#Raccoon Asks
britcision · 10 months
raccoon anon again the batfam figure out the third raccoon is actually a raccoon this time and Damian REFUSES to let Batman take him away. The littlest Robin gains a fearsome raccoon sidekick!!!
WAIT what if before the batfam catches all three raccoons, the magic one TURNS JOKER INTO A RACCOON. Rumors spread that particularly bad criminals get turned into raccoons by the little Robin and that his raccoon sidekick used to be the Joker (at least until the joker escapes Arkham again >:((()
Damian’s side kick the normal raccoon fucking eats whatever made Danny and Jason raccoons
the raccoon ABSOLUTELY can and will turn anyone it wants into raccoons from this point on
absolutely no one can convince the raccoon to turn anyone specific either into a raccoon or back
Joker is returned to Arkham As A Raccoon cuz fuck it he’s easier to contain (Jason begs them to give him to Animal Control instead but Bruce says no)
the rumours absolutely spread and get conflated (Harley takes one long thoughtful look at Dami’s raccoon and know it isn’t Joker, takes a second at actual!Joker raccoon and fucking perishes of giggles)
the raccoon turns Dick into a raccoon for about a week so Dami has two new raccoon side kicks until Dick is turned back in the middle of a fight so now everyone thinks Nightwing is a tanuki
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xekstrin · 2 years
hi sorry to pop in randomly, but you’re a writer i really admire and i wanted to ask you something. lately i’ve been having issues with my writing mostly confidence issues and it’s causing me a lot of anxiety, to the point that even when i do manage to finish feel it meets the goals/standards i have for myself and the product feels disappointing instead of like something i’m proud of.
i was just wondering if you ever experience feelings like this with your writing? And if you do how you do you deal?
lol. lmao, even. uh yeah I feel this literally every day of my life for the past ten years.
this feeling never goes away. you kill it and it returns just as strong. but you're stronger too.
troubleshoot your shit.
"I can't write no matter what" is it the story? or are you not feeling okay?
take care of yourself and have some dedicated rest. read a book or enjoy something fun. read a bad book and get mad and think I could do better than this shit!
If you're feeling ok but the words still won't come, my advice is 'get over yourself' and write it shitty anyway. who cares. what's the worst that's gonna happen? who's gonna sue you? who's gonna stop you? anybody giving you shit isn't worth your time.
you don't get any better unless you finish your work. and you don't get better if you don't finish. so finish, even if it's bad, and then learn what was bad about it and try not to do that again. wash repeat etc be unglamorous about it. do it shitty. make it shitty on purpose. then next time do it right. or don't!
if your expectations are holding you back, then free yourself of your expectations.
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vowtogether · 1 year
I need yalls next book like yesterday
Hope you like superheroes :)
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hey raccoon do you want my sona lore,,, ;3 /nf
YES. I LOVE LORE GIMME GIMME <- Totally not excited because of your lore
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g1gglee-rxccoon · 1 year
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍 I’ll leave somme leftovers
❤️ - I refuse to answer this
🧡 - .....Nnnnowhere (Uh something that won't kill Me, like my neck or smth)
💛 - too many good ones, I'd say all are equally good<3 :D
💚 - aha about this one uh... depending on how rough, it's a maybe, I cannot handle gentle either so uh aum uh roughly for thirty minutes I guess</3
💙 - t-word monster why would this be of information to you good sir
💜 - uhhhh why ...aha.. rib counting gives me energy and makes me hyper fisbfbjsn
🤎 - wooo here we goo @quackalee, @wilblee-soot, @an-inkling-of, @j-switch, @rxsahgrce, @ticklishavian, @duckie-rulez, and way too many others to count lmao
🖤 - my friend got wrecked for stealing their boyfriend's food
🤍 - friends, why not, I get to be goofy and relieve feelings, people are chill, Yada yada
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littlecrittereli · 3 months
Have you thought about a situation where CPS has almost taken Chris away? The angst potential for this AU is good
If they were ever close, Chris would have never known about it...
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Also shout out to the anon who suggested I call this AU Guardianship AU!! It now has a name YIPPEEEEE
I'm gonna lore dump about it real quick bc I have ideas and if I do not say them I will forget them.
Martin is 9 years older than Chris. Their parents died when Martin was 17 and Chris was 8. Martin got emancipated and was able to take custody of Chris but like all government branches... it's a really long process that basically drags out for Chris' entire childhood. Martin graduates high school early, gets a full-ride scholarship at Duke University while maintaining various jobs and internships. Sounds like a lot? yEAH bro is TIRED. But he's willing to put in the work if it means a better future for his bro.
Of course eventually he becomes apart of the Tortuga crew and things get a lot easier for them both. CPS is still riding his ass about taking Chris with him on these cross-country expeditions but he's been dealing with them for so long at that point it's not as scary.
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rottenraccoons · 2 months
For, you know, totally scientific reasons, how far do Keirs freckles go????????👀👀👀
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You'll get to ask him yourself at some point 😊
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lazylittledragon · 2 months
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tattoo designs for the portfolio >:))
ps: these aren't for sale and please don't use them bc i'm trying really hard to get an apprenticeship thank you!!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
Your posts about wen ning are making me very sad. He just wants a hug 😔 can we wrap him up in a weighted blanket instead of chains? Much more comforting and still deadly when thrown at others!
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He has been blanketed and given a mug of hot coco.
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lynxgriffin · 1 month
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Do not ask just accept
I accept this heartfelt gift with gratitude...
/gently places it on my windowsill and waters it
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feralsteddie · 1 year
Steve finds the damn thing in the trash.
And like, he's not stupid, he knows what a cat is, knows none of the upside down creatures are all fuzzy and wide-eyed, but he's been through some shit, alright, and he's not too keen on taking chances.
It's got weird deformed front paws, and it's tiny, like, maybe two handfuls if he's generous, and it's sopping wet from the rain the night before and there's just something about it's big, sad eyes that makes him think too much of the party. And, well, he'd want someone to take the kids in if they were left in the rain, right?
He tells himself firmly that he's just going to dry it off. Maybe give it a little snack for the road. It's what any decent person would do, and it'd stave off some of the guilt he'd feel when he'd have to set it outside by the woods.
And then he thinks about Robin's rant about rabies, and he's looking up the number to the nearest animal hospital. Their next availability isn't until the morning, and he's not going to let the damn thing just get soaked again just to take it to the vet the next day, so he sets up a little bed made out of a spare trunk in the attic, an old pillow, and bedding from the guest room closet that had that weird pink floral pattern the kids threatened to burn if they had to see it on their bed again.
And when he goes the receptionist looks startled, and he gets defensive of the little thing because hey just because it has weird little paws doesn't mean they can make fun of it. He can't quite make out what they say, his hearing's been going out in his left ear and they're talking too fast for him to catch, but he thinks they mention something about it being a girl in there somewhere.
He pays for the vaccination and drives them back home.
And he sort of gets to thinking.
Because Claudia had been talking about how feral cats were becoming a problem, like, ecologically or whatever. Killing local birds and overpopulating and all that shit, and, it'd kind of be irresponsible of him to just let her loose right?
He makes a quick run into the nearest pet store, keeps the little thing tucked inside his hoodie pocket because she seems to like it there. And he keeps one hand in the pocket to make sure she doesn't try to escape and her weird little paws grasp his thumb and he feels a lurch in his chest, and well, fuck.
In for a penny and all that.
He gets her a nice big crate because he doesn't think she should be let loose while she's still so young when he can't be home. And an actual bed that's raised on three sides and got this black and pink plaid pattern he thinks would go with his ugly room wallpaper in a funny way. And two little pink bowls with little princess crowns on them. And a cute collar with different shaped tags he can get custom engraved. And a bunch of toys because cats need a lot of mental stimulation, right? And he sees the cat sweaters and really just can't resist can he, she's so small what if she gets cold?
It's when he gets to the food he gets a little stumped. He reads the ingredients lists and there are a lot of words on there he doesn't understand and who the hell is just gunna feed their kitten random shit? And he finds a book on cat-food recipes and it's all the shit he eats anyways and figures that's probably safer for his baby kitten.
He gets home, his kitten (freshly dubbed Rhiannon because he was listening to Fleetwood in the car on the way to the vet and, sorry kitty, he was not going to share a name by calling her Stevie) still tucked away all happy in his pocket while he gets her set up.
He gets to making up some of those recipes, pulling out a stack of tupperware containers so he can stock up and freeze her food for the week, and she climbs out of his pocket to sit on his hip. Tews had never done something like that, but she was a shoulder cat, so he guessed different pets all had their things.
He's in the middle of dividing the food up when the doorbell rings, and he's really careful about making sure he has a hold on her so she doesn't try to wiggle out and escape while he answers the door.
It's Eddie, he'd almost forgotten they made plans in all the excitement. He's got his usual smirk stretched across his face, pulling at the scar on his cheek for just a moment before his eye catches on Rhiannon. He blinks a couple of times, and Steve smiles wide as he prepares to introduce the new member of the party.
Eddie cuts him off though, pure confusion on his face as he takes in his new girl.
"Harrington. Why the fuck do you have a raccoon?"
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xekstrin · 1 year
Alright, Alright, I give up. I've downloaded Arknights. Whoever I become now is laid squarely at your feet.
[notices your icon] got another one
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friendlyengie · 1 year
If you are still taking requests can I please please either the normal mercs or your fem mercs with kittens pls it would be so cute
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There’s a lack of actual mercs in this because I got carried away drawing her with other various tee eff two animals but. Hands her to you gently.
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Explain your profile picture. Now./@i-send-you-random-asks
OH! Sorry for not seeing this I was busy jdjdj
But oh well, It started as a joke with my friends! About how I wanted to steal their garbage as a joke, then I thought "why I'm not known as a raccoon?" So since there any account you find me with has raccoon or random AND has a profile picture of a raccoon!
And the banner is basically the same. It's just saying that Random (my OC and how I represent "myself") (it's an OC at this point) is a raccoon!
Lesson of the day: Put your garbage away from me because it's not going to be in the same place when you come back.
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zimthandmade · 6 months
Do you think any of the Wammy’s would have fursonas/what are they? :3 I’m not a furry personally but I think it’s super neat and whimsy
No, I don't think so; not their cup of tea. BUT this triggered a primal part of my brain. Animals are in my veins.
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(Matt as a raccoon, Mello as a fox/jackal/african wild dog, Near as a ringtail cat)
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rottenraccoons · 2 months
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"I've heard about how much you've been doing recently, it's really impressive. Good work."
(YOU RECEIVE: "nice job making some great games" headpats!)
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