#Red Dress Day
tepkunset · 1 month
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May 5 is the Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit People. (Also known as Red Dress Day.)
Show your support and pass on your strength by wearing red on May 5, and raising awareness. And if you have never read the Reclaiming Power and Place report, you can do so here.
Additionally, while the day is typically centred in Turtle Island, let us also not forget our international cousins, especially in Palestine and Sudan.
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probablymoons · 1 month
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sorrowsofsilence · 1 month
I don’t usually post anything outside of bomens, but it’s important I use my voice to honour my missing sisters, ancestors, cousins, and ndn people alike
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It’s red dress day in Canada, a day to bring forward and acknowledge our missing and murdered indigenous women, girls, and 2sp+.
Today is important to me, and it’s important to bring awareness <3
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notunexpected · 1 month
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Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women in Canada
Suppose you are an Indigenous woman or girl in Canada. In that case, whether you live on reserve or in an urban area, regardless of your age or socio-economic status—the simple fact that you are an Indigenous woman or girl means that you are at least three times more likely to experience violence and at least six times more likely to be murdered than any other woman or girl in Canada.
Why are the rates of violence so high?
1. Racist and sexist stereotypes lead perpetrators to believe that they can get away with committing acts of violence against Indigenous women and girls.
2. The many legacies of colonialism increase the risk of experiencing violence—from impoverishment to the lasting harm from residential schools to the disempowerment of Indigenous women and girls in their own communities.
3. Decades of government and law enforcement inaction to end the violence.
Source: Amnesty International (x)
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harmonyhealinghub · 1 month
Red Dress Day: Honouring Memories and Raising Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit People
May 6, 2024
Shaina Tranquilino
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In Canada, Red Dress Day serves as a poignant reminder of the ongoing crisis surrounding missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, and two-spirit people (MMIWG2S). This solemn occasion, marked by the hanging of red dresses in public spaces, symbolizes the lives lost and the urgent need for justice and systemic change. As we commemorate Red Dress Day, it's crucial to reflect on the profound impact of this crisis and renew our commitment to advocating for the rights and safety of Indigenous communities across the country.
The Significance of the Red Dress:
The red dress has become a powerful symbol in the movement to raise awareness about MMIWG2S. It represents the women, girls, and two-spirit individuals who have gone missing or been murdered, their spirits, and the bloodshed that continues to stain the fabric of Indigenous communities. Each red dress hung serves as a silent tribute, a visual reminder of lives cut short and families torn apart by violence and injustice.
Honouring the Memories:
Red Dress Day is a time for reflection and remembrance. It's an opportunity for communities to come together to honour the memories of those who are no longer with us. Through ceremonies, gatherings, and art installations, Indigenous and non-Indigenous people alike pay tribute to the lives lost and reaffirm their commitment to seeking justice and accountability. It's a solemn occasion but also a chance to celebrate the resilience and strength of Indigenous communities in the face of adversity.
Raising Awareness and Demanding Action:
Beyond remembrance, Red Dress Day serves as a call to action. It's a reminder that the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, and two-spirit people is not a thing of the past but a present-day reality. Indigenous women are disproportionately affected by violence and are more likely to experience homicide or disappearance compared to non-Indigenous women. This alarming statistic underscores the urgent need for systemic change to address the root causes of this crisis, including colonialism, systemic racism, poverty, and inadequate access to resources and support services.
Advocates and activists use Red Dress Day as an opportunity to raise awareness about MMIWG2S and to demand action from governments, law enforcement agencies, and society at large. They call for improved support services for victims and their families, culturally sensitive policing practices, and meaningful efforts to address the underlying factors that contribute to violence against Indigenous women and girls. By amplifying their voices and advocating for change, they strive to ensure that the lives lost are not forgotten and that future generations can live free from fear and harm.
Red Dress Day is a solemn yet empowering occasion that reminds us of the ongoing crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, and two-spirit people in Canada. As we honour the memories of those who are no longer with us, we must also recommit ourselves to the fight for justice, equality, and respect for Indigenous rights. By standing in solidarity with Indigenous communities and demanding action from our leaders, we can work towards a future where every woman, girl, and two-spirit person is safe, valued, and able to live their lives free from violence and discrimination.
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missegyptiana · 1 year
may 5th. red dress day. wear red. hang a red dress. educate. learn. post. please spread awareness of the tragedies the indigenous community has been facing for decades. mmiwg2s is a severe emergency and the government ignores their cases or doesn’t care to finish the case of the missing murdered indigenous women girls and 2 spirited peoples. speak up. stand with us. not just today, but everyday. it’s just as important as other world issues.
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walterdoodles · 1 year
Today is Red dress day. Remember and Honour all of the Native Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two spirits that have gone missing and have been murdered. Most of these cases are never heard in the public and they are sadly forgotten. Today I want to spread awareness for all Indigenous people, I want to share my culture and help others understand the importance of sharing stories from these victims.
I will be donating as well on this day to several sites that support native women and girls. And also a few sites that want to protect ICWA. I suggest you do the same but if you are not financially able to then spread awareness respectfully.🧡🧡
(I’m doing Donation commission 50% of the profits go to NICWA! this post-> https://www.tumblr.com/walterdoodles/719214714265255936/im-opening-up-some-donation-commissions-if-you )
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No more stolen sisters
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its-ticsticstics · 1 year
Its Red Dress Day/MMIWG2 day in Canada and non-ndn (indigenous) Canadians know nothing about it.
If you live in Canada - you are not "better" than the USA or UK. There is still an ACTIVE GENOCIDE against my people on our native lands which you invaded.
Our missing murded indigenous women and girls in Canada shall live in our hearts forever.
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mcdchurch · 1 month
Red Dress Day at McDougall United Church yeg. There is not audio. You are welcome to reflect, remember, and pray as you watch the video.
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yegactivist · 1 year
Red Dress Day 2023 by Paula Kirman
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yegphotographer · 23 days
Red Dress Day 2024 by Paula Kirman Via Flickr:
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vague-humanoid · 1 month
Neveah Pine: The Voice of Disruption | Warrior Up! Episode 102 | APTN
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canadachronicles · 1 month
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I adore this woman, I really do! Long live the Vicereine!
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nebusokuxp · 1 month
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May 5th red dress day. Do not let the tragedies of the many missing or murdered indigenous women in Canada go ignored. They deserve justice.
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puncivilian · 1 year
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It's red dress day today in honour of missing and killed indigenous women and 2S folk, so I painted my nails to match, plus trans pride flag colours on an accent nail.
We've come a long way, and still have ways to go.
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missegyptiana · 1 year
wear red. hang red clothing outside. post about this severe issue. educate others. learn about it.
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