agir1ukn0w · 1 year
Willow fandom now that it isn't being canceled:
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beth-will-rise · 1 year
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I cannot express how much the show Willow means to me. I started it with little interest and no expectation, and yet, by the finale episode I had completely fallen in love with every aspect of the series.
The characters, each beautifully flawed and so much more than they first appear to be in episode one. Each undergo wonderful growth throughout the show, and yet there is so much still left to learn about each them.
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The story, so much more than good vs evil but also one of triumphing above one's past mistakes. Becoming more than what you were told to be.
The visuals...they are simply stunning. Episode 7 in particular has some of the best cinematography I have seen in a series or film ever.
Furthermore, the series is simply, fun. It knows when to dial up the drama and emotion, and when to let itself be silly. A perfect balance of comedy and seriousness that, in my opinion, is lacking in many recent fantasy series.
If you haven't already, give Willow a watch. It deserves more appreciation!
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witandfolly · 1 year
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Elora Danan’s Heroine’s Journey in Volume 1 of Willow as interpreted by me and adapted from Maureen Murdock’s The Heroine’s Journey <3
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corinneecrivaine · 11 months
#keepwillow #savewillow #renewwillow
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Here s the link to sign the petition.
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jlmichigan · 1 year
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I'm mad about losing these guys. And I'm not giving up on them. If you're upset about this too, there are several things you can do:
Request Willow through Disney+ Help menu. Select the big button at the bottom that says "Give Feedback". Then "Request movie or show" and type in "Willow 2022"
Email or snail mail Bob Iger at Disney and tell him how you feel about this. A heartfelt letter will be better received than hate mail which will likely never reach his desk. Send acorns.
Bob Iger c/o Walt Disney Company 500 S. Buena Vista St. Burbank, CA 91521
818-560-1000 (Disney)
Express yourself on social media and use hashtags to get this topic trending. #Willow, #savewillow, #keepwillow, #waitingforwillow, #renewwillow etc.
Create and share your own Willow media: art, fan fiction, text posts, edits, reels. We are all here for each other as a community and we can share the spirit of Willow even if the powers that be try to take it from us. The show was made many years after the movie, who knows what could happen down the road if we are still supporting this.
Follow and support the cast and creators of Willow in their next projects. They are wonderful people and did not deserve to have their work buried.
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Willow Wednesday! Keep the Magic Alive!
Season 1 may be done, but we're not! We're going to be running events and prompts, encouraging spreading the Willow tags!
What is Willow Wednesday?
Willow Wednesday is a fun way to fill the void now Season 1 has finished. A way to keep the tags trending and new content flowing.
Here on @willow-wednesday-offical, we are going to post prompts and events throughout the week. You can take your pick of any prompt posted at any point - so there is no strict rule about posting a certain prompt on a certain day. And there is no limit to how many times you can use a prompt. Have fun, go wild!
The important thing is that we all post on Wednesdays!
How to Participate...
As long as you can create something - anything - you can join us! Fiction, art, GIFs, cosplay, metas, memes... You don't need to be crazy talented, so long as you are creating.
All you have to do is post your creations on Wednesday with the tags for Willow, as well as #WillowWednesday and #RenewWillow.
You can post here on tumblr or tag us on our twitter.
Important Tagging Reminder
For us to easily find your post to reblog it, you will need to make sure to put ’#Willow Wednesday’ as one of the first 5 tags, @ us into the post, or send it to us as a message.
It is important to put ’#Willow Wednesday’ as one of the first 5 tags or it will not show up in the search. Because… tumblr.
We don’t want to miss anyone’s posts.
✨Prompt Masterlist✨
Click here to see all prompts!
Click here to suggest a prompt!
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whattheforce · 1 year
Willow Interview David W. Collins
Other Links:
Behind the Scenes
Sound Editing ADR and Working with this Loving Cast (Hilarious Stories as well)
Sound is Magic!
Willow LOVE! Also #RenewWillow
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the-grimsqueaker · 9 months
I'm hilarious, frankly.
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Fellow Willow lovers, the fuckers have cancelled it (source: https://deadline.com/2023/03/willow-canceled-disney-disney-plus-no-season-2-1235300401/)
If you have twitter, please go in there for a second and scream in the #RenewWillow hagstag, le’ts see if we can change LucasFilm’s mind
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agir1ukn0w · 1 year
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tvsotherworlds · 1 year
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corinneecrivaine · 10 months
Willow TV Show fanfiction story
Part 8
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Le roi Hastur faisait les 100 pas dans la salle du trône. Préoccupé. Comment ? Quel plan allait-il pouvoir mettre en place afin de répondre aux attentes du Wyrm, lui apporter Willow et Elora ?
Lorsqu’un garde entra, affolé, essoufflé, impossible de s’exprimer clairement : Mon Seigneur…. Je…. Il… Le… Prrrrr…
Hastur s’énerva : Parle !!!!!! Où je te mets aux fers !!!!!!
Le jeune garde n’eut pas le temps de s’expliquer que les portes de la salle du trône s’ouvrirent brutalement, ébranlées par une violente bourrasque. Deux êtres entrèrent.
Le roi reconnut la voix masculine et se retourna aussitôt.
Graydon : Bonjour père.
A la vue de son fils, se tenant devant lui, Zivian, fut stupéfié. Il prit quelques secondes avant de pouvoir répondre.
Hastur : Tu es mort !!!!
Graydon : Ho non je suis bien vivant, père, et plus puissant que jamais.
Son fils n’était plus le même. D’une personne effacée, manquant entièrement de courage et de confiance, Zivian avait devant lui, un être au regard obscur et maléfique. Tout vêtu de noir, les cheveux en arrière. Graydon portait un tallcoat gothique brodé avec des soieries, le col relevé, un gilet de satin noir et une chemise rouge sang. Des boutons dorés représentaient le sigle du Wyrm. Un pantalon de cuir noir, des bottes jusqu’aux genoux.
A ses côtés, Dark Elora, aux cheveux courts, oranges, vêtue d’une combinaison de cuir, noire, échancrée, ajustée, dessinant parfaitement les courbes de son corps. Elle avait le regard sombre, pernicieux, tout indiquait dans ses yeux, la froideur, le désespoir, les ténèbres et la haine.
Hastur : Non. Tu n’es pas mon...
Graydon : C’est ainsi, que vous accueillez le retour de votre fils. Ne suis-je pas devenu ce que vous vouliez que je sois !!!!!
Hastur : Ce que je voulais de toi, c’est que tu me donnes un héritier à Tir Asleen afin de me rendre ce que tu m’as enlevé !!!!!
Le rire sarcastique de Grayon raisonna dans la salle du trône, glaçant l’atmosphère et figeant de terreur le roi.
Graydon : Dermot, le fils prodige, l’héritier du trône, celui qui était voué à gouverner Galladoorn et Tir Asleen.
Graydon s’écria : Ce n’était qu’un faible !!!! Refusant les combats et les armes !!!!
Il s’exprimait avec un sourire diabolique : Ce fut si facile pour moi de le balancer de l’arbre. J’ai utilisé sa faiblesse, la confiance qu’il avait en moi.
Zivian ne put contenir sa colère et se jeta sur son fils afin de le frapper mais Graydon le propulsa contre le siège du trône, d’un éclaire rouge surgissant de sa main. Hastur s’écroula. Grayon se rapprocha de lui.
Graydon : Toute ma vie vous n’avez fait que me discréditer, m’humilier. Je n’étais pas le fils digne de porter le nom des Hastur. Je n’étais qu’une honte pour vous. Regardez-moi !!!
Il prit le visage de son père entre ses mains l’obligeant à le fixer droit dans les yeux et s’écria : Regardez-moi !!!! Je suis le résultat de vos attentes !!!!
A ce moment là, la reine Arianna, informée du retour de son fils, entra dans la salle.
Arianna : Graydon, mon fils, vous êtes vivant.
Heureuse de le retrouver, elle accourut vers lui.
Surpris, Graydon eut un geste d’hésitation et laissa sa mère le prendre dans ses bras. Mais Dark Elora, s’apercevant du changement, s’adressa aussitôt au jeune homme.
Dark Elora : Graydon, reste à mes côtés. Comment peux-tu oublier ce qu’ils t’ont fait ! Le sacrifice de ton corps, de ton âme !
La rage, la colère l’envahirent de nouveau et il repoussa sa mère toute affolée.
Arianna s’adressa à Dark Elora : Qui êtes-vous, qu’avez-vous fait à mon fils !
Dark Elora : Je suis… Votre impératrice Elora Danan (dit-elle sur un ton sarcastique) Votre fils s’est juste libéré de toutes ses peurs, il a tout simplement compris qui il pouvait être réellement. Je n’ai fait que terminer ce que vous aviez commencé à sa naissance.
Arianna, interloquée, perdue : Vous… Elora Danan… L’impératrice !!! De quoi parlez-vous !
Dark Elora s’adressa à Zivian : Vous ne lui avait rien dit, mon roi.
Hastur : Vous n’êtes pas Elora Danan.
Graydon : Mère, laissez-moi vous raconter.
Il existe dans les catacombes de notre château, une pièce dédiée aux sacrifices de l’Ordre du Wyrm. Le jour de ma naissance, mon cher père, me mena en ce lieu et me posa sur un temple de pierre. Des prêtres, 6 en tout, cachés sous leurs tuniques à capuche gris anthracite, l’un d’eux me déposa dans un baptistère rempli du vermiscus et commença une incantation en Pnakotic. Ce fut ainsi, tous les ans, à la date de ma naissance, je subissais ce rituel ignoble.
Lorsque j’atteignis l’âge de 10 ans, ce que père me fit subir fut un véritable calvaire. Régulièrement il me mena dans cette pièce aux supplices, enchaîné sur cette dalle des tortures, bâillonné afin de ne pas être entendu, les prêtres marquèrent mon torse des incantations inscrites dans le Malatrium tout en les fredonnant à haute voix.
Je suppliais père d’arrêter tout cela. Je pleurais. Je me mettais à genoux. Mais il ne m’écoutait pas. Il me traitait telle une offrande.
Les soirs, seul, dans ma chambre, j’implorais la mort de venir me chercher pour mettre un terme à toute cette abomination. J’étais sujet à des visions me représentant comme une personne démoniaque, assassin, voire diabolique. La seule force qui m’a permis de tenir fut votre amour, mère. Cet amour que vous me procuriez chaque jour. Je ne savais plus qui j’étais. Je sentais ce pouvoir, cette force grandir en moi. Me rendre invulnérable, puissant.
Puis vint cet instant maudit, où je poussai mon frère de cet arbre. Ce jour où je ressenti toute cette force et cette satisfaction de mon geste. Ce jour où je n’eus aucun remords.
Ce jour là, père me mena pour la dernière fois dans cet enfer. Il expliqua aux prêtes ce que je venais de faire subir à mon frère. De nouveau, enchaîné, bâillonné. Cette fois-ci, les prêtes firent une incantation afin de mettre en sommeil toute cette puissance qui grandissait en moi.
Mais lorsque je fut contaminé par le Lich et que Willow et Elora utilisèrent le Malatrium pour me libérer, des flashs de ces instants de tortures me virent à l’esprit. Je mettais cela sur la peur, le manque de courage, le faible que j’étais. Tout au long de cette quête pour sauver le prince, j’écoutais les enseignements de Willow à Elora. J’apprenais. Petit à petit je sentais toute cette magie s’éveiller, m’enivrer d’un intense pouvoir. Lors de mon sacrifice pour sauver Elora…
Dark Elora : L’autre Elora, la gentille pas moi.
Graydon : Tout me revint, tout ce que père m’avait fait subir. Tous ces cauchemars n’étaient en fait que mon passé. Un passé dissimulé par la magie mais que le Wyrm avait enfin libéré. Je compris qui j’étais réellement. Le Wyrm m’avais libéré de toutes mes peurs et croyances. Toute une vie de mensonge. Il me permit de découvrir ma nouvelle vérité. Mes peurs et les choix que j’avais faits.
Arianna était toute abasourdie par ses révélations : Zivian, je t’en prie, dis-moi que c’est faux.
Hastur : Tout ce que j’ai fait, je l’ai fait pour notre famille !!!!
Graydon : Faux !!!! Vous ne l’avez fait que pour le pouvoir. Vous êtes tellement assoiffé de pouvoir que vous n’avez pas hésité à vendre vos fils !!!!!
Dans sa fureur, Graydon attaqua son père avec des éclairs sortis de ses mains. Voyant son mari se faire torturer par son fils et toute cette animosité qui vibrait dans le regard du jeune prince, Arianna essaya de le ramener à la raison.
Arianna : Graydon, je t’en prie !!!! Arrête !!!!
Mais il ne l’écoutait pas.
Elle radoucit le ton de sa voix : Graydon, mon fils, je t’en prie.
Le jeune prince se retourna, vit le visage apeuré de sa mère et laissa son père, à moitié abattu par la force de frappe qu’il venait de subir. Le roi trouva la force pour appeler les gardes.
Hastur : Gardes !!!! A l’aide !!!!
D’un simple geste, Dark Elora, fit apparaître the Scourge, the Doom and the Lich accompagnés des Death dogs.
Les gardes entrèrent, un combat s’amorça contre les sbires d’Elora. Un affrontement meurtrier et épouvantable. Chacun des chevaliers de la garde périssaient sous les armes des Gales et les attaques des Death dogs. Les cadavres jonchaient le sol de la salle du trône. Des corps transpercés, déchiquetés, démembrés, décapités, le sang des morts s’écoulait sur le sol. Cet affrontement vit la défaite des chevaliers de Galladoorn et la victoire des Gales.
Graydon : Seriez-vous prêt à sacrifier tous vos hommes.
Zivian resta silencieux.
Graydon : Je te laisse la vie sauve, pour l’instant. Ramènes-nous le sorcier et l’Impératrice et je déciderai de ton sort. Désormais Galladoorn m’appartient.
Assis sur le trône de Galladoorn, Graydon se concentrait, les yeux fermés, ralentissant sa respiration. D’un seul coup il les ouvrit, brusquement et prononça le nom d’Elora.
Au même instant, la jeune impératrice, aux côtés de Willow pour parfaire son entraînement à la magie, eut la vison du visage de Graydon et tomba, déstabilisée.
Elora : Graydon.
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agir1ukn0w · 1 year
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Willow (2022- ) - Elora + Graydon being dorks
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agir1ukn0w · 1 year
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Willow (2022- ) - Willow's Freudian slips (all having to do with Graydon for some reason👀)
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agir1ukn0w · 1 year
In the Meadow - a Graylora Ficlet for #WillowWednesday
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Synopsis: It's Elora's birthday and Graydon has taken her for a picnic in the woods surrounding Tir Asleen. But things get a lot more romantic than they anticipated😌✨
feat. Kit Tanthalos and Jade Claymore
Note: I wrote this fic for @krazy-ky-sta-hatter because she's been having a hard time lately, and I wanted to cheer her up. Hope this helps, Queen!!💖💋🦋✨
The flowers tickled her nose with their mixture of fragrances. The wind was soft, serene, playing with her hair. Elora Danan smiled, content beyond what words could describe. Graydon was off somewhere relieving himself behind a tree (or so he said, though it seemed to be taking him longer than expected). Beyond the treeline, the meadow sang with light and clear spring color. Elora lay back on the picnic blanket that was spread over a moss bed and stared up at the blinding blue sky.
Kit and Jade were a bit farther off, but still just within earshot, in case the empress needed something or was imperiled in some way. Elora knew that Jade really came for Kit, to protect her princess who was also the empress’s sword and shield. Still, she was grateful for the extra support of Jade’s quick eye and steady hand, ever on the hilt of her sword. Jade also came to protect the empress, of course, but Elora knew that someone would need to watch Kit’s back while she was watching hers.
The sound of Graydon’s boots shuffling awkwardly back through the undergrowth brought Elora back to the present, and she sat up. He was walking towards her with one hand behind his back. His normally gentle smile betrayed a hint of eagerness that Elora also knew well. His luscious black hair was slightly out of place, a few strands hanging down over his eyes as though he’d been bent over for a while. She’d already guessed why by the time he unveiled a bouquet of gorgeous spring blooms.
“Graydon!” Elora said, jumping up to receive the multi-colored gift. She inhaled their fragrance and smiled.
“I’m glad you like them.” Graydon blushed, something which happened often when he gave her gifts, another not infrequent occurrence.
“I love them.” Elora placed her hands on either side of his face and kissed him. Graydon’s hands found her hips and pulled her closer. His goatee was always rough but not too scratchy against her cheeks, similar to how the marks on his chest felt against her body. He was a very good kisser, though whenever she told him this his blush deepened and he only shook his head, (which wasn’t necessarily a disagreement, Elora thought).
“I know it’s not much of a birthday present, but—”
“Graydon,” Elora stopped him, “you’ve already given me more than I could ever ask for. And I don’t just mean the books, the chocolate, the carriage ride, the private dinner…am I missing something?”
“The bubble bath.”
“Yes, thank you! And the bubble bath.”
Graydon laughed. He even looked pleased, which excited Elora. Then, in the next moment, he looked concerned. “Oh. Did you not enjoy those things?”
Elora gave him a look. “Graydon, they were perfect. And you know how I felt about the bubble bath.”
He looked down, smiling. “No, yeah, you were unequivocal about how much you enjoyed the bubble bath.”
“Well,” she grinned mischievously, “only after you joined me.” Her hand had crept down from his face to his collar and begun absentmindedly undoing the buttons. His eyes went back to her parted lips, as his own hands wandered up to where her dress ended and her dewy skin began.
Graydon kissed her again, passionately, the tender forcefulness of his lips causing Elora to moan in surprise. She bit his lower lip and he grunted quietly.
“What is it?” Elora said, pulling away to look at him.
He looked slightly agitated. “It’s not…you wouldn’t—”
“Yes, I would. Tell me.”
Graydon took her face in his hands and pressed their foreheads together. “It’s stupid, but…I wish we could…I wish I could—”
Elora finished for him, “Have me?”
“In essence, yeah,” he said, embarrassed. “Yes. I know I’m not making this sound very romantic, but—”
Elora was smiling, her cheeks turning bright pink.
Graydon looked down again, admonishing himself. “See, it’s stupid.”
She lifted his face. It was all she could do to keep from giggling like a five year old. Then, in a low voice, she said, “You’re saying you want to have sex. Here.”
He nodded, a look of desperation beginning to bloom across his face. His fingers combed hungrily through her hair, and she could feel the tightness in his pants already.
Elora’s smile grew devious, as she whispered in his ear, “You’ll have to catch me first.”
Graydon had a split second to look confused before Elora took off running towards the meadow. Although she was fast, it didn’t take him long to catch up with her, grabbing her by the waist and causing them both to tumble head over heels into the tall grass, laughing so hard they could barely breathe.
Elora climbed on top of Graydon, straddling him and holding both of his hands down over his head. His chest rose and fell rapidly under her.
“So,” she said, “right here?”
He nodded. “Yeah.”
In the next instant, Graydon had enthusiastically unbuttoned his pants, and Elora removed her underwear and climbed back on top of him. Her hair was already disheveled, cascading over her bare shoulder like a burning waterfall. Elora let him put his hands on her hips to help guide her, and she sank down onto him slowly. The second he was inside her she gasped, and a shuddering breath left her throat.
“You okay?” Graydon asked.
Elora nodded, her eyes closed as she began rocking back and forth. Graydon tried breathing softly through his mouth, but as Elora’s pace quickened they both found it difficult to stay calm. Elora busied herself with undoing the rest of the buttons on his shirt, lovingly tracing each intricate line that had been carved into his skin when he was young.
“You’re so beautiful,” she murmured, before another exclamation rose up in her chest and leapt out into the sun dappled air. “Oh, gods!”
Graydon inhaled sharply, baring his teeth. He pulled himself up so that he was facing her, their bodies pressed together. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he adjusted her position so that it was more comfortable, and they swayed together in unison, breathing fast and loud into each other’s mouths. Elora clutched the fabric of his shirt with one hand and raked her fingers through his dampened hair with the other. Graydon lifted her up and bent his head reverently to trail kisses along her breasts, even biting them at one point and making Elora squeak excitedly. His hands slid up the side of her legs, lifting her skirt, before coming to rest back on her hips.
Sensing that they were both nearing the edge, Elora said, “Ready?”
Graydon could only nod, kissing her roughly. His final thrusts were forceful, and Elora cried out as they came together, panting and shimmering with more than just sweat. A golden aura had settled around their bodies, glinting in the falling sunlight. Their magic, combined as one. Their bond.
Releasing a final shuddering exhale, the two fell gently back into the grass, Elora’s arm slung across his torso, her head resting on his shoulder. As soon as she caught her breath, she laughed contentedly, and Graydon joined her. Their voices were tired but clear. The wind rose up again and the fragrance of the flowers drifted over them like a thin blanket. They breathed deeply together, hearts beating in time with one another.
Elora’s eyes slid closed as she whispered, “I want to stay like this, with you, forever.”
“I know,” Graydon said, pressing a kiss to her dewy forehead.
A few minutes later, they were woken by both Kit and Jade calling their names. Quickly buttoning himself back up and handing Elora her under things, he helped her to stand. They walked back languidly towards the others, fingers tightly intertwined.
“What are you two grinning about?” said Kit, smirking as she took in their unkempt appearance, the blades of grass hanging from Elora’s tangled hair and the uneven way Graydon had buttoned his shirt.
“Nothing you need to worry about,” said Elora, her voice still slightly breathy.
“We’ll take your word for it,” said Jade, eyeing Kit. “It’s time to go home, Empress.”
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