One one hand a beautiful naked woman in front of Rocket was always a welcome change to the day but on the other hand where the fuck was his Mira?
“Thank you so much I’ve been trapped in the form forever” The woman was holding onto him tightly and Rocket found himself nestled in between a pair of warm breasts. He pushed the woman back trying to get answers as to where Mira had gone, he just noticed the pair of cat ears that rested on top of her head. 
“Where is Mira?” He bit out angrily though he was taken aback at the wounded expression that took over the woman’s face.
Her shoulders dropped but she did her best to keep eye contact with Rocket “ I am Mira, I was cursed by a witch ages ago to stay forever stay trapped in such a vulnerable form until someone could locate and remove the rune”
Rocket flarkin hated magic.
He was so upset over the loss of his pet that he didn’t notice the humanoid Mira had gotten to the ground to crawl over to him resting her head underneath his paw as she always did when he was upset. To his surprise he could hear purring coming from her throat as she rubbed against him, attempting to soothe him. It didn’t seem like Mira had changed her attitude towards him.
“What are your plans?” He rubbed the top of her head making sure to pay attention to the ears in a way to verify they were really there.
A smile spread out over Mira’s face “Can I still be your pet?”
Rocket choked on stale air as Mira said something so unintentionally filthy “That means something different than your thinking darlin”
Rocket watched as the smile vanished instead replaced by a smirk as Mira batted her eyes at him coquettishly as she licked her lips revealing the tiny fangs from under her rosy pink lips  “Does it?”
Well at the end of the day Rocket was happy to get to keep his dear pet in whatever capacity he could. @raccoonfallsharder @funkydancingdinosaur @glow-autumz
@rebel-21 @honeypleasesugar
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beowulfzz · 8 months
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Day one of drawing Rocket until it's Halloween
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aliasrocket · 8 months
Rocketober day 1 : ‘friends’
title : stars.
hey guys! Starting this off just to say I’m still on break, my exams have barely started, I just wanted to do a quickie for the first prompt for Rocketober since I have brought it up once in a poll before. Sadly, I’m not sure if I’m able to do the rest of the prompts but I’ll try to do the ones I really wanna do. Take care everyone!
here’s the rocketober list if you’d also like to participate.
Just like the op in the link, I’m accepting requests now for Rocketober prompts, please be sure to specify which prompt you’re putting in a request for.
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“Guys, this is my friend.”
Nebula spills your name and points with a glass-filled hand, champagne sloshing inside when her finger swings to point to you.
Rocket could have sworn that she had stepped aside to let the fluorescent lights beam down on just you.
You, with that dainty little wave but a red dress that said otherwise, hem ending halfway up your thigh and a black purse hanging from your shoulder. Was that even a purse?
The moment rotated, just as time does, and the light had swung around to find another muse. Not that Rocket was complaining, because you looked even better in star-stewn hues, some slivers of you hidden in the dark for him to discover again.
If you weren’t Nebula’s friend.
It was a hypothetical.
Hands stretched out from behind him, soon coming around to greet you more personally—after all, they weren’t going to be here for long. Mantis and Quill have each come back from their lifelong trips to catch up with the ol’ gang. Like things changed.
Rocket serves another glance and you were already looking back at him, a star in your eyes each. He came forward with an averted gaze and offered his hand.
“Rocket,” he said, not sure if it had been over the music but when you bent down to let him hear the name he’ll never forget, you took it and let him decide the shake’s strength.
His second round of looking away had been when there was a slight ripple in your exposed cleavage—nothing screams pervert like a speechless rat.
“Rocket,” you repeated, and Rocket took a step back. “That’s a pretty name.”
Yeah, comin’ from pretty lips. The grinding in his teeth almost matched the bass of the party music.
He gets daggers in the form of a look from Nebula, and if you hadn’t been standing right in front of him he would have rolled his eyes.
Your chest flinched and you blinked, only for a split second—and because Rocket’s the master of looking away, of drawing back, of letting the pieces fall where they may, he’s stuck looking at your heels and on the floor hoping you don’t hear the cracking noises.
And you cracked just then, too.
Well, no, it doesn’t matter. If you did, didn’t—you were Nebula’s friend. Everyone had already drifted back to their shared table, and it’s another piece of reality that had its hands roaming his throat; you were off bounds.
“Rocket, are you okay?” Mantis asked, tilting her head as her forehead crinkled in that frown he remembered so well even after time made its rounds.
“Yeah, yeah.” The answer cut into whatever had been lying at the tail end of that question. Everyone lowered their heads and held the base of their drinks, not speaking and letting the music beat against their backs.
A light flashes, and a warmth engulfed his hand before he could swipe it to his chest.
Mantis’ antennae were lowered, but the glass in her eyes reflected its light clearly. Her hand was right where Rocket’s had been.
“Fucking—Mantis! We talked about this—you know what? I don’t even have the energy,” Rocket spat. “I’m outta’ here.”
“Wait!” Mantis grabbed Rocket’s shoulder.
“What’s going on?” Quill asked, head emerging from his drink.
Mantis’ head pivoted back to Rocket’s after Peter’s question, lips pursed as the inner corner of her brows arch upwards.
“Hey, if you don’t wanna tell Quill, tell me!” Drax whispered, or made a sad attempt at doing so, but over the music he was yelling.
Quill scowled. “Dude, not fair! I asked first, I get dibs!”
“That’s not how this works at all.” Drax shook his head.
“It so is!” Quill’s head snapped back around the other way. “Mantis, Rocket, what the fuck is going on?”
A darkness loomed over Rocket then stretched its way across the table to retrieve a tissue from the very end.
His head rocked forward when some sort of ball hit him, though the impact was almost like a stroke in his fur.
“Oh, sorry.”
This voice was nothing like poets would describe them to be; but the feeling, the rush and creaking in Rocket’s alloyed ribs—it felt all the more numbing yet painfully acute.
He looked up by instinct.
The first thing he noticed was that your jaw was so defined from this angle, not quite underneath you but so close he felt your warmth over him like a hood.
The second thing he noticed was that what had hit him was not a ball at all. Not a ball at all. Your breast rubbed up against the back of his head for another half second before you finally pulled away to wipe your hands with the tissue you acquired from across the table. Rocket’s ears rung from both the music that now sounded like screeching metal and the clenching in his chest.
“Sorry, I um, spilled some wine on my hands,” you explained as you crumpled the tissue to compress it in your fist. “Which one of you is the pilot?”
Quill and Rocket scowled at the sounds of both their voices in unison.
You laughed. You laughed and it sounded like a laugh you’d hear on Terran TV, something of a ribbon dancing in what felt like stale air. Yeah, Rocket was going to bottle that ribbon into memory like the rest of the things he’d already learned about you, and it wasn’t much.
“Sorry, maybe I should have specified. I need something of mine fixed,” you explained a second time, and you unclasped the lid of your purse to pull out a long metal rod known to be a phone from Terran electronic stores.
Another beat against the ribs and Rocket felt a lung drop. His heart punched it right out of the park.
“I’ve been pressing the side to project the screen but it doesn’t seem to be working.” You showed the entire table the power button as your finger sank into it but came up with no response on the phone’s end.
“I think one of you pilots are engineers, right?”
Quill grinned. He gave a sharp push at Rocket’s shoulder. “This one, he’s your guy.”
He flashed another scowl at Quill.
“I get it, it’s really stupid, I’m sorry to have bothered—”
“Nah, let me take a look,” Rocket insisted, gesturing for you to come closer.
“I was hoping I could get another drink while you looked at it. Can I get you something?”
One would think Rocket would have made eye contact with you before this point, but no—this was the first time since first meeting you ten seconds ago. Those eyes, widened and round, had stars crossing its skies and at this point Rocket thought he was dreaming. There was no way someone could be this fuckin’ perfect.
The ringing in his ear had only increased tenfold; now, it sounded like a flatline, a perfect audial representation of the current situation.
“I’ll walk with you.”
Without sparing his friends another look, he got off the stool and walked around the edge of the cheering room to the bar, where you had handed him your phone with a sort of languid quality to it; was it possible for this kind of thing to be graceful? The way your shoulder lifts slightly when you look down at him, curled hair fluffing up against your cheek as you handed over the tech. He’s looking up, jaw hanging—but now, he has a reason to keep his eyes on you.
He didn’t take your phone. “You wanted to talk to me?”
“About the phone.” You gestured to the phone again, raising a brow at him as some hair fell over one of your eyes from how much she had been looking down. The eye that remained … oh, fuck.
At half-mast, hypnotic. Your features framed a dream for Rocket; someone so damn gorgeous, he knows he’d thought you up at least a hundred times before. Someone of this beauty, of this cherry lip gloss, this fuckin’ dress.
Rocket’s hand slid up the rod to the hilt, both yours and his gaze in a chain neither of you broke before he pressed a button, and a blue screen emitted from the side of the rod.
“I knew it wasn’t broken,” Rocket said, lips parted as his eyes flickered to the phone then back at your star speckled eyes. Your eyes were widened again.
He wasn’t quite sure what he liked better; the almost pleading nature of your wide-eyed gaze, or the allure of your lowered lids reeling him in by the neck like a leash.
“So, the only reason you faked a broken phone is to talk to me.”
Your drink arrived, and you thanked the bartender curtly before taking a sip.
“I do recall asking for an engineer,” you said, your eyes the only part of you facing him, “instead of a detective.”
Oh, the way Rocket fumbled with the seat next to you, there was no coming back from this, because he’d rather trip and fall off than tear his eyes away from your complexion—collection of little shiny trinkets he stole and swiped from far galaxies and arranged so delicately to form you.
Maybe that’s why you felt ethereal. You were something out of a goddamn movie. A fairytale. Your hair looked like it was floating in water. Your lip had a permanent glint to it, always moving back and forth depending on the angle at which light had danced on your body.
“Hey, I’m still your guy.”
It felt irrevocably wrong to say that. He wished he could take it back. But if wishes are made to stars, then he knows if he’d done that, you’d hear him. And he’s had enough of accidentally sending the wrong message tonight.
You cocked a brow at him, finally turning your head over. Your shoulders were shrugged to keep your elbows propped on the table, hands loosely busy with your new glass of wine.
“You’re my guy?” You smirked, teeth peeking through glassy lips.
A lump accumulated in Rocket’s throat, and it happened in a split second—swallowing that lump was swallowing a loose bolt in one of his bombs.
“Yeah, what d’ya need?” Rocket tilted his head, leaning into the bar to get a better view of her when you returned to her already emptied glass.
You raised a flimsy hand, and the bartender nodded from across the isle as he poured a drink for another patron.
“I think I should be asking you that,” your smug grin thawed into a smile as you lowered your head. Your eyes pulled up because of this—it cut that doe-eyed look straight into Rocket, but he simply readjusted his posture on the bar in a sad attempt to cover up his dry lips, an empty tongue, and his parched throat.
“You wanted to tell me something when I complimented you,” you speculated aloud. “Am I warm?”
“Smoking hot, actually—” and Rocket’s eyes almost popped right out of his skull. “Uh, both in your question and—”
You laughed again, shoulders shaking as you threw your head back. Those shiny curls slid off from your shoulder and down your back to join the rest of your styled hair.
“Don’t be so uptight!” You nudged him with your hand, and you both turn to the bartender who finally came around.
“Hi, I’d like another.”
“I’ll start a tab, her refill’s on me,” Rocket chimed in, arm stretched towards the bartender who failed to hold back a crease in his brow when he turned away from you to grimace at Rocket. “And I’ll have one for myself too.”
Your jaw dropped for the first time that night, only slightly, and even then you still looked like an actress. “You didn’t have to.”
“I want to,” Rocket insisted.
“You won’t like wine. You’re the type to enjoy beer.” You finally place the wine glass down. You folded your arms on the table, but kept your head in his direction.
“Never really liked Terran liquor in general.” Rocket shrugged before spinning his stool around to expose himself entirely to you. He would, if that was what you demanded.
“But.” He crossed his arms over his chest, feeling just a hair, a follicle too exposed, down to the very pore of his skin, he could feel each chill the situation brought. “You make it look like steak after years of prison food.”
Your smile caved deeper into your cheeks, roses sprinkled across them.
“So, what was it you wanted to say?”
Now you had rotated your stool to face him, one arm still on the table as you rested your face on your palm.
“Earlier? With Nebs?”
“Mhmm.” You nodded.
Fuck, fuckity flark. He couldn’t even recall the last time he used flark. That goddamn hum, the feigned innocence it implied—was it wrong to think about how much of a brat you probably were in bed?
Fuck. Too creepy.
But with the way your arm was positioned, your cleavage had just been a little below eye level and boy did he avoid eye contact a lot.
“I was gonna say you had a prettier face,” Rocket admitted. It almost sounded like a grunt, and he wasn’t surprised because his tongue tugged his gut all the way up to his throat to confess this.
“Is that so?”
Your tone felt carried, longer than it was meant to be. You grinned. Satisfaction painted you pink in the navy blue tints of the party. And he couldn’t hate it. He couldn’t even look away from it. The party? That god-awful music? Could be happening in a completely separate room for all he was aware of. You wiped him clean of everything else but you.
Before he even got to realize he’d been staring directly at your cleavage again, you rubbed a soft hand under his chin and lifted it.
His eyes met yours, and he hung off a cliff you were looking off of.
“Speechless, huh?”
“Use your words, big guy.”
Rocket gritted his teeth before nearly barking it out. “Can’t blame me for how fuckin’ sexy you are.”
“Looks aren’t everything.”
“I’m the last guy you needa’ be tellin’ that to,” Rocket chuffed, a corner of his lips tugging up as he regained some of his spine. Oh, has he been slouching this whole time? “I know you know what you’re doin’, princess.”
“Princess?” You cocked a brow down at him again, gaze floating across the ceiling.
“I like it.”
Rocket smirked.
Oh yes, the good kind of warmth returned to him—he was settling in his seat the way he hoped he would, his eyes sitting better in the glimmer of your own.
“Yeah. You’re the type to like that sorta’ thing.”
Your brows furrowed. “How do you know what my type is?”
“Same way you know that I’m the kind to hate wine.”
A beat passed before you returned his gaze. “Just for the record, physically … I find you to be very a—
‘What’s going on here?”
You both turned to the same fuming expression, arms crossed as black crystal balls for eyes burning holes through Rocket’s fur.
“Rocket treated me to a drink,” you said, showing Nebula your glass.
“She’s a friend!” Nebula gritted through a clenched jaw when she swung her head around to face Rocket.
“I’m having a really good time, Nebby.”
And that had been the first time that night Rocket had seen the mask catch fire in the disco light. Some of that actress charm replaced with utmost honesty. Or, maybe it was another accessory Rocket had observed, one of something much more poisonous than anything he’d hoped you possessed.
Nebula shook her head. “You’re lucky I can tell whether you’re lying or not.”
“Well, yeah, and you kinda ruined something we were having,” you admitted further, and Rocket grinned, unable to withhold his chuckles.
“What is it?” Nebula grumbled, turning right back to Rocket.
“Nah, nothin’.”
“Spit it out!”
Rocket’s eyes crossed yours multiple times that night. And just about all of those times he wished he hadn’t crashed and burned right in front you to pick him apart and laugh at his … naviety? Hopes and dreams? His fantasies?
Fantasies aren’t real, yet there you were—smiling right back at him at the look he gave you, lowered head and a smirk as a vice.
“I just know we’re gonna get along plenty,” Rocket rasped in low tones.
“Oh, fuck me—get a room you two! And just so you know, I don’t approve of this! At all!”
And so began a long, endless, fateful effervescent string of kisses, bites, fucks and talks waving its filth and bliss in its galaxy-stippled wake.
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raccoonfallsharder · 8 months
recommended works ⊹˚₊⊹˚☕︎˚⊹₊˚⊹
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these are the folks who have written or drawn something (specifically within the rocket raccoon fan community) that either murdered me, resurrected me, or both.
(i am always open to recs so if you wanna link me to your fave i will be so happy to check them out)
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⊹˚₊⊹˚☕︎ fanfiction ☕︎˚⊹₊˚⊹
The All of You (ao3) i fuckin love this story so hard. i love the OC. i love the writing. i love the set up. i reread this probably every month or so and pine for more. it's so fuckin good. @lazarel-3000 is a double-threat (at least) who is also on my recced artist list, which means (obviously) they are a recced creator as well.
Casino Royale (ao3) this fic by @hibatasblog (see also: Entanglement, below) is so fucking delightful. petra quill is so hot i want to date her myself, and the tension between her and rocket is through the roof. loving the angst, loving the little ways that heartbreak seeps through every new paragraph, loving the mystery of trying to figure out what happened to petra and rocket to set them on their separate paths and now bring them back together. always waiting anxiously for the next chapter.
Entanglement (ao3) this fic by @hibataao3 has me rationing my consumption in a way i have not done in a long time. i'm like "i only read one chapter a week to pace myself, as a little treat for surviving another seven days." beautiful writing and intricate storytelling, the metaphors and analogies are so good i almost wish i was back in undergrad writing a thesis on it.
Friends (tumblr) @nyxivy is making their way through the rocketober 2023 prompts and the first fic of the series is. so drool-worthy. i've probably read it fifty times since it came out. short and so hot i could die (much like rocket himself), and somehow incredibly sweet in just the span of a few paragraphs? i will continue coming back to this fic and look forward to more from them at every chance i get.
Get Up (tumblr)@caesarhamato22 is another person on my recced creator list because trying to find just one fic to call my "favorite" is a challenge (obviously i was unsuccessful because there are two on this list). anyway this is lovely and fluffy. i die.
last (friday) night (ao3) nsfw. trying to pick a "favorite" of @aliasrocket's work is like trying to choose a favorite incarnation of rocket (i cannot). guess who is also on my recced creators list.
more than seven (tumblr) second @caesarhamato22 fic on this list and another recced creator. this one is one of my favorite comfort fics (i mean it's still sexy as hell) that i come back to very often. like it's just so wonderful and sweet and perfect and atmospheric and vibes
stars. (tumblr) ☕︎ stars. (ao3) sexual tension & some of the loveliest atmospheric writing i've ever consumed. another @aliasrocket fic that lives in my head.
A Very Basic Instinct (tumblr) ☕︎ A Very Basic Instinct (ao3) nsfw. when i tell you this fic did things to me. it is probably one of the fics i reread most. like, all the time jkjk only semiregularly. check out the author @elegant-fleuret for other equally brainrot-inducing smut (also mentioned in my recced creators).
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⊹˚₊⊹˚☕︎ art ☕︎˚⊹₊˚⊹
@bathmob i wish. i could draw rocket. like this. the vibes are so good. the style. is perfect. i thank the universe whenever i see new art from them.
@glow-autumz is absolutely going to be a published comic artist some day and i will buy anything she works on ever. literally everything she creates has a story behind it, which i love. like, not only are her illustrations gorgeous (and like…often very hot) but every single one is (at least) a single-panel narrative. plus her OC is also cool as hell and i love her interpretations of rocket.
@lazarel-3000 creates the most toe-curlingly delicious art i've seen in a long time. i am seduced by pretty much everything they create. even their rough drafts have me panting. (i also have a crush on their OC and as a bi-lady i look at their art and am often like oh shit this is a fuckin feast). as mentioned before, this artist is also the author of one of my favorite fics and is a recommended creator in general.
@uglly-rodent posts always make me want to pinch the babby raccoom's cheeks and/or cry.
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⊹˚₊⊹˚☕︎ creators ☕︎˚⊹₊˚⊹
@aliasrocket writes such beautiful things it is impossible to pick a favorite (i got two of their fics in the fic section and it was difficult to narrow it down that far and even now, i'm not certain). their tumblr has the added advantage of a ton of drabbles, every single one of which is perfection.
@caesarhamato22 read everything. like everything. great smut but i am a sucker for the slice of life shit and it's so fuckin good here. i just wanna be a nail tech on knowhere/locked in a closet with rocket/have him steal my t-shirt/whatever. it's like all my most domestic desires got turned into little fanfiction dreams. so much wish fulfillment i could die
@elegant-fleuret has great fanfiction (more than just the one on my fic list - i just felt like i had to narrow it down and A Very Basic Instinct literally gives me a a fresh hit of dopamine every time i reread it, which is a lot). plus also art. double-threat.
@evolvingchaoswitch writes with a ton of vulnerability and rawness and angst. i am also in love with the shorter pieces they've been putting out for rocketober 2023 (some really great poetry, some really emotional oneshots, some really hot oneshots). plus their OCs always fuckin rock
@lazarel-3000 look. look. i cannot say this enough. please go check them out they are hope in a hopeless place. some of the sexiest art + one of my very favorite fanfictions + one of my very favorite OCs have come out of this flawless individual. (full disclosure they also did some nsfw art of my OC jolie and rocket that has me crying and dying and hyperventilating on a daily basis)
@love-for-faeries-go-burrrr has another one of my favorite OCs and i am always hungry for their little storylines whenever they post.
@mrwolfhare is one of my favorite sources of gotg food-for-thought. just some of the most thoughtful explorations of the details of both the mcu and comic canon, excellent headcanons, beautiful screenshot sets, and really solid art. the drawtober art and ficlets have been highlights in my days this month and i'm told there may be a rad fanfiction on the horizon so keep your eyes on this! (rad fanfiction is here now! read Subject 880HR on ao3)
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yamujiburo · 5 years
I'm surprised you didn't include Delibird for Team Rocketober
I figured he wouldn’t count since he technically belongs to someone else? But he was definitely a contender!
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alyssaruffin · 6 years
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On my way to guest perform with Pretty Vague at the Rocketober Fest at the Space Foundation in Colorado Springs! --------------------------------------------------------- #music #livemusic #vocalist #performer #singer #girlsthatsing #musician #musicpeople #guestperformance #prettyvague #alyssaruffin #coloradosprings #coloradogirls #coloradomusicians #spotlight #band #gig #saturday #twofer #doubleduty #twogigs #backtobackgigs #allblack @prettyvagueband @spacefoundation (at Space Foundation) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn7V29qhOiT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nkareb2124iz
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nyxivy · 8 months
Rocketober - Day 3 - Shock
A/N: no one can tell me how to do this challenge. In order? No thanks. One every day? Fuck you
Contents: domestic guardians. Rocket being cute
You were a creature of mystery to Rocket Raccoon. You were clearly a very capable member of the Guardians, no one could doubt that, but you were also just so- so soft. You had a never ending supply of kind words to everyone around, most frequently the Guardians. You were forever just handing out hugs to anyone and everyone, and somehow you seemed to know Rocket had an aversion to physical contact so just stuck to soft touches here and there. But that in itself was a kindness he was not used to. So it was no surprise when you suggested something as domestic as a weekly movie night to the Guardians. It had started out at your apartment and had slowly expanded to other members homes as the weeks went by. This week you were all packed into Rocket's apartment. The guardians sprawled out across various cushions, pillows and blankets. You and Rocket were squished onto a ratty sofa he had found on some street corner after he'd had complaints the first time he hosted that he had nothing comfy. He had the sneaking suspicion that the sofa was not meant for two people but since he was smaller than the average person anyway and you had just come and settled yourself right down next to him he wasn't going to complain. You had your knees drawn up to your chest and Rocket could feel with great precision every single part of his body that had any sort of contact with yours. Groot snuggled into the crook of your arm and your legs were covered in a fluffy blanket in your favorite color that you had brought from home. Comfortable silence settled over the guardians, occasional comments from Drax or Pete floated up through the air as the movie progressed.
"I am Groot" Groot mumbled into your arm as he stretched and rolled over.
You hummed in response "Yeah hot chocolate would be good right now"
After a moment you began to move, slipping your feet out from underneath you.
"I am Groot," Groot complained
"I can't get you hot chocolate sat here, bud"
Rocket grumbled from where he was sat next to you, "I'll get it"
"Thank you Rocket" you hummed as he slipped out of the chair, asking if any of the other Guardians wanted anything on the way.
A few moments later he returned with two steaming mugs and placed them both down on a crate serving as a side table. Groot clambered out of your arms to sit on the arm of the chair and slurp the cocoa up through a straw Rocket had helpfully supplied. You picked up your mug with both hands, letting the warmth seep into your skin. You smiled and leaned into Rocket, only hesitating for a moment before planting a kiss to the side of his cheek. You felt Rocket go completely still underneath your lips and heard the hitch in his breath. If you'd have looked you would have seen his eyes widen to the size of saucers, not daring to take his eyes off the screen and his claws grip the arm of the chair hard enough for threads to start pulling. Instead you just giggled and snuggled into his side, resting your head on his shoulder until he softened under your touch.
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caesarhamato22 · 8 months
Rocketober: Day 2
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: None today, sillies, you’re in the clear.
Summary: Nothing beats a fat nap after a tiring day of being Captain.
It wasn’t too dark, but fuck, was he tired.
His knees ached from the constant standing, walking and occasional sprinting throughout the never ending day. The pain hadn’t revealed itself until the moment the Bowie had landed on Knowhere. There was a tiny pull in side of his neck, to which he tried fixing by massaging it as best he could.
As claws brushed through his grime-fill fur, he scratched the spot between his ears that you always paid just enough attention to, but it was nowhere close to being the same.
Your scratches were always gentle, and your massages sent him straight to sleep, especially after a day like this.
Rocket fiddled tiredly through his keys, searching for the one you had given him a short while ago. Your spare key, a wordless offering for him to visit any time he needed you, or just wanted to see your gorgeous face.
It turned into a common occurrence, him warning you through message, telling you he needed a break and some time with you.
You two communicated, always finding the best time to meet up during your busy schedules. Outside of your work hours, and during a time where his duties as a guardian could be set to the side, he’d be with you.
Sometimes sitting in silence was all he truly wanted, but it was always a task for him to tell you that. His method changed over time as he became increasingly comfortable in the presence of the one he cared for most, in a different way than he did for everyone else.
It took him a long time to understand the way he loved you.
It’s started small and subtle. The tiniest of cues to tell you, he noticed what you noticed, that he cared for what you cared for.
So, so subtle. You didn’t come close to registering what he was doing when he first started looking out for the things you did.
Rocket seemed relieved by this at first. It was a sign that he wasn’t being too obvious. To you, at least. And you were all that mattered.
It was no different when the second he unlocked your apartment door, a gust of mixed relief and exhaustion radiated through him. His body, ready to be knocked the fuck out on your bed, right beside your perfect presence.
Hopefully including those head scratches he loves so much, and needed desperately. That he could admit.
Rocket’s feet were heavy, making his steps louder than usual. As loud as they could be for someone his size.
Passing through the hallway after closing and locking the door, his bag dropped to the ground with a clank and a thud. His fingers rushed lazily to untie his boots without a care. He kicked off his shoes and left them wherever they landed, separated into two different spots in the hall on their sides.
He beelined for the bedroom, the cozy space he shared with you, the place he knew you’d be on your day off from work.
With a sigh, he pulled off the blue and red uniform off his shoulders, choosing to leave only his trousers and belt on for the time being.
The bedroom door had been left ajar by you, allowing you to keep your attention captivated by the book in your hands, and a part of your focus vacant for the sounds of Rocket finally returning home.
He pushed the door open, letting it gently swing the rest of the way with a quiet creak. His eyes went to your side of the bed, finding you lying on your stomach, engrossed in the book that laid on your pillow looking right back up at you.
Your focus tore away from the pages of fiction when you heard him enter the room.
Peering over your shoulder and spotting his fatigue, you greeted him with a soft, “hey,” as he moved a step closer to the bed.
With a heavy sigh, “hey, baby,” he replied back.
His eyes were low and his body was aching to lie down. To rest and just be with you was all he wanted right now, holy shit, just let him hold you. He’d beg if it was required.
You studied him, every claw and movement. The lack of sleep in his eyes, and how gravity seemed to be stronger on him than you, told you he was drained, in need of care, even if he’d never admit it.
“You look tired.” Although you didn’t say it out loud.
Him, out of everyone, knew how tired he was. He didn’t need it pointed out and you knew him enough to not state the obvious.
His hands found his belt, unbuckling it with haste while his eyes focused on nothing but the air in front of him. With it loosened, off, and dropped to the ground, he looked back to you to find your eyes had never left him.
“Turn around,” he murmured. His voice was deeper and slurred with need of sleep while his eyes flickered around your body and the sheets it laid on.
You half-turned your body to face him better, now able to see more of him and the state he was in.
A shower wasn’t needed, but it would do him good. But he didn’t seem to be in the mood for critiques.
“On your back.” He was clearer this time, more gentle, like a request.
Granting it, you turned and shuffled into a comfortable position on your back while he waited patiently by the bed.
You settled and looked at him expectedly. He placed his hands on the side of the bed, pulling himself up with noticeable effort despite it being a second nature task, hopping on and off the bed every day. It was different when his energy was absent. Leaving the house at 4am and returning home just after 6pm, and running on two hours of sleep, had quite an impact on one’s battery level.
Your legs flattened against the bed to make room as he moved closer, bringing himself above you and lowering his body against yours, lying comfortably with his legs relaxed naturally, his arms resting on either side of you, and his head nuzzling against your chest.
It wasn’t a state you often found him in. Tired, yes, but that was a given considering his occupation.
Clingy, however, was normally when he was drunk and focused solely on his girl.
He’d been like this before, after a job or an exhausting day. You welcomed this side of him and honestly encouraged it when you sensed he needed some loving.
Rocket had never had this option before meeting you.
The closest he had was curling up in Groot’s lap when they were on the run. It would’ve had to have been a freezing night, or he must have been terribly injured to be found in such a vulnerable position; relaxed without a care in the world.
Yet, here he was, in your home, his home, in your perfect embrace, being loved more than he ever thought he could be.
Cared for, thought about, appreciated.
This was his. You were his.
He sinked further into your love, his arms tightening around you, his face and body wanting to be impossibly closer.
You fingers traced patterns through his fur before stopping in that sweet spot between his ears, scratching slowly, gently, perfectly. The instinctive motions were filled with natural attention to detail, eliciting a relaxed breath from him, finally able to give into the exhaustion that weighed him down since the moment he left you alone in the bed that morning.
Rocket loved you dearly. So deeply that it always surprised him, the lengths he would go for you without a mere second of hesitation.
You shared this love, and he knew that.
You made sure he did.
Every morning and night, through voice or message, you’d tell him he was loved.
It took him a while to believe it. To understand that you were telling the truth. After years and years of his past being filled with mental torment, physical strain and torture, he believed you.
He believed in whatever you told him; that he deserved to be loved.
That he was free to be loved.
Fuck, what a wonderful feeling.
I’m two days behind already :)
Rocketober list
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evolvingchaoswitch · 8 months
Rocketober Day 1 Friends
We ran, we played and laughed in between bar covered walls.
And what laid within was the rarest find of hopeful innocence.
 The care of a creator even grander than the divine.
It was great to have friends.
Dreaming of the future where they would all soar through the azure sky together.
Then fit for nothing but escape.
 A bid for freedom but just too late.
 A young kit determined to make loneliness his permanent fate.
The young man failed.
Flora and Fauna met.
The roots of friendship soon prevailed.
The bounty botched.
A group of misfits caught.
His Flora friend lost.
A new band of friends.
But at what cost?
Rocket doesn’t have it in him to suffer another loss.
So he’ll push them away.
Till he’s forgot
@raccoonfallsharder @glow-autumz @funkydancingdinosaur
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caesarhamato22 · 9 months
I’m debating on participating in Rocketober!
Writing a Drabble for every day of October based on this list:
(They’ll either be a Rocket x Reader, or just about Rocket himself)
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If you guys have any ideas/suggestions for any of these themes, send them through the ask box!!
Now, it’s not certain that I’m doing this because October is a pretty busy month for me, but just in case, please send through any ideas you’d like to read!
And I have a few in my drafts for some of these, so not every suggestion will be written, I apologise! 
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evolvingchaoswitch · 8 months
Rocketober: Day 12 Batteries
Glittering golden temptations. Frenzied desires to spite the creator. Unyielding need to push others away. Let these batteries fuel your self destructive machinations. The fires of self loathing required careful stoking lest they go out. No matter how corroded the source was, it was still where your power was drawn from. @raccoonfallsharder @glow-autumz @rebel-21
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evolvingchaoswitch · 8 months
Rocketober: Day 8 Drinking or Free part 2
TW: Dubious consent
You are trapped arms under your torso, ass in the air with your head to the ground as your aphrodisiac fueled crew mate crawled towards you; you could just make out Rockets form in the darkness. You could feel as his claw tipped paws started to slowly remove your pants off of  you like peeling a ripe fruit, you could hear the hitch of his breath followed by a low growl as the smell of your dripping pussy must have hit his keen senses. You couldn’t help but whimper as you felt him blow hot air over the vulnerable folds before him, you cursed how easily the slick fluids of your arousal flowed during your ovulation; maybe that was why you couldn’t bring yourself to make him stop.
Rocket laid a trail of kisses from the top of your mons pubis just above your cliteros before moving his attention to lay sloppy kisses on the sensitive skin just beyond your outer lips. You feel as your neuro pathways ignited into a thrumming heat that stoked sensation in every section of your body, the cold stone beneath you did not help to cool you down only contributed to teasing you as your now erect nipples were dragged slightly by Rocket’s ministrations forcing you to lean slightly forward. Rocket slipped his maw deep into the dripping folds before lashing his tongue around your aching walls, drinking in your cum as if it was the first drink he was able to get in days. The whorish moans that tumbled from your lips quickly echoed throughout the cave as a sinful symphony of slurred words and firm clit suction filled the silence.
Rocket claws gripped your hips leaving tiny pin pricks in your skin that welled with small droplets of blood, he didn’t want his meal to move an inch till he felt sated and he wasn’t satisfied yet. You felt delirious from the pleasure as you felt Rocket move his mouth up to start rimming the delicate ring that was your asshole. You hips bucked desperately as Rockets tongue pushed into your tight passage slowly fucking it looser and you continued to do the only thing you could which was add to the sounds of the cave. You could feel as his cock lined up against the entrance to your asshole “This is all the restraint I can muster sweatheart or I’m going to fuck you till your ripe with my kits” if he didn’t have a good grip on your hips you would have sunk into the floor when your quivering knees gave out. 
Rocket had done too good of a job in making sure your asshole was well lubricated as his cock slipped from one rosy hole into the warm slippery depths of your pussy. You let out a quivering moan when he rutted up against you causing delicious friction to rub against your g-spot for a few minutes moaning to himself “No gotta be good” before sliding out and trying to slip within your ass again. As he slowly slid past the tight ring of muscles he had touched something on your suit so you could use your arms again, placing them forward to brace yourself in doggy as Rocket simultaneously removed your top and bra. 
It took a few slow moments for Rocket to fully seat himself inside your ass, stroking your back gently as you trembled, body slick with sweat as Rocket let out soothing trills to help get you to calm; you were getting the idea that words were starting to become hard for him as the pollen flooded his body. Once your body was relaxed allowing him to fully sink he, Rocket started with slow shallow thrusts to let your rectum get used to the intrusion before beginning to increase the tempo a little bit at a time till it built into quick thrusts. The wet slapping of fur to skin joined the sounds of the cave as Rocket pounded out the last bit of sense you had left in your body before spilling his first shot into your wanton hole letting out a gloriously savage snarl as he did so.
You could feel as he slowly pulled out, cum leaking from your anus as you laid nude on the cold stone of the cave trying to soothe the trembling of your body and deciding to roll on your back to see if the stone on your back will help return your temperature to normal. You look into Rocket’s glowing jasper coloured eyes as an aftershock riffles through your body, as if this orgasm is stronger because Rocket is able to see machinations of it as it washes over you.
Rocket’s eyes roam over your body still hungry before focusing his attention back on the glistening treasure that was your cunt. The small bit of reasoning that Rocket had left to fight the contaminant allowed him the sense to wipe off his cock on a discarded piece of clothing before sliding into your pussy once more giving your hips matching claw marks on the front. You could feel your legs wrapped around him pulling Rocket even deeper into you, and a thought came to mind that perhaps the pollen had also affected you too but you didn’t care.
All you wanted to do was to be filled as many times as Rocket was able to, coating every section of your insides till there was nothing left unclaimed within you and Rocket was more than happy to claim every inch of you that he could.
Mission Success.
@raccoonfallsharder (you made a comment of wanting to see more and I do deliver) @glow-autumz @rebel-21 @funkydancingdinosaur
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evolvingchaoswitch · 8 months
Rocketober: Day 11 Father
One decision had changed Rocket's life in a way he couldn’t predict and it was because of the High Evolutionary though not for the reasons most within his circle would think.
Despite everything HE had done to edit Rocket he at least left him with a functioning set of testicles; his cock was also fully functional though slightly modified from the original state.
Rocket never had a problem with any of the lovers he had rawdogging or not it would seem that even though his genetics had been messed with it would be difficult for him to sire a biological child. He didn’t care who needed family? Life decided he needed a family. First to Groot, then The Guardians and then quickly followed by the adoption of twenty raccoon kits as well as the Star children.
Rocket was a Father there was no doubt about that. It wasn’t until Rocket had the stones to visit the person that he loved and left; like a flarkin coward; did he find out he was a biological Father as well. Two perfect little girls with a mix of both his and Avery’s features.
Rocket would do everything he could to integrate his families together and become the Father they all deserved. @raccoonfallsharder @glow-autumz @funkydancingdinosaur @rebel-21
From A Raccoon Walks into a Bar
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evolvingchaoswitch · 8 months
Rocketober: Day 9 New Friends
Rocket was heading over to Cap’s house for a game of poker to dispel some of the stress of the last week, it had passed over the third year anniversary of Thanos’s snap that whisked his loved ones to dust. He knocked on Steve’s door before being ushered into the man's apartment pausing to take off his shoes as per Steve’s request he wandered over to the fridge before retrieving a beer from with and cracking it open.
“How’s your week been Cap?” Rocket tipped the can back allowing some of the bitter liquid to slip down his throat enjoying the burn as it did.
Steve ran his hand through his hair “Shit, more people trying to fill the power vacuum left after the people in charge vanished. Yours?”
Rocket get a jaded chuckle slip from his lips as he drank more of the cans contents “Same flarkin shit different cycle”
Both men let out an exasperated sigh before falling into silence for the next few minutes, it wasn’t that either man wasn’t able to make decent conversation with the other they got along well but something about the week that had just passed drained them. Steve decided to make himself busy for a minute to bring attention away from the unintentional awkwardness by opening the window overhearing the conversation that his neighbors were having accidentally.
“Alright so you will break into the vault to grab the necessary items and you are going to come with me to kidnap the Mayor” A hushed masculine said which got Rocket’s attention as well as Steve’s having them move quickly outside the apartment to the door in front of the apartment next door. Pressing their ears to the door they could hear a feminine voice say “Alright I’ll grab the knockout gas to take them out then we’ll move to our next location for safety sake to avoid the authorities” . Steve and Rocket made the quick decision to burst through the door to catch the criminals before they had a chance to cause anymore grief for New York but to their surprise it was just a few people around a coffee table hovering over a map covered in miniatures. 
Everyone screamed when they burst in on one of the women that was holding a dice and dropped it causing the long haired blonde man to shout “QUIET” as everyone went still as they peered over the twenty-sided dice as the man smiled “And the roll was successful no one overheard unlike real life”  the purple haired woman next to him stood up arms crossed “So why did an Avenger and I assume another hero burst into our apartment?”
Steve blushed as Rocket sheepishly rubbed the back of his head “We thought you were actually planning something but why are you talking about that shit anyways?”
The blonde guy took a moment to look over the both of them before answering “We’re playing DnD wanna learn?”
By the end of the night both Rocket and Steve had a new set of friends to spend time with, and a game that would allow them both to keep their minds sharp in between missions as well as relax.
So poker night became DnD night instead. @raccoonfallsharder @funkydancingdinosaur @rebel-21 @honeypleasesugar @glow-autumz
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