aquaelle · 3 months
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Redrew my old art from 11 years ago when XY came out, and now we are getting Pokemon Legends Z-A!!
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wandapinkay · 3 months
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In occasion of the Pokemon Day and yesterday's Pokemon Presents' new game announcement, I decided to make a small pixel art of my fav Zygarde form, the 10% one! I love this doggo a lot, peak character design ✨
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sophie-laurel · 5 months
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SatoSere ❤️
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godbirdart · 2 years
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yurgemini · 2 months
My favorite french couple
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kanaeink · 4 months
Cute Fennekin 💖
I made a small crafty postcard with poscas ^_^
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tashamacie · 2 months
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Kalos Crisis Au. I've had this idea for years and would randomly sketch it out. I want to try making final pieces of some of the sketches and expand on my AU idea.
Featuring : Bamf Ash and his Pokemon. Outcome of cult mentality and war especially on children. Semi realistic descriptions of the fighting and strategies of an active war zone.
AU Outline/ Ideas
Kalos Crisis ( Occupation of Lumiose City, .....)
Lasted 3-4 months
Lumiose city was completely cut of from the outside world because of a barrier.
Lysander and Team flare is much more cult like. They convince vulnerable citizens that the world is corrupt and that a messiah will help tear down them rebuild the world.
Many Lumiose city citizens side with Lysander as they believe him. The city is divided in 2. The believers and the resistance.
Alan knows Lysander's true goals and is disillusioned into believing that the world should be reborn is that there is no more pain and suffering.
Ash is of course their messiah but Lysander believes Ash's time in the world has tainted him so after capturing ash he puts him through weeks of psychic cleansing/training. Other team flare members treat Ash like a walking saint and gift him with many pieces or jewelry.
Lysander has control of the tower but it takes about a month to complete alteration to use the weapon/train ash/got Zygarde to full power.
In the mean time resistance sets up in the outskirt districts of town and in the subway systems.
34 days into the occupation the scene on the top of the tower happens but instead of being cuffed and forced out, Ash walks out willingly to his destiny. Mind mostly gone.
Alan. conflicted, as he watches Ash hurt changes his mind and helps ash escape. Snapping Ash out of the control.
Lysander doesn't immediately lose as has still has power over the tower and an incomplete Zygarde he works to crush all remaining resistance and get Ash back or kill him.
Regaining himself Ash joins the resistance as a fighter and the battle continues fr 2-ish more months before coming to end Lysander Defeated.
Ash is pretty messed up mental but keeps it under wraps till professor Kukui helps him later.
Shadow demon on right represents Ash's internal psyche and how he really isn't doing so good on the inside.
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is-this-a-twink · 3 months
Augustine Sycamore. Bi twink given he gives the player’s mom a perfumed letter
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woodenplankstudios · 2 months
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Happy holidays everyone :) (Everyone is Home)
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Through chaos and hardship, a powerful bond is formed! Serena—! Diancie—! Achieve the Impossible! Achieve 𝙇𝙚𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙮 𝙈𝙚𝙜𝙖 𝙀𝙫𝙤𝙡𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣!
This art is a rendition of a scene from the latest chapter of my Pokémon XY AU— Pokémon XY: Trying Something New. As of now, Serena does not have this outfit yet. It was created by the amazing artist, @203wolves
You can find links to the latest chapter below!
AO3 - https://archiveofourown.org/works/50910751/chapters/135632599
FFN - https://fanfiction.net/s/14289633/17/Pok%C3%A9mon-XY-Trying-Something-New
Wattpad - https://wattpad.com/story/360786764-pok%C3%A9mon-xy-trying-something-new
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itsmebeff · 3 months
no little german boy dont go into hoenn
oh mein gott this pokedex is full of kuntenserven
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standreamy · 3 months
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My rare ship! Delia x Meyer!
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coyotiii17 · 1 year
Ngl, since I'm rewatching Pokemon Sun and Moon now, I can't help, but feel stupid, because of how much I didn't want to watch this series at first. And sadly it was, because of the artstyle. I'm gonna say it right now, even tho it's been a while since this season first aired. I'm late. I know that. But Pokemon Sun and Moon is the PERFECT example of "don't judge a book by its cover". I totally understand why people thought and may still think this show's artstyle is a disappointment. Pokemon S&M is happening right after Pokemon XY&Z, a series where everything looks so amazing and the characters not only look more mature, but also act more mature. Meanwhile in S&M, Ash looks much younger, goes to school and acts more "childish". But to be honest? What's wrong with that? When you're watching Pokemon S&M, you see that it has much different vibe than other seasons. Ash isn't really travelling there. He lives in Kukui's house, goes to school and he's just having fun. And here's the important word: fun. It's not that Ash is childish in this series. He's still mature, but he allows himself to just have fun and be a normal kid. After reading some fanfictions, I totally headcanon that the reason Ash came to Alola in the first place was to take a little vacation and heal after what happened in Kalos. Because it was a little weird to see him come to Alola not on his own, but with his mom. Normally when Ash comes home from his adventures, he's ready to go to the next region next day. With Alola it wasn't like that. Alola is a region where Ash could finally rest and have fun being a normal kid. Where he could just hang out with his friends in school and go with them on silly little adventures. Even when there was something serious going on, it didn't have the same impact as in the other series. And even when Ash had to save the world, he wasn't alone. His friends were there with him and they all saved the world as Ultra Guardians. And he found a second home in Kukui's and Burnet's house. Not to mention the father figure he found in Kukui. So what if Ash has a father? What kind of father he is when he literally won't wait for his own son and literally leaves before Ash can even see him? Yup, Kukui is Ash's real dad and that's that. And some would say, oh S&M is just for kids, there's nothing heavy in it. WRONG. It's such a wrong thing to say, because I literally cried on some episodes. Litten's story broke me, Mallow's backstory broke me. There's just so much of difficult topics there. Pokemon Sun and Moon is really amazing. I just feel the need to say it, because I'm still ashamed of how disappointed I was when I first saw the artstyle, even tho artstyle is not everything. And honestly? I'm actually very fond of this artstyle now. I think it's really cute and it fits the Alola's vibe! I'm also protective of this series, because S&M really helped me when I was battling my depression. It's kinda a reminder for me that sometimes it's okay to just stop and take care of yourself. Maybe Ash needed that too! So if you've never watched Pokemon Sun and Moon and maybe left the anime after Pokemon XY&Z, I really encourage to check it out, because in my opinion, it's really worth it!!
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sophie-laurel · 5 months
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you can do it!
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remonmellow · 1 year
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Lysandre’s back.  Just it leaving here  
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carldoonan · 9 months
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This Unsettling Li’l Espurr says: “Es… purr… Es… es… pur…” 👁️🐱👁️
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