waitmyturtles · 1 year
Okay, this PerWin storyline (SING!) is a little heartbreaking, but I have to admit that I LOLed:
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lycanmalaise · 1 year
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rage player moment :(
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hellowyelloww · 2 months
Amulet and Perwin ✨⚡️
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never shown my characters here before, and here we are.
some info about them vvv
Both characters use he/him pronouns
Amulet and Perwin known each other since childhood
Amulet practices magic spells, either safe or dangerous ones and he keeps a special book in a bag he always carries
Perwin has an ability to use and manipulate electricity to how he wants to use it. he’s basically a lightning rod
Amulet is gay, and Perwin is Bisexual
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professional-termite · 7 months
alr heres the masterpost for the pride group that larry will join in my transfem larry au fic im working on. this is probably subject to change but yk
Raissa Narges - AFAB non binary lesbian, she/they, age 38. After moving up to New York to get away from her parents a few weeks ago, she moved in with her online friend Dylan Reinfield and started working at the museum as the new night guard. Because the tablet is gone, she has no idea there was ever any magic there, and uses the job as an excuse to walk through the musuem and go insane because her special interest is in history. She meets Larry when he is standing outside the museum, and brings him in because he decides to lie and say hes never been inside. She ends up getting to be friends with him, and being the one to eventually invite him to the pride group in the first place. Larry/Lily likes to bring her little inventions, and eventually gifts her a custom-built flashlight with a little radio and keyring attached. (they end up dating ofc ❤️❤️)
Dylan Reinfield - Unlabelled AMAB masc person, he/they, 40. Has lived in New York his whole life. Peppy, bubbly, and fun, he works as a hot dog vendor and likes to peddle his wares outside the museum, much to Leslie McPhee's disdain. When Richie McPhee eventually comes down to visit, they hit it off, and Leslie is forced to deal with the fact that Dylan is actually pretty chill. Obviously, they end up dating.
Orianne Perwin - Trans girl, she/her, age 34. Family is from the UK on her dad's side and Honduras on her mom's side. Book obsessed and has a special interest in Warriors Cats. Has a small YouTube channel where she talks about the latest Warriors news and posts theories. Generally, she is very bubbly and happy, and constantly tries to cheer everyone up and make them friends. Currently in a throuple with Sylvestar Perko and Sonam Kruger.
Sylvestar Perko - Trans guy, he/him, age 36. Moved to the US from Canada at the age of 7. His parents are Croatian and Mexican respectively. He loves Wings of Fire and has a special interest in it. He owns a YouTube channel dedicated to his fan art and animations about it. He and Orianne met online through a forum for trans fans of Warriors and WoF. Although neither really knows anything about the others' series, they love infodumping to each other constantly and being infodumped to. He generally is a bit more reserved than Orianne, but once he feels comfortable he will never stop bringing you every single new tidbit or fact he learns. Currently in a throuple with Orianne Perwin and Sonam Kruger.
Sonam Kruger - AMAB genderfluid, pronouns change on a daily basis, age 33. Born and raised in the US, Sonam is a freelance artist and streams his painting process on zer Twitch and YouTube. Xey found faer love of art through many different book series, but right now her main interests are in Wings of Fire and Warriors Cats, which is how e met ehr partners Orianne and Sylvestar. Generally, she is quiet and a lot shyer than his partners, but they both love xem for it. Currently in a throuple with Orianne Perwin and Sylvestar Perko.
Matías Gomez - Trans man, he/him, age 56. Originally an immigrant from Spain, Matías has been struggling with identity his whole life. Originally, he thought he was a lesbian, and even had a long term girlfriend and a daughter, Antonia, with her. However, after joining the pride group, he realised he was trans, and broke up with his girlfriend on friendly terms. Now, he and Antonia live together full time, and he's generally just living his life to its fullest. He's not interested in any relationships; he literally just wants to chill.
Antonia Gomez - Cis bisexual girl, she/her, age 19. Antonia is struggling financially right now. After being kicked out of college due to a legal misunderstanding, and breaking up with her boyfriend after coming out as bisexual to him (he's a biphobic asshole and very punchable), she moved back in with her dad and has been attending a local community college. Generally, she just wants to recover mentally and meet new queer friends like her who will accept and love her.
Essence Martelli - AFAB Non-binary lesbian, she/her, 45. Her parents are both Italian immigrants and moved to the US when they were in their 20's. She works as an accountant, but sells her knitting and baked goods on the side. She and her wife are generally just upstanding members of the community, and sometimes bring their toddler sons, Jason and Alfie, to meetings.
Payton Martelli - Cis lesbian, she/her, 40. Has lived in New York City since she was 4 years old. Works part-time as an engineer, and does animation work on the side when she can. Generally, she's the one who takes care of her and Essence's kids, and she enjoys it greatly. She is also a massive supporter of BLM, and wears a pin with the symbol on it constantly. She LOVES giving hair care tips, and helps Larry/Lily whenever asked. Like, she will drop everything and help her if Lily works up the courage to say "hey, I have no idea what I'm doing."
Misha Holub - AFAB xenogender aroace, ze/zem, 23. Attends the local community college with Antonia, and is currently working towards a masters in English. Ze is from a Ukrainian-American family, and speaks Russian and Ukrainian (although not well). Zey are currently married to and in a QPR with zer best friend, Addison Holub. Zey are generally the one who brings in new books about queerness and the queer identity. Zey absolutely LOVE fantasy novels, and have an entire shelf dedicated to all the series zey have hyperfixated on.
Addison Holub - Cishet asexual guy, he/him, age 25. Graduated from the local community college with a degree in English and a creative writing minor a year ago. Speaks Spanish as a second language. Currently holds the club record for "most pizza eaten in under 20 minutes." Loves food, chilling, and listening to his partner ramble. During most meetings, he finds a way to lay down with his head in Misha's lap. Lives with his partner and his friend Berny because he's very very ADHD and struggles to hold down a job because of it.
Berny Soler - AFAB transmasc sapphic aromantic person, it/they, age 28. Its parents were from Spain and Mexico respectively. It speaks almost entirely Spanish, to many peoples' disdain, but does know how to speak English if it needs to. Generally, it spends most of its time during meetings talking to Antonia and Matías. It likes to discuss food and recipes, and works as a cook. Its favorite foods are usually cakes and pies, and it adores homemade whipped cream. Sometimes it even brings a straight up bowl of it to eat and share with everyone at the meetings.
Harley Morgan - Cis bisexual woman, she/her, age 78. Comes to meetings to keep up with "the youth" and make new friends in the queer community. Despite being older and not always "getting" certain identities, if you misgender any members of her pride group, you will get whacked with her purse. That is a promise. Generally, she's everyones supportive mom/grandma figure, and she's the second person Larry goes to about possibly being trans. She loves everyone a lot, and has a partner she's been married to for 50 years.
Tsering Morgan - AMAB non binary bisexual, they/them, age 80. Immigrated to the US from Tibet when they were 10. They met Harley in grade school, and she was the only one to not make fun of their accent. Although they didn't date until after college, they were always inseperable. They were there for each other when they were discovering their identities, learning what it meant to be queer, and fighting homophobia/transphobia/biphobia. They took on Harley's last name when they got married, not just because they hated the idea of patriarchy, but because they felt it showed how much they loved her. I ❤️ these elder queers. My beloveds.
yeah ik this is a lot but im still tagging you @secretly-larry-daley you cant escape my ocs 👹👹👹
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444names · 9 months
tolkienesque and irish forenames + cornish names + norwegian fjords BUT excluding "j"
Abhán Aindor Aircil Airick Airin Alaglás Allys Allás Amhuadong Amlin Anaili Angenbord Angosa Ankinn Aoilm Aolavis Aonoril Aorden Arado Araise Arays Arbhen Arbhilís Arden Arroven Arviobh Auresearr Aíbhfhlen Barlait Barmarden Barnair Beaglán Beamhear Beimë Belemboar Belrodh Beogeatan Bernhard Beroibhán Berollen Bethic Bilza Bleggo Blias Bline Blirin Bluglán Bolán Borden Borhele Borthéodh Brahin Brane Branghna Brann Bredwyn Bremo Brinn Brionc Bulen Bundseach Bébhacán Bøkso Caick Caidhell Caist Caisund Caithghar Calli Caodre Caoifen Caranean Carbhlan Carna Catannbri Ceach Celey Celye Cemey Ciach Cianden Cilkeusen Claith Claitra Clanan Coldord Conarfin Conna Corden Cordend Cothen Cróidhán Curna Curuan Curwa Cúmhairn Dacil Dagappen Dallair Damand Damhgh Dangrany Danna Dargern Deanchta Dendonda Denduirea Denwelyn Dersand Diamir Dilmo Dirla Dochan Dombar Dombleg Domhagron Domir Donny Dubhachen Dubhestan Dubhflain Dubhice Dubhlín Dundil Eachy Eanncass Ebashan Edilín Eibhlatne Eidhgha Eighalis Eiren Eires Elealhumo Elecarrig Elegrang Elemna Elena Elett Elias Elimhín Ellachon Elmán Eltiach Elway Elwynwyn Empen Enber Ennylen Eoilin Eother Ereggas Erinin Eäredrah Fallachúr Fauglanm Felegoth Feoilmal Ferver Fiarbróg Findry Findur Finelewen Finglim Flaid Flasan Flaven Flodanm Folcoin Forcán Fordeid Francat Frina Fréanán Gamber Gamhall Gamus Geanait Genkis Gilir Gilrow Gireamûl Glaitë Gluilmo Glumavi Gobharadh Golmaer Gorden Gosadh Goven Graphanne Grindë Grine Grolcwin Gunduros Gusir Gwiden Gwincha Gwinden Gword Gwyne Hacharaph Hadamhón Hadarden Hadûnan Halangy Halannal Halindenn Hallaid Hanglad Haras Harred Heankind Helbel Hemen Heworddy Howay Huadhnach Huruath Ianaith Ibhlas Idhait Ilimhna Imbroim Imstin Indisil Inéan Islán Ivrion Iúdán Keach Keamrow Kemindë Kernain Keula Kewin Kisil Kitlín Kivil Kudagh Kuddamray Ladal Laith Lamhna Larayn Latho Legereb Lewey Ligín Lúthen Mabhawke Maeleth Maenorda Maerúthic Magord Mahick Mahlalo Maith Malaik Malleca Mallord Mallynwë Maothal Mardease Marvorden Masaen Mastë Matar Maulen Mauscail Mavath Mavik Mayes Mesin Miregil Miréaghan Mofáin Mondhán Monnambas Muddenwa Muibhóg Muindir Míchord Mídend Mídís Nacher Nainn Narghan Neffen Nidhnep Niochnán Norden Næran Oddenwin Olmóidh Olroil Omuir Onowey Orden Ornartúri Oseor Oslán Ossian Ostar Ostasheld Ostín Palls Pawny Peach Pedisna Peickann Perbhlene Pergha Pernílian Perwin Pethar Phait Pordey Pornhen Prevelo Pádregon Póinch Póisa Póistir Rachán Raglarr Ragréan Raiden Raoll Roden Ronch Rouccadra Roves Rundenord Rundian Réaglúk Rídín Ríose Saldamhán Saoddan Saskin Seannbra Seárig Sharkda Siach Siand Silkh Snalla Sorden Sprodh Stargo Stecthrán Stríman Sunúmehe Syngwalin Syvdse Syvyvy Séadar Séamrezza Súrishlar Tacaoigh Tadin Tanch Tanáin Taradhán Telen Telley Tellfin Teriú Thelin Themien Tholf Thráic Tiarbhir Tigimhín Tindis Tippay Torden Trean Trear Treard Treatamhe Trebarad Treca Trefuin Tregas Tregasha Tregenhan Tregerne Tregervir Tregidor Tregil Tregung Treguse Treha Tremenen Tremeria Tremerra Tremnail Tremne Treth Trethwen Trett Trevaros Treven Trevil Trewen Trewenin Trewine Trick Trocal Tríannán Turase Tyargo Uadan Ualainin Ulegolór Ulthuor Vailick Varker Varnor Veasa Veggor Vinbery Virelli Volcwin Vorin Walachán Wenstreg Whecar Yrigne Yrkalch Ythamh Yttorden Yávilber Yávis Áróir Åkrair Éassias Éisinm Éodháic Éomfhlain Ídench Økstan
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music-in-my-veins14 · 7 months
Man I'm feeling like a million dollars Stacked up all hundred dollar bills Got a whole six-pack on ice But I'm ridin' on the hottest wheels, Seat back and I'm perwin' swervin' Put my pedal to the metal like I'm racing Turn it up and let the speakers scream for Mr. Aldean But I call him Jason Reminiscing on the good times Water balloons, super soakers Wet T-shirts, women in bikinis Kenny Rogers penny loafers. Smoke blowin' out the window And all my problems aside Just feel that summer breeze, Lay back, kick it and enjoy the ride.
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brookston · 9 months
Holidays 9.17
Arbaeen of Hosseini (Iran) [40th Day after Ashura]
Australian Citizenship Day (Australia)
Battle Flag Day
Citizenship Day (f.k.a. "I Am An American" Day)
Constitution Day
Crown Prince Tupouto'a 'Ulukalala (Tonga)
Eleven Days of Global Unity, Day 7: Women
Empire Day (Emperor Norton)
Feast of the Pilgrims (Villers-Perwin, Belgium)
Fiestas Pátrias (Chile)
Fundación de Melilla (Melilla, Spain)
Guess Who Day (Winnipeg, Canada)
International Country Music Day
Linux Day
Love and Friendship Day (Colombia)
LP Record Unveiling Day
Marathwada Liberation Day (Maharashtra)
Naked Bicycle Race Day
National Female Civility Day
National Fox Day
National Heroes’ Day (Angola)
National Pet Carbon Dioxide Safety Day
National Professional House Cleaners Day
National Table Shuffleboard Day
New Dog Tricks Day
Operation Market Garden Day (Netherlands)
Pledge Across America Day [Sep 17 or nearest Monday]
Pompéia (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Sybirak’s Day (Poland)
Teachers’ Day (Honduras)
Time’s Up Day
VFW Ladies Auxiliary Day
Vishwakarma Puja (Jharkhand & Uttarakhand, India)
Von Steuben Day
World Patient Safety Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Apple Dumpling Day
International Lambic Day
National Bakery Day
National Monte Cristo Day
3rd Sunday in September
Federal Day of Thanksgiving, Repentance and Prayer (Switzerland) [3rd Sunday]
International Day of Prayer & Action for Human Habitat [3rd Sunday]
Kaua’i Mokihana Festival begins (Hawaii) [3rd Sunday]
National Back to Church Sunday [3rd Sunday]
National Neighborhood Day [3rd Sunday]
National Women's Friendship Day [3rd Sunday]
Pig Face Sunday (Avening, UK) [3rd Sunday]
Swiss Federal Fast (Switzerland) [3rd Sunday]
Tolkein Week begins [Sunday in Week that includes 9.22]
Wife Appreciation Day [3rd Sunday]
World Peace Day [3rd Sunday]
Independence Days
Heist-op-den-Berg (Declared; 2010) [unrecognized]
Scientopia (Declared; 2008) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Albert of Vercelli (Christian; Saint)
Ariadne of Phrygia (Christian; Saint)
Cecilia Eusepi (Christian; Blessed)
Columba (Christian; Saint)
Festival of Min Kyawzwa (Burmese God of Drinking)
François Marius Granet (Artology)
Ganesha Chaturthi (Festival to god of prosperity, Prudence & success; Hindu)
Hildegard of Bingen (Christian; Saint) [hop-growers] *
Lambert (Christian; Saint)
Media Aestas XI (Pagan)
Niketeria (Ancient Greece)
Robert Bellarmine (Christian; Saint)
Rouin (a.k.a. Rodingus or Chrodingus; Christian; Saint)
Samuel Prout (Artology)
Satyrus of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Shiku (Muppetism)
Socrates and Stephen (Christian; Martyrs)
Stanislaus Papczyński (Christian; Saint)
Stigmata of Francis (Christian; Saint)
Tirso (Positivist; Saint)
Wear Purple Day (Pastafarian)
William Shatner Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Zygmunt Szczęsny Feliński (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [37 of 53]
The Age of Innocence (Film; 1993)
Almost Perfect (TV Series; 1995)
Alpha and Omega (Animated Film; 2010)
Ænima, by Tool (Album; 1996)
Anna (Go to Him), by Arthur Alexander (Song; 1962)
Archer (Animated TV Series; 2009)
Battlestar Gallactica (TV Series; 1978)
The Berlin Stories, by Christopher Isherwood (Novel; 1945)
Bewitched (TV Series; 1964)
Blackadder the Third (UK TV Series; 1987)
Boris Godunov, by Alexander Pushkin (Play; 1870)
Community (TV Series; 2009)
Divine Madness (Concert Film; 1980)
Easy A (Film; 2010)
For Love of the Game (Film; 1999)
Ghost in the Sheep 2: Innocence (Anime Film; 2004)
Goldfinger premiered in London (1964) [James Bond #3]
Happy Days, by Samuel Beckett (Play; 1961)
Home Improvement (TV Series; 1991)
The Keeper of the Bees, by Gene Stratton-Porter (Novel; 1925)
Lord of the Flies, by William Golding (Novel; 1954)
M*A*S*H (TV Series; 1972)
Mike’s New Car (Pixar Cartoon; 2002)
Nona (Pixar Cartoon; 2021)
The Ocean Waves or Hi, Divers (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 213; 1963)
Pirates of Venus, by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Novel; 1932) [Venus #1]
Ride Him, Bosko! (WB LT Cartoon; 1932)
Something Wicked This Way Comes, by Ray Bradbury (Novel; 1962)
Speedy Gonzales (WB MM Cartoon; 1955)
Spin City (TV Series; 1996)
Squid Game (TV Series; 2021)
Swing Ding Amigo (WB LT Cartoon; 1966)
The Thin Red Line, by James Jones (Novel; 1962)
Topsy Turvy, Part 6 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 214; 1963)
Use Your Illusion, by Guns N’ Roses (Albums; 1991)
The Wall (Animated Film; 1982)
The Whoopee Party (Disney Cartoon; 1932)
Wimbledon (Film; 2004)
The Wisdom of Insecurity, by Alan W. Watts (Spiritual Book; 1951)
Wise Up Ghost, by Elvis Costello (Album; 2013)
Today’s Name Days
Lambert, Robert (Austria)
Lyuba, Lyuben, Lyubomir, Lyubov, Nadezhda, Nadya, Sevda, Sofiya, Vera, Vyara (Bulgaria)
Hildegarda, Kerubina, Robert (Croatia)
Naděžda (Czech Republic)
Lambertu (Denmark)
Hilda, Hildegard, Hille, Hilli, Ille, Illi (Estonia)
Aila, Aili (Finland)
Hildegarde, Lambert, Renaud (France)
Ariane, Hildegard, Robert (Germany)
Agape, Agapi, Elpida, Sofia, Sophia (Greece)
Zsófia (Hungary)
Benedetto, Ildegarda, Roberto (Italy)
Solvita, Vaira, Vairis, Vera (Latvia)
Pranas, Pranciškus, Sintautas, Sintautė (Lithuania)
Hildebj, Hildegunn (Norway)
Ariadna, Dezyderiusz, Drogosław, Franciszek, Hildegarda, Justyn, Justyna, Lambert, Lamberta, Narcyz, Teodora (Poland)
Olympia (Slovakia)
Ariadna, Ariana, Belarmino, Roberto (Spain)
Hildegard, Magnhild (Sweden)
Luba, Lubov, Nadia, Sonia, Soophia (Ukraine)
Ariadne, Ariana, Arianna, Hildegard, Hildegarde, Lambert, Lambertine (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 260 of 2024; 105 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 37 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 13 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 3 (Wu-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 2 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 2 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 20 Aki; Sixday [20 of 30]
Julian: 4 September 2023
Moon: 6%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 8 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Tirso]
Runic Half Month: Ken (Illumination) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 88 of 94)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 27 of 32)
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brookstonalmanac · 9 months
Holidays 9.17
Arbaeen of Hosseini (Iran) [40th Day after Ashura]
Australian Citizenship Day (Australia)
Battle Flag Day
Citizenship Day (f.k.a. "I Am An American" Day)
Constitution Day
Crown Prince Tupouto'a 'Ulukalala (Tonga)
Eleven Days of Global Unity, Day 7: Women
Empire Day (Emperor Norton)
Feast of the Pilgrims (Villers-Perwin, Belgium)
Fiestas Pátrias (Chile)
Fundación de Melilla (Melilla, Spain)
Guess Who Day (Winnipeg, Canada)
International Country Music Day
Linux Day
Love and Friendship Day (Colombia)
LP Record Unveiling Day
Marathwada Liberation Day (Maharashtra)
Naked Bicycle Race Day
National Female Civility Day
National Fox Day
National Heroes’ Day (Angola)
National Pet Carbon Dioxide Safety Day
National Professional House Cleaners Day
National Table Shuffleboard Day
New Dog Tricks Day
Operation Market Garden Day (Netherlands)
Pledge Across America Day [Sep 17 or nearest Monday]
Pompéia (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Sybirak’s Day (Poland)
Teachers’ Day (Honduras)
Time’s Up Day
VFW Ladies Auxiliary Day
Vishwakarma Puja (Jharkhand & Uttarakhand, India)
Von Steuben Day
World Patient Safety Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Apple Dumpling Day
International Lambic Day
National Bakery Day
National Monte Cristo Day
3rd Sunday in September
Federal Day of Thanksgiving, Repentance and Prayer (Switzerland) [3rd Sunday]
International Day of Prayer & Action for Human Habitat [3rd Sunday]
Kaua’i Mokihana Festival begins (Hawaii) [3rd Sunday]
National Back to Church Sunday [3rd Sunday]
National Neighborhood Day [3rd Sunday]
National Women's Friendship Day [3rd Sunday]
Pig Face Sunday (Avening, UK) [3rd Sunday]
Swiss Federal Fast (Switzerland) [3rd Sunday]
Tolkein Week begins [Sunday in Week that includes 9.22]
Wife Appreciation Day [3rd Sunday]
World Peace Day [3rd Sunday]
Independence Days
Heist-op-den-Berg (Declared; 2010) [unrecognized]
Scientopia (Declared; 2008) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Albert of Vercelli (Christian; Saint)
Ariadne of Phrygia (Christian; Saint)
Cecilia Eusepi (Christian; Blessed)
Columba (Christian; Saint)
Festival of Min Kyawzwa (Burmese God of Drinking)
François Marius Granet (Artology)
Ganesha Chaturthi (Festival to god of prosperity, Prudence & success; Hindu)
Hildegard of Bingen (Christian; Saint) [hop-growers] *
Lambert (Christian; Saint)
Media Aestas XI (Pagan)
Niketeria (Ancient Greece)
Robert Bellarmine (Christian; Saint)
Rouin (a.k.a. Rodingus or Chrodingus; Christian; Saint)
Samuel Prout (Artology)
Satyrus of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Shiku (Muppetism)
Socrates and Stephen (Christian; Martyrs)
Stanislaus Papczyński (Christian; Saint)
Stigmata of Francis (Christian; Saint)
Tirso (Positivist; Saint)
Wear Purple Day (Pastafarian)
William Shatner Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Zygmunt Szczęsny Feliński (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [37 of 53]
The Age of Innocence (Film; 1993)
Almost Perfect (TV Series; 1995)
Alpha and Omega (Animated Film; 2010)
Ænima, by Tool (Album; 1996)
Anna (Go to Him), by Arthur Alexander (Song; 1962)
Archer (Animated TV Series; 2009)
Battlestar Gallactica (TV Series; 1978)
The Berlin Stories, by Christopher Isherwood (Novel; 1945)
Bewitched (TV Series; 1964)
Blackadder the Third (UK TV Series; 1987)
Boris Godunov, by Alexander Pushkin (Play; 1870)
Community (TV Series; 2009)
Divine Madness (Concert Film; 1980)
Easy A (Film; 2010)
For Love of the Game (Film; 1999)
Ghost in the Sheep 2: Innocence (Anime Film; 2004)
Goldfinger premiered in London (1964) [James Bond #3]
Happy Days, by Samuel Beckett (Play; 1961)
Home Improvement (TV Series; 1991)
The Keeper of the Bees, by Gene Stratton-Porter (Novel; 1925)
Lord of the Flies, by William Golding (Novel; 1954)
M*A*S*H (TV Series; 1972)
Mike’s New Car (Pixar Cartoon; 2002)
Nona (Pixar Cartoon; 2021)
The Ocean Waves or Hi, Divers (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 213; 1963)
Pirates of Venus, by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Novel; 1932) [Venus #1]
Ride Him, Bosko! (WB LT Cartoon; 1932)
Something Wicked This Way Comes, by Ray Bradbury (Novel; 1962)
Speedy Gonzales (WB MM Cartoon; 1955)
Spin City (TV Series; 1996)
Squid Game (TV Series; 2021)
Swing Ding Amigo (WB LT Cartoon; 1966)
The Thin Red Line, by James Jones (Novel; 1962)
Topsy Turvy, Part 6 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 214; 1963)
Use Your Illusion, by Guns N’ Roses (Albums; 1991)
The Wall (Animated Film; 1982)
The Whoopee Party (Disney Cartoon; 1932)
Wimbledon (Film; 2004)
The Wisdom of Insecurity, by Alan W. Watts (Spiritual Book; 1951)
Wise Up Ghost, by Elvis Costello (Album; 2013)
Today’s Name Days
Lambert, Robert (Austria)
Lyuba, Lyuben, Lyubomir, Lyubov, Nadezhda, Nadya, Sevda, Sofiya, Vera, Vyara (Bulgaria)
Hildegarda, Kerubina, Robert (Croatia)
Naděžda (Czech Republic)
Lambertu (Denmark)
Hilda, Hildegard, Hille, Hilli, Ille, Illi (Estonia)
Aila, Aili (Finland)
Hildegarde, Lambert, Renaud (France)
Ariane, Hildegard, Robert (Germany)
Agape, Agapi, Elpida, Sofia, Sophia (Greece)
Zsófia (Hungary)
Benedetto, Ildegarda, Roberto (Italy)
Solvita, Vaira, Vairis, Vera (Latvia)
Pranas, Pranciškus, Sintautas, Sintautė (Lithuania)
Hildebj, Hildegunn (Norway)
Ariadna, Dezyderiusz, Drogosław, Franciszek, Hildegarda, Justyn, Justyna, Lambert, Lamberta, Narcyz, Teodora (Poland)
Olympia (Slovakia)
Ariadna, Ariana, Belarmino, Roberto (Spain)
Hildegard, Magnhild (Sweden)
Luba, Lubov, Nadia, Sonia, Soophia (Ukraine)
Ariadne, Ariana, Arianna, Hildegard, Hildegarde, Lambert, Lambertine (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 260 of 2024; 105 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 37 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 13 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 3 (Wu-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 2 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 2 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 20 Aki; Sixday [20 of 30]
Julian: 4 September 2023
Moon: 6%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 8 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Tirso]
Runic Half Month: Ken (Illumination) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 88 of 94)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 27 of 32)
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ratsncryptids · 5 years
I’m so sad u guys win doesn’t deserve this
Perwin is cancelled I hate per now
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ohm-pawat · 7 years
are you still doing the series rating thing? if you are: Love Sick! -rin
Love Sick The Series: 
Favorite character: Win
Second favorite character: Mick
Least favorite character: Jeed
The character I’m most like: I don’t know really dfsklsj probably Noh LOL
Favorite pairing: perwin - i am still crying
Least favorite pairing: Jeed/ I FORGOT HIS REAL NAME BUT SHARP??
Favorite moment: when everyone is teasing Om about Mick and they’re like “Mick- Mickey Mouse!” JDSFLKJSHFGK ITS SO CUTE HOW THEY CALL MICK THAT. i love him he’s so so sosososoosososo soft {AND BEAUTIFUL}
Rating out of 10: 8.8
this was my first ever thai bl and i love it with all my heart- the second season dragged with focusing on Jeed though. that was painful BUT ALAS I LOVED PHUNOH AND PERWIN 
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aftertheskyy · 4 years
Perwaine? That’s pretty damn beautiful. The romance between the hyperactive, socks on fire, crackheaded raccoon and the mild-mannered intimidating baby man is real. So here are some domestic Perwine headcanons! (Modern au)
Gwaine was the one who said “I love you” first. He was completely shitfaced (he’s a clingy, flirty drunk) and Percival decided he was in no position to be by himself, so he took Gwaine back to his house to sober up. The next morning they had a long talk and a month later moved in together
Gwaine gets super excited about interior design
They adopt a cat and name it Princess
She is extremely spoiled
Gwaine constantly needs attention. He is a frickin cuddle monster and needs to be touched by his man whenever possible
Gwaine likes to make messes, Percival likes to clean. It’s as simple as that.
I think we can all agree that Percival is the big spoon. Enough said. 
Gwaine is a total blanket hog
He’s also a hoodie hog and wears Percival’s as much as he can, even if they drop down to his knees
There’s a constant silent argument over the thermostat
Percival likes it warm in the house so he can take his sleeves off, Gwaine likes it cold
There’s also constant verbal arguments over the groceries
Gwaine: What’s protein powder?
Percival: Gwaine, you can’t just buy instant mac and cheese and be done. We need vegetables
Gwaine: What are all these plants doing in the cart?
On the topic of the grocery store, Percival used to send Gwaine down for just one thing, like milk, and Gwaine returns with everything except the milk
Gwaine, with a giant Hershey bar in his hands: I CAN EXPLAIN
Long story short, Percival goes to the store for the one-item runs now
Percival cooks because Gwaine can’t be trusted with a butter knife, let alone an actual *stove* with *fire* (He once put tinfoil in the microwave. Percival does the cooking, Gwaine does the dishes)
Movie nights are totally a thing
Percival loves horror movies but becomes a sobbing mess with anything from Pixar (don’t we all though?)
Gwaine always has Percival reach for things on the top shelf. Don’t get me wrong, he is completely capable of reaching it. In fact, Gwaine will often put things up there on purpose, just to ask Perce for help so he can see that little bit of skin when Percival’s shirt rises up.
And I don’t really know where to put this, but my friend said that Percival collects snowglobes and I literally cannot think of anything more accurate
Gwaine collects those solar-powered bobblehead/dancing thingies
They have a shelf in the kitchen to display both collections
This got long. My bad.
As always, add anything if you think of it!
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juneviews · 5 years
Any thoughts on the upcoming season 3 for Lovesick? I hope they'll stick more to the original novel. And that Captain&White acting improved. And that Perwin and OhmMick returns. I have too much requirements, I think. Lovesick was fine as a series, but the novel definitely got me. Now, I'm afraid to be disappointed. x)
I'm sorry if I disappoint you but I'm not that excited
First of all too much time has gone by since the end of the series. Second of all Phunnoh's story has been told. I know Earnpete and PerWin didn't get their happy ending which sucks but I feel like they missed their momentum
Personally I looooooooove the series. Like, I really, really love it. When I first watched it it wasn't the case though, it's really on my third watch 2 months ago that I fell in love with it for real. I can't explain it but I am so fond of every character in this show and because of the length of it I'm super attached to all of them.
For me, to try and recreate the magic of this long ass show with so many characters and storylines 4 years later feels wrong.
As for Captain & White's acting, I always felt like White was a good actor and it was Captain who was a little awkward but when I rewatched the show I realized the subtle acting cues that Captain demonstrated to show how much Noh liked Phun. I'm not saying the acting was perfect, but once you get over the initial cringe I think you can see their real potential
But yeah I'm totally the most biased bitch lmao, I think I might be the biggest Love Sick stan on tumblr haha. As for the novel, I started reading it but because it wasn't a complete translation I gave up on chapter 10 haha
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by curious_eyes
My version of season 6. Arthur returns from that very wretched lake. Merlin has been waiting. Albion or what is left of it is in trouble. You know what? This is Marvel era so throw the whole universe at stake. And our Merthur's gonna save us all. Ending? It seemed happy in my imaginations
Words: 11, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Merlin (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Morgana (Merlin), Morgause (Merlin), Original Characters
Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwen/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
Additional Tags: No Slash, Arthur Knows About Merlin's Magic, POV Arthur, Waiting for Arthur Pendragon, Arthur Pendragon Returns, Past Gwen/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Older Merlin, but merlin can turn young anytime, not that they are having sex here, but they might, in epilogue if write I mean, Reincarnation, Reincarnated Perwin
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444names · 2 years
american surnames BUT excluding "h"
Abrickera Adolloynn Agney Alderr Aldwing Alenes Allan Almoodson Ankson Atery Auffer Avill Ayattson Balson Bancana Bardson Bareden Barez Barguyers Barke Barkson Barlass Barmas Barpennez Barre Barso Barsoltz Bartles Barvison Barza Bater Baugley Baxto Beadanton Beadarks Beckinean Beles Berance Beron Berson Birkson Bison Blank Bleald Bleyers Bonray Bootson Bortylerk Bowellip Boyley Bradd Brandowle Brankson Brans Bratts Brice Broberney Brose Browes Bruirk Bruiz Buckellon Buckney Bucks Burleeray Burne Burneter Burts Calketon Callemann Callous Camer Camiras Camorez Canson Carguez Carker Carlez Carmords Carna Carqueld Carrez Carsone Carts Castorks Clard Cleison Clett Clunder Cobbinne Cobley Cobramben Cocksont Coffitt Coffy Colestins Colls Colmarse Colton Comeld Comps Cooda Cooddell Cooks Cookson Coolmero Copkin Cotoneack Craffoley Crancens Crayer Crose Cruirell Cruiren Cruirr Crusen Curcis Dalderad Davilton Dejenn Denson Deranter Derry Dilkine Dillownig Doldson Dolfore Domean Dotts Dowes Doyce Dudson Dufmalton Durges Eallompow Edyert Elley Ellst Ester Faderson Fauld Fertes Fiellment Fielson Fient Fiers Fieverg Finglater Fison Fister Flynce Forne Forriguz Forty Frads Frake Fraver Frazquez Freiles Freld Frowman Galkin Gamarne Garan Garkellay Garting Gibsonty Giley Glagney Glard Gliamord Goffer Goffork Golder Gorrilan Goutle Gramorran Granco Greenson Grenson Grewalt Grewton Grinsoll Grobley Grood Groott Guirker Gusen Gutlens Irbenson Jampso Jeffmay Jeffy Jenzie Jesseley Jorixon Joyleens Juster Kayloa Kelartyrd Kemay Kenton Kerson Kesparber Kings Kinse Kinson Knidez Knixon Knolles Kravis Laing Lankel Learnez Letevey Leyer Linson Lovey Lowella Lucard Lucks Lynestiz Lynewton Mackeyes Madomay Madounner Maley Mander Mankeley Mannett Manten Mariggs Marley Marls Mastand Materris Mates Matking Matruing Maynes Maytonner Mcbray Mccallack Mccanaler Mccart Mccopez Mccrammer Mccurcard Mcdon Mcdounley Mcdownint Mcfad Mcfarks Mcfaulles Mcgeelan Mcger Mciam Mcian Mcine Mckburna Mcklivan Mclers Mcminn Mcner Meads Meadyerts Mejens Meldo Merge Mermoon Merson Micer Miders Millive Mirklan Mirrick Moles Monant Monson Moord Morel Morke Morkmate Mornore Morricer Mortiz Mortoker Mortonry Mosallis Mosan Multon Mungs Murns Myerger Nalton Nedensell Nelleon Nington Ninson Nixoneil Nolder Nonnerge Novannes Noves Ockso Oliff Ollairk Olmers Onnet Ornall Oslett Owles Pacer Pacrancer Padomps Patevez Pauez Paynnison Penrann Perterney Perwins Peton Pitne Polla Pooda Posane Potevas Potews Potton Powelle Prees Premast Pricke Pricks Prujim Puckman Quelton Rando Raters Ravid Rayer Raymons Reetero Rella Rettleros Ringstell Ristree Ritang Rober Roblanie Rocoydenn Rogales Rollo Rolon Rosan Rosbon Rosbotts Rowley Roycer Royenan Ruson Russen Russey Salbesta Sards Sarker Sarks Sarza Sayer Sexan Simmoss Sking Sonranter Sonza Spard Spennez Spetes Sters Stiam Stinson Sultowes Sumpton Swarge Swerker Sykeller Sykenn Syker Tarks Teriston Tinsey Tongs Truson Tuarpers Tuckman Valer Valla Valopecks Vanney Varson Varton Varzamps Velcomay Velder Velley Wadley Wadson Waleill Wallemer Wallin Wallintry Wannie Wardance Warkins Warkinsey Warrock Warsenza Warteld Wartyley Warver Watersont Watking Watrevan Webbis Welanerce Welcoll Welcop Wiguiters Wilans Wilkings Willes Willespie Wills Wilmaner Wingle Winson Wolarton Wolds Woonarvey Wooper Woorge Wrimell Wyates Wyendris Yorrice
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julictsrose · 5 years
Tumblr media
[ MAIA MITCHELL // FEMALE // SHE/HER ] – Shoot, is that [ JULIET JACOBS ]?!  The [ 21 ] year old [ MED STUDENT ] has lived in Hollywood Pointe for [ 1 MONTH ] now, and has earned quite the reputation.  People say, they’re [ + COMPASSIONATE ] and [ + DEDICATED ], yet also [ - NEUROTIC ] and [ - TENSE ].  Rumor has it they're [ IN CONTACT WITH HER BIO FAMILY ], but with all the gossip in this town, who really knows?  I guess we’ll just have to find out for ourselves. 
under the cut is a timeline of juliet’s backstory in this verse
0 - Juliet is born in San Francisco, California. Her biological parents give her up for adoption and she is adopted by the Jacobs family, who have no other children.
2 - Ophelia Jacobs is born, making Juliet an older sister.
4 - Juliet and Ophelia both begin ballet. Juliet only sticks with it for the year.
5 - Lysander Jacobs is born. He is the third and final Jacobs child.
6 - Juliet meets Xander Branstad, a boy in her first grade class with the same birthday as her. The two become friends.
8 - Juliet begins swimming and gymnastics.
11 - Juliet starts middle school and takes new interest in mock UN, student government, and cheerleading. She’s in the top of all of her classes.
13 - Juliet finishs middle school at the top of her class. She also meets Jake Perwin and the two become friends.
14 - Juliet decides she wants to become a psychiatrist and wants to attend Columbia in New York. She begins dating Jake for the first time, but things only last a few months before fizzling out.
16 - Juliet is a junior in high school. She briefly dates her sister’s friend Dustin Parker.
17 - Juliet’s senior year of high school. She is student body treasurer, head cheerleader, swim team captain, and the top of her class. She also get’s back together with Jake. They both get accepted to colleges in New York.
18 - Juliet is a freshman at Columbia, psychology major. Also, Juliet finds out she was adopted.
19 - Juliet’s sophomore year, she and Jake move in together in an apartment in the city.
20 - Juliet and Jake’s relationship begins to fall apart. They break up the summer before senior year of college. Juliet begins applying to new colleges to finish out her undergrad.
21 - Juliet finishes her last semester at Columbia before moving to Hollywood Pointe to do her final semester of undergrad while living with her sister.
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 9.17
Australian Citizenship Day (Australia)
Battle Flag Day
Citizenship Day (f.k.a. "I Am An American" Day)
Constitution Day
Crown Prince Tupouto'a 'Ulukalala (Tonga)
Eleven Days of Global Unity, Day 7: Women
Empire Day (Emperor Norton)
Feast of the Pilgrims (Villers-Perwin, Belgium)
Fiestas Pátrias (Chile)
Fundación de Melilla (Melilla, Spain)
International Country Music Day
Linux Day
Love and Friendship Day (Colombia)
Marathwada Liberation Day (Maharashtra)
Naked Bicycle Race Day
National Female Civility Day
National Fox Day
National Heroes’ Day (Angola)
National Pet Carbon Dioxide Safety Day
National Professional House Cleaners Day
National Table Shuffleboard Day
New Dog Tricks Day
Operation Market Garden Day (Netherlands)
Pledge Across America Day [Sep 17 or nearest Monday]
Pompéia (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Sybirak’s Day (Poland)
Teachers’ Day (Honduras)
Time’s Up Day
VFW Ladies Auxiliary Day
Vishwakarma Puja (Jharkhand & Uttarakhand, India)
Von Steuben Day
World Patient Safety Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Apple Dumpling Day
International Lambic Day
National Bakery Day
National Monte Cristo Day
Oktoberfest begins (Munich, Germany; until Oct. 3)
3rd Saturday in September
America’s Day For Kids [3rd Saturday]
Batman Day [3rd Saturday]
Big Whopper Liar Day [3rd Saturday]
Boys’ and Girls’ Club Day for Kids [3rd Saturday]
Ember Day (Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches) [Saturday after 9.14]
German-American Steuben Parade [3rd Saturday]
Idaho Spud Day [3rd Saturday]
International Coastal Cleanup Day [3rd Saturday]
International Eat An Apple Day [3rd Saturday]
International Red Panda Day [3rd Saturday]
Karma Puja (Jharkhand, India)
Locate An Old Friend Day [3rd Saturday]
National Clean Up Day [3rd Saturday]
National Dance Day [3rd Saturday]
National Gymnastics Day [3rd Saturday]
National Neighborhood Day [3rd Saturday]
National Seatcheck Saturday [3rd Saturday]
National Sew a Jelly Roll Day [3rd Saturday]
National Singles’ Day [3rd Saturday]
National Women’s Friendship Day [3rd Saturday]
Puppy Mill Awareness Day [3rd Saturday]
Quarter Tense (Ireland) [Saturday after 9.14]
Responsible Dog Owners Day (AKC) [3rd Saturday]
Software Freedom Day [3rd Saturday]
Thank a Police Officer Day [3rd Saturday]
World Clean Up Day [3rd Saturday]
Feast Days
Albert of Vercelli (Christian; Saint)
Ariadne of Phrygia (Christian; Saint)
Cecilia Eusepi (Christian; Blessed)
Columba (Christian; Saint)
Festival of Min Kyawzwa (Burmese God of Drinking)
Ganesha Chaturthi (Festival to god of prosperity, Prudence & success; Hindu)
Hildegard of Bingen (Christian; Saint) [hop-growers] *
Lambert (Christian; Saint)
Niketeria (Ancient Greece)
Robert Bellarmine (Christian; Saint)
Rouin (a.k.a. Rodingus or Chrodingus; Christian; Saint)
Satyrus of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Shiku (Muppetism)
Socrates and Stephen (Christian; Martyrs)
Stanislaus Papczyński (Christian; Saint)
Stigmata of Francis (Christian; Saint)
Tirso (Positivist; Saint)
Wear Purple Day (Pastafarian)
William Shatner Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Zygmunt Szczęsny Feliński (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [37 of 53]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Age of Innocence (Film; 1993)
Almost Perfect (TV Series; 1995)
Ænima, by Tool (Album; 1996)
Archer (Animated TV Series; 2009)
Battlestar Gallactica (TV Series; 1978)
Bewitched (TV Series; 1964)
Blackadder the Third (UK TV Series; 1987)
Boris Godunov, by Alexander Pushkin (Play; 1870)
Community (TV Series; 2009)
Easy A (Film; 2010)
For Love of the Game (Film; 1999)
Home Improvement (TV Series; 1991)
Lord of the Flies, by William Golding (Novel; 1954)
M*A*S*H (TV Series; 1972)
Something Wicked This Way Comes, by Ray Bradbury (Novel; 1962)
Spin City (TV Series; 1996)
Sqiid Game (TV Series; 2021)
Use Your Illusion, by Guns N’ Roses (Albums; 1991)
The Wall (Animated Film; 1982)
Wise Up Ghost, by Elvis Costello (Album; 2013)
Today’s Name Days
Lambert, Robert (Austria)
Lyuba, Lyuben, Lyubomir, Lyubov, Nadezhda, Nadya, Sevda, Sofiya, Vera, Vyara (Bulgaria)
Hildegarda, Kerubina, Robert (Croatia)
Naděžda (Czech Republic)
Lambertu (Denmark)
Hilda, Hildegard, Hille, Hilli, Ille, Illi (Estonia)
Aila, Aili (Finland)
Hildegarde, Lambert, Renaud (France)
Ariane, Hildegard, Robert (Germany)
Agape, Agapi, Elpida, Sofia, Sophia (Greece)
Zsófia (Hungary)
Benedetto, Ildegarda, Roberto (Italy)
Solvita, Vaira, Vairis, Vera (Latvia)
Pranas, Pranciškus, Sintautas, Sintautė (Lithuania)
Hildebj, Hildegunn (Norway)
Ariadna, Dezyderiusz, Drogosław, Franciszek, Hildegarda, Justyn, Justyna, Lambert, Lamberta, Narcyz, Teodora (Poland)
Olympia (Slovakia)
Ariadna, Ariana, Belarmino, Roberto (Spain)
Hildegard, Magnhild (Sweden)
Luba, Lubov, Nadia, Sonia, Soophia (Ukraine)
Ariadne, Ariana, Arianna, Hildegard, Hildegarde, Lambert, Lambertine (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 259 of 2022; 106 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 37 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 14 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Guìyuè), Day 21 (Red-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 20 ʼĔlūl 5782
Islamic: 19 Ṣafar 1444
J Cal: 19 Aki; Fourday [19 of 30]
Julian: 3 September 2022
Moon:50%: Third Quarter
Positivist: 8 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Tirso]
Runic Half Month: Ken (Illumination) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 87 of 90)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 24 of 31)
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