#Princess Dorothea
passing-by-tmblr · 9 months
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I was a princess in the ghost zone doing alright, then I became a dragon overnight 🔥🐉🩵
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pransesdp · 2 months
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*Me @ Me*: for the love of GOD will u remember to post your dang fanart to your respective tumblrs for once-
Fjfjfk Buuuut yeah, about time I legit posted some DP art here again, thanks to a wave of nostalgia and shipping feels I was getting browsing the fandom tags .3. So here’s a mix of some of my fave ghost-focused ships from the show (*most of which spawned from my old NG-verse content ideas, whilst GW x Ember just came about more recently cause I thought they sounded cute~☺️*). Hope you all enjoy!~ 👻💚
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As promised, another set of catified Danny Phantom designs !! This time Prince Aragon & Princess Dorothea :]  
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trinoxtrinox · 2 years
A party to be remembered through the ages (Part 1)
Ectoberhaunt 2022, Side Chaos. Prompt: Costume Party.
Summary: There’s a ghost party and Phantom has been invited. The caveat? It’s a costume party, and there’s a theme as well, this time it’s historical figures of the Infinite Realms.
Author's note: Yeah, this is another one that'll get a second part XD This one got a bit out of hand and I noticed it was going to get pretty long as soon as I reached Dora's part and I was nowhere near close to the actual party XD
Edit: Here's the link for part 2 Edit 2: First (You're here :D) - Next
“Here,” Johnny 13 pushed a pamphlet in the hands of Phantom, “you’re officially invited to my super awesome annual costume party.”
“Uhhh, thanks?” Danny remained floating over Amity Park, still confused as to why Johnny was here in the first place if not to cause any trouble.
“The theme this year is historical figures of the Infinite Realms. Usually the winners are either Kitty, Skulker or Technus, maybe adding you will spice things up at the party.”
“What even counts as a historical figure?”
“Anyone who’s been in important enough events that they were recorded in books.”
“Huh, that oddly makes sense, guess I’ll have to visit Ghost Writer’s library then”
“Good luck with that, and remember that you can bring up to 3 extra ghosts with you. Ghosts, no humans, so your human friends won’t be able to come with you.” Johnny emphasized, before turning around on his bike and returning to the Ghost Zone.
“Well, guess I should brush up on my history… or maybe not.” An impish smile could be seen in Danny’s face as the gears inside his brain began working, and so he returned to his house and sought between everything that he had to see what could work for his disguise.
“Bummer, I don’t have anything that could work.” Floating himself to his bed, Danny fell on it and let the chaos of his room remain the same, looking at the glow in the night stars that he put on his roof when he was younger with the help of his dad. “I should probably tell Sam and Tucker about it…”
“*ring* *ring* *click* Heya Danny, how’s it going?” Tucker was the first to answer the call, his voice traveling through the speakers of the phone.
“*click* Sup boys,” Sam picked up the call soon after, not giving time to Danny to answer Tucker’s question.
“Hi guys, doing fine here, you two?”
“Nothing out of the ordinary.”
“Just a boring day as they come, though I did manage to get mom to buy me a purple and black dress.”
“Awesome, how did you manage to do it?” Tucker’s interested voice came through the group call, that wasn’t an easy feat after all.
“I’ll have to wear that in a ball soon, and it has some frills that I’d like to remove myself, but I’m pretty sure I can remove them beforehand and still make it work.”
“Are those frills really that bad?” It was Danny’s turn to ask, curious as well of her situation.
“Not really, but I hate frills on principle,” waved off the concerns Sam, it could be heard through her voice how she rolled her eyes and waved them both off, indicating she was changing the theme of the conversation, “anyways, why were you calling us Danny?”
“Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Johnny invited me to a costume party in the Ghost Zone, and I wanted to tell you guys as well as ask for some help with my costume.”
“Neat, can we go too?”
“Sorry Tuck, he told me specifically that I could only bring ghost friends with me, not human friends.”
“Awww, no fair.”
“It’s probably going to happen in a place where humans aren’t able to interact with anything Tuck, what’s the theme of the party anyways?”
“It’s historical figures of the Infinite Realms, and I already have an idea on who to go as.”
“Oh cool, who’re you doing?”
“I’ll be going as Clockwork, and that’s why I need your help guys. Think you could get me some purple coats and paint a grandfather clock on a paper to stick to my chest?”
“Awesome, I’m pretty sure I can get that cloak for you.”
“You can leave the beginning of that design to Too Fine Tucker Foley.”
“Thanks guys, I’ll also need some dark red paint to cover my face, once I transform I’ll be blue skinned just like him.”
“Good idea, I’ll begin collecting all the material.” Sam answered, beginning to make a list on her end of the line.
“I’ll start on the design for the grandfather clock door, the gears and his staff.” Tucker continued the conversation, rushing to the desk by his room and beginning to sketch the design.
“Thanks guys, I’ll go invite some ghost friends meanwhile.”
“Who’re you gonna invite by the way?” Sam asked, there were many options on ghosts to invite after all.
“I’m thinking of Sidney, Dora and Wulf.”
“Well, go invite them now then, we’re starting with all the stuff here. Do come by our places once you’re done though, we need to know your specific measures in order to make it all work fine.” Tucker gave a way for the conversation to end, with phone in shoulder and ear while drawing on a piece of paper the initial design of the clock door.
“Got it guys, I’ll come by in about an hour or two depending on how fast I can find them.” and with that Danny hung up and got out of his bed. Danny left his room and began walking downstairs to the kitchen, where he fine tuned his ear in order to find if his parents were currently in the lab or not; considering the absence of melding noises, explosion noises, or computer noises, most likely they were out at the time, and thus Danny went to the basement unpreoccupied. Opening the door to the lab revealed that they were indeed outside, the teenager went to the Specter Speeder and turned it on, and remembered to leave a message to Jazz before finally opening the portal and crossing through.
The first place Danny flew to with the Speeder was the Dragon Queendom, place where he would be able to find Dorothea, current ruler of the place after she successfully overthrew her brother with the help of Sam. After arriving, Danny left the Specter Speeder, transformed into his ghost halef, walked to the guards at the front of the gates, and asked to guided to Princess Dorothea, at which he was guided instantly by one of them while the second one remained in position to also take care of the vehicle. Finally he got to the throne room where the current ruler was waiting for him.
“Sir Phantom, what brings you here today?” Dora asked with a smile on her face, she was always happy whenever Danny came after all.
“Hey Dora, I came here to invite you to a party. Johnny is hosting a costume party in his lair and invited me, and also said that I could bring up to 3 ghost friends with me.”
“Oh I would love to come to the ball with you Sir Phantom, have you invited someone else to the ball as well?”
“Not yet, I’m planning on Sidney Pointdexter and Wulf though.”
“Oh, I’m honored to be the first ghost you’ve chosen to invite to this ball, Sir Phantom. If I may inquire, what’s the theme of this ‘costume party’?”
“Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you, it’s historical figures of the Infinite Realms, it’ll be in a week’s time as well. Once the day comes I’ll drive here in the Specter Speeder to pick you up for the party.”
“Oh that would be so gentlemanly Sir Phantom, going to a ball in a chariage is one of the best ways to arrive at an event of such caliber.”
“I’m glad you’ll be fine with this set up, though I should tell you now that the Specter Speeder isn’t a normal chariage, so maybe don’t get your hopes up for an elegant vehicle.”
“Understood Sir Phantom. Oh I must begin doing some research into who I should dress up as for the ball, thank you so much for the invitation Sir Phantom but I must ask you to leave now so I can begin my preparations.”
“No problem Dora, I’ll go invite Sidney and Wulf now, so see you in a week.”
“Fare thee well Sir Phantom.” and with that, Danny left the throne room, left the queendom, and got on the Specter Speeder, getting ready to visit Sydney in his lair now.
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heathcliffgirl1847 · 8 months
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happy birthday dorothea. u would have loved fiona apple
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vonehrenfest · 8 months
Together Forever
So it turns out that Danny is functionally immortal, his living and ghostly forms stabilizing each other every time he transforms. What this means for his human body is that he keeps reverting back to the age of his death- if he wants to grow up, to grow old, he will have to give up the other half of himself.
Danny could also stay a ghost instead, but it doesn’t feel right. It would be too much somehow in a way he can’t explain. (To be a ghost is to be tethered to your pain. He doesn’t notice it while he’s dead but the relief is real each time he comes back to life.)
Tucker reincarnates, like he has been for the past millennia. Each time he forgets his friends, and each time he’ll look into an ancient mirror and slowly start to remember.
It’s not just Tucker who comes back. His parents also return, again and again to each other. They never remember but it’s comforting nonetheless. On his third life after being Tucker Foley, it occurs to him that they might be soulmates; his continued existence not an unnatural blackmailing of the universe (like magic so often is) but just… skitching a ride.
Sam lives. She’s idealistic, a fighter, and ambitious. She dabbles in the dark arts just enough to help further her bright-eyed goals. Then, for a while she disappears. When her friends finally find her again, she has demons- both literal and metaphorical. She stops dabbling, and lets herself age. (She won’t stop fighting though, she never will.)
Sam dies. Danny protects her soul, and Tucker helps preserve her heart and mind. Her ghost is a fearsome and terrible thing, nearly a goddess in her own right. Death frees her from her living burdens, and for the first time in centuries she feels as light as she was in her youth.
Dani and Vlad are similar to Danny, but they are not perfect. They have to eat.
Vlad’s death was gradual. There is no single moment his biology returns to when he transforms, so he ages. He sustains his living body with his ghostly form, so like Spectra and Desiree he learns to draw energy from human emotions.
Dani was born half-dead. The condition Vlad discovered in himself as he begun to live longer and longer than any human has natural access to, she had from the very beginning. Dani doesn’t bother with vampirism though. She’s a Frankenstein and she’s ok with it; she gets her ecto-vitamins in the form an injection by Danny.
One day Dani will find out why she wanders, and why she traces the same paths over and over again. (Sam will tell her about ley lines, liminal spaces, and tears in the veil between worlds.) She’ll find places and events where the air itself sustains and strengthens her. Sun on a flower.
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wufflesvetinari · 3 months
unrelatedly we've been slowly watching xena and i was not prepared to like gabrielle this much. plucky, doe-eyed bard who lies easy as breathing. conman-level confidence. talks her enemies to death, literally. accidentally woke the titans bc she was a nerd about poetry pronunciation
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gogmstuff · 1 year
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Early 1730s dresses and portraits (from top to bottom) -
ca. 1732 The Beautiful Greek (La Belle Grecque) by Nicolas Lancret (Wallace Collection - London, UK). From their Web site 1429X1960, The complex sleeves open at the top like they would in Russian court dresses a century later.
ca. 1732 Watson-Wentworth and Finch Families by Charles Philips (Yale Center for British Art, Yale University - New Haven, Connecticut, USA) persons. From Wikimedia 4902X3094. The décolletage-filling fichu would become prominent in the Louis XVI era, but just about every grown up woman wears one along with a fastened bodice, round skirt, and apron. The heads of every female are covered by a cap, veil, or hat.
1733 Marie-Geneviève le Tonnellier de Breteuil by French school (attributed to Alexis Simon Belle) (auctioned by Sala de Ventas).From invaluable.com/auction-lot/18th-century-french-school-alexis-simon-belle-a-646-c-2074af1b03 1940X3362.Round skirts flourish on both shores of the channel.
ca. 1730-1735 Lady by Joseph Highmore (National Gallery of Art - Washington, DC, USA). From their Web site 1148X1495. The cuffed outer sleeves are stuffed by under-sleeves and the dress lining has a very subdued pink contrasting with the gold color of the other layer.
1734 Princess Sophie Dorothea with Friedrich Wilhelm by Antoine Pesne (location ?). From Wikimedia1633X2611. Textiles with large patterns characterize the early 1700s. Her dress has a square neckline.suggesting French influence.
ca. 1734 Wilhelmine of Prussia, Margravine of Brandenburg-Bayreuth by Antoine Pesne (location ?). From Wikimedia 829X11221. The silver brocade over-bodice has a deep V neckline filled in with scoop neckline.
1734 Madame Marie du Tour Vuillard (1695- 1759), née Robin by Louis Michel Van Loo (Tajan - 12-12-12 auction Lot 37), From their Web site; fixed spots & flaws w Pshop 2487X3151.
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borb-cheddorb · 19 days
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The Royal Family of Oz Redraw
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sxcietyoftheton · 1 month
Reblog this if you're an indie Bridgerton rp
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The list is here.
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Is your character Canon or OC
Are you a multi muse
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nemo-in-wonderland · 8 months
Once I am done with writing Chapter 5 of my story, I want to draw something with Jacob and Dottie (obviously🥰🥰🥰) in the same fashion as I did my Anastasia!AU (thought, not the same amount of artworks, I think).
Here are the options, let's see what will come out of this :)
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andiatas · 6 months
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Fredrika of Baden by Joseph Karl Stieler (oil on canvas, 1826)
Fredrika Dorotea Vilhelmina of Baden was born on 12 March 1781 in Karlsruhe. King Gustav IV Adolf married her at Stockholm Palace Chapel on 31 October 1797.
The marriage was initially described as a happy one, but they divorced in 1812 – the first and only time a Swedish king and queen have divorced.
They broke up following the king's loss of Finland after the Finnish War in 1809. King Gustav IV Adolf was then arrested, deposed as king and expelled from Sweden.
Fredrika has given her name to the Norrland towns of Fredrika, Dorotea and Vilhelmina. This part of southern Swedish Lappland is unofficially known as Drottninglandet ('Queenland') in her honour.
Photo: Nationalmuseum
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charlotteeblanchart · 15 days
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zenithart · 1 year
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Time for this year's summary
Here’s the source for the template
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astormeda · 1 year
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spring moodboard 🫶💌🧘‍♀️🍵🧸🎧🍓
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jchall110 · 1 year
Vote for you favorite of Jenna's fictional wives!
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