#PLEASE TALK TO ME ABOUT THE HUNGER GAMES i try not to overwhelm my sister but
marblerose-rue · 1 year
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all the bad dreams that you hide / show me yours, i'll show you mine
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cinnonym · 3 years
christmas magic's brought this tale (to a very happy ending)
Written for Day 10 - Game Night / Movie Night of 12 Days of Christmas @supercorpbb
Read on AO3
r/relationship_advice – posted by u/anonymous1000 – 13 hours ago
My (25f) crush and best friend (27f) chose a lesbian classic for movie night, how do I react?
Disclaimer ahead: I haven’t used reddit before and am thus not very fluent in etiquette and formatting, but please bear with me because I am seriously overwhelmed by the current situation and would appreciate all forms of help. I’m also typing this in a hurry, because I’m supposed to be in the bathroom, so please excuse typos or inaccuracies. I’ll try my best. But now, without further ado, here goes:
I (25f) have been crushing on my best friend (27f) pretty much since the day we met. For context, that was two years ago, and while we started out on a business relationship, it evolved into a close friendship almost right away. This is mostly due to her, I must admit. She’s the most open-minded person I know and simply couldn’t be “scared away” by my bad reputation (which I inherited). Needless to say, I’m very grateful for her. She’s not only my best, but has also been my only friend for quite a while, before she introduced me to her inner circle. I unironically owe her my happiness (and my life, several times over, but that’s unrelated to this story).
I’d fallen in love before I realised what was happening. Usually, trust and affection come slowly to me, but her I loved almost right away. That’s simply who she is, a person one cannot help loving. Also, she’s very attractive, side note. I used to flirt with her sometimes, in the beginning, before I became aware of the depth of my feelings (this is awkward to talk about, btw, thank goodness for anonymity online), and back then, it seemed like she wasn’t all unresponsive to my advances. Then again, she isn’t very good at saying no to anyone, because of who she is as a person, so maybe she was only being polite? I’m not sure.
Anyway, she had a boyfriend then, and I had to come to terms with my feelings, so I sort of drew back a little. I’d been with women before, so that was never an issue, but I’m uncertain whether she has ever considered women. Her sister is gay, and she is very supportive of her, but we’ve never talked about how she feels. As far as I know, she’s only ever been with men though. Either way, I’m not in the business of making moves on taken people, so I mostly focused on fostering our friendship.
The thing is, as long as I can be close with her, I am sort of okay with being “just friends”. I mean, isn’t close friendship like a romantic relationship, just minus the romance? And minus the physical advantages (although she is a very cuddly person, so that’s nice). And, like, of course, I’d like to mean more to her. Of course I’d like to take care of her every day when she comes home, cook her dinner, listen to her worries, massage her neck, kiss her goodnight. Of course I’d like to be The One to her, just like she is The One to me. But considering that she’s probably straight and not interested in me in that way, I’m mostly okay with just being her best friend.
Or, I was mostly okay with it. But recently she’s… been acting differently towards me. She’s giving me these long glances when she thinks I don’t notice (I do). She’s going out of her way to make sure I’m fine and don’t work too much (it’s a tendency I have, especially pre-Christmas). She’s told me she’s been working on my Christmas gift almost all month (and I can’t for the hell of it guess what it could be). She’s even invited me for Christmas with her family (since I don’t celebrate with mine).
And now today, she chose the film Carol for movie night (movie night is a weekly thing we do, I should have mentioned that earlier, maybe), which is, as you might know, about a lesbian relationship. And I don’t know what to do.
She claims to have chosen the film because it was on a list of Christmas films (and I suppose it does have christmassy vibes), and because it “sounded fitting”. Sounded fitting?? What is that even supposed to mean? She doesn’t know I’m gay, so it can’t be that, unless she somehow figured out. Is she gay and this is her way of telling me? And if so, how do I react? Is this her letting me know she’s interested in me, or am I reading too much into this? Did she even realise this was a lesbian film??
Anyway, she’s calling from the living room, so I need to go. I’ll try to take another bathroom break halfway into the movie, and I’d appreciate it A Lot if I had some reactions in by then, because I’m panicking a little here. Thank you all!
Tl;dr: my supposedly straight friend chose a lesbian film for movie night, and I don’t understand her intentions behind that.
(P.S. She and her boyfriend have broken up months ago. She’s currently single.)
r/relationship_advice – posted by u/anonymous1000 – 11 hours ago
UPDATE to this post
First of all, thank you all so much for your quick replies, they’re really helpful. As you might have guessed, I managed to negotiate another bathroom break mid-film (though my friend is currently sulking on the couch, she didn’t want to let me go? :) ?) and am, once again, typing as fast as my fingers will allow. Much has happened.
I’ve mentioned that my friend is a very cuddly person. Today was no difference – as soon as she’d pressed play on the film, she’d already enveloped me in one of her bone-crushing hugs (she’s very strong). Normally, I let myself sink into these embraces, because she really is a phenomenal hugger, but today my speculations were so prevalent in my mind that I could hardly breathe when our bodies touched.
(She noticed my reaction right away, and immediately asked if I’d rather not hug (to which I replied a vehement no), and this really isn’t very important to the story, but I wanted to let you know.)
As the film progressed (largely unregarded by me, I must admit), I noticed several things about her behaviour that seemed odd, though:
One, her heartbeat became considerably faster as soon as Carol and Therese had met on-screen and it became clear that their relationship would be the focus of the film.
Two, she’s been side-eyeing me a lot more frequently than usual (she tends to watch me watch films if she knows the plot already, but considering she probably hasn’t seen Carol before, this seems out of character for her).
Three, and this is… I don’t even know how to feel about this, but… how do I formulate this best…  When the sex scene was playing, I swear she looked at my cleavage and blushed.
I’m sort of ecstatic (because those are hints, right? I can’t be the only one to think that those are hints?) but also very very VERY worried that I’ve totally misinterpreted the entire situation. Then again, all of your comments sound incredibly hopeful and affirming, so I guess I’m not entirely wrong in my assumptions?
I need to go back now (I’ve been here way too long already), but I will definitely keep you updated. It’s so heart-warming to see how invested all of you are!
@everyone who told me to kiss her already: if she keeps this up, I just might :)
r/relationship_advice – posted by u/anonymous1000 – 1 hour ago
UPDATE! All’s well that ends well!
Hey everyone, I am so sorry for the late update. I ended up being… somewhat busy last night.
:) :) :)
So, long story short, we’re dating now. And yes, I did kiss her (or she kissed me, I can’t remember exactly. We somehow kissed each other simultaneously).
Long story slightly less short, because I see you hungering for details in the comments (and my now-girlfriend said you deserved to know), here is how it went down:
We didn’t even finish the film. We didn’t even resume the film, after I returned from the bathroom. Because when I did, giddy and ready to Do This, she wasn’t even looking at me. No, she was looking at her phone.
Now, I’ve never seen a person look at their phone with an expression quite as shocked as hers. She was, I’m not kidding, completely frozen (and if you knew her, you’d know that doesn’t happen often).
So naturally I rush over to her, worried as can be, thinking something bad happened, a catastrophe or maybe an accident in her family. And as I kneel by her side, and she still hasn’t moved, I happen to see what she’s been reading on her phone screen.
And it’s reddit.
I’m not gonna lie, for a second I thought it was all over. I mean, she’d obviously recognised us in my post (so much for anonymity everyone, the internet is treacherous), and judging by her expression, well… I assumed the worst.
But then she turns around and she fixes me with this incredibly cute stern stare she has, and she goes: “[My full name]. Have you browsed the relationship tag even once?”
And I shake my head, completely dumbfounded of course, because what does that have to do with anything. But apparently it plays a crucial role, because apparently you all know my girlfriend.
Her username is @supergirlssupercurls and she’s been posting the entire journey of our friendship/romance on this platform. Turns out she loves me too.
She’s also told me to end this with: and they lived happily ever after.
(Let’s hope we do).
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carriagelamp · 3 years
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November 2020: A Months of Familiarity
This November ended up being a month of me either rereading old favourites, exploring new books by favourite authors, or a mix of both.
…Be prepared for so much Terry Prachett, I found his audiobooks on Libby last month and since that I’ve been unstoppable.
The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents
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The first of my Terry Practhett books to mention! I chose to include this one on my list because it’s a beautiful stand alone novel, perfect to read if you’ve never touched on of Pratchett’s works before, and is often overlooked.
The book is about Maurice, an “amazing” cat by his own admission, who has teamed up with a stupid boy and his very own plague of rats. The moneymaking scheme is simple: set the rats loose on a town and after causing a panic let the boy stroll in and offer to play his pipe and lead them away… for a fee. This is working well, until Maurice, the boy, and the rats arrive in the town Bad Blintz. Here the rats are beginning to question the morality of their work, the boy gets entangled with a young, mischievous local girl, and they’re all shocked to find out that the town already has a real rat infestation… or so the rat catchers claim. Things quickly turn sinister and deadly as the group is forced to confront not only the cruelty of humanity, but something even more sinister living in the small, dark, hidden place of the town.
This is a YA book, unlike some of Pratchett’s other novels, so it’s a quick, fun read, while still having all of his dry wit and heavy, complicated thoughts about society, morality, belief, and what it means to be a person. It’s a genuine delight to see Maurice and the rats, recently made sentient by wizards’ rubbish, struggle to come to terms with who they were and who they are now.
Black Pearl Ponies: Red Star & Wildflower
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Y’all it ain’t a secret at this point that I enjoy a stupid horse girl book, right? I picked up the first two books of the Black Pearl Ponies books from the library on a whim and they were basically what they promised. Girl lives with family on ranch, father helps train horses, girl goes on pony adventures with ponies. A particular focus is given to horse welfare and care. Very mediocre but a nice thoughtless covid read if you, like me, get a craving for animals books written for seven year olds from time to time. Plus this comes with the added humour of it being written, as far as I can tell, by a British author who thinks all Americans are stetson wearing cowboys which I find unreasonably funny.
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I love Katherine Applegate’s work; I read the Endling series earlier this year and they are overwhelmingly good. Crenshaw was also an enjoyable read, though not my favourite by her. It read a little bit like a book I read last fall, No Fixed Address, which was also a very good read though not my usual genre. Crenshaw is about a boy, Jackson, whose family, though close-knit and loving, is experiencing financial difficulties and struggle with food scarcity, homelessness, and all the instability and stress that results from this. During this tumultuous time, Jackson is surprised by the reappearance of a tall, bipedal, snarky cat — Crenshaw, his old imaginary friend. This is a charming book that blends genuine, real world hardships with whimsy and magical realism.
The Enemy Above: A Novel of WWII
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Since it was Rememberance Day this month, I decided to pick up a holocaust novel. This book is about 12-year-old Anton, a young Jewish boy who finds himself fleeing from his Polish farm in the middle of the night with his old grandma when a German raiding party that attacks their village in an effort to make the countryside “judenfrei”. The book is, perhaps, not the most well-fleshed out, but it’s fast-paced and exciting for a child/YA audience that’s being introduced to holocaust literature, without trying to downplay the absolutely horror and brutality of the Nazis. It manages to strike a satisfying balance between fear, tragedy, and hope.
“Everything he had heard was true. He was just a twelve-year-old boy and yet they hunted him. He had broken no laws, done nothing wrong. He was simply born Jewish. How could anyone want to kill him for it?”
Gregor the Overlander
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Somehow I never knew that Suzanne Collins wrote anything other than The Hunger Games? I stumbled across this series at a used bookstore and was first taken by the cover and then shocked when I realized I recognized the author’s name. Well The Hunger Games was such a good read, how could I not pick up a book with people riding on a giant fucking bat?
Such a good choice. I’m almost done book two and bought book three today after work. It is exactly the sort of low fantasy that I live for, when a fantasy world lives so close to the real world that you can practically touch it. I also love the fact that while all the wild fantastical elements are happening, you still have the main character taking care of his toddler sister the whole time. It’s at times charming, hilarious, and nerve-wracking!
It’s about Gregor, a normal kid who’s doing his best to help his mom take care of his two younger siblings ever since his father disappeared years ago. Gregor expected months of boredom when he agrees to stay home over the summer instead of going to camp like his sister in order to watch his baby sister, Boots, and their grandma while his mom is at work. He never could have expected that a simple trip to the apartment’s laundry room would lead to both him and Boots tumbling miles beneath the earth into the pitch black Underland, a place filled with giant rats and bugs and people with translucent skin who fly through the massive caverns on huge bats. He also could have never expected that he would get wrapped up in a deadly prophecy that would force him to travel into distant, dark lands into the waiting claws of an overwhelming enemy.
Kings, Queens, and In-Between
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A Canadian queer novel that I’ve seen trumpeted everywhere. Libraries, classrooms, bookstore, this book got so much hype (and has such a pleasing cover) that I had to get my hands on it. Now, I’ve got to admit that it’s not really my genre; I don’t love realistic fiction. But that being said, it’s a fun, heart-warming, queer romp through that explores gender, sexuality, love, family, friendship… there’s a lot of lovable, quirky, complicated characters that get thrown together in unexpected ways at a local summer carnival. While there’s tension and misunderstandings and mistakes, this is overall a very optimistic and loving novel, and would be a great read if you want a queer novel that reads like cotton candy.
Love, The Tiger
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This book is the graphic novel equivalent of a nature documentary. There’s no text, but you follow a day in the life of a tiger as it moves through the jungle on the quest for food. The art is honestly beyond outstanding, and though it’s a really quick read it is so very worth it. I’ve also read Love, The Lion in this series (also good, though a bit more confusing imho) as well as one of the books from his other series Little Tails which is still very nature and education based, though for a slightly younger audience.
Making Money
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More Pratchett! Making Money was the first Discworld book I ever read, and it’s one of my most reread ones — it’s an ultimate comfort read! This is technically the sequel to Going Postal (another book I reread this month), in which conman Moist Von Lipwig is saved from a rightful death at the noose in exchange for agreeing to work for the city. Going Postal sees Moist narrowly dodging death in many varied forms as he tries to get the Anhk-Morpork postal service back on its feet and get the drifts of dead, whispering letters moving again. In Making Money things at the post office have become… too easy. Moist is bored, restless, until he finds himself thrust into a new job: head of the Royal Mint. There he has been given not only charge of the biggest bank in Anhk-Morpork, but also a dog with a price on its head, a lethal family with all the money in the world out for his blood, and the fear that his secret past life may be on the verge of being exposed to everyone, all while he’s desperately trying to make money…
The Moist series is honestly an example of Pratchett at his absolute best imo, and the amount of humour, wit, adventure, and scathing commentary he can build around a bank is outstanding. Cannot recommend enough.
The One And Only Ivan
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Another book I’ve been hearing everyone talk about, as well as another Katherine Applegate book. It’s been on my radar for a while, but with the sequel and a movie coming out, it had everything at a fever pitch and I finally picked it up. Fantastic read, I definitely enjoyed it more than Crenshaw. This book was based off the true story of Ivan, a gorilla taken from his home in the jungle and sold to the owner of a mall, where he spent years of his life growing from child to adult silverback in a small, concrete enclosure. In this fictionalized version, everything changes for Ivan and his friends, when a new baby elephant is bought to help revitalize the mall attractions and Ivan makes a promise he doesn’t know how to keep: to protect this baby, and keep her from living the life Ivan and his friends were forced to. This book made me very emotional. Applegate’s picture book that goes along with it is also a great companion read.
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Ranma ½
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I realized that our library had the 2-in-1 editions of Ranma ½ and honestly that was it for me. This has been a favourite series of mine since I was in middle school and realized that the creator of Inuyasha had written other things. It is unapologetically ridiculous and larger-than-life and you have to love the shameless joy it has at being ludicrous. It does start to feel a little repetitive the further into the series you go, but at the moment, with covid, I find I have a huge tolerance for rereading slightly repetitive things so long as they make me happy. And boy howdy does the vaguely queer undertones, endless pining, and relentless slapstick of Ranma ½  make me happy. This is classic manga y’all and if you’ve never read it you should!
The basic premise, for anyone that doesn’t is that of an bonkers martial arts comedy. It follows Ranma and his father who, while training in China, fell into cursed springs. Each spring has the tragic legend of a person or animal who drowned in it, and if someone falls in they inevitably turn into that creature any time they’re doused in cold water. Ranma had the misfortune of falling into “The Spring of Drowned Girl” and, indeed, turns into a girl anytime he’s hit with cold water. Things continue to spiral out of control when Ranma meets his arranged fiancée, Akane, who is as exasperated by this situation as Ranma. Both would rather be fighting people than worrying about things like romance. And don’t worry, there is lots and lots and lots and lots of some of the goofiest martial arts fights that you can imagine for a bunch of high schoolers.
Through the Woods
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A beautiful and creepy Canadian graphic novel. I honestly really don’t even know how to describe it in a way that does it justice. It’s a collection of short horror stories, with beautiful, flowing art style that draws you in and sends chills down your spine. I’ll let the art doing the talk, and honestly beg you to go find a way to read this graphic novel:
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The Witch’s Vacuum Cleaner: And Other Stories
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The last Terry Pratchett book on my list (though shout out to the others I’ve listened to this month: Wee Free Men, Hat Full of Sky, Men At Arms, and Snuff) and one that I actually physically, rather than listening to the audiobook. I included this one because unlike the others, this was a Pratchett book I had never read before. It collects a number of Pratchett’s short stories that had been written for children over a number of years. These weren’t necessarily my favourite examples of Pratchett’s writing (I prefer his longer work that can really dive into social issues) but it was such a quick, easy, fun read that you can’t really help but be charmed by it. I liked the stories that took place in “the wild wild west (of Wales)” in particular.
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geanmin · 4 years
I haven't seen Peeta since I found him planting the primrose in my backyard. As I slowly come back to life, so does my realization of his absence. It must have been the way I ask for it that made Greasy Sae understand I was referencing Peeta's, because the next day the bread she brought me had little flowers on them, done by his hand.
Once Greasy Sae left, I remained alone in my house, once occupied by my sister, and my mom.
As I look around, it's like my memories come to life before me. I look at my fire place, and see my sister asking me to wait for her to try on wedding dresses. I look at my table, and see Gale lying there with his back bloody, my mother carefully tending to him. In my bed, I see Peeta holding me, as I fall asleep, nursing my broken ankle.
Even after he returned to District 12 a victor of the Hunger Games, his family never moved in with him. And after becoming a tribute for his second go, he never saw them again.
Empty. His house must be so empty of memories.
The bread he made was fresh this morning. How early did he wake up to bake it for me?
And when will I wake up to do something for him?
"You could live a thousand life times and never deserve him."
It feels like decades have past since I assassinated President Coin and Peeta prevented me from taking the nightlock. But, in reality, maybe it has been half a year of waiting for the end of my trial, and sitting alone in my house.
But it has been much longer than that since I have seen Peeta, my Peeta. The one that existed before the Capital got to him.
I hold my pearl, thinking of the Boy with the Bread, the boy who went into two Hunger Games with the sole agenda to protect me. And how did I treat him after he was hijacked? I gave up on him. Like he was dead. Like my Peeta was gone. And the whole time he was fighting, fighting to come back to me.
Of course, I may have had other things on my mind. Snow programming Peeta to be a muttation to murder me. President Coin putting him on my same mission to murder me, and of course being in a war, with random people trying to murder me. It was all difficult to navigate, but I could have been more kind.
Peeta was always the one with the words of our duo. How did I ever survive without him?
As I look at my pearl in my hand, and the locket on the table, something in my brain must have finally had the peace it needed to click.
No more Hunger Games. No more Snow. No more Coin. Just peace and quiet, that's all my brain needed to understand that not only could I never have survived without Peeta, I never will. And he feels the same.
We need each other.
I put my pearl safely in my pocket, and leave the locket in my room. Carrying around the faces of my loved ones is still a little too heavy at the moment.
I leave my house and cross the short distance to his, lessening the space between us.
I knock on his door, which feels oddly formal. But I don't want to come in unwelcome.
I know he would welcome me in, forgive me even. But that's not what I want. I don't want Peeta only thinking of keeping me alive. I want him to think of keeping us alive. Together. A team. A unit. A couple.
But we need to air out some grievances for that to be reality.
Finally, the door opens, and I see his face. Not washed out by the summer sun when he was planting, but clear in the shade of the porch roof. He no longer looks like the scared boy whose name was called at the reaping. Two years of Hunger Games will do that to you. He even has some stubble on his face for the first time.
“Katniss,” he says.
And I am overwhelmed. I slowly approach him, and wrap my arms around his neck. He accepts my embrace, holding me, just like he did on our train rides, sturdy and with care.
With his arms around me tightly, I feel butterflies in my stomach. I've felt this feeling before: in the cave in our first Hunger Games, on the beach in our second. Without the intense feeling of starvation, or anxiety of life or death, like my brain, my stomach now has the peace needed to figure out how it feels.
We must have stood there silently holding each other for ten minutes. If I had it my way, I would never let go. The last time I did that, he was lost to me.
There are no tears. We are well past that in our embrace. The grounding of reality is the true release.
Eventually he invites me in and I realize I have never been inside his house. Of course, it looks identical to mine and Haymitch's in layout, but Peeta has given it his own personal touch.
His paintings. You can't go anywhere without seeing one of his paintings. Either hung on the wall, or placed on the floor. He has flowers and houseplants in each batch of sunlight. And his kitchen, of course, bares no resemblance. Effie or someone must have installed a large baker's oven for him. It looks like a little paradise.
But the most stark difference is the smell.
Unlike Haymitch's house, which reeks of vomit and trash and alcohol, or my house, which used to smell like my mother's herbs, and now must smell like my personal body oder, Peeta's house smells sweet, like fresh bread. The clean air from the open windows lifts the sent, evening out the temperature. The entire place is heavenly.
He shows me in, and offers me a seat at his kitchen table as he puts hot water on for tea. He lingers by the stove a little too long I think. Maybe he doesn't know what to say. That can't be right... Peeta always knows what to say.
Oh, dummy. You're the one who came to him!
I wait for him to bring over the tea pot and cups (after refusing my help of course) and then I'm the first to speak.
“Peeta... I'm.... I'm sorry.”
How pathetic! After he was tortured to near death after you abandoned him? After he went through two Hunger Games for you? After he protected your secrets to the entire country for you? The only thing you have to say is I'm sorry????
Peeta smirks a little and catches my eye. I let out a small laugh. He does too. He was always better at this than me.
“Do you want to start over?” He smiles at me.
“Yes, please."
And there he goes again, so gracious, so forgiving. Haymitch was right; I don't deserve him.
"Uh... Peeta, I... where do I even begin..."
"Katniss, I know what you're trying to do. It's not your fault."
I want to say he's wrong. That everything that's happened to him is my fault. It's my fault I separated from him in the Quarter Quell. It's my fault I acted so cold to him when he came to District 13.
But it's not my fault he was reaped. That was the Capital. And it's not my fault he was deployed back into action when he was still mentally disoriented. That was the Rebellion. So much suffering he has endured by the hands of powerful people who never cared about him. But what about what I did, someone who was supposed to protect him?
"I think it's time we figured out what is and isn't my fault. I think it's time I apologize. For everything."
"You don't have to. I told you once, I can't hold you to what you did in the Games to keep us alive and well, I think that still stands seeing as the Games lasted longer than we thought."
I know what he's talking about. The Capital watching us closely after our victory of the 74th Hunger Games. Our return to the arena for the 75th. And of course... the 76th. With no downtime in between...
"I don't want your forgiveness. Well I mean... if you want to but... Peeta, I just need you to know the truth, of where my head was, where my heart was. If we're gonna move forward I need you to know the truth, to actually know the truth-"
"Well, of course, 'we', I-" And as I repeat it, I hear it myself. We. Us. Together. "Yes. We."
And all of a sudden, the table is too long, the distance between us too great, and the vastness of my mistakes come alive.
How do I explain to him that I've figured it out? I say my brain finally made a decision? That seems cold. That my stomach is now clear-headed? That's a little...crude and confusing.
I may still get nightmares. And still struggle with needed...assistance from morphling. I may still lay in bed for the whole day. I may still wander around aimlessly. But it's far better than it was. I actually answer my phone when my doctor calls. I bring back game when I go hunting. And when I eat, I can actually taste the food.
I may have so much more work to do, but I can't do it alone. Because the work is in front of me.
It's not a matter of Peeta's forgiveness. Of course, he'll forgive me. It's not a matter of his understanding. He's the only one who even could. It's all a matter of my explanation, and we all know I'm not very good at that.
I look down and realized I haven't even touched my tea.
"Peeta... you know I'm not very good at...uh..."
"Expressing your feelings through words?"
"Yeah, that's the one."
He smiles at me again but this time, our eyes meet. When was the last time I had Peeta's eyes look at me so clearly, so presently? I will never take this gaze for granted again.
"You don't have to, Katniss. Or at least... not right this second. We have all the time in the world you need to find the words."
And just like that, the last organ in my body had what it needed to make its decision: time.
Before, our days were numbered. The future itself seemed horrific, and gruesome. The act of marrying Peeta was a charade for protection from Snow, and the idea of a family and kids was filled with fear of hearing their named reaped themselves. Too many people wanted me dead. Too many people wanted to use my image. I had too many lives on my shoulders, too many lives I had taken to warrant any hope of a future. But now that Panem has entered a new era, my heart has made its decision.
And now I know how to explain myself to the Boy with the Bread.
I reach for his hand across the table. Of course, he accepts and takes mine in his. I use my thumb to caress his knuckles. I'm here. I'm present. I want to give back, I say with my touch. He squeezes my hand in return, accepting my affection.
I remember our first reaping. We shook hands, and he squeezed mine. He was always looking out for me, even in the beginning.
The beginning.
"I'll have to start from the beginning."
"I know," he says, already a million steps ahead of me, as always.
How did I ever get so lucky with someone like him? Deep down, he really is better than the rest of us. Truly empathetic, truly selfless.
He guides my hand up, and my body follows.
"Come on," he says. "I want to show you something."
He leads me upstairs, into a small study. The same room in my house that President Snow visited me in before our Victory Tour. But everything is different in Peeta's house, because it has his touch. He's turned the study into his own personal painting studio.
I want to look around and take all of it in, but I can't. My eyes are glued to the largest canvas in the center of the room. So clearly, so beautifully, in a way that could only have been done by his hand, rests a portrait of my late sister, dead, but encased in flowers.
I walk up to the canvas, meaning to touch her face but deciding not to. I don't want to smudge the perfection.
She looks so young, so innocent. But of course, by the time the bombs came, she had grown up so fast, a necessity of war. The flowers surrounding her body and laced in her hair like a crown, are primrose. The various colors radiate around her, lifting her from the canvas. She looks like how Rue did when I said goodbye. But the flowers she holds in her hands are different.
"Katniss," he says. I realize I never let go of his hand. Peeta stands next to me, never eyeing his work, but looking at my face. "She's holding katniss flowers."
Of course, she is, I think. The white flowers with the purple and yellow specs rest on her heart as she so delicately displays them.
"I know before you said you hated my work but, I've started taking a different approach."
He's right that the first time I saw his paintings I hated them. They were so real, too real, depicting the horrors of the first Games we experienced together. I saw the images enough in my own nightmares, to see them reflected on canvas was painful.
"Peeta, she's perfect."
And I turn back to him, wanting to give him a kiss. But do we do that now? I don't want him to think I only would because of Prim. So many kisses I have given him in the past with unclear intentions. I will not do that to him moving forward.
"There's more, if you want to see."
And as I turn around and the room illuminates. Finnick. Mags. Wiress. Rue. Even Clove, and Cato. Everyone radiates off his canvas like gorgeous angles, resting in peace.
I look back at Peeta, who of course has never taken his eyes off of me. And I am reminded of a time when he forgot he was a painter, forgot his ability to capture the most delicate of moments. When the Capital succeeded in turning him into something he's not. Yet, here my Peeta stands before me.
"You're painting again."
"Thanks to you."
And he rubs my knuckles with his hand. I want to tell him he wouldn't have forgotten how to paint if it wasn't for me in the first place, but somehow I sense that not going to go over very well.
I notice our bodies have gotten closer together, almost magnetically. I feel the urge to kiss him again, but am afraid it's not the right moment. Too many staged kisses on my part in our past, I don't want to send mixed signals. We've gone through so much trauma, the last thing either of us needs is more confusion or gas-lighting. We should take this slow.
"Maybe we could go for a walk?," I say, attempting to break our trance, "Haymitch might be getting up soon, and we could-"
And that's when he kisses me. His hand, so delicate against my neck, coaxing me towards him. And our lips, fitting together with such familiarity, as if they've never been apart. He drops my hand as his slowly slides up my waist to my lower back. Not only do I allow it, I pull him in closer. My one hand courses through his hair while the other grabs his shirt on his chest.
It's a kiss of firsts: the first time we kiss since he's had stubble, and the little hairs tickle my cheeks. The first time we kiss alone, with no audience of the Capital or our friends. And the first time we've kiss with no ulterior motives of survival.
Of course, it's electric. I think back to our very first kiss in the cave, my very first time kissing a boy. Nothing could have prepared me for kissing Peeta now, as he holds me and doesn't let go. There's no hunger, no starvation, no fear. Just electricity coursing through my entire body.
When he breaks away, we're holding each other so tightly, as if we were in a cramped little closet. His eyes scan my face, like he's still in utter shock to have me. He gives his classic Peeta smile, filled with charm and charisma. How that smile didn't win me over alone should have been my defense for mental disorientation.
"You wanted to kiss me, real or not real?"
Did the doctors give him the power to read my mind or something???
"Real," I whisper as I pull him in for more.
There's no one to stop us. No Gamemakers to worry about, no one to bust through the door. We're completely alone, completely free.
Our hands find one another, and we hold them between our bodies. Peeta's strong embrace still making me feel safe and secure.
From our moment with the bread, to our Hunger Games, to District 13, Peeta and I have always found each other again. When I look at him, it feels so inevitable. It was always me and Peeta. I could never have won those games without him, secured our sponsors, even lead a rebellion. A mockingjay needs a jabberyjay, a fire needs a spark, and I need Peeta.
I go in for more, but Peeta stops me. He doesn't let go, but he loosens his grip on me. My feet bring me back to reality.
"I still get flashes, you know. I'm better of course but... it might not be safe for you to be alone with me like this."
"Peeta, I'm not leaving you again."
"And I'm not gonna lay my hands on you again."
"Peeta, that wasn't you."
"Yes, it was. Maybe you should-"
I dig into my pocket and pull out my pearl.
"You never once gave up on me. And I'm not giving up on you. Peeta, it's always been you."
Peeta's gaze follows my hand, back up to my eyes. Did he know I kept it? Held on to it every day, hoping for his return? He cocks his all-knowing smirk.
"I heard something the other day... how did it go? That if you press coal hard enough it turns into a pearl. Coal-expert, Dr. Everdeen, is this fact real, or not real?"
"Real, Dr. Mellark. Actually, it's highly improbable, but I've seen two pieces of coal merge to make one pearl with my very own two eyes."
"You don't say? Well, in that case, we should keep this pearl very close. It's one of a kind."
He chuckles and gives me a quick little kiss.
"I don't know how you managed to keep that little thing all this time."
And I look at him shocked, confused. Because it's the most obvious explanation of all.
"You have no idea the affect you have on me," I tell him.
"Show me, then," he says.
And that's exactly what I plan to do.
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ynibytina · 4 years
Meet Jessie Hotchkiss!!!
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Of all the people I've gotten to interview over the last year or so, I would have to say Jessie Hotchkiss was one of the sweetest people I've gotten to know. I met Jessie on Twitter after entering the 2013 Acuvue Contest (see my entry here!). It turns out this 19-year-old, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota native happens to have a lot in common with me. Not only do we share a love for music, but I also found out that she also has relatives that live near to where I live. Someday I hope to meet Jessie in person and jam out with her. In case you were wondering, Jessie, happens to be the first out of seven people to be chosen as winners of the 2013 Acuvue Contest. To learn more about Jessie, her music, and her adventures with Acuvue, please follow her on her Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Ask.FM pages, or Youtube channel. P.S. While on YouTube, don't forget to watch Jessie's winning audition video for the Acuvue Contest or Jessie's Mentorship Episode with Demi Lovato!!!
Favorite Musicians: Demi Lovato, Ed Sheeran, Skillet.
Favorite Movies: Mean Girls, Sleepover, Freaky Friday, Pitch Perfect.
Favorite Book: Hunger Games or Divergent Series.
Favorite Color: Blue.
Favorite Holiday: Halloween.
Mac or PC: Mac.
Twitter or Facebook: Twitter.
Blackberry or iPhone: iPhone.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla.
Winter or Summer: Summer.
Pancakes or Waffles: Pancakes.
Math or Science: Math.
Past, Present, or Future: Future.
Did you grow up in a musical family? What age/instrument did you learn first?
Absolutely not! My sister was the first one to start learning an instrument in 6th grade. Once I got into 6th grade, I started playing the trumpet. So I was about 11 years old.
When you found out that you won the Acuvue contest, how did you/your family and friends react?
I actually got a call around 7 am on a Saturday and ignored it because it said “unknown," so I ignored it and went back to bed. They called again about an hour after that and left a voice mail. But I woke up around 9 forgetting about the voice mail and checked my email first, and that’s where I saw (1) in my inbox and looked. I had to stare at it for a good 30 seconds before I realized that it wasn’t spam! I literally started sobbing and ran into my mom’s room and told her that I won! She didn’t know what contest I was talking about because I enter a ton! So I explained and she couldn’t believe it! I then realized that it was Acuvue trying to call me and I listened to the voicemail. They told me to respond to the email to make sure I’m aware that I’m a winner. My friends didn’t really understand the concept of the contest. They were excited but they didn’t realize how big of a deal it was until the mentorship video came out. It still feels like it didn’t happen, but I’m glad it did!
What was it like working with Demi Lovato? Was she the mentor that you originally hoped for? What's the best advice that she gave you?
It was pretty surreal. It's like when you only see someone online and on TV, it’s almost like you don’t believe they exist (as weird as that sounds). But she is super sweet and genuine and a goofball. She had this aura that she gave off that immediately made me feel comfortable. I was nervous for about the first minute of meeting her, but after that, I was totally fine. She honestly was the reason I entered. I told myself I’d be content with whoever was chosen for me as long as I overcame my fears by the end of the day, but I didn’t actually think I was going to be set up with her. It’s funny because I originally wasn’t going to enter just cause it’s such a huge contest and I thought, “What are even the chances?” but I’m glad I at least tried because you have just as much of a chance as getting chosen as anyone else does as long as you enter. As for advice, I feel really dumb but I honestly can’t remember a whole lot…it was an overwhelming day overall. But something I learned that day is to just own it up on stage. You already know exactly what you’re supposed to do, so why be nervous about it?
Why do you think your video was chosen? For people who want to try out next year, what advice would you give them while making their videos?
I’m honestly still trying to figure that out. The Acuvue crew has told me so many times that it really stood out and I was obviously chosen for a reason. When I watched it back when I was about to submit the video, I didn’t think it was all that great. But when I compared it to the others, something did seem a little different about mine, and I’m not just saying that I truly believe that. For anyone who wants to try out next year, you really want to try to make it stand out. What I did is I watched the submissions for the 5 previous winners from 2012 and asked myself, “What is it about the videos that made them stand out?” I literally watched them about 5 times each. What I found out is they didn’t get off the topic of what they are trying to accomplish. I actually watched every single submission for the 2013 contest and what a lot of people did was talk about their pasts and how maybe they’ve been bullied or depressed (etc.) and they don’t focus on what their dream is. Acuvue wants to know about it and HOW bad you want it, they don’t want your life story and then only one sentence about what you want to do. They want to know how you got started with it and how much you want to progress in either your passion or how to get over the fears that are preventing you from taking your passion further. So I’d suggest that you leave out your life story and focus on your dream; THAT is what they want to know about.
Has life changed for you much since winning the Acuvue contest? What does a current day in your life look like?
As for just day by day, not really. Although since the mentorship I got to attend the 2013 Teen Choice Awards and got to walk the blue carpet (which was a guaranteed prize along with the mentorship). But I also got to do a separate event with my mentor that no one else got to do. So that definitely wasn’t expected. Being able to go to LA three times this year has been amazing; I just wish I could stay there, haha! I actually recently saw Fifth Harmony in concert and got recognized by about 15 people. They just congratulated me and/or told me how jealous they are, which is something I’ve been hearing a lot lately. A typical day for me consists of waking up and going to classes (it differs every day since I’m in college so it’s not the same schedule every day) and depending on what day it is, I go to work, come home and do homework. Then usually play guitar or keyboard till about midnight and may make a cover once a week or so. It’s not too eventful. Most of my friends go to schools far away so I don’t really have anyone to hang with here.
What was it like going to the Teen Choice Awards? Did you run into a lot of celebrities?
I did! It was honestly one of the craziest/surreal things ever (even more so than the mentorship). Our day started around 6-7 am (depending on when we got called to the room to get makeup done) and it didn’t end till about midnight when we got back to our hotel and chilled on the rooftop. The day started with us all one by one getting makeup done. After, we went into the room next door to get our wardrobes (which we picked out the day prior out of a crazy amount of choices)! Then we had to go downstairs to do a photoshoot! I ended up being the last one so it was a big rush trying to run all over the hotel and whatnot. But the photoshoot was very interesting considering I’m so awkward on camera. But they played Demi in the background which made it better, haha! Once that was taken care of, all of us winners hopped on a little bus to go to the TCA site and film a commercial with Shay Mitchell. No one was there yet so we got to see everything while it was clear. Shay got dropped off and I think we all got a little star-struck (except Olivia since she was her mentor). We took several takes of it and then immediately had to go back to the hotel because there was a party on the hotel roof with the mentors, out families and the CEO’s (along with their families) of Acuvue. Unfortunately, only Dwight, Joe and Shay could attend. But it was incredible meeting them all! After that was done, all of us (except Anthony and Olivia) got back on the minibus and drove to the TCA site again. We were dropped off where all the celebrities were and it was the craziest site ever; I have never seen so many paparazzi in my life. We stood by the gate where everyone was dropped and saw about every single celeb that attended. I met Ed Sheeran and other artist and it was insane how close everyone was to us. Even One Direction casually walked inches away to get around us. But we went in, watched the show, got out and went to an after-party consisting of free arcade games, bowling, and endless chicken strips and pizza! One of the best days by far.
In 10 years you will be...
Hopefully, I’ll be in a successful band, whether it’s a new band, already existing one, or be a backup musician for a solo artist.
Besides music, what do you like to do in your spare time?
I love drawing! I used to do it high school a lot, but since I’ve been in college, I don’t have as much free time as I used to. I’m also really into making bracelets. I can make them out of string and rubber bands so if you ever want one, Hit me up!
What's your favorite quote and why?
“To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream; not only plan but also believe.” I really like this quote because I think so many people just act upon something, fail, and then give up. You’re going to be told “no” a lot in order to get where you want to be. I have, yet that doesn’t stop me. Even though I had this amazing experience happen to me, there’s a little voice in my head that likes to get at me and make me think that I’m not going to end up getting far with music, but I try to shove it aside. Don’t give in to the voices. Listen to your heart, not your head.
Do you write your own music? If so are we going to hear it soon on your YouTube channel? If not, what's your favorite cover that you've done and why?
I’ve been trying to write some original stuff lately. I actually do have an original song on my channel, but it’s a very rough version and has been touched up a bit over time since I posted it. I may end up deleting in the future and reposting the version I have now. I’m also working on another one now, but I can’t think of how to make it flow. I have lyrics, just not the music. So I’m working on that currently. I think my favorite cover would actually have to be “Not Gonna Die” by Skillet. I don’t sing, but I’m playing electric guitar and that’s originally what I started out on. I haven’t played one for a few years so it was fun going back to it and playing some rock!
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poppyssupergirl · 7 years
Love (and Other Feelings Like It)
A thank you to @brinshannara for the beta, you great <3
This is J’onn centered, SuperCorp sap. And you can read it on AO3
The first thing J’onn felt was panic, pure, unadulterated panic. Even before Kara’s head shot up to grin at the heartbeat she could hear through the door, J’onn felt the anxiety wafting from the hallway.
He’d felt a lot of emotional whiplash in his life, but this was something else. J’onn grimaced as he felt the headache begin. The relief he felt from her was short-lived though, the anxiety already tumbling back into place as she stepped into the apartment.
J’onn was impressed, the only tell to her nerves was the whitening of her knuckles around her purse strap.
James’ reaction was not surprising, you didn’t need telepathy to tell that he wasn’t exactly pleased. However, the panic, anger, betrayal, worry, determination… the dichotomy of his feelings, that surprised J’onn. The amount this man felt seemed borderline painful.
But he stood and nodded at Ms. Luthor, “Ms. Luthor, welcome to the club.”
The first of Ms. Luthor’s anxiety slipped away. J’onn nodded, perhaps James finally had enough proof.
Winn’s overwhelming emotion was excitement, as always. J’onn tried his best not to roll his eyes as Winn nearly leapt over the couch to introduce himself. There was worry in the back of his mind, but there was science in the front of it and Winn didn’t hold back his questions.
“Hi! I’m Winn, Winn Schott, we met at the gala where you made that anti-plasma bomb, could I ask you how you came up with the idea? It was brilliant! And the coupling reactor you had was incredible! That’s at least a couple of years ahead of anything I’ve ever seen before! I’ve got some schematics actually, I was wondering-“
Kara laughed. J’onn did his best not grimace at the blast of affection that wrapped through Lena’s mind. He hadn’t felt anything like that since Alex finally rectified her situation with Detective Sawyer…
“Winn, let her sit down at least!”
Oh god.
J’onn must have groaned out loud, Alex’s hand landed on his arm and he felt her instinct to pull her gun. He shook his head and patted her shoulder as he stood. This was going to make his life a whole hell of a lot harder.
“Hank Henshaw. Ms. Luthor, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” Her handshake was firm and J’onn found nothing but worry and thoughts of sunshine in the top layers of her mind.
Well, at least he could take Lena Luthor off the watch list.
“Ms. Luthor.” Alex nodded at her and J’onn felt her slight apprehension, but she followed J’onn’s lead and added, “It’s nice to see you again.”
He felt a bloom of appreciation flood his chest. He knew Alex had her reservations about the Luthor, could feel her worry and disbelief, even with all of Kara’s trust. But she would try and he watched as the same flash of appreciation slipped over Kara’s face.
At least he didn’t need telepathy to read her.
Detective Sawyer opened the bathroom door and stopped. He felt her unease, not that he could blame her at all. She had put Ms. Luthor in handcuffs, for the job or not, that was awkward.
“Uh, Lena, you’ve already met Maggie Sawyer from the NCPD…” Kara did her best not to glare at Maggie. J’onn almost sighed again; she wasn’t doing a very good job of it.
“Ah! Ms. Luthor, sorry about before.” Maggie wiped her hands on her jeans and stepped forward to hold out her hand. “The job and all.”
J’onn felt the hurt on Lena, felt the doubt creep back in. Good lord, no wonder she’d taken to Kara so quickly. This woman needed some sunshine in her life.
“Of course.” Lena’s reply was… courteous, professional. Very briefly, J’onn thought about hiring her as a consultant to train his new recruits. Too bad he could never pay her enough.
Detective Sawyer grinned and J’onn matched her smile before she could even get her words out, “Y’know, just can’t help myself when cuffing a pretty lady.”
He withheld his laughter, the shock in the room dissipated with Kara and Alex’s twin cries of:
And just like that, all the tension in the air disappeared. Trust a detective to read a room. Maybe he could tempt her away from the NCPD.
Lena’s emotions were rather comical; it was like watching one of those human sitcoms. She slipped from distrust and hurt to surprise and amusement. Humans normally ate popcorn when they watched a show; J’onn felt it would be an appropriate time for popcorn.
Alex’s embarrassment slipped over him from behind and honestly, J’onn would never tire of that feeling. It always washed away to, there, that mix of pride and giddiness that only the detective could bring out in her.
“What? Don’t tell me any of you wouldn't do the same, given the chance!” A chorus of groans followed her words and the detective, armed with a shit-eating grin, only dug herself in deeper. She leaned into Lena’s space and stage whispered, “You’re kind of an icon in the lesbian community, what with the big ‘L’ on your building.”
Panic, but a different kind of panic, J’onn suspected, swirled through Lena’s mind. He nearly applauded the detective though, what a thorough way to lift the mood in the room. He’d need to ask Vasquez to start the paperwork for her transfer to the DEO.
A shame that she couldn’t see Alex like this, she’d never let her fellow agent live this down. He wondered briefly how her night was going. She’d requested the night off a few months back, but only confided to J’onn that she’d be proposing to her long-time girlfriend a week ago. No wonder he kept feeling apprehension scorch through her randomly at the DEO.
“Oh! Good! You brought wine!” Alex stood and clapped her hands together, pulling J’onn from his thoughts. “If Maggie’s going to be like this, then I think I’ll have a glass.”
Detective Sawyer scoffed and J’onn couldn’t miss the amusement and love that flooded off her. “C’mon, babe, you love my gay jokes!”
Alex sighed as she relieved Lena of the bottle, “Whatever you say, Mags.” Her eyes narrowed and J’onn felt what he could only describe as hunger jolt through her, “Holy shit. You can come back anytime, Lena, anytime.”
A waft of pleasure drifted from Lena at Alex’s careless pat of her shoulder. J’onn could get used to these game nights.
He really didn’t understand the point of this game. The rules said to match the red cards to the green card’s description, however most of the time it was the red card furthest from the green card’s description which won.
He laid down his cards in forfeit of this game. He’d dulled his senses to try and make the game fair, but he needed to check in with their surroundings and the DEO.
Love, appreciation, happiness, not the worst emotions to come back to at all, but they still blindsided J’onn. He looked over at Lena as she watched Kara.
‘…wouldn’t look through the cards. She’s competitive but she’d never… again? No, she wouldn’t… but her glasses do slip every now and again…’
So, the Luthor knew. But there was quite obviously no malice in her thoughts. Perhaps… perhaps she could be good for Kara.
Kara still smarted from her fallout with Mon-El. Which was the main reason they hadn’t postponed this game night to wait for Vasquez and, while J’onn was not surprised nor saddened by the Daxamite’s retreat from Kara, he was worried for her.
She didn’t always make the best decisions for herself.
He turned from the cacophony of emotions and picked up his phone. Perhaps he’d send a quick message to Susan as well. Although, if what he remembered of Anne was correct, she may not have access to her phone until well into tomorrow.
James left first, an emergency at Catco.
Maggie and Alex followed not too long after. Their excuse really wasn’t even worth repeating, with a glass of exceptionally expensive red wine in Alex’s system and two in Maggie’s, they weren’t getting any work done tonight.
Winn and Lena talked for some time about particle displacers. Their ideas were exceptionally on point and J’onn mourned again the staggering paycheck this woman would deserve.
She was finally relaxed though. The glass of wine she’d nursed most of the night probably helped with that, but the easy conversation well within her comfort zone seemed to ease her as well.
Kara wandered around the living room, she’d already brushed off everyone’s offers of assistance multiple times. She seemed happy, content to listen to Lena and Winn’s chatter. J’onn threw in his two cents every now and again, mostly on better materials, but he was equally content as his ‘Space Daughter’ to let the ambiance of their conversation wash through him.
Winn’s phone dinged from his pocket and his eye widened at the text, excitement, anxiety, pleasure… probably the girlfriend J’onn mused.
“Oh crap, sorry, Kara, Lena, I’ve got a date!” J’onn congratulated himself silently. “It was awesome talking with you, Lena! Bye, Kara! See ya, J’onn!”
He left in a rush of fluttering feelings and made it out the door before Kara spotted his jacket. “Winn!” She turned back to J’onn and Lena and flashed a smile that sent another wave of affection spiraling off the CEO. “That guy, be right back!”
The warmth of affection stayed in Lena’s chest as her gaze lingered on the door.
“Kara’s not a very patient person.” J’onn pulled his arm from the back of the couch and tilted his head at Lena. “She tends to jump into any relationship that’s easy for her, even if it’s not good for her. She craves affection.”
Confusion rolled off the Luthor and J’onn raised his hand to stop her words. “While neither she nor her sister are telepaths,” He called up the power that always sat in his chest, turning his eyes a striking red. “I am.”
“So, while I would love to hire you to train my recruits on proper emotional regulation on the job, I don’t suggest that kind of limiting in the home. It tends to be toxic.” He stood and stretched to the side. “I see how you feel about her, and you’re correct, if you wait, she just might notice you. But how many failed relationships do you want her to go through before that?”
Confusion, worry, fear, apprehension… hope.
“I can see how you would treat her.” He reached for his jacket and slung it over his shoulders before looking the woman in the eyes. “Just know that I consider her a daughter and you’ll have much worse that Alex Danvers to deal with if you hurt her.”
Hope, hope, hope.
J’onn smiled, “Though I can see that’s nowhere in your mind.” He heard Kara’s hand on the opposite side of the door. “Don’t wait too long, Lena. I have a feeling you won’t regret asking.”
The door opened and Kara looked at him in confusion. “Won’t regret what?”
“I’m sure your CEO friend would love to tell you. Goodnight, Kara.”
He turned down the hallway, the thoughts and feelings of the apartment’s inhabitants filtering through the walls. One held a mother and her child, watching cartoons, another, an elderly couple reading in the light of their bedside lamps; a brother and a sister, a man and his dog, a lady and a staggering number of plants, a family of five… a young CEO and an alien.
Love wrapped around this apartment and J’onn let it permeate his very bones. Maybe he’d go flying.
J’onn walked into the control room six days later. A bouquet of sweet peas and hydrangeas waited on the center console. J’onn very pointedly didn’t smile.
“Sir, those are compliments of Lena Luthor. The morning guard brought them this morning, there don’t seem to be any suspicious compounds and the lab has gon-”
Apprehension, worry. “Thank you Agent Hawthorn. I assure you they’re perfectly safe.” J’onn turned to the woman, she was a new recruit, a good one too. “Also, Supergirl flies in and out of this building daily, there’s a fan club camped outside almost constantly, I think Ms. Luthor knew our location long before she sent these. If she was going to try anything, she already would have.”
Agent Hawthorn snapped to attention, embarrassment sliding from her mind, “Of course, sir.”
J’onn nodded and she turned to leave. Vasquez sidled up beside him. She didn’t say anything, she didn’t have to. J’onn rolled his eyes.
“Yes, yes, you weren’t the only one having a good night. No, Ms. Luthor doesn’t need to be on the watch list anymore and no, I have nothing else to say on the matter.”
Vasquez bit her lip and saluted. J’onn didn’t know where she’d learned to salute sarcastically, but she’d learned it well. “Tell Anne I say ‘hi’.”
“Of course, sir.”
Happiness. Love. The chatter of minds at work. J’onn turned to the screens and folded his arms behind his back. Minds at work….
“Mr. Schott, I know you aren’t using DEO equipment for games.”
A squeak came from behind J’onn and only Vasquez caught his smile.
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