#Patricia Blaiddyd
saiyef · 2 years
I went through Shez and Ashe’s Support Conversation, which was about Shez’s deceased adoptive mother who (unusual for a commoner living in a small remote mountain village) educated Shez in reading, arithmetic, reading maps, etc (with the heavy implication being that she was a noble based on her own education which seemed very advanced), in addition to being very secretive, barely talking about herself and isolated from others; causing the two to question and attempt to investigate the woman’s real identity, only for the Support to end on Shez giving up in the end and Ashe receiving a letter implied to be from the chief of Shez’s village and contain the truth of Shez’s adoptive mother’s identity.
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So, theory time from me, but I think that Shez’s adoptive mom might be Anselma/Patricia, Edelgard’s mom and Dimitri’s stepmom.
Her ultimate fate is a huge unanswered mystery in Three Houses and, from what I could tell, Three Hopes also doesn’t reveal what became of her; the only information we can glean from Three Houses being that she became a consort to Edelgard’s father, Emperor Inionius IX, then fled and sought asylum in the Kingdom of Faerghus for her own safety during the Insurrection of the Seven where she married Dimitri’s father, Lambert, only to be tricked by Cornelia into believing Lambert was intentionally separating Anselma/Patricia from her daughter Edelgard (who was also staying in the Kingdom for her safety due to the Insurrection) and manipulated into taking part in Lambert’s assassination resulting in the Tragedy of Duscur, only for her to completely disappear, along with the carriage she was riding in, after the Tragedy and believed to have died during the ensuing slaughter.
In Three Hopes, it’s revealed that when Those Who Slither In The Dark (TWSITD) acquire the appearance of another person, a prerequisite is to keep them alive and imprisoned during the process (which is what happened in Three Hopes with Monica and Kronya). Volkhard von Arundel (who is actually the TWSITD’s leader Thales) was also Anselma’s brother and in Azure Moon’s story Dimitri interrogated a man who worked for Viscount Kleiman who was involved in the Tragedy saying they received orders avoid Patricia’s carriage, implying that TWSITD might have abducted her to acquire another body-double infiltrator, which would have been useful to attempt to control and manipulate Edelgard to being a more obedient pawn to TWSITD. I believe that she escaped their capture before they could have a body double copy her appearance, running away to and eventually settling in Shez’s remote and isolated village within Oredelia Territory of the Leicester Alliance for her own safety (either from being silenced by TWSITD and/or executed by Faerghus due to her role in orchestrating Lambert’s death) giving up on reuniting with Edelgard and Ionius back in Adrestia and it being too dangerous to return to Faerghus if Cornelia ever reveals the truth about her role in the Tragedy of Duscur; instead settling with just raising Shez, who was just an young orphan at the time who’s parents died, and keeping her true identity a secret.
If this does turn out to be true, it would make a familial link between Shez, Edelgard and Dimitri through Anselma/Patricia being all three’s mother, tying all three of them together. Though, this does sadly exclude Claude from the long-lost surrogate sibling relationship between them.
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creativesplat · 4 months
ok... so Lambert x Eve...
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Eve and the two Blaiddyds
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Lambert and the two Fierenes
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The step-siblings
@blaiddydbrokeit and I were talking, and they have now sent me down the wonderful rabbit hole that is Eve and Lambert getting married and looking after their children.
#Dimi desperately needs a good mother figure (y'know rather than his idealised image of Patricia who never really loved him and didn't pay#attention to him no matter what he says to himself (you know only having that one memory of her where she was looking out the window and ig#ring him) and then tried to murder him adn his whole family) anyway#Eve would be good for Dimi#and Lambert and Alfred and Celine would get up to all sorts of shenanigans#but also Lambert might be able to help Celine understand and overcome her fear of other's deaths#Dimitri in particular would be able to understand that fear and sympathise with her#and alfred is just having a great time with a new brother and dad because everything is awesome all the time and his old dad would have lov#d his new dad and he tells alear all about it and she's like ooh!#anyway an adorable meet the step-dad step-brother situation for the couple (you know my alflear loving heart can never resist an opportunit#anyway#other tags were originally messaged to a pal when we discussed the idea but I thought they would work under the picutres too:#crack ship or not Lambert and eve are adorable in my brain#lambert egitte blaiddyd#queen Eve#fire emblem engage#fire emblem three houses#anyway maybe in a heroes universe or something; or dimi revives Lambert using some sort of magic and then Lambert and eve meet up in a Fodl#an and Elyos meet and greet sort of ball and they become friends and then they discuss being widowed and through a long series of meet ups#realise a political marriage between them both would be good for Fodlan and Fahrgus and good for Fierene and Elyos and they're also in love#anyway they both visit each other's spouses graves on the anniversary of death#like they would both really respect their partner's deceased spouses and not be jealous at all when the other gets upset and is like#I really miss them. Because they both get it
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koroart · 9 hours
Hi, if it’s okay to ask, what are your thoughts on what’s going on between Lambert and Patricia? Especially considering what’s said in Dimitri and Hapi’s supports
Hm hm hm , this one is definitely a doozy — 🤔
Tbh… I definitely feel their relationship was in some way? Genuine? Not like, true love kinda genuine — it’s more so along the lines of ‘two lost people finding solace in one another’ because I do think at some point, they both cared for one another, especially in the beginning of their relationship. Especially on account with Patricia. But even Rodrigue pointed out in Hopes , that even he wasn’t sure if it was love between them — but it was something. It was enough for them to marry at the very least.
And concerning the things with Hapi and what information Hopes actually gave us— I feel like those small feelings of affection towards one another became gradually one-sided on Lambert’s side. Because Cornelia so often interfered between their relationship and kept Patricia separated from Lambert ( so she could probably be easier to manipulate) and I think Patricia definitely hid things from Lambert too — and wasn’t entirely honest with him, with and without Cornelia’s influence. He probably knew she had been the former consort of Ionius but I don’t think he knew she had a daughter ( after all, Edelgrad didn’t know her mother had fled to the Kingdom either and even when she was there — she was never made aware, otherwise her uncle may have mentioned it and she probably would have too, cuz what child wouldn’t want to see their mother? ) Cornelia probably twisted it in some way later down the line— making seem that Lambert knew and that he was purposefully keeping Anselma away from her daughter, and gradually Anselma began to believe her. ( which also seems to be the conclusion a lot of people in the fandom seem to make too — Intsys did a bad job in keeping the lore together and a lot of misunderstandings happened )
Which is probably why Patricia/Anselma seemed to have no issue in helping arrange Lambert and Dimitri’s assassination later down the line. Do I think she lived long enough to regret it? who can say really — but part of me feels she did regret it at some point but it was too late and she died with those regrets.
I want to take Dimitri’s recounts of their relationship with a grain of salt — in some way it was almost rose tinted because he’s never had a mother in his life, and Anselma being the only female presence in his life and my guess is he wanted to remember his time with her with some fondness despite the reality, and I felt his opinion on it, especially pre-time skip — shouldn’t really be given a lot of credence. Because chances are, he wasn’t privy to a lot of what was going on in the bg, and I’m sure his father wouldn’t want him to worry about such grown up things. What parent doesn’t keep pressing matters away from their children? ( let’s not forget Dimitri only found out Edelgard being his step-sister AFTER she left and AFTER Duscur I believe, so he wouldn’t have been able to get answers from anyone regardless )
Hm hm much to think about methinks
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pegasusknightsonly · 7 months
ooough GirlMitri
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I found this back from a year ago and since it still looks ok, here's another one of my fe3h ocs (and perhaps my favorite): Loki Blaiddyd von Hresvelg !
As the name indicates, he's related to both the Hresvelg and Blaiddyd families, though he is actually the son of Lambert and Patricia and possesses a crest of Blaiddyd. During the tragedy of Duscur, he was in his mother's carriage and got abducted by TWSITD: but instead of outright killing the kid, they decided to raise him as one of their own, as to have a royal replacement with a semblance of legitimacy in case Edelgard turned against them too soon and they had to get rid of her. However, even though he was forced to do terrible things at the hands of TWSITD from a very young age and was essentially brainwashed by them, he never forgot his older brother, and deeply wished to be reunited with him. During his eight/nine years amidst their ranks, he basically became a child soldier, as well as good at magic: however, he also suffered a major injury under mysterious circumstances which left his right arm badly burnt. As a result, TWSITD came up with an artificial relic, his glove, which channels the power of his Crest and boosts his magical attacks instead of his physical ones- his favorite spell being an altered version of dark spikes.
A little after the start of the war, Edelgard manages to learn about her little brother's existence and reveals to him the manipulation he's been subjected to his whole life. Though still in the clutches of TWSITD, who he now really wants to see dead, he sides with his newfound family (Edelgard and the other Hresvelg siblings), never giving up the hope to see his older brother Dimitri again- and trying very hard to prevent him and Edelgard from killing each other. Along the way, he learns again what it is like to just be a kid-and to be a sibling.
He's really distrusting of adults and other people in general and is sarcastic af, but he's also really sweet and caring towards those he trusts-and also a massive sucker for hugs.
I'll probs get into more details later but here's a quick rundown ! =D
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blaiddydbrokeit · 1 year
Siblings in Faerghus Nobility, why Dimitri stands out as an only child and how Lambert and Rufus's siblinghood could have played into it:
Among the Blue Lions, a good majority of the cast have, or have had siblings at some point in their lives. This includes Felix, Sylvain, Ingrid, Mercedes, Ashe and Dedue.
However, for the purpose of this discussion we will go over all the Blue Lions characters and explore their sibling relations, and go over some that may be more unique.
Subsequently, we will also discuss Dimitri's status as an only child - the stakes it plays in his position as heir, and how the relationship between Rufus and Lambert may have played into his sibling-less life. (For purposes of timescale consistencies, we will not consider Edelgard since she was only there for a year.)
Felix and Sylvain are simple - they have both had one older sibling each, who canonically predecease both them, and their fathers. Both older siblings for one reason or another were either not intended to inherit, or were deceased before inheritance.
Ingrid has two older brothers. This is presumably a matter of trying for a crested heir, as it was what House Galatea determined its priority at the time, succeeding with Ingrid.
Now, the exceptions:
Mercedes has a sibling in Emile (Jeritza), but while she was formerly Imperial nobility, she is a commoner in Faerghus, and is exempt from many of the noble house priorities such as inheritance, social duty and having a safety net to the seat of the House.
Dedue had a younger sister who was killed in the retaliation from the Kingdom after the assassination of King Lambert. However, he is considered an exception as he is of Duscur, and would not have been expected to conform to the same cultural functions of siblinghood.
Ashe is a doubly special case. He has his younger birth siblings - fellow commoners, and had Christophe - occupying the very lowest rung of nobility due to Lonato's lordship granted for service to Rufus. Christophe predeceasing Lonato and Ashe, and Lonato's own subsequent act of treason would find his lordship posthumously revoked - similar to the Viscounty of Kleiman, and returned to the direct control of House Blaiddyd. As a result, Ashe would not inherit Castle Gaspard. His siblinghood with his birth siblings hence remains exempt from noble activity and culture.
Annette. Annette is a very special case. She is an only child. However, she is the niece of Baron Dominic. She does not belong to the main branch of the family. When one belongs to a side branch of the family, it is rare to expect that they will inherit - in this case, her cousin, only namedropped in Three Hopes as Simon, would be inheriting the title of Baron Dominic. Without the expectation of inheriting, many of the other duties that come with being the governing house of a territory also are lightened, or completely rendered irrelevant. There is no need for a spare heir, if you have no need for an heir to begin with, for example. Especially given that Annette would have been only 12 or 13 at the time that Gustave disappears, it would have been much more difficult on Gustave's conscience to simply leave if there was a second, much younger child that would not ever be able to understand his position.
So, establishing that the nobles of primary lineages in particular had the highest stakes in what a functional siblinghood served, what does this say about Dimitri? Dimitri, the only child. The heir, without any spare should misfortune fall upon him.
It is without question that Lambert could have sired a second child at any point if he wanted to. It could have been with Patricia if he wanted. It could have been with any woman, even. Hence, the distinction here is that he must have in some capacity decided against it. Dimitri has a crest, and that in itself is fortunate, because it means that he already makes for an heir who can wield Areadbhar. He is in line for the throne. All is well. The stake here, should Lambert choose to have a second child as a spare to the throne, is that the two would grow to resent the other, especially if one is without crest or worse, the younger would have a major crest. (On another tangent, maybe he simply just could never love anyone the way he loved his first wife. But that's another topic.)
The stakes of House Blaiddyd is doubly high - it must not only consider the priorities of its house and direct territory, but the entirety of Faerghus. Lambert is not a stranger to such resentment himself - Rufus resents him for his crest, because Rufus was passed over for the throne due to lacking a crest. Rufus could never be king, simply because he lacked the blood signature he couldn't control, while his younger brother won the blood lottery.
Was it a stake worth passing on to the next generation, if the heir already did possess a crest? Or was it worth protecting that heir with everything they had, that even if Lambert fell, he would know that he had Gustave, Rodrigue, and if it came to it, even Matthias, to guide and protect Dimitri until he came of age to become king, and even after? It's very like Lambert, and his many progressive ideas and schemes. There was risk, and there was reward, but on this occasion, that risk did pay off. But would this work on a larger scale in Faerghus? Perhaps not.
Three Hopes told us time and again that the way each noble house of Faerghus inherits is largely independent, picked by themselves based on what they believed was in their best interest for their people at the time. That much is true, and the reason so many of them have multiple children each generation is because it's something that has worked for them, whether it is up in the northeast where the stakes are high for the value of a relic and that trying again and again until a child bore a crest could pay dividends in the long haul, or in the more southerly territories that benefitted from having options to pick for aptitudes and exceptional abilities that would draw glory and award for their House, if not dowry and lineage.
To conclude, I think that it's actually quite apt to say that Faerghus children are really meant to be raised like a bunch of lion cubs. You don't just have a single cub. You need a whole pile of them, from different lions and lionesses, and raise them together. That's what Faerghus kids are made of.
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damnilovefaerghus · 4 months
Have you ever thought
Yurificating ShezRod?
I have not! It's mostly that if I did think about it, my mind gets bogged down in the logistical details of the AU far too quickly, so it becomes less a cute thought experiment than a gnarly worldbuilding exercise. Since just with Rodrigue:
His relationship of loyalty to Lambert and the Kingdom (and his own repression) would have to change if he were instead a woman and Lambert stayed king. Would Rodrigue have been betrothed to Lambert from the start in this universe, to keep the Fraldarius-Blaiddyd ties close? Would (she) even have ended up duke, rendering the whole thought process moot?
Or does making Rodrigue a woman imply that to keep the friendship between (her) and Lambert strong Lambert would've also had to be female, meaning the whole Issue with Patricia changes? Does that lead down to F!bert having to hide her relationship with Patricia for different reasons? Isn't that a more fascinating story to explore?
And what about F!rigue's relationship with Felix in this universe, if (she's) Felix's mother instead of father? Does Felix's vitriol against (her) take on way, way worse connotations if he's still a guy? Is the only way to fix that by making Felix female too? But then if *Felix* is female then all of (HER) relationships now also have to change in plausible ways, and exploring how Girl!lix and Ingrid (even if Ingrid doesn't change genders) struggle and hurt each other in the wake of Glenn's death feels like it might be even more interesting as yuri--
... etc.
This isn't to say any of it is a bad idea, and I can think of at least 2 compelling semi-toxic yuris from that bullshit I just wrote down. But I'm pretty sure Shezrod wouldn't even be the most interesting yuri ship in that AU at that point, and the AU setting itself ends up becoming way, way more compelling than any relationships I could focus on.
tl;dr: worldbuilding-minded Extreme COnsistency At All Timse people should be kept far away from cute fluffy thought experiments for their own good, and possibly everyone else's
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kordifm · 2 years
Since I finished my Azure Gleam run, I have had so many thoughts about the mothers of the Faerghus Four. So, a few headcanons!
Dimitri’s Mother:
She was definitely from Faerghus. I mean, Lambert gave her a dagger, and she still married him. It’s a Faerghus thing.
Her marriage to Lambert was partially arranged. They loved each other, but the circumstances of their meeting was planned once Lambert ascended the throne.
She was a very studious and intelligent woman who gained most of her knowledge from books. She was thrilled to be able to peruse the castle’s library freely.
She was an excellent homemaker — cooking, sewing, caring for children, etc. — those skills came naturally to her.
She primarily used white magic but wasn’t necessarily only a healer. She also had a good grasp on offensive spells. However, she did help Lambert recover from any injuries he suffered due to his recklessness in battle.
She contracted the plague while nursing those who were sick. She had a very charitable, humanitarian type of spirit.
There’s one portrait of her that hangs in Castle Blaiddyd. Rufus took it down during his reign, but Dimitri restored its place once he succeeded the throne.
Dimitri gets his introversion and emotional sensitivity from her. From Rodrigue’s stories, Lambert just seems more like an extrovert to me, and while Dimitri is like his father in so many ways, I’d like to think he bears some traits from his mother.
This dips a little into genetics, but some people headcanon that she must have had blonde hair and blue eyes or even more recessive traits (such as red hair and green eyes) because Dimitri looks so much like his father. But that’s not necessarily the case since she could have had brown hair and brown eyes but carried the recessive trait for blonde hair and blue eyes. It would be interesting though, if she did have brown hair like Anselma/Patricia.
Felix’s Mother:
She met Rodrigue in Fhirdiad. It was her honesty, stubbornness, and competency in pretty much everything (and maybe her amber eyes) that attracted Rodrigue the most.
Between her and Rodrigue, she definitely has the dominant personality type. In Three Hopes, Felix says that he thinks she enjoys presiding over House Fraldarius while he and his father are away. To enjoy all of the politics involved with leading one of the foremost houses of the country, you would have to exemplify quite a few strong characteristics.
I don’t know why, but I tend to imagine her with a personality akin to the caliber of Mary Poppins — equally efficient, just not as cold or logical seeming per se.
She excels at shifting the tone of a room with a well-organized and blunt statement. She can also be pretty sarcastic when she’s expressing her disgust and frustration at something or someone.
She’s incredibly talented with swordsmanship, although she never had enough patience to learn magic. Felix’s techniques were also influenced by his sparring sessions with his mother.
She always wanted a daughter and tried to foster a similar relationship with Ingrid, but Ingrid was so much of a tomboy even when she was younger, that it wasn’t the same. However, she came to be content with her two sons and continues to give advice to Ingrid, concerning the pursuit of her goals in life.
She’s the type of mother that encourages her children to seize every opportunity. She was Glenn’s biggest supporter as he became a royal knight and continues to do the same for Felix as Duke Fraldarius. It’s just less in an bubbly, extroverted way, and more of a “you have no reason to decline, so you should go for it” kind of vibe.
Although Rodrigue was by no means an absent father, she contributed the most to raising their sons. I mean, just look at how they turned out (Felix is well, Felix, and Dimitri says in Three Houses that Felix was becoming more like Glenn). She definitely passed on more of her character traits.
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lilias42 · 11 months
Deux reines opposées : Héléna Alexane Charon et Anselma Von Arundel dit Patricia Arnim
Deux nouvelles têtes qui ont un visage ! Héléna et Patricia sont là ! A la base, je voulais les faire sur les modèles des dames comme sur une carte à jouer avec Patricia qui est la dame de coeur et Héléna la dame de pique mais, j'avais que des feuilles A4 alors, ça aurait été compliqué de faire tous les détails et ça ne rendait pas bien dans ma tête alors, je suis partie sur un dos à dos.
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(je les ai dessiné sur deux pages différentes alors, c'est pour ça que la qualité de lumière est différente, surtout que bon, vu la chaleur qui fait, les fenêtres sont bien verrouillées pour ne pas la laisser entrer... et on voit aussi Patricia par transparence sous Héléna, le papier est fin...)
Pour plus de détail et mieux les voir toutes les deux :
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Dans mon histoire, elles se ressemblent beaucoup toutes les deux de traits, et avec mon trait qui fait tous les visages identiques, c'est le cas ici aussi avec leurs yeux dans le même bleu et de même forme, et aussi avec leurs cheveux dans tous les sens et épais mais pour le reste, j'ai vraiment essayé de les faire les plus opposées possibles, et vu que je me suis bien amusé avec la symbolique, petite explication !
Héléna est toute en bleu pour marquer qu'elle est faerghienne, bien sûr, mais aussi la reine et qu'elle se dévoue à son pays. Même si ses manches sont légèrement bouffantes, elles restent assez près du corps et pratique, épousant plus la forme de ses avant-bras qui laisse voir sa musculature. La dame est une Charon, elle sait se battre. Elle n'a d'ailleurs en bijou qu'un collier qui a la forme de l'emblème de Blaiddyd autour de son cou et une simple couronne assez légère pour marquer son statut de reine régnante.
Elle tient une épée dans la main où il est écrit sa devise "Por regnum per Lex", "Pour le Royaume par la Loi" (normalement, si j'ai pas fait de faute de latin) et avec l'emblème de sa famille car, c'est le glaive de la justice, sa famille étant de la très haute noblesse, mais surtout une famille de juristes et d'homme de loi, elle-même connaissant parfaitement la loi et pouvant rendre la justice comme juge ou défendre les innocents comme avocate. La main qui tient son épée est protégée par un gantelet pour rappeler qu'elle se bat à main nue et elle a des ongles assez courts car, elle les use à l'entrainement et que c'est plus pratique pour tenir une plume. Elle a également ses longs cheveux attachés en tresse pour éviter qu'elle ne la gêne, même s'ils s'échappent un peu (Dimitri et elle ont tous les deux des cheveux assez rebelles qui partent dans tous les sens). De base, elle devait avoir la peau blanche mais, étant donné qu'elle est une Charon et qu'elle s'entraine à l'extérieur, je l'ai colorié pour lui donner une peau bronzée.
Elle est également enceinte de Dimitri ici, qu'elle protège en posant sa main sur son ventre, et elle regarde droit devant elle sans se détourner et imperturbable. J'ai essayer de faire en sorte qu'elle ait l'air de regarder vers l'avenir sans faiblir, autant pour son Royaume que pour son enfant à naitre.
Enfin, il y a une fougère avec une bougie au premier plan. La fougère, c'est parce que dans le langage des fleurs, cela signifie "confiance et sincérité", ce qui lui correspond très bien, surtout dans sa relation avec les autres et dans ce qu'elle renvoie (Dimitri est vraiment le fils de sa mère). Au début, il devait aussi avoir une fleur de digitale devant elle car, ça signifie "ardeur, travail" et que là aussi, ça colle bien à son histoire, surtout que c'est comme la digitale qui est surtout une fleur toxique malgré ses vertus médicinales, c'est son travail et son épuisement de toujours balayer derrière Lambert qui finit par la tuer. Elle n'apparait pas au final car, ça aurait déséquilibrer tout en rajoutant une pauvre fleur mal dessinée sur le côté. La bougie, c'est également une référence à Lambert qui la compare à une bougie qui éclaire son chemin.
Côté Patricia, c'est totalement l'inverse ! Même si ça rend assez marron, c'est normal du rouge Bordeaux plus ou moins clair et sombre qu'elle porte pour rappeler son lien avec l'Empire. Ses manches sont tellement bouffantes qu'elles sont assez gênantes pour travailler / se mouvoir et contrairement à Héléna, elle porte beaucoup de bijoux, que ce soit ses colliers avec des rubis, ses bracelets ses bagues (même si elle n'en a aucune sur l'annulaire), sa ceinture de plaque en métal dorée ou sa pomme de senteur à sa taille. D'ailleurs, j'ai essayé de faire ressembler sa pomme de senteur à un emblème de Seiros stylisé pour rappeler qu'à la base, elle est mariée à Ionius et qu'elle est la mère d'Edelgard mais bon, c'est pas flagrant... au moins, ça ressemble à une fleur comme pour CF...
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Elle, elle tient des fleurs de tubéreuses qui signifient "volupté, liaisons dangereuses" à cause de son histoire avec Lambert qui va mettre tout le Royaume en danger car, le roi est tombé amoureux d'elle et qu'il va faire passer les sentiments et la sécurité de Patricia avant tout son Royaume et ses habitants (notamment en l'épousant et en l'écoutant aux pires moments).
Patricia est à moitié tourné vers l'arrière pour faire comme si elle regardait Héléna en rongeant son frein de jalousie avec son visage à moitié dans l'ombre. Elle ne supporte pas cette femme à qui elle ressemble en apparence mais pas du tout en caractère, même si elle ne l'a jamais connu, et que tout le monde chante ses louanges après sa mort pour être une reine formidable, ce qui provoque des crises de jalousie de sa part.
Elle a une peau très pale et des ongles plus longs qu'Héléna (au point qu'elle ne peut pas fermer le poing sans se piquer, d'où le fait qu'elle ne serre pas son poing gauche) pour souligner qu'elle travaille moins qu'elle, ne s'entraine pas et pour rappeler que techniquement, elle vit en recluse donc, elle ne doit pas souvent sortir dehors en plein soleil pour ne pas se faire trop voir.
Enfin, au premier plan, c'est des fleurs de cigüe, soit une des plantes les plus toxiques de l'hémisphère nord (c'est comme la digitale en pire, n'en touchez jamais). Dans le langage des fleurs, elle est tout aussi sympathique car, elle signifie "perfidie, poison, trahison", ce qui colle bien à son histoire vu qu'elle est très active dans la Tragédie de Duscur de mon côté. Pour les flammes, c'est aussi à cause des comparaison de Lambert : il compare plus sa relation avec Patricia à un feu de forêt, très passionnelle mais, qui est aussi imprévisible et très destructrice alors, j'ai essayé de le représenter avec des flammes qui brûle la page où elle est dessinée, vu que son côté destructeur va aussi finir par la tuer à Duscur quand elle deviendra inutile aux agarthans et en découvrant que son frère s'est fait remplacé par Thalès.
Voilà ! Désolé pour les pavés mais, j'avais mis pas mal d'idée de symbole dedans alors, j'avais envie de tout expliquer ! J'espère en tout cas qu'elles vous plaisent toutes les deux !
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areadri · 2 years
* 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑺𝑯𝑬𝑬𝑻 repost, don’t reblog !
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𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.   dimitri alexandre blaiddyd. TITLE.   the tempest king. NICKNAME.   the boar prince, dee, didi. PRONOUNS.   he/him. HEIGHT.   6′1″. AGE.   23. ZODIAC.   sagittarius. SPOKEN LANGUAGES.   common.
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.   blonde. EYE COLOR.   blue. SKIN TONE.   pale. BODY TYPE.   broad-shouldered, lean & muscled. VOICE.   deep, yet gentle & smooth. DOMINANT HAND.   right. POSTURE.   oftentimes hunched, improper; almost bestial in his stance. SCARS.   numerous covering his body beneath the armour & across his right eye, though these are normally hidden beneath the eye patch. TATTOOS.   none. BIRTHMARKS.   none. MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).   the eye patch, undoubtedly.
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.   fódlan. HOMETOWN.   fhirdiad, the holy kingdom of faerghus. SIBLINGS.   edelgard von hresvelg ( stepsister ). PARENTS.   the queen consort ( unnamed, mother; deceased ), lambert egitte blaiddyd ( father; deceased ), patricia/anselma von arundel ( stepmother; deceased ).
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.   student ( formerly ). CURRENT RESIDENCE.   townhouse 205, cotes ward. CLOSE FRIENDS.   none; tentatively byleth eisner. RELATIONSHIP STATUS.   single. FINANCIAL STATUS.   comfortable. DRIVER’S LICENSE.   no. CRIMINAL RECORD.   yes; for treason, regicide, and murder ( the only crime he has truly committed ).
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.   demi. LOVE LANGUAGE.   physical touch. RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.   in a romantic relationship, dimitri is very warm and doting to his partner. their needs and happiness transcend his own. he is also a very tactile person, craving physical touch for it brings him comfort.
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.   hans zimmer - remember & delirium - fallen icons. HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.   training & sparring. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.   left. FEARS.   losing those he cares about. SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.    low; it tends to waver however, depending on his disposition. VULNERABILITIES.   his survivor’s guilt, the people he cares about.
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theofficersacademy · 3 days
Hello, I have a small question. Is Patricia Blaiddyd (Edelgards Mother) allowed? Or is she a special case considering what happens in Three Houses.
As is the case with any other characters who are in similar situations, from Three Houses or not, Patricia is able to be applied for. The application would then be expected to come up with an explanation to justify why/how she has come to Garreg Mach, but so long as it makes sense, you are fine.
However, given the fact Patricia is a character who has no on-screen direct appearances, she will fall under this clause from our rules, so do keep this in mind:
You may also choose to play a supporting character from outside of the main cast, but please note that for characters with minimal to no canon information (e.g. Kiran, Mark, Layla, Sitri, the Elibe morphs), the mod team will be stricter about what we pass. We should see whatever canon information is available in the application itself, and although roleplaying at its heart will introduce a muse to new scenarios that might develop them in ways not seen in canon, the character should still not stray too far from this canon once accepted. Note: canon information exists outside of dialogue, and for minor characters, must be found in the maps they show up on, other characters' behavior toward them, and additional lore embedded throughout the game. This is not a group for original characters, so applying for a minor character should not be treated as a free pass to write an OC.
If you have any other questions, feel free to let us know!
- Mod N
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royaltyjunk · 1 year
Chapters: 10/14 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: F/M Fandom: Fire Emblem: Fuukasetsugetsu | Fire Emblem: Three Houses Relationship: Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd/Edelgard von Hresvelg Characters: Edelgard von Hresvelg, Patricia (Fire Emblem), Original Characters, Edelgard's Siblings, Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Blue Lions Students (Fire Emblem), Black Eagles Students (Fire Emblem) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Arranged Marriage, Slow Burn, Strangers to Lovers, Eventual Romance, i'm back binches, i'm giving rights to each of edelgard's siblings, except one, Sibling Bonding, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Self-Discovery
y'all know what time it is
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Patricia: Fuck, marry, AND kill Lambert. The rest of you are safe... for now.
Lambert: ...
Lambert: That's...not how the game works,
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Great questions list! 22, 23, and 25?
Oooh okay!
NUMBER TWENTY-TWO: (Unpopular or rare support/ship (s) you really like?)
OOOOO there are so, so many for me. But I'm gonna limit myself to one. Lambert/Rodrigue!!! I don't talk about them much, but they happen to be one of my favourite ships to ever exist, I am super indulgent in underdeveloped characters, so making headcanons/fics/desperately searching for lore on background characters is super fun! And Rodrigue is obviously head over heels for the guy, so why not ship it??? Also, I really like Hilda and Lysithea, and they're not really talked about so I'll put them here too :)
NUMBER TWENTY-THREE: (popular ship/support that you really like?)
So, so, so many. This fandom has tends to have good taste! As for personal favourites? Felix/Sylvain, Dimitri/Felix, Dimitri/Dedue, Petra/Dorothea, Ferdinand/Hubert, and Ashe/Dedue are the ones that really butter my eggroll. I also dabble in Dimileth and Edeleth.
AND LASTLY, NUMBER TWENTY-FIVE: (character(s) you think are underated)
Okay, well. Lambert, Rodrigue, Patricia and Christophe. People talk way more about Glenn than any of the other dead/missing/Rodrigue people so I think they are underated. If we're talking PLAYABLE characters, I'm gonna go with Dedue, Leonie and Alois. Very very good characters :)
Thanks for the ask! Twas very fun! :)
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pegasusknightsonly · 9 months
rv is laughing at me for putting dimitri way down at the bottom in the character sorter but dina patricia blaiddyd who renounces her nobility and lives a quiet life as an innkeeper's wife in leicester is one of my favourites! fe16 just failed to deliver on this potential
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Loki is getting his own character sheet thanks to @onyxedskies' fe3h oc template !!! He is baby your honor, I love him. Ft an old character design sheet.
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Character Info: Loki Blaiddyd von Hresvelg
Names and aliases: 
        Name (English): Loki
        Full name (English): Blaiddyd von Hresvelg 
Biological Information:
        Gender: ĕ̴̢̢̤̮̤͙͇͔̆̆̔͊͂̔̄̓̏̀̔͘r̷̛̭̭͙̤̜̫̩̘̂̀́̂̀̄̉̋̿͑̈͘ŗ̷̞͔̤̲̺̖̜̙͓͍̭͒̊̈́͆̀ǫ̵̞̬̘̘̪̩̺̩̟̳̋̀̒̒̓͘ŕ̵̨̹̠̹̱̗̭̲͎̥̯̐̎̽̍̆̎̑͑͊͛̉ ̷̭̓̇̇̇͊̾́̊͂̇͠4̸̢̝̪̣͓̈́̌̂̓͒͂͂0̵̨̡̲̝͉̝͎͍̤̱͓̮͉͖̾4̶̹̠͙̼̲̦͙̯̙͈̎̓̔͌̃̆͐͊̑̚͝͝
        Race: Human
        Birthday: 14/05
        Fodlan birthday: 14th of the Harpstring Moon
        Age: 9 before timeskip - 14 post-timeskip
  ��     Relatives: younger brother to Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Edelgard von Hresvelg , Adel von Hresvelg, Aline von Hresvelg
        Nationality: Faerghan, Agarthan, Adrestian
        Hometown: Fhirdiad
        Residence: Garreg Mach Monastery
        Factions: Imperial army/TWSITD (formerly)
        Occupations: gremory, little sibling, researcher
Early Life/Academy phase:
As the name indicates, he's related to both the Hresvelg and Blaiddyd families, though he is actually the son of Lambert and Patricia and possesses a crest of Blaiddyd. During the tragedy of Duscur, he was in his mother's carriage and got abducted by TWSITD: but instead of outright killing the kid, they decided to raise him as one of their own, as a way to have a royal replacement with a semblance of legitimacy in case Edelgard turned against them too soon and they had to get rid of her. However, even though he was forced to do terrible things at the hands of TWSITD (namely experiments) from a very young age and was essentially brainwashed by them, he never forgot his older brother, and deeply wished to be reunited with him. During his eight/nine years amidst their ranks, he basically became a child soldier, as well as good at magic: however, he also suffered a major injury under mysterious circumstances which left his right arm badly burnt. As a result, TWSITD came up with an artificial relic, his glove, which channels the power of his Crest and boosts his magical attacks instead of his physical ones- his favorite spell being an altered version of dark spikes (basically the only one he’ll use).
Timeskip Phase:
A little after the start of the war, Edelgard manages to learn about her little brother's existence and reveals to him the manipulation he's been subjected to his whole life. Though still in the clutches of TWSITD, who he now really wants to see dead, he sides with his newfound family (Edelgard and the other Hresvelg siblings), never giving up the hope to see his older brother Dimitri again- and trying very hard to prevent him and Edelgard from killing each other. Along the way, he learns again what it is like to just be a kid-and to be a sibling.  
War Phase:
During the war, Loki sometimes fights along his siblings on the battlefield (as support), mainly when there is a chance of his older brother Dimitri being present. He spends a lot of time trying to convince him to join Edelgard’s side, to no avail, before he understands he can control neither of his siblings’ actions  and he will never have the family he wants; as a last ditch effort, though, he will save Dimitri from death in routes where he would usually die.
In the meantime, he tries to get his hand on as much info about TWSITD’s victims and the experiments they went through, and tries to develop ways to heal them- or at the very least, honor their memory and find the families of the deceased.
After TWSITD are defeated, Loki takes the time to heal and takes the radical decision to chop his right arm off and start wearing a prosthesis. He also abandons his relic-lite glove, since he wants to turn that page of his life and doesn’t intend to fight anymore. Later on, he moves to Faerghus with Aline, where they help rebuild the Kingdom and he becomes a teacher at the Fhirdiad Magic Academy. In parallel, he puts in a lot of work in order to help the Agarthan people recover from TWSITD’s influence and find their place within the rest of Fodlanese society, as well as promote the Agarthan culture (I refuse to think that all Agarthans are evil after 1,000 years; my personal headcanon is that Agartha is an authoritarian regime ruled by TWSTID. Furthermore, I really want to see an underground light festival where everyone wears makeup inspired by the constellations and stars. I can do what I want.)
     Loki is a very smart kid, but his life experience has led him to become very distrusting of adults and other people in general. As a rule, he is a pretty sarcastic person and is cold to people he does not feel uncomfortable with, to the point that he often lashes out at them undeserved. However, he is also someone who deeply wants to do good, and is sweet and caring towards those he trusts- as well as a massive sucker for hugs.
His gender expression, but also his makeup, is a way for him to express his personality; he starts using more colors post-canon as he is more and more at peace with his life.
As a result of his trauma, he suffers from selective mutism; he also hates having blood on his hands, and has a knee-jerk reaction to having anything slightly dirty or reminiscent of blood on himself.
it's better for everyone's sanity if i don't try to do stats i know nothing about ; but his class is Gremory. He excels in Science, and his magical attack is by far his highest stat; he is decent in faith and in magical defense, however he absolutely sucks at everything else. His physical defense is six feet under, further impeded by the fact that his right arm is an obvious weak point for any enemy.
Since he doesn’t appear until post-timeskip, he isn’t recruitable.
Gift List:
Plushies are a sure hit.
Meal List:
I’m guessing Agarthan alimentation is pretty different from the reste of Fodlan’s alimentation, so he keeps expanding his tastes as time goes on, although he might sometimes have a knee-jerk reaction to it. He loves lemonade though.
Lost Items:
Balm: a half-used balm, the kind youd use to treat a bad burn.
Sketchbook: a sketchbook written in an unrecognizable alphabet. It contains a lot of anatomical sketches.
White glove: a glove that reminds you of the one Edelgard used to wear at the Academy.
In The Monastery:
Choir Practice:
I don’t know the lyrics to that song.
I can’t do anything that will strain my right hand, but otherwise, I can help.
I hate to admit it, but I have a very strained relationship with someone I care a lot about. I wish he would listen to me and see where I stand. How can I go about it ?
Dining Hall:
With Aline: Thank you for insisting I try this. It’s delicious !
With Edelgard : One day, I’ll take you to see the street stalls in Agartha. The food there is to die for! 
With Adel: I’m glad we didn’t have to cook this.
That’s… I love it. Thank you. 
Neutral: Thanks.
Disliked: Why did you ever think I’d want this ?
Lost Item:
Not theirs: I don’t recognize it, I’m sorry.
Theirs: Oh, thank you ! I’ve been searching everywhere for this.
Tea Party:
General: Thank you for the invitation. I really appreciate it.
Favorite Tea: Chamomile tea
Favorite Teas: “Did you know this was Dima’s favorite tea back when were kids ? I have to admit, it’s the main reason that it’s my own favorite.”
Observe: Please stop that. This is uncomfortable.
End: This was… genuinely nice. I really hope we’ll do this again someday.
Group Tasks: 
Stable Duty (with Edelgard):
Loki: I’m not sure I want to come any closer.
Edelgard : These horses are nothing to be afraid of. Here, give me your hand- I’ll show you. 
Loki: … Oh. They’re so… soft. Haha ! 
Weeding (with Loki):
Loki: I'm not sure I want to do this. 
Aline : Here. I'll show you how to do it.
Loki: Nope, nope, I don't want to be covered in dirt. I'll stick around as… moral support.
Sky Watch (with Adel):
Adel: Hold on tight, princesse ! 
Loki: I trust you and Mirabelle not to drop me to my death.
Adel: I’ll always be there to catch you.
Good: What did you expect ?
Battle Quotes:
When selected: Alright.
War phase:
Full health: Let’s get this over with.
Medium health: I’m not sure how long I’ll manage…
Low health: I don’t have a choice !
War phase:
Don't underestimate me ! 
 Get away from me ! 
 For all of those who never had a chance ! 
 Don’t stand in my way ! 
Facing a named enemy:
Facing Dimitri : Dimitri ! Please, listen to me !
Against someone they don’t know: … Who are you again ?
Facing TWSITD: It’s about time you paid for everything you’ve done.
Against Thales/Arundel: Uncle-... I’ll kill you.
War phase, defeating an enemy:
I’m out of here.
 I warned you.
 …That's so much blood.
 I'm sorry…
 It’s time they got what they deserved.
Ally Defeats Enemy:
Thank you ! 
Wow… That was impressive.
 Do you need assistance ?
  Stay careful !
 Let’s make it together.
That was, for lack of other words, badass. 
Retreat Quote:
War Retreat: I need to get out of here. I can’t die now !
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