#Prompto x Aurora
OC Playlists 3: Aurora Cecilia Scientia
Aurora: Somewhere Only We Know - Lily Allen Version White Rabbit - Jefferson Airplane Melancholia - Yoko Shimomura Lady of Worlds - Miracle of Sound What You’re Thinking - Passenger Angel - Massive Attack Lone Digger - Caravan Palace Goodnight - The Birthday Massacre Wherever you Will Go - Charlene Soraia Just Like Fire - Pink Enjoy The Silence - Ki:Theory Stand By Me - Florence And The Machine Titanium - David Guetta
Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls Kiri - Monoral Wonderwall - Oasis Kiss me - Sixpence Non The Richer Magic - Mystery Skulls Bleeding Love - Jessie McCartney Version Beautiful Soul - Jessie McCartney Shot - The Rasmus Just For Tonight - Manna (ft. Ville Valo) Fireflies - Owl City This - Ed Sheeran Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran Stars - tATu
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lucianprincess · 6 years
Your OC meets Sunshine Bro! What are their thoughts?
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Aurora met Prompto when her brother and her entered high school.
She finds him very kind and appreciates his good mood everyday. But it must be confessed that at times she finds it a bit exasperating to complain often, extravagant to always exaggerate and exhausting to move in all directions. She ask herself where he draws all this energy.
She is not as close to him as Noctis can be, but he remains a good friend whose company she enjoys.
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katchihe · 7 years
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Prompto showing off his different type of guns B)
Ref by @looneyfrechie
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roses-and-oceans · 7 years
@cactwerk @lapis-lazoolee  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Here is my take on a sort of a Beauty and the Beast kinda au. @cactwerk came up with the idea, I asked if i could write it bc fairytale aus are my CRACK. Anyways, here goes nothing.
Noctis winced as he sat back in his chair and decided to retire for the night. He had send Ignis home early and there was no paperwork that needed his immediate attention. He got up and left the messy piles of paper as is. He’ll deal with everything tomorrow.
The tapping of his shoes and cane echoed in the lonely hallway and opened the door to his room. He took off his suit jacket, started undoing his tie and stripped for a warm shower, in hopes of relaxing his muscles. 
Before slinking into bed, he takes painkillers to take the edge off his bad knee and hip. As he settles back into his pillows, he realize sleep will not come so easily.
After rescuing Eos from perpetual darkness, Noctis couldn’t find the peace to sleep like he used to.
He rebuilt Insomnia as soon as he recovered from his sacrifice. He set out to help restore the peace and bring people back to home. After ten long years of night, the Insomniac citizens were true to their name.They were prosperous and happy, exactly as Noctis set out for them to be. But he felt like an outsider, looking in. 
His heart was heavy after the death of Lunafreya. After his time in the Crystal, Noctis accepted his fate. He took a seat on his throne and endured the pain, over and over. He accepted each and every blade, he defeated Ardyn’s soul and set him to rest. 
As he could feel himself ascend, he took comfort in the fact of seeing his dad again. Of seeing Luna.
When he woke up with his father’s sword in his torso, his throat let out a roar so loud it knocked him out.
He lived in constant pain. His old childhood wounds came back to haunt him and as soon as he could sit up, he set out to rebuilding Insomnia. He got lost in it. His friends had to pull him out of his head and paperwork frequently.
His friends were a great comfort. Gladio, Ignis and Prompto stayed with him always. They were a comfort he often felt he didn’t deserve. He thanked the Six everyday for them. But he felt disconnected from them, as if he lost a piece. He suffered his pain in silence, not wanting to cause anymore to them.
Dawn may rise every morning but it felt like it never did for Noctis.
The distance worried his friends. Gladio was and always will be his shield, but the distance kept him frosty. Ignis was his devoted advisor, but being sent home early was a constant. Prompto would see Noctis as often as he could, when the latter wasn’t “too busy”. 
The three friends, tried several interventions. Many angry outbursts, many tear-jerking moments. But none were fruitful.
Noctis shifted and he winced again.
He often wondered why he wasn’t dead. It had been five years since the sacrifice and the better part of Insomnia and other daemon-plagued cities were rebuilt. He sold his soul to save Eos, but here he was; a broken and battered man.
A broken and battered man, his heart growing heavier and heavier each day. He pushed away his friends, his brothers, resigned himself a slave to the throne.
His eye lids were beginning to grow heavy. As he drifted off to sleep, he wondered if he’ll eventually have a reason to wake up and not wish the day was already over.
The next morning, his reason was finishing up cleaning their apartment and grabbed an apple to snack on as they gazed at the Citadel from their window.
Oh my god was that awful??? tell me if it was awful, if it was bad. ugh omg. Im just glad to get this out of my head i’ve been thinking about this for a few days. ughhhhh i hope it wasn’t bad, let me know what you thinkkkk hhhhhhhhhhh.
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alicemoonwonderland · 7 years
A Hidden Goodbye - Part Two
Second Part of A Hidden Goodbye - [first part] Blame @themissimmortal​ for this ;) (joking joking!!!)
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV
Pairing: Regis x Fem!Reader, hint of possible Nyx x Fem!Reader
Rating: NSFW - mentioning of death and loss, no smut. So hardcore SFW?
Warnings: Character Death, Loss, Angst
Tagging:  @itshaejinju @cupnoodle-queen​ @nifwrites @blindbae @hypaalicious@diabolik-trash-heap @louisvuittontrashbags @rubyphilomela @neko-otaku13​ @insomniacapparel @xnoctits​ @insomniascure @ridingchocobros​ @dirtyffxvconfession @ponkita​ @stunninglyignis​ @fieryfantasy @sweetchocobae @atlerion​ @angelic-guardienne​
Ten years passed. At times, it felt like yesterday since you heard the news of what happened to Insomnia and your husband. Sometimes, it felt like a hundred years. An Endless Night. The rage you had felt when you heard Noctis had been absorbed by the damn Crystal rivalled that of a behemoth. You had destroyed stuff, thrown with things, and shouted at people. How dared the Astrals take one more person you loved from you? Take away Aurora's older brother? Had it not been enough for those damn deities?
You did not care about prophecies or the Starscourge. You cared about the broken heart your little one had, the pain in her little face when you had to explain to her that her papa was never coming home again. That you didn't know if she would ever see her brother again. No child had to suffer through that pain. Had to know that worry. No child
But no matter how much you raged, they weren't returned to you. Maybe never would be returned to you. What was left of the people of Lucis looked at you, now Queen Regent, in Noctis' absence to take care of them and lead them. To prepare Aurora to become the next Queen if her brother never returned.
It was just wrong. Aurora should never have had to worry about ruling a Kingdom, or what was left of it. It was always supposed to be Noctis.
You hid your tears though, held your head up high and ruled as best as you could. Luckily, you weren't alone. You had what was left of your family, but also your friends like Nyx and Cor, who did whatever they could to support you. Especially Nyx became your rock in this endless dark storm.
Sometimes you wondered, the way he looked at you. But your heart was still Regis', probably would be till the day you crossed over as well. It hurt in a way as well, that you could not move on. But every time those thoughts crossed your mind, you shook your head and dove straight back into your work.
You would keep your people together. Would do whatever you could. You were not Regis, but you would do anything you could to make him proud.
Then, after ten years, you got a call that Noctis had returned. Somehow, some way he had returned. Finally, real hope started to fill you.
Nyx rushed you and Aurora to Hammerhead where Noctis' friends had gone to wait for him. Little Aurora, not so little anymore, almost bounced around with bright excitement and hope.
You had done everything you could help Aurora stay connected to the two men of her family. Through pictures and stories. And now she could finally hug her older brother. They could finally be a family again, and Noctis could take his rightful place as the King of Lucis.
When the young King stepped out of the car, he did not look like the last time you had seen him - when you saw him off to Altissia. Part of you had expected him to have been in stasis, still looking like a twenty-year-old. With his too big blue eyes, and youthful face.
For a moment, you thought that Regis had returned and younger than before. He looked so much like his father in his youth. But his eyes were different. Blue like the sea he loved so much.
Tears were shed, hugs exchanged. Aurora latched onto him like a little octopus and refused to let go till she fell asleep in his arms.
You did not bother him, letting him catch up with his closest friends and baby sister. Nyx staying at your side like a silent vigilant as he had been for so long. "Your Majesty," Nyx greeted his King when he left his friends and moved towards you. Noctis smiled sheepishly, and you smiled amused. Yes, he was still the awkward Noct you had missed for too long.
"Could we talk?" You nodded and followed him outside, sitting down on one of the plastic chairs by the caravan and looked up at the stars and moon. You remembered sometimes joining Noctis on the roof, before you had married his father, and the two of you would talk about everything.
"What did you want to talk about?' you asked, gently resting your hand on his arm. He gave you a sad smile and placed his hand over yours.
"Talcott told me all you have done for our people. Thank you for that."
You shook your head. "It is the right thing to do." You were Queen Dowager, it was your duty to protect and take care of the people of Lucis during these trying times.
"Still...I cannot imagine how hard it was for you. Losing father..." You squeezed his arm when you saw the tears in his eyes. ", taking care of Aurora. Raising her technically alone. And then rule instead of me. Thank you." The way he talked, it reminded me of his father.
"What aren't you telling me, Noctis?"
Your world shattered again when Noctis told you what Bahamut was planning. Your heart filled with horror and disgust beyond believe. First, Regis had to die so Noctis could become the Chosen King. And now Noctis had to die for the Starscourge to go away? For the Dawn to return?
"No! No!" You stood up with a scream and pointed your finger at him as your throat hurt like hell. "No, Noctis. Don't you dare. We waited ten years for you to return. Your sister waited for you. And now you're telling me you have to leave again?" Noctis stood up and wrapped his arms around you tightly.
"I lost your father already, Noct. We cannot lose you for real."
"I don't want to go. I don't want to. I want to see Aurora grow up. Have fun with my friends. Go fishing again. I want to life." You wrapped your arms around him as you could feel his hurt. "But we both know I have to. Father sacrificed everything to keep me alive. Now I must give my life so you and Aurora can live in the sun."
"I need you to keep on ruling for Aurora's sake. It's not fair. It should be me carrying the burden. And I would. I would. But please." Noctis looked pained at you, tears rimming his turmoiled yes. You exhaled sharply, cupping his face softly.
"There is no other way?"
"None." Tears rolled down your cheeks as the screaming in your soul intensified.
"Then we will walk tall, Noctis. We will walk tall."
The sun rose as your daughter made her way across the marble floor and towards the throne. The golden lights gracing the dark stone. You smiled sadly as you saw the once happy little baby you had cradled in your arm has grown up to be a bright young woman ready - as one could be - to become the 115th Ruler of Lucis and the first one who ruled Neo-Insomnia. You did not wish for that title. You were just the Regent, and now you were going to pass down the crown to your little Sunlight.
The ceremony went by in almost a blur as you spoke the ancient words, and she took the oath. Her voice carrying through the Hall. Everyone has gathered. Gladiolus, Ignis, Prompto, Nyx, Crowe, Cor, even Cid had come to the Crown City to pay his respect. The last two living companions of Regis.
You took the Crown off the pillow that Nyx held out to you, a faint smile on both of your lips. Turning, you looked down at your daughter. Her green eyes wide and filled with nerves, but also resolution and strength. "With this Crown, I crown thee Queen Aurora Lucis Caelum, 115th Queen of Lucis. All hail the Queen."
"All Hail the Queen!"
You went on your knee before her, after you placed the crown upon her head, and everyone followed you - bowing their heads to her in respect.
Aurora stood with a shaky smile - the first monarch who did not wore the Ring as it was not needed anymore. You stood up and placed your hand against the small of her back. "Go on, my little cub. Go and greet your people." They all had gathered outside, waiting for their new Ruler to appear on the balcony to greet them all. She nodded with a little sigh and started to walk. And this time you would not walk by her side.
A proud, but sad little smile appeared on your face as a tear rolled down your cheek. Everyone focused on the new Queen, the ex-Regent forgotten.
You lifted your head a bit to look out of the window behind a little balcony. Surprise filled your chest as the balcony was not empty as it should be. Two figures stood there, watching everything with the same sad proud smile on their faces. Regis and Noctis. They inclined their head in thanks to you, and your heart felt heavy but happy too. Inclining your head back to them as you tried not to cry fully. You would see them one day again. Maybe sooner than later. But one day. You would. But till then, you would walk tall and keep their memory alive.
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sulkyprince · 7 years
Daemon Omegaverse AU!
Noctis Lucis Caelum, 114th King of Lucis
-Daemon by way of infection by Starscourge when he attempted to purge Prompto’s daemonic nature.
-Simplistic. More animalistic, primal thinking.
Daemonic features include:
Red SOULLESS eyes that burn like embers.
Think Legion at the end of Ghostrider.
Also STFU I know Ghostrider sucks, I have a thing for it.
Skin cracking ala the Ring of the Lucii with black shadow oozing.
I’d like to think the tips of his hair get all wispy and shadowy and just trail off. Noct your hair does that now. FOR IT HAS BEEN WRITTEN!
These features become more prominently displayed the more aggressive Noct becomes.
Noct in a nutshell:
-can I fuck it?
-can I kill it?
-i like this knife ( Prompto) i’m keeping it.
Sleepfucking Prompto
Eating Chocobos
Daemon!Noct Shaming:
Drank from the toilet.
First kill was his own Chocobo.
Offered its throat to StillHuman!Prompto. Prompto accepted of course because he’s supportive, but he just wet his lips and tried not to hurl.
Prompto Argentum, Queen of Lucis
-Daemon by way of birth/creation. ‘Pureblood’.
-Advanced Intelligence.  Primal, instinct driven thinking influenced by human emotions.
Daemonic features include:
Eyes: Triple ringed irises in multiple shades of blue. Pupils ringed with molten gold. Pupils cast a pearlescent light.
But prettyprompto! Didn’t you steal that shit from Laurell K Hamilton’s Meredith Gentry Series?
FUCK YEA I DID. It’s amazeballs. And Omega Queen!Prompto gets to be a stunning bitch!
-Platinum hair. I’m sorry but I have this kink where if they have blond hair I just want it blonder and blonder til it goes platinum and then just I guess the next level is blinding light.
We’ll hold off on the hair that radiates glory for now. DLC. //_>;
Features display prominently. Features fade under distress or injury.
Prompto in a nutshell:
-this is mine! *grabs Nocts crotch and waves a gun* this is where my babies come from!
Eating Flowers
Utilizing his suppressed humanity.
Being a super smart daemon.
Daemon!Prompto Shaming:
Tried to get Noct to attack Ignis by daemonically vocalizing. Tried too hard and instead of saying -this guys a threat to your claim on me, kick his ass!- Noct understood it as -that guy scares me you better fuck me now and make me your mate-
Noct obliged.
Bonus: HumanCapableButDaemonicallyInclined!Prompto Shaming: Totally knew what he was doing as he ran around Ignis in circles, then pulled the baking cabinet open and scattered every cake pan across the kitchen tile. Ran away and continued by chewing the back of the couch.
Ignis: We’ll find a way to change it!
Prompto: *Phoenix from X-Men tone* I DON’T WANT TO CHANGE IT!
Ignis Scientia, the Royal Advisor
Considered Beta ( Ignis is writing the book on Noctis and Prompto as he studies them. He doesn’t know he’s Beta to them)
Poor Loyal Ignis.
-Along with Gladio, Ignis runs the remodeled house at Cape Caem. He cooks, cleans, feeds the kids. He manages the daily routines. He expands his knowledge on Noctis and Prompto in the hopes of helping them.
-Maintains a strained contact with Prompto and encourages his humanity.
Gladiolus Amicitia, the King’s Sworn Shield
Considered Alpha.
Back-up for Ignis. Babysitter. ( babies and Noctis and Prompto. )
Gladio: *tearing at his hair* WTF IZ HAPPENING TO MY LIIIIFE!?
Iris Amicitia, Future Daemon Slayer ( !?)
Brave Soldier Marching On
-helps Ignis and Gladio with the day to day affairs, such as bathing the children and all that jazz.
Supportive but SHOOK
Puts on earphones and cranks that jam to drown out the sounds of rampant daemon fucking.
Pre-Daemon Omegaverse AU Children
Cyrus Lucis Caelum: Black hair, sky blue eyes. Loud, noisy, rambunctious. 2 ½
Tobias Lucis Caelum: Blond hair, blue eyes. Preemie. Very advanced, intelligent, aware. 1
That One Awesome Gangbang On Daemon!Prompto That Went Totally Down Into Ifrit’s Parlor Children.
Triplets by Father ( S.T.F.U. DON’T YOU JUDGE ME/HIM)
Ignis: Oliver Scientia.  Strawberry blond. Green eyes. Newborn.
Gladio: Crocus Amicitia. Chestnut brown. Amber brown eyes. Newborn.
Noctis: Aurora Lucis Caelum. Black hair. Deep blue eyes. Newborn.
Named by their fathers.
Prompto: “Oliver and Crocus!? You guys are assholes! I got frog spawn and chibi nerdlinger here!”
I adore it.
If this comes your way please take credit.
This is a WIP RP based story.
Noct may not have been able to retrieve all data from when shit got kinky but we are now recording posts.
If you like what we have so far please let us know!
Plotting ideas, suggestions, comments and all other forms of feedback can be directed to my Ask box or personal messaging.
Tagging interested parties: @sunshinechocobro @insomniacapples Your still untaggable. @lullanita @ashthewitch @evalana
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Headcanon: During the ten years noctis was in the crystal
Prompto: weather sure is muggy out there Aurora: I swear to the Six Prom if I find all the camps mugs outside I'm feeding you to the behemoths Prompto: *awkwardly drinks from a bowl* @thecrimsonmotherfucker Don't deny this could happen
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roses-and-oceans · 7 years
Roses’ FFXV Masterlist.
Hi! Thank you for visiting my blog and my masterlist! I hope you enjoy!
Rules: At this current time, I am open for requests!I will edit as my availablity changes. However, I cannot accept NSFW Requests at this time for personal reasons. Maybe in the future!
I will let you know I cannot do certain requests.
Please do not send me duplicate requests (requests that are being sent in by copy and paste format).
 Let me know if i missed anything or if you have any questions!
| Noctis Lucis Caelum |
Aurora. (Beauty and the Beast AU) {hiatus}
Shy s/o.
True Love’s Kiss.
Once Upon A Dream (Sleeping BeautyAU/ Noctis x reader multi-chap fic)
| Prompto Argentum |
The Smoking Gun.
I’ll Speak French Between Your Legs. // NSFW-ish; mostly a crack-fic
True Love’s Kiss.
Drunk/Sloppy Kisses.
Moving around while kissing…
#2. “None of this is your fault.” & #6. “No one’s going to hurt you.”
#30. “Is that blood?”
| Gladiolus Amicitia |
Sensations. // NSFW-ish
Our Day Will Come.
Lunch Break. // NSFW
S/o that does Yoga Headcanons. // NSFW (written and submitted by @gladiolus-mamacitia)
Newlywed Gladio and S/o try for Pregnancy. // NSFW
Virgin S/o Headcanons.
Looking At Him.
#27. “Please stay with me.”
#31. “Can I kiss you?”
Gladio’s Afternoon. // NSFW
| Ignis Scientia |
Missing Ignis.
Dinner Plans. // NSFW
To Love. (Written and submitted by @gladiolus-mamacitia when i was having a really hard time. I thank my lucky stars for her everyday.)
You’re Warm.
Ignis in Love Headcanons.
To Be Alone With You. // NSFW
Witch!Ignis AU Headcanons.
Sigils. (witch!Ignis au)
He Loves You.
For Him. // NSFW
| Aranea Highwind |
Female S/o Headcanons.
| Ardyn Izunia |
Devil’s Dance. // NSFW; 666 Follower Milestone
| Chocobros |
NSFW Headcanons.
Bondage. (FFXV Kinktober Day Six) // NSFW
S/o with thinness complex Headcanons.
Not Walking Tall. (Vent Piece)
Welcome to Cafe Insomnia. (cafe au)
Demisexual s/o.
Random Headcanons.
S/o With Self-Harm Scars. (read at own discretion, please, I want you to be safe)
#4. “Are you serious?” (Gladnis Angst)
| Waitress Au w/ @gladiolus-mamacitia |
Jiion and Val are waitresses by day, hunters by night. Self-insert AU.
Can’t Help it. (written by @gladiolus-mamacitia) {1/3}
All in Good Fun. (written by @gladiolus-mamacitia) // NSFW-ish {2/3}
Mistakes Were Made. // NSFW-ish {3/3}
Returning to You. // NSFW
Worst time.
| Twin AU |
Scientia Twins Headcanons. | Art by me | Art by @gladiolus-mamacitia | Art by @ubeshibe | Playlist w/ headcanons |
Amicitia Twins Headcanons. | Art by @gladiolus-mamacitia | Playlist w/ Headcanons | Aster NSFW Headcanons |
Caelum Twins Headcanons. | Art by Me | AU where Vega is the Chosen One (art and small drabble by me) | Playlist w/ Headcanons |
Argentum Twins Headcanons. | Art by @gladiolus-mamacitia | Playlist w/headcanons |
Cafe.(Scientia Twins) | Art by @ubeshibe |
Madeleines. (Aurelio Felix Scientia)
Izunia Twins Headcanons. (w/ art by @gladiolus-mamacitia)
Convergence. (Au where all the twins exist simultaneously; based on this comic by@ubeshibe)
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