#Rebageling lol
fauvester · 1 year
What was garak like as castellan? (ps your art is 💞💕❤️❤️💕💞💕❤️💕💞💕)
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I think his time in the Federation has, despite his best efforts, affected his outlook on politics. He's a wary centrist now, as if Cardassia has the luxury of political discourse not related to basic sustenance.... trying to delicately excise the most distasteful parts of the prior totalitarian regime while still supporting the structures that keep people alive.
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I don't think there's a way to be a well-liked leader after an annihilative disaster, honestly. Garak's not an exception. He's NOT a popular Castellan, but he WAS the least bad choice immediately on hand, and he's adept at securing badly needed aid from Federated interests. He can be very persuasive and diplomatic, and he circumvents or cuts through the bureaucratic and political obstacles that would've trapped less canny men. He's in power during the setting of the foundation of the Cardassian economic miracle and he stalwartly weathers years of vicious criticism and assassination attempts (that he easily evades). As soon as he retires his approval rating goes from like 15% to 80%. He's the Grandfather of Cardassia, their mercurial constant, their deviously bitchy figurehead who can hold his own against any rival leader. The wily old regnar who raised a generation of hungry utopian statesmen. A Castellan to be privately eviscerated and publicly saluted.
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Mostly he's just trying to go home at some point during the night to quietly whisper 'good-night' to his kids and husband, though
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prismatic-sprinkles · 7 months
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Unus Annus, you funky little youtube channel.
It's been three years since the end of Unus Annus and I still don't really know how to feel about it. It's like there should still be videos uploading but there's not even a trace of the channel left outside of memories, which... I guess was the point? Anyways I don't upload stuff often but I did a little speed paint of this over here if you wanna see it.
Memento Mori, my friends. See you next year
Okay to reblog!
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honorhearted · 7 months
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And I, I'll wrap myself Around your heart I'll be the walls of his heart And I, I'll keep a light on To call you back home @pagetreader
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cosmogyros · 14 days
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Some messages I just sent to my friends. I have a lot of thoughts on this topic. I guess the one at the forefront of my mind is the conviction that this sort of thing is NOT "female power" or an example of "how good women have it". Why? Primarily because I'm white and straight-sized. Not all women are. So as long as I'm getting these so-called "benefits" (🤮) while other femme folks are not, that's not "female power". That's division instead of solidarity.
Of course I joke about it and go "oh, the guy was so nice to me and gave me a discount, wink wink" but tbqh, behind the joking, it always feels a bit gross and sad. I try to tell myself that it's only fair to get what I can (see my message about the wage gap above), considering that I'm pretty damn poor... but that doesn't make me feel a lot better.
Also I have a lot of complicated thoughts and feelings about the fact that I do try to coax myself to see the best in it. Is that a good thing - me just being optimistic and seeing things positively? Or is it a typical "woman in a man's world" thing - me automatically stepping up to do the emotional labor of smoothing away awkwardnesses and injustice? Or is it both?
Part of me would love to have a further-reaching feminist-philosophy conversation about this intricate topic, but another part of me is regretfully very aware of the way shit can devolve on the Internet, so: please do not reblog. But anyone who wants to message or comment about this is welcome to! I love thought-provoking discussions.
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arachnerd-8-legs · 16 days
Bunjy makes two "positivity" and "education based" bloggers being absolutely fucking horrible and toxic to people that I've seen in the last two weeks.
Their response to being told that you were being sent death threats was "Hey guys, stop doing that pwease 🥺" and they expect that to be enough. Yikes.
no fucking way lmao
bunjy has me blocked and i havent bothered to go through any effort to make a new account to stalk them or w/e so i aint seen what they've been saying about me or the situation, but that's really funny if true
why, if one disclaimer on a second reblog didn't work, maybe another disclaimer several days later on an unrelated post will? ;P
thankfully i'm not bothered by much of these - every anon that sends me anything like that only proves my point that bunjy misused their platform over a correspondence they could've solved privately (those asks were off anon - i kept it off anon because my blog bio has the context that i'm estonian, which was important because the issue concerned estonian history)
i don't know if any of that could be 'fixed' at this point, exactly, because those hundreds of reblogs are out there and still going and people will keep finding me. while an apology would be nice, it's not one i expect and it's more courtesy than anything what i really want from them, at this point, is to take this interaction as a learning experience, that they would think ahead before digging up someone else's single digit note criticism of them. they'll have to realize just how many people follow them eventually and what that means, and what will happen that they cannot take back if they did the same thing in the future.
i've been on the internet for a long time, and i'm confident in myself enough to be undeterred by these and worse i've experienced online - but that's not everyone. someone else this could happen to, if this was repeated, may be in a much different circumstance, who may not be prepared for this kind of thing, and whom this kind of thing could really really hurt.
there's not much else that could lead to any productive progress in this situation than if they recognize that before showing something to thousands and thousands and thousands of people in the future.
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ophelias-dive · 1 year
i feel a bit too old to be in the Lockwood & Co fandom but is that going to stop me? nope.
I'm being mindful of all the younglins around me and I will quietly stick to the sidelines rebloging your gifsets, you're doing amazing sweeties.
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mmmthornton · 11 months
I don't think there's going to be any kind of mass recognition of whats been happening as a result of anti terf nonsense, but there will be a point where a looooot of women will look back and cringe at how easily and completely they accepted other women / feminists as their enemy instead of fostering any kind of female class identity.
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queerwheels · 11 months
My dash is just heartstopper, ted lasso, and nimona mix rn. I'm not complaining, just amused
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busyfish · 1 year
ah yes, the would you bone your clone is now officially a tumblr poll™
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rhythmcrown · 1 year
the updated version is already somewhat shown on the cover so I'm not gonna worry about showing peeks -
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So the original? Was really, REALLY cluttered. While I loved the 'got ring?' slogan thing, I needed something that looked good from all angles, and something that I wouldn't have to strain my hand to repeat on a busy page. So the slogan had to go...gan. Still, it's a personal favorite throwback to Radical Highway:
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It also ended up getting simplified in distant panels anyway, so this seemed like the logical choice!
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Also switched up the colors some to be more thematic & easy on the eyes, so we're no longer rocking the Green Hill palette. I also don't know what I was thinking with the grey pants.
Thanks for the check-in!
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apocalypta-secundus · 9 months
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Happy Halloween.
I'm a month early, but I know me. I'll lose art muse or something. :') Poor Nnoi, Leyre found out what Halloween was.
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deerest-me · 1 year
mental imagery that's been accompanying my music listening sessions lately is imagining being inside of a Giant organism and seeing like. a mitral valve the size of a small building opening and closing in rhythm to tha beat. this is mostly from listening to uptempo electronic music in particular
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amplifyingtrace · 2 years
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{Not that I needed an excuse to draw my daughter, but here she is in a cute winter themed one! I tried to base it off of the ones they all wore at the dorms and yee!
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To those who actually care about my art and my progress with it, go check out @bandkid-doodles :)
It's my new art blog and I hope to see my mutuals there ^^
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bawnjourno · 2 years
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i never facepost on here anymore but i’m seeing the billiam joel concert movie at the movie theater and i’m very excited thanks
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clannfearrunt · 2 years
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also making nooooo progress on this because bakugan but i like how he looks here
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