#Preferably if our muses interact or have interacted at some point! (whether that was in canon or thru ic content)
yeonban · 7 months
Sooo... these might come soon or in ten years depending on my free time & mood but if I were to make web weaving posts for our muses' dynamic/s, which one of you would like one (or several)? 👀
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vergeltvng · 2 months
Thanks for reading my guidelines. I go by the mun-alias Midnight, also Raven (she/they), early millennial, living in the CET timezone. My activity level is medium to low, my reply speed is slow, please don't rush me. English is my second language. I'm from a german roleplay community and immigrated to Tumblr in 2022 after our old platform got shut down. I'm still learning about Tumblr rp etiquette and guidelines, please be patient with me. If you see me doing something unusal or weird feel free to correct me at anytime but be respectful about it.
01. To interact with me, you have to be 18+ (mun and muse). I am not affiliated with The Boys, its creators or the actor Karl Urban and I don't own the character Billy Butcher. I claim ownership of my own written headcanons and texts only. The Boys is an R-rated series and this is a general trigger warning for mature content such as blood, gore, violence, abuse, trauma, sex, sick humour, foul language, weapons, drug use and overall rude behaviour which can be expected from this muse.
02. It should go without saying but at the same time cannot be stressed enough: mun ≠ muse. On some occasions people were not able (or willing) to differentiate between me and my character which led to them feeling offended ooc and hardblocking me midconvo without communicating their discomfort. Butcher can be tremendously rude and aggressive, he swears excessively and is quick to insult your muse if he dislikes them or feels provoked. Writing him close to the canon is very demanding and getting his tone of voice and demeanor right is one of the greatest challenges that I've ever came across in 15+ years of writing. It's such a bummer when I put in the effort and the result is totally misinterpreted. Make sure beforehand that you can absolutely handle interacting with such a muse and do not take anything from him personal or too serious. I am completely different from him, I consider myself friendly, patient and very chill about most things and I'm always willing to talk things out.
03. Besides roleplaying I am also a hobby gif maker, therefore personal blogs are welcome to interact with my posts. Just make sure you don't reblog or comment on roleplay related stuff which includes tag games, writing examples, headcanons, threads and answered asks. Speaking of asks: I will generally react in-character whenever possible. I've received some messages in my inbox that I can't quite classify. If you want to talk to me, the person behind, please put your text in brackets or mark as "for the mun" so I know for sure you're addressing me and not my muse.
04. I haven't very much in-character text on this blog yet, since I mostly rp privately in DM's or on sideblogs. I'm very open and curious to try threads, I'd love to have some writing on my blog whether it be novels, oldschool style shorter postings or some in-character chatting. This would come closest to the 'Pinnwand' we had on our old platform and I still miss it a lot. I'm using the beta editor, which should be standard at this point anyways, and I am able to trim posts. Feel free to hit me up if you're interested and are comfortable with doing any sorts of public threads. You can also just send me an ask (off anon to start a continuous interaction) or tag me in a starter. I highly prefer german and I'm not open to english advanced literate, where complex prose is required. I have little to no experience with it but maybe I'll get more comfortable in the future.
05. When it comes to writing, I ask for a few things: no godmodding, power play or meta gaming. I also don't like forcing or rushing certain interactions that don't feel like natural character progression. Plotting beforehand is welcome but not mandatory. If it ever feels like being stuck we can pause the writing and have a small plotting session between scenes or even for the same scene. I am a big fan of the "yes, and" approach. Give me something to work with, don't let your replies be "dead" and passive. I get discouraged very quickly when I get little to no input and have to come up with moving the plot or interactions myself all the time. I don't have an estimated length for texts, it always depends and I usually don't match length just for the sake of having written a lot. I am not too fond of texts that are artificially bloated and there's essentially nothing happening.
06. I'm multiship and multiverse, meaning every ship takes place in its own verse if not communicated otherwise. I personally enjoy shipping a lot if there's good chemistry but Butcher is difficult to ship and due to his background pretty much unavailable for romantic bonding. It's not impossible though. I'm also interested in any setting where I get a chance to write him as an unhinged villain and diverge from the canon more liberately.
07. My approach to curating my dashboard is quite different, I would say, compared to what's considered standard (clean dash, small circle of mutuals). I follow a lot, and I mean a shitton, of people. I follow every blog out of interest and curiousity but please understand that it's impossible for me to interact with everyone. Also due to my gif making I get quite a bit of notifications when I'm actively posting sets, I'm prone to accidentially miss out on notifs about new followers/mutuals. My dashboard is fast and busy and I like it that way, I've made a conscious choice about this. It has become a wind down ritual for me, just silently scrolling, catching up and finding lots of stuff I enjoy without feeling obligated to contact people or getting replies done. Yes, I am here for rp, but I like to do lots of other things on Tumblr, too. There's periods of time where I don't have the energy to work on drafts or talk to anyone, not even folks who I have grown to genuinely like. Rest assured that you never did anything wrong when I disappear for a while. If I have any sort of issue or problem I will communicate it. What I'm not willing to do is constantly giving activity updates on a schedule. If I go on hiatus for longer I will most likely make a post about it. It's my personal opinion that no one should ever feel pressured into explaining why and for how long they are away.
08. Don't be a cunt. I have zero tolerance for homophobia, transphobia, racism, ableism, sexism, hateful comments in general, out of character drama, gossiping, constant negativity, passive aggressiveness, vague posting, guilt tripping, gaslighting and other similar behaviour. Just be a decent person and we're fine.
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heavenwrought · 4 months
hiii i wanna get some even threads going for minhae, so if anyone wants to write smth for the event, like this post and i'll write us up a random starter !! i'll go off of any plotting we've done, but it's also okay if we haven't finished plotting/haven't done any! since minhae's p new to yeonghae, we can always have it be their first time interacting <3
i put some ideas are below the cut, if there's one u prefer just lmk!! otherwise i'll randomize smth from this list or specific to our muses. :~)
minhae bought one of the tainted flower charms from the enchanted florist and now there's some lesser darkspawn following him ? cue him running into muse while he's trying to run get rid of it.
minhae is just minding his own business poking around market square during the festival when someone pickpockets him. naturally he goes to hunt the pickpocket down and ends up finding muse. muse wasn't the pickpocket, but maybe they end up going with him to find the person ? maybe stop minhae from shooting a fireball into their face bc that's not how justice works around here ?
muse runs into minhae close to midnight on the road to the wetlands, apparently getting ready to find that tree altar alone. maybe muse was planning to visit the altar too or they think watching him slosh through the mud is going to be good entertainment or they don't think he should go alone bc the night is dark and full of terrors, but either way, they end up delving into the wetlands together?? maybe get into a dire situation.....
muse runs into minhae doing some kind of ritual down the beach in an attempt to speak to his sun god.....maybe muse is interested in the ritual too or just wants to see what actually happens? minhae opens it up to them at some point too, insisting that muse could also ask the sun god a question, but whether muse actually buys into it or not is up to you. idk, maybe moments of melancholy! minhae is confused why he hasnt been able to speak to his god!
muse and minhae cross paths on their way to that pirate ship from the event and end up looking around the ship together, maybe trying to understand more where it came from or what the items are for?? maybe we can work in whatever they took from the trove ?
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atomiqueen · 1 month
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this is an INDEPENDENT, SELECTIVE, and PRIVATE rp blog for LUCY MACLEAN of amazon prime's FALLOUT tv show. written by bean. mainly show & headcanon based, as i slowly familiarize myself with the lore. oc & dupe friendly! NOT SPOILER FREE.
A STUDY IN: being neutral good in a chaotic neutral world; a variety of tv tropes (the pollyanna, action girl, martial pacifist, the golden rule, took a level in badass, the conscience, break the cutie)
beta editor + xkit rewritten only! rules under the cut; everything else on carrd.
wandering the wasteland with: @radiaking / @faultyconscience. @stormlit.
blogroll: @atomiqueen. @heartsdefine. @thiefscant.
GENERAL: SELECTIVE AND PRIVATE. this means i’m particular about who i follow and i will only write with mutuals. my blog is semi-iconless (depending on the muse/if i feel like making icons or not). NOT SPOILER FREE. NO GODMODDING, metagaming, etc. EXCLUSIVITY IS RARE but not unheard of so you can find my mains/exclusives list here
WRITING: I USE PRIMARILY THIRD PERSON PAST OR PRESENT TENSE. i'm not entirely comfortable roleplaying in first or second person (yet). when it comes to verb tense, i'll often check to see what my partner is most comfortable using and go with that. i can do one-liners or multipara threads, but longer things will likely take a bit more time.
SHIPPING: I SHIP CHEMISTRY, and i do not force ships because i’m not a monster. i definitely enjoy a good romance, but platonic and queerplatonic dynamics, rivalries, etc. are just as interesting to explore!
FOLLOWING/UNFOLLOWING: IF I FOLLOW YOU, IT MEANS I LIKE WHAT YOU HAVE GOIN' ON AND WOULD LOVE TO INTERACT. it doesn't have to happen immediately, just down the line! i'll give most folks at least a week to follow back (thus indicating mutual interest in writing together at some point) before unfollowing. but if i really enjoy your blog/portrayal, i may stick around as a passive follower so long as i am welcome!
BLOCKING: I PREFER TO BE HARDBLOCKED IF YOU NO LONGER WISH FOR ME TO FOLLOW YOU for any reason. this is so i don't assume tumblr unfollowed you for me and refollow, inadvertently crossing your boundaries. if i suspect someone has softblocked me, i will likely hardblock them myself to avoid refollowing in the future. (i am generally quite liberal with the block button, as i'm serious about curating my online space.)
PLEASE DO: BREAK YOUR REPLIES FOR ME UP INTO SMALLER PARAGRAPHS if we write together, as my adhd makes hugelong paragraphs difficult to read; ASK ME TO TAG YOUR TRIGGERS if i’ve neglected to do so (whether i’m following you back or not); like my starter calls, SEND ME MEMES, turn my meme replies into threads (if we are mutuals); SHOWER ME IN PLOT IDEAS and ooc chatter; HAVE PATIENCE with me on all of the above; FEEL FREE TO UNFOLLOW ME at any time for any reason, as i will be reserving the right to do so myself 
PLEASE DO NOT: USE SUBSMALL TEXT or multiple spaces between words in our threads as i find both difficult to read; UNFOLLOW/REFOLLOW to get my attention (it won’t be the kind of attention you’re hoping for); EXPECT ANY KIND OF IMMEDIACY FROM ME IC OR OOC. i love making friends via roleplay, but i’m one smol nerd just trying to have a good time and i won’t stress myself out by trying to keep up with everything at once. just know it’s not personal, and i’ll get back to you as soon as i have the energy.
I WILL GLADLY: TAG NSFW AND TRIGGERS appropriately and accommodate those who ask to the best of my abilities; WELCOME LGBTQIA+ HEADCANONS; USE MY SHITPOST TAG (#blacklist for less soft nonsense.) on most of my inane ooc content so feel free to block it, that’s why it’s there
I WILL TRY: TO REMEMBER IF YOU DON’T LIKE TO BE REBLOGGED FROM, but please note that I have ADHD and may forget. Often and repeatedly. (A bit more info about this can be found here.) If being reblogged from on the reblogging website really bothers you, please feel free to soft/block me as needed. Relatedly, I don’t really care if you reblog things from me that aren’t in-character roleplay posts and/or headcanons. I do think it’s polite to reblog a meme from the source if you don’t send one in, but I don’t personally consider it a blockable offense.
I WILL NOT: FOLLOW BLOGS THAT DON’T HAVE ANY RULES OR GUIDELINES set up; exceptions to this are reserved for muns i already know aka those whose boundaries i’m already familiar with; FOLLOW VERY MANY BLOGS THAT INCLUDE CHARACTERS from game of thrones and/or house of the dragon, as i’m just not comfortable having a lot of ASOIAF content on my dash; exceptions to this are typically reserved for people i already know and/or multimuse blogs that include other fandoms/muses i’m interested in 
MUNDANE: MY NAME IS BEAN/BEE. they/she. i’m 32, neurodivergent, and twelve different kinds of anxious but i’m working on it. I’M WHITE. in the event that i fuck up and/or swerve out of my lane, i invite my friends and followers of color (or fellow white folks who are wiser than me) to let me know. you have my thanks for bringing any such behavior to my attention. i can and will do better.
CREDITS: banner, promo, psd
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enruiinas · 4 months
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Interaction PSA: On Verses & Verse Building!
-- Info pertaining to verses, AUs, verse-buildings, crossovers, etc. This series of PSAs is meant to accompany & further elaborate on some things in my updated rules. I link to them throughout not as required guidelines, but what I hope are helpful snippets for those looking for the best means of interacting! --
♥ I love verses. I love verse-building. I love AUs. That's it, y'all. That's the post. (I"m technically kidding, but it could be.) I love playing in other peoples' verses, I love people jumping into my verses, I love building a verse with a mun whether it's based on a series of canon-divergent what-ifs or taking our muses and throwing them into the setting or situations of another fandom we both enjoy... you name it.
♥ I am happy to write all the threads, in all the verses, all the time. I like having multiple things going on. I have verses that are spin-offs of other verses that only explore a minor deviation in the original premise of the verse. When I say I want to explore our muses in every possible scenario, I mean it - so if you're ever torn on options for a meme, or you've got a "well... we could do this, but we could also do this," situation, there is a high probability I'm just going to send you the "both is good" meme and ask what we're calling both of them.
Seriously. I have enough threads in enough verses going on with @climatact that I had to put together a thread directory. And I love every single one of them.
♥ Exploring canon-divergent "what if" scenarios is my favorite. Off the top of my head, some of the verses I've helped create or been a part of have been based around questions like these (shoutout to those reading their questions or ones we've discussed here, y'all know who you are):
• what if robin had found her way to the north & joined the donquixote family after aokiji sent her on her way from ohara? • what if bellemere had lived, nami had followed in her footsteps to become a marine, law & corazon had had more time together, and their search for a cure had taken them as far as the east? • what if law had stayed with the donquixote family (willingly or not?)
tl:dr; i love them. ask them. let's build verses from them!
♥ Other things I love building verses off of? Shared interests, tropes, and favorite fandoms.
• ❛ Oh, hey. I love Greek mythology. You too? Cool let's build a verse where our muses are gods & goddesses. ❜ • ❛ Found family trope?! Absolutely, let's do it. ❜ • ❛ You watched Noragami too? We should build a Noragami verse for them! ❜
♥ The point is, I love verses. Give them to me - all of them. :3 And for a list of fandoms I'm familiar with, please click here (updated 3/28/2024). If you see anything on it you'd like to explore a verse for, give me a shout! (There are a few on there I'd need to revisit to shake my brain awake for, but I wouldn't mention them if I wasn't interested enough to make a verse up for.)
Other PSAs: Memes, Plotting, On Verses & Verse-Building, General RP Preferences (Coming Soon), OOC interactions (Coming Soon), Mutuals & Affiliates (Coming Soon), ALL PSAs.
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wlwhq · 5 months
hey babies! i am home from my trip! this weekend was awesomely wild - ran a 5k (my first one!!!), ate some delicious snacks, rode some amazing rides, and made some cool memories! not sure when i will get to go back when i normally visit dland two or three times a year, so this was a great way to round out my fav vacation and start 2024 off right.
under the cut are some changes to my activity and how i plan on operating this blog ooc. nothing crazy! but i wanted to keep you all in the loop. i should really make a rules page, maybe i will do that, but in the meantime, ill link this post to my pinned and then you can read it whenever. love u babes
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starting with my next adventure in life - i am going back to school starting this week, taking four hugely important classes so i can apply to a rad tech program this summer. basically, if you thought i was slow before (which I am), i am about to get even slower and most likely be dropping things that sit for too long. i am also going to suspend discord writing/rping for the time being, as i already have little to no motivation to get logged onto there when my tumblr drafts get as high as they do.
i am going to be making a point of prioritizing the tumblr replies that (in no particular order) 1) come from people i have befriended and spoken to/plotted with ooc, 2) have been longstanding and either are about to be wrapped up or have a feasible end point, 3) have just been started for me or were plotted/started while i was away (whether things are kept up once the vibe is felt up will be figured out as i go), and 4) i am personally excited about replying to.
im telling ya, it’s going to be a rough semester and i am anticipating my activity going from slow to possibly nonexistent at times. #4 on that list above is most important to me, as this is a hobby and i want to come here as a definite stress reliever & not let it add to my stress. the easiest way to make me feel #4 about our threads or ships or interactions, whatever you wanna call them, is by doing #1. cannot promise fast ooc responses either, but they will definitely be faster than replies. this is not me becoming a “private” multimuse, just a gentle encouragement that if you want “quicker” replies from me from here on out, id prefer that we talk ooc and become friendly if we aren’t already - if you want your replies to not sit as long!
i am sooososos sorry to spring long paragraphs on you time and time again, but i am trying to not disappoint anyone, hurt any feelings, or deter anyone who wants to write with me. in order for me to keep my sanity for the next few months, changing the way that i run this blog is essential. i understand if you want to either drop threads, unfollow, or break the mutual if you’re reading this and are not thrilled about it. i want you to make your dash what you want to make it, the same way i have done with mine! please feel free to message me if you're wanting to be one of those "primary" blogs that i devote my energy to replying to. chances are if you think you are one of them, you are, but still.
tldr; i love you all to the moon and back and this isn't goodbye!!! i shall still be around, just devoting my energy to the things that i have the most muse for because they are plotted out/fangirled about/loved down ooc as well as ic. <3
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waywardfeathered · 1 year
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Some relevant recent stuffs:
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I am active again, and while it will very likely be low activity, I’m resuming looking at the dashboard more and interacting with people’s posts more. I am open for plotting and being sent memes. I will likely be posting an interactions call that people can like for plotting, reply for memes, etc. but you are free to approach me yourself as always. If we’ve plotted before and I never got back to you, I would appreciate if you gave me a nudge about that, but as that is not your responsibility, I will also try to go through both Discord and IMs to see if I have left any plotting messages unresponded (I will be slow about this because my social energy is very lacking; if you do message me please don’t think anything of it if I take a long time responding). Some light plotting is preferred, but starting with memes is also a lot of fun, so feel free to do either/both.
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I’ve redone Castiel’s about page, including verses. I narrowed down my list of verses from one per season to two per the entire series (post and pre season nine) canon-ish large verses, and separate verses for canon-ish versions of him such as endverse, season nine graceless, etc. and kept my AU verses. A Mass Effect verse has been added officially as well. When I say "canon", by the way, I don’t really care about following detailed canon plot points for interactions unless plotted; canon mostly applies for big plot points relevant to Castiel as a character, and my canon verses absolutely encompass anything canon divergent.
I’ve added a navigation page. I have pretty extensive navigation on the about page and a small one on the rules page as well, so a lot of may be reduntant, but I wanted all the things in one place for ease of access for both myself and people writing with me.
My rules page has remained basically the same for a long while now, but if you’ve been here since years ago and haven’t looked at it since following, I’d give it a read. I redid it I think the beginning of last year, entirely, and I have added to it and tweaked it since, but the main points remain similar.
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I love my muse as much as I’ve loved him since making this blog five years ago this month, but I also run three other roleplay blogs. If you’re interested (I am basically open to following anyone I am mutuals with on all of my blogs so please feel free to follow; I have anxiety about following first sometimes because I don’t want to make people feel like they have to write with all my muses if they write with one), I run
a multimuse with OCs as well as muses from fandoms such as Mass Effect, Our Flag Means Death, Doctor Who, Hannibal, Supernatural, Lost, Reign, etc. @smokedanced (rules are the same as here in general but please note that you have to fill out my interest tracker on the multi if you want me to interact with you there, or at least send me things first so I know at least one muse you have interest in writing with),
the Doctor (Thirteen) @dochaes (rules are the same as here, but please note that she is canon divergent; this is also a low activity blog) and
the player character of the Mass Effect trilogy, Shepard, @dutyworn (again, rules are the same in general, but please note that while she is crossover friendly, the only manner I will cross her over and away from the trilogy universe is through wrong universe kind of a crossover; I will very happily place her in any fandom, but she will always have her personal history as a soldier from 22nd century Earth/Milky Way; I can drop her into your fandom and make it make sense in how it happens for her and her canon’s timeline; this is probably my highest activity blog at the moment).
Please do feel free to interact, whether we have written together before or not! :)
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findinginga · 4 months
A Self-Inflicted Injury…
...that was completely avoidable!
As I was drawing my last entry to a close, I made reference to the multiple dating site profiles which were active for Inga.  Whether she had a direct hand in creating these or, as she claimed, they were created on her behalf, only Ingeborga would know for certain.  However, what cannot be in dispute were the many social media accounts used by Inga on multiple platforms.  Likewise, she maintained several SMS-like accounts as well as email profiles.  What became abundantly clear through our communication was that Inga would not hesitate to abandon any one of these when she believed that the medium may have been compromised/discovered.  
I often wondered why someone would be so intent on breaking into one of her accounts.  Perhaps she was concerned about the reaction of her husband?  Was there a jealously obsessed former lover that she was dodging?  There was always the possibility she was covering her tracks to avoid exposure.  Inga addressed my curiosity by explaining that there had been many attempts to compromise her Google mail and other communication platforms.  For her, she explained, it was a matter of security.  It was an explanation but, as was the case with many of the answers supplied by Inga, there was little to no substance behind her words.  There seemed to be an expectation that her version of the truth would be accepted without challenge.  However, one only needed to consider her liberal use of aliases to be puzzled. 
Among the names Ingeborga used were Jackie Bonny, Anastasia Summer, Anastasia Winter, as well as Ingeborga Sosedova.  No doubt there were more.  During the time that Inga and I were routinely in communication, her preferred email platform was through Gmail.  She has since discontinued this account, likely in favor of a new one but, I will return to this point in a subsequent post.  As I noted previously, it was obvious she needed to feel in control of what people knew and who had access to her.  Did this truly reflect a degree of paranoia suggesting emotional pathology or were these the actions of someone who needed to hide her actions from others?
No, I am not stalling...
Now, I do not wish to give the impression I am procrastinating.  I realize I should advance the story beyond minute details and musings.  While these little detours may help to fill in some of the gaps, I fear I am merely trying to spare myself the embarrassment of further revealing my gullibility.  So, let me get back to the timeline.
I previously offered ample evidence of the need to stand clear of the speeding locomotive headed toward me.  Well, not only did I choose to be willfully oblivious to the onrushing danger, I actually walked out onto proverbial tracks to hasten the catastrophe.  Yes, I stood still only to have the train flatten me, again!  In retrospect, it was a real Wile E. Coyote move.
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Encountering the Inga Express
As I wrote in my last entry, I elected to give Ingeborga a pass for everything up to that point in time.  It did not matter to me that she was married.  I was able to rationalize her marital status as a reflection of an unhappy marriage and her desire to seek a better life.  My acceptance of this ignored the real possibility that Inga was involved in criminal activity.  Whether alone or in concert with members of her family, she deliberately misled and falsified information for her own gain.  Disregarding these consequential factors, I was offering Ingeborga immunity, which she readily accepted.
Becoming an enabler...
After enduring an awkward week, Inga and I settled back into our routine pattern of email exchanges.  The volume was slow at first but then built back to pre-confrontation levels.  Normal of our interactions were discussions of clothes, particularly dresses.  Our discussions included her soliciting my opinions about her fashion choices with Inga including email attachments of dresses, lingerie and the like.  Victoria Secret, Zara and Selkie were websites she favored.  Inga would gleefully browse and add to her electronic shopping cart while I would finish the transaction by entering my credit card and shipping information.
In an effort to avoid having me reship items to an address where I knew she did not reside, Inga discovered the option of using a reshipper.  Rather than enter my residence as the delivery address, the contact information of the reshipper was used as her mailing address.  Once I placed the order, purchased items were sent to the service which would then contact Ingeborga.  She would pay a fee and the reshipper would repackage the items and forward them on to her in Pskov.  Inga would argue that this process avoided the inconvenience of me taking time from my work day to package and seal a shipping container to be sent on by the US Postal Service.  Of course, it really had the effect of blinding me to the actual destination.
Why was I so eager to be complicit in this make believe? 
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phoenixduelist · 8 months
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Name / Alias: Jasmine
Pronouns: she/her
Blog type: single muse | Multi-muse | non selective | semi selective | selective | mutuals only | private | other (specify)
Type of muses: canon | OCs | both | other (specify)
Triggers people MUST tag: None.
Interest tracker / checker: I have it and it's mandatory | I have it, it's not mandatory but I'm more likely to follow back / interact with the people who fill it | I have one and I prefer it if people fill it in | I have it but it's to people whether to fill it or not | I don't have one | other: I don't have one but probably should have because the Véghváryverse has gotten out of hand
Reblog karma: I practise it | I practise it sometimes | I don't practise it | I always reblog memes from the source | indifferent | other: the fuck is that
Rule passwords: I have one and it's mandatory | I have one and it's optional | I don't have one | I send passwords | don't sent passwords | when should I send a password?? If I send it while the other person hasn't followed back I feel like I'm being pushy & almost demanding a follow back. If I don't send it and follow them, then they will think I didn't read the rules.
My blogs are +18 only. I know you feel ready and don't know why is this thing so common; I felt the same way. You will get it when you're older.
Don't use Amber Heard as a faceclaim if you would like to write with me. I don't tolerate Johnny Depp slander either.
Like my characters, my writing style is also intense. Grand storylines, deep emotions, detailed fight scenes, serious conflicts. As @erthlyheavn once called the 'genre' (and I'm still extremely honored): Jasminean tragedy.
Tiny ass icons (less than 100x100) with a distorting psd slapped onto it with a fancy border. I CAN'T SEE SHIT. Let alone make out the character's expression. This isn't a dealbreaker though, I just don't understand the appeal of something so microscopic supposing to convey emotions.
Extreme formatting to the point I have difficulty reading it, despite my eyesight is great.
Haven't really happened, but expecting Rozy (or any of my muses) to be immediately down to have sex with yours. She might feel attraction at first sight, especially if the first meeting is a swordfight, but she's a trauma ridden gray asexual. It will take some time.
That being said, treating OC X Canon ships like it's the fucking 8th deadly sin.
Porn bots duh.
Blogs without displayed +18 age (I am fine with personal blogs if they are +18)
Terfs, racism, homophobia, Amber Heard supporters etc
Anon hate, unless I'm feeling snappy enough to answer.
We all know and put in the no racists etc list in our rules but I haven't seen many 'don't interact if you're anti sex work'. So if I see anyone speaking poorly of sex work in general, sex workers of any kind from full time workers to selling feet pics on Onlyfans; saying they deserve whatever treatment because of their line of work, daddy issues/uneducated/unintelligent jokes, use of slurs: get the fuck out of my sight and be very glad I'm not your neighbor. My blogs are all safe spaces for every kind of sex workers.
Portraying pedophilia/rape/sexual abuse in a positive light. It's not the same as having those in your character's backstory, nor if your character has a warped mindset on it due to what they been through. I am able to tell when the mun themselves write it as a kink instead a character's trauma response.
Being soooooo 'anti callout' that they refuse to heed the 20+ page google docs of evidence and still interact with known abusers in the rpc. And I'm not talking about 'they called my friend stupid and have a similar theme as them' petty shit. I'm talking about grooming, pedophilia, slandering, manipulating, doxxing, harassing, stalking. If you let that fly because their writing is good, they make you graphics or for whatever the sorry attempt of an excuse; what the fuck.
Giving me unwarranted, unwanted, condescending criticism about my writing. This doesn't mean I don't accept criticism, far from it. I also ask for feedback from time to time. I don't care how this will sound: I know I'm a good writer. I researched everything, poured history, psychology, years of development, depth, nuances, despite her strengths/talents she is balanced on the power scale (especially with the latest addition of the necessary recovery after pulling her sword fuckery), just very difficult to deal with. You do not get to dismiss that nor try pull me down because you will only end up pissing me off for eternity. Just say 'Our writing styles don't match' and unfollow. No harm done with that. But giving me an incorrect lecture when I didn't even ask for it is one of the very few things that will get you blocked without a word, because I'm still courteous enough to not leave an essay how you had no right & break down why you're wrong in your inbox before the block. Don't make me tone down my writing style and insult me for it because you don't want to/incapable of matching it.
Writing style and/or preferred topics the other person wants to discover don't or barely overlap with mine.
Shittalking Ocs in the rules like 'canon gave us enough developed characters'. Are we seriously gatekeeping...creativity???
Overly...detailed or harsh isn't a good word for it; but if the rules are like blocking without a word in case of liking too many posts, reblogging a meme instead of the source, sending too many messages etc. Which is fine how you want to curate your space, but I have way too many problems to worry about irl and I don't want to feel like I'm on a minefield where one wrong move is game over forever when I'm supposed to have fun. I'm way too stressed for this.
Even if everything is fine but I don't feel that spark. When I follow, it means I'm very much interested, intrigued in your character, your portrayal and want to throw my psychotic captain & the disaster crew at your muse(s). But there are some cases when I simply can't feel that. And I don't want to disappoint anyone by giving replies without soul in them.
tagged by: fucking stolen what did you expect, this is a pirate focused blog
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thiefscant · 9 months
all's well that ends...
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#THIEFSCANT;; an independent, selective, and private roleplay blog for ANAIS EVERNIGHT, my tav aka the PLAYER CHARACTER from baldur's gate 3. my name is bean (32, they/she) and i will be your guide! pls don’t hesitate to approach with questions or plot ideas. i'm here for it all!
a study in: learning how to trust, moving from chaotic neutral to chaotic good, what's a god to a nonbeliever?, discovering life can be about more than just surviving but maybe there are some things worth dying for.
beta editor + xkit rewritten only. rules under cut + everything else on carrd.
travels with: @bolyde, @crowshoots, @dwylafn, @highaver, @sacrificedmore, @scarbound, @stormlit, @weavewilled
currently playing: baldur's gate 3, act 3 (game unfinished)
currently most interested in: canon/bg3 rp, dragon age rp, tolkien rp.
blogroll: @atomiqueen. @heartsdefine. @thiefscant.
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                                      ...not as bad as it could have.
GENERAL: SELECTIVE AND PRIVATE. this means i’m particular about who i follow and i will only write with mutuals. my blog is semi-iconless (depending on the muse/if i feel like making icons or not). NOT SPOILER FREE. NO GODMODDING, metagaming, etc. EXCLUSIVITY IS RARE but not unheard of so you can find my mains/exclusives list here 
WRITING: I USE PRIMARILY THIRD PERSON PAST OR PRESENT TENSE. i'm not entirely comfortable roleplaying in first or second person (yet). when it comes to verb tense, i'll often check to see what my partner is most comfortable using and go with that. i can do one-liners or multipara threads, but longer things will likely take a bit more time.
SHIPPING: I SHIP CHEMISTRY, and i do not force ships because i’m not a monster. i definitely enjoy a good romance, but platonic and queerplatonic dynamics, rivalries, etc. are just as interesting to explore! i am unlikely to ship romantically with more than two portrayals of a canon muse, so as to ensure things don't get stale for me or my partners.
FOLLOWING/UNFOLLOWING: IF I FOLLOW YOU, IT MEANS I LIKE WHAT YOU HAVE GOIN' ON AND WOULD LOVE TO INTERACT. it doesn't have to happen immediately, just down the line! i'll give most folks at least a week to follow back (thus indicating mutual interest in writing together at some point) before unfollowing. but if i really enjoy your blog/portrayal, i may stick around as a passive follower so long as i am welcome!
BLOCKING: I PREFER TO BE HARDBLOCKED IF YOU NO LONGER WISH FOR ME TO FOLLOW YOU for any reason. this is so i don't assume tumblr unfollowed you for me and refollow, inadvertently crossing your boundaries. if i suspect someone has softblocked me, i will likely hardblock them myself to avoid refollowing in the future. (i am generally quite liberal with the block button, as i'm serious about curating my online space.)
PRONOUNS: ANAIS USES THEY/SHE PRONOUNS INTERCHANGEABLY. you will likely see me alternating between them in my posts, headcanons, replies, etc. if there is ever a time when this is too confusing (ex: I am writing opposite a muse who uses strictly they/them pronouns, making the prose easier to follow if I use strictly she/her for Anais), I am happy to use one or the other. If you find it too confusing to use both in your replies, our preference leans towards they/them (but she/her is also acceptable esp if your muse uses they/them also).
PLEASE DO: BREAK YOUR REPLIES FOR ME UP INTO SMALLER PARAGRAPHS if we write together, as my adhd makes hugelong paragraphs difficult to read; ASK ME TO TAG YOUR TRIGGERS if i’ve neglected to do so (whether i’m following you back or not); like my starter calls, SEND ME MEMES, turn my meme replies into threads (if we are mutuals); SHOWER ME IN PLOT IDEAS and ooc chatter; HAVE PATIENCE with me on all of the above; FEEL FREE TO UNFOLLOW ME at any time for any reason, as i will be reserving the right to do so myself 
PLEASE DO NOT: USE SUBSMALL TEXT or multiple spaces between words in our threads as i find both difficult to read; UNFOLLOW/REFOLLOW to get my attention (it won’t be the kind of attention you’re hoping for); EXPECT ANY KIND OF IMMEDIACY FROM ME IC OR OOC. i love making friends via roleplay, but i’m one smol nerd just trying to have a good time and i won’t stress myself out by trying to keep up with everything at once. just know it’s not personal, and i’ll get back to you as soon as i have the energy.
I WILL GLADLY: TAG NSFW AND TRIGGERS appropriately and accommodate those who ask to the best of my abilities; WELCOME LGBTQIA+ HEADCANONS; USE MY SHITPOST TAG (#blacklist for less soft nonsense.) on most of my inane ooc content so feel free to block it, that’s why it’s there
I WILL TRY: TO REMEMBER IF YOU DON’T LIKE TO BE REBLOGGED FROM, but please note that I have ADHD and may forget. Often and repeatedly. (A bit more info about this can be found here.) If being reblogged from on the reblogging website really bothers you, please feel free to soft/block me as needed. Relatedly, I don’t really care if you reblog things from me that aren’t in-character roleplay posts and/or headcanons. I do think it’s polite to reblog a meme from the source if you don’t send one in, but I don’t personally consider it a blockable offense.
I WILL NOT: FOLLOW BLOGS THAT DON’T HAVE ANY RULES OR GUIDELINES set up; exceptions to this are reserved for muns i already know aka those whose boundaries i’m already familiar with; FOLLOW VERY MANY BLOGS THAT INCLUDE CHARACTERS from game of thrones and/or house of the dragon, as i’m just not comfortable having a lot of ASOIAF content on my dash; exceptions to this are typically reserved for people i already know and/or multimuse blogs that include other fandoms/muses i’m interested in 
MUNDANE: MY NAME IS BEAN/BEE. they/she. i’m 31, neurodivergent, and twelve different kinds of anxious but i’m working on it. I’M WHITE. in the event that i fuck up and/or swerve out of my lane, i invite my friends and followers of color to let me know. you have my thanks for bringing any such behavior to my attention. i can and will do better.
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skxrbrand · 9 months
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Name / Alias: Jax
Pronouns: All, pref they/them
Blog type: single muse | Multi-muse | non selective | semi selective | selective| mutuals only | private | other (specify)
Type of muses: canon | OCs | both | other (specify)
Triggers people MUST tag: Self-Harm and anything in that sphere, emeto
Interest tracker / checker: I have it and it's mandatory | I have it, it's not mandatory but I'm more likely to follow back / interact with the people who fill it | I have one and I prefer it if people fill it in | I have it but it's to people whether to fill it or not | I don't have one | other (specify)
Reblog karma: I practise it | I practise it sometimes | I don't practise it | I always reblog memes from the source | indifferent | other (specify)
Rule passwords: I have one and it's mandatory | I have one and it's optional | I don't have one | I send passwords | don't sent passwords | [space for eventual additions / explanations]
Must be an adult, 20+. 18 and 19 year olds are too immature and obnoxious for me to bother with most of the time
IC/OOC separation must be there / please have some media literacy
Blog has / will discuss dark content. This will be tagged. Related to point 2
Do not follow my muse specifically to fight him because you saw him being mean to a mutual's muse. It's weird; I will ignore you
I don't like overly formatted posts or blogs that spend 90% of their time on aesthetics and none/next to none on actual RP
Excessive soapboxing. It's annoying
failure to tag triggers
vibes are weird / rancid
Sharing circles with certain users in this community
RP etiquette isnt being followed
mun is clearly here to flex their aesthetics first and their RP second / not at all
Muse is part of certain fandoms i am not interested in
Shares circles with users who have given me trouble
I cannot see our muses interacting / am not interested in the muse
Their DNI list is a mile long / includes petty and ridiculous reasons (dont follow me if you ship [thing]!)
tagged by: none tagging: steal it
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h-a-unted · 1 year
Have you got any favourite threads you write or favourite mutuals to write with?
Anonymous Mun Questions (Accepting!)
I DO, as a matter of fact! Even though I do appreciate everyone that gives me a chance to write with them, I have some that are my preferred ones already.
@foghidden is my main exactly because of that. I love her and her muses a lot and how amazing she is at writing and developing characters. Not to mention how she masterfully makes edits and moodboards. Overall, she's very dedicated and we're usually on the same wavelength, so it makes things so easy. Her ideas are top notch and she's so sweet as a person, I care a lot for her! She's my bestie around here and first priority!
And I am biased but I ADORE our Laura/Travis threads as well as the Kaylee ones. And with Emma, I am in love with Sam and Emma interacting as well as Jess. HONESTLY? I say this but I also ADORE the threads with Wednesday, and if I keep going down that rabbit hole, I can just say that I adore ALL OF OUR THREADS, because it's true.
@saecrifical was one of the first people to interact with me and I always appreciate that a lot. They also write really beautifully and I'm always looking forward to all the characters they bring to the table!
My biased threads would be mainly the Hannah/Emma ones, but oh my gosh do I love all your other muses too aaaaah, we need to write more for sure!
@quarryhag is and will always be my preferred Dylan! Just top 10/10 Dylan content, made me love him even more and cry because he doesn't have enough interactions with Emma (or Travis). We need that friendship, but thank goodness we're writing them out! They're also very creative and great to talk to, so bonus points!
The one thread where Emma and Dylan are going to the radio station together is my favorite, I think. And also any one with Dylan interacting with Travis because gosh it's so interesting to see their dynamic.
@hrrorstrie is already my favorite Chris Hartley and I'm looking forward to more interactions whether with Chris or with their other muses. They also seem like a very nice person, so I'd love to be friends! Of course, every interaction I've had with this Chris is my biased favoriteeee!
@terrcrized I'm already biased to them because they've shown me just how much they love and care for Joshua, major points for me to love their portrayal and writing! Also super approachable so I'm always looking forward to talk!
@cartaxus their muses, chef's kiss! Their ideas, super good! It was thanks to them that I decided to make the sideblog of Jean and I don't regret it at all. ALSO, 452 AND JEAN, 452 AND JEAN, 452 AND JEAN!
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Advice please: I keep losing enjoyment in my rp. I don't know what it is but my rp partners character is just such a drain and a drag that I can't take it anymore. I keep giving new ideas only to have this character ruin it all and I feel bad and as though I'm forced to keep these threads up and going when I grow to hate them. How can I revamp or reinvigorate? This person is my friend and I love interacting with them, but I've found myself done with their rp character? But they love her so much and see themselves in her too much. I feel that they'll take it as a personal attack if I say I don't like the interpretation or the way the character is played. I don't want to ruin our friendship over this but I'm starting to feel like I'm pulling teeth to keep going. What should I do? How do I fix this on my side?
I'm not sure I have a good answer for you, anon. The best fix to this situation will depend entirely on you, and what it is about your friend's muse that you no longer like. I'm assuming at one point in time you DID like this muse, otherwise you wouldn't have started anything with them to begin with? If that's the case, you need to think about what originally drew you to the muse, and consider ways to recapture that in your current RPs with them.
From your confession, you make it sound like no matter what kind of RP you suggest, your partner (or their muse?) is somehow ruining the idea. But without more of an idea about HOW they're ruining things, I can't really give any good suggestions on how to potentially plot around the issue. I suppose you could try something that's SO much of an AU that your partner has no choice but to reinvent their muse in some way? Preferably in a way that might make them easier to write with?
In the end, this is your friend's character/interpretation, and while you might not like it, it's also not really up to you whether or not they change things. Telling them you don't like their muse anymore probably isn't going to help the situation. If you're really having that hard of a time with replies to them, it might be time to drop some of those RPs (or put them on hiatus) - give yourself a bit of a breather. Tell them you're having a hard time with some of your replies (which is true) and that you want to try focusing on just a couple to see if it helps cure the block.
Beyond that, I'm not sure what else to suggest that won't potentially hurt your friendship with them. Do our followers have anything they'd like to add?
~ Mod MJ ~
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radicalrascals · 11 months
Get To Know The Mun
tagged by : @mxrdershewxote (thaaank you ♥ )
tagging : @etxrnaleclipse, @heartxshaped-bruises, @stardxstmxses, @hollydelgado, @lcnelyday, @fangsandmagic, @rubiesintherough & anyone who feels like doing this - just pretend I tagged you :)
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name : Jamie
pronouns :  she/her/hers
preference of communication : probably tumblr ims to kick things off
most active muse : Nick. Always. Look, we stan our raggedy bookish post-punk werewolves here.
experience / how many years :  9+ years on tumblr and then some predating that
best experience : whenever an interaction transcends the simple back-and-forth and we end up with a world of our own, with a plethora of characters, complex overarching storylines, a rich lore. That's my absolute favourite.
rp pet peeves : unplotted and instant fix-its. Like there's an established threat in your story, you blink once and boom. solved. because the muse you write against is apparently almighty. rrrrreally hacks me off if the fix-its happen to my muses. Yes they're broken, they all struggle with something, they have fears and weaknesses. Don't. Take. That. Away. From. Them. Please. If I hadn't experienced that multiple times, I wouldn't be so bitter about this. Sorry.
fluff, angst, or smut : ANGST. how's that even a question? but angst undoubtably hits harder if you have some contrasting fluff preceding it. As for smut, I'm not actively looking for it but if it happens it happens, and if we fade to black instead that's super cool too
plots or memes : I love memes to get things started or to learn more things about each others muses but overall to me a plot matters way more. I'll think fondly of plots years after they were written. They stick with me. Memes are fun in that moment. Plots last. But memes can tie in with plots or become plots, so they're not mutually exclusive.
long or short replies : both have their time and place; passages where characters just have a conversation benefit from being shorter I think; establishing new locations or characters, action scenes, angst and smut all feel richer when they're longer imho
time to write : is usually scarce; I tend to favour night-time writing though
are you like your muses : naturally there's some overlap whether that's in traits, music taste or life experience; but none of them are self-inserts. kinda defeats the point of creating characters for me if they end up just carbon copies of myself
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closedcoffins · 2 years
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NAME: albatross! you can call me alba if you’d like. :)
PRONOUNS: any prns. i don’t really have a preference but if you have to default to a set they/them is fine.
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: discord over tumblr ims anyday. i think tumblr has stopped notifying people when i IM them.
NAME OF MUSE: www.baccano.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Characters
RP EXPERIENCE / HOW LONG: honestly a good while. i started rping seriously way back on a site called quotev when i was like... 10? 11? something like that. i’ve been writing on tumblr for about 5 years now, i think.
BEST EXPERIENCE: definitely my early days of being in the bungou stray dogs rpc when it was super bustling. i made most of my current friends there and had so many nice interactions with the people around me! not to mention i picked up my favorite muse, mark twain, on a whim during that time... it was just very good. i miss those days sometimes!
PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS: it makes me REALLY annoyed when someone follows me back and i attempt to reach out to them only for them to ignore me. i don’t really understand why you’d follow back if you don’t want to interact, you know? on a completely different note, something that can turn me off of writing with someone i ALREADY write with is constant complaints about not getting any interactions from anyone whatsoever, especially when you ARE getting interactions. it just makes the people who are writing with you feel a little worthless.
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: between the three? fluff. but my honest answer is none of the above! i like heavy plots with multiple or all three of them present. my focus is on the building of relationships whether they be positive, negative, or anywhere in between!
PLOTS OR MEMES: i don’t mind either, but if you know me well you know i’m a sucker for plotting that gets way out of hand and suddenly we have entire arcs plotted out for our muses. that said, memes are easy as a jumping-off point after establishing some basics, and they give a good idea of what a dynamic will be like... haha, i really can’t choose.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: afternoon! i tend to cram my writing into my workday so i can work on other projects at home---aside from this, i’m also an artist with a goal as well as a new editor on the baccano! wiki, so i like to have my post-work evenings free.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE: i don’t think it would be possible for me to write a muse i couldn’t draw from my own experiences with in some way. in a lot of ways, there is a little part of me in every character i write, no matter how out-there they might seem. i think the biggest victim of my projecting has probably been twain. but, um, and i doubt this needs saying, i am not all that similar to a lot of my muses, no. 
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tagged by: stolen from @longerhuman​ !! tagging: steal it from me :)
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hyperionswrath-a · 2 years
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⸻ NAME: Jetsam / Jet for short
⸻ PRONOUNS:  He / Him
⸻ PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION:  Tumblr  IM. My discord is not freely being given away anymore unless I know someone very well.
⸻ NAME OF MUSE(S):   On here - Seifer Almasy. I also run blogs for Albert Wesker & H.U.N.K from Resident Evil,  Dante Sparda from the Devil may Cry Reboot, and Sora from Kingdom Hearts (and a lot of others that are currently shelved because I have no muse for them)
⸻ EXPERIENCE / HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):   Altogether about twenty years now. ⸻ PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED:    Back when I started it was forums and Legend of the Green Dragon servers (good times, man), sometimes ye olde chat rooms. I took a break from roleplaying actively for many years and eventually ended up here on tumblr back in 2019, where I picked up Seifer as a muse. That was the first time I started writing and roleplaying in english, too. I also sometimes use Discord, but not much anymore.
⸻ BEST EXPERIENCE:    Some of the people I met during roleplaying, and the stories written together. At a certain point I become emotionally invested, and that’s when the real fun begins, hahah. I love that writing here lets me glimpse how other people view my favorite franchises, how they interprete characters therein and just rubbing our brain-bits together to create amazing stories of all varieties is just something I adore so much.
⸻ RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS:    Expectations that are hard or impossible for me to live up to, I’d say. Meaning expecting me to be always and constantly available (whether I am online or not), expecting me to be able to reply fast or have muse for all things all the time, etc. My muses can be finnicky, sometimes one snatches my brain cell for months, and I can’t really control this - don’t want to, either. I go where my inspiration flows to offer a good roleplay experience and sometimes that doesn’t match with what my partners might wish to see from me. Additionally I know it’s easy to brush off my fatigue issues with “just get more sleep/eat better/excercise more” and while I agree that these things may help, it’s still something I cannot control and sometimes I will be very exhausted despite really wanting to write, be it something IC or OOC. Also some people do drain my batteries quicker than others, and that, too is nothing personal at all and nothing I can control.
⸻ FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT:    I like all the same, as long as it’s well balanced. Admittedly, my Seifer used to be a smut fiend, but sadly it also opened the door for people to just want to rp that with me without anything else ever. And while I am an absolute sucker for smut that drives plot, I do also crave other things. Fluff is something most of my muses don’t get often for the sole reason they are... well, not fluff characters. If they ever get enought interactions with one other muse to build up to some possible softness, it will usually be short-lived. It’s why I picked up Sora, honestly, because sometimes mun craves to just be soft and not having to front a harsh muse. As for angst - I live for it. It’s amazing to make your characters go through hell and have them develop through it. The reward at the end is so worth it.
⸻ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES:    Long to medium. I definitely can do crack posts but for something substantial I need some more lines of text. As a general rule of thumb, it’s always a matter of how much you give me to work with in my own reply that matters most, but I am definitely not afraid of long replies - if they go somewhere. Just repeating what I wrote or repeating yourself for the sake of adding paragraphs is something that I don’t like much °^^
⸻ BEST TIME TO WRITE:     God I wish I knew anymore. Lately I try to write something in the morning before work when I have my first two cups of coffee, and often I will be able to write some more in the evening after work (and after napping ahah). But it fluctuates, sadly, so I always have to seize the opportunity when it arrives.
⸻  ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S):     Some more than others! I think a little bit of me is in all my muses, and that that’s why I pick them up. As for Seifer... I probably have more in common with him at times than I like to admit, I can be rather spiteful, if provoked into it I definitely can be arrogant and standoffish and I do relate with him struggling throughout his life with never being good enough (or not having the chance to prove that I am, for that matter). Also in some ways I often say I need to channel my inner Seifer more so I can put my foot down better when it comes to establishing boundaries or telling people off on their bullshit. :D
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got tagged by @burntchild​ and am tagging anyone who’d like to do this!
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