#Princess Angeline
wdillustration · 6 months
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What better way to spend the winter holidays before Christmas is by going out in a snowy evening with friends & family, and by that a random sketch of Walton, Sofia with their families as well with the Octonauts having a night out during a nice winter celebration Hope u like it!!!
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awalkoflife · 5 months
pre - verse fun for @gcldcnhour / angeline + carver.
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it's been two hours since her arrival, three hours since her last smoke and for the past thirty minutes, she's been drinking cheap american beer because there's a shortage of everything else. the party is located in a small manor that's situated a twenty minute drive away from campus. blair has disappeared and if it wasn't for the fact that his roommate was picking the two of them up later, she'd already be out of there. angeline's phone and her uber app died earlier in the night, meaning she was stranded. quite literally. with no one worth talking to, until.... carver eddison turns up. making his way into the kitchen, he's a little sweaty, looking far too attractive, a thought that shouldn't even be crossing her mind when she's here with his friend but fuck, she's only human. "excuse me, je suis désolé --- you'd be a life saver right now if you happened to have a spare cigarette?" the apology comes out in her mother tongue, something that doesn't even register to her until after she's said it. they're not strangers, they have classes together, so she hopes he won't find it rude of her to ask. she's seen him smoking on the grounds and at the campus christmas party too. "please don't tell me you've quit." the brunette smiles, offering her name just in case he's forgotten. "i'm angeline."
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shadowworldwanderers · 5 months
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lenoraah · 9 months
𝘵𝘦𝘢 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘴𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘭𝘺
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pairing - dad!charles leclerc x wife!reader
summary - in which Charles becomes part of a princess gossip circle with his three daughters
a/n - the oldest daughter is six and the twins are three and i did name them
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
The moment Y/n walks into the house she hears a bunch of low whispers and murmuring. She raises an eyebrow as she takes off her shoes and sets her bag on an armchair.
She can’t help but let out a small laugh when she sees her husband and three daughters crammed at a small pale pink plastic table.
Juliette, the oldest at six, is in a baby blue poofy dress with a tiny tiara on her head. Sicilia and Angeline, the twin three year olds, wear matching purple dresses with tiaras too big for their heads.
Charles is suffocating in a too tight tutu with the most coveted plastic jade tiara in the toy chest which is sitting on his head as he sips ‘tea’ from the tiny tea cup.
The four of them are hunched over, gossiping about whatever. It’s funny and you can’t help but imagine what they could possibly be talking about.
Y/n quietly walks over to be husband but gets interrupted by Angeline.
“Mommy!” The toddler runs towards her mother and bumps straight into her leg.
“Hi Angie,” Y/n scoops up her daughter and pecks her cheek and rubs her nose against the toddlers.
Y/n sways to the side when she feels a tug on her calf. Sicilia reaches out for her mother with a pout on her face.
Y/n picks both the girls and cuddles up on the couch with them, equally giving them as much love as they need. Juliette squeals as she climbs onto the couch and wraps herself around her mother.
Charles glances at the four of them with a smile. Y/n waves for him to come over and he nods, standing up but deciding to take off his tutu first.
Charles struggle making Y/n laugh and the kids look up at their father and giggle. Charles scowls before making a funny face at his kids and wife as he walks over towards them.
“You like the tiara Cha?” Y/n lazily smiles at her husband. Charles sits on her right, next to Juliette. The six year old smiles as cuddles into her father’s side.
“I am a princess, am I not?” Charles grins as he touches the tiara. The three girls laugh again and get comfortable in their parents’ touch.
Y/n glances around the living room. The small plastic furniture, the tea cups embroidered with tiny painted pansies and the glittery dresses.
“What happened?”
“Tea time with sparkly,” Sicilia mumbles into her mother’s belly as she closes her eyes.
“Daddy’s so fun and he’s a princess like us.” Juliette smiles as she hugs her father.
Angeline yawns as she mumbles something while burying her face into her mother’s chest.
Y/n and Charles share a look and a smile before looking at their three daughters once again.
“How about we all get changed and then cuddle for a bit?”
The chorus of yes and okay is enough for Charles and Y/n to pick up their kids and carry them to their rooms whiling imitating the sounds of an airplane and laughing along with their three little princesses.
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blysse-and-blunder · 4 months
in lieu of a reading week
11pm, tuesday, feb 20, 2024
hello beloveds. just wrote two increasingly passionate paragraphs about what social media and my use of it over the years has done to benefit my life, and got so genuinely moved that i had to come talk to you about it.
reading really wild mix of reading material of late. surprisingly high amount of YA, because people keep recommending me things and i keep going 'sure, let's try it!' so i'll use that as an organizing principle and save discussing some of the others for a future post. in order of completion:
firekeeper's daughter, angeline boulley, read by isabella lablanc. finished in a rush, very engaged in the last three-four hours. i was never prepared for the next thing this plot threw at me, though in retrospect saw how it all made sense. i didn't know a thing about it going in, which i think actually enriched the experience a lot, but for a novel set in michigan's UP and sugar island, it resonated with a lot of things i associate with ontario after living here for five+ years. the hockey, the ojibwe /anishinaabe names and cultural connections, the murdered and missing indigenous women. but it also mixes in elements reminiscent of, like, braiding sweetgrass (and tangentially mexican gothic) and various fan fiction tropes i recognized in their shape if not their execution. highly recommend the audiobook-- they cast the audiobook's narrator very carefully, and she does a superb job juggling the mix of scientific jargon, teen narrator unreliable/dramatic narrator (loving), and Anishinaabemowin.
castle in the clouds, kerstin gier, translated by romy fursland. maybe 33% through. it's giving grand budapest hotel and somehow also the princess diaries? it's also reminding me somehow of, like, the kind of novel i wanted to write as a second or third grader, which means eva ibbotson, and a particular flavor of plucky, intelligent heroine. i was hooked by the first page+ but have yet to see a ton more of the same high action and suspense, and have let this one slip a little further onto the back burner. it's cute escapism at the moment, though that may change.
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fourth wing, by rebecca yarros, read by rebecca soler (and apparently also teddy hamilton, although i haven't gotten to him yet?) about 25% through. trying desperately to give us a gritty, hardcore, new and dangerous and fun take on dragons and their human riders, while also trying to be idk divergent? the hunger games? there's a love triangle, the protagonist has naturally ombre hair, the premise of the novel is brutal training where young adults are all dying in improbable droves due to how cutthroat and brutal it is. a testament to the narrator that i am, despite myself, having a great time. there are a few too many supporting characters who want our main girl straight up dead for me to really find the threats believable, but i'm intrigued by the prospect of alternate versions of this world's history than what she has learned and a potential for discovering how their kingdom has? manipulated them? could be asking too much.
fairest, gail carson levine. finished in a long saturday morning spent reading in bed. i was such an intense and dedicated fan of the original ella enchanted novel that i couldn't read most of levine's other books (exceptions for her short stories made grudgingly) because they weren't sequels and weren't the same and wouldn't be as good. in fairness, reading this now as a much-older-than-the-intended audience, perhaps i was too harsh-- but i think little-me was right to be a little suspicious. it's a snow white retelling, and again i think largely successful in building a more detailed plot in which the elements of the retold fairy tale are embedded, but where the focus in ella was on language and obedience and free will, here we're trying to articulate things about beauty and body image, and it's harder to say that it really succeeds? i like that we gave the Wicked Queen more nuance, positive and negative qualities, moments of sympathy, a name and a precarious political position. i was not nearly as charmed by the romance (fine, fine, it's not ella and char but it couldn't be, it's fine). i still love the use of unfamiliar / fairy-tale languages and how levine puts them on the page in such fun spellings. probably aimed at the youngest audience, of the four titles here, but treats its reader as almost more intelligent than fourth wing, possibly? YA from ~twenty years ago was a different world.
listening graded like twenty quizzes today with just a mess of random panic at the disco bumping in my headphones. it's a hell of a feeling, etc. i'm halfway through this particular round of grading, and they're doing so well, so it's mainly a quick check to make sure they got the basics right and i can jam while doing so.
watching spent a very pleasant ~2 hours yesterday watching as much as we could of the film amadeus with @hematiterings, @pep-squad-lizzie, and @dimir-charmer. love a film that isn't afraid to lean into all its sensory indulgences, and to be a little heavy-handed with its symbolism (the chocolate is about repression!) and to, just generally, spend money on costumes, locations, hiring lots of extras, and so many wigs. there's a live event performance of this film with orchestra + choir being advertised all over our subway right now, so it does very much feel like we're being followed by this guy:
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...but what's sticking in my head right now is the costumes.
playing 41+ hours into hollow knight. i have opened half of my stag stations! i have the dream nail, surprisingly early i think! i have saved bretta! i have somehow missed the mantis lords, i think, but have made it to the city, the resting grounds, and have now been throwing myself fruitlessly against the crystal guardian and a soul warrior in alternation. i am...not good at combat. current plan is to grind to get quick focus, and i'm close! also, @spoonierbard stepped in and gave me a much needed morale boost by winning me the final mask shard necessary to get increased lives, which has helped tremendously, and the grubs rewarded me with the grub song charm which has helped tremendously.
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making many potential projects, none executed (or even really attempted). soon, hopefully. fallow section for now. does music count? music counts, right? i joined a second choir! enticed by the chance to perform mozart's requiem in full with an orchestra, and finally fulfill the broken promise of 2020. that's my hobby right now. oh i also just cleaned out a ton of storage in my phone + icloud, which felt generative in its own way. besides backing things up better than i have in a while.
working on submitted the travel money application i've been thinking and dithering about since...this time last year? no real expectation of getting it, but it did actually help me consider some next steps in the diss, so that's nice. now prepping to take my class on two fun on-campus field trips next week, one to the manuscript library and one to the medieval collection in our little hidden art museum! i need to write some notes up for the TAs and docents to use, and finish organizing my list of desired manuscripts, like, yesterday. midterm grades posted today, a little late but hopefully not too bad, still well before the drop date. the aforementioned quizzes (i have like 28 more to grade, but they're reasonably painless). plus i was going to work on my fucking dissertation this week, and prep to teach the next few lectures in advance so i'm not scrambling monday nights, plus send a bunch of emails, design a CFP poster, put in some RAship hours so i can speak intelligently in my meeting tomorrow, and....prep for the guest lecture i'm giving on the 28th! it's a reskin of the conference paper i gave this summer, freshly edited, but i need to expand the intro bits to include a useful overview, since these students aren't a conference of celticists.
weirdly at peace with how my work-life balance is balancing right now, though. it's the extra sleep and the increased sunshine, and the little cat who is being so so whiny right now. i must conclude these lines and feed Herself.
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violetlunette · 17 days
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I've been replaying the Wayhaven Chronicles and decided to play around with one of my detectives. This is Detective Eve "Evie" Angeline. She had a rebellious youth and was forced into the police force where she stayed because she got used it. (And there was no job she liked better.) She's trying to romance Adam who is doing his best to resist her advances (though during book 3 she starts to pull back). She dresses like a teen from he 2000s simply because she likes the style.
Her designs are based on the Disney princesses as I used Belle and Aurora as references, but there's also a lot of influences from the actress Lily James, namely her portrayal in Mamma Mia 2.
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jetsteelyourheart · 2 months
Bloodlines Book 4 The Fiery Heart by Richelle Mead
Illustration of Chapter 20
"What are you doing here?" demanded Eddie.
"Saving your ass," said Angeline. "I knew there was something going on."
"I'm not talking to you," he snapped. He threw down the stake and strode past her, toward the entrance of the alley. I followed with my eyes and saw a tall, slim figure standing there, her hair glowing in the light of an overhead lamp. Jill. I remembered the water on the ground turning to mist, and it all made sense.
"You have no right being here!" exclaimed Eddie, coming to a halt in front of her. It was one of the few times I'd ever seen him angry. I'd certainly never seen him angry at her. He cast a glare back at Angeline before returning to Jill. "They shouldn't have brought you."
"I have every right to be here," she retorted. "When Angeline finally convinced us, I knew we had to help. And we did."
Eddie was undaunted. "I don't care what they do. If they want to endanger their lives, so be it. But a princess of her people has no business putting herself in danger."
"A princess of her people has no business sitting off to the side while said people are in danger," Jill returned.
"Do you have any idea what could have happened if--"
"Oh, shut up," she said, reaching for him. He flinched in surprise, but one she started kissing him, the tension left his body. I shook my head and looked away.
"Oh, man," I said to no one in particular. "This night is just full of surprises."
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aaronstveit · 1 year
read in 2023!
i did a reading thread last year and really enjoyed it so i am doing another one this year!! as always, you can find me on goodreads and my askbox is always open!
The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and Other Verses from the Red Book by J.R.R. Tolkien (★★★★☆)
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo* (★★★★★)
Beowulf by Unknown, translated by Seamus Heaney (★★★★☆)
The Rise of Kyoshi by F.C. Lee (★★★★☆)
Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo (★★★★★)
Her Body and Other Parties: Stories by Carmen Maria Machado (★★★★☆)
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde (★★★★★)
The Shadow of Kyoshi by F.C. Lee (★★★★☆)
The Black Flamingo by Dean Atta (★★★★★)
Nine Liars by Maureen Johnson (★★☆☆☆)
Sharks in the Rivers by Ada Limón (★★★☆☆)
Babel, Or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators’ Revolution by R.F. Kuang (★★★★★)
Firekeeper’s Daughter by Angeline Boulley (★★★★★)
Paper Girls, Volume 1 by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang, and Matt Wilson (★★★☆☆)
Paper Girls, Volume 2 by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang, and Matt Wilson (★★★☆☆)
There Are Trans People Here by H. Melt (★★★★★)
Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson (★★★★☆)
Paper Girls, Volume 3 by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang, and Matt Wilson (★★★☆☆)
Paper Girls, Volume 4 by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang, and Matt Wilson (★★★☆☆)
Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones (★★★★☆)
Paper Girls, Volume 5 by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang, and Matt Wilson (★★★☆☆)
The Guest List by Lucy Foley (★★☆☆☆)
Paper Girls, Volume 6 by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang, and Matt Wilson (★★★☆☆)
The Princess Bride by William Goldman (★★★★☆)
Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha (★★★★★)
Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid* (★★★★★)
Goldie Vance, Volume 1 by Hope Larson, Brittney Williams
Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White (★★★★☆)
The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (★★★★☆)
The Hawthorne Legacy by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (★★★☆☆)
Are Prisons Obsolete? by Angela Y. Davis (★★★★★)
The Final Gambit by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (★★★☆☆)
Who Goes There? by John W. Campbell Jr. (★★☆☆☆)
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin (★★★★★)
Going Dark by Melissa de la Cruz (★★★☆☆)
Working 9 to 5: A Women's Movement, a Labor Union, and the Iconic Movie by Ellen Cassedy (★★★★☆)
Why Didn't They Ask Evans? by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
The Murder on the Links by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
The Waste Land and Other Poems by T.S. Eliot
The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise by Colleen Oakley (★★★★☆)
Hollow by Shannon Watters, Branden Boyer-White, and Berenice Nelle (★★★★☆)
Heavy Vinyl, Volume 1: Riot on the Radio by Nina Vakueva and Carly Usdin (★★★★☆)
Burn Down, Rise Up by Vincent Tirado (★★★☆☆)
Heavy Vinyl, Volume 2: Y2K-O! by Nina Vakueva and Carly Usdin (★★★★☆)
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli (★★★★☆)
Five Little Pigs by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid (★★★★★)
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo (★★★★★)
The Backstagers, Vol 1: Rebels Without Applause by James Tynion IV, Rian Sygh, and Walter Baiamonte (★★★☆☆)
The Odyssey by Homer, translated by Emily Wilson (★★★★☆)
The Backstagers, Vol 2: The Show Must Go On by James Tynion IV, Rian Sygh, and Walter Baiamonte (★★★☆☆)
A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare (★★★★☆)
Happy Place by Emily Henry (★★★★★)
After Dark with Roxie Clark by Brooke Lauren Davis (★★★☆☆)
Night of the Mannequins by Stephen Graham Jones (★★★☆☆)
Lord of the Flies by William Golding (★★★★☆)
A Little Bit Country by Brian D. Kennedy (★★★★☆)
Built From the Fire: The Epic Story of Tulsa’s Greenwood District, America’s Black Wall Street by Victor Luckerson (★★★★★)
Cheer Up!: Love and Pompoms by Crystal Frasier, Oscar O. Jupiter, and Val Wise (★★★★★)
All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories of Queer Teens throughout the Ages by assorted authors, edited by Saundra Mitchell (★★★★☆)
Gwen and Art Are Not in Love by Lex Croucher** (★★★★☆)
St. Juniper's Folly by Alex Crespo** (★★★★★)
The Last Girls Standing by Jennifer Dugan** (★★☆☆☆)
Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI by David Grann (★★★★★)
Where Echoes Die by Courtney Gould** (★★★★☆)
Your Lonely Nights Are Over by Adam Sass** (★★★★★)
Princess Princess Ever After by Kay O’Neill (★★★☆☆)
Thieves' Gambit by Kayvion Lewis** (★★★☆☆)
The Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
You’re Not Supposed to Die Tonight by Kalynn Bayron (★★★☆☆)
Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield (★★★★☆)
Devotions by Mary Oliver (★★★★★)
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan* (★★★★☆)
The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan* (★★★★☆)
The Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan* (★★★★★)
The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan (★★★★★)
The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan (★★★★★)
Suddenly a Murder by Lauren Muñoz** (★★★★☆)
The Demigod Files by Rick Riordan (★★★★☆)
Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty (★★★★★)
All That’s Left to Say by Emery Lord (★★★★★)
The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan (★★★★☆)
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? by Edward Albee (★★★☆☆)
The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan (★★★★☆)
The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Joseph Andrew White (★★★★★)
Hallowe’en Party by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
M Is for Monster by Talia Dutton (★★★★☆)
The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan (★★★★★)
Our Shadows Have Claws: 15 Latin American Monster Stories by assorted authors, edited by Yamile Saied Méndez and Amparo Ortiz (★★★★☆)
These Fleeting Shadows by Kate Alice Marshall (★★★★☆)
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen (★★★★★)
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins* (★★★★★)
The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston (★★★★☆)
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins* (★★★★★)
The October Country by Ray Bradbury (★★★★☆)
Hamlet by William Shakespeare (★★★★☆)
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving (★★★★☆)
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins* (★★★★★)
The Appeal by Janice Hallett (★★★★☆)
The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin (★★★★☆)
The Carrying: Poems by Ada Limón (★★★★★)
The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler-Colonial Conquest and Resistance, 1917-2017 by Rashid Khalidi (★★★★★)
Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen (★★★★★)
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins* (★★★★★)
Know My Name by Chanel Miller (★★★★★)
Rifqa by Mohammed El-Kurd (★★★★★)
Bloodchild and Other Stories by Octavia E. Butler (★★★★☆)
The Witch Haven by Sasha Peyton Smith* (★★★★★)
The Moving Finger by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
The Essential Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson (★★★★★)
A Murder is Announced by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On by Franny Choi (★★★★★)
The Witch Hunt by Sasha Peyton Smith (★★★★☆)
That’s Not My Name by Megan Lally** (★★★★☆)
The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher (★★★★☆)
The House of Hades by Rick Riordan (★★★★☆)
Dark Tales by Shirley Jackson (★★★★☆)
Pageboy by Elliot Page (★★★★★)
All This and Snoopy, Too by Charles M. Schultz (★★★★☆)
The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan (★★★★☆)
Murder in the Family by Cara Hunter (★★★★☆)
The Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentill** (★★☆☆☆)
Comfort Me With Apples by Catherynne M. Valente (★★★★☆)
The Deep Sky by Yume Kitasei (★★★★☆)
Spell on Wheels Vol. 1 by Kate Leth, Megan Levens, and Marissa Louise (★★★★☆)
Spell on Wheels Vol. 2: Just to Get to You by Kate Leth, Megan Levens, and Marissa Louise (★★★★☆)
Freedom is a Constant Struggle by Angela Y. Davis (★★★★☆)
Kindred by Octavia E. Butler (★★★★☆)
The Christmas Appeal by Janice Hallett (★★★★☆)
So Far So Good: Final Poems: 2014 - 2018 by Ursula K. Le Guin (★★★★☆)
Murder on the Christmas Express by Alexandra Benedict (★☆☆☆☆)
Midwinter Murder: Fireside Tales from the Queen of Mystery by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
Mother-Daughter Murder Night by Nina Simon (★★★★☆)
Hercule Poirot’s Christmas by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë (★★★★★)
The Twelve Days of Murder by Andreina Cordani (★★★★☆)
The Christmas Guest by Peter Swanson (★★★★☆)
The Sittaford Mystery by Agatha Christie (★★★★☆)
The Twenty-Ninth Year by Hala Alyan (★★★☆☆)
Christmas Presents by Lisa Unger (★★★☆☆)
Letters From Father Christmas by J.R.R. Tolkien
Bellweather Rhapsody by Kate Racculia (★★★★☆)
An asterisk (*) indicates a reread. A double asterisk (**) indicates an ARC.
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pyramultimuse · 9 months
@lostxndbroken Chaperoning ft. Ambrose and Grell
When one was part of a royal family there was always a target on their back, not only in danger of those who wish them harm but reputation was also important. Being of high status meant they were seen a certain way and also expected to act certain ways. Grell Sutcliff was a prince, though he was not close to ever becoming a king being more than 10th in line for the throne. Despite that, he was still expected to act like a prince. The flamboyant man would much rather act like a princess. His crossdressing and homosexuality was extremely frowned upon, especially by the church. If Grell didn't have noble blood he would've been put in an asylum or worse. Instead he's confined to the palace most of the time to hide his ways from the world.
After numerous escapes to indulge in scandlus acts the family realized they couldn't imprison the prince. Instead someone was needed to make sure Grell didn't endanger himself or make the royal family look bad. He had gone through multiple chaperones during his teen years for many reasons. Some didn't like his lifestyle and tried to change him, others couldn't control Grell and nearly risked the public finding out. The rest Grell ended up driving away, unintentionally annoying them to the point of quitting.
Now in his late twenties and over a dozen knights later, his family hired a new one. A mage that has been knighted and would be his new personal guard, but in reality would be keeping Grell in line.
"Now aren't you as fine as a bottle of red wine~" The redhead giggled drunkly as he interrupted his aunt and Ambrose talking over the arrangement. His own parents couldn't disown him from the royal family, so instead abandoned him with the baroness in his tween years so they wouldn't have to be around their disappointment of a child. But it had worked out well as she couldn't have children of her own. "Oh Angeline, you shouldn't have gotten me such a handsome babysitter. He's going to be so distracting."
The baroness sighed as Grell held onto her for stability and kissed his Aunt's cheek before he stumbled along to collapse on the couch, bottle of wine in hand. "My nephew may seem cheerful but he's awfully depressed and has been drinking excessively. I've gotten rid of all the wine but somehow he always finds more." Angeline resumed her conversation with Ambrose. "I've always done my best for Grell but I can't be with him every moment of the day with my responsibilities. You came with very prestigious recommendations that I hope you will be capable of not only keeping him from making a fool out of himself but also protecting my dearest nephew from his own self sabotage..."
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everydaycatholicism · 3 months
Christ Our Hope Catholic Church in downtown Seattle. This is the waiting area in our parish office. The totem poles depict Seattle’s ties to a rich Catholic history. Totem pole on the left from top to bottom: 1) Raven creation 2) Wheat grapes 3) Bear holding baby Jesus - Native Star Child 4) Princess Angeline (Kikisoblu) 5) Orca whales with Spirit face in shared blow hole 6) Fr. Francis Xavier Prefontaine. Totem pole on the right from top to bottom: 1) Eagle Dove 2) Pope Francis 3) Wolf with feather 4) Mother Joseph 5) Two salmon with Swinomish dog figure in one eye 6) Chief Sealth. The totem poles were completed in 2016.
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wdillustration · 11 months
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Note: A quick sketch to post before the sun sets before the start of August, Hope u like this quick sketch!!!
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shadowworldwanderers · 5 months
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maryangel0908 · 2 months
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A Country Darling Turned Into a Pop Princess
Literary Journalism by Mary Angeline T. Dalangin
In the summer of 2012, I was 12 back then. The soundtrack of my life suddenly switched from Katy Perry’s pop songs to a young woman named Taylor Swift. As a person who lived in a small town, the town was buzzed with tales of a girl who captured every girl's attention by singing songs about friendships, heartbreaks, and chasing her dreams. Taylor Swift back then was a rising star. She started getting recognition when she shifted gears from being a country music sweetheart to a global pop sensation. The year 2012 brought a significant change in her life because it helped he transform into the global pop icon she is today. 
Born in West Reading, Village in Pennsylvania, Taylor Swift dreamt of becoming the next global pop sensation from a young age. Like other teenagers, she had the determination to write and craft songs that resonated with industry veterans in Nashville at the age of 14. When she dropped her very first album, it was a mix of teenage heartbreak and country charm that captured a lot of listeners. “Teardrops on My Guitar” became an anthem for every teenager who was navigating the treacherous waters of betrayal and first love. 
As a rising artist back then, Taylor refused to be a one-trick pony. With this, in each album, she worked hard for it to push her boundaries making her release a new album called “Red” and “1989”. Even if the music industry evolved, her lyrical core remained constant. It still shares stories about love, friendships, loss, and the complexities of navigating fame. 
Taylor Swift never gave up even if she started getting hate and threats. She re-recorded some of her masters and she used her own platform to raise awareness and advocate for every artist’s rights. To a lot of teenagers and to her listeners, she became a symbol of female empowerment because she talks about the importance of human connection in sharing experiences. Her songs that dive into different emotions like love, friendship, and self-discovery, create a sense of relatability and to understand her listeners. 
Listening to her new album “Red” and “1989”, I knew that 1989 will be my new favorite album of her. The album 1989 portrays different facets of love like from carefree infatuation (Shake It Off) to heartbreak (Clean), and self-discovery (Blank Space). The album allows the listens to resonate with diverse experiences in life. As a listener, Taylor Swift’s lyrics are relatable and has an evocative melodies that connect with other listeners on a deeply personal level. I can already paint a picture of why the album “1989” has a special place in my heart because the songs resonate with me most. 
In conclusion, Taylor Swift’s music helps us connect with each other – the heartbroken teenager and being a fearless warrior. She became a representation of every teenager of experiences that reminds us that even in hard times we can still bloom into something extraordinary. With her music, we find the ability to understand ourselves, making her not just a singer but relating the complexities and triumphs of a generation. 
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curiouscolours · 11 months
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Some Sailor Moon OC chibi Portraits for a few different people!
Left to right:
Radiant Sailor Boulder Opal Wombat a Crystal Animamates Anniversary Prize for Chamaleon
Henry/Angeline Knight a Fan Senshi Alliance raffle prize for CaliSketches
Princess Tyanvu-er, a Sailor Senshi designed by Tsuzukikun and belonging to Diluculi - a YCH commission!
Interested in one of these for yourself? Check out my YCH post!
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faeveries · 10 months
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Thank you for the ask @songsofsomnia! These were really fun :)
(AO3 Link)
🥰 - A smiling face with three hearts. As a prompt I interpreted the face in a more condescending and evil way.
The next thing she knew was the cold floor on her cheek and the pain devouring her throat. She clawed at herself, twisting, wheezing.
“My my, I’m shocked you fell for that. I thought you would be smarter than this,” came another voice. Smooth. Condescending. As treacherous as the cursed apple on the floor. The ominous bite that marred its flesh glinted in the torchlight.
No! NO! She strained to reach the dragging gown circling her, to claw, to maul, but any hope of defiance withered away when all her muscles suddenly seized up. Her body was betraying her. All but her eyes ignored her screeches to move.
The dress stopped. Fabric folded and pooled in before her face as its owner knelt down. She looked up, wishing to burn hatred into her assailant, but even her eyes began to give in. As her vision faded, a hand lifted her chin. Gentle. Loving.
“Welcome home, my lost princess.”
😭 - A sobbing face. 
“What? No, this can’t be it,” Olvia whispered. Despite her best efforts, she let out a sob. Angry tears rolled down her cheeks, and she scrubbed her muddy face with muddier hands. 
“I am sorry, Miss Olvia. We have exhausted all efforts, and with the imminent storm we cannot guarantee safety during the search.”
“With the imminent storm I can guarantee he will DIE out there!”
“Miss O-“
Olvia grabbed the acolyte by his cloak and yanked him to her face. Weapons rose around her, but she didn’t care. 
“Listen here, Rivens. I don’t care what you think you are, or what you think you can trick us into thinking you are-“
“Olvy-“ Helena’s voice. 
“But I swear to all the angels above and devils below, if your little cult hurt a single curl on my brother’s head-“
Everyone was tense and ready to pounce on her. But she held her ground, glaring into the cloth shrouding their face. Unseeing. Unfeeling. Betraying nothing of what lay underneath. 
Olvia scoffed and let go. She shoved her way through the crowd despite Helena’s protests and swung the doors open. As she crossed the barrier, she could hear Helena’s voice in the background. 
“I would like to apologize on her behalf, Enlightened One. She can be sensitive…”
The doors swung close. 
Olvia stormed down the long, dark hallway. She welcomed the chilly air and pouring rain steadily getting louder. She much preferred this than the stuffy spire. At least the rain is what it says it is. At least it doesn’t pretend to be what it’s not. 
A voice drifted from the shadows.
“He hears Its calls. He follows Its song.”
Now the weather was talking to her. “Fuck off. I don’t want any of your nonsense.” 
She took a step forward but staggered back when the shadows coalesced into something solid. A tiny flame sparked to life, illuminating the small, round body it belonged to. Another robed one.  
“He give me this. Say you trust me if I have.”
They held up a silver chain adorned with a carved charm and a large turquoise stone. His talisman. 
Olvia’s eyes widened. “Give me that!” She lunged forward, but they sidestepped with ease. 
“No. You follow. I show you.”
Down the hall, the doors opened. Footsteps echoed throughout. 
“No time! We go!”
Olvia balled her fists. If this is we her best shot at finding OJ…
“Lead the way.”
🥺 - A pleading face.
“You would do that for me? You would?!”
Ari exchanged a glance with Angeline. Even if their clock-headed friend had no eyes in the traditional sense, one could just feel the puppy eyes he would have if he did.
“…Uhh-huh,” he responded. “All you need to do is let Angie and I take a little visit to the vault, and then we can, uh, grab lunch or whatever.”
“And sail swan boats in the lake!”
He looks like he could burst at any moment, Angeline’s voice sounded in his mind.
Yeah, no kidding. Pop a gear like last time. “…And sail swan boats in the lake! Right, haha. Just remember, not a single word to anyone, okay? This is a secret between friends.”
“Friends, YES! WE’RE FRIENDS!” he squealed. He jerked forward with his arms out for a hug, nearly toppling over the desk in the process.
“Oh, that’s alright-“
“C’mahnnn Ari, it’s a friendship hug,” Angeline said with a sleazy grin.
“Okay, fine-“ No sooner did the words leave his mouth when Angie pulled him in.
When they were finally on their way, Ari fixed his ruffled hair and tie with a huff. Angeline swung the keys around her fingers and whistled an easy tune. The sound echoed through the soaring marble halls.
“Now then,” he muttered. “Time to look into the untimely murder of one Jeanette La Sue.”
"Still sounds fake as fuck."
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ghazmaz · 7 months
Here’s the analogs for Marceline and PB in my AU. Angeline the Zombie Queen, and Princess Peanut Butter.
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