#Pregnancy Tests
tattoorue · 2 years
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I love your strories . Could you write a steve rogers x civilan reader angst maybe ? Where steve always puts reader in the back burner unintentionally . And after civil war bucky maybe stayed with steve . And as he's stressing about bucky he takes it out on the reader . Angst with fluff maybe . I'm sorry if it's too specific or weird .
Fandom: Marvel, MCU,
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female Reader
Characters: Steve Rogers, Reader, You, Female
Word Count: 2017 // Rating: Teen & Up
Summary: Steve always does what’s best for Bucky
Tags/ Warnings: My Writing, Afterthought, Requested Fic, Steve’s kind of an ass, Steve and Bucky’s Friendship, Established Relationship, Love, Hugs, Fluff, Angst, PTSD, Trauma, Mentions of Infertility, Pregnancy Tests, Marriage, Marriage Problems, Afterthought, Requests, Careless, Steve, Fighting, Arguing, Rows, 
Notes: hope you like it
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I frowned as my eyes fell on the little window of the plastic stick and I found the one line staring back at me. 
Negative. Again. 
I didn’t know why I got my hopes up. Maybe because this was the first month Steve and I had been together. Maybe it was because we had time to try or at least time to try properly. Steve and I had been married for nearly two years and both of us wanted a family. We kind of assumed it would happen naturally…but that was well over a year ago and still no positive test. I tried not to worry. I was busy and Steve was always here there and everywhere. In fact, the last few months had been crazy. But this month hadn’t. This month had almost seemed normal even if we did have an extra house guest/fugitive on our hands. I liked Bucky. And I loved Steve, so having his best friend come stay with us was a no-brainer. That didn’t mean it had been particularly easy. He was nice, he never complained, he was neat and tidy but he was just always…there. 
It didn’t help that Steve accommodated for everything. Bucky was having a bad day? It was Steve’s job to make him smile. Bucky was having a nightmare? Steve was out of bed like a shot sometimes even driving him around until he had shaken whatever horror was in his head away. Ironically it was as if we had a child already. And I understood why he acted like that. I just wish he’d widen his focus a little.
As I looked at the test again I could feel tears stinging my eyes but I refused to let myself be sad. Instead, I threw the test in the bin and washed my face hoping my morning routine would help distract me. By the time I got downstairs, Steve was already there cooking breakfast on the stove. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his front. I was almost a foot shorter than him but I didn’t care as my head fit snuggly in between his shoulder blades.
‘Morning,’ he said causing his chest to rattle against my ear. I smiled to myself the pain of this morning disappearing a little. 
‘Morning,’ I said pulling back as he started to turn around. He looped his hands around me as I placed mine against his chest smiling as he leaned down to give me a quick kiss. 
‘Sleep okay?’ he asked. I smiled and nodded as I replied, ‘you?’ 
‘Not really,’ he said his smile lessening a little, ‘Buck had a bad night…Tony.’
I nodded knowing not to push the matter further. Steve still felt guilty about everything that had gone down between him, Tony and Bucky. He also felt guilty about all the havoc it had caused between us. I pulled away and went to sit at the table as he went on cooking. I grabbed the morning paper which was something that I had come to like. I used to read all my news on my phone but Steve still like the feel of the morning paper in his hands and soon enough I had come to like it too. I skimmed through it. The headlines today weren’t overly cheerful and I didn’t really feel like reading it in case I put myself in a further bad mood. 
Only a minute later Steve placed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me and then one in his place. He moved away for a minute pouring us both a cup of coffee and bringing it back to the table. He smiled as he sat down next to me. As soon as the plate hit the table I realised how hungry I was and I was halfway through my bacon making him chuckle.
‘Hungry?’ he asked. 
‘Starving,’ I said my mouth half full.
‘I take it I can read the paper then,’ he chuckled reaching out for it. I passed it to him and nodded watching as his gaze flicked over today’s headlines. I smiled watching him read. He looked calm and unworried for once. I sipped my coffee and continued watching him. Though this time he felt my gaze on him.  He looked up with his brow furrowed, ‘what?’
‘Nothing,’ I said with a smile.
‘Hmmm,’ he said with a questioning eye which then fell back to the paper, ‘hey babe.’
‘Yeah?’ I said as I continued eating.
‘Why’s today’s date ring a bell?’ he asked.
‘Oh,’ I said, ‘we’ve got an appointment today.’
‘Yeah Doctor Mohan,’ I said waiting for the dots to connect in his mind.  He seemed to be thinking about where he’d heard that name before but before he could say anything we heard footsteps thundering down the stairs. Steve’s gaze left mine looking through the kitchen entrance from which he could see the front door. I peered around too just in time to see Bucky yanking the door open and sprinting out. 
Steve was up like a light his breakfast and newspaper soon forgotten as he grabbed his coat from where he had left it on the sofa. He turned for a second catching my eye and then he smiled at me sadly.
‘Doll,’ he said but I waved him off knowing it 
was fruitless. He nodded and started to head out. As he slipped on his shoes by the door I called, ‘don’t forget Dr Mohan’s office at 2 pm!’
If he heard me or not I wasn’t sure. I slipped back in my chair in a huff. As I stared at my breakfast I realised I suddenly had no appetite. I got up somewhat angrily and scraped both plates into the trash. I threw the coffee cups and the plates into the sink and left them too angry to contemplate household chores. And then I headed upstairs, to start my day. 
I got home later than usual that night. As I pulled into the driveway I could see Bucky sitting in his chair by the window watching the TV. I sighed as I parked and switched the engine off. I sat there for a moment not wanting to go inside. My heart was aching from today and I knew that what lay behind that door wasn’t going to be anything that helped it. 
I stared at the garage door trying to muster the energy to climb out of the car and as I did my phone rang from where it was being kept in its hands-free holder. 
STEVE flashed on the screen and I looked at it for a moment watching as the slide to answer button glinted begging for me to touch it. It rang a few times before it went back to my home screen the missed call joining the other notifications making it 6 missed calls in total. 
With a sigh, I grabbed my bag from the passenger seat and climbed out of the car trudging into the house. Steve was standing in the kitchen, stirring something on the stovetop, and Bucky was still in his chair though they both looked up as I came in. I took off my coat and shoes and put them in their place slinging my bag onto the couch as I walked into the kitchen. 
‘Evening,’ Steve said with an edge as I walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of wine.
‘Evening,’ I said as I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and poured myself a large one.
‘You’re late back,’ he said as I took a seat at the kitchen table.
‘Am I?‘ I said taking a swig.
‘I rang you know,’ he said looking at me, ‘I saved you some dinner.’ 
‘I know,’ I said.
‘It’s your, wait, you know?’
The pair of us were quiet for a moment watching one another. We only looked up as the recliner chair squeaked shut and Bucky stood watching us from the lounge. 
‘Erm, I think I’m going to head upstairs,’ he said. Steve nodded but I said nothing swigging my glass of wine once more. Once we heard Bucky’s door close upstairs Steve turned watching me again.
‘So you’ve been screening my calls?’ he said throwing the tea towel that was over his shoulder down on the counter and coming to sit down opposite me.
‘What would you rather I pretend I wasn’t?’ I said.
‘No,’ he said, ‘but some reason why wouldn’t go a miss.’
‘I was busy,’ I said simply.
‘Busy doing what? Something that makes you two…no three hours late for dinner?’ he said checking his watch. I couldn’t help but snort as he did so which made his jaw set as he looked at me angrily, ‘something I said?’
‘I just think it’s funny you have a problem with me being on time,’ I said. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and fell back against his chair looking at me, as he said, ‘look are you gonna whine about whatever or are you going to tell me what I did because I’m a loss here sweetheart.’
‘You missed our appointment,’ I said simply. 
‘What appointment,’ he started but then his confusion switched to realisation, ‘Dr Mohan.’
‘Don’t worry,’ I said getting up and heading to the fridge to replenish my drink, ‘he let me wait 15 minutes before we realised you weren’t coming. Even kept popping out into the waiting room to make sure.’
‘Babe,’ he said standing up but I put my finger up to silence him.
‘Don’t, just don’t,’ I said turning around and placing my hands on the kitchen counter as I tried to hold myself together.
I felt Steve’s strong arms around me pulling me towards him. He spun me around and grabbed my chin tenderly but I pulled from his grasp though I stayed in his arms.
‘I’m sorry,’ he said I looked at him, ‘really I am. It just slipped my mind, Bucky-’
‘Needed you, yeah I know,’ I said pulling away from him. 
‘He had a rough night,’ Steve said shortly, turning around so he could watch me.
‘Yeah I know,’ I said. 
‘He was up half the night,’ he said, ‘he ran damn near 12 miles this morning trying to distract himself-’
‘I said I know.’
‘So why are you giving me such a hard time-’ 
‘Because it’s always something. Bucky needs this, Bucky needs that. And you’re there. Where does that leave me, Steve? You’re out there fixing everything I’m in bed alone. Or eating breakfast alone. Or in the doctor’s office for one of the most important appointments of our lives-’
‘We can rebook the damn appointment!’ he shouted. 
We fell silent for a moment. I sniffed suddenly feeling a lump in my throat which I tried my best to ignore, ‘you don’t get it, do you? It’s not about the appointment. It’s not about being left alone. I love Bucky. I do…but you didn’t marry him. You married me. And sometimes, sometimes, it just doesn’t feel like that. It feels like I’m an afterthought.’
‘What do you want me to do Y/N? He’s my friend. My best friend,’ Steve said. 
‘I know,’ I said walking forward and wrapping my hands around his waist, ‘I know and I know you think everything you do is for the best. You’re trying to help…but I need you to see that it isn’t helping everyone.’
He looked down at me with a sad smile as I pulled back a little kissing my fingertips and placing them on his cheek. His hand covered mine holding it to his face as his eyes closed. 
‘I’m sorry,’ he whispered as his eyes opened and I nodded.
‘I know you are,’ I said slipping out of his grasp. He watched me as I grabbed my glass off of the counter and walked through the lounge grabbing my bag as I went as I reached the stairs I looked through and smiled at him weakly before walking upstairs. 
‘Sorry,’ I thought, ‘yeah you always are.’
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honestlycrookeddream · 4 months
Discover if coffee can impact pregnancy test results. Get expert insights and debunk myths about coffee's influence on pregnancy tests.
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mcatmemoranda · 6 months
Lecture from today:
It’s recommended to start ASA for prevention of pre-eclampsia. Start ASA 81 mg qd at 12 weeks gestation for pts at risk for pre-eclampsia (high risk: hx of pre-eclampsia, chronic HTN, DM, renal disease, autoimmune disease; moderate risk: nulliparous, obesity, family hx of pre-eclampsia, low SES, minority race, 35 y/o or older; low risk: previous, uncomplicated full term delivery).
Second trimester women at risk for preterm birth should be offered IM or vaginal progesterone.
Cell free DNA can be done from 10 weeks until term to screen for down syndrome
First trimester (10-13 weeks) screening: nuchal translucency (sign of neural tube defects), PAPPA, free beta hCG
Quad screen (15-22 weeks): beta hCG, estriol, inhibin A, alpha fetoprotein
Integrated screen: 10-13 - NT and PAPPA; or 15-22 weeks - quadruple screen
Quad screen is 15 to 22 weeks (16 to 18 weeks is ideal): Alpha fetoprotein made by baby’s liver (can indicate NTD, chromosomal disorders; elevated in twins or triplets); beta hCG, estriol, inhibin A
Trisomy 21: AFP decreased, uE3 decreased, hCG increased, DIA (dimeric inhibin A) increased
Trisomy 18: ADP decreased, uE3 decreased, hCG decreased, DIA decreased
Quad screens have high false positive rates
2% of women with high AFP have fetuses with NTDs
Anatomy scan of fetus is done in second trimester; evaluates the whole fetus.
Cell free DNA is the most sensitive and specific test for Down Syndrome screening.
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foone · 6 months
hey you, you're finally awake. You were trying to get pregnant, right?
(crossposting from my old twitter)
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How To Confirm A Pregnancy?
If you want to know that how to confirm a pregnancy? Visit findmymethod.org to know types of pregnancy tests.
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sikapaonline · 1 year
6 things women should understand about pregnancy tests
Women used to essentially have to guess if they were pregnant or not years ago. 6 things women should understand about pregnancy tests Pregnancy tests expire Missed periods were clearly the first indicator, however there may have been other causes as well. This stab in the dark was altered by technological advancement.   A tiny test kit is now all that is required to determine if you are…
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cateyedfox36 · 1 year
Why I will never not drink some water before a med procedure: fuckers always want a pee test.
And if I haven't had anything to drink I would have no pee, like when they took my gall bladder out.
Look. I'm not pregnant. I can't be. And the fact they don't believe us on default is bullshit paternalism. Oh women don't know their bodies! Uteruses are mysterious objects and pregnancy is super duper delicate and more important than whatever the uterus having human needs otherwise.
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factcheckdotorg · 1 year
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Erm oops...
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nextdayplanb · 2 years
7 Things To Know Before Taking A Pregnancy Test
While taking a pregnancy test can be exciting, you should visit your doctor and review your health. You should stop taking any medications that could harm the baby, get your blood sugar under control, and add extra folic acid to your diet. These precautions will help lower the risk of birth defects. Read this blog and get to know in detail about the essential things that you need to consider before taking a pregnancy test!
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primal-con · 1 year
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More of this actually cause apparently I’m Full of ideas
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the-littlest-laney · 21 days
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jammiscanstamil · 2 years
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foone · 6 months
Crossposting from my old twitter: A pregnancy test running Bad Apple.
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goofygoldengirl · 10 months
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someone had to do it
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