#Peruvian Baroque
lionofchaeronea · 11 months
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Trifacial Trinity, anonymous artist (Cusco School), between ca. 1750 and ca. 1770
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horsesarecreatures · 3 months
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Peruvian Paso
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monica7universe · 2 years
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solnunquamoccidit · 2 years
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 El Sor. Dn. Matías Vázquez de Acuña, Menacho, Zorrilla de la Gandara Yturgoy en Amasa y Llspergér; Román de Aulestia y Gomes Boquete, quinto Conde de la Vega del Ren, natural de esta Ciudad Colegial que fue del Real i de Sn. Martín Teniente Coronel del Batallón Provincial de Ynfantería española de esta Ciudad y Alcalde ordinario de ella. Elector de la Abadía de Sn Andrés de Tabliega, en la merindad de Montija en el Arzobispado de Burgos, Patrón de el Combento Grande de N Sra. de Gracia de S Agustín de esta Ciudad, y de la Capilla del Sto Cristo de Burgos de la Yglecia del dicho Comto Patrón de la Capilla de todos Santos de esta Sta Yglec Catedral y del Colegio máximo de Sn Pablo de la Compa de Jesús. Murió en 21 de Noviembre de 1792.
by Pedro José Díaz (Peruvian, fl. 1770 – 1810) oil on canvas (131,1 × 208,3), c. 1780
Carl & Marilynn Thoma Foundation
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rabbitkissed · 4 months
Hey, are you bored? Do you like history? Anthropology? I wanna tell you about something curious that happened in my country. I am from Lima, Perú. I want tell you about what this two pictures have in common (i am sorry for my english in advance)
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Let's start with the first one: This one is a beautiful baroque religious painting called The lady Of Belen, painted anonymously in Cusco in XVIII. This painting had a purpose (apart from being a beautiful piece of art) and it stars with the arrival of the Spanish to Perú on ~colonization times~. As you know, those fuckers hated the local folklore and wanted to turn everyone catholic. The millenarian peruvian culture is very colorful and cheery, its motivs are always about nature, the sun and the ground, they worshipped the hills (we call them cerros) but most importantly La Pachamama, which is basically The Earth, because it's the sacred place where we live and it feed us with rich yummy food <3 (it's not just that but that's for another post)
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So the colonizers invaded Cusco, they brought all their religion and their catholic churches and they wanted to turn everyone catholic. My people was very resilient and they kept doing their business. The spanish, sick of their efforts to turn everyone into christianity, had one of the earliest marketing ideas and they decided to create catholic imagery where the virgin Mary would be depicted using a cape that would make her have a cone-like shape that symbolized a hill (or cerro)
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Did it work? Of course! With the help of enormous church buildings and, you know, the atrocities.
Now, what does the second image has to do this this? First, the second image I showed you is a lottery publicity, do you observe the vibrant colors and really the cool typography they're using?? Well, in the 70's (don't know if you know) my country started suffering a political conflict that lasted almost 22 years (ending in 1992) radical groups literally killed people for their political believes. It happened everywhere. In those times, Lima, the capital of Perú was (is, if you ask me) very centralized, the country "progress" was only visible or heard of in Lima, other provinces (you could say states) of Perú were forgotten. These cities were poor, forgotten by the government and also lived the brutality of multiples terrorist attacks. Many Death and many Destruction.
So, forgotten by the government and with that constant fear of death, the town people started to migrate to Lima, thousands of families left their land.
And guess where they started to live? HILLS. Lima is full of them!! And they were empty, these hills did not have the basic necessities housing needs (like running water or draining systems) because Lima is a desert but my people are fighters and they stayed. All the hills were filled with new houses.
This photograph show the early stage:
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This photograph is how the hills look now:
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Migrant people brought their vivid colors with them <3 they are know to be hardworking, also started to make their own parties with their music and their food. Although the culture kept that characteristic essence, eventually it got mixed with other ones that also were present in Lima and the most popular mix is what we call Cultura Chicha.
The Chicha culture, which was more notable in the music, was a huge success. It was so relevant it had (IS very relevant, because it is still very much popular) a lot of awarded singers and bands. The most legendary of them all was a singer called Chacalón, even the UNESCO gave him a prize for a song that is considered an hymn for the people who migrated. He was also given a legendary phrase that says "Cuando Chacalón canta, los cerros bajan" which literally means "When Chacalón sings, the hills come down" meaning that when he sings, all the people that live in the hills come down to hear him. Isn't that very cool??
Going back to the lottery propaganda: This Chicha parties are massive and, to promote them, Chicha poster designers also use vibrant colors and funky typography and it works! If you visit the streets of Lima is very likely you can see at least a wall filled with them!!
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The most rich and successful marketing companies (the lottery one from the beginning) noticed this and tried to imitate the Chicha colors and typography to get the attention of the huge migrant demographic in Lima. Does it work? Apparently yes because they keep using them.
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To conclude, isn't it amazing how these colors and designs have passed and survived too much history?? And they're still here. Apart from being used by corporations, you cannot take Chicha culture from its people and I think that is beautiful <3 thank you for your attention!! Have great day and try a peruvian dish called Papa a la Huacaina if you ever step foot in a peruvian restaurant, you will not regret it, it's *chefs kiss*
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The ángeles arcabuceros (arquebus wielding angels) are a unique fixture of the Peruvian baroque, more precisely from the Cuzco area. They're not found in European art and are a great example of Hispanic American religious and artistic syncretism.
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chaletnz · 5 months
Lima: Central City Walking Tour
On my walk to PukuPuku cafe I passed through Parque Kennedy and saw all the cat residents snoozing on pieces of cardboard laid on the grass for them. I heard crying above me, there was a tiny kitten up the tree but I couldn't do anything to try and get it down. My coffee was just as good as the one in their Arequipa branch, I sat outside to enjoy it as some businessmen came in for espressos on their way to the office - it reminded me a bit of Italy as they drank them standing there for a few minutes then left. I then went for a pancake breakfast at Piñeiros thinking I had plenty of time but then it took more than 30 minutes to get my food so I had to shovel it down quickly and run around the corner to meet up with the walking tour guide Jorge. Once everyone had joined (around 15 people) Jorge helped us all take the bus network to the central city, we'd all brought exact change as requested. The bus network was actually fantastic. Jorge scared us by saying there's a lot of crime and petty theft on the public transit so watch our belongings closely as we are targets. A large group of tourists though, we drew attention to ourselves and probably even the most hardened criminals didn't want to chance it. The bus had its own central lane in the middle of the highway, with concrete blockades on either side so it wasn't going out into traffic and traffic couldn't enter the bus lane. Because of this layout it was incredibly efficient and faster than all the traffic on the road even with all the stops along the way. I would love to see something like this implemented from Denver to Frisco and Copper Mountain as it would make public transit flow freely despite the frequent highway standstills. Jorge showed us how to use the ticket machine to buy a ticket back and then led us over to La Merced Church in central Lima which would be our starting point. We met up with some more tourists there and began our tour at this Baroque church that was constructed under the Spanish empire, followed by Casa O'Higgins which memorialises Bernardo O'Higgins who played a key role in the independence of Chile from the Spanish empire. We then visited Fotografia Central an old photo studio, and then an old mansion which had unfortunately succumb to humidity and had not been looked after by immigrants who took it over. We stopped in a shady spot where Jorge told us there are 43 districts in Lima home to over 10 million people, the 4th largest city in South America after Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, and Rio de Janeiro. He also explained that the main sport in Peru after football is eating and we should not ignore "chifa" which is the Peruvian Chinese food and is very unique cuisine. We then visited the municipal theatre, and St Dominic Church where Jorge explained a few historical terms criollo (meaning born in Latin America) and peninsulares (born in Spain). The criollos were second class citizens during Spanish rule. The origin of the city name Lima came from the Quechua indigenous people calling it "rimac" meaning "noisy river" in their native language but the Spanish hearing "Lima" instead. The last part of the tour was Plaza de Armas, and Jorge pointed out the house of the president because of course he lives in the main square! We took a group photo and gave our tips to Jorge before splitting up. I'd been chatting with a British guy Tom, and British girl Ellie who both happened to be from the same area there was also a guy I can only describe as "Berliner" because he had such an unwashed Berlin resident vibe although I think he was actually Dutch or Danish or something... Ellie was into it so Tom and I took a couple photos of each other in the main square and then I gave him 10 soles for his bus ticket back as he hadn't brought enough money with him. I stayed to explore more on my own though, I love breaking away from the group!
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seasonofthecoolcat · 6 months
Stop tying me to this physical temporary plane of existence,
This cursèd unidimensional prison that is my phone,
The one which you so passively take zombied laps in until your mind is juiced,
Eyes glazed like sheep willingly herded by meaningless virtual realities
From Waterloo to Timbuktu,
Must I appeeal to my surveillant audience of wretched curious vermin
A daily Instagram update to show that I don't have one foot in the grave?
Oh please, please let me escape into some forgotten Peruvian cave,
Where I shall dither and dance naked whilst balancing a cup of mint tea on my head under the jaguar sun
(Unbeknownst to your vulture-like prying eyes) -
Stop pretending love is synonymous with attachment and ties;
If I love you, I'll love you a million miles away and your funny face and laugh will always linger in my heart. Your words will keep me warm at night but by Jove, let me miss you!
Let me float away into the ether,
Please stop attacking me like Brutus to Caesar
Stop attacking me for not replying to your god forsaken message
Let me sulk and surrender in my sweet wreckage
As I lay still for hours on my floor,
A single tear going down my cheek in a Baroque-manner,
Surrounded by all my magazine cuttings, plants and paints,
Hi-fi blaring Maldrigali by Monteverdi
Let me revel in this moment that I shall never experience again!
Let me watch my pathetic artsy b-rated 70s film erotica in peace
Whilst I spin and untangle in an comfortably numb state through time and space,
(this requires my undivided dedication, a delirious degree of concentration and great splashings of wine).
I may write back after my world voyage
A little bit drunk with a quill in my hand,
I'll write something fucking ineligible
For you, maybe an inappropriate drawing that only
You and I would understand.
For many days
I fell asleep amongst the wildflowers where my head doth lay,
Like a lazy aphid,
Without a single thought or care to my bloody phone
Don't start crying if all you hear is my ringtone.
You may hear back from me
If I do find all the aces and spades,
and if I don't get engulfed by a blue whale
and live out the rest of my days in his stomach
Or if I don't befriend a desert serpent in the Garden of Devilish Eves -
Or even better pursued and doted on by a harem of sirens, who will make me their empress and do onto me all my desires
(in that case, presume I am never coming back to this human plane of existence).
Let me be a butterfly that flies back into your sphere without my wings being plucked by your grubby filthy hands.
Simply if I do not reply back to your message
Assume I'm either having the time of my life -
Or that I am dead.
The end.
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intothestacks · 1 year
For your question about Peruvian Christmas:
Papá Noel - Only Rudolf - You got two kinds of Christmas songs: The Toribianitos, and the old Spanish Baroque villancicos. And of course, the foreign songs played on teh radio, like Sinatra etc. - No. At least in my case, we have dinner close to midnight, and opened presents after midnight, then went to bed. - As for food: turkey or piglet, quince or apple purée, Arabic rice, hot chocolate and panettone.
Thank you so much! I used the info you gave me during the presentation and they loved it! :D
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holstboyette · 2 years
Our Lake Titicaca Trip & Uros Islands
It won’t be touristy like on the day journeys (often individuals depart the day journeys feeling prefer it was too touristy, but you won’t get that feeling at all with the in a single day stay). Water is collected and heated by the solar for warm water, all electricity is solar-powered, waste is picked up by a ship twice per week and sewage is eliminated exterior of the neighborhood. (More on this shortly.) The folks of Uros really appear to acknowledge the finite worth of their valuable useful resource.
Day journeys to the Island of Sun are serviced by giant catamaran boats.
Some of one of the best options for eating in Puno are lodge eating places.
The size of the sq. is small for Peruvian requirements however still has beautiful gardens and figures.
I tried to stay awake in the course of the long drives as a result of the scenery, from the mountains to Lake Titicaca, were virtually at all times spectacular. Custom or Private Trip for the peace of mind that comes from working instantly with a travel skilled. They can plan ahead for safety and help you in the course of the trip if any issues develop, plus offer you more freedom and flexibility with your itinerary. And check out everything you have to know about how vaccines are affecting travel, including which countries are open to fully vaccinated travelers. Be certain to put on sunscreen, as the high altitude and reflection of sunshine off the lake mean that the sun’s rays are extremely sturdy. Do not hail a taxi from the street if you wish to journey out of your lakeside resort to the middle of Puno. [newline]If you plan on taking an island hopping tour of Titicaca, movement sickness is a chance.
Mystical Excursions & Non Secular Tourism
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Peru is a country of history, tradition, beauty, and adventure, with a full spectrum of possibilities for vacationers. The historic Inca City of Machu Picchu is certainly one of the highlights of any journey to South America, however there's far more to discover throughout Peru. A massive record of the top vacationer attractions and places to see on the island of Madeira.
Thoughts On Lake Titicaca: How To Best Visit The Peruvian Facet
Those looking to combine with the locals should contemplate a home stay on Isla Amananti. Lodging is incredibly basic, though it does make for an attention-grabbing cultural expertise and a straightforward method to obtain some significant native interaction. Accommodation is organized via tours which go to the area. Although Lake Titicaca Peru come to Puno to go to the Titicaca Islands, those who have more days within the metropolis can examine a few sites. Obviously the Plaza de Armas is inevitable, as a outcome of round it are the few vestiges of the colonial period which would possibly be preserved, such as the Cathedral, in mestizo baroque type relationship from 1669. You can depart your luggage on the hostel whilst you do your tour and choose this as your decide up location from Puno for the evening departure. It is a few blocks from the primary plaza – Plaza de Armas. The island of Amantani is so distant that they were used as excessive safety prison islands through the Spanish Rule in Peru. Llachon PeninsulaPeru Hop does not operate any excursions on Lake Titicaca. To see Peru Hop’s beneficial operators, check out our suggestions for the 2 Hour, Full Day, and Homestay Tours.
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vaexpeditionsperu · 2 years
4 Places to Visit in Cusco
Are you thinking of visiting Peru? Your luxury Peru travel experience will be incomplete without visiting Cusco – a well-known ancient Incan capital. But why should you add Cusco City to your luxury Peru travel bucket list? You might have known Cusco is a top-rated destination in Peru but might not know why.
First, Cusco was the capital city of the great Incan empire – the most extensive empire in South America. It was an important place with a vast central square where the city hosted all the ceremonies. There were so many ornate temples to explore, and it's even said that most of them were adorned with gold. The Spaniards took all the gold with them, but you can see the magnificent structures, squares, and temples, which still remain.
Another reason to visit Cusco is its ancient culture. You will find people wearing traditional attire, speaking the traditional language, i.e. Quechua, following the traditional religions, celebrating ancestral festivities, preparing traditional dishes, to name but a few. Cusco attracts many visitors,  when the cultural manifestations are going on there.
Best Places to Add to your Luxury Peru Travel Bucket List
1. Qoricancha
This is the temple of the sun and was the most important temple in the Inca Empire. This temple was named "The House of the Sun." It's even believed that the temple's walls were covered in solid gold while the courtyards and niches featured heavy golden statues. The Santo Domingo  Church is a recent addition, but the Inca foundations remain intact.
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 2. San Blas Neighborhood
San Blas neighborhood should be on the list of places to visit in Cusco. It's well-known as the artist's district and has a small plaza that locals and non-locals frequently visit to sell their wares. In addition, there are souvenir shops and restaurants around the small plaza.
The main feature of this neighborhood is the Church. The Church looks rather plain from the outside. But, when you get inside the Church, you will see the wood pulpit of intricate baroque design. There are so many myths about this pulpit, and there is even an audio guide available that will tell you a few of them.
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 3. San Pedro Market
San Pedro Market is large and offers an incredible array of items that will  draw your attention to visit.  When you enter the market, you will find many varieties of souvenirs on offer. As  you  walk further inside, you will see the stalls selling freshly-prepared juices of every fruit available.
In addition, visit the people selling a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. If you want to enjoy an affordable meal, you can choose a menu with soup, a main dish, and a drink at a fair price. The food stalls are often filled with locals enjoying lunch. So, you need to look for the most popular during your Cusco City tour.
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4. Plaza de Armas
Located in the center of Cusco city, the beautiful plaza has two old churches in Cusco,  The Church of El Triunfo – the first cathedral in Cusco and Christian Colossus – a baroque-style church in the Americas. The cathedral has a unique yet exciting history.
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Bottom Line –
Peru has so many things to offer, so it can be challenging to know what to add to your bucket list. However, with years of experience in Peruvian tourism, VA Expeditions is happy to provide you with luxury Peru travel packages keeping your best interests in mind. So contact us and let us make your luxury Peruvian travel experience extremely unforgettable.
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lionofchaeronea · 4 years
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The Marriage of the Virgin, anonymous artist of the Cusco School, ca. 1680-1700
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horsesarecreatures · 5 years
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JBS Faraon - Peruvian Paso
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solnunquamoccidit · 2 years
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La Sra. Da María Rosa de Rivera Mendosa y Ramos Galbán, Borja Maldonado y Muñoz Ojeda y Caballero, Condesa de la Vega del Ren, Natural de esta Ciudad, muger legítima del Sr. Dn. Matías Vázquez de Acuña y Menacho, Conde de la Vega del Ren.
by Pedro José Díaz (Peruvian, fl. 1770 – 1810) oil on canvas (134,6 × 205,4), signed and dated 1781
Carl & Marilynn Thoma Foundation
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lutes-of-the-world · 4 years
I had the pleasure of joining Tonos del Sur on theorbo and archlute for a program of colonial New World music sung in three languages.
Tonos del Sur - Indiana University (Bloomington, IN) Sarah Cranor, Director
Indiana University’s Tonos del Sur, directed by Sarah Cranor, presents selections of music written in the New World and brought over from Europe, in Spanish, Latin, and Chiquitano. The ensemble explores and presents music from across Latin America, especially of anonymous or lesser-known composers, including in indigenous languages. For this Virtual Festival, we are delighted to share music drawn mostly from our February 2020 concert, including cathedral archives of Bogotá, Lima, Durango, and missions in Bolivia.
Bolivia: Archivo Musical de Chiquitos Santa Ana y San Rafael Yyaî Jesuchristo (procesión au Jueves Santo), AMCh 370 Anónimo, ed. Piotr Nawrot
México: Catedral de Durango
La tempestad del mar (from Ms. Mus. 1B. 365): Allegro, David Perez (1711-1778) ed. Drew Edward Davies
Colombia: Catedral de Bogotá Villancico al nacimiento, José de Cascante I (fl. 1648-76)
Perú: Catedral de Lima Lamentacion Jeremiae Prophetae Tomás de Torrejón y Velasco (1644-1728)
España: “Flores de música” Differencias sobre las Folias compiled by Antonio Martín y Coll
Click here for the complete program including ensemble members, notes, and translations.
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servus-immaculatae · 5 years
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Virgen Del Carmen Barroco Cusqueño, Siglo XVIII d. C.
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