#Rebeah Bailey
free--therapy · 2 years
By Rebeah Bailey | December 16, 2020
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"Everything in life is easier when you don’t concern yourself with what everybody else is doing.”
Can you imagine what life would be like if we didn’t compare our-self to each other? I think everyone would be happier and a lot more true to themselves. Are you living an authentic life? Or are you comparing yourself to others and being influenced?
I am coming at you with a few thought-provoking questions hey
I have honestly spent enough time comparing myself to other peoples progress in life other people health. Sometimes I don’t even realize that I am doing It.
Sometimes we unknowing compare our-self to others. You may say things like I eat less then she does, but I weigh more. She is 25 and earns more money than me.
Social media does not help with this issue, and When I watch YouTube sometimes, I am taken back by the titles.
Titles such as:
I bought my first house at 19 (lol) Made my first million by 17. The title that sucked me this week was learnt Italian in 7 days, guys I have been trying to learn Italian for years, plus I live in Italy. How do you think it made me feel?
When I investigated the video and watched reviews on it, it turns out that the person who made the video could already speak multiple languages and already had an Italian foundation. Let’s put that aside. I just wasted my time researching a stranger, and I also made my self feel bad about not being able to speak the language.
The best thing to do is train yourself not to compare yourself to others and if you do because we are all human, know when to nip it in the bud. Make a mantra /or memorize one of the quotes that I have written below and repeat it to yourself.
Every time I find myself comparing myself to others, I have to remind myself that I am unique and one of a kind. We are not the same people, and we are all on unique paths.
Please do not be fooled by Instagram. It shows the majority of people at their best. The reality is we do not know what goes on behind the scenes. I am guilty of posting the highlights of my life over on Instagram. Go over and take a look.
I try to mix it in with real-life events when I use stories. I will do a story makeup-free. I will show people that I have lazy days, too; I binge-watch Netflix all day and stuff my face.
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People have told me their preconceived ideas of me before actually getting to know me in the past. I had to laugh they somehow thought I have this whole life thing figured out ( little do they know, haha)
In some cases, it can be motivating and inspiring to compare yourself to others, but I think in most cases the comparison can lead to something negative like:
Spending more money than you have to buy things that you can not afford to keep up with others.
Feeling worthless because you don’t have what they have.
It can leave you feeling unfilled no matter what you have.
To put it simply, comparing yourself to others, is just a waste of time.
The facts are there is always going to be someone prettier, slimmer, richer and someone who seems to achieve things quicker /easier than you.
Rather than comparing yourself to them, use them as motivation to push yourself to achieve your dream.
Here are some of the ways you can stop comparing yourself to others.
1. Take a break from social media. You will be amazed at how good you feel after.
2. Change your feed on social media feed; unfollow people showing off or constantly selling a product to you.
3. Build your confidence- if you are constantly comparing yourself to others and it is leaving you feeling very negative about yourself, it could be down to a lack of confidence
Build your confidence by reading self-help books, and you can purchase them on Amazon; here are a few suggestions :
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
Brave New Girl: Seven Steps to Confidence
The Self Confidence Workbook: A Guide to Overcoming Self-Doubt and Improving Self-Esteem
4. Sort your finances out. You will be surprised how much of a difference it will make. Having a lack of money seems to make everything feel worse. It can leave you feeling powerless.
5. Try to be positive and happy with your current situation, own it and move forward.
6. Remove the idea that people are perfect, nobody is perfect!
Let us talk about how you can meet your goal in life
Think about your dream life.
Sit down for a minute and think about what you actually what from your life? What goals would you like to achieve?
Answer these questions :
What do you need to do to reach your goal?
Do you need to find a job?
Do you need to change jobs?
Do you need to go and study?
Do you need to stop watching TV?
Do you need to pay off a loan?
Do you need to speak with your manager?
Why do you want this?
What stopped you from doing this in the past?
What is your motivation to do it now?
Below I have written out a few quotes for you to read, save /pin them or write them down to remind yourself how great you are.
Remember that you are not lacking in anything, you are enough right now!
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