#Phlog Pyro
mistermedic · 3 months
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encountered a phlog pyro on mincemeat metalworks
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nen-kaii · 2 years
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0sbrain · 11 months
helped the british spy making this today
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buddylucky · 7 months
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dude, I love the phlog - no one.
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kordbot · 11 months
i love playing pyro in rottenburg and feeling like im basically carrying the whole team
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thank you to the team i played with on suijin that credited our team's win to me as the medic, y'all make it worth maining him
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dorenarox · 1 year
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...Okay, which TF2 YouTuber did a detailed video on how the Dragon's Fury is OP even though it REALLY isn't?
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agni-ignition · 2 years
Take a page out of real life when you play tf2-- even if you don't plan on being a doctor, its always a good idea to know first aid. Put a couple hours on Medic for emergencies!
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pepper-rex · 7 months
*through gritted teeth* i love dustbowl i love dustbowl i love dustbowl <- definitely didn't just have the worst dustbowl experience of his entire tf2 playtime
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pointsfortrying · 1 year
i think that phlog is mvm is Unideal
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paper-mario-wiki · 1 month
why do the redditors hate ur nice phlog video ma'am
believe it or not, most people fucking hate the phlog! for a lot of reasons.
in general, pyros are seen as the braindead class, and the phlog plays hard into reinforcing the stereotype that pyros only hold the W key and left click to get kills, without much thought (hence the term "W+M1"). this is specifically because the phlog takes away one of pyro's most versatile and useful tools, the airblast, in lieu of guaranteed crits for 10 seconds after enough damage is done.
because a lot of people find this both annoying to fight against while also thinking in their mind that it doesn't take skill, and since reddit is a forum where i dont really have a following and am instead interacting with people who will take me at face value and never think about me again, many peoples first reactions will be "i fucking hate this weapon, downvote".
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tf2heritageposts · 9 months
trans pyro mains (me) should be allowed to do whatever we want. INCLUDING using phlog and scorch shot
okay the legal loopholes you’re allowed for being transgender do not allow you to do war crimes
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[i.d.: tf2 fanart. red pyro holds the phlog, a flamethrower, and looks down at blu scout. scout's adult head is on a baby's body, such as seen in pyroland in the video "meet the pyro." he looks up blankly. they are captioned "Hydrogen Bomb vs. Coughing Baby," in which pyro is the bomb and scout the baby. the background is a fire, lighting the two dramatically. /end i.d.]
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itsmeglycine · 1 year
what is a pick main (i am also a tf2 noob and so confused all the time)
Long answer!
TF2 developers classified the classes into 3 categories, Offense (Scout, Soldier, Pyro), Defense (Demoman, Heavy, Engineer), Support (Medic, Sniper, Spy). This might had reflected gameplay in TF2's early years, but no longer makes sense in it's current state after all the updates and changes.
The community has came up with class roles that more accurately reflect gameplay, being Power (Soldier, Demoman, Heavy), Pick (Scout, Sniper, Spy), Support (Pyro, Engineer, Medic).
Power classes are in the frontline dealing mass damage in direct combat, they are tanking most of the damage and are usually paired with a medic.
Pick classes deliberately pick on the most threatening enemy and score suprise kills with hit and runs, they are more of the "lone wolf" type of players.
Support classes provide survivability and convenience for the team, they need a reliable team to reach their full potential.
However, classes don't strictly fit in these roles as players' loadouts and playstyles vary. (E.g. A phlog pyro that doesn't airblast and stays in the front to deal damage is considered a power. Roller soldiers and demomen that constantly jump behind enemy lines to pick on their medics and teleporters are picks.) But you know people are talking about the stereotypical and universally agreed-on class roles when they type "we need more power classes" in team chat.
Personal opinion:
In casual gameplay, Pick classes and Support classes require more game sense and map familiarity to contribute to the team, while Power classes have a lower skill floor in comparison. A lot of players will ask newbies to play Medic and I am miffed by that statement. Power classes are more suitable for new players as they have a thicker healthpool to safely traverse the map, and they are not pressured to get kills as long as their damage output weakens the enemies so that someone else from the team can finish the job.
That said, you don't have to feel compelled to play something you don't want to though. Anyone bossing you around and telling you what to do without adding "please" can just f*ck off. Explore, goof around, try out all the gimmicky tactics and bad weapons. Enjoy being a new player while everything still looks fresh and fun. Have a good time!
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talacbagovt · 2 months
Dreamt someone made another version of tf2. It was really passive-aggressive to the original game design principles. I don't know how the dream went there. Last leg of the dream I was supposed to be killing gnomes with a flashlight that removes shadows because gnomes die if their shadows get removed(?). Anyway the new tf2 had the medic be a predominantly melee class, to quote the dream, "leaning into the class's focus on positioning and informing the enemy that they have 'minions' (???)." He had a bandana for some reason and the pyro's "stomach-like weapons" (???) were changed "into crates" (like in their design) (whatever the fuck that means) and was discouraged to use the phlog. I wish I could remember the fucked up changes to the other classes. I don't remember seeing the engineer at all. I haven't even played the game that much or recently at all. Also if the gnomes disappear because of sunlight they return at night. I also forgot my bag at one point at a room. I had to go back to my bag but the layout of the building was fucked up.
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me watching as the enemy team vaporizes during my coordinated phlog pyro über push (i am absolutely despicable)
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