#Personalized Championship Belts
Custom championship belts
Custom championship belts have become an integral part of professional wrestling culture, serving as a tangible symbol of a wrestler's achievements and legacy. While traditional championship belts are often provided by promotions, custom championship belts allow wrestlers to create a personalized championship title that reflects their personality, style, and accomplishments.
The History of Championship Belts in Wrestling
Championship belts have been a fixture of professional wrestling for over a century, with the first recognized wrestling championship dating back to the 1880s. In the early days of wrestling, championship belts were often handmade and passed down from wrestler to wrestler. As wrestling grew in popularity and became more organized, promotions began creating their own championship belts to signify their top titles.
Over time, championship belts became more elaborate and ornate, with larger plates and more intricate designs. The most iconic championship belt in wrestling history is arguably the WWE Championship belt, which has undergone several design changes over the years but remains a symbol of excellence in the wrestling world.
The Rise of Custom Championship Belts
While traditional championship belts remain an important part of wrestling culture, custom championship belts have become increasingly popular in recent years. With the rise of independent wrestling promotions and social media, wrestlers are looking for ways to stand out and create a unique identity. Custom championship belts allow wrestlers to showcase their individuality and accomplishments in a way that traditional belts cannot.
Custom championship belts are typically designed and created by specialized companies that work with wrestlers to bring their vision to life. The design process involves choosing the size and shape of the plates, selecting materials for the strap and any additional embellishments, and incorporating any custom logos or artwork. The end result is a championship belt that is truly one-of-a-kind and reflects the wrestler's personality and accomplishments.
The Benefits of Custom Championship Belts
Custom championship belts offer several benefits over traditional belts. First and foremost, they allow wrestlers to create a unique identity and stand out in a crowded marketplace. Custom belts can also help increase a wrestler's visibility and social media presence, as fans are more likely to share photos and videos of a unique and personalized championship title.
Custom belts also offer a way to honor a wrestler's accomplishments in a more meaningful way. While traditional championship belts are often handed out as part of a storyline, custom belts are a tangible symbol of a wrestler's achievements and can be passed down as a legacy to future generations.
The Design and Creation of Custom Championship Belts
The design and creation of a custom championship belt is a complex process that requires careful consideration of many factors. The first step is to choose a company that specializes in custom championship belts and work with them to develop a design concept. This may involve creating sketches or 3D models to ensure that the design is feasible and visually appealing.
Once the design concept is finalized, the company will begin the process of creating the belt. This typically involves creating metal plates that are etched or engraved with the design, as well as crafting a leather strap to hold the plates together. Additional embellishments such as jewels, faux fur, or LED lights may also be added, depending on the wrestler's preferences.
The Cost of Custom Championship Belts
Custom championship belts can be expensive, with prices ranging from a few hundred to several thousand dollars depending on the complexity of the design and materials used. However, the investment is often worth it for wrestlers and promotions looking to create a lasting impression and elevate the prestige of their championships.
The Future of Custom Championship Belts
Custom championship belts are not a new concept, but they have become increasingly popular in recent years. As technology advances and new materials become available, the possibilities for custom championship belts will only continue to grow. Custom belts may even become a standard feature of wrestling championships, with wrestlers and promotions alike recognizing the value of creating a unique and personalized championship title.
FAQs about Custom Championship Belts
Are custom championship belts only for professional wrestlers?
No, anyone can order a custom championship belt for their own personal use, such as for cosplay or as a trophy for a competition.
Can I design my own custom championship belt?
Yes, many custom championship belt companies offer design services and will work with you to create a unique and personalized championship belt.
How long does it take to create a custom championship belt?
The production time for custom championship belts can vary depending on the complexity of the design and the availability of materials. It is important to communicate with the company to determine a timeline for your specific project.
How do I take care of my custom championship belt?
Custom championship belts should be kept in a safe and secure location when not in use. Leather straps should be conditioned regularly to prevent cracking or deterioration. Metal plates can be polished with a soft cloth to maintain their shine.
Can custom championship belts be used in actual wrestling matches?
While custom championship belts are typically used for promotional purposes and not in actual wrestling matches, some promotions may choose to incorporate them into their storylines. It is important to communicate with the promotion or venue to determine their policies regarding championship belts.
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hemmingsleclerc · 3 months
Since 2013┃SV5
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The year was 2013 and the young and charismatic Sebastian Vettel was dominating the racing scene with Red Bull Racing. Across the paddock, the talented and determined Y/N L/N was making waves as Ferrari's first female driver.
The connections between them was undeniable, both on and off the track. Amidst races with champagne-soaked podiums, Sebastian and Y/N found moments to exchange glances, winks, and playful smirks. Their chemistry was evident and the F1 fans couldn't help but speculate about the nature of their relationship.
As the 2013 season progressed, Sebastian claimed his fourth consecutive World Championship title, leaving fans in awe of his racing talent. Meanwhile, Y/N demonstrated her skills behind the wheel of the scarlet red Ferrari with the number 22, earning the respect and admiration of fans around the world, and especially of young girls dreaming of becoming like her. The two drivers continued their subtle flirtation.
A year later, in 2014, Y/N made history by taking the World Championship title, becoming the first female driver to achieve such a feat in Formula 1. The whispers among the fans grew louder and the media speculated about the connection between the two racing stars after the celebration shared between both drivers. Still, Sebastian and Y/N remained silent about their relationship, and continued to share glances and secret smiles just for themselves, telling the world they were ''just best friends''.
Fast forward to 2015 and the rumors remained the same or with more intensity. F1 fans began to suspect that there was more to the relationship between Sebastian Vettel and Y/N L/N than met the eye. The duo, however, chose to keep their personal lives private, maintaining an air of mystery around their connection. Although their physical behaviors gave them away.
Time passed, races were won and lost and the duo continued to shine in their respective teams, but always together on the track. By 2022, with four World Championships under his belt, Sebastian had joined Aston Martin, while three-time world champion Y/N had become a force to be reckoned with at Mercedes two years earlier.
Then came the unexpected announcement that shocked the F1 world. Seb and Y/N stated that they were expecting their first child and would retire from racing at the end of that season. The news was greeted with a mix of joy and sadness from their fellow drivers – the younger generation on the grid who had come to see them as their racing parents. Who were their greatest support on the track, giving them advices, raising their spirits and taking care of them as if they were their own blood childrens.
Charles, Max, Lando, George, Alex, Lance, Mick and other drivers expressed their excitement for their growing family, but couldn't hide a hint of sadness that their grid parents were leaving the racing world. The F1 community, which had witnessed the love story between Seb and Y/N over the years, sent them their sincere wishes for their new journey beyond the track.
''You two promise to come back sometime?'' Mick asked with watery eyes
''Of course Mick, we will never forget about our grid childrens'' Y/N responded with a warm smile
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oddeyevibes · 8 months
MK1 flirty Intros w/ Pro-Wrestler!Reader
(Featuring: Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Raiden, Sindel, Kenshi)
Notes: Was lowkey basing reader off of Tina Armstrong from DOA. Reader and Johnny know each other because Reader’s success as a wrestler had them cameo in one of Johnny’s movies. One of Liu Kang’s champions.
Johnny Cage 🕶️
Johnny: Whatcha gonna do when Cageamania runs WILD on you?! 😎
Y/N: And this is why I didn’t come back for Ninja Mime 2 🙄
Johnny: I would love for you to be the Ms/Mr L/N to my Johnny Savage 🥴
Y/N: Why can’t you ask me out like a normal person? 😒
Johnny: How much for your championship belt?
Y/N: Come back when you survive Tommy the Hun. 😤
Y/N: You would NEVER last in MY ring, pretty boy. 🥱
Johnny: So you DO think I’m pretty. 😏
Y/N: Cage you have got to stop the wrestling puns.😒
Johnny: Don’t act like they’re not making you chuckle, tiger 🥴
Johnny: You know, I AM a bachelor again. 😏
Y/N: Hmm…but are you a suitable one? 🤔
Kung Lao 🎓
Kung Lao: My fighting prowess vs your circus act. 😏
Y/N: Lao have you ever been on the receiving end of a Crossface? 😤
Y/N: Are all farm boys as cute as you. 🥰
Kung Lao: *chuckles* No, I’m one of a kind. 😘
Kung Lao: I had heard wrestling was fake but that exploding barbed wire match was too brutal! 😨
Y/N: *laughs* Aww, look at you all worried. 🥰
Y/N: Y’know…I think I’d look good in your hat…and nothing else. 😉
Kung Lao: Hm?🤨….Oh!😐 Ohhhhh…😳
Kung Lao: After this match, you HAVE to meet Madam Bo! 😃
Y/N: Already taking me to meet your mother figure, are you? 😏
Y/N: Farm boy, huh? You must be good with your hands. 😏
Kung Lao: I’d like to think so.🥴
Raiden ⚡️
Y/N: My eyes are up here, Raiden. 🤭
Raiden: Yes!😳 I apologize!
Y/N: Y’know, I’m a sucker for farm boys.
Raiden: *tries to hide his blushing*
Raiden: It’s amazing how quick you initiate those holds.
Y/N: Thanks. I can show you a few if you want…privately of course.
Raiden: What did Madame Bo pull you aside for?🤨
Y/N: Oh you know…the usual…thinly veiled threats about what would happen if I broke your heart….maybe not so thin.
Kenshi: What do you see in Cage as a friend? 🤨
Y/N: He grows on you, trust me. ☺️
Kenshi: I’m not someone you should get involved with. 😔
Y/N: I know how to handle wise guys, Kenshi.
Y/N: I should’ve done more to protect you. 🥺
Kenshi: You cannot blame yourself for this, Y/N.
Kenshi: I caught one of your matches when you were in Japan. You’re technicality is impressive.
Y/N: Oh! 😯 Thank you! 😊
Kenshi: How did you get roped up into that Ninja Mime cameo?
Y/N: *groan* It was a favor to Cris.
Y/N: Sento doesn’t watch…does it?
Kenshi: I…..hadn’t thought of that.
Sindel 🔊
Sindel: Wrestling is a revered art form in Outworld. What about Earthrealm?
Y/N: Depends on your definition of revered. 😅
Sindel: Can you keep up?
Y/N: I won’t lose my breath, Empress.
Sindel: So already a champion? Interesting.
Y/N: Yeah, it’s not the same as Earthrealm champion but..yeah~🥰
Y/N: So Li Mei is…..👀
Sindel: *chuckles* it’s feels nice to have someone be jealous over me again. 🥰
Y/N: So how much work is there being a consort?
Sindel: About as much as being the Empress.
Y/N: Will Mileena and Kitana think this weird? 🥺
Sindel: They will come to love you, dearest. 🥰
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mydaddywiki · 14 days
Howard Schnellenberger
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Physique: Husky Build Height: 6' 1" (185cm)
Howard Leslie Schnellenberger (March 16, 1934 – March 27, 2021; aged 87) was an American football coach with long service at both the professional and college levels. He held head coaching positions with the NFL's Baltimore Colts and in college for the University of Miami, University of Oklahoma, University of Louisville, and Florida Atlantic University. He won a national championship with Miami in 1983. Schnellenberger worked extensively as an assistant coach at the college and professional levels, including as part of the staff of the undefeated 1972 Miami Dolphins.
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From his white hair, bushy mustache, blazer-wearing and ever-present pipe made him look more businessman than football coach, he was one sexy man. And with that low voice of his…forget about it. Mmmmmm.
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Born in Saint Meinrad, Indiana, Schnellenberger graduated from Flaget High School in Louisville, Kentucky, where he played football, basketball, and baseball and earned a scholarship to the University of Kentucky. Apparently, he was an elite tight end for the Kentucky Wildcats, being named a 1955 All-American.
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He was married to his former cheerleader of a wife for over 62 years; they had three sons. I’m projecting here, but I wonder if they’re swingers. Probably not, but if they were, I wouldn’t be surprised. I personally would waste no time in tapping both of them in some serious 3-way action. Again my fruitful imagination is running away again. Schnellenberger died on March 27, 2021, in Boca Raton, Florida, eleven days following his 87th birthday.
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Years Active: 1959–2011
Head Coaching Record Overall: 158–151–3 (college), 4–13 (NFL) Bowls: 6–0 Tournaments 2–1 (NCAA D-I-AA playoffs)
Accomplishments and Honors Championships: National (1983), Sun Belt (2007) Awards: Eddie Robinson Coach of the Year Award (1983), Paul "Bear" Bryant Lifetime Achievement Award (2021)
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csykora · 9 months
I got to watch the Twin Cities Queer Hockey Association championships this weekend! Great games, with the Narwhals ultimately winning over the Unicorns, who just didn’t have the scoring, but do have quite a good goalie, (who moved better than I remember from last year and really stole a couple saves under pressure from the winning team).
The Wild’s Jon Merrill volunteered as a linesman, and I’m not sure whether he understood the assignment better than anyone or whether he just doesn’t own full-length skating pants, because he showed up in a pair of black skinny jeans
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(This was not an accidental cling giving that impression; they were definitely jeans and his borrowed zebra shirt was also too short, leaving his belt loops and a strip of tummy visible)
Those, my friends, are not badly fitted skinny jeans: those are pants struggling to contain the magnificent hilarity of D-Man Legg. (If anything I think they were loose around his calves??)
Not since someone made me look at those photos of Jamie Oleksiak smuggling bananas under his skin have I gotten to such a disconnect between the thigh and calf muscles of an otherwise intact person.
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Them’s the backwards skating muscles right there. Absolutely delightful.
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typicalopposite · 8 months
Would it make any difference if I told you not to see him again?
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My personal head canon on Henry’s reaction to this, anyone?
He just listened to Alex beg Zahra not to tell his mom because he hasn’t got the chance to yet, and at that point Zahra’s reaction seemed as if she didn’t care and she was gonna tell on him anyway.
He just listened to Zahra’s whole spiel on how this is such a major time in Ellen’s reelection campaign and them getting caught leaving the hotel by all the reporters around is not what the campaign needs right now.
He just listened to Zahra ask Alex if she could convince him to end this (whatever this is) with Henry.
He just listened to Alex refuse without even skipping a beat. Tell his mom… throw a knife into the campaign… be mad at him… he won’t stop seeing Henry.
And Henry is not stupid. And Henry is not the oblivious one (Alex won that championship belt all the way back in Melbourne). And I think — at least in my delusional head canon — here Henry is realizing Alex might be feeling a little more than casual about him.
The lake scene just solidifies it and he dips out (literally) before it can be spoken into existence
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haddonfieldwhore · 9 months
wrong - jey uso
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jey uso x fem!reader
word count: 2.6k words
warnings: implied/almost smut, cheating, angst, unhealthy relationship, reader x roman, scripted violence, language, roman’s a dick, kinda blurs kayfabe and real life
october 5th 2020 - hell in a cell
you hated this. you hated everything about this. you hated watching you boyfriend and his cousin, one of your best friends, almost kill eachother in a steel cage - and for what? to win a championship belt? to win the never ending ego battle that was working with roman? officials had run into the ring, trying to stop the carnage, but backed away as roman threw a tantrum, tossing the steel steps into the ring. jey was down on the mat, flat on his back as roman stood over him, steel steps in hand as he held them high above his head, spitting more egotistical bullshit at his younger cousin. you and roman had been together for nearly two years, and to say he was a different person than the man you had fallen in love with would be an understatement. jimmy and jey had become your closest friends, which made the current state of things between the three of them difficult for you. you always had to side with roman, you had to be in his corner, even when he was in the wrong; which lately, you felt had been most of the time.
you had been so distracted by what had been happening in the ring that you hadn’t seen jimmy run past you and down to the steel cage, pleading with roman to stop. you knew it would cause more trouble, but you ran after the older twin, hearing him beg for roman to put down the steps.
“that’s josh, fool!” jimmy yelled, checking over his younger brother. “you know who we are! what is wrong with you huh?” you realized how real it had become for the twins, and you couldn’t imagine how jimmy felt watching the match. to your disbelief, tears formed in roman’s eyes, and he tossed the steps to the side. he sank down to the mat, holding his head in his hands. “whatever you’re going through man, we can fix this!”
“i don’t know who i am anymore,” roman said, his voice shaky as he cried, and your heart broke. maybe the man you loved was still in there somewhere.
“no more of this,” jimmy pleaded, reaching a hand out to roman, who took it in his, resting his forehead against jimmy’s. “i love you uce.”
“i love you too,” roman replied, before pulling jimmy over jeys nearly unconscious form and into a head lock.
“no!” you yelled; the last shred of hope you had for roman to come to his senses fizzling out like a bucket of water poured on a match. jimmy desperately tried to shake jey awake, yelling in pain as the younger uso finally stirred.
“let him go!” jey yelled once he saw what was happening, and tears fell down your face. “let him go! i quit!” he yelled, the words needed to end the match. he repeated them over and over until the bell rang, and roman finally let go of jimmy. you pushed past the officials and got in the ring, immediately checking on jey.
“that’s cute,” roman taunted, standing up, and you glared up at him. there was a fire in your eyes that would’ve scared any normal man. “aren’t you gonna check on me? you gonna ask if i’m okay, sweetheart?” he asked, holding his arms out. you stood up and pushed him backwards, your hands hitting his chest hard.
“i should ask you who you are!” you spat, “because i sure as hell don’t recognize the man standing in front of me right now.” you became even more angry when he just laughed in response, before his expression turned dark.
“i am your tribal chief, and you will acknowledge me; just like he will,” he said, kicking jeys leg hard. you brought your hand up to slap him across the face, but he caught your wrist, and looked down at jey.
“hey jey, keep your bitch in line,” his words cut like a knife, and you pulled your arm from his grasp, kneeling down beside jey who was now sitting up. he stared daggers at roman, who took his championship belt from paul heyman, and walked out of the cell.
“get.. get john,” jey breathed, asking you to check on his older twin. officials were already tending to him and had him sitting upright when you looked over, and he nodded softly at you, giving you a thumbs up.
“he’s okay,” you said, as you placed a hand on jeys chest, helping steady him as he tried to catch his breath. “are you okay?” you held the side of his face gently, checking for visible injuries and he nodded, leaning into your shoulder as you wrapped your arms around him.
“i’m good,” he assured you. “i’m gonna kill him.”
“not today,” you said, helping him stand up, one of the officials helping you get him to his feet.
“when i see him-“ he said, ignoring what you had said.
“jey, slow down,” you pleaded as he tried to go after roman, who had disappeared backstage. you stood in front of him, blocking his line of sight from seeing where roman had went and making him look at you instead, your hands holding either side of his face softly. “look at me. it’s not worth it.”
“like hell i’m gonna let him talk to you like that,” he yelled in the direction your boyfriend had gone.
“and i appreciate that, but you can barely stand right now. not today.” you repeated, and he nodded, sniffling angrily. “just breathe, okay? for me?” he nodded again, and let the officials help him out of the ring. you sighed heavily, wiping the tears from your eyes as more people got jimmy to his feet.
“thank you,” you said to jimmy. “i’m scared he would have never quit if you hadn’t gotten involved. are you sure you’re okay?” you asked, and jimmy nodded. he was okay to walk on his own, adjusting his neck as he walked up to you and threw an arm over your shoulder.
“we good. you a’ight?” he asked, and you took a deep breath.
“yeah, i’ll be fine. i’m more worried about jey,” you admitted. “i’m scared he’s gonna do something stupid.”
“it ain’t your job to stop him,” jimmy shrugged, walking out of the ring. he had brushed it off, but you could tell by his face that he was worried too.
you were asleep in bed when you felt the bed dip behind you, followed by arms wrapping around your waist.
“i thought i told you stay away from me,” you snapped. you and roman had gotten into a huge argument when you got back to your shared hotel room, and you had told him to find somewhere else to sleep for the night; or you would. you pulled yourself free of his grasp, and sat up, only to see that it wasn’t roman; it was jey. “what are you doing here?” you asked, as more questions ran through your head, like how did he get into your room. he was silent for a few seconds, sitting up and leaning against the headboard, before he answered.
“i wanted to check on you,” he said, and while your believed him, it seemed like there was more too it than that.
“in the middle of the night? jey are you crazy? what if roman had been here?” you asked, pushing his chest lightly. he scratched the back of his head, his cropped shirt rising up to expose his abs. you looked away, playing with your fingers in your lap.
“i guess that was a chance i was willing to take,” he sighed.
“jey he would’ve killed you if you showed up and he was here.”
“then i guess it’s a good thing he ain’t here. where is he?”
“i don’t know. i told him to leave or i would.”
“are you guys still…” he trailed off.
“i don’t know. we didn’t talk about that,” you admitted, and he gave you a funny look.
“what did you talk about?” he asked, and you sighed.
“does it matter? it was a screaming match, jey, and then i told him to get out. we both said some really nasty things to eachother.”
“so why do you stay with him?” he asked, and your eyes filled with tears.
“i don’t know. when i look at him it’s like i’m staring at a stranger,” you looked down at your lap again. “we talked about you a lot,” you admitted. jey’s eyebrows went up, and he waited for you to continue. “roman thinks i care about you more than i care about him.”
“roman needs to worry about him not caring about you enough,” jey argued. “does he treat you like that all the time?” he asked, referring to the incident in the ring.
“no, but it’s not the first time it’s happened either,” you sighed.
“that ain’t right,” jey shook his head. “he ain’t get to talk to you like that.”
“you think i don’t know that?” you snapped. “what does it matter to you?”
“i think you needa stop waiting for the old roman to come back. because he ain’t coming back,” jey warned, but never raised his voice at you. you sighed, knowing that he was right even if you didn’t want to admit it.
“what are you doing here, jey?” you asked quietly.
“i told you, i came to check on you-“
“you could’ve called or texted for that, there’s something else,” you pushed.
“maybe i just needed my best friend,” he admitted, and your heart ached.
“fine,” you sighed, laying back down, facing away from him. “come here.”
“don’t do that, don’t shut me out. you’re pushing me away,” he put a hand on your shoulder. you rolled over to look at him.
“jey, i’m still with roman.”
“do you still love him?” he asked, and you stared up at the ceiling, quiet for a while before you answered.
he didn’t say anything, but laid down, pulling your back against his chest again, and you let him. you battled with the thoughts in your head, before you rolled over, wrapping your arms around jey and burying your face in his chest.
“jey…” you warned, as his hand trailed up the side of your thigh. you looked at him, and before you knew what was happening, his lips were on yours, kissing you deeply. instinctively, you kissed back, before pushing him off of you.
you stared at him with wide eyes, the kiss taking your breath away as you tried to wrap your head around what had just happened. jey pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, waiting for you to say something, each second going by painfully slow. he was relieved when you kissed him back, your hands tangling in his hair as his hands slid across any part of your body he could reach. his tongue slid past your lips, moving with your as he flipped you over so you were underneath him.
you moaned as he rolled his hips against yours, and you tugged at his hair, his hands sliding down your sides, and then pulled your hips upwards to meet his. you dragged your nails down his back, before bringing your hands around to the front of his pants, palming his length through his joggers.
“fuck, do that again,” he said, kissing down your neck as you did what he said. he rutted his hips against your hand and you slipped your fingers past his boxers. your hand wrapped around his length, moving up and down, and he bit down on your collarbone, moaning softly.
“jey,” you mused as he trailed kisses up to your lips again. your free hand tangled in his chain that dangled from his neck as he stared down at you.
“you know i’d do anything for you, right?” he asked, kissing you softly. “what do you need baby?”
“i need you,” you pleaded, and he nearly shivered when you said the words, your touch still driving him crazy. you pulled him down by his chain to kiss you again, and he tugged at your bottom with his teeth before smiling at you.
“are you sure?” he asked, and you nodded.
“please just fuck me.”
“how can i say no to that?” he smirked, kissing you again as his hands started to slide off your clothes.
you woke up still tangled under the sheets with jey, and you smiled to yourself, gently tracing the intricate patterns of his tattoos with your finger. there were scratch marks down his back, and you felt a little bad looking at them, but remembered the hickeys that surely covered your chest, and decided you were even. thankfully jey had been careful, and you would be able to hide them easily enough with a t-shirt. jey stirred awake a few minutes later, his pretty brown eyes fluttering open to look at you. he pulled you closer, kissing you softly, and you giggled.
“good morning,” you hummed.
“good morning,” he replied, kissing you again. “are we good?”
“we’re good,” you assured him. “but roman can’t know about this; not yet.”
“are you gonna end things with him?”
“yes. i just…. i don’t know when. right now i think it would make things worse for everyone.”
“so fucking me behind his back is better?” jey asked, a joking tone in his voice.
“jey… you know i care about you; a lot. don’t think i’m using you -“ he interrupted you with a kiss.
“i know, you’re right. but if we don’t want him to find out we should get out of here,” he said, and you laughed. you kissed him deeply again, and he held you tight, like you would disappear if he let go.
“do we tell jimmy?” he asked, as you both got up and started getting dressed.
“i think he’s gonna figure it out. do you think i could travel with you guys and trinity?” you asked, pulling on your shirt.
“of course you can. if you think i’m letting you out of my sight you-“ it was your turn to shut him up with a kiss, and his hands landed on your hips, pulling you close. you kissed him deeply, before stepping back.
“thank you. i’ll pack my bag and meet you at your room?” you asked, and he nodded, kissing you one more time before throwing his jacket on and walking out of the hotel room. you sighed, trying to wrap your head around the last twelve hours, and a smile crossed your face as your eyes landed on the bedsheets tangled at the end of the bed. you packed your bag, throwing everything of yours into your suitcase as quickly as you could; you would organize it later.
you looked around the room one last time, before walking out, leaving your key card on the dresser, and walked to the elevator to go to the usos room. your phone buzzed in your pocket, and you checked it to see a text from roman. you ignored it, not bothering to see what he had to say as you arrived at the floor you were going to. you knocked on their door, and jey let you in. he had changed into new clothes and his hair was wet like he’d just gotten out of the shower.
“hey,” he smiled, and you returned it.
“long time no see,” you joked, and he raised his eyebrows.
“hey, earth to you two, get your asses over here!” jimmy called from further in the hotel room, and you heard trinity laugh.
“thank god, i have another girl to talk to, i’m not outnumbered anymore,” she laughed, and jey pulled you into his side, tucking you under his arm.
“are you the reason he wasn’t here last night?” jimmy asked in a silly voice, wiggling his eyebrows. you laughed, and jey sighed.
“man c’mon.” you all laughed now, and you smiled, happy to be with your closest friends.
“your secret is safe with us,” trinity winked at you, and you thanked her, grateful to have her and jimmy on your side. you knew things were gonna be complicated, and they were probably gonna get ugly when roman found out about you and jey, but you could live with that if it meant you got to be with the man you truly loved.
you knew it was wrong to have cheated on roman, and a part of you felt guilty, but truthfully your relationship with him had been over for months. looking at jey, you finally felt like you had found the right person, and he had been in front of you all along.
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bloodycowboyclub · 10 months
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And I wonder if it must feel weird, standing in the ring with your Bullet Club buddy - with your Ring of Honor roommate - standing in the ring with the AEW world champion, looking at this belt and knowing it’s the only world championship you will NEVER hold…
first name Adam
joined Bullet Club one day after Adam Cole
tagged with Cole after joining Bullet Club
“Ring of Honor roommate”
defeated Cole on Cole’s last day at ROH
had nothing to do with Cole’s disappearance on BTE
never won a world title until AEW
turned down a WWE contract to start AEW with the Elite
had a losing streak in first months in AEW
left the Elite in first few months in AEW
Personality: doesn’t have lots of “friends” - can make friends easily but finds it hard to keep them due to low emotional availability
has betrayed and been betrayed by his friends (his fault)
Physical Strengths: strong base, hard striker, resilient, can do flippy shit
was friends with Dark Order up until recently
suffered a head injury in 2022
first name Adam
joined Bullet Club one day before Hangman
tagged with Hangman after joining Bullet Club
ROH roommates with Hangman
was defeated by Hangman on last day at ROH
was killed off on BTE for betrayed Kenny and the Bucks
won world titles nearly everywhere he went
went to WWE and later AEW after his WWE contract ran out
had winning streak in first months in AEW
joined the Elite in first months in AEW
Personality: has lots of “friends” - uses other people purposefully for his own gain
has betrayed and has been betrayed by his friends (his fault)
Physical Strengths: agile legwork, cunning, resilient, can do flippy shit
is friends with Dark Order
suffered a head injury in 2022
Neither man has been in the Elite at the same time in AEW. They have had 3 singles one-on-one matches, 1 in ROH and 2 in AEW for the AEW world championship. Cole is 0-3, advantage Hangman. By all accounts, Hangman is one of the elite few in AEW who have clean pins over Adam Cole.
Hangman & Cole are two sides of the same coin. They share a birth month and were born two years apart. Cole is a July Cancer and Hangman is a July Leo.
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jaidens · 10 months
You'll See Me In Hindsight, Tangled Up With You All Night
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pairing [s] : daniel larusso x reader
warning [s] : | kissing | jaiden releasing not one but TWO daniel fics in a row 🫢 | y'all im sick and I wrote this on benadryl brain so if it's horrible let me know fr
a/n [s] : requests are open stinkers
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Whenever Daniel invited you to his house for dinner and a movie with him, it made you undeniably giddy as you walked inside with him. Lucille, his mother, is throwing around pots and turning around in her tiny kitchen making some sort of Italian food you weren't able to put your finger on. “Sorry about the mess.” Daniel apologizes as you walk inside of his tiny room. He has a twin bed in the corner, a desk, and the walls are decked out in posters and The Jets flags.
“Baby it's fine!” You let out when Daniel begins picking up everything on the floor and throwing it in different places. He stands up and you pull him into his bed, tugging against his dusty pink button-up t-shirt. “Sorry, I just forgot.” Daniel apologizes for a second time and you shush him and your hands fall into his thick mop of hair that's on his head. He's mumbling about school and how one of his teachers was yelling for no reason.
His mother calls you both for dinner and you jump up with him, holding onto the belt loop on the back of his jeans. Lucille is setting things on the small table, lasagna and other plates on it. “This looks amazing, Ms. Larusso!” You exclaim and Daniel agrees, thumb running circles on your thigh. “Well thank you! It's my Nonna’s recipe. When Daniel was a kid, he used to beg everyday for this lasagna!” Lucille is quite loud and now you understand where Daniel gets his likeable personality.
You and Lucille share stories from childhood, about Daniel, and other situations as you get to know his mother. You had only met her at karate tournaments or accidental run-ins at school. Dinner ends after a while as Daniel scrapes his plate of leftover sauce and cheese as he smiles at the interactions with both of the people he loves. Lucille picks up your plates and Daniel pulls you to the L-shaped couch and he turns the TV on and scrolls throughout the channels.
Eventually, he ends up on a Jamie Lee Curtis horror movie, and it's just begun. You're laying in his arms and he holds onto your hand as he draws circles on your t-shirt. The t-shirt you're wearing is his, and it's the West Valley Soccer team championship one. You had borrowed it permanently whenever he had left his gym bag with you after you had accidentally taken it home.
You cannot tell if he chose to, or not to. He knew you weren't exactly scared of horror movies, but they still made your bones shake and shiver when you watched them. Daniel. holds onto you at a steady grip. He makes sure to continue soft runnings of the tips of his fingers across your chest.
You rely on the calming feeling of his touch, soft kissing against his lips once the movie starts to almost reach the climax of it. Your lips clash and cling together as you take your attention from the television to the feeling of him everywhere. “Thank you Daniel. For inviting me over.” You say to him, twirling the longer hair in the back that curls on your pointer finger. “Of course baby, anytime.”
The night ends with pecks against lips, giggling and laughing, and jumps on the couch after someone screams too loud or something different. This is where you need to be: in Daniel’s warm touch and the smell of him that wraps around you.
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samdeancass · 12 days
My Reason For Everything
Requested by Anonymous
Pairing: Randy Orton x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff
Characters: Randy, Y/N
Description: Y/N is the first person Randy calls to celebrate his win after winning the WWE Championship.
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The crowd erupted in a thunderous cheer as Randy, with a victorious roll, emerged from his battle with Triple H. The WWE Championship Belt was finally his. His radiant smile illuminated his face as he rose triumphantly and hoisted the title. "Here stands your winner and the new WWE Champion, Randy Orton!" The crowd's jubilation intensified as his anthem filled the arena. Randy gripped the title over his shoulder and gracefully slipped under the ropes, leaving the ring in a blaze of glory.
Your heart was pounding, your eyes fixed on the television screen as Randy's match unfolded. A mix of anxiety and excitement surged through you as Randy pinned Triple H. "C'mon, baby." "1,2,3!" You leapt from the sofa, a scream of joy escaping your lips. Your man was returning home a champion. Glancing around the room, you spotted your phone on the coffee table, waiting to share this moment with him. 
With trembling fingers, you switched on the screen, ready to dial Randy's contact. But before you could, his name unexpectedly lit up your screen. A high-pitched squeal of anticipation escaped your lips as you eagerly answered the call, your heart racing with excitement.
"Hey, champ. Congratulations! That was amazing!" He chuckled on the other end. "Thank you, baby. I still can't believe it. All the stress and the work I've put in has finally paid off, and it's all thanks to you."
Your brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean? I haven't done anything to help you." He let out a deep sigh, his voice filled with emotion. "You've done everything, my love. Just by being a phone call away, you've been my rock through the toughest times. You've always believed in me, even when I doubted myself. This championship, everything I do, is all for you, my love. You're the reason I won; you gave me the strength to do so. I love you more than words can express."
Tears welled in your eyes at his sweet words. "Randy, I have no words. Just.... thank you. Thank you for fighting for me, for us. I know putting your body through hell every week takes its toll." "It's all worth it for you, darlin'." "I love you, Randy. I can't wait for you to come home; I miss you." He sighed on the other end. "I know; just one more day, and I'll be back with you. Can you hold on 'till then?" "Yeah, anything for you." It was silent for a few seconds before Randy spoke again. "You get some sleep, baby girl, and I'll call you tomorrow, OK?" You nearly began to cry. "OK. I love you, baby." "I love you too." 
You ended the call, went up the stairs, and slipped into bed. You slid over to Randy's side and inhaled his scent. Sometimes, you hate how much he travels because you miss him, but you know he does it all for you and your future family. You lulled yourself off to sleep with the thoughts of you and him reuniting again. 
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juceynightmare · 1 year
lost and found (18+) part 1 - mjf x reader
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my masterlist
lost and found (18+) masterlist
pairing(s): mjf x fem!reader
warning(s): swearing, age gap (reader is 21, max is 27), max is an asshole
genre(s): soulmate!au, slow burn, angst
summary:  in which the items that you lose end up in the possession of your soulmate. max misplaces his aew world heavyweight championship title belt and it magically appears in y/n’s room. when her soulmate finally calls her to get his title back before the next show, y/n learns the hard way why her soulmate never responded whenever she’d lose an item that had her number written on it.
|| next part ||
the sound of her phone blaring beside her head made y/n shoot up to a sitting position in her bed with a jolt. she groaned, falling back against the mattress and reaching for her phone, declining the call and shutting her eyes so she could fall back asleep. almost immediately, her phone started ringing again, and with a groan she picked it up and held it against her ear after answering. “hello?” she asked, her voice raspy with sleep.
“where do you live?” came an unfamiliar voice. with her eyes still squeezed shut, y/n‘s eyebrows furrowed.
“sorry, who is this?” she asked, going through the list of men she knew to try and put a face to the voice.
“i need the belt. where do you live?” he asked again, ignoring her question. it was evident in his voice that the man’s patience was wearing thin.
“what fucking belt? dude, you must have the wrong number or something.” she groaned, finally pulling the phone away from her ear and opening her eyes to glance at the number on the screen. she just needed to check the contact, but when she saw it was an unsaved number, y/n knew that the person calling was no one notable.
just as she was about to end the call, the man’s angry voice came from over the speaker, “i don’t have the wrong number, y/n.”
her eyes widened and she sat up in bed, suddenly wide awake. she pressed her phone back to her ear and asked, “how do you know my name?”
“i know your name because just yesterday lost another meaningless item with your number and name written on it. it’s shocking how many lone socks appear in my possession.” he scoffed, and y/n can practically hear the man roll his eyes. “now, tell me where you live. i’ll either send someone to get the belt or you’re going to have to mail it to an address i give you.”
she felt her heart jump in her chest at the realization that the voice of the man that was currently calling her was her soulmate.
soulmates were people who the universe decided belonged together - they were made to be each other's life partners. any item your soulmate lost would appear in your possession and with modern technology, it was easier than ever to find your soulmate. y/n had spent her entire life romanticizing the day she'd finally be contacted by her soulmate and meet who the universe had hand-made just to love her.
ever since she got her own phone, y/n had made it a point to write her name, her phone number, and her social media handles on everything she owned. this was supposed to make it easier to find out who her soulmate was because it’d give them a way to contact her.
of course, his items would appear in her possession. however, there wasn’t anything like his number or social media for her to contact.
clothing, pencils, and even a 3ds, had all appeared in her possession. the most information she got was from the 3ds that had a pokemon game in it.
that was the name of the playable character and ever since then she assumed that her soulmate’s name is max. even after losing his 3ds with his unfinished pokemon game, y/n still never got in contact with him. that didn’t mean that she had stopped trying though.
she just didn’t think it’d be until she was 21 that he’d finally contact her. especially in the modern era where kids were 11 years old and already in contact with their soulmates because of the inventions of phones.
“max?” she asked, hoping that it was the man’s name.
there was a pause on the other end of the line, before max finally spoke up. “how the fuck do you know my name? i’ve never written anything on my shit.”
“your 3ds. it had pokemon in it.” she answered, and feeling her heart drop when she heard the man groan on the other side.
“god, i guess it’s inevitable. the belt does have my name on it. now, are you going to answer the question? i need it by wednesday.” max sighed, his patience wearing impossibly thin as the conversation went on.
“uh, let me look for it first. i just woke up.” she admitted softly, getting out of bed and walking over to her lightswitch.
“isn’t your area code on the east coast too? it’s fucking 2 in the afternoon.” the man’s judgmental tone was hard to miss.
he was right. the sun was peeking through the blinds of her room and that was the only light that had seeped into her dark room.
“i just finished up midterms and it’s the weekend. let a woman rest, max.” she groaned, walking over to her light switch and flicking on her lights. with her room illuminated, she was able to make out the very big, very shiny title belt that was on her desk.
“midterms?” max asked, and y/n could make out the shock that was in his voice. “how old are you?”
“21, you?” she asked, walking over to her desk and admiring the belt.
“just use google. not like i’m here to get to know you better, after all i wasn’t expecting my supposed soulmate to be on the younger side. i just need my fucking belt back and then we can go back to living our separate lives.” he grunted.
she frowned at the man’s answer, clearly not wanting to go back to not knowing who her soulmate is. she certainly hadn’t expected this to be their first conversation, and she absentmindedly ran her fingers over the nameplate on the belt.
maxwell jacob friedman.
she made a mental note to do as the man said and google his name later on.
“well, you already know i’m on east coast.” she hummed, trying to keep the conversation going so that she could keep her soulmate on the phone. she had been dreaming of this day for years, and y/n wasn’t about to let it end so hastily.
“hurry up and just tell me where you live so we can get this over with.” he huffed.
she sighed, finally giving in and telling the man her address. his sour mood had seemed to have finally seeped through the phone speakers and into y/n’s bones to the point where she was also beginning to feel irritated. although, y/n knew she was irritated at the fact that it sounded as though her soulmate wished he never had to call her.
“of course you‘d be from around here.” she heard him mumble. his voice was so low that y/n wondered if she was meant to hear it. “guess it makes it easy though since i can just have caster come over. look, toots, after i get what i need, don’t bother contacting me, alright?”
y/n was taken aback by how certain her soulmate had sounded. “i’m sorry? i’m your fucking soulmate, you know. i’ve been waiting my whole life to finally talk to you and you took so fucking long to reach out to me. i at least want to get to know you better since the universe thinks we should be together.” she huffed, finally reaching her breaking point with her soulmate.
“and it hasn’t come across your mind once that maybe i don’t want to ever meet you?” he asked.
the words had made y/n feel as though the man had taken a sword and stabbed her right through her heart. her hand had clenched at her chest right above where her heart was and it was then that y/n realized that she was physically hurting from his words.
“my... coworker... is coming over to pick up the belt. he’ll be there in 10. his name’s max caster, and he looks like a geek. don’t even bother denying giving him the belt because that belt is very important and worth a lot of money and i’m certain you don’t want a lawsuit on your record for stealing a title belt.” max huffed over the phone.
she stayed silent, blinking away the tears that had welled in her eyes without her even knowing.
“alright, how about we settle then. we only call whenever we lose something that we desperately need back. i’m not answering if you’re calling about losing a sock.” max huffed, ignoring the way he felt as though he had to come to some sort of trade off with her.
“okay.” she responded in a whisper.
“he’s heading over now. don’t lose something important immediately after i end this call because i won’t be as nice as i am now.” he responded before the sound of the call being dropped rang in her ear.
maxwell jacob friedman.
how could the universe be so cruel to give her such a soulmate like him?
|| next part ||
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kwisatzworld · 5 months
List of Valentino Rossi books and documentaries:
inspired by @pgaslys list of marc’s docs
📚 Books
What If I Had Never Tried It [English/Italian/Spanish/German/Japanese/Chinese, etc.]: Vale’s only autobiography to date, translated into a lot of languages (so many that it’s hard to keep count). The English edition is notoriously rough - think spelling mistakes and some lost-in-translation moments. Despite this, yellow fans absolutely shouldn’t miss out on this gem. Published in 2006, during Vale’s zenith with five consecutive championships under his belt, the book radiates his happiness and confidence. The narrative is casual, with chapters loosely connected, but you will still find pleasure in reading this book.
MotoGenius: the Valentino Rossi biography by Mat Oxley: Oxley remains my all-time favorite Rossi author! Initially published years ago, the latest edition is available on Kindle. It’s a treasure trove of Vale anecdotes and Oxley’s unique insights, offering a glimpse into how Vale captivated his generation.
The Valentino Rossi Files: Everything I’ve ever written about VR by Mat Oxley: Available on Kindle, this collection (in two parts) encapsulates all the articles Oxley wrote about Vale for magazines and newspapers before joining Motor Sport Magazine.
Valentino Rossi: The Definitive Biography by Stuart Barker: A comprehensive biography of Vale, chronologically organized.
Valentino Rossi: Il Dio del Motociclismo by Fabio Fagnani [Italian]: Not recommended as the author’s fan-like admiration making it read more like a love letter than a biography. The only saving grace is the interview with Aldo Drudi.
Valentino Rossi: All His Races by Mat Oxley [English/German/Japanese/Serbian]: Chronicles every race of Vale’s career, enriched with exclusive interviews.
🎥 Documentaries
When asked about a movie about himself, Vale said, “If it’s a bad movie, I’d rather it didn’t exist.” He holds a similarly cautious stance towards documentaries, and has never personally produced a documentary about himself, though perhaps that might change at some point in the future.
Faster (2003) : Premiered at the Festival de Cannes during MotoGP’s golden era, this documentary intriguingly portrays the rivalry between Vale and Max Biaggi.
The Doctor, the Tornado, and the Kentucky Kid (2006) : Focuses on the 2005 season, especially the US Grand Prix, you can see the beautiful yellow livery of Yamaha’s 50th anniversary.
Fastest (2011) : A sequel to Faster.
Hitting the Apex (2015) : Arguably the best MotoGP documentary out there. Vale and Marco riding into the sunset to ‘Wish you were here’ is a poignant moment.
Valentino Rossi: The Doctor (2016) : Produced by Monster Energy, primarily illustrating how Vale expanded his empire step by step.
Racing Together (2017): MotoGP history isn’t complete without its greatest icon, Vale features for about 15 minutes.
Valentino’s Secret Room: Inside the Doctor’s Hidden Archive (2020) : Produced by Dainese, revealing Vale’s personal collection.
Ruta 46 – Ruta 93: El camino de dos mitos (2021) : Produced by DAZN España, unfortunately I haven’t seen it yet – if you have, let me know how it tells the tale.
Tales of Valentino (2021) : A nine-episode documentary series produced by Dorna, showcasing different aspects of Vale’s career through nine significant races.
RiVale | Valentino Rossi as Told by His Rivals (2021) : Produced by DAZN Italia featuring Vale’s main rivals (except Marc), sharing their stories with him.
Rossi | BT Sport Documentary on the Career of MotoGP Icon, Valentino Rossi (2022) : Produced by BT Sport following Vale’s retirement, highlighted by Suzi Perry’s captivating hosting style.
MotoGP Unlimited (2022) : No need for a lengthy introduction – it’s probably already been watched by everyone by now.
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sydsaint · 2 months
Father Copeland you are so special to me <3
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Summary: After watching reader fight for her life in a street fight against Julia Hart, Adam wrestles with his shameful feelings for her.
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Your heart pounds in your ears as you and Julia trade blows in the ring. Each hit collides with your body like a semi plowing through a car at full-speed. But you push on. Warm streams of blood ooze down your face from the cut above your eye and impairs your vision. But you were past seeing red before Julia managed to cut you open.
'Win!' You scream in your mind. 'You have to push through it! You have to win!' Your thoughts scream in your head as you swing your elbow towards Julia's face.
Your elbow collides with Julia's nose and the cartilage crunches inward from the force. Julia lets out a houl that would send a shiver down any normal person's spine. But it only motivates you further. Like a shark smelling blood in the water. You reign down another punch to Julia's face, hitting her square in her nose that it surely broken by now. You can barely see from the blood starting to crustify over your entire face, but you don't care. You've got little miss, 'princess of darkness' dead to rights now.
One more good hit to Julia's face and Aubrey is yanking you off of her. You can barely hear the bell ring over the roar of the crowd. You fall to your knee's, chest heaving as you struggle to catch your breath. It's over. You did it. You beat Julia Hart for the TBS championship.
"And new, TBS Champion! YN LN!" Justin Roberts anounces your name and it's like music to your ears.
You work up the strenngth to rise to your feet and begin clawing at your face in order to remove some of the dried blood from it. You pick up the faint sound of footsteps approaching you as your vision begins to clear and you find your mentor waiting to present you with your hard-earned championship.
Adam Copeland.
"Congradulations, kid. That was one hell of a fight." Adam steps toward you with a proud smile. He hands the TBS championship over to you and raises your free hand high into the air. "Now come on. Let's get you cleaned up backstage. You should see yourself. Look's like something straight out of a horror movie." He chuckles lightheartedly.
"I feel like I just survived one." You match his laugh, despite the burn in your lungs.
Adam parts the ring ropes for you and helps you down off the apron. The two of you head up the ramp as the crowd all chants your name. You hold your head high as you head backstage. Adam directs you back to the locker room, and as soon as you're through the dour your knees begin to buckle.
"Shit!" Adam spots you falter as he's shutting the door behind him. He lurches forward and just manages to catch you before your legs give out. "YN! Are you alright?" Adam questions you as he helps hold you up.
"Yeah yeah." You nod, even though every possible inch of your body burns right now. "I just need to sit down." You assure him.
Adam nods and helps you over to a seat. You fall down into a chair with an exhausted sigh, clutching your new belt to your chest.
Adam towers over you with a worried look on his face. It's been four brutal months of watching you and Julia try and kill one another both in and out of the ring. And truth be told, Adam has hated every second of it. Copeland took you under his wing the same week he signed to AEW after watching you punch Christian square in the nose for trying to hit on you. He's been helping train you up since you're barely 22 and new to the wrestling business. Or at least that's what he tells himself anyway.
"I'm gonna go grab something to wash your face with." Adam clears his throat after a minute. "You rest. I'll be right back."
You nod, too exhausted to have any sort of protest or comment to make. You set your new belt down on your lap and admire the way it shines under the florecent locker room lights. You did it. It's your championship. You're a champion.
"Okay, I hope it's not too hot." Adam comes back with a damp cloth a few minutes later and leans down next to you.
"I can clean my own face, Adam" You protest when Copeland moves to do the job for you.
Adam shakes his head, not taking no for an answer. "You just went nearly an hour in a brutal street fight against a psychotic cult lady." He reminds you. "Let me do this for you. You deserve to rest up after all that."
"Fine." You huff.
With your protests silenced, Adam begins washing away the frankly alarming ammount of blood caked all over your face and neck. He tenatively washes away all the crusted muck that he can before he steps away from you. '
"There we go." Adam smiles to himself. "There's that sweet face again." He muses to himself. "How rested up are you feeling? Because now that it's not covered in an inch of dried sweat and blood. Well, you definetly need to go get that cut looked at before the night is over."
"Is it that bad?" You reply and reach a hand up to touch the wound.
Your fingers brush up against the cut and a stinging sensation flares up. You wince and nod to yourself, having answered your own question.
"Here, I'll walk you down there." Adam offers you a supportive arm to lean on.
"Thanks, Adam." You smile at him but stand up on your own. "But I'm a big girl, dad." You tease him playfully. "I can make it there by myself." You assure Copeland.
Adam nods, a twinge of guilt in his eyes.
That term hits Copeland right in the chest as he watches you rise to your feet on your own. He's your mentor. Teacher. Nothing more. Copeland should be feeling proud of you right now. And he is, or rather, does. But pride isn't the only thing that he's feeling right now. Shame is another feeling welling up inside of him. Shame, because of the horrible thoughts that crossed his mind not half an hour ago while watching you dismantle Julia like some sort of feral gremlin. His feral gremlin. His woman. That's what you should be.
His. His and only his.
By the time Adam is done battling with his inner demons that are screaming at him to claim you as his, you are already gone from the locker room.
"Fucking hell." Adam mumbles to himself and plops down into a chair. "What the hell is the matter with me? She's young enough to be my daughter for christ sake!" He rubs a hand over his face.
"Who's young enough to be your daughter?" You come through the door and Copeland freezes up like a deer in headlights.
"YN!" Adam jumps out of his chair in surprise, a mortified look on his face. "That was fast!" He comments, chuckling nervously.
You nod and shut the door behind you. "Yeah. They gave me a couple of staples and then sent me on my way." You point to your head. "Anyway. Who's this young mystery girl you're so bent up about?" You ask him. "Anyone I know?"
"What?" Adam chokes. "I...umm...you..you heard that?" He stutters shamefully.
"Yep." You nod. "Well, some of it anyway." You clarify and set your chin your hand. "So. Who's the very lucky lady that you're pining after, Cope?" You ask him again.
Adam clears his throat and attempts to silently calm himself down. "It's no one." He insists. "Really. Nothing to worry about."
"Is that so?" You quirk a brow at your mentor. "Well then. That's boring." You frown.
Adam shrugs and settles back down into his seat. You seem to be satisfied with his half-assed answer. So Adam has no reason to be freaking out anymore. Right.
After a while of you and Adam chatting, you decide to spring a juicy piece of information in your mentor.
"You know, I ran into Ricky on the way back from the trainers room." You catch Adam's attention. "And he was telling me about a certain TNT champion that he saw making heart eyes at the tv monitors while my match with Julia was on." Your gaze flits to Copeland so you can gauge his reaction. "Well, heart eyes wasn't exactly what he said. But you catch my drift." You add with a sly smile.
"Oh?" Adam replies, and you watch him swallow thickly.
You nod and scoot closer to him with a grin. "So either you've got a serious crush on Julia that he need to discuss. Or, you've been keeping something from me, Adam." You confront him.
"Shit." Adam curses and shakes his head. "I'm sorry, YN." He sighs. "I...I never mean't for anything like this to happen. God, I'm so fucking ashamed of myself."
"Ashamed?" You reply. "Why is that?" You ask Adam. "Adam, what's the big deal that you've got a thing for me? I don't mind." You assure him.
Adam's eyes widen in surprise at your statement. "What? You don't?" He asks you. "How? YN, I'm more than twice your age! I...I could be your dad."
"You could certainly be my daddy, yes." You giggle with a teasing wink. "Adam, come on. You can relax. No one is going to care that you're twice my age, I can promise you that." You assure him.
"I...what the hell?" Adam shakes his head in disbeleif. "You really mean that? So....so, that means you feel the same then?" He asks you.
You nod and rise out of your seat. "I've had a crush on you for a criminally long time, Adam. Well, Christian was technically my first wrestling crush. But he doesn't need to know that." You add with a laugh. "So. Are you going to stop giving yourself a corinary and kiss me or not?" You tease him.
Adam manages to work up enough courage to reach forward and grab your arm. He yanks you down into his chair with one swift movement before crashing his lips to yours in a heated kiss that he's been dreaming about for months now. And it's even better than what he's been shamelessly picturing in his mind.
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punksdoll · 6 months
hi, can you write damian x reader where she won the title from rhea and had a emotional moment with damian
~~~𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖~~~
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𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒂𝒏 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 ^owner of gif
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒐𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝑫𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒂𝒏 𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒔 𝒉𝒊𝒔
𝒂/𝒏: 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚<𝟑
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: 𝒚/𝒏 𝒖𝒔𝒆𝒅, 𝒏𝒙𝒕 𝒆𝒓𝒂, 𝒅𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒂𝒏 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒙𝒕 𝒏𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒉 𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒎𝒑, 𝒘𝒆’𝒓𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒐 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒓𝒉𝒆𝒂 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒏𝒙𝒕 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒐𝒏, 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇, 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒔𝒐 𝒂 𝒄𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒅
translation: grito cuando ganaste: scream when you won
not proofread
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“Here is your winner and the new NXT woman’s champion, Y/N Y/L/N!”
Y/n leaps up with a shocked look as the crowd goes jumping up off their feet, cheering on her new win and for being their new nxt champion.
“No way…” She shakes her head as the referee comes walking over with the NXT championship in hand, “Oh my god.”
Y/n, in character, snatches the belt from the referee who raises her other hand up to show the winner. Y/n holds the NXT title high and with a smirk, trying with all her might not to burst into tears at her first championship win.
After celebrating enough with the crowd, Y/n makes her way to the back and immediately gets congratulations. She rushes out her ‘thank you’s’ as she tries looking for Damian. If there was one person she wanted to celebrate her win with, it would be her boyfriend. He had also won his own championship and winnings hers just added a cherry right on top.
“Damian!” She calls out, seeing him doing an interview but she could care less as she breaks into a run towards him.
Damian moves away from the interviewer and opens his arms out right as y/n throws herself at him and lets out the tears that she’s been holding ever since she won.
“You did it mami. I’m so proud of you.” Damian holds her close, giving her head a bunch of kisses.
“Did you see it?” Y/n moves her head to look at him with glossy eyes.
Damian chuckles, “Of course I did, everyone heard me grito cuando ganaste.” Damian smiles.
Y/n feels herself crying even more, “I can’t believe it. It feels so surreal.” She smiles when she feels Damian wiping away her tears.
“Believe it corazón, because you did.” Damian gives her a kiss, “Now let’s go celebrate together, ok? We’re gonna make this win worth everything.” Damian smiles
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smartycvnt · 1 year
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Title: Dreamy Pairing: Cody Rhodes x Reader Prompt: 14. "Stop looking at me like that, people might get the impression you're soft." R WC: 890
"And I'm standing here backstage with the newly signed hardcore legend herself, Y/n Y/l/n. Y/n, whenever Triple H announced your signing, you said that you came here with a mission. What exactly is that mission?" Byron asked the woman standing across from him. Nobody would have ever known that the two were old friends from Y/n's FCW days whenever she had just been starting out. Especially not from the way that she looked at Byron like he was small, puny, and pathetic. That was the way that Y/n looked at most of her fellow peers on the roster, both male and female. There were a few excceptions, but it wasn't like anybody was allowed to talk about the things that they used to be before WWE.
"Byron, I could stand here and threaten or bully you, but I won't. Damage CTRL, Judgement Day, hell, even Corey Graves made himself look tougher by picking on you. That's the difference between those groups and me, I know where my strengths lie and I don't bother picking on the weak to make myself look better. I don't stand around in a ring making ridiculous promo after promo about how I'm going to revitalize the women's division. I'll be standing in out in that ring ready to take on any competitor that wants me, not for any championship belt, but something that used to be worth a lot more than any belt. Let this be a message to every single person on the roster, male or female, if you want my respect, you know where to find me," Y/n said sternly. She dropped her hand and started to walk away as the cameras cut.
"Hey, before you go!" Byron called out after her. "It's good to have you back here. I'm glad they came to their senses about signing you as yourself."
"Thanks Saxton, take care of yourself man," Y/n told him. She walked away after that and headed straight for the ring. People would go crazy over the way that she just sat there cross-legged. Every little thing that Y/n did was always scrutinized by fans who thought they knew her motivations better than her. Nobody could break apart her character or the choices made whenever she was in the ring. Y/n never let anything be noticed that she didn't want to.
Y/n waited for her first opponent to show, and was surprised when it was one of the lower card women thought to be jobbers. Y/n had no qualms with working with those women, especially the home-grown ones. That was how the show went for weeks, Y/n would place herself in the ring during a commercial break and then someone would answer the call whenever she got back. Sometimes, they moved on after one match, but not always. Y/n liked the women who kept coming back for more, just to see what they could do with a talent like Y/n's. Slowly but surely, Y/n worked her way across all of WWE's shows until it became a game to guess where Y/n would show up and when. She couldn't remember the last time that she had been on Raw as she walked away from her match against Natalya.
"How are you feeling?" Cody asked as he rushed over to help her backstage. Y/n was limping, a side effect of having been submitted by the Sharpshooter. Some people would have bitched and whined about losing to Nattie, but Y/n respected the woman. Quite a few of Y/n's own submission moves had been learned from the blonde woman during their time at FCW together. "Do you need to get some ice for your knee?"
"No Cody, I do not need any ice. I'm fine, not every match can be a win. Besides, how can I complain when I know where my next feud is going?" Y/n asked him. Cody looked around, as if he was scared that people were watching them. "What's wrong?"
"Stop looking at me like that, people might get the impression that you're soft," Cody joked. Y/n smacked his chest as she walked past him. "Are you ready for Texas?"
"No, but I will be. This is huge, my first feud in WWE. No offense, but I don't think I've ever been so excited before," Y/n said. Cody's brows furrowed as he tried to think of what would have been offensive about that before he looked down at the diamond ring on Y/n's finger. They were going to be married soon, sometime after the next Royal Rumble, but before WrestleMania. If everything went according to plan, that match would be even bigger than his match against Roman, and hopefully with more favoring odds. "She's my hero Cody, this is a dream come true."
"I thought Mickie James was your hero." Cody crossed his arms as he looked down at Y/n. "Come to think on it, you've wrestled quite a few of your heroes."
"Yeah, but do you know how badly I wanted to beat up Michelle McCool when I was younger?" Y/n asked him. Cody chuckled as he nudged the two of you further backstage. "I know now that she's nice, but the sentiment still stands."
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samijey · 29 days
not to be that person but I'm gonna be that person
it speaks volumes on how differently wwe value their male and female stars when dudes who are injured can still be on TV every week doing their thing and advancing their feuds and storylines through promos and even minimal physicality, sometimes even getting to keep their championships through recovery.
meanwhile you can be the baddest woman on the roster with all the popularity in the world but the moment you get injured you drop that belt like a hot potato, put whatever storylines you were having on pause and get taken off TV. It speaks VOLUMES to how little faith they have on women's storylines compared to the men's when not even the top women are allowed to stick around while injured - they are not trusted to carry a feud with just promos, vignettes, non-physical segments etc like the top guys are and that's a real shame imo
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