#Robb and Jon
emprcaesar · 7 days
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Robb doesn't have his own pov chapters but it's obvious through various other pov chapters that he truly loves his brother and best friend, Jon.
There was a time, when he parroted his mother's hamful words towards his brother (something that it's not unusual for little kids to do)
That morning he called it first. "I'm Lord of Winterfell!" he cried, as he had a hundred times before. Only this time, this time, Robb had answered, "You can't be Lord of Winterfell, you're bastard-born. My lady mother says you can't ever be the Lord of Winterfell."
His older version we meet at the beginning of AGOT, would never say something like this. In fact, he's aware of the unjust treatment his brother gets by his mother and he shows his empathetic side on the matter:
Robb knew something was wrong. "My mother …" "She was … very kind," Jon told him
I do wonder at which age Robb realised that the way his mother treated his brother was not okay. Did he remember that he once also hurt his brother by repeating his mother's poisonus words? I can't say for sure because both boys were too young and Jon only remembers this incident bc it was a very painful one, while for Robb was just another day they played as kids. But if he in fact, remember the incident, I believe that older Robb would feel guilty about it. Just like he feels worried that his mother once again mistreated his brother on the quote I shared above.
I know that Jon had it far worse as he was the one who received emotional abuse by an adult and he couldn't feel safe on his own home. However, thinking about Robb and the Catelyn-Jon situation, I realized that he was also in a tough position (although, in a far better one than his brother).
Robb loved his mother and how could he not? When Catelyn was a doting mother and always there for him. But he also loved his brother, they were inseparable at Winterfell and he knew that his brother was a kind soul. He also knew that his mother was awful to his brother for something that wasn't Jon's fault (the circumstances of his birth). It's not easy loving two people, who are very important family members to you, while knowing that one of them is awful to the other. That's why I believe that he was in a tough spot. Idk, I have a lot of feels about Robb...
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Being a girl is: wanting to go to bed early but deciding to just get on tumblr/wattpad/Ao3 for a little bit and then end up finding a fic series that you really like and read until well past your usual bedtime then keeping on because it’s already past your bedtime. Then being mad when you wake up in the morning because you overslept your timer.
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reneewalkersknives · 6 months
one egregious thing the game of thrones show misses out on is that the stark kids are CONSTANTLY thinking abt each other!! there isn’t like a single POV chapter from any of them where they don’t long for their siblings!! Jon wants to have a son and name him Robb!! Bran wants to be a bird so him and his siblings can live in a nest together!! Sansa prays for her siblings every night and makes the Winterfell castle and then gets upset bc there’s no one to throw snow at!! Needle IS Jon!! Arya’s list is her own prayer for her siblings, she doesn’t care that Joffrey is dead bc Robb is too!! Every single one of them believes that their big brother will come to save them!! there’s sm love and tenderness there and GOT missed out on lots of it bc it tries too hard for the grimdark angle without realising that the center of the stark’s story is their love for each other. anyways.
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saessenach · 1 month
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What is honor compared to a woman’s love? What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms… or the memory of a brother’s smile? Wind and words. Wind and words. We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory, and our great tragedy.
Jon Snow - and family that haunts him, because sometimes ghosts make for the best love stories.
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laurellerual · 5 months
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I'm in a redesign mood lately, so here some Stark crests!
Here the old ones: Eddard, Catelyn, Jon, Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, Rickon.
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befooremoonrisee · 5 months
the way in which jon and robb's futures are foreshadowed by the mother of the other: robb dying too young and becoming a ghost that haunts their siblings, a reminder of innocence and happier days, and jon dying and being brought back to life, a shadow of what he once was, a dark mirror to himself
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winterprince601 · 9 months
"he was never unfaithful to robert, was he?" - jaime, acok
ha. ha ha ha. the irony of this line is incredible. what's so striking to me is how one dimensional the realm's understanding of eddard stark as an honourable man is - honour itself is an incredibly complicated and unattainable ideal in asoiaf and i think ned as the stereotypical emblem of it encompasses many of the reasons why. because whilst he absolutely does consider acting in a conventionally honourable way important, he always prioritises those he loves. he defended cat's actions as his own without a second thought when she arrested tyrion. his main priority in king's landing is to see his daughters safe, not to secure the succession. lyanna is the prime example: jon's existence is not the result of the lapse of honourable ned stark, it was honourable ned stark choosing his love for his sister over his duty to his king. that and his personal ethical belief that the political murder of a child is never morally acceptable.
no one in the realm has the insight into his personality we get in the first book. none of his children, vitally, understand that he would always prioritise their safety over any honourable scruples. all of the starklings question what their honourable father would think of their actions - killing in self-defence, marrying jeyne westerling, sleeping with ygritte to name a few examples - without recognising that ned's true first priority was always his family's safety.
in fact, he betrayed robert far more than he ever betrayed cat and he would have betrayed honour for his family's safety every time.
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melrosing · 2 months
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starks + theon DONE
more here
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amber-laughs · 10 months
“Bring her home, Mance” but away from Winterfell, because the Starklings are each other’s home not some castle
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emprcaesar · 6 months
been obsessed with jon and robb’s relationship.
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the way i see these two is like they’re twins. they kind of are because they are really close in age like im talking a month or two age difference.
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Whatever you do don't picture little Robb and Jon climbing Winterfell's towers and shouting at each other so they can practice their "Lord's voice".
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Being a girl is pt.2: deciding you’ve read enough fics for the moment and swiping out of the app just to re-open tumblr or open wattpad/ao3
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meanlikeachild · 4 months
oh nothing, just thinking about how Robb chose duty over love when he refused to trade Jamie for Sansa and Arya and got killed and how Jon chose love over duty when he was going to desert the night watch to go save his little sister from her abusive husband and he too got killed. Theres just no winning, whatever you chose.
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wraithwen · 10 months
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starklings (sans rickon)
finally started reading the books after a long time of being a wiki lurker :")
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tokenasx · 5 months
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Father and son
And two little cutie kids who worth one thousand kisses
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