#Pres. bush
flawnle-arts · 1 year
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October - December 2022
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anatomicalmartyr · 1 month
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Kate Bush performing Wuthering Heights live on Top Of The Pops in 1978
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patchworkplant · 10 months
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screenshot redraws 🫶🫶
it feels like forever since i last posted (ignoring yesterdays post) but its cause my old crusty hanging-on-for-dear-life tablet died so i had to buy a new one 😭👍
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samdeancrimespree · 1 month
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idk whose post this is originally and i know this moment was kinda played for laughs in-show but like. they are good enough at hunting animals to find and kill food to eat on a new fucking planet.
they are …. So calm in this situation. they each have their tasks and jobs and they complete them in an orderly fashion, barely even having to talk, like they have a routine for being alone in the middle of the woods. we don’t ever see them doing this, but they must’ve done it before.
at which age do you think john winchester decided his sons needed to learn how to fend for themselves in the Real World and left them in the woods with bows and arrows and knives and said “i’ll be back in 4 days.” cause i’m gonna say 10 and 14? dean might’ve been out on his own before that, with the vague excuse of “training” given to sam to explain his brothers 2 day absence. it was a semi-frequent, maybe quarterly thing throughout their childhoods. obviously not on a Schedule so they never knew when to expect it, but they were always kind of waiting for it. it was just A Thing They Did, just like everything else. a way to prove they were retaining all their training. this was the winchester version of a camping trip. for the first couple years, sam didn’t even know this wasn’t what camping normally meant. he just knew he really hated camping.
one time, john got distracted by a hunt and left them in the alaskan wilderness in october for almost two weeks. one time, john forgot it was sam’s birthday and dean spent any spare time he had looking for cool rocks and leaves to give sam, and promised he’d give him his real presents when they got back. one time, dean got attacked by a goddamn cougar in colorado and sam patched him up and wondered what the tentative friends he had made last week were learning in their tenth grade class. and he hated john but almost cried with relief when he came to get them. dean did almost all the hunting because the very first camping trip, sammy shot a rabbit in the leg and sobbed as it slowly bled to death, and dean never wanted to see that type of anguish again. he hated killing the animals too, but he could do it, because sammy had to eat. he knew john would question it if sam hadn’t improved his skills, so they would set up makeshift archery ranges to practice. and in his reports to john, dean would always give half the kills to sam.
over time, as they got more skilled, john would give them less and less supplies, until at the end they only had a couple weapons each, rope, matches, and a first aid kit. and bobby thought when the boys spent one summer building a fort but refusing the tools he offered them, they were finally being regular kids.
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Do you think they'd call this period in English history the Charles era or would it be more like the Post Second Elizbethian era?
Unclear. It didn't always go by monarch's name, in the past- sure, you had the Victorian era and the Georgian era before it, but you also have what we now call the Restoration era, and the sub-era of the Regency within Georgian, and the Tudor era named for a royal family rather than a specific monarch- though I have heard the term "Henrician" batted around for Henry VIII's reign. I still have to keep looking up what "Jacobean" comes from, because I always forget the exact explanation (James in Latin is Jacobeus, and the king was James I). I've also heard terms like "Thatcher-era," and of course after Edwardian you get periods named for historical events or attitudes on both sides of the pond: WWI, the Roaring Twenties, the Depression, WWII, etc.
(Shoutout to Regency for being extra-confusing: the literal English Regency was in the middle of stylistic/social period we use the term for. It was 1811-1820, but the aesthetics, media, and manners we think of as "Regency" span roughly the 1790s through 1830.)
Charles I's reign was called the Caroline or Carolean era, also from the Latin version of his name. So maybe, going by monarch's names, this is the second Caroline era?
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ev1lmorty · 3 months
i said it on main b4 but truly i associate winter w being a kid so much bc of spending my formative cringe teen years (12ish-16ish) in alaska where its winter 24/7 n it gets dark at like 4-5pm. also last time i had proper irl friends bc then we moved AGAIN n i was kindve like. whatever. *stops caring*
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sassysophiabush · 4 months
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1) A @sophiabush appreciation post. I met Sophia 20 years ago when we were on OTH together. Even though we didn’t t get a chance to work together that much on the show, we remained friends. I’ve always admired her talent, but also her social activism and leadership to raise…
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corallapis · 8 months
I voted grandfather clock bc it's both elegant/aesthetic and iconic, but in terms of humor I love the iron maiden/police box/wicked witch house
yes the grandfather clock! i love that crispy uses it in both stories he appears in. and that he had it AND the melkur tardis in the keeper of traken. guy was swimming in tardises.
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i love older wwx and lwj's relationship, because they are the horniest, most obsessed soulmates who find each other through lifetimes and make everyone uncomfortable, but if they set themselves a task they will just teamwork it to triumph with ruthless efficiency, while keeping an eye on the juniors, and only then go fuck in a bush
they just trust each other so much to be competent and decent and i love them
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zanypaintertriumph · 1 year
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Becoming stronger..
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soovermyself · 1 year
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Sophia at the Emily's List 6th Annual Pre-Oscar Breakfast held at the Beverly Hills Hilton on March 7, 2023 in Beverly Hills, California
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chaotictomtom · 2 years
tonight no silly lil drawings, brain too much consumed by the horror. tomorrow who knows
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mpregspn · 2 years
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stanford sam
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michaelgabrill · 2 months
Space memory: Voyager gift for Pres. George H.W. Bush
Voyager Project Scientist Ed Stone and other mission team members gave a framed copy of an iconic Voyager 1 solar system image that includes Earth as a “Pale Blue Dot” to President George H.W. Bush on June 7, 1990. The presentation was made at the White House in the Oval Office. White House from NASA https://ift.tt/zZXnwVq
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circadiancrunch · 7 months
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Bell Mountain, Pre-Columbian It's a local landmark, and is not actually a 'mountain' as much as a large, very steep hill. There's these lonely steep hills just kinda around parts of the Mojave. They're decomposing just extra slowly because of the material. It's neat! It doesn't look exactly like this, that is, there's a water tank and businesses and suburbs nearby the actual mountain. Sometimes I look at the desert and try to imagine it before there were invasive grasses and mustards. A wet autumn a thousand years ago.
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barrymccaulkinem · 11 months
following the guide I can begin to appreciate The Legend of Zelda (NES) as a good game.
trying to play it in my lifetime, without the physical manual, has always been so laborious and boring
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