#Park jay text au
acphengene · 5 months
Chapter 21 - Your fathers son
₊ ⁺ pairing: Jay x fem!reader
₊ ⁺ genre: brothers bestfriend!au, college!au, neighbors/strangers to lovers!au
₊ ⁺ warings: mild angst, lowkey parent manipulation, sibling death, strong and suggestive language, smut
₊ ⁺ trigger warnings for this chapter: anxiety attack and violence
₊ ⁺ synopsis: you move from sydney australia to seoul to get your degree, what will happen when you spill coffee on a handsome stranger?
₊ ⁺ taglist: open - updates every monday and friday - might update on other times if i want a chapter out sooner rather than later
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You had a feeling that something might go wrong after Jay’s very cynical message of him meeting Jake by the elevator. 
You quickly rushed out of your apartment, banging on the button for the elevator wishing it would go faster. 
Sunghoon hadn’t explained what Jay freaking out meant, but in case it was bad you thought it best to hurry. 
As soon as the elevator doors opened you flew to his rescue, hand banging on the door before you even stood still. 
Sunghoon didn’t hurry opening up; which just ended up making you even more nervous. 
“Hey” he said with an apologetic smile as he opened. “I know that he might not want you to see him like this, but he’s said you feel like home so many times, so I thought you might be able to get through to him” 
Sunghoon walked you slowly into the living room where Jay was sitting on the couch. He was staring at the floor, crying silently, the only indicator being the tears flowing freely from his eyes. 
You walked slowly towards him before you sat down in front of him on the floor. He was crunched over, elbows on his knees while he was fiddling with his fingers. He didn’t even recognize your presence as you sat down, it was like he was looking right through you. 
Sunghoon sat down against the wall that was behind you, far enough to give you two a sense of privacy, but close enough to be there in case either of you would need him. 
You tried catching Jay’s eyes; but he somehow kept avoiding you. You couldn’t figure out if it was intentional or not. So you took his hands, and like if you had woken Aurora from her sleep with a kiss, he snapped back to reality. To you, his eyes finally meeting yours. 
He looked so relieved for a second, and then he broke down completely. He hid his face in his hands as his sobs took over his body. You heard Sunghoon behind you shuffling, and caught out of the corner of your eye, him hiding his face in his arms as he too broke down. 
You knew it couldn’t be easy on your loves, first love to see him like this. So broken and almost like a shell of himself. You had a feeling that it brought back memories to a smaller Park Jongseong and yet another heartbreak at the hands of his younger brother. 
You stoked his back with your hand, trying to soothe him through it, hoping it would take away just a fraction of the pain. But you knew that you in this exact second couldn’t do much for him except being there. 
How long the three of you were sitting like that, none of you knew. But slowly his breathing started being more coherent, and as he removed his hands from his face, he made room for you between his legs, pulling you to him, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck as soon as you were close enough. 
“Thank you for coming” he whispered, voice hoarse from crying. 
“Always” you said as you buried your hands in his long hair. Pulling lovingly at its roots, earning you a calm hum from the depths of his chest. 
You pulled yourself from him, removing the weight of yourself from your poor knees, as you sat down crossed legged between his feet. You rested your face on his thigh as you smiled up at him. 
Your smile never really reached your eyes, but it was reassuring. To him you had never been more beautiful than in this exact moment. 
“Tell me what happened,” you said quietly. 
So he told you about Heesengs confrontation, about his rather harsh words but he also told you that he knew they were justified. 
Your heart felt like it was ripping apart in that exact moment. One part belonged to Jay and the other to Jake. As sorry as you felt for the man in front of you, as happy you were for your brother who had the absolute best friend by his side. 
Heeseung had Jake's back, which also made it so much easier for you to push both them and their feelings aside, now knowing that he wouldn’t be alone, as you burned down the world around you to make the man you adored smile once more. 
“I get that he’s mad at me, and I get that what we did wasn’t ideal. But what’s done is done, and I can't take it back! I wont… I wont give up on you, on us” the tears once again welled up in his eyes. “You should‘ve seen Jake’s face when Heeseung informed him we wouldn’t be joining their night out. He looked so defeated. And I just knew in that second, he would end up giving me a worse look when we tell him” 
His voice cracked as he spoke, his breathing once again picking up as the tears finally fell as he blinked. Slowly you brushed his hair out of his eyes. 
“It’s not only your fault my love” you said, not even noticing the new pet name that escaped your lips. “I bear half of the responsibility in this situation, so you can’t just put it all on your shoulders alone, let me help carry it. Let me help you” 
Your words triggered something within him, making him cry harder as he shook his head. 
“You don’t get it,” he said with a raised and desperate tone. “You’re his sister, his blood, he has to forgive you, he needs you. But me? To him I’m a friend, and friends can be replaced. It doesn’t matter how much I view him, any of them, as my brothers, facts are that I lost mine, and trying to replace him with them, won’t matter because my feelings won't be reciprocated. But god! That doesn't mean I can take another loss of one” 
You heard a broken sob from Sunghoon who so far had been sitting silently. Jay hadn’t noticed his presence until he made the sound. It made Jay look away from you, finally finding the closest person in his life, broken by the words he had just spoken. 
“No, Hoon, I didn’t…” He began, his words sounding like a plea, they were as panicked as his eyes were, but he was quickly cut off as Sunghoon raised his hand to silence him. He stood up and was quickly sitting besides Jay on the couch. 
“Don’t you dare ever repeat, that your feelings of brotherhood won’t ever be reciprocated. Don’t you ever repeat it. I’m here, I’ve always been here and you won’t ever lose me. The fact that Heeseung has broken you to this extent with his words, makes me want to rip him apart. You’re not losing me, okay?” 
Jay could do nothing but nod at the question as Sunghoon took him into his arms, holding him close as they both cried in each other's arms. 
You felt like you had just been lucky enough to watch one the seven wonders of the world.  It felt like a privilege to be in the presence of the two of them as they declared their love for one another. 
Sunghoon released one of his arms from his brother and pulled you into the hug, earning a laugh from all of you despite the mood being anything but funny. 
“Thank you both,” Jay whispered as he kissed your hair, making your heart skip a beat. 
His words resulted in all of you squeezing each other a little tighter. 
Afterwards the three of you stayed in the living room, opening a bottle of red wine in hopes of lifting the mood a little. 
None of you knew when and if Heeseung and Jake would be home, and if you had to be honest, none of you really cared. If you were to be caught in this moment together, then so be it. 
“Is there anything you need Jay?” Sunghoon asked, long legs splayed out on the floor as the weight of his upper body rested on his arms. 
“If I’m being honest, I don’t really know what I need. I just know that I’m not really prepared to face either of them right now” he said with a smile that held anything but happiness. 
Sunghoon nodded, clearly agreeing with his statement. 
“Why don’t you come and live with me for a little while then?” You had said it before you had even thought it through, all you knew was that you wanted to help. The boys looked at you with big eyes. 
“Who? both of us?” Sunghoon said with a rather large high tone and you responded by nodding. 
“How would that work?” Jay asked curiously as he leaned closer to you, eyes suddenly hopeful for the first time that night. 
“Well I have a spare room that you could stay in together, or… only if you’re comfortable with it, you could stay with me?” Your voice was so low he practically couldn’t hear what you were saying, but he got the gist of it, and smiled fondly at you before pulling you into his lap, kissing your temple. 
“I would love to stay with you darling” he whispered in your ear, as goosebumps erupted on your skin as his breath tickled your neck. 
“Yeah no way in hell i’m staying with those two fuckers without you, so I’ll take the guest bedroom” Sunghoon said as he suddenly stood up, stretching his arms and legs before he drowned the last bit of wine in his glass, quickly looking at the empty bottle. “We should bring some of these, this is good stuff” 
“Where are you going?” Jay asked as he couldn’t help but laugh at his friends loyalty. 
“To pack! I’m not gonna wait for them to come home to inform them of my departure” he yelled as he walked down the hallway that led to his room. 
“Thank you darling, for everything you’ve done tonight” he said as he slowly brushed a strand of hair out of your eyes. 
“Always” you repeated once again, breath catched in your throat at the fondness his eyes held for you. 
His eyes darted back between yours until they finally found their resting place, on your lips. Jay took in a forced breath to calm himself before he put his hand on your neck, slowly pulling you towards him as his thumb caressed your cheek. 
“Can I kiss you?” he whispered as his blown pupils searched for an answer in yours. 
“Yes” you whispered back. 
He gave you his signature half smile before he pulled you even closer and finally met your lips with his. 
You felt every hair on your body stand up as he squeezed your neck with his long fingers, forcing you even closer to him as he smiled into your kiss. Your hands held onto the fabric of the t-shirt, clinging on to this reality, hoping that it wasn’t a dream. 
He pulled away far earlier than you’d like him to. He rested his forehead against yours as he smiled, laughing a little. 
“I’ve wanted to do that for the longest time” he said as he let out a shaky breath. 
“You should do it again then” you stated as your arms snaked around his neck, pulling him closer to you. 
“Your word is my command” he pushed you off his lab and down into the couch, body suddenly resting on top of yours as he lost himself in the softness of your plush lips. 
He slowly opened his mouth, tongue asking for permission to meet yours, and as soon as the two met each other, you both moaned, louder and more desperately than either of you would hope that you would. 
“You two better stop sucking each other's faces in public spaces or else I’ll find somewhere else to live” Sunghoon said, chocking you both. 
You instantly pulled away from one another, a blush painting both of your cheeks just to find Sunghoon leaned up against the doorframe, arms interlinked with one another as he smirked at your sudden panic. 
You rolled your eyes, as both of the boys laughed at your reaction. Jay got up rather quickly, almost earning him a dissatisfied pout from you. 
“I’ll go pack” Jay stated before almost running out the room. 
Sunghoon stood there for a while, just looking at you with a smile on his lips. He looked content, happy. 
“Thank you for coming tonight” He said with a low voice. 
“Thank you for inviting me” You said as you returned his smile. 
“You two are good together, I’m glad that he found you, despite all of it being a little messy” he said with apologetic eyes. You shrugged. 
“He’s worth it,” you answered, as Sunghoon nodded. 
And then you heard it, loud laughs from the hallway. Both you and Sunghoons smiles fated in a millisecond as you felt your heartbeat pick up as you heard one of them enter the code for the door. 
Jay had finished packing his bag in that exact second and stood with bags in hand as the two other men entered the apartment. 
You walked towards Jay instantly to grab onto his face, forcing him to focus his eyes on you, hoping that you, being close to him, wouldn’t make him spiral back when confronted with their presence. 
Sunghoon took a step to the side, covering most of you and Jay with his body, hiding the two of your silhouettes behind him. You could nothing but admire his loyalty and love for Jay. 
As Jake and Heeseung entered they spotted the bags next to Sunghoon first, and afterwards you, so close to their friend, so panicked, so utterly smitten by him, dispute him looking like a mess. Jay stood by your side, and their smiles instantly disappeared. 
“I was right,” Jake said, pain seeping through his words and on full display on both his facial features and in his body language. He looked like someone had removed all happiness from his life and he felt like it too, he felt his heart break because of your very public display of affection. The two of you didn’t even try to hide it from him, and for some reason that hurt him even more. 
You saw the tears once again returning to Jay’s eyes, and as one fell you whisked it away with a finger before giving him a peck on his lips. 
“I’ll text you the code, you go ahead” you whispered to him.
Jay took his bags that he had dropped on the floor and nodded. His eyes were locked to the ground, afraid of how he’d react if he met the eyes of his just returned brothers. 
“You can’t even look at him?” Heeseungs words were cold, almost mocking, and it was all it took for Sunghoon to explode as soon as the door had shut behind Jay. 
In the blink of an eye, he took a few long strides and had caught his older brother's shirt, throwing him against the nearest wall, shocking every single one of you. 
“Sunghoon what the fuck are you doing?!” Jake yelled at the man, as he in his drunken state tried to pull him off his best friend, but to no avail. 
“Do you have any idea what your temper tantrum did to him? Huh?!" Sunghoon yelled, his face so close to Heeseung's, their noses almost touched. Heeseung looked shocked, where as Sunghoon looked like he wanted to set his brother on fire. 
“Sunghoon calm down” Heeseung said as he held up his hands in defeat. 
“Hoon” you called out to him, hoping that the sudden sound of your voice would be enough to pull him from the rage and to let his brother go. Luckily for Heeseungs pretty face, it was. He pulled away from him, anger still raging through his veins. 
“Since when are the two of you the best of friends?” Jake said with a scoff as a tear fell from his eyes. 
It seemed like he wanted to continue that trail of thought, but he changed his mind as soon as Sunghoon suddenly focused his attention on him instead of his older brother. 
“You need to calm down Hoon” Heeseung then said, which only reminded Sunghoon about what he had done, and then he lost his temper again. 
“He had a full on panic attack, he was just as broken as when he lost his brother. Because to him he had just lost two, all because of you and your stupid ass words. God you’re such dick!” Sunghoon yelled, as he paced in front of Heeseung, looking like a lion about to pounce on its prey. 
“And I’m so sorry that I sent him back in that headspace Hoon, I would never want that for him. But I just can't stand by as he treats my best friend like that” 
You knew what would happen before he had finished his sentence, and before you knew it, Heeseung was once again smashed up against the wall. 
“Do you think that I’ll just stand by when you treat mine like he’s no more worth than the dirt on the bottom of your Louboutins?! I have already lost one love of my life, I’m not losing the other because you feel justified in how you speak to him!” 
Sunghoon, once again let go of Heeseung, and walked towards you and grabbed his bags from the floor. “Come on Y/N, let’s go home” He laid the pressure on the word home, informing the others that, that was no longer here. 
You sighed and walked out the door behind Sunghoon, grabbing one of his bags. Luckily Jake and Heeseung didn’t try to stop either of you for leaving. 
The elevator ride to your apartment was a silent one. 
“I’m sorry you had to witness that,” Sunghoon said with his head rested against the metal wall. 
“Witnessing the love you have for him shouldnt trigger an excuse” you stated as he met your eyes. 
Sunghoon smiled. “You know I always feared this, him meeting someone that is… I’ve always been so afraid that whoever he ended up with wouldn’t get me, him, us. But somehow you just do” 
His eyes were blank but grateful, and his features were painted with astonishment. 
“You’re his brother Sunghoon, his first love. How could I not get that” 
It didn’t take him long to swoop you up in his arms, hugging the life out of you, leaving you almost breathless as the doors of the elevator opened. 
“Thank you” he said as he once again returned you to the ground, as you took a deep breath. 
You pressed the code into your door as you heard a loud bang down the hall. As the doors to the stairwell swung open, Jake came running down the hall, calling your name. 
“You go ahead, I don’t think you’re needed in this conversation” you said, eyes never leaving your brother. 
Sunghoon nodded and disappeared behind the now closed front door. Quickly accessing the ring camera to the hallway, ready to spy on your conversation with your brother. 
“Hoon what the hell are you doing?!” Jay whisper yelled as he ran towards him. 
“She saw me kick my brother's ass, I’m just returning the favor!” He whisper yelled back as Jay sent him a judging look. “Oh shut up! Don’t tell me you aren’t curious as to what she might say” 
“Fine!” He yelled! “But at least move over, I wanna watch too” it reminded them both of when they were young, spying on their family members, well if they were being honest they mostly spied on Heeseung and his friends.
And the timing was perfect because Jake had just entered into the camera's vision. 
“How?” He asked her, voice strained, eyes empty for any kind of emotions. 
You gave him a puzzled look. “Are you serious right now?” You answered. 
“Just answer the question Y/N!” He said, this time with a raised voice. 
“We met in the library after you introduced us. We talked, he reached out on Instagram and then we became friends, but I liked him. I liked him from the day I spilled my coffee on him. And luckily for me, he liked me too” you finished as you shrugged with a little smile displayed on your lips. 
“That’s it? That’s all you’re gonna give me? That you like him?” He asked, his voice mocking with a tone that sounded similar to disgust. 
“What do you want me to say to justify it? That he inspired me to draw again, inspired me to pick up the one thing I love that I had left behind in Sydney? That when he hugged me at the gala he lit my soul on fire? That when I heard him laugh for the first time I was transported to heaven? That he makes every day spent with him amazing and every bad day better?” Your voice picked up as you stated your reasons, hoping that he would somehow get it. 
Sunghoon pushed Jay lovingly behind the door, watching as he smiled at your confessions. She’s amazing. 
Jake just shook his head. “I can’t believe you could be this selfish,” he said, voice small as tears streamed down his face. 
“Selfish? I tried to stay away, I tried to convince myself that it would be for the better, but why should I be unhappy just so that you could be content?” You yelled out. 
“Do you love him?” He asked, the question surprising you a little.
“Of course I do, how could I not Jake?!” 
He bit his lips as he ran his hands through his hair and turned around to walk away; but something made him change his mind. 
“No, you know what? You are selfish, this has nothing to do with anyone but you. Of course you don’t love him. But you needed a backup in case you failed, because god forbid that Sim Y/N had to live a humble life. Hell that’s why you stayed with dad in Sydney isn’t it? And then you come here when you didn’t get what you wanted from him, and you took a pick of the litter, and what do you know? You picked the one with the biggest empire, how fucking convenient for you!” 
His words ripped out your heart, breaking it into a million pieces. Did he really think so little of you?
“You really are your fathers son” you said, voice small as your tears streamed down your blushed cheeks. Your sentence shattered him instantly. What did I just do?
You felt how your knees were about to break beneath you, and just as they gave up, the door flew open and Jay stood there, his arms around you, holding you as you broke down in his arms. 
“You need to leave,” he said to Jake, his voice as cold as ice. And it sent shivers down your spine and you thanked the gods that you weren’t at the receiving end of his words. 
“Stay out of this Jay, this doesn’t concern you” Jake said angrily, almost spitting his words out. 
Jay sent you the sweetest of smiles, as he handed you over to Sunghoon who stood ready to receive his love.  
Jay then shut the door after himself and pushed Jake out of the frame of the ring camera, forcing you to be left without any way to overhear their conversation. 
“You. Don’t. Talk. To. Her. Like. That.” He punctuated his words and took a stride towards his friend, forcing him down the hall, further away from you. 
“Dude fucking chill” Jake said once again in a tone that just didn’t sit well with Jay. 
“You have no idea what she’s been through after you decided to leave her behind, none of us do, but you don’t get to throw accusations around about her, about me and definitely not about our relationship” Jay stated your brother down, almost grinding his teeth in anger. 
“I get that you're hurt, and I get that you're mad, but you don’t get to attack without any merit because of that. She’s your sister! You’re supposed to love her, protect her, have her back. But I gotta say you’ve failed miserably. She is the most amazing woman I’ve ever met, and she holds the key to my heart. So don’t worry, I’ll take her off your hands now, I’ll be her protector from this moment forward” His hands were in fists, and to any outsider it would’ve looked like he was ready to pounce at any minute. 
Jake stood completely speechless. He didn't know exactly what he wanted out of his confrontation, he couldn’t remember why he had run after you in the first place but it wasn’t for this, he knew that much. He had somehow managed to alienate three of the most important people in his life in one night. How would they ever recover? 
“Jay…” He said, voice suddenly small. 
“You don’t talk to me, and you definitely don't talk to her. At least not for a while” he said as he interrupted him, leaving Jake even more desperate to redeem himself. 
“I didn’t… I would never…” he tried again. 
"Yeah? Well you did, and now we all have to live with it” Jay said as he turned on his heel, once again on his way to you. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” he fell to his knees as he kept repeating the sentence as a prayer. 
The elevator doors opened, revealing Heeseung behind it, and as he heard Jake's sobs, he almost threw himself on Jay in pure anger. Jay, being more sober than him, quickly managed to avoid the attack, leaving him to plummet into the wall behind him. 
“What the hell did you do to him Jay?!” Heeseung yelled after him. 
“Nothing,” he said as he pointed towards him. “He did that to himself”
Jay quickly let himself into your apartment, leaving the two boys to fend for themselves. 
“Did you kick his ass?” Sunghoon asked with a smirk as Jay entered the apartment. 
Jay shook his head as he smiled. “No, but I told him to stay away” he shook his arms desperate to get the adrenaline to leave his body. 
“I put her to bed, she’s just laying there… Your bags are in her room” he said as he laid a hand on Jay's shoulder. 
“Thank you Hoonie, for everything you did tonight” Jay said as he pulled him in for a hug. 
“Anytime, sleep well okay?” 
Sunghoon didn’t wait around for a reply, but instead hurried into your guestroom, glad the day had finally come to an end. 
Jay looked nervously at your bedroom door, he didn’t know what state to expect you to be in. But you had been so strong for him, so now it was his turn to be the same for you. 
He entered the dark room, turning on the small light that stood on your bedside table. Illuminating your face, and revealing your red eyes to him. 
“I’m sorry” you whispered, starting a new round of sobs. 
“Shhhhh pretty girl, shhh… It’s okay, you didn’t do anything okay? Let me take care of you” he said with a voice as sweet as honey, all the while he laid beside you on the bed, pulling you close to him, while he was stroking your hair. 
“No, but you’re the one who was sad, I should be the one to protect you” you said, looking up at him. He helped you remove your hair from your face as strands of it had decided to cling to your tear stained cheeks. 
“I know, but now it’s my turn to protect you okay? Can you let me do that darling?” 
You nodded, his words unleashing more tears. The two of you laid there, in eachothers arms until you could see the light starting to shine through the curtains, morning announcing it’s arrival. 
It didn’t take long for you to calm down in his arms, the sound of his heartbeat reassuring you that he was indeed there, that he didn’t leave despite your weakened state. As if he could feel the gratitude seeping through you, he kissed the top of your head, and soon he had kissed his way to your lips, down your closed eyelids, your nose and your cheeks. 
His kiss was calm, gentle, every single one of them piecing your heart back together. And as he pulled away he tucked you under your duvet, covering your both before he confessed. 
“I love you” he whispered. 
You could do nothing but smile and kiss him deeply. 
“I love you too” you whispered back. 
He smiled, his eyes shining like stars. “Does this mean that you’re mine?” he asked as his thumb drew circles on your hip. 
“I’ve been yours for a while, my love. But I’m ready to make it official if you are” 
He kissed you once more before he pulled the duvet over the two of you. And It didn’t take you long before you drifted into a deep sleep. 
₊ ⁺ note: IT'S HERE!! God I cant belive it. I really really hope you loved this chapter, i know i did. please let me know what you think <3 absolutely adore every single one of you who reads my stories.
₊ ⁺ Taglist: @addictedtohobi @deobitifull @blackhairandbangs @eclipse-777 @luvnicho @aerivrs
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hoonvrs · 11 months
21st CENTURY GIRL — p. jongseong
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PAIRING jay x fmr
SYNOPSIS where jay 'claims’ he has a girlfriend but none of his friends believe him because how are you a girl in the 21st century and don't have any social media, right? and if you and jay continue to let them think your relationship is fake for entertainment purposes, nobody has to know.
GENRE smau, fluff, est. relationship, crack
FEATURING (enha) all
WARNINGS swearing, kys/kms jokes, friendly bullying, sex jokes, nobody believing jay ( more will be added if necessary )
STATUS complete
S. NOTE this is planned to be a short smau since the idea isn’t really suitable to be long but i hope u enjoy anyways mwah
also please don’t spam like as it shadowbans me and lessens engagement <3
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PROFILE lightning mcqueefs
01 okay piss boy
02 galentines*
03 wtf bro
04 did the voices tell you that
05 fuck WHAT
06 brick tennis with tt a cat
07 be fucking for jinja
08 fowl play :3
09 crazy? i was crazy once…
10 no YOU have attachment issues
11 knee moan ya
12 don’t worry about it
13 cuh dey bord
14 je suis le bug de l'an 2000 whiz whiz
15 sacrificial lamb duh
16 nurse he’s out again
17 OUR girl
18 oh my bad gang
19 now break up.
20 tie my laces bitch
↳ extra: random
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copyright © hoonvrs 2023 all rights reserved
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lcvclywon · 23 days
back to masterlist
synopsis ' dating your brothers best friend
warnings: cursing, mentions of being the other woman, pet names, kissing, sex jokes, joonie being yns face claim, i’m not funny el oh el!
pairings: brothers bsf!jay x female reader
thoughts frm yuya 💭 texting post to commemorate me being done with my major exams hehe expect more writings coming soon 😈
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permanent taglist (send an ask to be added!) @floweryang @cupidhoons @msauthor @dimplewonie @cholexc @i2ycat @bunnbam
713 notes · View notes
021894s · 27 days
— 10 the wedding [4.9k w]
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PAIRING: brothers bsf! sunghoon x f!reader
WARNINGS: cussing, unprotected sex, oral sex (f and m receiving) MDNI!!!!
AUTHORS NOTE: ITS FINALLY HEREEE, the turning point in the story hehe hope you all enjoy. likes and reblogs appreciated <3 HEAVY ON THE MDNI PLEASE
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As you and Sunghoon step foot in Japan, excitement fills the air. You make your way to the hotel, the both of you in the back of a cab enjoying the scenic views of Osaka. light conversation flows between sunghoon and the cab driver while you lean your head against the window, trying your best not to fall asleep.
when you finally arrive at the hotel, you tiredly make your way to the back of the car to grab your suitcase, though sunghoon beats you to it, grabbing both yours and his, giving you a tired smile “i got it”. you reciprocate his smile and mutter a small thanks, admiring his gentlemanly gesture.
you both make your way to the check in at the lobby. “I only have one room available, double bed if that’s ok?” the receptionist tells you. you and sunghoon look at each other and he shrugs. “that’s fine, thank you” you take the room key and sunghoon leads the way, still pushing both of your suitcases towards your designated room.
sunghoon opens the door and as you both enter your eyes widen in realization. "maybe when she said double bed she meant one bed meant for two…” you state as you stare at the one bed. he looks at you “indeed there is one bed… i’ll take the couch” you look over to said couch, there was absolutely no way sunghoon’s large self was going to fit on the tiny little couch in the corner. hell you probably didn’t even fit.
“no we can share the bed it’s fine” you tell him, too tired to even think about the possible consequences of being so close in proximity to your “boyfriend” for the weekend. “are you sure? i’ll be fine on the couch” he furrows his brows, genuinely questioning whether you’re okay with it. “sunghoon im sorry but you do not fit on that tiny ass couch” he chuckles “ok, bed it is then”.
you both begin to settle in, going about your night routines. You shower first, doing your extensive skin care routine and changing into a more comfortable outfit. You have to admit your pajamas were a tiny bit skimpy and definitely not appropriate for your current situation but you didn’t think you’d be sharing a room, much less a bed.
when you’re done getting settled, you pull down the cover and climb in to the big white comfy bed. you hear the shower turn off, the bathroom door slightly ajar. curiosity takes over and you slightly peek through the door, catching sight in sunghoon in nothing but a white hotel towel wrapped around his waist. you stare at his large muscular form for a couple of seconds but look away once you feel the heat creeping up on your face. “get it together y/n” you mutter to yourself.
you place a pillow between you as a barrier. It's a cliché move, but it makes you feel more at ease. when sunghoon comes out of the bathroom dressed (thank god) he chuckles at the pillow in between your spots. he lifts the covers, pausing in his tracks once he sees what you’re wearing, a pink silky tank top and shorts that sends a shiver down his spine. he quickly pulls the covers over his body, shaking those not so innocent thoughts out of his head. you exchange a few words, wishing each other goodnight, before drifting off to sleep.
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The next morning, as the sunlight gently streams into the room, you stir awake. you feel an unusual weight around your waist. confusion fills your mind, slightly lifting the covers only to realize sunghoon had complete disregarded the barrier and inched as close to you as possible during his sleep.
you turn your head to face him, he looks so peaceful and you can’t help but admire his perfectly sculpted face. his perfect bushy eyebrows, his long lashes, and the tiny moles that were so gracefully scattered in the most precise places. you quickly catch yourself in your own thoughts, carefully slipping out of sunghoon's embrace.
you head toward the bathroom, deciding to get ready for the day. today was the you had been dreading. jeno’s wedding. in all honesty you were more nervous about your situation with sunghoon rather than being in attendance at your first loves wedding. there’s just so many things that can go wrong. you just wish luck was on your side.
you finish your makeup, opting for a more natural, pinky look when you hear Sunghoon yawn. you peak your head out the bathroom and see him stretching, clearly unaware of how he held you during the night. "Morning, how’d you sleep?" he asks, his eyes still filled with sleep.
“pretty good, you?” “this bed is so fucking comfortable” he answers throwing himself back down, staring at the ceiling. “and you wanted to sleep on that fuckass couch” you laugh. “listen I am a gentleman and there was no way I was sharing the bed if you felt uncomfortable” “well i appreciate it, I also thought the bed was pretty fucking comfortable” you both laugh and he begins to pull the covers off his body so he can join you in getting ready for the day.
“any plans before the wedding?” he approaches the sink, grabbing his toothbrush. “uh I was thinking of going to the beach… if you wanna tag along” you avoid contact, trying to avoid how domestic this all feels. “yeah maybe we can grab lunch at that little restaurant we saw yesterday” he asks still in the process of brushing his teeth. “sounds good to me”.
after your plans are set in place, he stares at you for what feels forever. it makes you nervous “w-what?”, “i kinda need to change, would you mind… getting out?” “OH YEAH sorry, i’ll be over there… waiting… take your time” you quickly leave the restroom and miss the way he smiles at your actions.
you take advantage of the little time you have alone and change into an outfit more suitable for the beach. you opt for a lovely two piece with a white top and matching skirt. you’re in the middle of pulling up your hair into a half up half down style when sunghoon comes out of the bathroom wearing a white button up, the sleeves rolled up showing off his impressive forearms, and black pants. Sunghoon was amongst the small population of men who actually had a sense of fashion.
you glance back at him through the mirror, quickly looking away when your eyes meet. he found the way you were so nervous around him so fucking cute. you had always been so outspoken and outgoing so seeing you slowly fall apart at his presence was something he liked a lot more than he should. “ready to go?” he asks once he shakes all those thoughts off. “yeah” you reply while gathering your stuff into your cute shoulder bag, and out the door you were.
•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
You both decide to take a walk along the beach, enjoying the sun and the sound of crashing waves. As you lay on your towel, soaking in the warmth, you couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. Sunghoon sat next to you, his camera in hand, capturing the beauty of the ocean and the clear blue sky.
"can I take a picture of you?" Sunghoon asked, his eyes soft and warm.
You felt a blush creep up your cheeks as you nodded, feeling a strange mix of embarrassment and excitement. Sunghoon snapped a few shots, his gaze lingering on you a little longer than necessary. It all felt so domestic, so intimate, and you hated how much you liked it.
After spending some time at the beach, you and Sunghoon decided to grab lunch at a nearby restaurant. As you waited for your food, you engaged in light conversation, talking about anything and everything.
"Are you nervous about Jenos' wedding?" Sunghoon asked, his eyes searching yours.
You shook your head, a small smile playing on your lips. "Not really. I'm more nervous about our little scheme and it getting back to Heeseung somehow."
Sunghoon chuckled, his gaze never leaving yours. "don't worry, he won’t find out. And if it helps, I'm not nervous at all."
His words sent a flutter of warmth through your chest, and you couldn't help but feel a little giddy. Sunghoon was always so charming, so effortlessly smooth, and it made your head spin.
As you and Sunghoon were engrossed in your conversation, a waitress approached your table, checking in to see if everything was okay. She smiled warmly at the two of you before her eyes lingered a little longer than necessary, a knowing look in her gaze.
"You two make such a cute couple," the waitress commented, causing you to sputter in surprise.
"Oh, we're not together," you quickly clarified, feeling a rush of embarrassment wash over you.
The waitress raised an eyebrow, a playful smile on her lips. "Well, you should be. You both would look great together."
Sunghoon glanced at you with a small smirk before turning back to the waitress. "Well, thank you," he said, a hint of amusement in his tone.
You felt your cheeks flush with heat, a mix of embarrassment and flustered emotions swirling inside you. Sunghoon thought it was cute, and you couldn't help but feel a flutter of warmth in your chest at his reaction.
The rest of the meal passed in a haze of laughter and stolen glances, the memory of the waitress's comment lingering in the air between you and Sunghoon. And as you left the restaurant, you walked side by side back to the hotel in a comfortable silence, the both of you mentally preparing for the act you’ll have to put on later.
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back at the hotel, you stepped out of the bathroom, ready for Jenos' wedding, Sunghoon couldn't help but feel a pang of admiration at the sight of you. The black dress with a floral pattern hugged your curves in all the right places, the open back and off-the-shoulder design adding a touch of elegance to your ensemble. Your hair was styled beautifully, and your makeup was done to perfection, enhancing your natural beauty.
Sunghoon had seen the dress on you before, after all he’s the once who bought it for you when you went shopping for the occasion, but with your hair and makeup all done up, it was like seeing you in a whole new light. It was hard not to admire how the dress accentuated your body and how soft your skin looked. He had to remind himself that his best friend would not appreciate him ogling his little sister.
"You look stunning," Sunghoon complimented, his gaze lingering on you.
You blushed, a shy smile gracing your lips. "Thank you. You look pretty handsome yourself," you returned the compliment.
Sunghoon was dressed in a three-piece suit, but he had opted to leave the button-up shirt behind, wearing only a leather vest under his blazer, which showed off his chest and his fancy Tiffany necklace. He thanked you for the compliment, his eyes soft and warm.
As you both got ready to head out for the wedding, Sunghoon brought up the plan, wanting to make sure you were completely okay with it and didn't want to back out before it was too late. You reassured him that everything was fine and that you were comfortable with him by your side.
The car ride to the wedding was filled with a whirlwind of emotions and feelings for you. You tried to prepare yourself for what was to come, knowing that the night ahead would bring about a mix of nostalgia, longing, and perhaps even a hint of uncertainty. But with Sunghoon by your side, you felt a sense of calm and reassurance that helped ease your nerves.
you and sunghoon approached the wedding venue, the tension in the air was palpable. Sunghoon immediately sprang into action, going around the car to open the door for you. His hand extended to help you out of the car, and before you knew it, his arm was wrapped around your waist, pulling you close. You could feel the heat of his touch through your dress, and his lips brushed against your ear as he whispered, "Are you ready?"
The intimacy of the moment caught you off guard, and you couldn't help but be surprised by Sunghoon's commitment to the act. You replied with a soft, "More ready than I'll ever be," feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement building in the pit of your stomach.
As you entered the venue, you were greeted by the sight of beautiful decor and flowers adorning every inch of the room. Sunghoon's large hand remained firmly on your waist, guiding you through the crowd with ease. He seemed to be the most comfortable and relaxed, his confidence shining through in his actions.
When it came time to take your seats, you were unsure of where to sit, on the groom's side or the bride's side. Sunghoon made the decision, choosing to sit on the bride's side. You couldn't help but wonder if his choice was strategic, positioning you both in a way that Jeno could see you. whether that was the case or not, you didn't mind one bit.
As you settled into your seats, Sunghoon gave you a warm smile and took your hand in his, lacing your fingers together and placing them on his lap. His eyes locked with yours, and you felt a rush of heat spread through you. You tried to focus on the decor and the guests in their best attire, but Sunghoon's presence was impossible to ignore.
You couldn't help but wonder if Sunghoon had previous experience in fake dating or if he had been preparing diligently for this moment. His ease and confidence in the situation left you both impressed and slightly flustered.
Your attention was soon drawn to the end of the aisle, where Jeno, your first and only love, began to make his way down. He greeted the guests, his eyes finding yours and then narrowing slightly as he saw Sunghoon sitting next to you, hand in hand. He seemed a bit confused. he dated you for years and was no stranger to the fact that heeseung was very protective over you. he found it a little strange that he’d be ok with his best friend dating you out of all people, but he had more important things to focus on as he made his way to the altar to marry the love of his life.
The ceremony began, and Jeno stood at the altar, surrounded by a variety of beautiful flowers, waiting for his bride to walk down the aisle. The weight of the situation settled on you, and you reminisce on your past relationship. thinking about how this could’ve been your wedding and you would’ve been the one walking down the isle in a beautiful white dress, marrying the love of your life.
music filled the air, signaling the bride's entrance, all the guests stood up in anticipation. The bride looked radiant in her white gown, gracefully making her way down the aisle, her eyes locked on Jeno. He looked so in love, looking at his wife to be the way he once looked at you. a pang of nostalgia hit you square in the chest. Sunghoon noticed your reaction and lightly squeezed your hand, offering a silent comfort.
"Are you okay?" Sunghoon whispered, concern evident in his voice.
"Yeah, just a little caught off guard," you replied, trying to push aside the wave of emotions.
The ceremony proceeded swiftly, with the exchange of vows and rings, culminating in the couple sealing their marriage with a kiss. You felt genuinely happy for Jeno, despite the past that lay between you. You knew that one day, you would also experience the joy of finding true love and sharing your life with someone special.
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After the ceremony, the guests moved to the cocktail hour, where friends and family mingled and caught up. Jeno and his wife made their way over to you and Sunghoon, and Jeno greeted you warmly, thanking you for coming. Sunghoon instinctively wrapped his arm around your waist as you exchanged pleasantries.
"Y/N! Long time no see. Thanks for coming," Jeno said with a smile.
"Yeah, thanks for the invite, and congratulations," you replied, trying to keep your composure.
you turn to sunghoon, introducing him "this is Sunghoon, my boyfriend," you added, gesturing the tall man.
Jeno shook Sunghoon's hand firmly. "Of course, how could I forget, Heeseung's best friend right?" Jeno said.
Sunghoon forced a smile. "that’s right. thanks for inviting us. congratulations”
“this is Karina, my wife” jeno introduces, “hi!! thank you so much for coming!” her bubbly personality and happiness doesn’t fail to radiate from her.
“so when did you two get together?” jeno asks, his tone full of curiosity. “um we-“ perhaps you should discussed this with sunghoon ahead of time. “-about six months ago, we always knew we had feelings for each other but of course heeseung was the reason we couldn’t act on it, but we’ve been happy, right, baby?” he presses his lips against your cheek and pulls away with a smile.
the pet name and the kiss, it was all too much and the shiver you felt down your spine at his words was one you wanted to feel over and over again. “yeah, it was hard in the beginning but i wouldn’t change anything about it” you reply looking over at sunghoon who’s gaze was already fixed on you.
“you two are such a cute couple! i expect an invite to your wedding too” karina says to both of you, effortlessly joining the conversation.
"Of course, whenever the day comes," you replied, feeling slightly flustered.
your conversation was short lived as the couple was whisked away by the photographer. you let out a deep breath that you didn’t even know you had been holding in. you turn to sunghoon once again, "Do you think they bought it?" you whispered.
"Yeah, but loosen up a bit. You're too nervous," Sunghoon advised, giving you a reassuring smile.
Taking his advice, you both took a sip of the champagne being served, letting the tension of the evening melt away as you embraced the role you were playing.
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As the night progressed, you and Sunghoon mingled with the other guests, engaging in light conversations and enjoying the festivities. At one point, you excused yourself to touch up your lip gloss in the bathroom. When you emerged, you caught sight of one of the bridesmaids practically throwing herself at Sunghoon. jealousy surged through you, even though you knew he wasn't your real boyfriend. Blaming it on the alcohol coursing through your veins, you mustered up a boldness you didn't know you had and walked over to them.
"I'm back, baby," you said, pressing your lips to his in a light peck. Sunghoon was clearly caught off guard by your sudden display of affection.
"Who's this?" you asked, taking Sunghoon's arm and throwing it over your shoulder.
"I'm Winter," the bridesmaid responded with a hint of annoyance in her voice.
"Well, Winter, thanks for keeping my boyfriend company, but I'm back now. You can leave," you said, your tone direct and firm.
Winter rolled her eyes at you, turning to Sunghoon and giving him a flirty smile as she handed him a tiny piece of paper. "Call me if you get bored," she said with a wink before striding away.
You were clearly pissed off, snatching the paper from Sunghoon and crumpling it in your hand. "Fucking bitch," you muttered under your breath.
"What was that all about?" Sunghoon asked, confusion evident in his expression.
"Sorry, I think I'm a little drunk," you replied, trying to brush off the incident.
Sunghoon teased you about being jealous and playing into the role a little too well. However, in the back of his mind, he couldn't shake the feeling of the tingling sensation on his lips from the unexpected kiss. He grabbed a flute of champagne from a passing server, gulping it down in one sip, trying to distract himself from the swirling emotions that had been stirred up by the encounter. Sunghoon realized he was in trouble, and the evening was far from over.
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when you both had enough, you made your way back to the hotel, you and Sunghoon both lost count of how many drinks you had. The alcohol had blurred your senses, making everything feel a bit hazy and carefree.
"You look so sexy tonight," you whispered to Sunghoon, your inhibitions loosened by the effects of the drinks. "I'd be lying if you calling me 'baby' didn't turn me on."
Sunghoon's moral compass tried to reason with him, warning him that giving in to your advances might lead to regret in the morning. But the fog of alcohol clouded his judgment, and his desires began to outweigh his reservations.
"Yeah?" Sunghoon replied, his voice laced with a hint of desire.
“mhm” You scooted closer to him, cradling his face in your hands, the tension between you palpable. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation until finally, you both leaned in and shared a kiss. The moment was filled with a mix of longing and intoxication, the chemistry between you undeniable.
As the car pulled up to the hotel, you both hurriedly exited, continuing your intimate moment as you made your way to the elevator. The air between you was charged with electricity, your hearts racing with anticipation.
Once inside the elevator, the confined space only heightened the intensity of the moment. You and Sunghoon couldn't resist each other, and your make-out session continued, growing more heated with each passing moment.
When you finally reached your room, Sunghoon wraps his arms around your waist from behind, pressing kisses against your neck as you fumbled with the door, his growing length pressing against your backside. The desire between you was undeniable, and the night held the promise of passion and forbidden desires that neither of you could resist.
when you finally manage to get the door open, sunghoon eagerly urges you inside, closeing the door behind him as you turn around, pressing your lips to his once again, in a sloppy kiss.
sunghoon wasted no time in taking control of your body. He kissed you hungrily running his hands over your curves as he explored every inch of you. you moaned with pleasure as sunghoon’s fingers found their way to the zipper on the back of your dress. he pauses in his actions, looking at you through your hooded eyes, silently asking for permission to take off your dress, you nod and you could feel yourself getting wetter by the second.
"Fuck," sunghoon muttered under his breath, clearly enjoying himself. "You're so fucking hot." he lets out praises as he gently throws you on the bed, climbing on top.
you couldn't believe what was happening. you’d always been attracted to sunghoon, but you never thought it’d get to the point where the two of you were so desperate and needy for each others touch.
you push off his blazer, your fingers beginning to fumble with the buttons on the leather vest he had underneath. he grew impatient taking matters into his own hands and taking it off in record time. you pull him back down by his neck, pressing your lips to his once again.
his lips continue to trail down the valley of your breasts, soft moans coming out of you involuntarily. he uncalsps your bra expertly, engulfing your tit in his big hand, taking the other the other into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the hardened bud. tiny gasps escape your lips, his attention diverting to you other breast.
he begins peppering kisses all the way down your body, feeling that heat pooling in your lower tummy as he gets closer and closer to where you need him most.
he teases you, leaving wet kisses on your thighs and right above the seam of your cute black lace panties. “h-hoonie don’t tease p-please” you manage to get out and fuck does that nickname make him even harder. “tell me what you want baby” he tells you in a whisper, looking up to find your eyes. “want your tongue” you tell him in response, eyes fill with lust and desire.
“yeah? my baby wants me to eat her pretty pussy?” his words make you let out a moan “fuck yes hoonie, n-ned your tongue”. without another word his fingers loop under the band of your panties, tugging them off in one smooth motion.
“fuck pretty you’re so wet for me” his tongue darted out, like a stripe up your slit, making you moan with pleasure, he savors the taste “knew you’d taste so fucking good” and with another lick, he’s plunging his tongue in your wet hole. your back arches and your fingers thread through his hair, lightly tugging, “yes hoonie, right there, keep going”.
his lips work their way up to the little bundle of nerves, sucking on your clit. he inserts his long finger, and then another, the combination make you see stars. “s-shit hoon im close” you moan out. at your words, he adds a third finger, stretching you open getting rougher with the way he was plunging his digits inside your wet cunt.
“cum for me pretty, let me hear you”.
a couple more pumps and you were coming undone on his fingers, letting out a pornographic moan. despite your orgasm washing over you, sunghoon continues to lick at your cunt, beginning to overstimulate you. as much as you love his tongue, you need to have his cock in your mouth.
you pull him by his shoulders, signaling for him to come up. he hovers over your body, pulling his lips to yours, you taste yourself on his tongue, his chin messy with your juices.
you use all your weight to flip him over, taking him by surprise as you straddle him. you kiss his lips once again, trailing down his neck and his muscular toned body. he’d been hiding these abs this whole time??? you quickly work on getting his pants off, pushing both his pants and boxers down in one go.
his thick, long cock springs out, slapping against his abdomen. you take it in your hand, wrapping it around his length while holding eye contact. he lets out a shuddery breath “s-shit baby, you don’t have to”. already knowing what you were planning to do.
you giving him an innocent look that drives him crazy, “it’s ok, i want to”. you stroke him a couple times before leaning down to lick his pink mushroom tip. a glob of salvia leaves your lips, mixing with his pre cum, coating his thick shaft.
he lets out a groan, his eyes fluttering shut and his arm going behind his head, meanwhile his other hand tangles through your hair, his grip somehow making you even hornier.
without warning, you take him into your warm mouth. swallowing his length and stroking what didn’t fit with your hand.
the sight was one he never thought he’d ever be seeing. the pleasure was all too much for him.
“fuck baby, you’re doing so good f’me”
you sucked and stroked sunghoon’s cock, your mouth and hand working in tandem to bring him to the brink of orgasm. sunghoon’s breathing grew shallow and quick, his hips thrusting forward as he fucked your mouth.
Just as sunghoon was about to cum, you pulled back, a smile on your face. you stood up, pressing your body against his, grinding your hips against his.
"not yet," you whispered in his ear. "I want you to come while i ride you”
climbing onto his lap, he almost came insistently at your words and lustful voice. “i need you inside me”
sunghoon grunted with pleasure as you grabbed him, aligning him with your entrance. you slid down his cock, your pussy tightening around him. He couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement at the feeling of your wet heat against his erection.
"Fuck, you feel good," he moaned, his hands gripping your hips as he thrust upward.
you gasped with each stroke, your body trembling with pleasure. you had never felt anything like this before, and you were loving every minute of it. “you’re s-so big”
"keep riding me like that baby," Sunghoon groaned, gripping you ass "I don't want to cum yet."
you followed his instructions, bouncing up and down on his cock as he continued to thrust upward. you could feel his cock growing thicker with each stroke, and you couldn't wait for him cum
"shit, you’re so fucking tight" Sunghoon grunted, losing control. “i’m so close baby, cum with me”
“i’m cumming” you shuddered with pleasure. “where do you want me to cum pretty?” “inside hoonie, n-need you inside, m’on the pill” within seconds you felt the warm liquid coating your walls.
"Fuck, you're amazing," Sunghoon breathed as he leaned up to kiss you.
you reciprocate his kiss, pulling his softening cock out of you as you collapse onto the bed next to him.
his arms instinctively wrap around you, his lips showering you in small neck kisses. the both of you too tired and in a haze to do any after care, the exhaustion kicks in and you both drift off to sleep, a mess of tangled limbs under the white covers.
you both didn’t know what you were in for the next morning, too caught up in the pleasure to realize that you’ve just made the biggest mistake.
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taglist: @cornenhapovs @myjaeyuns @magssu @leeknowsgfsblog @luminouskalopsia @jentlecoeur @heeslut4life @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @jaeyungxrl @rapmonie2047 @anormieee @nishislcve @leesura @en-happiness @kimsunoops @heelariously @rikiwaify-blog @ihrtgyuuu @purennn @hoonharem @g0niki @hearts4itoshi @yongbokified @shuichi-sama @xiaoderrrr @hongshuaknow @skylaly @yzzyhee @jwnghyuns @seokseokjinkim @syzavxy @xrvrqs @soulvrs @velvetkisscs @ak-aa-li @eneiyri @starlvcieszsq @meowmeowjang @hanhaeji @moonlighthoon @gaylilseokie @seunghancore @heelovesmeknot @nyfwyeonjun @kookify
621 notes · View notes
dioll · 1 month
— bf jay texts
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제이 ・ reader g ・ fluff cw ・food + profanity enhypen house
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815 notes · View notes
lovinenha · 1 year
situationship texts with jay!
warnings. nsfw/suggestive, ceo! jay, breeding kink jay want to put a baby inside you, jay only man ever actually, if there’s anymore lemme know!
authors note. i feel like everybody does like sugar daddy jay but you can’t tell me he wouldn’t buy his situationship/partner stuff whenever he wants
heeseung jake sunghoon sunoo jungwon
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1K notes · View notes
sincerelyrki · 22 days
suggestive texts with fwb!enha who’s on tour
fem!reader, hickeys, jealousy, reader is an idol in jakes, this is only the hyung line
a/n : ik i said im going on hiatus but i couldn’t help myself 😔 anyways i don’t really post texting oneshots but oh well. originally all these prompts were for jake but i changed my mind last minute lol (toxic!sunghoon is literally my fav).
perm oneshot taglist : @vousty
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390 notes · View notes
yenqa · 5 months
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in which…
on jay’s live, fans point out a stuffed animal on his bed, one that seems to be the other piece to your notorious missing pair. as imaginary pieces start to connect for fans, the viewers beg for some kind of interaction. and though you and jay have never met before, why not use this situation to your advantage?
warnings : profanities, i think thats it ?
wc : 1019
stupid question
“Chat, what do you mean my position is different? I’m literally centered!”
strawberrylimesoda : GUYS TRUST SHES LYING
BluebirdFly : This girl is Suspicious!! special guest maybe?
lilaclavender : @/BluebirdFly THAT MAKES SENSE WAITT… 
“Guys I don’t have a special guest-!”
The greenscreen behind you is torn down to reveal Jay’s smiley face behind you, you let out a squeal when he hugs you tightly from behind the chair. He takes a seat next to you, waving to the camera.
“Everyone please introduce–wait what’s your twitch name Jay?”
He chuckles, “It’s Bluejay, hi Y/n’s chat.”’
You bring your face closer to the screen, trying to read the small text that’s zooming across your view. Turning your head down slightly, your hair falls in front of your eyes, blocking your view. 
Before you can do anything about it, you can feel a hand brushing it behind your ear. Obviously startled, you sit back up. Looking at Jay with a flustered smile you let out a giggle. 
Oh god, I did not just giggle.
You slap your hand over your mouth, hearing Jay’s low chuckle in the background. “Shut up,” You mutter, slapping his arm to make him ignore your flusteredness.
stellaverse : OH MY GOD ME WHEN
Feeling your face heat up, you keep your hand over your mouth, not wanting to be embarrassed anymore. “Okay, we are moving on!” You exclaim, lifting both your feet onto your chair to hug your knees. 
You look over at him, gesturing for him to say or do something. He has a small smile on his face, looking at you for a second too long before diverting his eyes to the chat. 
“Jay, is your girlfriend single? No, she’s not. That’s a stupid question.” He answers, eliciting a gasp from you.
“Hey! Don’t call my chat stupid.” You look straight at the stream with your mouth open.
He shrugs, “I called the question stupid, technically.” 
He slithers his hand to rest on your thigh. His hand is warm, and large. Heating up your thigh (and face cause lord were you flustered).
Trying to act like that simple touch isn’t driving you insane, you roll your eyes. 
“Technically my ass, anyways, ask us questions!”
“Are we dating, Y/n?”
You whip your head to see a sly smirk on his face with eyes that tell you to play along, feeling your mouth part you quickly shut it, turning back to the webcam.
Trying to fight the smile growing on your face, you rest your index finger on your lips, replying, “I don’t know… Are we?”  
Looking at him on your screen, you both let out a laugh, unable to take your facade seriously any longer. “Jay, I’m in charge of reading the questions now.”
“But that’s–”
“Stella asks!” You cut him off, ignoring the pout on his face, “why did you donate one thousand dollars, Jay? Actually I have that question too, so do enlighten us please.” Pretending your fist is a microphone, you place your hand in front of his mouth, raising your eyebrows waiting for his answer.
“I told you, to pay you back.”
“Jay, I gave you one hundred dollars. So either you can’t read or you have a big fat crush on me.“
“I’m pretty good at reading.”
“Ow! Why’d you do that Y/n!” He caresses where you slapped him, feigning a hurt expression. 
You slap his arm again, “Stop saying stuff like that! Answer the question, actually.”
“You looked pretty, Y/n, that’s it.”
You tilt your head, looking at him with enlarged eyes “A thousand dollars pretty?”
“A billion dollars pretty.”
“Thank you, Jay” You’re surprised it even gets out of you, coming out as a hushed mumble just so he can hear it. You look at your webcam to see your reddened face, covering the bottom half of your face you relish in disbelief. When did this guy get so confident–and flirty?
He lets out a breathy laugh at your reaction, changing the topic so you could collect yourself–which you very much needed. It’s hard when your hyper focused on his presence next to you, every touch electrifying your body in the best, but at the same time–worst way possible.
Jay continues to answer questions, and you stay silent, watching him talk all he wants to your viewers. 
He has habits when he talks and explains things. you’ve noticed a few. How fast he blinks for one, blinking at a noticeable rate, sometimes Jay blinks two times instead of one, maybe for variety? How he uses his hands to describe whatever he’s talking about, or to get a point across. How the corners of his mouth spread when he’s thinking of what to say next, or to fill some silence. How he tilts his head trying to catch any of the fast-paced comments–
Oh shit.
Jay chuckles– something he does a lot around you, eyes crinkling as he rereads the question, “What games are you going to play in future streams?”
You purse your lips, searching your mind to find any answer at all, “Hmm–I don’t know. I was planning on doing some more Minecraft but if you have games, recommend some please!”
He nods, “I want to try that village game, what’s it called?”
“I don’t know?”
The corner of his mouth spreads into a small smile, “Stardew valley! It looks like a cute game.”
popcornpops : lets talk abt how hard they are flirting.. get a room. ( THAT SHOULD BE MEEEE.)
Soobsleftboob : a billion dollars pretty SHUT THE FUCK UPPPP
strawberrylimesoda : do you guys plan on meeting up often?
Hopefully you two do.
“Hey–Jay, can you pass me my waterbottle over there?” You point to the opposite side of the desk. 
He looks over to where you're pointing, replying “Yes, ma’am,” before handing it to you, letting your fingers graze each other.
You were definitely not going to make it through this stream.
back masterlist next
yenqa > hi guys im sosos sorry for no chapters! i dont have a reason i just didnt want to write this lol
taglist (CLOSED): @yeokii @hanniluvi @euncsace @jongsiemain @mrchweeee @fakeuwus @ashy1um @rikisly @filmofhybe @nwjws @yizhoutv @soov @tocupid @tzke1ta @yannew @manooffline @mars101 @haechansbbg @enhaz1 @teddywonss @en-happiness @kim2005bomi @sunooscheeks @luvswonyoung @flwoie @lilriswife4life @nicholasluvbot @ikeusol @lylovw @alwayswook @astrae4 @choi-beomgyulvr @aishigrey @infpistj @jiawji @planethyuka @mari-oclock @222brainrot @jakevascaino @rory-cant-sleep @hyehae @vixensss @hearts4hanni @kgneptun @tongtongie @www-jungwon @lovejunz @fluerz @jiyeons-closet @nyuzip @leehanist @heerinnie @eneiyri
yenqa © please do not copy, steal or translate.
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jayflrt · 3 months
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝟕𝟖𝟔 03. who the fuck is princessyuna
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SUMMARY ▸ private investigator jay park just wants to complete his mission quietly and move on with his life. you, his new assignment who keeps consuming his thoughts, don't make that very easy for him.
TAG LIST ▸ @zdgx1 @smouches @heesdazed @teawithbucky @leep0ems @peachpie4you @niniissus @kgneptun @jaeyunluvr @hooniesuniverse @zerasari @enhalov @sophiko22 @iselltulips @hoondiors @baekhyunstruly @jays-property @woninluv @heerinnie @fakeuwus @yizhoutv @en-happiness @theothernads @y4wnjunz @dammit-jjk @en-happiness @mari-oclock @enhypens-baby @soonyoungblr @jakeslvt @taetaenic @jebetwo @fairysungx @hsgwrld @shmooooo @ineedsomezzz @mrowwww @enha-stars @isawritesss @seongclb @lockburn-castle @alyssajavenss @enczen @calumsfringe @w3bqrl @luvyev @uhsakusa @luvnicho @wildflowermooon @navsnct
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heelust · 3 months
엔하이픈's members funny texts
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pairing : enhypen members x implied fem!reader w : cursing, death threats, mentions of break up and stalking, jake (almost) falling down the stairs, jayhoon ones are specifically dating reader genre : crack [ dollie's note : first time making these!! i had fun :3 ]
୨୧ ¦ library
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© 2024 seoniwoo.
do not plagiarize this work or any of my works.
taglist : none ( send ask to add you! )
reblogs & likes are highly appreciated <3
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hoonvrs · 4 months
R U ONLINE? — hyung line smau ( 3k special )
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PAIRING hyung line x fmr
HOW TO PLAY an interactive smau in which you as the reader decide the next step through a poll system. some updates may have a poll, some not depending on the progression. each poll will be linked in the chapter update so trust your intuition and have fun!
SYNOPSIS seems like there’s a small problem between the four best friends when they each find themselves crushing on the same girl. now it’s left up to you to decide who’s your endgame.
GENRE smau, more to be added
FEATURING ( enha ) all
WARNING swearing, kys/ kms/suicide jokes, friendly bullying, dirty/sex jokes ( more will be added if necessary)
STATUS on hold
TAGLIST ( OPEN ) send ask or comment to be added
S. NOTE tysmm for 3kk </33 wanted to do something special so decided on this lil fun games where i let my readers decide the course of this smau so hopefully it ends well and doesn’t get too angsty LMAOO
also please don't spam like as it shadowbans me and lessens engagement <3
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DA boyz | DA girlz | DA privz
01 hundred hail marys STAT
02 the TRUE tortured artist
03 unbe-knownst
05 perchance
06 youaremom
08 me at the aoa store
09 hoe out!
10 ominous as usual. Keep it up
11 jay stuns in new selfie
12 chop suiii
13 hahah what one direction said
14 ah gomen oomf chan
... more to be added
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copyright © hoonvrs 2024 all rights reserved
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woniebunny · 3 months
A/N: Decided to do my own lil spin on the old “text your man I want a baby and share what he says” trend that was really popular a long time ago lol. Reblogs and feedback are always appreciated!! Hope you guys enjoy 💕
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144 notes · View notes
021894s · 3 days
— 17 longing [3.5k w]
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PAIRING: brothers bsf! sunghoon x f!reader
WARNINGS: cussing, jealousy, sex, oral (m receiving) MINORS DNI!!!
AUTHORS NOTE: ITS HERE what we’ve all been waiting for ehe, enjoy <3
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The morning sun filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room as you wake up in Daecheong, your mind still buzzing with the remnants of last night's conversation with Saerom. Your revenge plan, a daring little scheme that's both out of character and exactly what you need right now, is set into motion with a simple phone call to an old fling. You're not usually one for pettiness, but seeing Sunghoon and Ningning together has worn down your patience, and you're ready to show sunghoon he was an average fuck – even if a small voice in the back of your mind whispers that none may compare to him.
The agreement to spend the day at the lake comes easily, with everyone eager to enjoy the warmer weather. The house is a flurry of activity as everyone preps for the day, the kitchen buzzing with the sounds of breakfast and light-hearted banter. You're all gathered, plates in hand, when an unexpected knock echoes through the space, slicing through the chatter and leaving a startled silence in its wake.
with a heart racing from excitement and a hint of mischief, you call out, "I'll get it!" All eyes swivel towards you, a mixture of curiosity and surprise etched on their faces as you stride confidently towards the door. Your hand wraps around the knob, turning it with a flourish to reveal the person on the other side – Jaemin, standing there with that familiar smirk that promises nothing but trouble.
In that moment, as you stand in the doorway with all eyes on you and Jaemin, you feel a surge of satisfaction. This is your game now, and you're playing to win.
Jaemin's arms wrap around your waist in a familiar yet unexpected gesture, pulling you into a warm hug as he greets you with a playful "hey pretty." The air crackles with a mix of surprise and amusement as you lead him into the bustling kitchen.
"Hey everyone, this is Jaemin," you announce with a smile, introducing him to the group despite the fact that he's already acquainted with the Ksana boys. The easy camaraderie between Jaemin and Heeseung is evident, a connection that transcends mere acquaintance, forged through shared moments at past parties and gatherings.
Sunghoon's expression shifts ever so slightly, a hint of confusion flickering across his features as he observes Jaemin's arrival and the interaction between you two. His gaze lingers for a moment longer than necessary, a subtle curiosity dancing in his eyes as he processes the new dynamic in the group. The air around him seems charged with a mix of emotions, leaving you to wonder what thoughts are swirling in his mind amidst the morning's unfolding events.
Heeseung's voice cuts through the hum of conversation, his tone a mixture of surprise and genuine curiosity as he addresses Jaemin, "Jaemin, hey, what are you doing here?"
without missing a beat, Jaemin's arm wraps snugly around your waist, drawing you closer into his side. He flashes a confident grin, his eyes alight with a playful spark as he responds, "Ynnie here invited me." The words hang in the air, weighted with an unspoken understanding that his presence is as intentional as it is welcomed.
Heeseung's eyes narrow slightly, a shadow of uncertainty passing over his expression as he takes in Jaemin's casual display of closeness. "Right," he says, the word edged with a hint of skepticism, his protective instincts flaring up subtly at the sight.
You catch the tone in Heeseung's voice, and with a quick, pointed glance, you communicate a silent message to him, one that's clear and firm: "don't even think about it." Heeseung pauses, reading the resolve in your eyes, and after a brief moment, he nods almost imperceptibly, deciding that it's better to let the weekend unfold without interference, to not dampen the spirits of the gathering.
Jaemin seamlessly integrates into the group, his presence injecting a fresh energy into the morning, you can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at how your little revenge plan is unfolding. The day ahead promises to be filled with unexpected twists and turns, and you're ready to embrace every moment of it.
As the group organizes themselves, the logistics of car space quickly become apparent. With the other vehicles filled to capacity, you find yourself heading towards Jaemin's car, the two of you naturally pairing off due to the lack of space elsewhere. The engine hums to life, and the convoy begins its journey to the lake, the anticipation of a leisurely day ahead palpable in the air.
The silence in Jaemin's car lingers only briefly before he breaks it with a question that carries a hint of his characteristic confidence. "So what's the real reason you called me here? You haven't hit me up in months, miss me that much?"
You can't help but roll your eyes at his presumption. "Get over yourself, I simply just need to prove something," you retort, keeping the true motive close to your chest.
Jaemin casts a quick glance your way, a mixture of amusement and curiosity in his eyes before returning his attention to the road. "And that is?" he probes further.
"I'm not telling you, just shut up and drive," you respond, an edge of playful firmness in your tone.
"Yes ma’am," Jaemin replies, his chuckle resonating in the confined space of the car, acknowledging the unspoken rules of this little game you've started.
the cars pull up one by one to the lake, each person eagerly disembarking and stretching their legs after the short drive. The group quickly falls into a bustle of activity, claiming a spot and setting up for a day of sun and relaxation.
Once everything is in place, you stand and begin to shed the layers of clothing that conceal your carefully chosen bikini. As the fabric falls away, you become acutely aware of the eyes on you. You catch Sunghoon's gaze for a brief moment, his look is fleeting but noticeable. Then there's Jaemin, who, when your eyes meet, offers a shameless smirk, clearly unfazed by the moment.
However, it's not Jaemin's attention that you're seeking. His smirk might be confident, but you find yourself wishing it was Sunghoon's eyes that lingered on you, not just a passing glance but a look that held a hint of something more, something deeper.
The group finds solace from the sun under a large umbrella tent, lounging in their chairs while the guys take on the task of inflating tubes for the water. The sound of air filling plastic melds with the gentle lapping of the lake against the shore. It's Sunghoon's voice that cuts through the casual chatter, his question pointed and unexpected.
"Since when have you guys been a thing?" he asks, looking directly at you and Jaemin.
The question hangs in the air, and you can feel the shift as everyone's attention suddenly turns towards you, a mix of surprise and curiosity coloring their faces. You open your mouth to respond, but Jaemin beats you to it.
"We had a little fling months ago, and I guess she missed me so much she had to bring me here," he says with a teasing tone.
You let out a deep sigh, frustration bubbling up as you elbow Jaemin in the abdomen, a silent reprimand for his cheeky remark. "Ignore him," you say, trying to dismiss the implication.
Turning to Heeseung, who looks a bit uncomfortable with the conversation, you scramble to smooth things over. "We're just... hanging out! Yeah, we enjoy each other's presence, right?" Your words are punctuated with a pointed look at Jaemin, a silent plea for him to play along.
"Right," Jaemin concedes, perhaps catching the warning in your eyes.
Sunghoon nods, a simple "Ahh, gotcha," escaping him, his response doing little to dispel the tension but enough to move the conversation along.
Jake declares the tube ready, passing it to Saerom, who eagerly heads towards the lake to lounge on the floatie under the warm sun. As she drifts away, you turn to Jaemin, holding out the sunscreen, a silent request for his assistance. Without hesitation, Jaemin takes the sunscreen from you and starts applying it to your skin, his touch gentle and familiar.
A quick glance towards Sunghoon reveals him already watching the interaction, You quickly avert your eyes, but not before catching his knowing gaze. It seems like your plan is falling into place.
As another tube becomes available, you seize the opportunity to float on the lake, soaking in the sun's embrace on your skin. Unbeknownst to you, Sunghoon's gaze lingers from a distance, the memory of your soft skin beneath his fingertips vivid in his mind. He's lost in the recollection, a silent yearning to relive that night's sensations, though he'd never openly confess it.
Ningning's voice snaps him back to reality, her concern evident as she checks on him. "You ok?" she asks. Sunghoon brushes off his momentary distraction with a casual, "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just hot. Are you getting in the water?" Ningning nods, "Yeah, just wanted to make sure you're good," she replies before Sunghoon reassures her, "Don't worry about me." With a smile, she joins you and Saerom in the water.
The conversation flows effortlessly among you three, Ningning bringing up the topic of you and Jaemin. "So you and Jaemin, huh? I didn't see that one coming," she comments. "Yeah, me neither, to be honest," you respond, and laughter follows as the trio of you delve into discussions about school, boys, and more. as much as you hate to admit it, ningning is actually a really fun person.
The arrival of Niki, Jungwon, and Sunoo adds a new wave of energy to the water-bound group. You're caught off guard when Niki playfully splashes you, his chuckle a familiar sound that prompts a feigned exasperation, "Niki, you bitch-" But your words are cut short as you leap off the floaty and onto his shoulders in a playful pursuit, "I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY!" he exclaims, laughter bubbling up from everyone witnessing the scene.
Jungwon chimes in, still chuckling, "You think he'd know not to mess with y/n by now," as you retaliate with a splash far grander than his, water flying into his face. The playful banter and lighthearted splashing are the perfect display of the camaraderie and shared experiences that you so appreciate.
Back on shore, the dynamics shift as the guys observe the playful chaos unfolding in the water. Heeseung's comment, "How'd I end up the only bitchless guy here?" elicits laughter from the group, highlighting his unexpected solo status among couples. Jake's suggestion, "You should've invited Kazhua," only adds to the amusement, pointing out Heeseung's missed opportunity for company.
Heeseung's response, "Well, I didn't get the memo we were all inviting girls," is met with Sunghoon's playful jab, "Sucks to suck," teasing him further.
everyone immerses themselves in the joy of the water. Jaemin's closeness is undeniable, his actions intimate yet affectionate as he wraps his arm around your waist under water, leaving a soft peck on your neck, prompting a smile to grace your lips. Heeseung's playful protest, "Hey! Please don't be all kissy with my sister in front of me," cuts through the moment, drawing laughter and the collective gaze of the group.
While the scene is light and full of laughter, a keen observer might catch the flicker of annoyance on Sunghoon's face, adding a layer of unspoken complexity to the mix. The day continues with the group enjoying each other's company, both in and out of the water, culminating in a shared meal that brings everyone together. As the day winds down, the group retreats back to the house, carrying with them the memories of a day well spent.
The group's laughter still lingers in the air as they return to the house, the day's escapades etched into their sun-kissed skin. One by one, they peel away from the collective hum of friendship to find solace in the showers, the warm water cascading down, taking with it the salt and the lightness of the ocean breeze.
In the living room, the couch becomes an oasis of comfort, each person finding their spot, nestling into the cushions. The TV flickers to life, casting its glow on the room as scenes from various movies unfold, a quiet companion to their shared relaxation. The films roll on, a comforting backdrop that fills the room with familiar sounds and images, allowing for peaceful moments of reflection.
As the sky outside darkens, the aroma of dinner begins to permeate the house, a siren song that eventually coaxes everyone away from their cinematic reverie. you gather around the sitting in between sunghoon and jaemin, serving each other with the same ease as they share jokes and recount the day's highlights.
And there, amongst the clinking of cutlery and the murmur of voices, you finds yourself stealing glances at Sunghoon, heart caught in a silent dance of uncertainty. Each look, each accidental brush of hands under the table, is a question left unanswered, a story untold. Despite the laughter around the table, a thread of tension weaves through the room, as delicate and as potent as a whispered secret.
the night deepens, the house begins to quiet down, the energy of the day's excitement giving way to the calm of the impending night. One by one, everyone bids each other goodnight, voices a soft symphony fading into whispers as they retreat to their respective rooms, the promise of tomorrow's adventure already sparking dreams of rugged trails and verdant vistas.
In the solitude of your room, you reflect on the day, the laughter at dinner, and the plans for the hike tomorrow’s morning. you made jaemin sleep on the floor not putting it past him to try something had you let him stay in the bed with you. you feel yourself start to doze off, the exhaustion hitting you all at once.
In the calm of the morning, wrapped in the soft cocoon of bedding, you lie motionless, the muffled sounds of your friends' departure seeping through the walls like a distant melody. Saerom enters the room, taking a seat on your bed opposite of where you were laying’ “y/nnn wake up, we’re about to leave” you groan, tucking yourself further into the sheets, as a muffled “i’ll stay behind” left your lips. saerom sighs but ultimately leaves you, knowing better than to wake you and have to deal with a grumpy y/n.
An hour slips by like a shadow in the early light, and the pangs of hunger gently nudge you from the embrace of slumber. With the languid grace of the newly awakened, you descend the stairs, each step a soft echo in the quiet house. The kitchen, awash with the warm glow of morning, reveals Sunghoon, an island of stillness amidst the mundane rhythm of breakfast and idle scrolling.
His gaze lifts as you enters, a silent acknowledgment passing between you before words find their way into the space. "You didn't go on the hike?" you inquire, curiosity lacing the simple question.
Sunghoon's response is casual, a shrug in his voice as he explains his absence. "No, hiking isn’t really my thing, plus it’s too hot." The words hang in the air, a simple truth that seems to say more about his character than the words themselves.
"Ah," is all you offer in return, a sound that carries a world of understanding. Turning towards the fridge, you search for sustenance, the normalcy of the action grounding you in the reality of the day. The domestic scene unfolds with a quiet comfort, two souls sharing the simplicity of a morning unfurling slowly, the unspoken connection between you as nourishing as the food you seek.
you’re preparing your food when you feel sunghoon’s presence next to you. “be honest” he says “did you invite jaemin here to spite me?” you’re a little unsure how to answer “what are you talking about sunghoon?” “well seeing as you haven’t even so much as muttered his name in these past few months it’s a little hard to believe you took him back so suddenly” he tells you in a sarcastic tone.
“fuck off sunghoon, worry about your own relationship” a hint of anger and annoyance in your voice, who did he think he was??? “is that what this is about? me inviting ningning?” he shifts closer to you, his voice going to a whisper, “she was supposed to help me forget about you but, it hasn’t worked” you shoot a glance at him, making direct eye contact “what?”
“i haven’t stopped thinking about you since that night, and I know it’s wrong but fuck baby not a minute goes by where i don’t crave your touch” you’re utterly speechless, this whole time it was all an act? to get over you? you don’t think too much before you pushed your lips against his in a hungry kiss.
your tongues exploring each other's mouths. you could feel sunghoon's hard cock pressing against you , wanting to feel him inside of you. you wanted him so bad, deciding to skip foreplay, you reached down and started undoing his pants, freeing his cock. quickly pulling down your shorts and panties after.
Sunghoon grabbed your ass and lifted you up, pinning you against the kitchen counter. you wrapped your legs around him, pulling him closer. He started thrusting his cock and you could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter.
"Fuck, I missed this," sunghoon whispered in your ear, his lips moving down leave kisses on every exposed inch of skin of your neck.
"Me too," you replied, moaning as he fucked you harder and harder.
you were both lost in the moment, your bodies moving in sync as they chased their orgasms. it was messy and quick, the both of you desperate to feel each other again. you could feel yourself getting close, and you knew that sunghoon was too. you grabbed his ass, pulling him deeper inside you.
"I'm gonna cum," sunghoon whispered, his voice strained.
"Me too," you replied, your voice trembling.
you both came at the same time, your bodies shuddering as they released your loads. Sunghoon pulled out and collapsed on the kitchen floor, panting and sweating. you slide off the counter and lay down next to him, your body still trembling from the intense orgasm.
you lay there for a moment, catching your breath, taking in what just happened. you looked at sunghoon and smiled.
"Wanna do it again?" you asked, voice playful.
Sunghoon looked at you and grinned.
"Always," he replied, pulling you closer and kissing you deeply.
you both get up off the floor, gathering your clothing as you follow him up the stairs to his room.
the both of you shed whatever clothing is left, hopping in the shower. you wrap your arms around his neck, kissing him, moving down to his neck and slowly sinking down to your knees, he doesn’t even protest, letting you have your way with him, after all it’s all hed been thinking about since you both got back from japan.
you take his heavy cock in your hands, giving it a few quick strokes before sticking out your tongue to lick his tip. he quietly groans, taking that as a sign to take his entire length into your warm mouth. "fuck baby, you take me so good." He ran his hand down your arm, feeling the goosebumps rise on your skin. "missed your mouth so fucking much."
you felt a shiver run down your spine as sunghoon spoke, his words sending a rush of heat to your core. you couldn't help but feel a sense of pride knowing that you could satisfy him in such a way. you quickened your speed, sunghoon threading his hand through you hair pulling it gently,
but your moment was quickly interrupted by the sound of commotion downstairs.
sunghoon's eyes widened as he realized your friends had returned. He quickly reached down to help you up, whispering, "They're back."
your heart sank as you realized how bad it’d be if everyone found out what you two had been up to. you quickly wrapped the towel around yourself and made your way to your room after gathering your clothes, trying to be as discreet as possible.
once in your room, you couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. your moment had been ruined, and you couldn't help but feel like you had been caught in the act. you looked at yourself in the mirror, still glistening from the shower, and couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for sunghoon
Meanwhile, sunghoon was still in the shower, trying to compose himself after the interruption. He couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for what you had just done. But at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride knowing that you had felt the same way this entire time.
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taglist: @cornenhapovs @myjaeyuns @magssu @leeknowsgfsblog @jentlecoeur @heeslut4life @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @jaeyungxrl @rapmonie2047 @anormieee @nishislcve @leesura @en-happiness @kimsunoops @heelariously @rikiwaify-blog @ihrtgyuuu @purennn @hoonharem @g0niki @hearts4itoshi @yongbokified @shuichi-sama @xiaoderrrr @hongshuaknow @skylalyla @yzzyhee @jwnghyuns @seokseokjinkim @syzavxy @xrvrqs @soulvrrs @velvetkisscs @ak-aa-li @eneiyri @starlvcieszsq @meowmeowjang @hanhaeji @moonlighthoon @gaylilseokie @seunghancore @heelovesmeknot @nyfwyeonjun @kookify @jayhoonvroom @heesminee3 @charlizefaye @mooniikay @ccrriiied @nikiswifiee @heemilktea @yorukoshii @sumzysworld @glxzillx
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boyfhee · 10 months
ONE WAY OR ANOTHER / park jongseong
synopsis · the plan was to keep your relationship with jay a secret, but the truth alwyas finds it way out, one way or another.
genre · fluff, humour, idol au ( reader is jake's sister )
warnings · kys / kms jokes, profanities
note · smau oneshots are so fun to write. that's all i have to say. CORRECTION : it's suppposed to be 'to go through' instead of 'to so through' in eleventh ss and 'you're his fucking gf' instead of 'you're fucking gf' in fourteenth im too lazy to retake the screenshots thank u
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411 notes · View notes
02zhoonie · 7 months
ceo! park jongseong (jay) x fem! sick reader texts
MDNI 18+
content warnings: reader has the flu, somehow there’s smut involved, fingering, jongseong loves acts of service and gift giving
a/n: not the ceo jongseong installment i thought i would be posting next but this manifested from the fact that i am sick and lying in bed with no energy to do anything else 😭😭 i wrote this to comfort myself and it ended up being kinda cute so i decided to post. i headcannon this (headcannon like im not literally in control of this series) as taking place 8 - 11 months into their relationship hehe so not married couple yet. i wont lie and say that i’m not inspired to write for this couple again because of @/onlyjaeyun’s (not tagging her because i’m scared of being perceived) strictly business and how much it has been taking over my life <3 okay this note is awfully long happy reading
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388 notes · View notes
acphengene · 6 months
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these stories will take place in the same universe and most importantly in the same friend group. you'll get to experience the love story of each member, and in some cases, also their heartbreaks.
all stories will include both written and none written parts. smut will be included so minors dni.
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JAY -> brothers best friend au
you move from australia to seoul to get your degree, but what happens when you spill your entire iced americano on a handsome stranger?
materlist - first chapter out now …
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JAKE -> idol au
before his debut Jake takes a last bachelors trip through europe where he meets a woman who completely rock his world. will the two ever meet again?
writing 0% complete - please stand by
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HEESEUNG -> enemies to lovers au
Some people you instantly love, others you'll end up despicing. Heeseung hates the woman who runs the PR-team for his company, and yet he cant seem to get her off her mind
writing 0% complete - please stand by
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SUNGHOON -> best friends to strangers to lovers
you left Sunghoon behind when you were both 15 to travel to the states with your family. what happens when you're suddenly back in seoul, and the boy you once knew had grown up to be a man?
writing 2% complete - please stand by
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