#Raleigh don’t look at this post
deputy-ajay-ghale · 2 years
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a/n: anon(s)! baby fic is here!! apologies for the wait but it’s long and i hope it’s worth it ☺️ honestly this fic feels like total chaos but i kind of love the vibes. not too much to say other than this was fun to write and i think we’re done on svechnikov baby birth fics lol
word count: 6.4k
tw: mentions of labor, brief innuendo, post partum anxiety (not diagnosed in fic)
summary: it’s time for baby svechnikov number four to make their entrance into the world and of course it’s chaos in the best possible way
“Mama!” Alina shrieks for your attention and your heart skips a beat at her volume, mild fight or flight kicking in before you catch sight of her in the doorway and see that she’s fine.
“Christ,” you mutter to yourself, heartbeat returning to normal. The baby gives a violent kick to your kidney and you wince. “Sorry, bub,” you pat the side of your stomach, “that hit of adrenaline couldn’t have been fun.”
Alina shouts for you again and you level her with a stern look, “hey, what did Mama tell you about shouting like that?”
You’re too pregnant to be gentle parenting, but if you don’t remind Alina about her indoor voice, she’ll just run rampant over the next few months while you’re completely distracted with the new baby. She shuffles her feet and pulls at the little ruffles on the sides of her bathing suit.
“No shoutin’ unless someone’s bleeding or really, really sick,” she sighs and when you nod, she perks up with a toothy little grin. “But I had to shout ‘cause Papa says your frone is ready!”
“My frone?” You repeat, brows scrunched together in confusion. You repeat the word a few times under your breath until it clicks. “Oh! My throne?”
Alina nods and does a little wiggle, bouncing on her feet. “Come on, mama! We wanna show you!” She’s definitely still shouting, but your middle daughter has never understood the concept of an inside voice.
You smile at her and laugh, “okay, mama’s coming, Alya. Remember I’m very slow.” You brace one hand at your lower back, the other hand rubbing at the side of your distended belly. As scary as it is, you’re glad that you’re being induced tomorrow - your entire body is sore and your back and hips are killing you from carrying around this giant Svechnikov baby. Your actual due date isn’t for another week, but since baby’s measuring so big, your ob/gyn made the call for a scheduled induction.
“Mama’s like a tuuuurtle,” she grins slyly, skipping back to the yard and leaving you shaking your head.
As soon as you get to the back door, you can feel the mid-August Raleigh heat and humidity, sweat already prickling at your hairline and armpits. You frown, already uncomfortable and not really in the mood to go outside. Leaving the air conditioning is going to be miserable, but the girls were begging you to join them and Andrei outside, so how could you resist. You scrape your hair back into a knot on top of your head, trying to keep as much of it off your neck as possible. Little pieces fall out anyway and curl with the humidity.
You wedge your feet into the pair of Adidas slides at the back door and step carefully over the lip onto the back patio. The heat hits instantly and you frown, cranky. The baby jabs an elbow into your side and you wince - there’s absolutely no room left in your stomach and every time the baby moves, you’re painfully reminded of that. You hadn’t even realized your stomach could stretch this much, but baby number four is testing the limits.
“Maaaaamaaaaa!” Alina and Kira shriek for you in stereo and you wave from the door, reluctant to go outside into the heat.
“Mama’s coming,” you call back, bracing a hand under the curve of your belly and waddling farther out onto the patio. The air feels like soup and you have no idea how Andrei and the girls are so energetic. Before you can make it a handful of feet, Andrei’s at your side, kissing your temple and wrapping an arm around your waist. “Hi,” you murmur.
“Hi,” he smiles down at you, looking a little tired. His face is bright pink too, which you had warned him would happen. “Off to your throne, solnyshka.”
You let him guide you over the grass, avoiding the lawn toys and stray Barbie dolls that litter the ground. You’re perfectly capable of walking on your own, but it’s nice to lean your weight against Andrei’s side and have him help you. “Did you reapply sunscreen?” You ask, knowing the answer. Besides his face, his shoulders, chest, and arms are all tinged pink too.
He wrinkles his face at you. “I think once? I’m fine,” he shrugs and stops in front of your throne.
It’s one of your beach chairs settled in front of the girls’ old baby pool, an umbrella stuck in the grass behind the chair.
You grin at Andrei as the girls sprint up and dance around you.
“Do you love it, Mom?” Evie bounces excitedly on her toes. “That way you can watch us play!”
“I love it!” You cup Evie’s cheek in one hand, ruffling Alina’s hair with the other. “This is the best throne ever, you guys are making me feel so special.”
“Only the best for our koroleva,” Andrei winks at you, hoisting Kira up onto his hip when she starts tugging at the hem of his swim trunks. She grins her little toddler grin at you and then whispers in Andrei’s ear, a chubby little hand splayed on his cheek. He nods seriously and says, “yes, Mama will watch you go down the slide.”
You laugh and lower yourself into the chair, your lower back popping and protesting. A little groan slips past your lips and all four of your watchdogs whip their heads in your direction. The girls have wide eyed looks on their faces and you offer up a comforting smile, “sorry, girls. Mama’s okay, remember it’s hard for me to sit so low.”
A brief bout of Braxton Hicks two weeks earlier had taken you by surprise and your startled yelp and the way you had doubled over from the shock had scared the girls a little, so they’re insanely keyed into any weird noise you make lately.
“Why don’t you get Mama’s drink?” Andrei sets Kira back on her feet and nudges the three of them off with his hands. After they skip off, Andrei helps you swing your legs up and over so your feet kick in the cool water in the baby pool.
You sigh happily, dropping your head back, “oh god, that feels good. It’s hotter than Satan’s ass crack out here.”
The baby kicks, the outline of a little foot visible through the taut skin on your stomach, as if agreeing with you.
Andrei scratches at his jaw, rasping his fingers through a couple of days’ worth of stubble. “It’s not so bad, when you have the girls spraying you with the hose every two minutes,” he laughs a little, squatting down next to you and shaking his head so stray droplets of water fly off of his hair. Your face crinkles up and you swat at him, giggling. He taps at the side of your stomach, hand warm against your skin. “The little one is behaving?”
“In the loosest sense of the word,” you sigh, shifting in the chair, trying to get comfortable. “I’m kind of ready to get my lung capacity back.”
His hands stroke over the swell of your stomach, the baby’s arms and legs following Andrei’s touch. You pluck at the white linen fabric of your dress where it’s stuck to your skin with sweat, regretting the choice of clothing. “Tell me when you want to go inside,” Andrei says. “Girls will be fine if you’re not watching the water war.”
You hum, swishing your feet in the water. “A little vitamin D is probably good for me,” your smirk matches Andrei’s when the double entendre is out in the air. It’s been a minute since you had Andrei inside of you, too uncomfortable for the exertion, and you miss having him that way. The horny days of your second trimester are long in the rearview mirror.
Before he can say anything, the girls come running from the house, ice rattling around in the Stanley that Evie’s got clutched in her arms. You grin at the sight - your oldest leading the charge with her younger sisters following dutifully behind. Evie unceremoniously drops the cup on your lap with a chirpy, “here, Mama! Daddy even added lemon for you.”
“Oh, my favorite,” you reach out to tug on one of Evie’s braided pigtails and she beams at you before dancing away, Alina hot on her heels. Kira presses her little body up against your thigh and looks at you with puppy eyes. “What’s the matter, Kiry?”
“I have?” She asks, pointing at your Stanley.
You nod and hold the cup out for her, straw pointed in her direction. She plants her hands on the metal and chews a little on the straw while she sucks back more water than you expected. Andrei laughs a little when she gulps down the water, releasing the straw with a heavy sigh and then runs off, shrieking for her sisters.
“Adding another one to this chaos is going to be wild,” he comments, leaning back and splashing his hand in the pool water, hitting your shins with little droplets.
“Poor number four is either going to be the loudest to be heard or the quietest with three big sisters talking for them,” you giggle, tracing your fingers over the engraved 37 on the Stanley - the WAG Christmas gift that keeps on giving. You get a particularly painful kick to the ribs and wince, muttering, “maybe that first option.”
“Dadddeeeeeee!” A trio of shrieks echo across the yard, the girls calling for Andrei to rejoin them. He stands up and presses a kiss to the crown of your head.
“Duty calls,” he gives you a little salute and jogs off, leaving you to enjoy the way his ass fills out his bathing suit. It’s a view that never gets old, but even better is watching Andrei chase the girls around and play with them, matching grins on all four of their faces. He chases them through the sprinklers - if those have been on all morning, your water bill is going to be through the roof - and lets them splash him, pretending to get scared. He watches while the two older girls clamber up the side of the small inflatable water slide you’d ordered back in June when it was obvious that the majority of the summer was going to be spent in Raleigh, with the girls running loose in the backyard.
Kira stays at the bottom, in the splash zone, shrieking happily when Evie and Alina zip down the slide and hit her with water.
It’s honestly the best thing you’ve ever bought - the Nečas kids have been over for play dates at least once a week to run wild in the water and you’ve had a ton of the other guys and their families over for barbecues and parties. Now, you’re just glad it’ll keep your girls occupied while you relax.
After you’ve been outside for an hour or so, you call them all back so you and Andrei can reapply sunscreen to the girls’ pink little faces and shoulders. Andrei gets his own healthy dose of sunscreen, even though it’s too late for him to avoid the sunburn on his face, chest, and shoulders. You make a mental note to throw a bottle of aloe into the fridge when you get inside.
“I hate this, Mama!” Alina whines, bouncing from foot to foot while you try to cover her face in Baby Coppertone. “It’s yucky and sticky and I don’t want it!”
“If you don’t let me reapply,” you huff, out of breath from trying to keep her still between your knees and your severely diminished lung capacity, “your skin is going to turn pink and hurt.”
“I want pink skiiiin!” Alina howls, dodging your sunscreen covered hands and running off, her face a little mask of white from the lotion you hadn’t been able to rub in properly. She disappears into the playhouse and you roll your eyes, giving up completely. You’re too exhausted to fight her and tomorrow’s sunburn will be a problem for the babysitting grandparents while you push out the bowling ball baby laying on your bladder.
Behind you, Andrei laughs and teases you, “just like her Mama, that one.”
“Absolutely not,” you grumble, holding out your hands to him so he can pull you to your feet. “I’m literally so quiet and agreeable.”
“Maybe when you’re sleeping,” Andrei scoffs, helping you step out of the pool. His palm finds the side of your stomach like a magnet, fingers spread over the swell protectively. “Otherwise, you’re stubborn like a bull.” He pauses, smirks. “And loud.”
“You’re terrible,” you mutter, waddling as fast as you can to the bathroom. “Bullying the woman who’s carrying your fourth giant baby.”
Andrei’s voice carries through the bathroom door as you shut it behind you, “this is only the second big baby! The other two were normal sized.”
Later, when it’s far past your bedtime and you still can’t sleep with excitement and nerves swirling low in your belly, you whisper into the dark of your bedroom, “Drei? Are you awake?”
It takes a second, but eventually he replies, “depends.”
“On what?” You reply quietly, shifting and bending your leg so you can open up your hip a little and relieve some of the uncomfortableness. Kira curls closer to you, one arm draped over your stomach, the thumb of her other hand wedged firmly in between her lips. She looks even more like a baby while she sleeps, long eyelashes fluttering against the tops of her cheeks, and you start to feel emotion clogging your throat. Her last night of being the family’s baby. You hadn’t had the heart to put her back in her own bed when she came wandering in a few hours ago.
“On what you need from me,” Andrei’s voice is clouded with sleep, but you see and feel him roll onto his side so he’s facing you.
You stick your tongue out at him lightly. “Last night as a family of five,” you murmur. “Any final guesses - fourth girl or first boy?”
“Girl,” Andrei replies on a yawn, reaching his hand out and over Kira to rub at your belly. “Belly looks the same as it did with all three, just bigger.”
He’s not wrong, but, “agreed. But only because I think my nose spread out again like with the girls.”
“You’re just as beautiful as always,” Andrei says.“Your nose looks the same too.”
You’re convinced he’s lying, but there’s no point in arguing now.
“Think we’ll see bub tomorrow or will it be a couple of days?” You yawn, exhausted but wired. You can’t decide if you have to pee or if it’s just the pressure of the baby.
“Tomorrow,” Andrei laughs a little, “if the kid knows what’s good for her.”
You yawn again and Andrei tells you to get some rest, “it’s going to be a busy few days, solnyshka.”
Somehow you manage to fall asleep and then it’s induction day, a hectic morning consisting of four grandparents showing up and three little girls bouncing around asking if their baby is coming yet. You’re overwhelmed by the time Andrei helps you into the passenger seat of the Navigator, kissing you gently.
“Calm, my love,” he murmurs against your lips, rubbing at your stomach. “We know what to do, right?”
You nod, “right.” Wrapping your fingers in the neck of his t-shirt, you tug Andrei back in for another kiss. “Let’s go have a baby!”
Twelve hours later, you’re dripping in sweat, contractions gripping your stomach every thirty seconds with regularity. Andrei’s eaten lunch, dinner, and then a second dinner around 8:30. You, on the other hand, are on your ninth cup of ice chips and are dying for something that will actually fill you up.
You hold out your hand for Andrei’s when another contraction starts and he lets you crunch his fingers together while you breathe through it. “More ice?” He asks, brushing frizzy, damp strands of hair off your forehead.
“No,” you huff, slumping back against the pillows. “I never want to see an ice chip again. The second this kid pops out, I need you to get me a party platter of sushi, I don’t care what time it is.”
Andrei laughs and promises that he’ll get you whatever you want.
After that, it’s a blur. The contractions are nonstop, your ob/gyn between your legs encouraging you to push, and Andrei’s arm braced around your upper back to give you some leverage.
“Okay, I see some hair,” your doctor says. “Big head, but one push and it should be out. Then we’ve got a baby!”
Andrei murmurs encouraging words in your ear that you barely hear over the rush of blood in your head and the guttural scream that forces out of your throat. You scream and cry and there’s pressure and then release as the baby slides out.
You’re allowed to slump back against the pillows, tears streaming down your face while you crane your neck to see the baby, “is the baby healthy? Is she okay?”
“He’s just perfect,” your doctor beams, holding the baby up. “It’s a boy, mom and dad!”
Her words sink in and you start sobbing - a little boy!
Your husband’s big hand is cradled over your head and the baby’s on your chest, bloody and scrunched up and crying. Your own hands automatically come up to cradle him, your lips pressing against the top of his head. “A boy! Oh my god, Drei, a little boy,” you sob to him, laughing into Andrei’s mouth when he kisses you.
“I’m so proud of you,” he says shakily, his cheeks wet. “A son. Solnyshka, thank you. He’s - thank you. Fuck, I love you so much.”
Andrei’s hand comes up to cover yours on the baby’s back and you’re jolted by how warm his hand is compared to yours, you’re shaking and freezing, but all you can focus on is how happy you are.
The baby’s cries taper off and he nuzzles against your chest, your heart melting at how perfect and adorable he is.
“He looks like the girls,” Andrei comments, unable to stop staring. His fingers stroke over the baby’s back, your own trembling with the adrenaline come down.
You laugh. “They all look like you, babe. My genes never stood a chance,” you can’t stop smiling, pressing your lips all over the baby’s head. He’s so warm against your chest.
You’re not sure how long you get to keep the baby on your chest, but the next thing you know, you’re in recovery, dozing while you watch Andrei hold his son. The baby is a big one, like you’d expected, weighing in at a sold nine pounds, eleven ounces. Your entire lower body is still throbbing with pain, but it’s all so worth it to see Andrei with the baby cradled in his arms.
“Four kids and I still can’t believe he’s real,” Andrei chuckles hoarsely, gazing down at the baby with shiny eyes.
“Oh, I can believe it,” you reply dryly, shifting with a wince. “I feel like we should’ve been more prepared with boy names.”
You’d run through the list of the few that you had liked, but none seem right. His middle name will be for Andrei, but the first name is stumping you both.
“We’ll figure it out,” Andrei looks up at you with a grin. “I love you so much, I said that, right?”
“Several times,” you hold out your arms and wiggle your fingers at him. “Give me back my baby, Drei.”
Andrei transfers the baby to you with the ease of a practiced parent, taking a seat on the edge of your bed. You’re both exhausted and it’s so early in the morning the sun isn’t even up yet. You’ll have to pass out soon, but right now you can’t get enough of the infant. He looks so much smaller when he was in Andrei’s arms. You trace over the slope of his nose with the tip of your index finger, seeing so much of the girls and Andrei in his features. “You sure you don’t want to name him after your dad?” You ask, double checking.
“No, no,” Andrei shakes his head. “Geno has that covered. Besides,” his lips twist up in an impish little smile, “Igor’s not my favorite name.”
You know he’s thinking about the Canes’ most recent loss to the Rangers in the second round of the playoffs. The Rangers getting swept in the ECF had been extremely satisfying in your house.
You giggle a little and watch as the baby yawns. He’s been quiet, sleeping on and off, so much more peaceful than his older sisters. “Okay, I get it. You know, my grandfather, his name was Demetrius. A few letter changes…Dimitri?”
Andrei’s knuckle brushes against the soft pudge of the baby’s cheeks and murmurs the name. “Dimitri,” it sounds so different, so much better in his accent, “Dimka.”
He yawns in your arms and it feels like something clicks into place in your chest. You nod at Andrei, “that’s it. That’s his name.”
“Dimitri Andreievich,” Andrei laughs as he says the name. “Big name for a little boy.”
“He’s almost ten pounds,” you scoff. “This is a gift from the Big Boy genes, oh husband of mine.”
He smirks at you, leaning in for a kiss and your poor battered vagina gives a weak throb of pain. It’s too soon for him to be this adorable.
After a solid three hours of sleep, broken up once so you can try feeding Dimitri, you start pestering Andrei for your sushi. It’s nearing eight in the morning on the nineteenth, making it nearly twenty-four hours since you had breakfast with the girls before coming to the hospital.
“What about anything else?” He frowns at you. “Sushi for breakfast is…” He trails off, wrinkling his face in disgust.
With the baby latched to a nipple, you pout at him. “Did I or did I not push your giant child out of my body?” You pause to inhale and then continue, “And! Since it was already this morning before someone thought to feed me, all I’ve eaten in twenty four hours is ice chips and a peanut butter sandwich. I am starving!”
Andrei laughs at you, but before he can answer, gets distracted by his phone vibrating in his pocket. It’s probably Elena, looking for an update since you hadn’t called anyone in the early hours after Dimitri had been born, exhausted and looking to soak in the time as a trio. You turn your attention to the baby while Andrei chats in Russian on the phone. He hangs up and sits down on the edge of the bed, wrapping his hand around your knee. “Mama says the girls are going wild, waiting to hear about their new baby,” he grins toothily. “Can sushi wait? I think maybe I’ll go get the girls to introduce them to their brother.”
“Natives are restless?” You ask, the guilt of being away from the girls, even for a day, even to literally give birth, starting to creep in. Tears well in your eyes and you don’t bother to do anything about it, knowing you’re going to be a weepy mess for the foreseeable future. “How do you feel about meeting the big sisters, D?”
Dimitri lets out a soft little baby squeak and you give Andrei a watery grin. “I think he likes that plan. Bring me my girls.”
In the time that Andrei’s gone, Dimitri naps in his little plastic bassinet and you get helped into the bathroom by your nurse, ready to sit with the girls as long as their attention spans can handle it. You brush your hair back into a neater braid and wash your face clean of sweat. By the time that Andrei texts that he’s parking, you feel a little more human.
You can hear little footsteps running down the hall and you rub a hand over Dimitri’s belly, “get ready for Hurricane Svechnikova, bub.”
“Mama!” Evie bursts through the door first, hair in two pigtails on the top of her head and a bright red tutu around her waist. You beam at the sight of her and open your arms.
“Hi, bunny,” you coo, emotions clogging up your throat. “Come give me a hug!”
She dances over to your side and clambers up on the bed, nearly smacking you in the face with a piece of construction paper and jostling you a little painfully. You wrap her up in a tight hug, inhaling her little-kid scent of markers and Johnson and Johnson shampoo. Over her shoulder, you see Alina skip into the room and you hold open one arm.
“My Alya,” you grin. “Come join Mama.”
She’s in a Canes giveaway t-shirt that you’d cut down so it wasn’t a literal dress on her and you briefly wonder how wild they were being if this is how they ended up dressed. Alina needs a little help getting up on the bed and as Evie is pulling at the back of her shirt, Andrei appears at the door, Kira on his hip and an exasperated frown on his face.
“Didn’t Papa tell you not to run?” He raises an eyebrow at the older girls cuddled against your sides.
“We missed Mama,” Evie replies, pouting. You smooth a hand over her hair and shake your head at Andrei. They don’t need a parenting moment right now. Kira wiggles in his arms and reaches for you until Andrei relents and settles her on your lap in a way that doesn’t cause you pain. None of the girls have even so much as looked at the baby, but you’re not rushing them, knowing it’s a big change for them.
Andrei settles on the little couch while the girls fill you in on all the fun they had with the grandparents yesterday. They make Andrei bring you the bag of pictures they drew for you and the baby and that seems to trigger them. “Oh! Wait, Mama,” Evie perks up and looks around, “where’s the baby?”
You laugh and point at the plastic bassinet, “your little brother is right there. Just waiting to meet you three.”
Like it was rehearsed, all three of them scramble to the side of the bed to get a good look at Dimitri.
“He’s a boy?” Alina asks, squinting down at him.
“We have a brother? Not a sister?” Evie carefully reaches a hand into the bassinet to touch one of Dimitri’s tiny feet. “I thought it was a sister.”
“Baby!” Kira pats the edge of the plastic. “Baby in Mama’s belly?”
You kiss the back of her head. “Yeah, this is the baby that was in Mama’s tummy. His name is Dimitri.”
Andrei comes over to lift Kira and Alina into his arms so they can get a better look at the baby. “It’s different, right, to have a brother?” He asks, looking at you softly. You know he wouldn’t have cared if the baby were a girl, but there’s something about men and their sons, and you’re beyond happy that you were able to give him that.
“He’s not going to do much for a while,” you say. “But when he gets moving, I bet you’re all going to have a lot of fun.”
“Mmm,” Evie hums thoughtfully. “Boys are kinda yucky.”
“I’m a boy!” Andrei gasps, mock offended. “Am I yucky?”
You shoot him a wicked smile over Evie’s head and mouth ‘filthy’ at him, surprised that you even have it in you to flirt with him. Andrei laughs, his eyes sparkling, and you both nearly miss it when Evie chirps, “yeah, ‘cause sometimes you’re smelly after hockey.”
You snort a laugh and then, sensing that he’s missing some kind of party, Dimitri stirs, making little noises and wiggling his arms and legs. The girls watch, fascinated, and you skirt around Evie so you can pick him up. You glance at the clock on the wall and it’s been close to two and a half hours since you fed him, so he’s probably hungry. He starts to fuss more and the girls look a little disgruntled by the noise, so before they start complaining, you pucker up and plant a smacking kiss to Evie’s cheek, making her giggle. “How about Papa brings you guys back home so you can play and don’t have to watch me change any stinky diapers? Then you can come back later with Nana and Pop and Babu and Dedu? You can introduce them all to your new brother,” you grin, adding more excitement and animation to your tone so they’ll get excited too.
“You’re sure?” Andrei asks, even as your two middle kids are fighting in his arms, chattering at each other over who touched who. He’d scooped them off the bed as soon as Alina started poking at Kira to see how close she could get the former baby of the family to the edge of the bed without pushing her off. The noise they’re making is starting to agitate Dimitri and you’re very sure. Andrei himself looks a little frazzled with the girls practically shrieking in his ears.
“Go ahead,” you widen your eyes at him. “We’ll, ah, we’ll do a little more sibling bonding later in the day. D and I aren’t going anywhere.”
Andrei looks conflicted about leaving you, but honestly, Alina and Kira’s fighting is starting to give you a little bit of a headache. Dimitri is fussing more and you don’t want to start feeding him with the girls in the room because that opens up all the “whys” and “what are you doings” that the girls are so prone to these days.
Evie’s tucked against your side, looking down at the baby. She sighs and looks up at Andrei, “he’s so loud. Let’s come back when he’s quiet.”
Andrei’s mouth tips up in a half smile and you manage a weak laugh, reflexively holding out a hand to guide Evie when she half rolls, half climbs off the bed and beelines for the door. She waves over her shoulder and chirps a blithe, “bye Mommy, bye baby brother.”
“I think she’s expecting you to follow her,” you say to Andrei, a little wide eyed at your oldest’s actions. Securing Dimitri in one arm, you wave the other at the door, “go, please! Before she gets kidnapped!”
“Right, yeah,” Andrei nods and bounces the girls in his arms, “say bye to Mama. We’ll see her later, okay?”
Taking a little break from fighting, Alina and Kira wave at you over Andrei’s shoulders, blowing kisses. You wave back and then practically deflate when the door shuts behind Andrei and you’re left alone with the now opening crying Dimitri. You sigh and get him adjusted on your breast, quieting him immediately. You rub tiredly at your eyes, frustrated and exhausted. Maybe you’d underestimated the chaos four kids are going to be.
Once Dimitri is finished eating, you call for a nurse to bring him back to the nursery so you can get some much needed sleep. “I always feel bad sending them to the nursery,” you confess to the nurse, Jenna. “It makes me feel like a bad mom.”
“Sweetheart,” she laughs warmly, “I saw that husband of yours head out of here with your little girls. Sleep as much as you can before going home to that chaos.”
“They’re usually much better behaved,” you say wryly. “New sibling apparently throws off the routine.”
She tucks Dimitri into a swaddle and says, “oh, they get used to it. You two are old pros at this, so I think you know what you’re doing.”
You smile warily at her, a nervous pit in your stomach that you hadn’t felt after any of the girls’ births. You’re not sure why you feel so unsettled now, raising a boy in the early infancy stage isn’t any different than raising daughters. When Jenna takes Dimitri back to the nursery, you slide down on the bed, pulling the blankets up to your chin and getting as comfortable as possible to take a nap. A few tears leak out of the corners of your eyes, dripping down your temples and into your hair and you take a deep breath. It catches in your throat a little and you hiccup, covering your eyes with a cold, shaky palm.
Somehow, you manage to nap on and off, dozing in that weird limbo where you can hear most of what’s happening around you, but time passes faster than you think. After what feels like two minutes, but is actually closer to two hours, you give up on the nap and find your phone in the mess on the bedside table. You busy yourself with responding to texts and scrolling through social media, zoning out to a video of a woman making homemade pop tarts when Andrei appears at the door.
“Delivery,” he announces, your head shooting up at the sound of his voice. In his hand is an obscenely large paper bag with the name of your favorite sushi place stamped on the side. He catches your gaze and shakes it enticingly. “Husband of the year, yes?”
“If there’s spicy tuna in there, I’ll get the trophy engraved now,” you tease, a small, but genuine smile on your face. Andrei kisses the corner of your mouth and sets the bag on the rolling table.
“Two spicy tuna and plenty of miso soup,” he promises, sitting down on the mattress and helping you unpack the plastic containers.
You rub your chopsticks together and ask, “how are the girls? Everything okay at home?”
Andrei’s in different clothes than when he left and he smells like soap and cologne, so you know he at least showered when he got home.
“They’re good, don’t worry about them,” he reassures you, passing over a container of seaweed salad. “Kir was down for a nap when I left and our moms were playing Barbies with the older two.”
You nod, poking at the seaweed with a lazy motion. Andrei’s gaze is steady on your bent head, you can feel his eyes studying you and so you eat a mouthful of the seaweed, chewing slowly. As hungry as you had been earlier, it’s hard to swallow now. Andrei’s knee bumps yours and you look up at him, worried brown eyes on yours.
“What’s going on, solnyshka? Are you okay?” He ducks his head so he can maintain eye contact. One of his hands comes up and cups your cheek. You lean into his touch and shrug.
“I’m okay,” you sigh. “Just…”
Andrei’s quiet while you try and find the words. You’re not even sure what you’re feeling, why you’re so overly emotional.
“I missed the girls,” you say quietly. “But, four kids? It just…this isn’t going to be easy at all, Drei. They all started chattering and Dimitri was crying and I just wanted to cry too.”
“He’s not even a day old,” Andrei says gently. “It’s okay you’re emotional. I’ll tell you a secret,” he laughs under his breath, “I cried in the car when I went to get the girls.”
“Yeah?” You raise an eyebrow, setting your chopsticks down. Andrei’s not usually one to admit to crying.
“Yeah,” he nods. “Probably more because we have a son, but still. I cried.” Andrei winks at you, smiling warmly.
A little laugh slips past your lips and you tug at the end of your braid. “I think I’ll be okay once I get into a routine. But I’m glad the moms are staying until the season starts, we’re going to need all the help we can get.”
Andrei scoffs and moves to sit next to you and wrap his arm around your shoulders so you can burrow against his side. “You’re the rock, koroleva. If anyone can handle me, four kids, and the hockey season, it’s you,” he praises you, mouth pressed against your temple. “Just tell me if you’re overwhelmed, okay? We figure it out as a team.”
You nod against his side, the knot in your chest loosening a bit. Your arm rests on his stomach and Andrei keeps you as close as possible, knowing you need the physical comfort right now. “We’re so done having kids, by the way,” you mutter into his shirt.
Andrei laughs and your whole body vibrates with the sound. He rubs his hand up and down your arm, teasing, “Dimka and I are still outnumbered.”
“Oh, that is not something I care about,” you laugh in response, snaking your hand out to pluck a piece of sushi out of its container. “We’re closed for business down there.” You pause and then continue, knowing Andrei will have a retort. “For baby making business. Other fun activities will be reevaluated at six weeks.”
Your husband gives you a mock little salute, amusement written plainly on his face. He picks up his own piece of sushi with his free hand, popping the piece in his mouth and chewing before he says, quietly and totally sincerely, “you’re the best mom the kids could’ve asked for, you know that, right?”
“You’re going to make me cry again, you big jerk,” you sniffle, pressing a hand to your mouth. “I just finished crying!”
“I’m sorry,” Andrei cuddles you closer. “Eat and rest, because the moms are not going to want to wait too much long to meet the little guy.”
You pull back a little so look up at Andrei’s face and he has a slightly dopey look in his eyes, a little upturn to his lips like he’s trying to fight off a smile. “You want to go get him, don’t you?” You ask, exhaling a little laugh through your nose.
Andrei nods eagerly, unable to hide his excitement. “Yeah,” he admits, “I know we should rest, but I really want to keep holding him.”
“Go get him,” you say, “I kind of want to get a hit of that newborn smell.”
“Weirdo,” Andrei captures your chin in his fingers and tilts your head up to kiss you sweetly.
You grin against his mouth, “your weirdo and mother to your weird children too.”
Andrei’s laugh follows him all the way out the door.
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impala-dreamer · 9 days
Meet Me At The Beach
A Supernatural Story
~ Texting and emails can feel so impersonal. There's nothing quite like exchanging tangible, handwritten letters with someone you love...~
Dean Winchester x F!Reader, Sam Winchester
4,025 Words
Warnings: Bittersweet Angst. SFW. 
A/N: This is for @jacklesversebingo "Writing Letters To Each Other" was the prompt. I hope you enjoy...
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June 2
Dear Dean, 
This feels so weird. Do people really write letters anymore? Am I going to get strange looks at the post office when I go to buy a stamp? Will they even know what to do with this tiny envelope and folded piece of loose-leaf paper? I almost don’t know how to write anymore. My script looks kinda like chicken scratch, huh? Hopefully it’ll get better. It is weird not typing though. But emails just seem like work. Impersonal, ya know? Besides, it gives us something to look forward to when we hit the mailbox. Nice to open something that’s not a delinquent credit card bill, huh? 
Speaking of which- how the fuck do you do it? I just got another card canceled. My credit is non-existent. Fuck, I need to get a job. Could you imagine me in an office? High heels and panty hose and my hair tucked into a neat, matronly bun? I shudder to think! 
OK, this is weird. I just wanted to write “LOL” but it’s not an email. Or a text. Why are we doing this again? Oh, yeah, see above. 
Anyhoo- - - - I don’t even know what to say! Umm… I’m in New Orleans for a bit. Not working, just hanging out. My friend Emily from high school tracked me down online and we’ve been chatty. She’s in a band. They’re not bad. Not great, but not bad. So yeah, I took a drive down to see a show and I’m just lingering. Drinking too much, sleeping past noon. It’s fun. Nice little vacation. 
Which - ahem - you should be taking. When are you gonna get your ass out of that dusty old bunker and stick your toes in the sand? I already told you I’d meet you in Pensacola with sunscreen and a cooler of beer. You know you want to. Or are you just scared to show off your ugly toes in flip flops? Your boots might actually cry if you ever took them off, so I guess it’s just as well. 
Hey, do you remember that night in Richmond when it started pouring and your boots sank into the mud puddle? God, that was a mess. We were soaked to the bone. Nice way to warm up, though - cuddled in the back of the Impala. I miss that car. Sometimes, I think I can hear it at night when the world is quiet and the wind is still. It’s like the engine roars in the back of my mind and I start thinking about all our adventures, all the time we spent driving into the sunset. 
I miss you. Is that wrong? I probably shouldn’t. Or at least, I shouldn’t tell you that I do. But I do. I miss you so bad sometimes that it hurts. Like someone has punched me right in the chest. Maybe we can end up in the same town soon. Grab some tacos and sit on the hood. Make a mess. I’d like that. 
OK, before I get too emotional and start asking you to run away with me, I think I’ll end this ranting scribble of horrid handwriting. 
Write me back soon.
Love, Y/N
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June 21 
Your handwriting does not look like chicken scratch. I like it. Mine is like some toddler just learning his letters. Whatever. I never learned that fancy shit. I can sign my name and make a grocery list. That’s all I need. 
This is weird, yeah. But it’s kinda nice. Feels more… like you’re here. Does that make sense? Like seeing your handwriting, the dents in the paper- I don’t know. Just feels more real. Like you’re not just some computer talking back at me. Also there’s something strange about answering questions weeks later. I meant to write this sooner, but I got a little distracted. There was a Kung Fu marathon on and I just lost track of time. Too much pizza, not enough Carradine. Ya know? You know. 
Remember that horrible motel in Raleigh when we both caught that nasty stomach bug and stayed up all night watching old tv shows? Saltines and Little House. I’ll never forget it. You were so sick that day. Shit, I was sure I was gonna end up taking you to the hospital. Sure, I was puking too, but you looked like death. I hated that. Hated that I couldn’t help you, make you feel better. I did cook up a mean chicken noodle soup though, didn’t I? Not that it stayed down for long. 
Thank god for that yellow Gatorade. And yes- it’s fucking yellow. Not green. 
Anyway- I miss you too. I try not to, I really do. Not all the time, no offense, but sometimes I’m just fucking insane with shit going on. But at night, especially, I miss having you beside me. I miss rolling over and seeing you there, or hearing you snore. I miss feeling your freezing feet under the blanket. I don’t know, I just- 
What can I say? I’m sorry. I’m an asshole. I’m the biggest piece of shit in the universe. I shouldn’t have pushed you away. 
Can’t change the past. Just gotta move on. 
Maybe someday you’ll forgive me. I hope so anyway. 
I’m sorry. I shouldn’t dump that all out in a letter. I almost ripped this all up and started over. I actually let it sit for a day before I came back to it. But, fuck it- we said we were gonna write to each other and be honest, and here I am, being honest. 
Fuck, I’m so tired. That kinda tired when sleeping for ten days wouldn’t even put a dent in it. Yeah, OK, so things are getting a little better. Chuck’s gone for good this time. Jack’s got things back in place, even made a few improvements. Sam’s- well, he’s Sam. He’s fine, doing his thing. The dog is- did I tell you we have a dog now? Yeah, I know. Me and a dog- yeah right. But we do. Miracle. He’s a good boy. I’ll send you a picture soon. 
Never thought I could slow down like this. Feels like for the first time we can just - work. I mean, I’m never gonna give up hunting, not totally, but- feels like I could just ease back a bit. Been looking at some jobs in town- nothing crazy, fixing engines and stuff like that. Don’t know if you remember, but I’m pretty good with my hands. 
Did you blush? 
You did. 
OK. I guess- that’s it for now. I have no fucking idea how to end this so - bye?
~ Dean
P.S.  I’ll meet you at the beach soon. I promise.
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Fifteenth of July 
To Whom It May Concern:
Re: Beach Vacation
Dear Mr. Winchester, 
I am very pleased to hear that you are agreeable to meeting me at the beach. It should be delightful fun to run through the surf and hunt for sea glass with you.
Oh shit! Do you remember that new age shop in… where the fuck was that? With the sea glass necklaces in the window that I said were so pretty and the witch inside said they were blessed to give the wearer riches or some shit like that. Where was that? Who knows.
Feels like we’ve been all over the world together. Well, this country at least. Lord knows I could never get you on an airplane. If only you could drive to Paris. Did I ever tell you about my trip to France? God, it was beautiful. Rained the whole time, but it was this beautiful, warm spring rain that made everything smell like dust and petals. Not rose petals, but those little white ones that grow on trees, ya know? It was so beautiful. Fuck it. I’m taking you one day. You need to see more than the dash of your car and the backroads of America. Time to travel!
Speaking of- I’m glad you’re slowing down a bit. I know that won’t be easy for you but if you think about it, you’ve spent the last forty years running from problem to problem like a damned bomb-sniffing dog. 
A DOG?! Dean Winchester, I never thought the day would come. I can’t wait to see a picture. Don’t forget it next time. 
I think you’d be a great mechanic. It was always very hot seeing you covered in sweat and grease especially if you had those damned coveralls on. I mean… what? I don’t think about you like that anymore, you know. It’s over and done with and we’re just friends. We are friends, aren’t we? Maybe something more than friends, I guess. Ex lovers? Ew. I hate that word. Lovers. So gross. Well, then what are we? Just two souls swimming in a fish bowl…
Year after year. Day after day. Do you know that I put nearly a hundred thousand miles on my poor truck this year? Back and forth, up and down the country. I don’t have to tell you how exhausting it is. Fun, but exhausting. Rewarding, but not. I wonder how many people remember me after I leave? Does that family in New Haven think about me whenever they go into the basement and it’s no longer haunted? Is there a photo of me on a fridge in Wilmington where I saved that guy’s fiance from the vamp nest? Probably not. I’m sure people remember you - The Great Dean Winchester. The sexy hunter with the green eyes and the giant black car. You’re hard to forget. Also, you hang out with a giant. Tell Sam I said hi. 
I do remember that puke fest! And it’s green. It’s literally neon green. Fight me. 
We could probably write a book, you and me. ‘Winchester & Y/L/N Do America’. It’s a coffee table book with pictures of random diner signs and gas station bathrooms. Maybe a list of the country’s best french fry places. Shit like that. Let’s do it. I’ll call my literary agent in the morning. Ha!
SPARTA!! That’s where that damned sea glass shop was. It just hit me! Stupid brain. I swear, I’ve been hit in the head way too many times. Broken too many bones. I’m getting too old for this shit. Did you know that my left knee pops whenever I stand up now? Like, how old am I?? I can’t stand it. I need a month at a spa somewhere in the desert. That’d be nice. 
Damnit. I just got a call from Vinnie Alverez. Do you know him? Hunter out of Pittsburg. Anyway- he needs help on a job. Guess I’ll cut this letter short. Hopefully I’ll find a box to drop this in on the way to PA! 
Miss you. 
Sincerely yours, 
P.S. - I do forgive you, Dean. Of course I do. Things were just too hard back then. Life didn’t want to cooperate for us. It’s not your fault. Not my fault. It just was. Please don’t carry that guilt in your heart. You deserve better than that. 
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August 2
Dear Y/N- 
You’re a real character, you know that? Love the corporate letter. I’m in for the book by the way. Could be awesome. We do need a full chapter on onion rings though. Make a note. 
I heard about your hunt in Pittsburgh. Came through the grapevine that you kicked some serious wolf ass. Nice job, kid. Hope you’re being careful. I know how bullheaded and impulsive you can get when you’re in the zone. Just watch your back, OK? Promise me. Last thing I wanna hear is that you got your heart clawed out or you’re walking around with a demon in your ass. 
Demons. Haven’t seen so many running around lately. Queen Rowena’s been keeping them in check. So fucking weird that she’s in charge now. Not that I’m surprised- she’s a badass bitch. If I had a nickel for every ruler of hell I was friends with, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice. The kids still say that, don’t they? See, I’m not old. I keep up with pop culture and shit. Started watching the tik toks. I still don’t get it, but I like the woodturning stuff. Thinking about taking up whittling. Maybe carve you a keychain so you stop losing them. 
I got a call for a job interview. Chickened out though. I don’t know if I’m ready to start all that, ya know? Start a real life in the real world- just seems- I don’t know, scary. Yeah, I’ve faced every deadly thing on this and other worlds but the idea of getting a 9 to 5 civilian job scares me. I’m some kinda fucked up, huh? 
I think about it a lot though. Getting a job, finding a little house somewhere, settling down. A little fenced in yard so Miracle can run around and dig up dirt. Might put a rocking chair on the porch and watch the clouds, some shit like that. Would you come visit me in my Barbie dream house? I’ll cook you breakfast every morning and you can rub my feet at night. Real cozy couple stuff. 
OK, so maybe I’m thinking about you more and more these days. Maybe I’m regretting leaving. Maybe I’m just an idiot daydreaming about meeting you somewhere in the middle and sweeping you off your feet. One of those running hugs that hurts when you collide but ends in a kiss that makes everything feel better. I’m a real romantic fuck, huh? I was digging through my drawers yesterday and I found a pair of your socks. Those tiny ones that barely covered your ankle. I don’t know why they were stuffed in the back of the dresser, but there they were. Dingy white socks with the pink threads on the toes. I’ll bring them to the beach when we meet up. 
Oh, Sam says hi and he hopes you’re good and he wants you to shoot him a text when you can. You can do what you want, but you better not mail him a letter. That’s just for me. God, my hand is cramping up. I’m not used to this. Oh, and you’re not alone. My knee creaks like a haunted house when I go up stairs now. And my right wrist pops, and my neck makes this weird almost squeaking sound, and my ass- well, I could go on, but just know you’re not alone. Kinda weird to think that we lived long enough to be this old, ain’t it? I never thought I’d live to be thirty and here I am staring down 42. Forty Fucking Two. Can you believe that shit? Goddamnit I got old. Let’s go find a nursing home together. Maybe we can get a double room- or a king sized bed?
Think about it. We could be cranky old people together. Losing our memories and shuffling around with walkers and shit. You’d look cute with white hair. And fuck, my beard’s already going gray. Should I grow out my beard? 
Write back soon. I really like seeing your letters in the box. 
Dean  x
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My dearest Dean Winchester, it is with great happiness that I write this letter to you and I do hope that it finds you well and happy and all good things and I can’t keep this formal shit up. Ha!
Anyway- but yeah, things are good. I know it’s been a while since I’ve written, but I was on a little trip around the continent. Headed up to Montreal for a bit. Killed some nasties, salted some bones, generally fucked around. My beloved truck crapped out in Burlington, Vermont, so I had to hang out there for a while and gather my resources to get a new vehicle. I think you’d like her. Green Ford Explorer from ‘94. OK, she’s not as sexy as the Impala, but she gets me where I need to go. Which, apparently, was Maine! I met up with some friends in Greenville. Cute little town full of witchcraft. So much fun. Also had a lobster roll on a pier… I swear to god, they plucked this thing right out of the water and slapped it on a buttered roll. You’d LOVE it. I’m gonna take you there someday. 
Speaking of- We need to make plans for Florida. I picked up a little bikini on my travels and I think I really need to show it off. Maybe you could be my bodyguard and keep the creeps away while I’m sunbathing? To repay you for your services, I’ll gladly let you take it off me at night…
Oh, and I’ve thought about this extensively, and I believe that you should, in fact, grow your beard out. Like, full on, bushy lumberjack beard. I can’t wait to see all that gray. You know I have a thing for older men… and you’ll always be older than me, Dean Winchester and don’t you forget it!
And for your information, I don’t lose my keys anymore! I got one of those… apple taggy things. Now I know where they are at all times. Can’t find my phone to find them sometimes, but that’s another issue. 
Two weeks later, I’m picking up my pen again. Sorry this is taking forever. Things are stupid busy. I wish I could just… put this fucking gun down and go live with you on a farm somewhere. Not a working farm, we wouldn’t keep pigs or anything because gross, but a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. Big white house with a giant tree in the yard and a tire swing and a picket fence and a kid chasing the dog around and - 
Shit. Do you ever think about it? I do. A lot. More than I’d like to and it fucking cuts me up inside every time. I know we could never have kept it, and life- I mean- it just wasn’t meant to be. But I do think about it sometimes. Imagine if we’d just walked away from the life and tried to be a family? Impossible, I know. Maybe in another life. 
Shit, I’m sorry. Fuck. Ignore me. I haven’t slept in a while and I just
I want to see you. Can we meet somewhere? Wherever you want. I’ll come to you. 
~ Y/N 
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Dear Dean, 
This is my second attempt at writing this. Crumpled up the first one because I’m an idiot. Am I an idiot? Did I piss you off with the last letter? I honestly didn’t mean to. I just- we said we’d be honest, and you’ve been so open in your letters that I thought it was ok to talk about, but I guess not. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have dug that stuff up. 
I’m so tired and stressed and I miss you so much. Since we’ve been writing back and forth it’s almost like I can’t stop thinking about you. I get so fucking excited to check the mail whenever I roll back into town. It’s like… I don’t know, it’s like Christmas every time I see your handwriting in my box. Remember the time you wrote your name on my thigh in Sharpie? That stayed on for like a week. I shoulda gotten it inked on. That’d be something, huh? Branded by a Winchester. 
Fuck, Dean, I really hope you’re not mad at me. I really want to call you, but we said we wouldn’t. Just write me back, please. 
I’ll be in your neck of the woods next week. Got turned onto a haunting up in Abilene. Maybe we can meet on the road somewhere? Please? 
Hey, did you know there’s a Hunter, Kansas? Wonder why they didn’t build the bunker there. I don’t know, made me laugh when I was looking at the map. 
Anyway- Please write me back. Or call. Or text. Or send a damned pigeon with a tiny letter taped to its foot. I don’t care, how, just do it please. Even if you’re mad at me and don’t want to talk anymore, I get it. But please. Just let me know, OK?
I’m sorry. 
Love, Y/N
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Dear Y/N,
I didn’t know you and my brother were writing to each other like this, but I found your last few letters to him in his private P.O. Box. I didn’t even know he had one of his own, but I guess we all keep secrets from those we love. I hope you don’t mind that I read your letters. Not all of them, but the last two that came through. Please know that Dean would have responded if he could have, I know he would have. He talked about you a lot recently. Said you two were in contact and that he was hoping to find some time to meet you for a vacation. I don’t know where you guys were planning on going, but I found a new Hawiian shirt in his closet with the tags still on it. 
I know we spoke on the phone after he passed, but I wanted to send this to you. I was cleaning up his stuff and found his notepad. Looks like he’d started a letter before we left for Canton. I think he’d want you to have it. 
I’m closing up the Bunker soon. I don’t really know where I’ll go, but I can’t be here right now. Not without my brother. 
I’ll always be around if you need anything or want to talk. I’ll always answer the phone for you, Y/N. 
Be well,
Sam Winchester
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If I could take it back I would. Every fucking word. I think about it now and I know we made the wrong choice. I know we could have made it work if we tried. But we are both total fuck ups who can’t be normal. We just can’t. 
Forgive me
That’s dog slobber up there, not tears. Just fyi. Definitely not tears. I think I might have been a little drunk when I started writing and then well-
Anyway- Maine sounds awesome. We were there once but no time for lobster rolls. Guess I missed out. 
Not much to report since the last letter. Been kinda quiet here. But… I did apply for a job. Well, I filled out the application. Well, I started filling it out. It’s actually underneath this notepad right now. I’ll get to it. I will. I just need a good kick in the ass. Or maybe a pinch… wink wink
I absolutely think we need to get together. Pick some place stupid like the World’s Largest Frying Pan or South of The Border. I’ll meet you. Just say when. 
Guess this letter will take a little longer to finish. We’re leaving for Ohio in a little bit. There’s a buncha vampire dicks making a mess. Gonna take ‘em to batting practice. Show them my machete swing. I’ll give a full report when we’re back home
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Dean Dean, 
I made it to the beach. It’s hot, like stupid hot. Had to stand in the water just to keep my toes from burning. I’ve been sitting here for hours trying to think of something to say, but all I can say is I love you. I miss you. I wish you were here with me. I wish things had been different. I wish and wish and wish. 
If I throw this into the ocean will it get to you somehow or will my words just wash away like the sand? 
I’ll see you again someday. I hope so, anyway. Let’s just pretend I’m destined for Heaven. I know you’re up there. You were too good not to be. You sacrificed so much, cared so much, saved so many people. I know you made it. If there’s any mercy in this universe, I’ll be up there someday too. Just don’t have too much fun without me. 
I love you, Dean. Always. 
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2024 Forever Tags (Always Open! Send an Ask!)
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 month
ℳ𝒶𝓎𝒷𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈 𝓈𝒾𝓈𝓉ℯ𝓇
Chapter 6- just like your father
Series masterlist
Warnings- once again not too much rafe): I’m trying to get more rafe in the next parts, the readers drunk the whole time basically lol
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“Now a live update from the sheriffs department.”
“Yeah, after six weeks, the five teens that had been missing from Kildare county have returned, been reunited with their families.” Rafe went closer to the tv, sitting down and staring out. “We’re still waiting for details about their journey. But I’m sure they have quite a tale to tell.”
“We also got word that the father of one of the teens, John B Routledge, who’s been presumed dead for a year now, has also returned live and well. Wonders never cease. Right now, we’re just trying to get those kids settled back into school, with their families. They’ve been through a lot.”
“The teens were down in Kildare island with two other Kildare teens, Sarah Cameron and Y/N Maybank.” The sheriff spoke.
Rafes eyes widened at the mention of you and his sister.
“Sarah’s the daughter of disgraced real estate magnate, Ward Cameron, who confessed to the murder of Peterkin two months ago. y/n is the daughter of Luke Maybank, who is also presumed missing after escaping prison.”
Rafe watched as both of your pictures were put on screen, he recognized yours to be one of you you posted to your instagram, you at the beach. He was in the background, he noticed upon looking closer. Then, a picture of your brother, you and your dad.
You looked at the tv screen, scoffing at the picture they put up when they said your dad’s name. A picture of you, JJ and your dad. It was JJ’s first day of school, you remember that day as if it was your own first day of school.
You gripped the can harder, heavily sighing and leaning back in the chair. Yeah, you’d need more than one drink today.
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“When I was there, Rafe was talking about how the cross was his. Not- not Ward’s.” You told them all, hiccuping after and covering your mouth.
“Are you- are you seriously drunk right now?” Pope asked, all of them noticing the way you slurred your words.
“Fuck off. I’m an adult. Can do whatever I want.” You said with a childish giggle.
“It’s like 10 am in the morning.”
“Yo!” Kiara sapped her fingers. “Can we please get back on the topic?”
“Right. And he’s coming into Wilmington tonight at eight. It’s being shipped by train from like… R.. Ra… Raleigh I think? I dunno.”
“You get any other information?” Pope asked.
“Uh, y/n got the cargo number.” Kiara spoke, picking up the paper.
“Okay, well, that’s a start.”
“I mean, they’re definitely fencing that shit off as we speak. So we should probably get a move on.” JJ said, watching you down the rest of the can, and grab a 4th one next to you from your spot on the floor.
“Sarah, you hear from John B?”
“No, I mean, he’s probably off somewhere with his dad. But the problem is they have the Twinkie.”
“Our transportation.”
“I have a car, you know? It’s a hunk of shit, but it works.” You shrugged.
All of them raised their eyebrows at that. “It’s back at Ricky’s. I should probably go talk to him anyways.”
They all were hesitant, you could tell.
“I’m- I’m your only fuckin’ option, so, my car or nothing.”
“She’s right.” JJ told them, already hopping on his bike.
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“Ricky?” You shouted when you opened the door. He wasn’t home, you sighed, taking the keys off the counter and stumbling back outside.
“He not home?” JJ asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
“Nope.” You told him, locking the door. You go into the car, trying to get it started. But it never turns on, you groan in annoyance, fumbling with the keys, and trying again.
“Goddamnit!” You laughed, slamming your fist onto the dashboard and going out.
“It’s… not working.”
“Not working? What’s wrong with it?”
“I don’t know! It’s not fucking starting.” You shrugged.
JJ threw his hands up in defeat.
“Alright. That’s okay. We can.. try my dads.” Pope said.
“And I’ll try to see if my parents will.” Kiara spoke.
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You ended up going with JJ and Kiara to her parents.
“Jesus, Cleo was not wrong. It does look like the White House.” You mumbled when you entered. You drunkenly stumbled up the steps, JJ rolling his eyes and eventually just helping you up once you almost fell.
“We just found out it’s… it’s gonna be in Wilmington tonight.”
“Okay, and the cross is Popes family-“
“Popes family heirloom.” Kiara finished.
“Shit, this house is nice. Think we could just…?” You told JJ, grabbing an expensive bracelet sitting on the counter and pocketing it.
An idea popped into his head when you did that. If they don’t wanna give them the keys, he can take them.
“He’s alive!” Kiara argued. “JJ.” She turned, the cutlery clanking as he put it away guiltily, getting caught messing with it.
“Do rich people really need to use like… fancy everything? Like fancy plates? Is that necessary?” You mumbled, mostly to yourself as you took another sip.
“A little help?”
He put his hand up, counting off his fingers.
“Wards alive in the Carribean. He’s living off the loot he stole from us, and, uh, yeah, he’s flying across to Wilmington.”
“I was-“ you covered your mouth when you hiccuped again. “With them during the whole thingie. Basically I fell into the water…” you imitated water splashing with your hands.
“And it was like ‘ahhh! Now I’m stuck with my ex boyfriend who’s also crazy on an island, ahh!’ And then we went to some vacation home he has, and I saw Ward and he was like ‘sup, y/n. I’m alive.’ And that’s what happened.” You nodded to yourself, all of them staring at you dumbfounded.
“Give me a break, man.” Kiara’s dad spoke.
“Yeah, you’re right. What do I know? Just saw it with my own two eyes.” You shrugged, rolling your eyes and taking another sip from the bottle. “So did Kiara and JJ but, whatever.”
“I’m skeptical, okay? I am skeptical, y/n as in I think it’s all bullshit. And I think you’ve been led astray, Kiara. And you, JJ, Y/N- let’s get this out in the open.”
“Just take it down a bit-“ her mom tried.
“No. Let me tell you something, you need to understand that I do get it.”
“Sure you do.” You and JJ said in unison, you both laughing at that.
“Do you hear me?”
“Sure. Sure.”
“I like you, guys, and I bet you’re fricking fun to hang with, and to ditch school with, go down to the break, and.. drink beer,” he directed that last sentence to you, eyeing the can in your hand.
“because I was once just like you both. I didn’t think that anything mattered, thought I could make up any bullshit story and these stupid kooks would believe it. But then I learned about hard work.”
“Yeah, well, hard work doesn’t get you shit if you’re like us. I mean- shit, compared to me, you have no clue what hard work is like.” You spat, pointing to yourself. He was getting to close to JJ for your comfort.
He narrowed his eyes at you. “And about what really mattered. All I care about, all that I care about is my daughter. That’s it. And all I know is that she was a lot better off before she met you and your friends.” He said, this sentence directed to JJ.
“Dad, I was never better off!” Kiara argued, you looked at JJ, shaking your head when you saw his reaction. You were gonna kill this guy.
“I was miserable.”
“Miserable? No, no. No!” He shouted, turning to you and JJ.
“No, these pogues have ruined my daughter’s life.” He shouted in your face, you stood in front of JJ, trying your best to protect him.
“Didn’t mean any disrespect, Mr. Carrera.” You told him, turning to usher JJ out.
“Y’all have a good day.” JJ spoke, both of you heading to the door.
“What are you doing?” Kiara asked.
“Protecting my daughter.”
“Can we please-“
“Wait a second. Everybody says it, they are liars and thief’s!” Her dad shouted.
You and JJ stopped in your tracks.
“They’re just like their father! I mean, one of them is already drunk off their ass!”
The two words neither of you wanted to hear.
You looked at JJ, who held back tears at the words. You held your own back, throwing the rest of the can, looking at it pour onto the hardwood floor.
You grabbed the keys from the tray, you looked around again, shrugging before grabbing a jacket on the coat hanger, as well as some shoes.
“Wanna talk shit, you’re gonna get bit, right?” You mumbled to yourself, shrugging and following JJ down the steps.
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“Is she.. talking with Topper?” Pope asked, all of them turning to you and Topper at the bar.
“He didn’t want me to say anything, but he’s a fucking mess.” Topper said with a laugh, you laughed with him.
“Yeah, well, he was an asshole. So…” you said, taking the shot you ordered.
“Believe me, I know.” He told you,
“Hey, Jayj.”
“I bet you Topper has a way to transport the cross.” Pope spoke.
“Actually, Popes right. He does have a rig.”
“No.” Sarah argued.
“Yes, come on.”
“No, absolutely not.”
“What are we talking about?” You asked them, coming up behind them suddenly.
“Sarah, you already got him whipped anyway, right? So why don’t you just take one for the team?”
“What would John B say?” She said.
“I think John B will completely understand. Think about the circumstances, it’s about treasure.”
“We can handle John B. Just talk to him.”
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“Why do I feel like I’m gonna regret this?” Topper spoke, all of you happy when you saw her hug him.
You ended up falling asleep on the boat. Your eyes shut as they all came up with plans.
You can’t even escape him in your dreams. Because when you fell asleep, a fond memory of the two of you popped up in your mind.
“Shit, slow down.” He laughed, grabbing onto your hand as you ran down, pushing past people and making your way down straight to the floor.
“Can’t believe I let you drag me into this shit.” He said with a laugh when the band came on stage and cheers erupted.
He watched you while you paid close attention to the band. And when your guys song came on, he was told to sing with you, he hesitated but eventually did.
“Got the music in you, baby. Tell me why. You've been locked in here forever. And you just can't say goodbye. Your lips, my lips. Apocalypse.”
You both sung to each other, you staring at him with the most love and adoration he’s ever seen, and him staring at you with the most love anyone’s ever seen him have.
You both leaned in, but before your lips connected…
You woke up, quickly sitting up and groaning, wiping the sleep from your eyes.
“Jesus. Think I drunk too much earlier. I’m going crazy.” You told them, all of them turning to look at you now.
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@cassie0sstuff @rafesgiirl @fals3-g0d @tiaamberxx @callsignwidow @saintnourah
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svechnikovvv · 1 year
birthday boys
andrei svechnikov x fem!reader , brady skjei x platonic!fem!reader
a/n: the two birthday boys needed an insta edit 🙏
masterlist: here
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liked by andrei_svechnikov37 and others
y/n.insta svech, drei, dimples, my love, my bestfriend, my lover all in one. i wish you nothing but the happiest of birthdays today 🫶🏻 я тебя люблю ❤️
see translation: i love you
(👤: andrei_svechnikov37)
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andrei_svechnikov37 i love you more and thank you ❤️
y/n.insta only the best for my personal rasputin
andrei_svechnikov37 😐
sebastianaho the man, the myth, the legend
y/n.insta he’s very much so not a myth, but the energy is appreciated seb!
user1 y/n giving us the andrei content we need 😫
user2 the second picture??? LETHAL
user3 andrei and y/n’s relationship is my favorite
bradyskjei where’s MY birthday post?
y/n.insta sitting in the drafts collecting dust 🥱
bradyskjei friendship -> gone
y/n.insta you can’t break the best friend contract or i’ll slash your tires ❤️
bradyskjei i can easily report your car for a hit and run
y/n.insta i’ll have you know the government loves me
bradyskjei and i’ll have you know i have bribery money
yourbestie so he’s your best friend now? 🤨
y/n.insta you’re my wife, i think this is fair
yourbestie raleigh women are outrageous 🙄
canes happy birthday svechy! ❤️🖤
liked by y/n.insta
pyotr_kochetkov с днем ​​рождения, брат! ❤️
see translation: happy birthday brother
liked by y/n.insta
canes and andrei_svechnikov37 added this post to their stories!
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liked by bradyskjei and others
y/n.insta happy birthday brady bunch. so glad you’re on the canes now, because you look hideous in blue 🥱 anyways, don’t party too hard because the local geriatrics center doesn’t accept walk-ins ❤️
(👤: bradyskjei)
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bradyskjei respect your elders
y/n.insta you’re not helping your case whatsoever
bradyskjei and fyi: i looked AMAZING in blue
y/n.insta crickets.
bradyskjei thank you anyways 🙄❤️
y/n.insta next year you’ll be dust! 😁
andrei_svechnikov37 for his next birthday, let’s put him in a home
y/n.insta this is why two brains are better than one
bradyskjei i hate you twos relationship.
user4 i agree, blue is not his color
liked by y/n.insta
user5 i love brady and y/n’s friendship
user6 andrei & y/n ganging up on brady >>>
sebastianaho happy birthday skjei!
bradyskjei thank you fishy! at least someone likes me
y/n.insta and he’s the only one, so get used to it bradyskjei
pyotr_kochetkov С днем ​​рождения старик
see translation: happy birthday old man
liked by y/n.insta
canes happy birthday skjei! ❤️🖤
yourbestie i think he broke my screen
bradyskjei i don’t like you ☺️
canes & bradyskjei added this post to their stories!
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liked by andrei_svechnikov37 , bradyskjei and others
y/n.insta the two birthday boys (on slide 1: see the most amazing boyfriend and man to ever roam the earth & on slide 2: see a try hard man who is growing greys in his twenties and is posing with his fish like every guy i went to middle school with) happy birthday you two! ❤️🖤
(👤: andrei_svechnikov37 , bradyskjei)
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user7 y/n is dragging brady through the mud today 💀
user8 he does look like a middle school boy
liked by y/n.insta
andrei_svechnikov37 you’ve made today one of the best birthdays ever 😘
y/n.insta anything for my drei 🫶🏻
bradyskjei do you want me to cry on my birthday?
y/n.insta make sure you send me a crying picture
bradyskjei this is why only a handful of people like you
y/n.insta i like to think that i’m just an acquired taste
bradyskjei good thing you don’t get paid for thinking
sebastianaho the two 🐐
y/n.insta i think i accidentally posted two pictures of andrei then
user9 just be glad brady didn’t have a pair of pit vipers on
y/n.insta you’re so right
canes it doesn’t get any better than these two 🔥
pyotr_kochetkov 🥳
y/n.insta a man of many words. i knew you were worth keeping
yourbestie tag yourself: i’m the fish
y/n.insta you poor fish
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tags: @liquidflyer 🫶🏻
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beesorcery · 3 months
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i really liked the design of this shirt but 1) too many dollars 2) i wasn’t about to stand in that merch line for an hour and 3) it’s not on the website anymore??? idk
anyway i have decided to embark on a fun project in which i recreate this design but instead of the city names it’s the 8 ball from that show, which means it won’t be done until april! so i’m gonna post progress updates as i do them. graphic design is my passion or whatever
here is the current draft updated through 3/4:
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i’m doing it in illustrator because i have access through my school and also it’s easier to move things around as stuff gets added. i don’t know yet if i’ll try to make it into a shirt or maybe a poster or something once it’s done
my main obstacle to making it really similar to the original is these fucking song titles jesus christ. it took me like 5 hours noodling to get the current composition. slump isn’t even one of their longest like if they play get busy in raleigh i’m cooked. i am having fun though so that’s what matters
finding the fonts is also very time consuming but still fun, there are some i straight up can’t find anywhere (and the image isn’t hq enough to be able to tell exactly what they look like anyway) so for some of them i’m just gonna use the best match and then convert to shapes and fuck around until it looks right; i did it with the 3.3 and 3.4 idk if it’s noticeable
i’ll rb this post with more updates!! hopefully posting will also structure the time i work on it so i don’t end up completely missing schoolwork due to hyperfocusing on this
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slafkovskys · 9 months
“and he knows about…” she trails off as she smoothes her hand over the front of her dress, laying her palm flat against her stomach. if he didn’t, there would be no room for guessing when she arrived. the dress she chose was tight, clinging to her body in all the right ways, especially the twenty five week old baby she was carrying.
“yes,” amanda sighs as she stares at her friend through the lens of her phone, “he knows about your plus one.”
“and he just didn’t care?” she grabs her choice of lip gloss for the night to stuff into her purse and starts moving towards the front door.
amanda sighs, “i really think that he thought we were joking. i mean, all the pictures we showed him were pre pregnancy- don’t look at me like that! you’re the one who’s not posting anything anywhere about it.”
“and you know why,” she huffs as she grabs her purse and keys off of the hook, giving herself a final once over in the mirror before grabbing her coat as well, “whatever. it’s not like this is going to go anywhere anyway.”
“maybe not, but you need to get out of that door, ma’am! he just let me know he’s at the restaurant,” she hurries, “let me know how it goes. love you both!”
“we love you too,” she mumbles as she walks down the hallways towards the elevator. thankfully the restaurant they had mutually agreed upon (through amanda who kept nagging that she “was not a carrier pigeon”) was just a block away from her apartment in downtown raleigh, so she chose to walk the short distance.
stepping inside, the atmosphere was loud for a tuesday night, but given his apparently hectic work schedule, this was really the only day that worked for him to which-
“he doesn’t even want to make time for me?” she all but scoffs as she she crosses her legs on amanda’s couch, getting ready to tune into the bachelor, “if i had a tiny red flag, i would be waving it right now.”
“if you knew, you would understand,” amanda sipped her wine as she throws a blanket over the two of them.
“you want to keep him such a secret.”
“uh, i’m meeting someone. a guy, kind of tall,” she tries to describe him to the hostess in the way he was described to her, “an accent?”
“follow me, honey,” the teenage girl grins as she leads her further into the restaurant and out onto the back patio. she gestures towards a table where only a single person was sitting and he was preoccupied with a his phone. “there’s your guy. go get ‘em gorgeous.”
“i- thanks?” she walks away as quickly as she came.
she watches the man and just as she takes a step towards him, his head lifts up. his face brightens and she watches his eyes scan her body, stopping at her midsection. yep, it wasn’t a joke, she thinks as she approaches him. only a split second of alarm crosses his features before a soft grin takes over and he’s getting out of his seat to pull out hers, “i’m andrei.”
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mp0625 · 7 months
Sun and Sand
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Pyotr Kochetkov x reader
Taglist. Masterlist.
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A/N: sorry it was posted late, this is for Pyotr’s shutout on Saturday
You came down to Florida with Pyotr to support him in his second stint in the NHL this season after Andersen was sidelined. You said it was an excuse to support him but you really just wanted to go to the beach.
After the bad loss on Friday to Florida with Pyotr sitting on the bench. You were ready to get home, but you still had to go through Tampa. When you got off the plane that you took with the boys to Tampa there was a sense of dread in the air for not knowing if the game will end well or not. With Pyotr starting you were nervous as hell because you didn’t know what was going to happen. As the periods ticked away in the game, and save after save that Pyotr made, your anxiety got less and less. When the clock hit zero and the buzzer went off, you screamed your head off, and you went to celebrate with the team.
The morning after you woke up in Pyotr’s arms cuddled up, after a few minutes when you knew he was awake. You softly asked “Instead of taking the plane back with the team can we stay an extra day and go to the beach?”
He looked down on you with a soft smile and a kiss and said “Of course, baby.” “Is that why you packed our bathing suits?” He said with a grin.
Once y’all got ready to go, you took an Uber to Clearwater beach. The sand was so white and the water so blue and warm. You swam while Pyotr read. After a while you convinced him to come swim with you. Y’all jumped the waves and swam in the salty water. After a while both of you started to get hungry, so you found a taco shop down the beach a little bit. Once y’all were filled with tacos, y’all went back out into the sun to read and nap. As it was getting dark Pytor woke you up and said “It’s getting dark we should probably head out.”
“But I’m hungry.” You said
“I’ll find somewhere to eat.” He said holding up a finger, “The phone said there is a seafood place up the road from here with good reviews.”
“Ooo let’s do that.”
When y’all got to the restaurant, it smelled delicious. As you sat down, you hadn’t realized how red you had gotten till now. “Oops I forgot to reapply sunscreen after lunch.” Once dinner was done, y’all Ubered back to your hotel, as you were getting ready for bed, you mentioned to Pyotr “Do we have to leave? The weather here is 10 times better than Raleigh.”
A/N pt 2: Yes I’ve been to Tampa and Clearwater a bunch of times that’s how I was able to put the details in.
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Taglist: @studioreader @honethatty12 @slafgoalskybaby @topguncultleader @wondershells
I know I have a few people on the taglist that are new but I’m doing on this on my phone and I don’t have access to the list I’m going to tag them tomorrow when I put this on the masterlist
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behoright · 1 year
love countdown | a. svechnikov
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summary: Y/N and Andrei are best friends, however Andrei’s feelings start to change once Rod announces the team’s new best friends roadie. 
wordcount: 610
warnings: cursing. I suck at writing. this was first posted on @ryanpulock ‘s ask. I just have a lot of horny thoughts - many more (n longer)  chapters coming. will soon include 18+ ᵒᵒᵖˢ  
   ⊹       🦢       ⌣ 
Andrei didn't know what was going on with him. He couldn't understand what had changed. He had been in Raleigh for a while now, and he loved it but it still got lonely sometimes. He loved his job, teammates, and fans, but at the end of the day, he always went to sleep by himself. He had tried to fill that void with a million girls, with being the last person at the rink, with the cheering from the crowds, but it just didn't do the trick. That's why when he met you, he realized you were the closest person to him that reminded him of family. You lived so differently from him - went to school and worked on your internship, had a close knit group of friends, cooked and grounded yourself in your free time while he spent most of his trying to forget how quiet his apartment was. He really cherished you; of course he had thought about you in that way, but he didn't want to ruin the bond you shared - whenever he felt the impulse, he could just match with a girl and have her over in 30 minutes to make him forget about you, momentarily at least. It all started when Rod announced - "We are thinking about organizing a family and friends roadie. We do mentors and moms every year, and we thought you guys could use an extra fun trip at this point in the season. If everyone is okay with that and has someone to bring, a friend or family member to introduce to your teammates, let us know and we'll do it". The locker room filled with cheer and enthusiasm, and Andrei couldn't help but awkwardly smile - another reminder that he couldn't bring his brother, his best friend; all of his friends in Russia wouldn't make it, no matter how quick he booked a flight. He was absolutely fucked.
The next morning, while on the bus on the way to the next game, his teammates noticed something was off. “I just..ugh. I don’t have many friends here to bring. I don’t know what I will do.”. Martinook and Jarvy looked at each other, making the realization. Yes, the kid had been here for years now, but he was incredibly devoted to his craft and spent most if not all of his time with them or on the ice: they were his family. That’s until Pyotr, eavesdropping, popped up from the seats behind them. “You have friend. Y/N.” Everyone looked at each other, confused as to who this girl was, one they had never heard of. Andrei’s eyebrows dropped, face blushing, and he turned his gaze back to the window. “Who is.. um.. Y/N, Svechy?” the boys asked, trying their best to hide the smirks on their faces. Pyotr tried his best to explain, “Best friend. Always together.”. Andrei snapped back at Pyotr in Russian, and the two started an intelligible conversation for a couple of minutes, while his teammates curiously observed. It all ended with Pyotr, rolling his eyes and looking at the rest of the team, now all gathered around the little group. Andrei felt the pressure, just couldn’t even attempt to explain the asinine idea Koochie was bringing up to his teammates, one that made the pit in his stomach grow bigger and bigger. “You bring Y/N. Perfect for trip.” If any of the boys wanted to say anything, the conversation ended with Rod, a couple of rows forward and eyes focused on his newspaper, announcing “Bring the girl, kid. It’s only a week and now we all want to meet her. End of story.” 
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dailydragon08 · 1 year
A World Without Monsters Ch 2
Read chapter 1 here!
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Pairing: Raleigh x Reader
Summary:  During a post-kaiju war press tour, you and your copilot Raleigh finally  grapple with the growing feelings you have for each other while also  wrestling the world of reporters, politicians, and more who would  manipulate the world's saviors for their own purposes.
Warnings: friends to lovers slow burn, mentions of depression and anxiety, PTSD, and trauma throughout multiple chapters.
A/N:  Raleigh x Reader series about coming to terms with feelings during a  post-movie events press tour, along with a series of flashbacks showing  how you two met and become close while piloting Gipsy Danger. Sorry it took me so long to post this! Been dealing with some pretty serious health issues but am getting better! Hope you enjoy!
Read here on AO3.
December 2025
“A press tour?” you and Raleigh repeated at the same time—rather unenthusiastically.
“Well, don’t sound so excited,” Herc replied. Although the grim look on his face and crossed arms told you he was just about as thrilled as you were. The three of you sat in Pentecost’s old office, the thin strip of window that ran from floor to ceiling revealing the cold winter skies behind your new commanding officer. You still had trouble believing it was a kaiju-free world out there—a world without monsters at last. It was what everyone had wanted, worked towards for years…but, now that it was here, it was like everyone didn’t know what to do.
It had been two months since you’d closed the Breach and in that time, many of those at the Shatterdome had either returned to their families or moved on. About a quarter of the base still remained, you and Raleigh included.
“Do we really have to?” you asked. “I mean, how long is this press tour?”
“Six months,” Herc answered. “And the order came from the White House, so it would be foolish to refuse. They’ve decided to make the first stop Hong Kong to help ease you into it.”
“Okay…but what exactly does a press tour entail?” You looked to your copilot beside you, knowing from his memories that he and Yancy had done some press before he’d died, but nothing like what Herc was describing.
Herc shrugged. “Just…be interviewed, really. Go on talk shows, go to events, talk to different government officials, shake hands, get congratulations, talk to the little people. But since you two are the last two jaeger pilots left…people will probably be a bit crazier than they would’ve been years ago.”
Raleigh sighed and slumped back in his chair, running a hand down his face. You reached over and gave his arm a gentle squeeze. He covered his hand with yours and squeezed back, meeting your eyes. You almost winced at the dark circles that had seemed to take up permanent residence on his face, but yours probably weren’t much better. He gave you a small smile. “Well, at least we’ll be doing it together.”
You smiled back at him, turning back to Herc as he added, “And the official governments of whatever country we’re in will be paying for your accommodations. So you’ll have some of the nicest hotel rooms they can offer, plus no water restrictions.”
“Soooo,” you paused, your hand still in Raleigh’s, “we can take long, hot showers?”
Herc chuckled. “As long as hot as you want. You’ll be pretty pampered from what I’ve heard. You two have earned it.”
“Will you or anyone else be coming with us?”
“I’m coming for support, but they’re more interested in you since you’re young and were part of the mission to close the Breach.” His eyes fell to your shoes, and you could tell he was thinking of Chuck. As much of an ass as he was, he was still part of the team and you couldn’t deny you missed him.
“We’ll be getting a schedule and new orders soon,” Herc continued. “I’ll let you know as soon as we get more information. We’ll be heading out in two weeks.”
“Will we stay in the Shatterdome for the Hong Kong part of the tour?” Raleigh asked, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on the back of your hand. It was almost second nature for you both at this point to comfort each other however you could, mainly through touch. Not that you were complaining.
“No, they’ve got a hotel set up for you in the middle of the city. And…they want everyone to clear out of the Shatterdome soon.”
“What?” you asked, brows furrowing. “But they could revamp the jaeger program, maintain it in case it’s needed again. They can’t possibly think shutting it down again is a good idea after everything we all just sacrificed to keep it alive.” And the Shatterdome was your home now. Where would you go after the press tour?
“I don’t know what their plans are for it. No one has said anything about shutting down the jaeger program, but I’ll try to find out more. They might just want to repurpose the bunker and move the program to a new location, who knows.”
“Doubt it,” Raleigh mumbled. “They’re not known for their intelligence, evidently.”
Herc sighed. “Well, we’ve got our orders. Let’s just concentrate on getting through this without making too many waves.” He chewed on his lip for a moment, his eyes flickering to your and Raleigh’s linked hands. “Dismissed.”
You exchanged a glance with your copilot, sighing as you stood and made your way back to your room. You didn’t even realize you were still holding Raleigh’s hand until Newt’s “hey lovebirds” as he passed you in the hall.
August 2025
As the last of the flying sparks faded away, Raleigh’s smile took their place. It was fitting, since it felt like there were also sparks flying in your stomach whenever those blue eyes landed on you.
You lifted your visor to return his smile. “Hey! Looking for Gipsy?”
“Yep.” He’d changed from his torn sweater and worn-down jacket into military-issue cargo pants, boots, and a dark blue sweater that brought out his eyes. “And you mentioned you would be with Tendo? Is he here?”
“Ayyy, Becket boy!”
Raleigh’s face lit up enough to make rainy Hong Kong seem like paradise. They embraced before Tendo led Raleigh a few feet away to the railing overlooking Gipsy as she went through maintenance. You heard Raleigh mutter “so beautiful” reverently as he stared at her and couldn’t help but pretend he was talking about you. Stop it, you told yourself. You’re in the middle of a war for Christ’s sake.
You only half listened as Tendo rattled off all the improvements made to the jaeger before piping up at your name. “What?”
Tendo made his way over to his workstation with Raleigh trailing behind. He stopped next to you and smiled and you couldn’t help but smile back. He seemed to know how to pull happiness from you with just a look.
“I was telling Raleigh how you’re one of our best,” Tendo said. “And a damn good pilot, too.”
Raleigh perked up. “Hey, I forgot to ask. Are you one of the candidates for my copilot?”
You nodded, feeling excited and also slightly sick at the prospect of Raleigh inside your head. You’d definitely have to get a handle on your thoughts beforehand—if he chose you. “It definitely took some nagging, but I did manage to convince Pentecost to add me to the roster.”
He beamed. “I look forward to it.”
You smiled in return. “Me, too.”
“So, um…” he hesitated, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Tendo’s a bit busy, but what about you? Do you want to get some lunch?”
“Tendo!” you called over your shoulder. “Will you survive if I go get lunch?”
“Knock yourself out,” he replied from where he was bent over a piece of machinery. “But not literally. Your hands are smaller than mine, so I’ll need you to help me with this piece later.”
“Okay, I’ll see you in a bit, fat fingers.”
“Hey! They’re buff, not fat!”
You snorted, heading towards the workshop door with a laughing Raleigh in tow.
“So, you two seem like you get along well. Are you close?”
“I’d like to think so,” you answered as you slapped your visor and gloves down on the table near the door, muttering a shy thanks as Raleigh jumped ahead of you to hold the door. “Don’t tell him I said this, but he is pretty awesome. But he’d just let that go to his head.”
Raleigh smiled, looking around the bustling hallway on the way to the mess hall. You remembered how empty the Shatterdome was when you first arrived. You were one of the first people there with Pentecost and Herc, and the task of turning it into the bustling resistance base it was now seemed impossible. Now with Pentecost’s plan to seal the Breach, it felt like everything was finally coming together for the final attack in a way that made your stomach twist in anticipation. You could very well see the Breach up close soon—and may even die in an attempt to seal it. You resisted the urge to sigh, not wanting to worry Raleigh. Although his mind might have been wandering in the same direction.
You’d been lost in your thoughts and silent for some time during your walk, but he didn’t seem to mind. He threw another lopsided smile your way before jogging ahead of you several steps to hold the mess hall door open for you. You thanked him again, your stomach doing little somersaults at his manners. A good portion of the men on base either ignored you or were constantly trying to one up you, likely intimidated by your skillset. You’d gotten used to getting shoved around, whether it was an accident or some jealous peer trying to prove their superiority. Raleigh had none of that and in fact, seemed to even want to make sure you were taken care of, insisting you go ahead of him in line with your tray, offering to help you reach things, and even asking if you wanted help carrying your tray to one of the open tables. You’d heard stories about the nightmare he’d been through in losing his brother and it amazed you that he was still so sweet and protective, making you yearn for the spot next to him in Gipsy even more.
“So how are you adjusting to the Shatterdome?” you asked as you sat across from him. “Or is it pretty similar to the military bases you’ve been on?”
“Well,” he loaded his fork with an impressive amount of food from multiple sections of his tray. “It’s a lot busier, but that’s probably ’cause they’ve stuffed everyone into one base versus being scattered across several. But I was at the Wall before this and that was just as hectic, so I don’t mind.”
“Looks like there’s plenty of room at this table,” a familiar Australian accent said behind you.
You turned and returned Herc’s smile as he and Chuck headed towards you, trays in hand. “Max!” you cried.
The little bulldog’s tongue lolled out of his mouth happily as he broke into a run and jumped up on the bench next to you. You gave him a good scratch behind the ears as he leaned into you, laughing and pushing him away as he tried to lick at your tray.
Chuck slid into the bench next to you, giving you a nod in greeting as Herc settled next to Raleigh, introducing his copilot.
“He’s more my copilot,” Chuck replied, making you roll your eyes. “Right, Dad?”
Herc eyed him warily and you shook your head. Herc was always so sweet to his son who only ever gave him grief in return. While he’d never turned his ire on you, it didn’t mean you wanted to smack him any less.
The urge to smack became stronger and stronger as Chuck tried to intimidate Raleigh into a pissing competition. You’d seen plenty of pilots do it before—and many had even tried to start it with you—and some even ended with fists. Raleigh maintained his composure well, but you could see the fury building in his eyes, his body stiff and unforgiving. You made a mental note to never get on that side of him. You’d heard enough stories to know he could punt anyone into next week if he wanted to.
“Just make sure you keep up,” Chuck said as he stood and adjusted his baseball cap, “or I’ll drop you like a sack of kaiju shit. Come on, Max!”
Max looked at you and whined as you put another bite of food in your mouth. You sighed and threw a piece of chicken up in the air. Max barked happily before snapping it up in his jaws midair, his little butt wiggling in happiness.
“Max!” Chuck called again and Max went scampering after him.
“He’s a smart kid,” Herc said sadly. “I raised him on me own, but never quite knew whether to give him a hug or a kick in the ass.”
Raleigh paused, glancing at you before replying, “With respect, sir, I’m pretty sure which one he needs.”
Herc’s lips formed a thin line before he turned back to his food in silence. The air felt tense, but you couldn’t help noticing the giant salad Raleigh had created out of his veggies, mashed potatoes, bread, and chicken. You chuckled to yourself as you took a drink of your water.
Raleigh smiled, all his earlier menace disappearing the second he met your eyes. “What?”
“You’ve created a monstrosity on your plate.”
He laughed. “Hey, it’s all going to the same place. You should try it.”
“Tell that to my taste buds.”
“Aw, come on, it won’t hurt ya!” He reached over and dumped a forkful of your chicken into the mashed potatoes.
“Hey!” You shoved futilely at his hand while he took the other and spread some mashed potatoes on your bread like butter.
“There you go!”
“That looks disgusting,” you laughed.
Raleigh’s eyes sparkled with amusement. “Don’t knock it till you try it.”
You frowned in disgust, sticking out your tongue as he held your mashed potato-covered bread out to you.
“Don’t make me play airplane with your bread.”
Still frowning, but also trying not to laugh at how effortless your rapport felt, you slowly took the bread from him and took a bite. It wasn’t half bad, but you weren’t ready to let him know he won. “Plehhhh.”
“You liar, you like it!” he beamed triumphantly.
You scooped the chicken back out of your mashed potatoes and redeposited them in their section of the tray.
“Hey, that’s the best part!”
“Noooooo, you create as many monstrosities on your plate as you want, but leave mine alone.”
Herc chuckled. “How many kaiju guts have you helped the research team transport and this is what grosses you out?”
“Look at his plate, it’s practically its own kaiju!”
Raleigh laughed loud and bright, drawing the attention of several neighboring tables and you smiled, proud you’d been the one to draw that out of him. For a moment, the two of you just stared at each other with dopey grins on your faces and you couldn’t help but admire how his eyes lit up. When you’d first entered the elevator, before he’d noticed you, he carried the weight of someone who had seen too many horrors. Now, you felt like you were catching a glimpse of the man he’d been before—the carefree Raleigh that had his brother to guard his back and bring joy into his life. You only hoped that if  you were chosen as his copilot, you could do the same.
December 2025
“Pretty sure Hermann’s about to run up the wall ’cause of Newt’s—hey, what’s wrong?” you asked as your bedroom door shut behind you with a clang.
Raleigh sat on the bed wearing an unfamiliar black jacket, holding an identical one in his hands. His brow was furrowed and he clutched the clothing like it might evaporate if he wasn’t careful.
Raleigh looked up at you in shock and it took you a moment to realize you’d called him by the nickname Yancy had always used for him. You hadn’t meant to; it had leapt from your mouth unbidden and the wounded animal look in your copilot’s eyes made you wish you could take it back.
“I’m sorry,” you muttered so quietly, you weren’t even sure he’d heard you.
His attention returned to the jacket in his hands. He turned it and you could see Gipsy’s symbol in a large white design on the back. You remembered seeing flashes of Raleigh and Yancy wearing jackets just like it before Alaska. “It’s okay,” he murmured. “I actually, um…” He stood, gently wrapping the jacket around your shoulders. “Here, put your arms through—oh, well, it sort of swallows you.”
“Don’t worry, I’m a good swimmer.” You smiled, hoping to ease some of his pain.
He chuckled, but his smile didn’t reach his eyes. “We can get it fitted. I thought they might be nice for the press tour—or just to have. You don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to.”
“I’ll wear it if you wear yours. We can match.”
He was quiet as his hands gently ran up and down your arms, sliding further down until his fingers were intertwined with yours. When he met your eyes again, you saw tears threatening to spill over.
You frowned. “Raleigh? Are you—”
“I, um,” he cleared his throat, shrugging off his jacket and throwing it on the bed, “need some air. I’ll be back.”
You watched for a moment as he rushed out of the room before something small and white on the inside of his jacket caught your eye. You picked it up to find his name stitched in white lettering on the inside corner. With a start, you checked your own jacket and your heart plummeted as you realized what had gotten him so emotional: there, on the inside of your own jacket, was the name “Yancy Becket.”
You immediately shucked your jacket off your shoulders, slinging it carefully over your arm before running out into the hallway. “Raleigh, wait!”
He turned halfway to the door at the end of the hall leading outside.
You held the jacket out to him. “I can’t take this.”
He gave you a watery smile, sniffling. “No, I want you to have it.”
“Rals, if anyone should have Yancy’s jacket, it’s you.”
He turned to face you fully and took the jacket from you. He stared at it for a moment before slinging it back around your shoulders, holding the lapels so you couldn’t remove it again. “It…” He licked his lips and closed his eyes for a moment before looking at you again. “It feels like this way…Yancy’s protecting you. You have no idea how much you’ve saved me, Y/N. It feels like you’re his way of cosmic apology and it just—it just feels right.”
Now it was your turn to get teary eyed. “Raleigh…”
He cupped your face in his hands, rubbing the rough pads of his thumbs over your cheeks before leaving a lingering kiss on your forehead. You pushed your arms through the jacket sleeves and wrapped them around his middle. He pulled you against him, resting his cheek against your hair as he took a shuddery breath.
A wolf whistle behind you made you jump and you turned to see Tendo walking past. You laughed, Raleigh’s arms still securely around your shoulders as you felt him shake with his own laughter. Despite Raleigh’s sweetness and the comments and whistles you got from your peers, you couldn’t help but still feel insecure. You weren’t sure what you and Raleigh were anymore, really—definitely more than friends, but did he really want to be with you like a boyfriend or even a lover? You two had just saved the world and were just about to do a grueling press tour; he had enough on his mind. The connection between pilots was always special, wasn’t it? Maybe that was all it was.
Raleigh pulled you from your thoughts as his hands fell back down to his sides. “I’m going on a walk…do you wanna join me?”
You smile and nod before following him to the door. Your heart skipped a beat as he jogged the last few steps just so he could hold the door for you, ever the gentleman. As you exited into the cold winter air, you could feel his warm hand slip into yours.
Taglist: @that-girl-named-alex @wayward-avenging
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September MC & OCs of the Month - Special Edition: Celia Moore
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Help us in welcoming September's MCs and OCs of the month! That's right, plural! Most months, CFWC highlights one randomly selected MC or OC from our Meet My MC / OC List. (More info here.) But this month, we're doing something different.
In August, @lilyoffandoms hosted a Writers Appreciation Month, and we announced the September Writer of the Month would be selected from its participants. But all participants agreed - Lily deserved the honor! Still, we wanted to do something nice for the eleven writers who elected to participate to help uplift other writers in the fandom. So, this month, each of the eleven participants will have one of their MCs or OCs highlighted.
We will introduce each MC / OC individually, and once all eleven have been highlighted, a masterlist for the month will be created. We hope you enjoy getting to know all about them!
The ninth MC of the Month is @trappedinfanfiction 's Celia Moore!
Learn more about Celia below...
In your own words, tell us what you like most about your MC. 
It’s hard to say exactly what I like most about her, but probably her dedication. She doesn’t back down when things don’t go her way and will always do everything she can to do what she believes is right. She has worked hard to end up where she has, and she knows it; she won’t let the words of others destroy her own accomplishments. 
Do you feel your MC is like you at all? How are you alike or different?
I feel like I put some of myself in every MC/OC I have, and Celia is no different. She might be the one that I am the most alike, but at the same time, she’s a lot different from me. Maybe a bit more like how I want to be. She’s passionate and not afraid to speak up if something is wrong and is willing to take risks to turn things in a better direction, especially in the medical world. She’s also a lot more social than me. While she enjoys her alone time and keeps a smaller circle of very close friends, she doesn’t really have a problem talking and getting to know new people. 
What is most important to your MC? What is their motivation in life?
The most important thing for Celia is the people around her, her family, friends and patients. They are her motivation. She wants them to have a good life and wants to help where she can. She hates where the medical world is heading, where money is becoming more important than what the people needs. As her influence in the medical world grows, she uses her privilege to work for a world where people don’t have to go into a life-time of debt just to get the help they need, and that no one should be turned away just because of their looks and identity. 
What are their biggest pet peeves/dislikes? 
People who always think they know best because they googled something and generally rude/intolerant people. “Oh, you’re a woman? You have to be a nurse. Let me speak to a man.” is something she hears a lot, and it makes her blood boil.
If your MC could change one thing - anything - what would it be? 
If she could change the world, she would. She knows it’s impossible in reality, but through her work she knows she at least can help her patients. She will do her very best to give every single patient the help they need. Be it someone to talk to, or finding the right treatment.
What is your MC’s favorite quote or song? 
This one is so hard! I never have any idea when I am asked about music, because what I listen to isn’t necessarily what my MC/OCs would like and I honestly can’t even settle on my own favorites. However, I can see her liking Raleigh Carrera’s music.
Is there anything else you’d like to share about your MC?
I never believed that I would ever post any of my writing, but Celia has been my door into sharing it. She has developed into her own character outside the MC I played as in Open Heart and I have had so much fun writing her story. She was my escape during the pandemic and I have gotten so many friends in the fandom because of her. Some have left, and some are still here, and I am grateful for every single one. I never believed what was supposed to be a small drabble would lead to where things are now.
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deputy-ajay-ghale · 1 year
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callowyn · 2 months
20 Questions for Writers
Tagged by @oakashandwillow
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 42...the perfect number
2. What's your total AO3 word count? just shy of 500k which is an insane number
3. What fandoms do you write for? >_> look. is the top fandom on my ao3 page supernatural: yes. am I still actively posting spn fic: technically also yes. but the incoherent scum villain tweets that don't make it onto ao3 are where my heart truly lies rn
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
#1 and #2 are the double header of Cumplane (Pairing), an in-universe meta for @cleromancy's threadfic, and Cumplane Forums AU, an archive of @flightlesscrowkids's communal threadfic that I shamelessly enabled. #5 on the list is also a scum villain chatfic, It's Fine Cause I'm Wearing Cat Ears, where shen yuan is still insane on the modern internet but this time binghe and liu qingge are there. thank you cucumber stans for your support and good taste.
#3 is my untamed big bang from these nettles, alms which I cowrote with @zorrosuchil (chengxian, but also wangxian and a lil tiny bit zhanchengxian, much to jiang cheng's disgruntlement).
#4 is my pacific rim reverse bang Our Blood in the Machinery in which raleigh becket is possessed, but joke's on you, he's into that shit.
5. Do you respond to comments? I try but unfortunately I often give myself the fake homework of needing to reply Meaningfully which means it simply does not happen
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? hmm probably the most it-didn't-have-to-be-this-way classic tragedy fic is The Dismemberment Song (the untamed, nieyao); the deadest dove is Jettison (pacific rim, hansens badtouch)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I was going to say Only Human but then I remembered the last chapter ends with one of the main characters announcing her imminent demise lmao so perhaps my cql fix-it of Waking / Rising
8. Do you get hate on fics? thankfully not, I don't think they get enough attention to have haters lmao
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? only for siblings
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? fandom fusions are my faaaaavorite to spitball. way back in the day I had grand plans for Merlispn which (as the name should make clear) was very silly
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not to my knowledge but cambionverse did once get cited in an academic paper
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? funnily enough one of my smallest and least-viewed spn fics, Driftwood, was translated into chinese!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? nearly all of them in fact! shout out to @thegeminisage and our series Cambionverse which is old enough to be in middle school now
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? I am a multishipper til death do us part ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? fuckin. Envesseled lmfao. ON GOD WE WILL POST THE LAST FIVE CHAPTERS I JUST DON'T KNOW WHEN
16. What are your writing strengths? *eye* think my own jokes are very funny hahaha and I love to write banter & arguments
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I can brainstorm plots all day long but executing upon them is So Hard
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? as a monolingual it is something I would do very sparingly if at all, and only if there wasn't another way to convey the same tone/emotion
19. First fandom you wrote for? the first thing I ever posted to ao3 was The Quest for Camelot which is found poetry from the merlin fic finders comm. before livejournal I did post a few things to ff.net but they are going with me to the grave
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? listen. I understand why it deals psychic damage for my followers to see supernatural content in the year of our lord 20 whatever. but read Cambion those are my kids
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bogmonstergeneral · 2 years
i don’t think we realize how lucky we are to love a band that care about us so much. every post about Riot i’ve seen talks about the care and concern in Gerard’s voice throughout the show, the repeated stopping to make sure everyone was okay, despite time restraints and frustration from the crowd. when i was in Raleigh getting absolutely smashed, i locked eyes with Gerard and yelled we needed to move, and i’ll be damned if they didn’t get us moved back immediately, then looked over to see my thumbs up before we started back. this is one of the biggest bands in the world and they still take the time to check in on their audience like they’re at a house show. we are so fucking lucky to love a band that cares about us and loves us right back.
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cloudslou · 9 months
hiiii the lovely @jlf23tumble tagged me thank u again jen!! ❤️
Rules: shuffle your on repeat playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag 10 people.
1. Mersmack by LÜT
2. Why Don’t U Love Me by Wasia Project
3. Rush by Troye Sivan
4. Vad vill du ha? by A36
5. We Will Save Scandirock by LÜT
6. Burning Eyes R Calling by Wasia Project
7. buddybabe by khallori
8. The Greatest by Raleigh Ritchie
9. Strictly Business by LÜT
10. Petals on the Moon by Wasia Project
hehe ok that’s it. bonus information is i looked at the whole playlist to see if it varied more but no. it really is a lot of lüt, wasia project, and raleigh ritchie.
i am going to tag @fuckthebrits (also so she can see 7), @ahurricanebehindthedoor @silvertongues-mp3 @quelsentiment @silouvertongues @holyshit @pop-punklouis @fadeintolight @faithinthefuturedeluxe @tommos and with this i think i have 10. :P
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skjeinon · 2 years
omg the staal fic 👀👀 can u write like a part 2 where rod finds out or something? doesn't have to be while jordan's fucking u but like some domestic fluff
go ahead and cry little girl - jordan staal (part 2)
shameless jordan staal x brindamour!reader
warnings: no proofread. brindamour daughter. just go away if you simply cannot get past jordan staal 💀 daddy issues. cum kink. daddy is used like 1-2 times?? i can’t remember. princess is the primary pet name. secret relationships. AGE GAP!!! (19/20-33).
summary: daddy issues. part two of go ahead and cry little girl. you all take a family trip (martinooks, slavins, staal and brindamour) to cancun for post season vacation. you just read it.
it had been a month since the end of the season, you had been kinda lonely since everyone had gone on their vacations, the team and your close friends at school. but through the month of june, what you had to look forward to was july.. when your dad, the martinooks, slavins and staal were going on a trip. you got an invitation to go because you just don’t go on trips during the summer, usually you stay home in raleigh, so it was nice.
but finally the trip had been coming around the corner and you could finally anxiously begin to pack to go to some luxury resort in cancun. you had no worries for the trip.. except for jordan. whilst you little secret love affair had been going on since the cookout, you had only been alone with him a few times since. now you’d be with him for 2 weeks, every day, while wearing skimpy bikinis, practically begging him to be fucked. so going through your collection of bikinis, you grabbed everything that wouldn’t necessarily draw attention to you, besides those .. few that you could get away with. you’re with dad and kids, remember. these are just for those days you’re not with either of them.
the week passed and you’re finally stuck in the airport, sitting next to jordan, leaning against his shoulder while you listened to music on your phone. you didn’t care at this point, at least not enough about the fact that you were resting your eyes while laying on his shoulder. it was one of the many things the older guys had accustomed to, and that was your level of comfort with them. eventually he looked down at your phone while you picked a new song
“what are you listening to?” his voice was gentle as he asked, making me smile a little. i pulled one of my earbuds out, looking up at him. “just a playlist.. nothing special..” you smiled, before looking back down at your phone, you clicked on the song and showed him. he nodded and you just went back to laying against his shoulder. eventually you got on the plane , sitting with your dad, you put your earbuds back in after take off and sleep for most of the flight. getting a soft shake on your shoulder, you realize that you’re about to land and you’re almost able to officially enjoy a long vacation away from home.
it took nearly a stressful walk off the plane, gathering luggage and getting to the resort for your ass to be at peace. you almost shook like a chihuahua until you got to the resort, staying in a villa along the beach. walking in, you dramatically throw yourself onto a couch as the others come and settle in.
“y/n, you gonna come grab your stuff?” marty says to you, as he walks past you to claim a bedroom. you nod weakly, getting up to go explore the bedrooms. you walk upstairs and see a room that opens up to the balcony, while not being the master it’s pretty nice so you dove into the bed, claiming it as your own. throwing down the jacket you had wrapped around your waist and your phone on the bedside table, you walk downstairs and grab your luggage. coming back up you see that jordan claimed the one next to your room. great.
you had finally gotten settled in, putting clothes away and pushing your suit case into a corner, you put some stuff away in the bathroom and let out a tired sigh as you opened the balcony door to step outside. it was warm but the breeze was nice. you sat down and stared at the water before you heard footsteps, ignoring it until you felt someone behind you. leaning over to place a kiss on your head. “you look stressed, you alright?” jordos voice invaded your senses.
“yeah im fine. i just don’t like airports and checking in at hotels.. then luggage.. everything about the beginning process to traveling is stressful.” you glance at him as he sits down next to you. you both sit in silence for a moment. you thought about him. you thought about how you definitely weren’t dating but weren’t seeing other people. it wasn’t friends with benefits. it just was definitely dads coworker with benefits. “jordan.. you don’t see anything actually happening between us.. do you.” you mumbled, looking down at your hands. “i don’t think this is the best place to talk about that, princess..” he mumbled, his eyes also going down to his hands, seeing a bare ring finger at 33. “you’re right. i’m sorry..” you bring your thumb to your mouth, biting down on your nail before jaccob walked in. “hey, do you guys wanna help figure out dinner?” he said, shooting you a smile. you nodded , getting up with jordan shortly behind you.
picking dinner was hard with a ton of people but finally you all narrowed it down and everyone changed into something nicer before leaving to go to dinner. pulling on a silk slip dress, you stood in the mirror before, you saw your dad in your doorway. “cmon honey, let’s get going.” no matter how much he seemed to discard you, he still somehow spoke to you in a kind voice that he rarely spared to anyone. you grabbed a clutch and walked out the door, making your way downstairs. dinner felt long and maybe it was just your exhaustion but you were practically falling asleep in your seat as you waited for your food.
“you okay?” marty asked you as you were leaving the restaurant, his baby in his arms as he walked up next to you. “oh yeah-“ you shot him a big smile. “i’m just sleepy is all!” he nodded. “okay, as long as you’re all good..” he smiled, taking a free hand to gently ‘dad hit’ your shoulder. finally getting back home, you said a quick goodnight to everyone, you walked upstairs, undressed and changed into some shorts and a tank top, diving into bed.
your room was silent before you heard your door open. “goodnight honey.” your dads voice was gentle and you mumbled a goodnight. “love you.” he said before closing the door. you could barely utter a response before he closed the door again. groaning into your pillow , you grab your phone and text jordan.
‘can you come to my room when it’s clear?’
‘yeah i’ll be in there in a minute’
a good 10-20 minutes passed before he was quietly slinking off to your room. walking in he looked down at you in the bed. you looked up at him with a small smile, tapping the bed so he would lay down with you. rolling his eyes he finally laid down on top of the sheets, his arms wrapping around your frame. “i missed you…” you mumbled, pushing your face into his chest. “me too, princess”
while obviously you’d been with him all day and seen him on and off, you never got to just lay with him, let him comfort you, let him just love you. you pulled your face from his chest and placed your lips against his. you let out a soft breathy whimper against his lips, bringing your arms up to his hair , burying your fingers in his long hair. his hands gently finding their way up your waist, thumbs pressed under your breasts. “jordan..” you mumbled against his lips. “f-fuck..” your body was warm despite the lack of clothing. “baby, we can’t do this” his lips ghosted over yours as he spoke. “i know..” you sighed, nose pressed to his, lips hardly touching. you licked your lips, tongue dragging over his as well. “mhm.. do you now..” he teased, pulling you closer to him. “i just need you” your voice was small, quiet and needy. “cmere then..” he finally gives in. he had been ignoring the growing hardon between his legs that he got when he saw you laying in just those shorts and a tank top, your nipples peaked from the chilly room, the shorts hiked up your legs , exposing your thighs. he was weak. he pulled your shorts to the side, pulling your lacy panties with them. spreading your legs. he quickly felt the slick between your legs, causing him to groan softly. your lips parted, a quiet moan leaving you before he pulled his cock out, lining up with your pussy before he pushed in.
“j-jordan-“ you pushed your face into his neck, muffling the way his name left your mouth. “oh my fucking god..” he groaned, trying to keep his voice down as he stuffed his cock into your tight cunt. “i just wanna sit here for a minute..” he says as he placed his hands on your hips, holding you on his cock. “jordy i’m tired.. i’ll fall asleep” you look up at him, eyes lidded. “if you fall asleep that means i can’t get up and leave..” he lets out a soft chuckle. i wish you could stay..” your voice was becoming sleepy, just feeling full satisfied you enough. “i know, princess.” he speaks as he slowly begins to move his hips against yours. your hands now against his back resulted in your nails against his skin, slowly digging in.
he began to slowly, and as quietly as possible, fuck you. he brought a hand down, gently lifting your leg up so he could get a better angle, picking up his thrusts a little. your moans became a little more desperate, causing him to coo a gentle “be quiet , princess. you have to be quiet..” you nodded , pushing your face into his chest, using him as a pillow to muffle your moans. rutting his hips against yours, you dug your nails into his back. “daddy.. i’m- fuck-“ you began to mumble incoherent words as he hit that spot that had your legs shake. “i’m gonna .. cum soon.. p-please” you uttered, causing him to grunt in acknowledgement. “it’s okay, baby doll. cum on my cock when you need to..” dropping that overly dominant facade, and just playing comfort to ease you through an orgasm, you could feel that knot in your stomach begin to twist until he hit that spot one more time, causing your nails to dig deep in his shoulder as you cried into his chest, cumming in his cock as you shook around him. he held you close, grounding you while he bit back a groan as he buried himself deep inside of you, cumming deep inside of you, filling you up.
“you okay, princess?” he speaks , his voice was raspy as he looked down at you. your breaths were heavy as you nodded. he slowly, regretfully, pulled out of your pussy, pulling your panties and shorts back in place before he pushed himself back into his shorts. your fell more sleepy, as you cuddled into his chest.. he hated to ruin it, but he had to. “princess, i gotta go back to my room.” his hand gently rubbing over your back. you nodded, reluctantly letting him go. “it’s okay.. we have two whole weeks of this.” he smiled, slowly getting up, helping to put you under the covers. he placed a soft kiss on your lips. “goodnight, princess.” he speaks against your shoulder. “goodnight…” you mumble, upset at his lack of warmth against you body, but quickly falling asleep at the lack of something taking your attention.
the night turned to morning and you had a slow rise, remembering that staal had gotten up to leave before you had fallen asleep. you glance out at the beach before getting out of bed, pulling a hoodie over your tank top before grabbing a bag of products to start your morning. quickly brushing your teeth and washing your face, you made your way to drop the items in your room before going downstairs. entering the kitchen, you see the house is nearly empty while there’s left over breakfast on the counter. looking around, you see no one’s inside, until the sliding door opens, jordan walking in. “everyone’s on the beach.. i stayed back to wait on you.” he smiled. it was welcoming, making your heart melt a little as you gathered some food on your plate before warming it up. he made his way over to you, hands coming to your waist as you turned, leaning against the counter while you waited. placing your hands up around his neck, he leaned down to kiss you, his lips soft against yours.
“this is kind of risky, don’t you think?” you whisper against his lips, before kissing him once more. “just maybe a little bit..” he smiles, pushing you back into the kiss a little more. “i’m still thinking about last night” he speaks before his tongue is over your lips, soon pressing against yours. you made a small sound of approval, saying ‘me too’ while his tongue pressed against yours inside of your mouth. your sloppy make out was interrupted by the loud microwave in your ear. a short groan left you as he reaches over you and pulls out the plate, handing it to you before he let go of you so you could sit and eat.
sitting down at the counter, you quietly ate in silence, only really staring at your plate while you thought about what you’d do that day.
“do you wanna get dressed and go down to the beach after you finish?” you nodded quickly and finished eating, getting up to put the plate away. he was already dressed, ready to go down to the beach, he had been probably for a while but he didn’t mind. he gently took your hand as you began to walk back upstairs. “wait, cmere.” you backtracked. “what??” you let out a small laugh. standing between where his legs were parted, he pushed your hair back. “you’re just gorgeous.” he smiled, leaning down to place a kiss on your lips. your cheeks were pink as you smiled into the kiss. “yeah okay” you giggled as he let you go, running upstairs to quickly change.
the time of separation away from him while only being 6 feet away from him was like dreadful. it was every time you guys were in public together. PDA wasn’t either of y’all’s strong suits but at the very least, hand holding, his hand on your side or just leaning against him was.
you ended up playing with jaccobs baby girl, emmy, for most of the day. her and her mom, marty and marty’s wife ending up burying you in sand while you laid against the sand. your sunglasses covering your eyes while they turned the sand pile into a mermaid tail. it was truly adorable but the feeling of getting up with sand in your swimsuit was awful. eventually you just had to go in the water and try your hardest to get it out, but to no avail, it was awful.
at least with all of this happening, you were in a position to not think about jordan until everyone decided to go back to the house late in the afternoon. you wished you had gone back sooner due to the chafing that the sand would cause, but you coped. you always did.
“I CALL THE SHOWER FIRST.” you yelled as you walked in. while only you, your dad and jordan would share the bathroom, jaccob and the other jordan taking the downstairs bedrooms, one that had a master bathroom and the other with a full downstairs, it was still a lot of people to share a bathroom. practically scrambling up the stairs to get your bathing suit off, you got in the bathroom and started to run the shower almost immediately as you got in there. pulling off the sandy bathing suit, you stepped into the shower and let out a loud sigh of relief. standing in there, the sand peeled off your body as you heard a gentle knock and the door open. “it’s just me.” jordan mumbled, setting some clothes on the sink. “clothes on the counter.” he then closed the door and you smiled a little to yourself before continuing your shower.
you finished your shower and pulled on the clothes he had left you. he just left some stuff that was in the drawers of your bedroom and you were pleasantly surprised at the comfort of what he had given you.
you prayed to god that your dad never found out.. at least not while you were on this trip but by the amount of time you’d have together it would almost be impossible to not find out. the secret was almost agonizing, but what the hell are you going to tell him. “oh yeah, me and your captain are fucking on the regular.” of course yeah. but it wasn’t even just exclusively fucking, it was practically dating without a title. the title just didn’t feel right, so you liked it this way, so did he. so it was hard, hard to just tell your dad. meaning some day he would just have to find out…
so being in cancun for a few days, not much had changed but you and the families had gone out to do things every few days and almost every night jordan was in your room laying down with you while you mumbled short conversation to each other while you laid in his arms. it was probably the best part of the trip… until.. the night he falls asleep in bed with you. you weren’t doing anything wrong.. the worst part was the fact that he had his leg between yours, his thigh pressed against your pussy from where you would just grind against his thigh while you both laid there and talked. his thighs were big.. what a crime.
your face was snuggled into his chest when the sound of the door opening made your ears practically perk up. you hadn’t even realized that you had fallen asleep in his arms the night before. fuck. whoever opened the door was quick to shut it.. without thinking you just ignored it, falling back asleep, but for only a second when practically stomps came down the hallway, your door SWINGING OPEN. jordan was only just now waking up, waking up to the rude awakening of your father catching him in bed with you.
“what the hell is this?!” his voice came out , almost a little shaky. was he scared?
you shot up, almost knocking jordan in the face as you did so. you were speechless, barely even awake. jordan sat up and finally could figure out he had even fall asleep- “huh?” he squinted before figuring out he was being yelled at. “WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?” rod practically screamed at him. “i was SLEEPING” you shouted back. “WITH HIM?” he points at jordan. “YES WITH HIM.” you can’t even process a good argument, not being this tired. “oh my god.. GET OUT.” he shouts, looking at jordan. he looks just as shocked, quickly scrambling to get out of bed. “what in gods fucking name are you doing sleeping with MY DAUGHTER.”
“i’ve been doing it all week!” he throws his hands up in defense. “SLEEPING WITH MY DAUGHTER??” jordan was practically like a teenager again trying to figure out how to calm him down while you threw yourself back into the sheets. “dad.. calm down.” you groan, cutting him off as he began to speak again. “please..” you mumble. he turns to look at you and you sat up again, reluctantly. “ive.. been sleeping with him since like.. june..” you mumble. rod then looks back at jordan and he nods, looking to the ceiling, too nervous to look him in the eyes. you dad is stunned. he just walks out.
jaccob is standing behind the door, asking if he’s alright and he just says “your captain is fucking my daughter.” before walking downstairs.
jordan looks at jaccob through the door and his eyes are wide before jaccob shuts the door again. jordan goes to lay back down with you. “well.. that’s one way to break it to him.. isn’t it.” he opens his arms to let you lay with him. you gladly take his invitation and push your body against his frame. “what do you think he’s going to do…” you mumble quietly, feeling sleep fall over you again. “try to separate us.. it’ll be fine.” he pushes his face into your head, kissing the top of it.
(HAHAH IM ENDING THIS HERE CAUSE I HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO WRITE IM SORRY!! 😭, look out for more staal stuff, i have other requests to fill out 🙄)
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