applejuicyy · 1 year
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this fucking drawing has taken so much from me. but it looks cool so idc
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solardistress · 9 months
so so scared of spoilers all the time forever
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thepunkmuppet · 7 days
mcr might be a surprise band at download…. the weekend before my birthday…. here in the uk…. this is fine it’s fine I’m fine
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cult-of-a-buttercup · 5 months
I wish to leave this cult my leader as I wish not to see you my leader and anya go to the love tent- Goodbye!
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 5 months
when Charlie said, “I’ve been through times I thought I’d never get a chance to even see your face again.” I just
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I’m a sucker for tragedy
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gungoo4lifer · 10 months
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It was just a normal day. Just like the others.
He opened his eyes caused by the blonde's shouting for him to wake up, probably coming from the kitchen. Of course the other always cooked the breakfasts for both of them. Gun sucked at cooking.
However, when the cooking was done, the blonde one remained silent the whole breakfast. A rare sight, despite all the food on his mouth, his mouth would never stop talking, even at breakfast. So why was he so silent today?
"Someone is silent today." Gun breaks the silence.
Goo shrugs, chewing the pancake in his mouth. "Meh. I just have nothing to say today."
One eyebrow raised, Gun chuckles as if it sounds so ridiculous, hilarious, even. "Nothing to say? That's not something you'd say. Upset with me again?"
"Nope, seriously."
The raven haired guy pauses before glancing down at his phone, to clarify something in his mind. "It's not a special day either, is it? Did I forget the opening day of the movie we were supposed to go?"
He can't help but laugh, "You thought you forgot it?"
"Well, judging from your silence, i did. You being silent is.. a rare sight, you know."
The blonde agrees, staring down at his pancakes. ".. I know."
"If something is wrong.. just.. say it already." An attempt to comfort. He wasn't even good at comforting people, damn it.
He rolls his eyes, filling his mouth with pancakes. "Ahh, shut up, damn it! Let me enjoy these pancakes in silence, I'm a grown man, why would I be sad out of nowhere? I'm alright." His lips curves into a smirk.
Gun doesn't believes that smirk in the slightest.
"You sure you're not upset with me?" Gun asks out of the blue, to the man's head lying on his lap. His hair felt utterly soft on his hand, just as always.
"Mhm." Goo replies with a hum, eyes still close.
Guns hand travels down from his hair to his face, stroking his cheek. "Come onnn, i can tell that you're upset. What's the matter, dear?"
The dear card again. Gun's aware that the blonde he loved can't handle it. The nicknames thingy all started with a mock, both of them couldn't tell if they were still mocking or not, though.
Hell, they weren't even officially together as a couple, damn it. But still.. both of them .. enjoyed those moments of theirs. It was.. calm, comforting. Friends don't call each other affectionate nicknames like these, do they? Once again, they couldn't tell.
That's why Goo admits it, finally.
"Well.. you did forget something, actually."
Gun raises one of his eyebrows, his hand still slowly stroking his cheek. "And that is?"
"..my birthday. Today's my birthday, Gun."
Gun pauses. His hand pauses, too.. "Oh.." he hums with a low tone, "Why didn't you tell me about it earlier i.. forgot. I was really busy today, you know."
Goo laughs. "Why are you even apologizing, dumbass? It's not that big of a deal, is it?" He says, getting into a sitting position, not a second after, he finds himself in Gun's arms, head resting on his shoulder.
".. I know how sensitive you are with birthdays, Goo.." Gun coos, stroking Goo's back hair. "..happy birthday. I may have forgot it but- the day isn't over yet, is it? We still have three hours left."
Goo's lips curves into a faint smile.
Of course he was sensitive about birthdays. Obviously. He never really celebrated his birthdays in his childhood. Friends to celebrate birthdays with? Please, that's ridiculous. Every other child was scared of him and his.. 'odd' attitude.
It didn't stop in his teenage years either, everyone was still intimidated by his presence, let alone daring to celebrate his birthday.
Even his family. In their eyes, he was nothing but a disgrace anyway.
But.. it all changed once he met Gun.
Someone celebrated his birthday for the first time in many years. It's not a big deal if he forgot it for just once, he's not that vulnerable..
"Happy birthday, Goo." Gun calls out. The floor he was sitting on felt utterly cold, so did his back lying against the wall. His body. It felt cold.
"..You remembered my birthday?"
"Yeah." He confirms, gaze on the floor. "..i set it as my password."
Goo slightly tilts his head, looking down at the man in front of him. "Why would you do something like that?"
"I knew a guy who became vulnerable when it came to birthdays."
"Are you making fun of me right now?"
"No, no. I'm serious. It was someone i used to be really close with." Gun still doesn't move off his gaze from the floor.
"..that doesn't sound suspicious at all."
"It's the truth. I'm telling you this because he told me when his birthday was. And i forgot it. Just once."
"Why does that even matter?" Asks Goo, one eyebrow raised.
"That's the problem. Out of every single person he knew, he only told me his birthday. He didn't really tell anyone about his birthday. No one else even celebrated it anyway, including his family he used to have." Gun's voice is cold. It doesn't has a single emotion in it.
"I kinda get that."
"Yeah. But since the day he told me, he saw his birthdays as an important thing for the first time. And. And i forgot it." Gun's obsidian eyes were as if they were glued to the floor. They just couldn't look up.
"Come on now.. it doesn't matter now."
Gun pauses a several second before answering with a low tone, ".. I didn't think that it was big deal back then. But it meant a lot to him."
"It's alright." Gun's body feels colder. "..Ever since, i kept his birthday as my password for the past years.".
"It was that long ago?" He asks.
"I promised him. I promised that I would never forget it again, even if we separated ways, even if we never talked again, i would always remember 6 november."
Goo places his hand on top of his. Gun doesn't feels it. "I'm.. glad that you remembered my birthday.. I'm sorry for acting like that after you forgot."
Gun remains silent. His face expression still remains emotionless.
"Its okay.. I.." He finally moves off his gaze from the floor to his beloved, making eye contact with him. ".. I wish you were still here with me. I wish this wasn't just an imaginary conversation, Goo."
Goo's lips slightly quivers. "Do.. do you really still think about me?"
"A lot. I still keep all the stuff you bought me. All the letters you sent."
"I read them whenever i.. i feel.. odd. Isn't that so dumb?"
"What's so dumb about that?"
Gun's eyebrows knits, his eyes narrows, gazing deep into Goo's non existent presence, gazing into the eyes that didn't even exist. "how.. how can someone can just come and go in your life and leave behind letters, gifts and a birthday?"
Gun strokes Goo's non-existent hands in those hands of his, before Goo asks, "Why do you even keep all of that?"
"How the hell am I supposed to remember you without thinking of when it all started going wrong? You're not even really here, Goo."
"We'll never have this conversation."
"I have so much I want to admit to you."
Goo looks away. "Is.. is my birthday still your password?"
"Of course. Of course it is."
"..i love you too. I'm sorry I couldn't say it back then."
Goo's presence disappears, slowly fading away into the point that he was no longer there. Gun's hands felt empty. Just like his heart.
"..I hope you're doing well up there."
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izzi-rads · 1 year
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GAH GHOST CLUB FANART !! Silly little coming of age paranormal investigators have taken over a good chunk of my neurons and with finals done I had to make something for it  - If you wanna know more about it check out the creator’s Instagram (please) ((he’s super cool and uber talented and and an
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angelfoodscake · 3 months
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my comfort……
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hiiiiii. vast gang =) the sky is so pretty outside rn
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trainingdummyrabbit · 5 months
Btw did you see the news about LoR getting a port for the ps4 and nintendo switch! And also!! An official japanese dub!!!
I DID I DID IM SO EXCITED ABOUT IT!!!!!! i dont know if ill go for it myself (though i might just since idk how well my laptop will handle th pc version) but seeing that the artbook is included in-game means the entire world And More to me auhghg
and also!!!!! im SUPER excited to see how they direct the japanese dub, i love LOVE comparing vocal performances and this is just another opportunity to do so with a series i adore to death!!!! hearing just the snippets in that one trailer made me super excited im!!! AUGH...
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sillyfaggot · 6 months
does anyone have firefox link or smth there was a post on the dash earlier that had it but i cant find it
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cyberfreaky · 1 year
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us again (real no clickbait!)
guys this is a real photo of vira and i 💗💗
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solardistress · 9 months
yelling in my room the lyrics forever
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thepunkmuppet · 27 days
has anyone ever done a screencap redraw of this but with unholyverse. because um. not to be cringe about emo band rpf on main but I think that would actually crush my heart until it was nothing but dust tbh
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cult-of-a-buttercup · 10 months
Not cotl related but I watched the barbie movie a second time and it hit me even harder
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little-red-devil · 1 year
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