#Psychiatric Patient Treatment in Maryland
psychiatricmedical · 2 months
Psychiatric Patient Treatment in Maryland
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At Psychiatric and Medical Patient Care Service, we promote mental health wellness and recovery through patients’ assessments, diagnosis, medication management, psychotherapy and disease prevention, Our psychiatric consultations are tailored to provide empathetic, holistic, thorough, and competent treatments aimed at improving patients’ recovery and wellness.
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reasonsforhope · 10 months
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Story from the Washington Post here, non-paywall version here.
Washington Post stop blocking linksharing and shit challenge.
"The young woman was catatonic, stuck at the nurses’ station — unmoving, unblinking and unknowing of where or who she was.
Her name was April Burrell.
Before she became a patient, April had been an outgoing, straight-A student majoring in accounting at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. But after a traumatic event when she was 21, April suddenly developed psychosis and became lost in a constant state of visual and auditory hallucinations. The former high school valedictorian could no longer communicate, bathe or take care of herself.
April was diagnosed with a severe form of schizophrenia, an often devastating mental illness that affects approximately 1 percent of the global population and can drastically impair how patients behave and perceive reality.
“She was the first person I ever saw as a patient,” said Sander Markx, director of precision psychiatry at Columbia University, who was still a medical student in 2000 when he first encountered April. “She is, to this day, the sickest patient I’ve ever seen.” ...
It would be nearly two decades before their paths crossed again. But in 2018, another chance encounter led to several medical discoveries...
Markx and his colleagues discovered that although April’s illness was clinically indistinguishable from schizophrenia, she also had lupus, an underlying and treatable autoimmune condition that was attacking her brain.
After months of targeted treatments [for lupus] — and more than two decades trapped in her mind — April woke up.
The awakening of April — and the successful treatment of other people with similar conditions — now stand to transform care for some of psychiatry’s sickest patients, many of whom are languishing in mental institutions.
Researchers working with the New York state mental health-care system have identified about 200 patients with autoimmune diseases, some institutionalized for years, who may be helped by the discovery.
And scientists around the world, including Germany and Britain, are conducting similar research, finding that underlying autoimmune and inflammatory processes may be more common in patients with a variety of psychiatric syndromes than previously believed.
Although the current research probably will help only a small subset of patients, the impact of the work is already beginning to reshape the practice of psychiatry and the way many cases of mental illness are diagnosed and treated.
“These are the forgotten souls,” said Markx. “We’re not just improving the lives of these people, but we’re bringing them back from a place that I didn’t think they could come back from.” ...
Waking up after two decades
The medical team set to work counteracting April’s rampaging immune system and started April on an intensive immunotherapy treatment for neuropsychiatric lupus...
The regimen is grueling, requiring a month-long break between each of the six rounds to allow the immune system to recover. But April started showing signs of improvement almost immediately...
A joyful reunion
“I’ve always wanted my sister to get back to who she was,” Guy Burrell said.
In 2020, April was deemed mentally competent to discharge herself from the psychiatric hospital where she had lived for nearly two decades, and she moved to a rehabilitation center...
Because of visiting restrictions related to covid, the family’s face-to-face reunion with April was delayed until last year. April’s brother, sister-in-law and their kids were finally able to visit her at a rehabilitation center, and the occasion was tearful and joyous.
“When she came in there, you would’ve thought she was a brand-new person,” Guy Burrell said. “She knew all of us, remembered different stuff from back when she was a child.” ...
The family felt as if they’d witnessed a miracle.
“She was hugging me, she was holding my hand,” Guy Burrell said. “You might as well have thrown a parade because we were so happy, because we hadn’t seen her like that in, like, forever.”
“It was like she came home,” Markx said. “We never thought that was possible.”
...After April’s unexpected recovery, the medical team put out an alert to the hospital system to identify any patients with antibody markers for autoimmune disease. A few months later, Anca Askanase, a rheumatologist and director of the Columbia Lupus Center,who had been on April’s treatment team, approached Markx. “I think we found our girl,” she said.
Bringing back Devine
When Devine Cruz was 9, she began to hear voices. At first, the voices fought with one another. But as she grew older, the voices would talk about her, [and over the years, things got worse].
For more than a decade, the young woman moved in and out of hospitals for treatment. Her symptoms included visual and auditory hallucinations, as well as delusions that prevented her from living a normal life.
Devine was eventually diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, which can result in symptoms of both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. She also was diagnosed with intellectual disability.
She was on a laundry list of drugs — two antipsychotic medications, lithium, clonazepam, Ativan and benztropine — that came with a litany of side effects but didn’t resolve all her symptoms...
She also had lupus, which she had been diagnosed with when she was about 14, although doctors had never made a connection between the disease and her mental health...
Last August, the medical team prescribed monthly immunosuppressive infusions of corticosteroids and chemotherapy drugs, a regime similar to what April had been given a few years prior. By October, there were already dramatic signs of improvement.
“She was like ‘Yeah, I gotta go,’” Markx said. “‘Like, I’ve been missing out.’”
After several treatments, Devine began developing awareness that the voices in her head were different from real voices, a sign that she was reconnecting with reality. She finished her sixth and final round of infusions in January.
In March, she was well enough to meet with a reporter. “I feel like I’m already better,” Devine said during a conversation in Markx’s office at the New York State Psychiatric Institute, where she was treated. “I feel myself being a person that I was supposed to be my whole entire life.” ...
Her recovery is remarkable for several reasons, her doctors said. The voices and visions have stopped. And she no longer meets the diagnostic criteria for either schizoaffective disorder or intellectual disability, Markx said...
Today, Devine lives with her mother and is leading a more active and engaged life. She helps her mother cook, goes to the grocery store and navigates public transportation to keep her appointments. She is even babysitting her siblings’ young children — listening to music, taking them to the park or watching “Frozen 2” — responsibilities her family never would have entrusted her with before her recovery.
Expanding the search for more patients
While it is likely that only a subset of people diagnosed with schizophrenia and psychotic disorders have an underlying autoimmune condition, Markx and other doctors believe there are probably many more patients whose psychiatric conditions are caused or exacerbated by autoimmune issues...
The cases of April and Devine also helped inspire the development of the SNF Center for Precision Psychiatry and Mental Health at Columbia, which was named for the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, which awarded it a $75 million grant in April. The goal of the center is to develop new treatments based on specific genetic and autoimmune causes of psychiatric illness, said Joseph Gogos, co-director of the SNF Center.
Markx said he has begun care and treatment on about 40 patients since the SNF Center opened. The SNF Center is working with the New York State Office of Mental Health, which oversees one of the largest public mental health systems in America, to conduct whole genome sequencing and autoimmunity screening on inpatients at long-term facilities.
For “the most disabled, the sickest of the sick, even if we can help just a small fraction of them, by doing these detailed analyses, that’s worth something,” said Thomas Smith, chief medical officer for the New York State Office of Mental Health. “You’re helping save someone’s life, get them out of the hospital, have them live in the community, go home.”
Discussions are underway to extend the search to the 20,000 outpatients in the New York state system as well. Serious psychiatric disorders, like schizophrenia, are more likely to be undertreated in underprivileged groups. And autoimmune disorders like lupus disproportionately affect women and people of color with more severity.
Changing psychiatric care
How many people ultimately will be helped by the research remains a subject of debate in the scientific community. But the research has spurred excitement about the potential to better understand what is going on in the brain during serious mental illness...
Emerging research has implicated inflammation and immunological dysfunction as potential players in a variety of neuropsychiatric conditions, including schizophrenia, depression and autism.
“It opens new treatment possibilities to patients that used to be treated very differently,” said Ludger Tebartz van Elst, a professor of psychiatry and psychotherapy at University Medical Clinic Freiburg in Germany.
In one study, published last year in Molecular Psychiatry, Tebartz van Elst and his colleagues identified 91 psychiatric patients with suspected autoimmune diseases, and reported that immunotherapies benefited the majority of them.
Belinda Lennox, head of the psychiatry department at the University of Oxford, is enrolling patients in clinical trials to test the effectiveness of immunotherapy for autoimmune psychosis patients.
As a result of the research, screenings for immunological markers in psychotic patients are already routine in Germany, where psychiatrists regularly collect samples from cerebrospinal fluid.
Markx is also doing similar screening with his patients. He believes highly sensitive and inexpensive blood tests to detect different antibodies should become part of the standard screening protocol for psychosis.
Also on the horizon: more targeted immunotherapy rather than current “sledgehammer approaches” that suppress the immune system on a broad level, said George Yancopoulos, the co-founder and president of the pharmaceutical company Regeneron.
“I think we’re at the dawn of a new era. This is just the beginning,” said Yancopoulos."
-via The Washington Post, June 1, 2023
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hussyknee · 1 year
The young woman was catatonic, stuck at the nurses’ station — unmoving, unblinking and unknowing of where or who she was. Her name was April Burrell. Before she became a patient, April had been an outgoing, straight-A student majoring in accounting at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. But after a traumatic event when she was 21, April suddenly developed psychosis and became lost in a constant state of visual and auditory hallucinations. The former high school valedictorian could no longer communicate, bathe or take care of herself. April was diagnosed with a severe form of schizophrenia, an often devastating mental illness that affects approximately 1 percent of the global population and can drastically impair how patients behave and perceive reality. “She was the first person I ever saw as a patient,” said Sander Markx, director of precision psychiatry at Columbia University, who was still a medical student in 2000 when he first encountered April. “She is, to this day, the sickest patient I’ve ever seen.” It would be nearly two decades before their paths crossed again. But in 2018, another chance encounter led to several medical discoveries reminiscent of a scene from “Awakenings,” the famous book and movie inspired by the awakening of catatonic patients treated by the late neurologist and writer Oliver Sacks. Markx and his colleagues discovered that although April’s illness was clinically indistinguishable from schizophrenia, she also had lupus, an underlying and treatable autoimmune condition that was attacking her brain. After months of targeted treatments — and more than two decades trapped in her mind — April woke up. The awakening of April — and the successful treatment of other peoplewith similar conditions — now stand to transform care for some of psychiatry’s sickest patients, many of whom are languishing in mental institutions. Researchers working with the New York state mental health-care system have identified about 200 patients with autoimmune diseases, some institutionalized for years, who may be helped by the discovery. And scientists around the world, including Germany and Britain, are conducting similar research, finding that underlying autoimmune and inflammatory processes may be more common in patients with a variety of psychiatric syndromes than previously believed. Although the current research probably will help only a small subset of patients,the impact of the work is already beginning to reshape the practice of psychiatry and the way many cases of mental illness are diagnosed and treated. “These are the forgotten souls,” said Markx. “We’re not just improving the lives of these people, but we’re bringing them back from a place that I didn’t think they could come back from.”
– A catatonic woman awakened after 20 years. Her story may change psychiatry.
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blueiskewl · 9 months
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Groundbreaking Pig Heart Transplant is Performed for the Second Time
For the second time ever, a pig heart has been transplanted into a living human recipient, the University of Maryland Medical Center announced on Friday.
The groundbreaking surgery was done on September 20 at UMMC by the same transplant team that preformed the first such experimental surgery in 2022.
In a news release, the hospital said the recipient, 58-year-old Lawrence Faucette, “is currently breathing on his own, and his heart is functioning well without any assistance from supportive devices.”
Faucette had end-stage heart disease. He had pre-existing peripheral vascular disease and complications with internal bleeding making him ineligible for a traditional heart transplant, the hospital said in the release. He was admitted to UMMC on September 14 after experiencing symptoms of heart failure.
“My only real hope left is to go with the pig heart, the xenotransplant,” Faucette told the hospital in an internal interview several days before the surgery.
The experimental xenotransplant surgery was green lit under the US Food and Drug Administration’s “compassionate use” program. According to the FDA, the program is “a potential pathway for a patient with a serious or immediately life-threatening disease or condition to gain access to an investigational medical product (drug, biologic, or medical device) for treatment outside of clinical trials when no comparable or satisfactory alternative therapy options are available.”
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The pig heart used came from a genetically modified pig from Revivcor, a subsidiary the United Therapeutics Corporation. The pig had 10 genes edited, including three genes “knocked out” or inactivated to eliminate the alpha gal sugar in the pig’s blood cells, which can trigger a severe reaction in the human immune system, causing organ rejection. An additional pig gene was modified to control for the growth of the pig’s heart while 6 human genes were added into the pig’s genome to increase acceptance by the immune system. The FDA first approved the gene edited pigs in 2020 for potential therapeutic use and consumption.
Doctors are also treating Faucette with an experimental antibody treatment to further suppress the immune system and prevent rejection. He will be closely monitored for any signs of rejection or any development of pig related viruses. The donor pig was also closely screened for any signs of virus or pathogens.
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“We are once again offering a dying patient a shot at a longer life, and we are incredibly grateful to Mr. Faucette for his bravery and willingness to help advance our knowledge of this field,” said Dr. Bartley Griffith, in the release. Griffith is the surgeon who performed the transplant and is a professor of surgery at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.
The hospital said Faucette fully consented to the experimental treatment and was informed of all the risks. In addition, he underwent a full psychiatric evaluation and discussed his case with a medical ethicist.
According to the hospital’s news release, Faucette is a married father of two from Frederick, Maryland and a 20-year Navy veteran who had most recently worked as a lab technician at the National Institutes of Health before retiring.
“We have no expectations other than hoping for more time together,” said his wife Ann Faucette, in the release. “That could be as simple as sitting on the front porch and having coffee together.” There are currently no clinical trials that utilize pig organs for transplants in living human beings. The University of Maryland performed the first such experimental surgery on 57-year-old David Bennett in January 2022. Bennett died two months following the surgery.
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While there were no signs of rejection in the initial weeks following the transplant, an autopsy concluded that Bennett ultimately died of heart failure from “a complex array of factors,” including Bennett’s condition prior to the surgery. Bennet had already been hospitalized and kept on a heart lung bypass machine for 6 weeks prior to the transplant. However, a case study by the doctors published in the Lancet also noted there was evidence of pig virus that had not been identified previously.
According to the federal government, there are more than 113,000 people on the organ transplant list, including 3,354 people in need of a heart. The group Donate Life America says that 17 people die each day waiting for a donor organ.
By Nadia Kounang,
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naturalrights-retard · 11 months
The World Health Organization is laying the foundation to take control over all aspects of everyone’s lives, across the world, under the auspice of “biosecurity”
A new organization called Door to Freedom is being set up as a one-stop shop where everyone can learn what the plan is and what we can do to stop it. Door to Freedom also hopes to align freedom organizations around the world to act in concert to get the word out more widely
The global cabal that is trying to seize control over the world have access to loads of capital, but they’re also using our tax dollars. The U.S. government has spent some $5 trillion on the pandemic response. Much of that money went to bribe media, hospitals, influencers, churches, medical groups and other social organizations to push the official narrative
Current laws give immunity to a lot of bad actors, including the Federal Reserve, the Bank of International Settlements, everybody who works for the WHO and the UN, federal government employees as well as many private organizations. Vaccines and their manufacturers are also indemnified
We need to pass new laws that eliminate all of these indemnifications, so that we can retroactively take them to court for the crimes they’ve committed
In this video, I interview repeat guest Dr. Meryl Nass, who has a monthly podcast with journalist James Corbett on Children's Health Defense (CHD) TV. Their show is focused on the implementation of the World Health Organization’s efforts to install global tyranny with respect to health and global governance.
The implications for public health are enormous and extremely troubling. The WHO is basically laying the foundation to take control over all aspects of everyone’s lives, across the world, under the auspice of “biosecurity.”
In this interview, Nass explains how the WHO is being set up as a central governing body for the world, and what we can do to stop it. She also details the price she’s paid for taking a stand against the false COVID narrative and offering early treatment.
Sacrificial Lamb
Nass was one of the doctors who, during the COVID pandemic, offered patients early treatment in Maine and Maryland. As a result, her medical license was suspended and the medical board forced her to undergo psychiatric evaluation. Apparently, in the present era, doctors who think saving lives is more important than following unscientific medical advice created by bureaucrats is considered insanity. She comments:
“This whole pandemic, and the takeover of the world by ‘elites, (global cabal)’ has been orchestrated primarily through fear, and one thing that's necessary is to make doctors cooperate. To do that, the best way is to scare them, and the best way to scare them is to threaten their medical licenses ...
In July and August of 2021, there were national news reports of several doctors who were prescribing ivermectin and [who] were being investigated, but none of them actually lost their licenses.
Apparently, this was not enough to stop doctors from prescribing ivermectin, and in states where it was allowed, hydroxychloroquine. These are both licensed drugs and the federal government had no legal authority to take them off the menu.
Licensed doctors could prescribe licensed drugs, as could nurse practitioners, PAs [physician’s assistants], et cetera. Neither one had a black box warning, neither one was a controlled substance. They were both safe, and they both had been used for a number of decades.
So, instead, it had to be done through the states — because states regulate medical practice in the U.S., and pharmacy practice — so, about 30 states issued either guidelines or rules to pharmacists and doctors telling them whether they could prescribe these drugs and under what circumstances.
That had happened in early 2020. In my case, the board got an anonymous complaint against me saying I was spreading misinformation — another charge that the government really needed to control people on. They couldn't have the truth coming out about COVID, the drugs, the vaccines, and about this whole takeover.
So, they created this baloney concept of ‘misinformation,’ ‘disinformation’ and ‘malinformation’ and pretended that it was the law, that people who spread misinformation could be charged, and had to stop. A whole huge system was created within the federal government to surveil our online presence and go after people [who went against the narrative].
So, I was accused, initially, not of using these drugs, because I used them legally, but of spreading misinformation. And I think that the feds were looking for an excuse to really scare doctors ... I was fairly well known.
So they went after me and said, ‘Not only are we investigating you, but we find, even before an investigation goes forward, even before any hearing, before the medical board even gets to see you and you get to say one word to them, we've decided that you are such a danger to the people of Maine, we must immediately suspend your license.’ They did that on January 12, 2022.”
Kangaroo Court
Nass has not been able to practice medicine since. Before the first hearing, the state medical board tried to get her to plea bargain and surrender her license voluntarily. She refused. By then, she was already working with CHD, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who founded CHD, offered to pay for her legal defense.
Of course, before the first hearing, they realized they couldn’t possibly take Nass to court for misinformation. After all, the First Amendment allows her to say whatever she wants. So, they dropped the misinformation charges and charged her with using medications off-label instead — only, that’s perfectly legal as well.
So, they dropped that charge, and instead argued she’d been speaking ill of the COVID vaccines. But that wasn’t a winning strategy either, because, of course, they didn’t want to defend the shots in court.
“So, basically, they went through my records and they tried to find little piddly things, like my records weren't neat enough. I had been doing telemedicine and I hadn't written down the vital signs for a patient, things like that,” Nass says.
“So in the hearings that have gone on so far, we've managed to shoot down all of those charges. There's nothing substantive, there's nothing left for them. In fact, the attorney general didn't even question my last witness, who was Harvey Risch, an emeritus professor and M.D., Ph.D., from Yale, who blew apart the part-time ER doctor's testimony that I hadn't done things correctly.
So, that's where we are. They don't have a case, so what they want to do instead is drag this out forever, which will do two things that are good for them: One, prevent me from being able to say I won my case and get national attention for that, because they managed to put me in the national news when they took my license;
No. 2, they want to cost Children's Health Defense a whole lot of money by just dragging it out, and it doesn't cost them anything to drag it out. They've got the assistant attorney generals who are already working for the state managing the case.
Somebody up there is pulling the strings and figured out how to make this as painful as possible for myself and CHD. Well, I want to assure them that it's not painful at all because we've had up to 180,000 people watching each hearing in real time.
CHD and Epoch Times have streamed every one, so everyone has been able to see what kind of kangaroo court this is, and the state of Maine has a black eye already. So let's go forward. Let's give them some more black eyes.”
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Most Doctors Are Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Unfortunately, threatening a doctor’s medical license is an exceptionally effective way to ensure compliance, and an effective coercion to follow the rules even though they are wholly unlawful. The reason for this is simple economics. Most doctors owe hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans, and unless they’re independently wealthy, they can’t afford to go into private practice.
That means they work as an employee for a hospital or big clinic, where the rules are being set by hospital administrators. In addition to that, medical education is wholly captured by Big Pharma, and has been for the last 100 years. As such, medical students are being brainwashed from Day One. On top of that, you have peer pressure.
“We're in the middle of a war,” Nass says. “It's a war about who gets control of people, and doctors just happened to be a necessary chess piece for them. By doing this to me and others, the state has been very successful at getting most doctors to keep their mouth shut and go along, and comply with what they want.”
Indeed, it takes enormous courage and commitment to patient welfare to buck a system that has all these built-in pressures. In my estimate, perhaps only 5% of the 1 million doctors in America took a stand against the COVID tyranny.
“More than 75% of doctors are employed by somebody else, and that means they don't have a say,” Nass explains. “If they're employed by a hospital, the hospital bean-counters said, ‘Look, everybody who comes in is getting remdesivir, that's it, if they're admitted with COVID.’ And they can't fight back.
There was so much money involved that people who tried to fight back lost their jobs. And this was what hospitals and employers were told to do by government and so-called ethicists like Art Caplan. You fire people and then everybody else goes along. So that's what happened.
The other thing is ... you can't expect someone to believe something if their salary depends on their not believing it. So there's that. The peer pressure is huge, for several reasons. One is malpractice. If you don't go along with everybody else, you are liable for malpractice if your patient doesn't do well.
So if I give someone hydroxychloroquine for COVID and they wind up dying, I can be sued for malpractice because I wasn't following the standard of care. But if I gave them remdesivir and they die, I was following the standard of care, and I can't be sued for that.
These are terrible things. This means that the entire profession has been pushed — through these rules and standards — to do things wrong. And all of this was probably thought of, or even planned, long ago, so that it would be relatively easy to control all the doctors.”
The Global Takeover Is Well Underway
As noted by Nass, most of you who are paying attention will have noticed that all kinds of crazy things are now happening all at once. We were mandated to get fast-tracked “vaccines” that turned out to be both ineffective and extremely dangerous, and even though the proverbial cat is now out of the bag, government is still trying to pressure people into taking additional boosters.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has authorized vaccine manufacturers to make a third, bivalent, version of the mRNA shot, to be rolled out in the fall in combination with the flu shots.
“Why would that be, when everyone knows that after a few weeks, [the shots] make you more susceptible to get the disease, as well as have heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, et cetera, and sudden death?” Nass asks.
We're also facing the rollout of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) and an international digital vaccine passport. We also know that the U.S. government was funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) to design more lethal coronaviruses. Why did they do that? To what end?
We’ve also seen stupendous changes within our school system. Transgender ideology now trumps everything else. We’ve seen a rapid growth of online schooling and the lowering of educational standards at all levels, all while using the right pronoun has become incredibly important.
We’ve also seen a radical shift away from true environmentalism in favor of a “green” agenda that forces the poor and middle class to lower their standard of living while the wealthy profit. The fact is, the destruction of our environment and the raping of underdeveloped countries for their natural resources was done by the same globalists that now blame all of these problems on the public.
“What's going on now is that the ‘elites’ (global cabal) have somehow gained control of enough pieces of our culture and our education system, and certainly our mass media and government, to roll out these cultural concepts and convince people of their validity,” Nass says.
“The elites have decided — they've got the ability now, through surveillance, through control of media and control of governments — to take over much of the world. The simplest and most legal way for them to do that, without having to fight wars, is to take over public health, and wrap the rest of the world into public health.
So public health is not just between you and your doctor. Public health now involves wild animals ... They want to control the interactions of humans and wild animals.
They also want to control what happens with our livestock ... so, livestock have become part of health. Ecosystems have also become part of health, and so has everything else. The name for this is ‘One Health.’
The WHO, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) — the world organization on animal health — and the UN Environmental Program, are all pushing for these things to be part of One Health and public health.
This didn’t happen by chance. It’s a scheme ... funded by the Rockefeller Foundation around 2009. Many U.S. federal agencies are supposed to be using the One Health approach. This means that health problems have to be solved with a whole committee of people, not just doctors, not just veterinarians, but you need the ecologists, the plant pathologists, the livestock people, et cetera.
Everybody has to work together. But that's not enough. You also have to throw in the police. You also have to throw in governments and legislators and everyone else into this concept of One Health.”
As noted by Nass, One Health is already enshrined in U.S. law in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), so there’s no question that U.S. agencies are all on the same track as the WHO.
Who’s Part of the Global Cabal?
In the interview, Nass goes on to name some of the organizations that are part of the global cabal that is reworking society for their own aims. Named players include the Rhodes organization, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission and Chatham House, which is the equivalent of the Council on Foreign Relations in the U.K.
All these groups, and many more, are linked to each other. Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger cofounded the Trilateral Commission and was a Rhodes scholar and member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Kissinger selected Klaus Schwab to create the World Economic Forum (WEF) in 1971, and they’ve been working together ever since.
In 1993, the WEF founded a Young Global Leaders program to groom international heads of state. Today, Germany, France, Canada, Finland and other countries are led by graduates of this program.
“It's not exactly a secret society, but Klaus Schwab and his group have managed to identify people who would go along with their program,” Nass says. “I suspect these are people who are not the most intelligent, who lack imagination and are very obedient.
Therefore, they have been convinced that climate change is a dire emergency, and that they need to take extraordinary measures to deal with it — even if they have to reduce the population, even if they have to reduce our standard of living, even if they have to impose 15-minute cities, get rid of air travel and ... eat bugs.”
How the WHO Is Being Set Up as the Central Authority
As explained by Nass, from its inception in 1948, the WHO has been an organization that transferred money from wealthier countries to poorer countries to help them with health problems like tuberculosis, AIDS and malaria.
During the COVID pandemic, the WHO and diplomats from member countries decided that a comprehensive pandemic treaty was necessary. The justification was that COVID had been mismanaged, hence we need a central decision-maker.
“Of course, what was never said is that things were managed so poorly because most countries were following the WHO advice, which was absolutely awful,” Nass says.
If this pandemic treaty goes through, either a regional epidemic or global pandemic would authorize the WHO to step in and dictate how the matter should be addressed. WHO members are also working on amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHRs), which would strip member nations of their sovereignty to make health-related decisions.
And, recall that “health” is being redefined to include all aspects of life, under the already existing One Health paradigm. As Nass explains:
“What has been proposed is that either a regional director-general or the WHO director-general can simply declare a public health emergency of international concern, or the potential for a public health emergency of international concern.
Once they make that declaration, all these powers would then accrue to the director-general of the WHO, if it's for all countries, or if it's regional, to that regional director-general.
That person could then say, ‘OK, medicines in your country need to be shipped to this other country.’ Intellectual property on how to make vaccines need to go away. Let's say Abbott has a vaccine to combat whatever it is. They have to now give the recipe to Rwanda so they can make that vaccine in their own country and use it for their own people.
They can close borders. The WHO director-generals could basically take control of anything. If they say, ‘Oh, people are getting this from animals,’ they can stop contact with animals, stop you eating chicken or whatever, because One Health has taken jurisdiction over ecosystems.
The entire planet is ecosystems, and that's part of One Health. Animals and plants are also part of One Health. So, they can tell you what to eat, they can tell you where to go and where not to go. They can lock you in your home. They can put masks on you, they can mandate vaccinations — if these [IHR] amendments and the pandemic treaty are passed.
They're still being negotiated. The final versions are not out. But we have certainly criticized and analyzed the early versions, and they will be voted on next May [2024], and could potentially go into force on a provisional basis. The treaty could go into force almost immediately.”
How These Instruments Alter the WHO’s Existing Authority
In many ways, it seems the WHO was already exercising these powers, or at least attempting to, during the COVID pandemic. So, how do these two instruments — the IHR amendments and the pandemic treaty — alter their existing authority? Nass explains:
“There are existing international health regulations and they've been in existence since at least 1969 ... Although the WHO claims that part of the IHRs that exist right now are binding, they aren't binding. So, countries followed them, but there was no legal requirement for them to do so.
The International Health Regulations stated very clearly that the way they were to be carried out was with ‘full respect for freedom of persons’ dignity and human rights.’ In the new version that is being negotiated, they have struck that out. There is no longer a need to respect human rights, dignity or freedom of persons.
And, they have specifically said that these new regulations will be binding on countries, and countries are required to have a focal point that is required to carry them out and report back to the WHO how they've been carried out.
There are additional new provisions that countries are required to perform surveillance of their populations. They want you to think this is surveillance of only bacteria or surveillance of only social media, but it's both. So, the WHO could require people to be swabbed in your country, whether or not they're crossing a border.
Say there's an outbreak. Everybody has to line up and get swabbed to see if they're infected with X. And animals have to be surveilled as well, because they're looking for pathogens that have the potential to be become pandemics. So that is supposed to happen.
Now, there's a huge problem with that, and that is, you can always find viruses that have the potential to become pandemics ... So, if you start surveilling for them, you're going to find them, which means that would allow the director-general of the WHO to declare a public health emergency anytime he or she wants.
The other surveillance is they require countries to surveil their social media and mainstream media, and censor anything that goes against the public health messaging of the WHO. So this is big. This is huge.”
Is Global Tyranny an Inevitability?
While it may seem there’s no way to derail this proverbial bullet train, Nass remains optimistic. “This is a dystopian future that actually is not good for anybody. Even the people who want it are going to find it's not good for them either,” Nass says.
Now, the global cabal that is trying to seize control have access to essentially unlimited capital. But they’re also using our tax dollars. As noted by Nass, the U.S. government has spent some $5 trillion on the pandemic response.
“That's our money, not theirs,” she says, “and a lot of that money, most likely, went to bribe media.” Hospitals were also paid to go along with the narrative, as were celebrities, churches, medical groups and other social organizations.
“These very wealthy people do not want to spend their own money to take over the world. They want to spend our money or put us in debt. But are these expenditures justified and legal?
If we get governments of people who are responsive to normal life, we can investigate where that money went. What are these public officials doing? We can put them on trial, and we can probably even claw back a lot of this money.
Now, to do that might require some new laws, but if we had really good people in office — like Bobby Kennedy — we could potentially create the laws, very quickly, that will allow us to try government officials and others, heads of media, et cetera, if they're doing things that are against the law.”
Why We Need New Laws
The reason we need new laws is because current laws give immunity to a lot of bad actors, including the Federal Reserve, the Bank of International Settlements, everybody who works for the WHO and the UN, and federal government employees as well as many private organizations.
Vaccines and their manufacturers are also indemnified. We need to pass new laws that eliminate all these indemnifications, so that we can retroactively take them to court for the crimes they’ve committed.
“This whole thing goes against the principles of the Constitution, the principles of natural law. This is a dystopian nightmare that was figured out by some very clever people in public relations and in consulting groups. We know the French government paid something like €1 billion or €2 billion to McKinsey to help manage the pandemic response.
So we can identify organizations that have brought these things on us and go after them. We also need to tell our members of Congress, our parliamentarians, and legislators, we don't want this dystopia. Government doesn't give us rights. We have rights. We are giving government authority. Government doesn't have authority and own us. We own the government.
We've been led to believe that it's the other way around, but it isn't. And we can fix all this. There are about 50 members of Congress already who have signed on as co-sponsors to HR79 [the WHO Withdrawal Act1]. We need to get out of these international organizations.
The UN is trying to do something similar. The WHO was simply pulled in because there was an opportunity to gain control legally through the WHO because of the way its constitution exists, because of several Supreme Court cases, et cetera, there was an ability to use the WHO. The cabal may try to use other international organizations or other means to gain control.
But look, there's a few thousand of them. There's 8 billion of us. This is like a million to one. We can beat them. We don't have to go along with any of it. If everybody says no, if the police don't enforce, if the Army doesn't enforce, it's not going to happen. So people just need to realize what's going on.”
Door to Freedom
To that end, Nass is working with a new organization called Door to Freedom. Their website, which will launch shortly, will contain all the relevant WHO and UN documents, criticisms of those documents, and both long and short explanations of what's going on.
It’ll be a one-stop shop where everyone can learn what the plan is and what we can do to stop it. Door to Freedom also hopes to align freedom organizations around the world to act in concert to get the word out more widely.
Personally, I'm skeptical about the likelihood of winning this battle through legislative efforts because this cabal has been working on this plan for decades, if not centuries. So, they already have everything buttoned up, or close to it. Perhaps someone like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. could get it done, but it will take a small miracle to get him into office as well.
What I do hold out hope for is that public resistance will block attempts of implementation. So, the key, I think, is to educate people. Henceforth, most of the day-to-day choices you make will take the world either closer to freedom, or closer to slavery, so it’s crucial to understand where we are, where the cabal intends to take us, and how they intend to get us there.
That way, you can make decisions and take actions that will move us in the opposite direction. Door to Freedom will be able to help you understand all of that, so please bookmark doortofreedom.org, and check back regularly.
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demcnsinmymind · 2 years
revised & detailed possession timeline/lore for mobile, very long so under a cut. Also pretty triggering stuff in there, so proceed with caution.
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The Basics
First things first. This write up is a giant mix of a whole lot of things.  At least half of it is actually canon. The building twisting and changing and being possessed. Friedkin and his rituals. Bathtub girl. Matt's story. Lance's lobotomy and being the only survivor. Even the fact that he ended up in 1948, though that was technically cut from the original film. I still consider it canon. The fact that Friedkin was stabbed to death in his office by six patients. The cult involving the nurses. And so forth.(keep scrolling) As stated in my bio for Lance, I do not consider most of GE2 canon. However, I've tried my very best to integrate many many aspects of it in this possession lore as well. The fact that Lance has been talking to the thing directly and through the writing room wall. That he killed someone. The name Sean. It's all still there, just packaged differently (I hated the meta plotline but liked the idea of a different 'wrong' name). None of the Lovecraft lore is canon of course. Neither GE1 nor GE2 ever mentioned what Friedkin was trying to summon with his rituals, and neither did it ever say or show who or what is truly possessing the building. We don't actually know if it is a demon, or a spirit, or just the building itself being alive. But I found many similarities in what we saw in canon (being beyond time and space, utterly vast and terrifying, obssessed with driving people insane) when reading into Azathoth and its lore. I'm not sticking to Lovecraft lore 100% either. This possession lore is basically one giant mix of canon, lovecraft my own headcanons and love for timeloop movies.So here we go. Canon synopsis Lance Preston (*02/??/68, 35y) and the crew of “Grave Encounters”, a ghost-hunting reality television show, are shooting an episode inside the abandoned Collingwood Psychiatric Hospital, where unexplained phenomena have been reported for years. All in the name of good television, they voluntarily lock themselves inside the building for the night and begin a paranormal investigation, capturing everything on camera. They quickly realize that the building is more than just haunted - it is alive - and it has no intention of ever letting them leave.
They find themselves lost in a labyrinth maze of endless hallways and corridors, terrorized by the ghosts of the former patients. They soon begin to question their own sanity, slipping deeper and deeper into the depths of madness, ultimately discovering the truth behind the hospital’s dark past…and taping what turns out to be their final episode. "    
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The Building
Collingwood, as described in canon
"Collingwood Psychiatric hospital - A complex of six buildings spread over 80 acres of land just outside Ryerson Valley. It played home to more than 80,000 of Maryland's most mentally ill and disturbed indivuals between the years 1895 and 1960. After its closure in 1963 there have been reports of ghostly aparations, objects moving on their own, and sometimes even the lunatic laughter of patients condemned to roam these halls forever."Lance Preston - March, 2003 The history of Collingwood is very typical of similar hospitals of the era. It was built in 1893 to address the growing overcrowding problem at the state hospital in Danver's County. At the time, mental illness was not very well understood. Treatments were still in their infancy.Psychiatric Hospitals like this were seen as a dumping ground for embrassing family members rather than a place they could go to get help. The conditions were abysmal. People had to sleep on the floor, sometimes without blankets or even clothes. Typical treatments included electroshock therapy, hydrotherapy, metrazol convulsion, and insulin shock therapy. Patients were usually heavily drugged or surgically disabled to keep them sedated. "     
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The Ritual
Distorting Reality
"He opened a gateway, you know? Friedkin did. He took the real world and the spirit world, and he smashed them together. And that tore a hole in the building and pulled me right through it."- Lance Preston, 2012
Friedkin spent four years researching a multitude of occult rites, trying to perfect his methods so that one day, he and his cult would be successful. One of his goals being to turn one of the many bodies he had under his care into a suitable host for his son's spirit. The other being to join his son in the afterlife and return as well, ascending death altogether and so that they could wreck havoc as Azathoth and Nyarlathotep, on a world they both despised.
Several patients were prodded, tortured, cut open, drugged and surgically modified, with Friedkin viewing the transorbital lobotomy as the key to opening up a mind for a spirit or one of his gods to take hold in. Countless passages in many languages were tested and recited during his experiments, animals and even infants sacrificed until a lucky combination of different procedures ended up being succcessful. With Collingwood, a building that had seen decades of suffering and death soaked into its walls, a perfect breeding ground for the ritual.
It was August 16th, 1948 when one of Friedkin's experiments mashed the real world and the spirit world together, tearing a hole in the building itself. Azathoth, Nyarlathotep and countless other supernatural creatures such as spirits, demons and ghouls were torn through the hole. Azathoth, the most powerful of all, taking hold of the building itself and turning it into an Eldritch abomination. Reality was torn apart and fractured into many parallel slices and time periods co-existing, with the building at its epicenter.
With time and space having no meaning anymore, now that Azathoth was awakened, the building itself became distorted beyond recognition, mutating beyond the size of an entire city and roaring alive with its countless new supernatural inhabitants. And all thanks to the collapse, a self-fullfilling timeloop was created as well, with a suitable host right at its center. Lance Preston, torn back through time through the tear, the beginning and the ending all at once, an endless source of energy as a time paradox that made the ritual successful in the first place.
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The Others
Matt White & other patients
Throughout Collingwood's long, twisted and non-linear history, many patients have fallen victim to Friedkin's cult and its experiments. Before finding a suitable host for their dark endeavours, notable victims included a female patient in 1946. The torture she endured throughout the many experiments and rituals resulted in her suicide - she slid her wrist in a bathtub inside the hydrotherapy room and is said to haunt the location to this day.
One of Friedkin's most recent victims was Matt White, one of the 'Grave Encounters' team, who was the first to be abducted out of everyone. Just like with bathtub girl, Matt wasn't strong enough to endure the ritual and experiments. Driven insane by the results of his abduction, he too committed suicide inside the building by jumping down the elevator shaft, breaking his neck on impact.
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The Host
March 21st, 2003
"What do you want from me?" - Lance, March ???,#03$
After losing his entire film crew to deadly attacks from the spirits and demons that roam the halls of a distorted Collingwood Psychiatric hospital, television host Lance Preston finds himself alone and starving inside its endless tunnel system.
Though the psychological torture the twisting building put him through pushed him over the edge and straight into a mental breakdown as well, Lance decides to keep going anyway. Too proud, determined and stubborn to just give up and kill himself like all the others before him, Lance clings to his hopes of getting out of the building with an iron fist. That, combined with the fact that he is the epicenter of a timeloop and thus a source of tremendous energy for the building, rewards him with a supposed way out.
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Fracture Point
March 21st, 2003/1948
Lance is granted access to the physical epicenter of the tear within the building - Friedkin's secret basement lair, an underground laboratory where all of his rituals were performed. With his transition from the year 2003 over to the year 1948 all but complete, all paths converge within said room and Lance comes face to face with Friedkin and his staff in the middle of that fateful first ritual that unleashed Azathoth and all the others, even seeing his 1948/future self on the operating table. Lance, a man born 20 years after that day in said basement and already stuck within a time loop that has yet to happen to Friedkin, unknowingly provides all the spectral energy needed to make the goal of Friedkin's ritual actual reality. With the ritual a success and Friedkin and his cult taken over by the very forces they conjured up, Lance is violently attacked by them. Starvation, thirst and general exhaustion taking their final toll on his strength and leaving him no chance to fight back. He is captured and subdued quickly, passing out in the process.    
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The Time Slip
Spring - Summer, 1948
Lance wakes up almost 20 hours after the attack, horrified to find out that he's been stripped of his clothes and put in a hospital gown. Wearing a hospital band with a name that isn't his and a birthdate that doesn't match. He soon recognizes the room he's now in as the 'Writing Room', a patient room Kenny the caretaker showed him just a couple of days prior, on March 20th 2003, the day his life was turned upside down. Finding the door to the room locked and seeing 1940s car models parked past the fences he can see outside his window, Lance soon suffers through yet another mental breakdown. One that is only worsened the second hospital orderlies come barging into the room and violently subdue him. Still believing them to be ghosts or demons just like every other creature he encountered inside the hospital ever since March 20th, 2003 turned into a night that never seems to end, Lance ends up making the situation even worse for himself. It takes him multiple days in complete denial until he finally understands and admits to himself that he has actually slipped through time and is now stranded inside the hospital as it was in the 1940s he read so much about. Collingwood, now properly functioning and going through normal day and night cycles again, has been made his involuntary new home. The 'Writing Room' his patient room and permanent place to stay in. Lance's desperate claims that he's from the future are treated as a symptom of his psychotic state. The denial, claims and outbursts so severe that the hospital's head physician himself takes a great interest in his 'case'. This version of Friedkin has not yet reached the beginning of their shared timeloop and is still following his very own regular progression of time. Unlike Lance, who has already met a version of Friedkin down in the basement before, Friedkin is meeting the TV host for the very first time. Due to this, Friedkin is still unaware of the tear in time and space he will bring along with his experiments, and genuinely believes that Lance is completely out of his mind and delusional with his claims about the future. Friedkin considers this his chance to convince Lance that he is someone he's not, even trying to give him a new name to help him overcome his delusions -Sean, just like his own son. Friedkin hopes that with the right kind of brainwashing and treatment, this'll finally be the way to recover his son's soul and consciousness.    
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The Pact
Nyarlathotep and Lance
In the year 1948, Friedkin has nearly perfected his ritual that is supposed to unleash his god and return his son's soul to this world. Nyarlathotep, much more human and aware than his father Azathoth, is showing much interest in the building and its occupants already, drawn in by its neverending well of insanity, chaos and suffering, as well as Friedkin's ongoing rituals and sacrifices. Still without a human form and somewhat bound to his own realm, Nyarlathotep is drawn to Lance specifically, attracted by the paradox his presence created within the building and its timeline. Meanwhile, the treatments that were so typical for the 1940s as well as Friedkin's ongoing 'therapy sessions', make it harder and harder for Lance to hold on to what he considers real - his name, his birth date, his own past in the future. He begins writing on the walls of his room in an attempt to keep remembering, and soon discovers that someone or something is trying to communicate back. He befriends the invisible entity, who promises him a way out. At this point in time Lance does not yet know that he is in fact talking to the very entity that Friedkin wants to force inside his body and mind. Instead, the demon tricks him into thinking that he is the ghost of a former patient who had been murdered by Friedkin. A friend who wants to save him from the same fate. Desperate, half insane and out of options, Lance decides to believe the entity and hatches a plan with it that hopefully, will return him to his time.    
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The Link
Looking death in the eye
All thanks to his friendship with the demon inside the walls of his patient room, an entity who believes everything he's saying about his past in the future, Lance does not despair and break like all the others before him. Clinging to his determination and hopes that he'll get to leave Collingwood soon with the help of his demonic friend, he spends many weeks working on their escape plan and adjusts to life inside a working 1940s psychiatric hospital. All thanks to his experience as a former television actor, Lance soon starts playing into Friedkin's brainwashing methods, trying to make him believe that his efforts and treatments are working. Adopting the new name that was given to him and becoming a model patient and important participant of day to day activities inside the hospital, providing logical explanations for his 'delusions' and even asking Friedkin to help him feel better, Collingwood's head physician soon considers Lance a potential final candidate for his ritual. A transorbital lobotomy is ordered swiftly  as final treatment, a revelation that leaves Lance devastated, terrified and furious. Dropping the act of playing along almost immediately and trying his best to flee the hospital on his own, Lance is still captured and dragged along against his will once more. Circumstances seemingly repeat themselves and he once again finds himself in the basement, on the operating table this time, facing the sharp end of an icepick and the reflection of the operating light on a metal hammer, hovering just above his left eye.    
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Entry Point
August 16th, 1948/2003/2016
Nyarlathotep, ever the manipulator and desperate for a host body he can use to roam the earth with after Friedkin's ritual is done, has been working towards this very moment for months. Lance is now fully susceptible to possession, terrified out of his mind and desperate to survive while facing the inevitable strike of Friedkin's hammer. The demon is once again there to whisper sweet nothings in his mind, promising him a way out and protection if he allows him to take over his body. Telling him that it would use said body and his strength to free him and kill Friedkin instead.(keep scrolling)
Due to being utterly out of his mind with fear, Lance ends up accepting the offer just before the strike of the hammer. Nyarlathotep doesn't quite keep his promise and lets the lobotomy happen anyway, needing it in combination with the ritual and Lance's suffering to fullfill the link between the demon and the body.
Friedkin's procedure leaves Lance severely impaired, with massive damage to his brain from the ice pick, technically turning him to a shell of his former self, a man incapable of the most basic self sustaining functions. It has Friedkin's desired effects at least partially, as it leaves enough space for something else to fill the void.
Naturally though, Nyarlathotep and all the other demons Friedkin conjured have been lying to the neurologist, too. Friedkin's son is nowhere to be found, be that within Lance or anywhere else inside the building and its countless patients. Instead, Nyarlathotep walks the earth along with his father Azathoth and countless other beings, unleashed by the established link between the real world with Lance as a physical anchor and the demon from the other side as the operator.
The possession and ritual seemingly fullfills the timeloop with 2003s Lance as a witness, who is subsequently captured by a distorted Friedkin and his nurses, bound to repeat the loop all over again.
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The One
Taking Over
Past the initial loop, Lance Preston once again finds himself waking in 1940s Collingwood after his lobotomy. Now possessed by Nyarlathotep, he is unable to wrestle back control over his body due to the severe shock from his near death experience.
In the meantime and just like in 2003, parallel to it in fact, Collingwood's reality is once again in full progress of collapsing in on itself, with the Outer Gods unleashed within its halls - Nyarlathotep inside Lance's body, and Azathoth attached to the building itself. So gigantic in mass and power that it was never going to fit inside Friedkin's mind anyway. For the first time ever since Friedkin started his experiments in the basement, his attempt has been successful, the hosts have been found.
While Azathoth starts twisting and turning the hallways and time itself, Nyarlathotep is hellbent on unleashing more madness and chaos within its halls. Using his powers inside his now physical form to his full advantage.
He frees multiple patients from their rooms the very same evening, even promises them to be let go just like he told Lance before.
Lance, feeling a semblance of betrayal and the ever familiar terror over what is happening all around him, finally begins to resurface and tries to demand what was promised to him in return for giving up his body for possession - a way out.
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The death of Arthur Friedkin
On the night of August 16th, 1948, Nyarlathotep successfully convinces some of the patients and Lance, human beings that now find themselves trapped inside a warping building, that they all can leave if they kill who made all of this possible - Arthur Friedkin. Collingwood's head physician is still in his office at this point, furious that his ritual did not work out the way he wanted it to.
Though Lance is starting to see through the fact that his demonic friend is nothing but a master manipulator who got what he wanted, he is left no choice but to participate in the carnage that follows that night. Six of the patients within his inner cirlce are let out of their rooms by Lance and lead charge toward's Friedkin's office, each of them taking turns in delivering the fruits of their revenge.
In the end it is Lance who ends up delivering the killing blow to Friedkin, not just due to the demons' influence on his mind and his inability to be in complete control of what his body is doing, but also due to his own trauma he suffered through. Months of inhumane 'therapy' brainwashing and an attempt on his life with the lobotomy have left him susceptible to his own thoughts of revenge and blood lust, though he is quick to regret it by the time he watches Friedkin bleed out through his eyes on the hardwood floor below.
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The Unlikely
Defying full possession
"I DID WHAT YOU SAID, YOU LIAR!" - Lance, 5&5´%!1
With the ritual a success and the Outer Gods and demons unleashed, Collingwood becomes hell on earth, even worse than the aftershocks Lance witnessed in 2003. With Friedkin dead, chaos and madness taking over inside the walls and no way out in sight, Lance is starting to realize that he's been lied to and in fact, will never be let go by any of Collingwood's inhabitants.
Being forced to stand by and simply watch the chaos unfold, something Nyarlathotep seems to enjoy and entertain, Lance soon begins to fight back harder, managing the unlikely. He defies the demon's grip on his mind and body, a loophole within the ritual, created the second he -chose- to let the demon inside instead of it just taking over.
He regains control over his body and tries to find a way out of the building on his own. Enraged by the chaos, broken promises and never ending suffering, Lance soon sees no other way but to do something very drastic to ensure his escape and survival.
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The Paradox
Fullfilling the loop
"I'm done playing this character. I'm getting out of here." - Lance, 5&5´%!1 Knowing the building's extensive history all thanks to the research he conducted back in 2003, Lance knows for a fact that Collingwood is supposed to close in the year 1963. Even more importantly, all thanks to his own history in the future with it, he also knows that it is supposed to be in tact in 2003. With reality, time and space distorted all around him inside the building, Lance decides to try to burn it down in an attempt to cancel everything out. Hoping that with it burning out and being destroyed in 1948 instead of just closing its doors in 1963, it will prevent his past/future self from ever setting foot in its halls in 2003. He manages to set the hospital ablaze and watches it burn, even accepting the possibility of bringing along the death of this version of himself in the process, only hoping that in a different, better reality, his 2003 self gets to live on, healthy and uninjured, successful and carefree as he used to be. In a cruel twist of fate, this version of Lance continues to live on past the split and paradox. With Collingwood, its previous vessel, burning to the ground and wiped out of existence, the demon sultan Azathoth is left no other choice but to attach itself to the only other suitable vessel in the vicinity - Lance. Taking over and absorbing its offspring as it does so to make space for itself, Azathoth possesses Lance. It expels him from the collapsing alternate and looped timeline and world that it ended. It returns him to his original timeline in which he was declared missing, then dead, inside the very building he just burned down. With Friedkin dead in 1948 and the aftermath of his rituals evaporated past March 21st, 2003, Collingwood comes to a rest and is nothing but an abandoned building once more. Azathoth, now awake but distorted by the offspring it devoured, attached to a human and mortal body, finds itself and its powers greatly reduced, unable to bring about the apocalypse in this reality just yet. Lance, shell-shocked by the ordeal he went through, severely impacted by the lack of food and after effects of his lobotomy as well as being possessed once more, is found by Kenny Sandoval, the building's caretaker on August 16th, 2016 and turned over to the police.    
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The Symbiosis
"The building chose -me-. Not you." - Lance "Symbiosis (from Greek συμβίωσις, symbíōsis, "living together") is any type of a close and long-term biological interaction between two different organisms, be it mutualistic, commensalistic, or parasitic. The organisms, each termed a symbiont, must be of different species. A symbiont feeds off its host's body, mind, soul, emotions and life force, but in return, they give the host greater power similar to the ways of equivalent exchange. Unlike Parasitism, where the parasite benefits while the host gets harmed, symbiosis benefits both the host and symbiote as they live harmoniously as they should, coexisting, and in rare occasions, co-evolving together until they develop an eternal bond." The Ryerson Valley police department reopens its investigation into the infamous 'Grave Encounters' cold case and tries to question Lance about what happened to his crew. Investigators are baffled by the state Lance is in, still wearing the same clothes and equipment he was described to have worn 13 years prior. Still unable to talk and apathetic in general, Lance is soon admitted to Danvers Psychiatric Hospital for further physical and psychological evaluation. After several examinations it is established that he's suffering from severe brain trauma following a trans-orbital lobotomy. At this point in time, he is considered a nursing case who shall remain institutionalized for the rest of his life. Lance remains inside Danvers Hospital for several months, not really responding to any treatment, merely existing. Though he is somewhat lucid he refuses to show it, for the previous ordeal has left him too traumatized. Yet despite his decision to hide away in his shell shocked, nonexistent state for good, Lance is left no choice but to resurface eventually. After just a few weeks of being inside Danvers, one Andromeda Peterson, a nurse and head of the Collingwood Psychiatric Hospital Historical Society, starts to show much interest in Lance. Asking all the wrong questions and showing all the typical habits of gaslighting and outright brainwashing - the former TV host is quick to notice that there is something off about the woman and a few of the other orderlies. it doesn’t take Lance long to figure out that Friedkin's cult still exists even in his time and is still interested in trying to fully unleash their god Azathoth and wreck hell. Maybe to turn Danver’s hospital into a next purgatory like Collingwood (because he also learns, from Azathoth, that the torturing and experimenting on patients is still going on even at Danvers, though more selectively, smarter, and covert), maybe to destroy their entire existence, whatever it is, Lance soon catches on to their nefarious goals and decides to act. He runs from them. And while trying to do so, he ends up killing someone in self defense. The cameraman, a med student and actual genuine member of the historical society, who doesn’t know about the cult and is in it for the urban legend and history of the place, who had been talked into recording the 'sessions’ for Andromeda. Lance manages to flee from the hospital and is now back outside in the real world. In a time he isn’t used to anymore, he is only ever so slowly starting to put himself back together again. Looking for a way to rid himself of his demonic tag along - or trying to find ways to better control its influence and powers. All the while trying to run from a cult that wants to unleash the demonic outer god that he carries - and which also happens to be his only life support at this time.
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Convenience: Telepsychiatry offers unparalleled convenience for our patients. No more commuting to appointments or sitting in waiting rooms. With Maryland Telepsychiatry, you can schedule and attend your sessions from any location with internet access. Our user-friendly platform makes it easy to connect with your psychiatrist, and our flexible scheduling options mean you can find a time that fits your busy life.
Confidentiality: We understand the importance of privacy in mental health care. Maryland Telepsychiatry uses secure, encrypted communication channels to ensure that your personal information and medical records are protected. Our commitment to confidentiality means you can speak freely with your psychiatrist, knowing that your privacy is always respected.
Accessibility: Mental health care should be available to everyone, regardless of their location or circumstances. Our telepsychiatry services break down barriers to care by providing access to high-quality psychiatric services anywhere in Maryland. Whether you live in a remote area or have mobility issues, you can receive the care you need without the added stress of travel.
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Understanding medication management is crucial for individuals receiving psychiatric mental health care in Frederick, Maryland. Proper management of medications is essential to ensure the effectiveness of treatment and the well-being of patients.
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Finding Peace of Mind: The Best Psychiatrists Near Bethesda
In the bustling city of Bethesda, Maryland, where the pace of life can sometimes feel overwhelming, finding the right psychiatrist to support your mental health journey is essential. At Washington Family Psychiatry, we understand the importance of finding a compassionate and skilled psychiatrist who can provide personalized care to help you navigate life's challenges. Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to offering the best psychiatric services near Bethesda, MD, ensuring that you receive the support and treatment you need to thrive.
Living in Bethesda offers many advantages, from its vibrant cultural scene to its proximity to Washington, D.C. However, like any community, Bethesda MD Psychiatry faces its share of mental health challenges. Stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues can impact individuals and families alike, making it crucial to have access to quality psychiatric care.
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At Washington Family Psychiatry, we prioritize the well-being of our patients above all else. Our team consists of board-certified psychiatrists who are experts in their field, with years of experience helping individuals manage and overcome a wide range of mental health conditions. Whether you're struggling with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD, or any other psychiatric issue, our psychiatrists are here to provide compassionate and effective treatment tailored to your unique needs.
What sets us apart from other Bethesda MD Psychiatry is our commitment to personalized care. We understand that no two individuals are alike, which is why we take the time to get to know each of our patients on a personal level. From your initial consultation to ongoing treatment sessions, we work closely with you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses your specific concerns and goals.
In addition to traditional medication management and therapy services, we also offer a variety of specialized treatment options to meet the diverse needs of our patients. These may include transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), ketamine-assisted therapy, and holistic wellness approaches. Our goal is to provide you with the tools and support you need to achieve optimal mental health and overall well-being.
Beyond our clinical expertise, we pride ourselves on creating a warm, welcoming, and inclusive environment where all individuals feel valued and respected. We understand that seeking help for mental health issues can be daunting, which is why we strive to make the process as comfortable and stress-free as possible. From the moment you walk through our doors, you'll be greeted with compassion, understanding, and a genuine commitment to your healing journey.
If you're searching for the Best psychiatrists near Bethesda, MD, look no further than Washington Family Psychiatry. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping you live a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. Take the first step toward better mental health today by scheduling a consultation with one of our caring psychiatrists. Your journey to wellness starts here.
Contact Us:
Washington Family Psychiatry
Website:- https://wfpsychiatry.com
Contact:- +1 240-428-4792
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Starting psychiatric treatment can be a significant step toward managing mental health concerns and addressing issues like depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other mental health illnesses. Many patients have experienced improved mental health outcomes thanks to counseling and psychiatric treatment.
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dertaglichedan · 1 year
A woman who spent 20 years in a catatonic state woke up after doctors treated her lupus - and her case could hold key to curing others of psychosis
Drs discovered woman's catatonia was caused by a treatable immune disease
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A woman trapped in her own mind for two decades has woken up and is able to be with her family again thanks to a revolutionary new treatment.
April Burrell was just a 21 in 1995 when she suffered a traumatic event while studying accountancy at university in Maryland, US, that left her suffering from constant visual and auditory hallucinations.
She was diagnosed with a severe form of schizophrenia, a devastating mental illness that dramatically alters sufferers' sense of reality. 
April spent the next 20 years trapped in a cationic state, unable to recognise her family and having her every need cared for in a psychiatric hospital in New York.
Until one day, she woke up thanks to a team of medics who treated her for lupus — a disorder that they discovered was causing her immune system to attack her brain.
Her doctors hope the discovery could help treat hundreds of patients in a similar situation.
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Receiving medical treatment can be a stressful experience for many people. However, receiving treatment in a comfortable medical setting can have numerous benefits that can improve the patient’s experience and overall outcome. Here are some of the benefits of receiving psychiatric evaluations in a comfortable medical setting:
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chocolategifts · 1 year
The Most Influential Psychiatric Thinker of All Time: Brain Cooke
Dramatic alterations in theoretical conceptualization are only one aspect of psychiatry's rich and intriguing history; another is the wide range of people who have contributed to the field's growth. In this way, a complete study of psychiatric history necessitates not just a grasp of theory but also of the unique individuals who shaped the concepts that have come to define our perception of mental disease.
Psychiatrist: Who Are They?
An expert in the identification and management of mental diseases is a psychiatrist. Depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, and substance addiction issues are a few examples of them, but they are not the only ones. Chronic physical conditions with mental symptoms are another condition that psychiatrists can treat. (like diabetes or heart disease). Researchers who specialize in mental diseases include some psychiatrists.
Dr. Cooke is a board-certified psychiatrist with particular expertise in the identification and management of mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders. He focuses on telemedicine visits, which he discovers people value for the ease and adaptability that let them get care wherever they are. Additionally board-certified in forensic psychology, he offers assessments for a variety of legal reasons.
His favorite aspect of practicing psychiatry is listening to his patients since it enables him to collaborate with them and develop a treatment strategy. He has witnessed firsthand how untreated mental illness symptoms can negatively impact a person's overall health. Helping patients get well and resume regular functioning amazes him.
Dr. Brian Cooke sees the connection between a doctor and patient as a team effort. According to him, this is the cornerstone of clinical treatment and can significantly affect a patient's ability to heal and find respite from pain. He can inform patients about their treatment alternatives thanks to his excellent academic background and help with them to change for the better.
He acknowledges that not all patients may react to medicine alone or may have negative effects despite his concentration on telepsychiatry and therapies including pharmaceuticals. For the suitable individuals, he believes that TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) and esketamine nasal spray are two viable treatments for depression.
The American Psychiatric Association and the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law both recognize him as a member.
Individual Interests
Dr. Cooke, his wife, and their two boys reside in Atlanta, Georgia. He likes tennis, hiking, and jogging. The family enjoys visiting different locations and learning about diverse cultures. He also wants to learn how to play chess.
Knowledge & Experience
In Davidson, North Carolina, at Davidson College, Dr. Cooke earned his Bachelor of Science degree. He graduated from Saint Louis University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, with a medical degree. At the University of Maryland/Sheppard Pratt in Baltimore, Maryland, he finished his psychiatric residency. In addition to other locations, the programme offered training at the University of Maryland Medical Center, which saw a wide variety of patients from all around the state. He saw patients at the geriatric psychiatry unit, the general adult inpatient unit, and the unit for children and adolescents. In addition, he offered outpatient care in neighborhood clinics. In addition, he received training at Sheppard Pratt Hospital, which had four general adult inpatient units, a trauma disorders unit, an eating disorders unit, a child and adolescent inpatient service, adult and child neuropsychiatric units, a psychotic disorders unit, a co-occurring unit, outpatient clinics, services for geriatric psychiatry and chemical dependency, a general adult day hospital, and several specialty day hospitals. Mercy Medical Center, the State Mental Hygiene Administration System, and the Baltimore VA Hospital were among the other clinical care rotations. He had a leadership and managerial position as chief resident in his fourth year. Awards given out were the Dr. George U. Bali's Award for Excellence in Medical Student Education and the Irving J. Taylor Award for Outstanding Resident Research.
The Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut is where he finished his Fellowship in Forensic Psychiatry, where he gained knowledge of the intricate interplay of psychiatry, law, ethics, and public policy. It provided him with a well-rounded training experience, with specific strengths in the fields of criminal law, forensic psychiatry in the public sector, and research.
He went to Gainesville, Florida, where for more than 10 years he served as a professor at the University of Florida College of Medicine. He attended to patients with a range of mental illnesses throughout that period in the hospital and psychiatry clinic. In addition, he instructed advanced forensic fellows, law students, nursing students, and students studying medicine and law. He received several Exemplary Teacher Awards, the William "Buck" Ruffin Best Teach Award, and other honors.
He was most recently an Associate Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences on the faculty of the Emory University School of Medicine. Serving as the Medical Director of the Emory/Fulton County Jail Competency Restoration Program and Associate Training Director of the Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship were two other leadership positions. At the Emory Health Clinic, he also offered psychiatric services.
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phantomtutor · 2 years
Write my nursing essay Case Study 2: Focused Thyroid Exam Patient Information: Initials: C.M Age: 32 years Sex: F Race: African American S. CC: “I am feeling tired and my hair is falling out.” HPI: C.M is a 32-year-old African American female patient presenting with chief complaints of feeling tired and her hair falling out. She first noticed her hair falling out from her scalp 12 weeks ago, which occurred in patches when brushing her hair. The symptom of fatigue started after hair loss, about eight weeks ago. C.M. also mentions that she has gained weight, about 30 pounds, in the past year, even though she has experienced a significant decrease in appetite. She states that fatigue occurs when performing light tasks, climbing stairs, and when walking short distances. Her hair falls out when shampooing or brushing. Fatigue is exacerbated by activity and relieved by rest, while any friction on the scalp triggers hair fall. She reports trying to use hair treatments to stop the hair fall out, but they have had no impact. Current Medications: Vitamin C supplements, 1 tablet per day, long-term use. Allergies: No known food or drug allergies. PMHx: Immunization is up-to-date. Last Tetanus- 16 months ago. No history of chronic illnesses.  Had an Incision & Drainage in 2012 due to Abscess on the left thigh.Social Hx: C.M is a paralegal working in a law firm. She lives in Baltimore, Maryland, with her husband and daughter aged seven years. Her hobbies include writing articles, reading novels, and skiing. She admits taking alcohol, vodka 3-4 glasses on weekends, but denies smoking or using illicit drugs. Her physical exercise routine includes taking brisk walks for about 20 minutes when going to work and swimming on weekends. She sleeps for approximately 7 hours a day and takes three balanced meals. C.M. reports attending annual well-exams, putting on safety belts while driving, and having smoke detectors. Family Hx: The maternal grandmother has colorectal cancer, diagnosed at the age of 57 years. The paternal grandfather had renal failure. Mother had breast cancer that was successfully treated four years. Siblings are alive and well.  Her daughter has eczema. ROS: GENERAL:  Reports weight gain, and fatigue with low energy levels. Denies chills, malaise, or fever. HEENT: Head: Reports hair loss. Denies headache. Eyes:  Denies visual changes, or excessive lacrimation. Ears: Denies hearing loss, ear discharge, or tinnitus. Nose: Denies sneezing, congestion, runny nose, or epistaxis. Throat: Denies sore throat. SKIN: Denies skin color changes, rashes, lesions, or itching. CARDIOVASCULAR:  Reports fatigue on exertion.  Denies chest pain, pressure, or discomfort. No edema, SOB, or palpitations. RESPIRATORY:  Denies cough, sputum production, or shortness of breath. GASTROINTESTINAL:  Reports decreased appetite. Denies nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, bowel changes, or blood in the stool. GENITOURINARY:  Denies pelvic pain, abnormal vaginal discharge, painful urination, urinary frequency/urgency, or blood in the urine. Last menstrual period, 06/18/2020. NEUROLOGICAL:  Denies headache, syncope, dizziness, muscle weakness, tingling sensations in the extremities, or loss of smell/taste sensation. MUSCULOSKELETAL:  Denies muscle pain, limitations in movement, joint pain, or stiffness. HEMATOLOGIC:  No history anemia, easy bleeding or bruising, or blood transfusion. LYMPHATICS:  No history of inflamed lymph nodes or splenectomy. PSYCHIATRIC:  Reports sleeping disturbances. Denies history of mental disorders and the presence of suicidal ideations. ENDOCRINOLOGIC:  Reports cold intolerance. Denies excessive thirst or hunger, increased sweating, or increased urine production. ALLERGIES:  No history of allergies. O. Physical exam: Vital signs: BP- 110/68, PR- 68, RR- 20, Temp-97.3 F Ht. – 5’4, Wt. – 167 pounds HEENT: Head: Normocephalic and atraumatic.
Hair black with patches of hair loss. Coarse and straw-like hair. Eyes: Sclera is white; PERRLA. Ears: T.M.s intact. Sinuses: Non-palpable. Nose: Nasal septum well-aligned. Throat: Tonsillar glands non-inflamed. Neck: Lymph nodes non-palpable; Trachea is midline. On palpation, the Thyroid gland is nodular. Respiratory: Rhythmic and smooth respirations. Lungs clear on auscultation bilaterally. Cardiovascular: Capillary refill- 2 secs. No neck vein distensions or edema. RRR and S1and S2 present. No gallop sounds of systolic murmurs. Integumentary: Skin is dry. No hypo/hyperpigmentation, skin rashes, or lesions. Diagnostic results: Complete Blood Count- To establish the Hemoglobin and hematocrit level, red blood cell count, and white blood cell count. Low hemoglobin, hematocrit, and red blood cell count may cause fatigue and cold intolerance (Turner, Parsi & Badireddy, 2020).  The white blood cell count will establish the presence of infection. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) Test. A TSH test will establish TSH levels. An increase in TSH is associated with Hypothyroidism, while a decrease in TSH is usually present in hyperthyroidism (Chaker, Bianco, Jonklaas & Peeters, 2017). A. Differential Diagnoses Hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism is an endocrine condition that results from low levels of thyroid hormone (Chaker et al., 2017). It develops when the thyroid gland is not able to produce adequate amounts of thyroid hormone. Symptoms common in Hypothyroidism include dry skin, hair loss, voice changes, fatigue, constipation, cold intolerance, muscle cramps, sleep disturbances, menstrual cycle abnormalities, weight gain, and galactorrhea (Chaker et al., 2017). Physical findings that may be present in Hypothyroidism include Enlarged thyroid gland, weight gain, slowness of speech and movements, dry skin, coarse and brittle hair, pallor and jaundice (Chaker et al., 2017). Other physical findings include dull facial expressions, bradycardia, pericardial effusion, and prolonged ankle reflex relaxation time. Hypothyroidism is the priority diagnosis based on pertinent positive findings of weight gain, hair loss, fatigue, cold intolerance, sleeping difficulties, dry skin, and coarse straw-like hair. The Assignment Use the Episodic/Focused SOAP Template and create an episodic/focused note about the patient in the case study to which you were assigned using the episodic/focused note template provided in the Week 5 resources. Provide evidence from the literature to support diagnostic tests that would be appropriate for each case. List five different possible conditions for the patient’s differential diagnosis and justify why you selected each. Anemia Anemia refers to the reduction in the proportion of the red blood cells (Turner, Parsi & Badireddy, 2020). Symptoms of Anemia include weakness, tiredness, cold intolerance, lethargy, restless legs, shortness of breath on exertion, chest pain, reduced exercise tolerance, and Pica (Turner, Parsi & Badireddy, 2020). Physical findings common in Anemia include cool skin, tachypnea, hypotension, conjunctiva pallor, glossitis, tachycardia, and a systolic murmur. Anemia is a likely diagnosis based on a positive history of fatigue, tiredness, and cold intolerance. However, there are no findings of Anemia symptoms such as pallor, shortness of breath, systolic murmur, or tachypnea, which rules out Anemia as the priority diagnosis. Non-toxic Goiter Goiter is defined as the enlargement of the thyroid gland. Non-toxic goiter is characterized by thyroid gland enlargement with no disturbance in the thyroid function (Alkabban & Patel, 2020). The enlargement may be diffuse or localized growth. The goiter can compress the upper trachea, laryngeal nerves, and esophagus (Alkabban & Patel, 2020). This results in symptoms such as dysphagia, shortness of breath, and voice hoarseness caused by mechanical compression of laryngeal nerves.
Physical examination findings include central neck swelling that is either smooth or nodular, and the mass moves with swallowing (Alkabban & Patel, 2020). The goiter can deviate the trachea or extend retrosternal. Non-toxic goiter is a likely diagnosis based on positive findings of the palpable nodular thyroid gland. However, the patient has no other findings of non-toxic goiter, making it an unlikely diagnosis. Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Thyroiditis is described as an inflammation of the thyroid gland (Pyzik et al., 2015). It results in either unusually high or low levels of thyroid hormones in the blood. Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis occurs due to the immune system attacking the thyroid gland, making it inflamed and damaged (Pyzik et al., 2015). As the thyroid gland is destroyed over time, it becomes unable to produce enough thyroid hormone. Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis causes symptoms of an underactive thyroid gland such as tiredness, weight gain, and dry skin (Pyzik et al., 2015). Specific symptoms of Hashimoto thyroiditis include perceiving fullness in the throat, painless thyroid enlargement, fatigue, sore throat, and temporary neck pain (Pyzik et al., 2015). On physical exam, a firm, rubbery thyroid gland is usually palpated. Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is a differential diagnosis based on pertinent positive findings of fatigue, weight gain, dry skin, and a palpable nodular thyroid gland. However, the patient dies not present with specific symptoms of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, which makes it an unlikely diagnosis. Addison Disease Addison disease is characterized by primary adrenal insufficiency. It is caused by bilateral adrenal cortex destruction resulting in decreased production of adrenocortical hormones, including aldosterone, cortisol, and androgens (Bornstein et al., 2016). Symptoms of Addison include fatigue, weight loss, generalized weakness, dizziness, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, tachycardia, and postural hypotension (Bornstein et al., 2016). Diffuse hyperpigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes often occurs in sun-exposed areas as well as decreased body hair (Bornstein et al., 2016). Other physical findings include dehydration and refractory hypotension. Pertinent positive findings of Addison disease include fatigue, decreased appetite, and hair loss. Nonetheless, the patient has weight gain, which rules our Addison as the primary diagnosis.References Alkabban, F. M., & Patel, B. C. (2020). Non-toxic Goiter. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing. Bornstein, S. R., Allolio, B., Arlt, W., Barthel, A., Don-Wauchope, A., Hammer, G. D., Husebye, E. S., Merke, D. P., Murad, M. H., Stratakis, C. A., & Torpy, D. J. (2016). Diagnosis and Treatment of Primary Adrenal Insufficiency: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 101(2), 364–389. https://doi.org/10.1210/jc.2015-1710 Chaker, L., Bianco, A. C., Jonklaas, J., & Peeters, R. P. (2017). Hypothyroidism. Lancet (London, England), 390(10101), 1550–1562. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736 (17)30703-1 Pyzik, A., Grywalska, E., Matyjaszek-Matuszek, B., & Roliński, J. (2015). Immune disorders in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: what do we know so far? Journal of immunology research, 2015, 979167. https://doi.org/10.1155/2015/979167 Turner, J., Parsi, M., & Badireddy, M. (2020). Anemia. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing
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davidchenmd · 2 years
Examples of Mood Stabilizers for Bipolar Disorder
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David Chen, MD, a psychiatrist based in Chevy Chase, Maryland, has over a decade of clinical experience in private practice. David Chen, MD, graduated with a medical degree from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry and now focuses on a practice that involves diagnosing and treating conditions causing mood disorders in children, adolescents, and adults.
Bipolar disorder is one of the many psychiatric disorders clinically characterized by mood fluctuations and variations in behavior. Bipolar patients may experience dramatic mood swings, from emotions of elation and joy to feelings of hopelessness and depression. Additionally, they may feel excessively energized and irritable, leading them to behave recklessly.
To stabilize a patient’s mood, a health practitioner may administer mood stabilizers like lithium, valproic acid, dexamethasone, or triamcinolone. These mood stabilizers alter the expression levels of genes. TRANK1, LMAN2L, and PTGFR are linked to an increased risk for bipolar disorder.
Lithium, for instance, is known to be among the most effective treatment options. It stimulates and strengthens stem cells in the brain regions involved in thinking, mood, and behavior regulation. Consequently, it stabilizes mood swings and reduces the risk of self-harm, suicide, and death. By stabilizing mood swings, lithium also helps prevent depression and future episodes of mania in patients.
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