#Reyes Vidal problems
satashiiwrites · 2 years
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vorchagirl · 2 months
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Saints and Liars - Chapter 14
There are consequences for Cerys after her vanishing act on Kadara as Tann reassigns the whole Pathfinder Team to new duties on Meridian.
Art is by @beemot and a snippet is below the cut!
Chpt 14 - These Things
Cerys tried not to look bored as Kandros paced back and forth in front of her, his back stiff with rage and his voice boiling with anger. Under normal circumstances she probably would have been terrified to see Kandros to worked up, but it was difficult to take him seriously. Especially when he’d been yelling at her for a solid fifteen minutes and didn’t show any sign of letting up.
“What were you thinking?” He slammed his hands on his desk, the loud bang jerking Cerys out of her thoughts with a start. “Reyes Vidal had just made a very serious threat against your life, and instead of doing the sensible thing and returning to the Tempest, you decided to vanish into the wilds of Kadara to help sick people in the slums?!”
She frowned, unable to sit back and take the barrage any longer. “People were sick and Nakamoto needed medicine. It was easy enough for me to track down the smugglers who had stolen it and retrieve it. What’s your problem?”
The lie was practised and rolled easily off her tongue, but Kandros raked a furious hand through the air dismissively.
“You could have been killed, Cerys! You’re our Pathfinder and one of the only people able to operate remnant technology. We can’t afford to lose you.” His cold eyes fixed on her despairingly, and Cerys was reminded of the times her father had yelled at her like this. Times when she’d gone out drinking with a boy who he didn’t approve of, or when she’d snuck out to a party with her friends. “I don’t know what I have to do to get it through your thick human skull, but your safety isn’t just about you. People are depending on you.”
Finally, he seemed to have run out of steam and Kandros sank down on his desk looking annoyed. Cerys tried not to set him off again as she sat forward and tried to give him an apologetic smile.
“Look, I’m sorry. I’ll be more careful next time. I’m just not used to having to watch my back on Kadara-”
“Things have changed,” Kandros snapped. “You need to stop assuming that Reyes Vidal is playing games and start realising that he’s dangerous. Whatever the relationship used to be between you, however close you thought you were, he was clearly just stringing you along while it suited him, and now that the Initiative has become the enemy again it means that you’ve become the enemy.”
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silurisanguine · 8 days
Pathfinder Aeryn Ryder profile
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Name/nickname(s): Aeryn Ryder / Ryn or My Cielo
Favorite world(s)/location(s): Kadara and Havarl.
Key virtue(s): Compassion, determination, conviction.
Fatal flaw(s): Impulsiveness, stubbornness.
Psych profile: Ability to adapt under pressure, Intelligent and cunning. Solves problems under pressure. Empathetic.
Friendships: Her crew in order - Vetra, Drack, Kallo, Gil and Lexi first and foremost. Then Cora, Peebee, Suvi and Jaal and Liam last. Also friends with obviously Reyes, then Kian, Harry Carlyle, SAM, Keema and her brother Tristan.
Most used profile(s): Vanguard and soldier.
Most used weapon(s): Mattock assault rifle, N7 Hurricane smg and Black Widow Sniper rifle.
Romance: Reyes Vidal.
Soundtrack: Kat Leon - Hurricane
Weather: The first sunlight after a storm.
Habit(s): Working to exhaustion, drinking.
Misc: Has a tattoo on her back of Ma'at, the Egyptian goddess of truth, justice, balance, and order. It covers a scar on her spine from an issue with the initial SAM implant replacing her biotic one. She also loves to dance and would spend many an hour dancing away in Purgatory on the Citadel when she was there. Now she loves Tartarus in much the same way.
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cr-noble-writes · 5 months
Playlist tag game
Thanks for the tag @spacebunshep Rules: post a screenshot or a list of your playlist titles and tag some friends. If you’re tagged, send op an ask about one of their playlists (you don’t have to tho).
oh man, this is gonna be a *list*. I have a lot of playlists so I will put most of them under a cut so as not to clog up the dash.
Virtue and Volatility Playlists
Viaticum- 6 songs, 19 min 45 sec Vicissitude- 5 songs, 17 min 57 sec Verisimilitude- 4 songs, 16 min 43 sec
Mass Effect Character Playlists
Reyes Vidal- 45 songs, 2 hr 44 min Scott Ryder- 6 songs, 21 min 6 sec Jack (Subject Zero)- 30 songs, 1 hr 48 min Jackson Shepard- 95 songs, 6 hr 14 min Alex Shepard- 129 songs, 8 hr 27 min ME1 Alex- 16 songs, 56 min 48 sec ME2 Alex- 21 songs, 1 hr 21 min ME3 Alex- 11 songs, 41 min 29 sec
Mass Effect Ship Playlists
Willenko- 2 songs (so far, I just started this one), 7 min 37 sec Jack/Traynor- 10 songs, 35 min 5 sec Jackson Shepard/Alex Atruzea- 10 songs, 37 min 26 sec Alex/Reyes- 13 songs, 46 min 4 sec Kaidan/Alex- 83 songs, 5 hr 17 min Reyes/Ryder- 28 songs, 1 hr 40 min The Crow & The Butterfly- 48 songs, 3 hr 8 min
D&D Playlists
Trill- 27 songs, 1 hr 41 min Trillip- 12 songs, 46 min 28 sec Briar, Hunter of Chepaxo- 22 songs, 1 hr 23 min
Mass Effect AU Playlists
The Ties That Bind- 16 songs, 1 hr 1 min I Shouldn't Hope To Know- 13 songs, 47 min 44 sec
Argonauts- 3 songs (currently, still working on it), 11 min 37 sec
Supernatural Playlists
Sam Winchester- 11 songs, 40 min 5 sec Michael/Crowley- 161 songs, 10 hr 20 min Castiel- 24 songs, 1 hr 23 min Team Free Will- 28 songs, 1 hr 52 min Destiel- 65 songs, 4 hr 18 min Shaking Hands- 43 songs, 2 hr 40 min Country Destiel- 15 songs, 54 min 57 sec Destiel Port Song Drabbles- 4 songs, 14 min 20 sec Supernatural- 7 songs, 33 min 53 sec Dean Winchester- 23 songs, 1 hr 26 min I Fought The Law- 3 songs, 13 min 42 sec SPN Kink Bingo 2019- 20 songs, 1 hr 15 min
Writing Playlists
Epic Fantasy Writing- my monster at 790 songs, 45 hr 40 min Dystopia- 45 songs, 3 hr 5 min
Anime Openings- 16 songs, 54 min 59 sec Anime Rap- 36 songs, 2 hr 3 min
Holy Hannah, it took me like 30 minutes to type all this. I may have a problem. This doesn't even include other people's playlists that I've saved and listen to regularly haha
tagging: @nickelkeep @rotschopf-thedrow @waidwn @swaps55 @mallaidhsomo and @polarlys no pressure ofc <3
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ziskandra · 1 year
*cackles* 7, 10, 11, 13, and 24
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them? hate is probably too strong a word but i've developed a knee-jerk reaction to fellow anders fans over the years because of the subset that truly seem to think he can do no wrong and that all of his actions were entirely justified and had no negative consequences for anybody in kirkwall other than the templars. on one hand, i kinda get it, because i know anders fans have also gotten a lot of flack because... this fandom is incapable of being normal. on the other, i have a knee-jerk reaction towards anyone who assumes everyone plays these sort of games the exact same way as them (or indeed, the same way each time). i totally respect people doing whatever they want in their games and in their fanworks, but it's when it comes out in harassment of others or making bad faith assumptions about the character of actual living human beings that i'm like. no thank you. obviously there are fans of other characters who also engage in this behaviour, anders is just the one where my negative fandom experiences outweigh the positive ones, personally.
oh also, while i'm being salty (the name of the game i SUPPOSE), i fucking love f!handers but m!handers leaves me cold (especially in canon-verse fic, i don't mind it as much in like, modern AUs and the like?) idk i feel like them being the same gender changes their dynamic in a way i can't articulate--probably that hawke being female shifts the power dynamics a bit and. yeah. 10. worst part of fanon
again, 'worst' is probably a harsh word, but when it comes to pervasive fanon that i personally just don't like, it has to be visibly mixed-race alistair. i don't mind it as much when his ears have like, a subtle point to them or whatever, but speaking personally as someone who is visibly mixed, to the point that i have fielded complete strangers asking "what are you" on regular occasions, alistair's narrative would be. quite different if he wasn't human-passing. and while i get that some mixed-race people find solace in making their blorbos more representative of who they are and their identities not causing any issues, it leaves me cold. and again, i don't care what other people do, but it's when some people act like fellow fans who dare depict alistair as he appears in canon are being racist or what have you that i get annoyed. like, yeah, dragon age fandom does have problems with race, but like... this is imo not one of them, and it detracts from like. bringing awareness to actual issues. yeah yeah people can care about multiple things at once, but by the same token, people can only care about so many things at once, yknow? also this fandom in particular has a real problem with treating poc like we're all a monolith, and that includes both white people and poc. i find it especially frustrating that the dominant discourse centers north american race politics the most, but god forbid anyone try to address that directly .... but that's a rant for another time lmao. 11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered i have about 16 fandoms i'm not in filtered mostly bc they just turn up on my dash a lot, and a handful of characters/ships filtered for fandoms i am in! the one that has been consistently filtered the longest is reyes vidal. 13. worst blorbofication
oooh, this one i think is a toss up between alistair and varric. as someone who loves both these characters more for their flaws rather than their virtues, fandom can be. a difficult time! alistair often gets reduced to this...perfect prince charming, which i think is kind of disappointing considering there is so many different ways for his story to develop depending on the the outcomes of origins? varric, otoh, gets reduced to hawke's bestie a lot. and look. i get it. he is hawke's bestie. he is. very uncritical of hawke, which is not as much of a problem if hawke's a good person but. what if they're not? what if they're not, varric. god, what i would give for like. a fucking complicated characterisation-rich fic which explored like. hawke and varric's friendship and how they're like. codependent messes. (and i say this as someone who loves codependent messes lol). and i guess like.... everyone treats varric being viscount as a meme. and yeah, i get it, the dude is everything everywhere all at once. but i'd really love to see more content focused on like... his relationship with kirkwall, and his feelings regarding his friends and becoming viscount and yeah. anyway!! being a blorbo of mine is the worst because i enjoy pain and suffering. anyway, 24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
mage rights and also the chantry boom. i don't think i even have to elaborate on this do it 😭 🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
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persephoneggsy · 11 months
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Verity "Vera" Ryder and Venture "Ven" Ryder, pictured in the Citadel circa 2182
misc. facts about my ryders:
Vera primarily uses tech profiles, switching between Infiltrator and Engineer, whereas Ven prefers using just biotics.
Vera's personality is playful/casual, while Ven leans more logical/professional.
Ven is very much a "by-the-books, follow-the-rules" kind of guy. They both are, but Vera is much more flexible and willing to bend the rules as opposed to her brother.
Vera romanced Reyes Vidal; Ven romanced Cora Harper.
Ven DOES NOT approve of Reyes ("Verity Janet Ryder, you're dating a crimelord?!"). He more or less gets over it once he realizes Reyes would do anything for his sister.
Meanwhile, Vera has no problem at all with Cora.
Vera was very much a daddy's girl while Ven and his father had a... strained relationship.
When Alec got dishonorably discharged, Vera quickly forgave him for the impact it had on her own career, while Ven never quite got over it.
Both twins prefer using sniper rifles.
Vera's closest friends are Liam, Jaal, and Gil. Ven's closer to Kallo and Suvi.
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theoriginalladya · 1 year
First Lines
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven't written ten fics, share as many first-sentences as you have. 
I was tagged by @dandenbo and @mtreebeardiles (yes, I have waaaaay more than 10! lol) - thank you, my friend! As for tagging, I'm going to leave it open to anyone who wants to share because you tagged my usual suspects! LOL *high fives*
All right, let's see what we have..
If London Falls (M, Mass Effect, Abby Williams/Major Coats (aka: Abboats) - set in London during the early days of the Reaper War)
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned…
2. Brain Freeze (G, Mass Effect, mClone Shep/Kaidan Alenko - a oneshot for Kaidan and Aubrey in which Aubrey discovers freezy pops)
The heat was a problem.
3. Tales From The Inquisition (T, Dragon Age Inquisition, William Trevelyan & Cullen Rutherford - small moments in the friendship of the Inquisitor and the Commander)
There weren’t many things William could say he enjoyed while growing up more than looking through stacks of books.
4. Under Covers (T, Mass Effect, Gianna Parasini/Kaidan Alenko - little moments from a pairing for whom I have a story but have yet to get it written)
“You know, when they said we would be going under cover together, this isn’t exactly what I had in mind.”
5. Bait & Switch (T, Mass Effect/Mass Effect Andromeda, AU/crossover, Kaidan Alenko/Reyes Vidal - The Alliance comes asking for Reyes Vidal's help. Part of The Golden Boy & The Shady Bastard series)(my SpecRecs 2022 piece written for @mallaidhsomo)
Of all the places in the galaxy to end up in a back-room meeting with an Alliance representative, the lower level of Afterlife on Omega wasn’t his first choice. 
6. Run Away With Me (M, Mass Effect, male Shepard & female OC - background story of how Earthborn Michael Shepard and his best friend leave the Reds and join the Alliance - part of the Biotic Pinball Wizard series)
Dimly lit, overly shadowed halls, even those that are supposed to offer safety, hold risks for those who enter unprepared.
7. Gaia's Chosen (M, Mass Effect/Werewolf: The Apocalypse crossover, set in Mass Effect world, Caleb Shepard/Kaidan Alenko - this story is set at the beginning of ME2)
The first rule of law for any soldier is that life becomes a constant assessment of risk from the moment they don the uniform.
8. May The Road Rise To Meet You (M, Mass Effect, Caleb Shepard - this is Caleb's story of Akuze)
Shannon’s grey skies weep readily across the city, a steady, calming rhythm during otherwise precarious times.
9. Nerf Gun Wars (T, Mass Effect, male Shepard - this is what happens late at night when my brain goes off the wall. Mass Effect + Nerf Guns + Assassination Game from back in the '80s when I was in high school)
It’s all fun and games … until the helmsman ends up in the medbay with a fractured toe.
10. As Cold As Ice (T, Mass Effect, Kaidan Alenko/Major Coats (aka: Alenkoats) - Kaidan and Coats face off with a Thresher Maw on Xawin)
Freefalling through planetary atmosphere inside a military vehicle, even one as good as the M35 Mako, is something Kaidan Alenko will never get used to.
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tealenko · 2 years
I Wouldn't Bet on it (Short fic)
I did this some time ago and posted it, but then I added 4 more pages and never stopped to edit it or post the new version lol
I ended up doing an Scott pov of my one and only fReyder fic, Do your Worst.
Anyways, here we are now.
Summary: Scott goes to Tartarus to look for his sister (Sofía), but the only thing he ends up finding is why she's so attached to the place in the first place.
Fandom: fRyder x Reyes Vidal (Mass Effect Andromeda) Words: 1205 Rating: Teens and up
Read in AO3 -> [link]
Scott is the last one to leave the Tempest, setting foot on Kadara for the first time ever and, in just a few minutes, he makes it to Tartarus, where his sister is supposed to be right now.
She is always talking about the place but, now that he's seen it with his own eyes, he can't understand why. Everything is dark and dirty, and the main floor is so crowded that he cannot imagine how anyone is able to ask for a drink in the bar area. 
Although the amount of people may be the least of the problems there. He thinks, seeing that the whole place is surrounded by protective bars and cages.
He is looking for her sister, but he finds Liam instead, and decides to approach him to say hello and ask him about her location.
"Have you seen Sofía?"
"Yeah." Liam nods and points to the dance floor with his head. "Whenever you look for your sister, that's where you'll find her." He adds with a big smile on his face.
"It appears we are not the only ones looking, though." Scott says, pointing to one man situated across the room, who is staring at her from a distance. "Maybe… I should do something about it."
Liam looks in the direction that Scott's finger is pointing, and his smile falters a little after seeing who is on the other end of the room.
“Ah, yeah…” He says to the preoccupied brother, trying to add a comforting tone to his voice. "Nothing unusual. You shouldn't worry about it."
"He could have bad intentions in mind… He keeps staring at her.” Scott waits for the man to move or to look somewhere else, but he doesn’t, his eyes remain glued to his sister making him start to worry even more. “Maybe he’s planning something to hurt her."
"Well, I can assure you he has, indeed, bad intentions… But none of them involve injuring your sister. Without her consent, at least.” Liam smirks at his own joke, waiting for his friend to catch up with what he’s implying.
Scott holds a confused look for a few seconds before turning to look at the man in more detail, suddenly understanding the meaning of his friend’s words.
"Oh God…" Liam starts laughing as Scott takes his time to look at the unknown man in detail. "Well… Then he's going to be disappointed when she rejects him."
"Mmmm, yeah… I wouldn't bet on it."
"Why would you say th…" He cuts himself mid sentence, unable to hold his thoughts, completely distracted by the intense gaze on the stranger’s face. "Oh, man… He's really undressing her with his eyes.”
"Not only with his eyes, pal." Liam replies as he pats his back, surprised the two siblings haven’t discussed this topic in private.
"What!?" Liam smirks, unable to hold it after seeing Scott’s reaction. "No…" This one mutters, with his eyes still glued to the man, in shock with the information he just learned. "That's impossible. That’s… You have to be wrong."
Liam laughs now even louder than before, catching the attention of some of the people around them, including the one that’s been the center of the whole conversation who, after seeing them, starts to approach their position.
"I mean… I wish. But well, you're welcome to believe there’s nothing between them…” Liam adds, as they see him getting closer. “But I wouldn't bet on that either.” 
Scott doesn't have enough time to process that before the strange man joins their conversation.
“Not a betting person, Costa?” Reyes asks with a smug smirk on his face, already knowing the answer.
“Not when it comes to important things… Vidal.” Liam replies, looking at him very seriously, without any remains left of his precious smile.
“Important things are the best to bet on… The higher the stakes, the better the rewards… More things to win…”
“There’s also more things to lose.” Scott interrupts him, which quickly gains him his attention.
“Made a friend already, Costa?” Liam smiles but doesn’t say anything, wanting to see how the situation unfolds on its own. “Well, at least I hope he’s just a friend… Wouldn’t want you to be disappointed.”
“Well… He’s been looking at me for minutes now, so… Unless your relationship is an open one, I don’t see a bright future for you two.”
“We are not dating. Just friends.” Liam replies as dry as it gets.
Reyes smiles at him, which makes him soften up his expression a little bit.
“Good.” Reyes nods and takes a moment before speaking again, doing his best to recover some seriousness in his tone of voice. “Besides what you may imagine… I do not enjoy seeing you suffer, Costa.”
Liam stares at him for a few seconds, not knowing very well how to react to that piece of information, finally deciding to nod at him and smile a little bit.
“And for your friend… I’m sorry. But I’m not interested.”
He gives Scott a pat on his arm before turning, getting ready to walk away.
“Wait a second…” This one tries to say, but Reyes is ready to finish the conversation and head to the ground floor. “What…”
“Sorry… In another lifetime, I wouldn’t even hesitate.” Reyes tells him, spending a long second to look at Scott from head to toes, giving him a radiant smile right after. “I mean… Wow.” To his dismay, Liam can’t avoid laughing at Reyes’ comment, finding it extremely amusing despite his animosity to its owner. Scott, on the other hand, remains frozen, staring at him, trying to understand everything that’s happening in front of his eyes. “But alas, in this one… I’m afraid I’m already taken.”
Reyes uses two of his fingers to do a quick salute and disappears as fast as he got there, full with anticipation as he heads to the lower level of Tartarus.
“Who the hell was that guy!?” Scott asks Liam once he’s recovered from the initial shock.
“Reyes Vidal.” Liams tells him, still shocked that, from everyone in Andromeda, he’s the one that has to have this conversation with him.
“And what does he have to do with my sis…” He isn’t able to finish his question. His sight focuses on what’s happening on the lower area, in the main floor, having direct vision of Sofía and Reyes at the bar area. “Oh, shit.”
“Yep.” Liam gives him a pat on the back, trying to cheer him up and distract him from the young couple talking way too close to each other to be just friends. “Come on, we should leave. There’s a better place on the port… I’m sure you’ll like that better.”
“Sure…” Scott agrees and Liam starts to walk, but he stays behind for a few seconds, looking at his sister's behavior.
Sofía… He tells her in his mind, like she is able to hear him. What on Earth are you doing?
He shakes his head a couple of times, ready to walk away, but something makes him keep staring for a couple more seconds, not truly believing what’s happening in front of his eyes.
And why haven’t I’ve seen you this happy ever before in our lives?   
I'M IN LOOOOOOOVE WITH REYES VIDAL T-T I mean, I can't be the only one obsessed with the whole "you seem to be waiting for someone" back and forth they have during the whole game <3 Anyways, glad to finally post something MEA related… It was my intro into fanfic writing and I missed it quite a lot (hope to do more in the future)
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bluerose5 · 3 years
The challenge of choosing whether to write more of my Reyder WIP or to write something new for Rydaal, only to have the energy to do neither.
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
Inspired by this picture. 
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Title: Two Goats for Ransom
Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda
Warnings: crack.  Absolutely crack. All @radio-chatter​‘s fault for making me find daily jay hernandez pictures for her. I would never have followed him on instagram otherwise. 
Scott is glaring balefully at Reyes, still rubbing his wrists to get feeling back into them from being restrained.  “Is two goats all I’m worth to you?” He mutters pettily. 
Reyes throws an exasperated look over his shoulder at Scott while still guiding the shuttle to cruising altitude. “Do you have any idea how expensive it is to get goats? I just set our breeding program back years. You are very expensive my vida let me assure you.”
Thinking about how this is probably accurate, Scott is somewhat mollified. 
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obvidalous · 5 years
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“I’ve got time for a drink…”
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tifa-lockhartss · 6 years
Mass Effect Andromedia is done now i can focus on AC Odyssey
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littleaussie98 · 6 years
Reyes Vidal
Okay so I decided to play through mass effect andromeda again, and I was like okay I'm gunna romance Liam this time. The second Reyes spoke I just went
"oh shit, oh fuck, not again"
And thus romances Reyes again, curse that man and his 'persuasion'.
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heroofshield · 6 years
indirectly tagged by @blustersquall for this one.
Go to your current work in progress, share the following, then tag at least 3 people.
- The first line of the work. - The first line of your current chapter. - The last line you wrote. - A line for a chapter/part you haven’t written yet.
Going with my Untitled ME:A AU since it’s still a work in progress but i’m getting closer to getting mostly done...
The first line of the work.
Kadara was a cesspool.
The first line of your current chapter.
The body was strung up against the catwalk like a macabre pinata, dripping blood instead of candy.
The last line you wrote.
In all their talks he’d never told Liam about the trouble between him and Anna, not wanting to drag him into the Ryder Family Drama and also trying to establish boundaries between his role as the Pathfinder and his personal life.
A line for a chapter/part you haven’t written yet.
Anna closed her hands to hide the trembling, she thought she’d escaped the Reds and all the trouble they brought back in the Milky Way.
tagging @discovampireforjesus @isjustprogress and @reyescott
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tealenko · 1 year
Tag Game
Yaaaay~~ Another game!!! @sillyliterature thank you for the tag <3 <3 <3
3 Ships 4 Ships: fShenko, fRyder x Reyes Vidal, fTrevelyan x Cullen, Lara Croft x Jacob (and many more...)
1st ever ship: Idk if it was warden x Alistair or Kyle Katarn x Jaden Korr (Yeah, that happened... And I'm still mad at Disney for killing the expanded universe like that T-T)
Last song: Sabrina Carpenter - Tornado Warnings
Last movie: Some Like it Hot
Currently reading: Fanfics of 'The Queen's Gambit'... I have a problem, okay? And it's name is Benny Watts *cries in: do you still like my hair*
Currently watching: re-watching Psych once again XDD (I know, you know, that I'm not telling the truth...)
Currently consuming: My life XDDDD And hard nougat (yaaaaaasssss~~)
Currently craving: Nothing... A life? More hard nougat? Perhaps an ice-cream sandwich... Or anything with coconut, yeah.
Tagging: @fshenkoescape @laelior @ficbrish @cave-1 @psychoteacher90 @wolfwhisperertf
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gondowan · 7 years
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Me: Stop drawing Reyes Vidal keychains
Also me: The heart wants what the heart wants!!!
>> http://monobolical.tictail.com/ << -- get one here, support your local Reyes Vidal enthusiast. 
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